Musical Minds

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MMP

Program Code: MMP000026

00:05 I love music and I feel so fortunate that all my adult life
00:09 I have been able to be a part of music in some professional way.
00:12 Teaching was such a great reward,
00:15 watching young children and teenagers blossom
00:17 as a result of developing greater music abilities.
00:20 I saw students with a new- found sense of well-being
00:23 and self-worth because of music.
00:26 Music performance and developing the skills necessary
00:29 for a good performance take time, patience, and discipline.
00:33 Those three elements can be the most important factors
00:36 in developing character, and the added bonus
00:39 of praise and appreciation of others, helps children
00:42 received socially accepted attention.
00:44 Which they need in the early years to help develop their
00:47 self-worth.
00:49 Choirs and bands teach us how to be a part of a community
00:51 and work together in creating something beautiful.
00:54 Everything from finger dexterity to spacial reasoning
00:58 to higher cognitive skills, these are even more benefits
01:02 from the study of music.
01:03 And I haven't even mentioned the benefits of music simply
01:07 as part of our life, part of our soul.
01:10 From as early as I can remember, music was the way I interpreted
01:14 and experienced the world around me.
01:16 It becomes the backdrop of all our lives whether we aware of it
01:20 or not. Why is it so important in such a fiber of who we are?
01:25 This question has consumed generations.
01:28 The Greek's tried to analyze music and its effects on us
01:31 by using mathematical formulas. They even used equations
01:35 to determine music that was soothing and in tune with
01:38 the natural world.
01:40 And music that was mathe- matically out of sync with
01:42 the universe and thus harmful to the human body.
01:45 Some of that thought still carries through to the research
01:48 done today, as we try to learn why specific pieces of music
01:52 improve certain brain skills and evoke certain emotions.
01:55 I love the research that has been done on how the music can
01:59 alter the body chemically.
02:00 Music and the production of it can relieve pain,
02:03 shorten healing times, and even decrease tumor size.
02:07 Intoning is a musical practice that has proved quite
02:10 beneficial for altering the blood flow and antibody production,
02:13 it's all interesting stuff
02:15 Still, the question can be raised why is music so important?
02:21 A simple answer is God made us that way.
02:24 Just like we were made to not be complete without God
02:28 in our lives, so we are not complete unless beauty
02:31 and music are a part of us.
02:33 I hope these little Musical Minds segments encourage you
02:37 to get more involved with music,
02:39 even if it just singing in the shower.


Revised 2020-03-09