Musical Minds

Musical Mind: Singing to Your Baby

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MMP

Program Code: MMP000022A

00:05 Singing to your newborn or even your unborn baby
00:08 is such a natural thing to do.
00:10 Since the beginning of time, mothers have sung
00:12 to their babies, to soothe them, to calm them,
00:15 to comfort them.
00:16 You don't have to know the words to any specific lullaby to
00:19 sing to your child or your grandchild or any child
00:22 for that matter effectively.
00:23 The gentleness and sweetness found in the human voice
00:26 when lulling a child is a precious thing to do.
00:29 Did you know, it can be life-saving as well.
00:32 When a baby comes early, often this premature infant
00:36 has a dangerously low birthweight.
00:37 This alone causes all kinds of problems with maintaining
00:41 body temperature, stabilizing blood pressure, and body weight.
00:45 Music therapy researchers have done numerous studies on
00:49 the benefits of a mother singing to her newborn or preemie.
00:52 Research strongly suggests that if a mother has sung
00:56 to her baby before birth, singing to this preemie now,
00:59 comforts them and helps them to gain weight faster
01:02 because they are calmer and they'll eat better
01:04 and for longer stretches.
01:06 Since the mother's voice is the one thing the baby has heard
01:09 for at least 5 months in utero, that is the one thing the baby
01:13 is most attached to and familiar with.
01:16 For a newborn or an unborn baby, the mother's voice is
01:21 absolutely the one thing they most need to hear
01:24 and the one that will be the most healing, comforting,
01:27 soothing to that baby.
01:29 When you were pregnant, one very important thing you can do
01:32 for your soon to be born baby is to choose six or eight
01:36 calm and soothing songs that you know well and enjoy singing.
01:40 Gently sing or hum those songs several times a day
01:44 to your baby.
01:45 Research at UCLA showed that when these same songs
01:48 or lullaby's are sung after the baby is born,
01:51 they will calm and comfort the baby almost immediately
01:55 because the baby heard them in utero.
01:57 When the baby hears that familiar voice and that
02:00 familiar melody, they feel safe and instinctively move towards
02:05 staying alive, nursing and being closer to mom.
02:08 So, sing a lullaby and you might just be saving
02:12 a little one's life.


Revised 2020-03-04