Musical Minds

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MMP

Program Code: MMP000009

00:02 Exercise and hearing loss may go hand in hand.
00:06 When I walk in our local gym, nearly everyone has an MP3
00:11 or I-Pod, attached to their arm or hip with a set of
00:15 headphones on pumping out the music that helps to motivate
00:19 and organize their workout.
00:20 Music is a powerful motivator and an excellent way to
00:24 regulate heart rate and energy levels,
00:27 but it may lead to hearing loss.
00:29 According to a study at the University of Newell's School of
00:33 Medicine during aerobic exercise, your body pumps blood
00:38 and oxyen into your arms and legs
00:40 leaving the delicate linings of your ears dangerously
00:44 unprotected.
00:45 Headphones, which transmit primarily low frequency sounds
00:49 can contribut to dullness of hearing, ringing in the ears
00:53 and eventually deafness.
00:56 So, if you plan to be working out to music,
00:59 you might consider pulling off those headphones
01:02 and using speakers instead.
01:05 Or at least, turn down the volume.
01:08 I'm Jennifer LaMountain reminding you,
01:10 that God has created each one of us with a musical mind.


Revised 2020-02-20