Making it Work

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MIW

Program Code: MIW000066A

00:01 Hi, I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin. I'm Arthur Nowlin.
00:03 And welcome to "Making It Work."
00:36 Arthur, today our program is entitled
00:38 "The Second Time Around." Wow.
00:41 You like that? Sounds interesting.
00:43 It's gonna be interesting.
00:45 I want to welcome our guest,
00:47 Mr. and Mrs. Danny and Lori Mann.
00:50 God bless you. Welcome.
00:53 Well, thank you for taking time out
00:54 to come and be with us.
00:56 Well, listen we want you to tell your testimony,
00:58 when we talk about the second time around,
01:00 we're talking about, how they married,
01:03 they divorced and then they remarried.
01:07 And we want them to tell you their story.
01:10 All right, who'd like to start?
01:13 I'll start. I'll start. All right, Lori. All right.
01:16 Well, we were at his father's funeral.
01:20 And I've learned to be obedient when guys speaks to me.
01:24 You have to listen and you have to be obedient.
01:27 And I was sitting in the back table,
01:30 with his cousins and we were talking having a good time,
01:33 and someone told you turn around
01:35 and go ask him to come back home.
01:36 Oh, no I can't do that. Didn't want to do that.
01:40 But I knew it was his sprit speaking to me.
01:43 But again I didn't want to be obedient.
01:47 But he has talked to me two more times
01:50 he said it again.
01:51 So I knew, I had to get up and at the end
01:55 I asked him to come back home, he thought it was a joke.
01:59 But I wasn't joking, I was serious
02:02 and it went from there.
02:05 Wow.
02:06 What was the timeframe from the marriage
02:08 to the divorce to your reconciling,
02:11 you remarried?
02:13 Yes. Okay.
02:14 What was the timeframe, you've been married 23 years--
02:18 All together now, we were divorced 7.
02:21 You were divorced 7 years? Yes.
02:23 All right, so did you all stay in contact with one another,
02:26 because you have children, you have two children?
02:27 Right.
02:29 So you communicated about the children?
02:31 Not really. No. Not really?
02:32 Okay, Mr. Mann, why was there no communication with you
02:36 about the children?
02:38 Well, there was slightly communication
02:42 about the children.
02:44 We did talk, sometime.
02:50 But it was where one point...
02:56 I decided to just go my way.
02:59 Where you angry?
03:02 What was it making you to make this decision?
03:05 Well, it wasn't anger, it was...
03:12 Bitterness, anger.
03:15 You think so? I think so.
03:16 Why do you say that?
03:18 I think so, I don't know
03:19 maybe because of the way we broke up,
03:21 and things that were going on in our lives and, you know,
03:26 we weren't putting God first in our life sorts of all.
03:29 Were you both attending church at that time?
03:30 No.
03:32 Neither one of you were in the body of Christ?
03:33 No. Okay.
03:34 but since that time you've are in the body of Christ.
03:36 Right. Okay.
03:38 We're talking about selling you a period,
03:42 where the children didn't have their parents together.
03:46 How was that making an impact with you,
03:48 because you were keeping the children?
03:50 Right.
03:52 You know, and you were taking care of your family.
03:53 I knew, I had to get back to basics.
03:55 And I knew, I had to get back to where--
03:57 Explain your basics, when you say that?
03:59 Foundation, God,
04:02 and I was raised that way and I strayed away.
04:06 And I know, I had to get back for them,
04:08 because I had to lay that foundation for them.
04:11 So I started going to different churches, visiting
04:16 and until I found one where we could join.
04:22 You know, and I had prayed and asked God to direct me.
04:26 And give me strength and put me where he wanted me to be.
04:30 Then after the divorce.
04:31 I mean, what were you feeling, what were you thinking about?
04:35 You know, you thinking
04:37 that this was just the end of your family
04:39 or, you know, 'cause I guess a lot of men get to the point
04:43 where it becomes difficult for them to deal with family
04:46 after a traumatic situation like that.
04:50 Well, honestly
04:54 I tried the single life with many.
04:59 Okay. And it didn't fit me.
05:03 Okay.
05:05 Because--
05:08 Basically all my adult life, I've been in a marital status.
05:14 Okay.
05:16 Because I was married before we met.
05:20 So she is my second wife. Okay.
05:23 So I got married before so, I got married at the age of 20.
05:27 So I've always been in a marital status.
05:29 And I realized I just couldn't do it,
05:35 you know, that single life.
05:36 So you were going through a lot of pain
05:38 during this separation and divorce and--
05:42 That's loneliness--
05:43 Loneliness. Yeah. You know.
05:47 And what was going on through--
05:48 I was having a good life.
05:50 Lori, you weren't missing your husband?
05:54 No, honestly no.
05:56 Okay, tell us why? I had a good time.
05:57 Tell us why?
05:58 I enjoyed being single, because I like him.
06:02 I didn't get married, he was my first husband.
06:04 and we got, when I married Danny, I was 28.
06:09 So I had lived a single life, you know,
06:13 I went to college and to have my own place and--
06:18 got out there, you know,
06:20 so it was a new beginning for me to rejuvenate myself
06:25 and find myself again so--
06:27 Did you redefine yourself after you got divorce?
06:30 I sure did.
06:31 And what was that definition that you could define?
06:33 That I could do it by myself.
06:36 That I didn't need any help,
06:38 and I was proud of myself for that, you know.
06:42 Okay so here we are, you both were separated,
06:46 divorced, you know, you have a good time
06:50 but yet, you get the Holy Spirit talking to you
06:55 about this is not what I want for you.
06:58 Right.
06:59 You know, and it started nagging at you
07:02 I mean, it started becoming more stronger.
07:04 Yeah.
07:05 And it's interesting because
07:07 you weren't in the body of Christ
07:08 or did you become in the body of Christ
07:09 during the separation?
07:11 During the separation. Yes. You joined a church.
07:14 All right, so you and the children
07:15 started going to church?
07:17 Yes.
07:18 You know, was that a difficult transition for them
07:19 to start going to church,
07:21 and where they had not been raised in the church
07:23 were difficult for them?
07:26 Well, when we started going,
07:28 I think my son was about four.
07:33 Oh, so he is very young. Okay.
07:35 He was around four years old.
07:36 So I had to introduce him to going to church
07:40 and how to behave,
07:42 how to sustain and listen that was the job
07:45 you know, I was stuck with it.
07:47 Sure. Yeah.
07:48 So in the midst of all of that you were having a good time,
07:51 you had the children.
07:52 You're working doing your thing,
07:54 so it was not reaching out to him about,
07:57 when you're coming to see the children,
07:59 how are you, nothing?
08:01 Not really, no. Okay.
08:03 Because we had gone according,
08:04 he had shun on DJ for every other weekend.
08:10 Oh, so he saw them so you had parenting time.
08:12 Yes. Okay.
08:14 So even in a process of you've been independent.
08:19 You know, we're still looking at something was driving you,
08:25 you know, to get your marriage back on track.
08:29 And yet you responded.
08:32 'Cause we have to be obedient. Okay.
08:35 And I've learned that, and I've learned that,
08:37 you know really the hard way and when he talks to you,
08:42 you have to do what he says.
08:44 When he says it
08:45 because there is a window of opportunity
08:48 that he is giving you.
08:49 And if you don't take it, you gonna lose it.
08:52 Wow. And you can't get that back.
08:56 So you said, that he at first he thought it was a joke.
08:58 How soon thereafter did he say, are you serious?
09:03 Well, about a week later, week or so later.
09:07 About a week later? Yes.
09:08 Almost two weeks. Almost two weeks?
09:11 So it was, but in the mean time you're thinking that,
09:14 this might be able to be something
09:16 that you wanted to do.
09:18 Well, you know exact I prayed only myself.
09:22 You know, ask Lord, you know, for help me.
09:28 I was sad, didn't like this single life.
09:30 Tried it and it just wasn't me.
09:34 I'm a type of person that--
09:39 enjoy a curfew.
09:42 That's a good way.
09:43 I can't be outrageous all night long.
09:47 And I just can't do it.
09:50 So, I guess I prayed on it, and she asked me to come home.
09:57 I just said, do you think it serious?
10:02 And just had to make sure she was since she--
10:05 Well, how did you make sure?
10:10 Well, I just waited it out really, just waited out.
10:13 We talk, we said and we talk with the kids.
10:17 And I asked them how do they feel about it
10:20 and made my decision from there.
10:23 So what was the response from the children, you know,
10:25 when you sat down and talk to them
10:27 and telling your intentions?
10:30 They was--
10:33 My son was happy about it,
10:36 my daughter, she was okay.
10:41 Because she was old and she probably saw more,
10:43 she heard more.
10:44 Right.
10:46 Okay, so in that transition, you know, the pain
10:49 or holding on to something was difficult for her,
10:52 because you were reminder of that pain.
10:54 Right. Probably, so yes.
10:56 All right.
10:58 She might have been a little angry
10:59 about the divorce in the first phase
11:01 about how it ended.
11:03 Right.
11:04 So that might be one of the things
11:06 that may have come across.
11:08 How's your relationship with her now?
11:11 It's good, it's really good. What makes it good now?
11:14 Well, we talk about it,
11:17 and spend a lot of time together.
11:20 Do you think it's important that fathers and daughters
11:22 have their quality time together?
11:25 I think they should have more, because see it...
11:34 Shows the child--
11:38 What it means for us supposed to do
11:41 and they are like and how again how I was gonna treat them.
11:48 Well, I want to go back to what caused divorce
11:51 in the first place?
11:54 What caused the divorce in the first place,
11:57 first of all break down in communication
11:59 and alcoholism.
12:03 Okay.
12:05 And whose part was the alcoholism?
12:08 Danny's.
12:09 So that impacted the entire family?
12:12 Yeah.
12:13 It caused the dynamics of the entire family household.
12:19 Did your husband come home intoxicated?
12:22 Yes. Was he abusive?
12:24 No. Never violent, no. He never abused? Never violent?
12:26 He wasn't violent, we didn't fight,
12:29 he didn't jump on me, didn't none of that.
12:32 It was just not doing what he was supposed to do
12:36 as the man in our household.
12:38 He was working during that particular time?
12:40 Oh, yeah.
12:41 So functioning, would you consider him alcoholic
12:43 or that he just indulged?
12:45 He was a functioning alcoholic.
12:47 You know, a function alcoholic. Yes.
12:49 All right, Danny, you know, I like some feedback from you.
12:53 You know. I find it funny.
12:57 Okay.
13:00 I drunk a lot, I will admit that.
13:06 Why did you drink so much?
13:10 I've seen miscommunication--
13:17 The communication just wasn't clear enough in the household--
13:20 Okay. In my opinion.
13:22 Okay, so you're telling me that the communication
13:26 you using that as a reason why you drank?
13:28 Yes.
13:30 So are you blaming your wife that you drink?
13:32 No I'm not, I don't point a finger.
13:34 And like I told her and I always told her.
13:36 I'm not accusing you or blaming you for anything.
13:41 But what I'm saying to you,
13:43 you're the reason for my drinking
13:46 is because of your behavior.
13:49 Now how long you gonna stand that
13:52 or I can bring it down any further--
13:56 Okay, so you're telling about the behavior of your wife.
14:00 And how you responded to that was drinking.
14:05 The reason why I did, well I did.
14:08 Okay. All right.
14:09 Was the communication to a point
14:10 where you just couldn't talk about the problems
14:14 or the issues that were going on in the household?
14:18 We didn't talk about it. Okay.
14:21 Did your wife ever approached you
14:23 and tried to talk to you about?
14:24 No, we didn't had that type of relationship.
14:29 At one particular time, it was all funny game,
14:34 we enjoyed, we hate, we always enjoyed one another
14:38 but for a serious conversation
14:42 on feelings never came about.
14:48 Lori, during this time did you drink?
14:50 Yeah, I indulged.
14:52 Did you indulged together?
14:53 Sometimes, yes. Okay.
14:55 So when did the change happen
14:57 when the alcohol was no longer fun
14:58 or it was impacting the family, because you both were drinking?
15:05 That's hard to say.
15:07 So did you stop, and your husband didn't stop?
15:11 I wasn't a functional drinker.
15:13 I didn't, not gonna drink and go to work.
15:15 So I wasn't drinking on a daily basis,
15:19 weekend yes.
15:21 You partied on weekends? Okay. Yes.
15:23 Yes, and we partied with each other, you know.
15:28 But, things just started getting in a way
15:32 and bills weren't getting paid.
15:36 And we weren't communicating
15:37 and it just started going down here from there.
15:40 Why do you think the communication didn't work?
15:46 Because we didn't try to make it work.
15:48 We didn't try to talk to each other.
15:50 And again still the main thing is that we weren't in church.
15:55 We weren't going.
15:57 And we both were raised in church,
15:59 so we both move better.
16:03 I can't, excuse me, baby.
16:04 But I can say this though.
16:08 Without God in your life, you're lost.
16:13 It is a Bible line, you're lost.
16:15 And you came to that conclusion.
16:18 After things fell apart. Yes. Right.
16:23 So you had to go to your bottom line,
16:26 you know, hit your bottom
16:27 and then trying to work yourself with backup.
16:29 Right.
16:31 Well, how has it been now the second time around,
16:33 you know, the happier times, you know, coming back together,
16:38 you know, no longer the alcohol,
16:40 you no longer drinking Mr. Mann?
16:41 No.
16:43 Okay, and both of you are attending churches.
16:45 Now this is interesting.
16:47 They attend two different churches,
16:51 and that has been a dynamic
16:52 or variable in the relationship.
16:55 You know, but lately something has happened,
16:57 tell us about that?
16:59 We have come to a compromise
17:01 that we will attend each others churches.
17:05 He will come to mine once in month, which he did,
17:07 this morning great church service
17:09 and me and the kids will go to his church once a month.
17:13 Okay. So, that's working out.
17:16 And guess what, and the reason
17:17 you're in two different churches
17:19 is because of your responsibility
17:20 that you each have
17:22 and you have two different churches.
17:23 Now, were you into different churches when you remarried?
17:26 Yes.
17:28 I see and so that's something, you know, and then bringing it,
17:32 and making a decision about joining one church.
17:36 Is that on the table now,
17:38 looking at there is a possibility?
17:40 And we're taking just one step at a time.
17:42 One step at a time.
17:44 The loving prayer. All right, all right.
17:45 But you love your church, and you love your church.
17:48 Okay, all right.
17:49 There is another show in this stepping, another program.
17:52 Let me ask, you know,
17:53 about how your relationship is now?
17:58 You know, I mean, you know, the communication was a issue.
18:02 How have you progressed from that?
18:05 Do you talk on a regular basis, you know,
18:08 the family meetings, what's going on?
18:11 Well, let me answer it. Sure.
18:12 At first, it was a little difficult.
18:18 I mean we were just trying to put it together,
18:21 it was a little difficult,
18:23 so what we decided to do and that was,
18:26 come see what you've all got.
18:30 And you all open up,
18:36 a gateway for us.
18:37 I just say that, where we have fun together now.
18:44 We talk all the time, discuss everything,
18:48 laugh and joke about many things.
18:49 The whole family?
18:50 It was to a point where I'll sit
18:53 and watch TV with her now.
18:56 What's your favorite program, Danny?
18:59 Lena Hall.
19:03 Okay. All right.
19:07 But it's been a beautiful thing.
19:09 Excellent, so how has it been for you?
19:12 It's a lot better, lot better,
19:14 and communication is a lot better.
19:17 We both listen to each other instead of, you know,
19:22 trying to over talk each other.
19:24 Don't forget our morning prayer.
19:25 Oh yeah, we pray together now every morning.
19:28 Praise the Lord.
19:31 On Mondays, I don't work on Mondays,
19:34 so we make that our day to go out
19:36 and do something together.
19:38 We go to the show, go for lunch.
19:40 You have a date day? Yeah.
19:42 Nice. Okay.
19:44 And, you know, it's been great. Oh, that's impressive.
19:48 Are you enjoying your date day, Danny?
19:50 Love it.
19:52 Well, I have a question, wanted to know,
19:55 how did you quit drinking,
19:58 you know, it's very hard for individuals
20:01 who use alcohol as a substance, what did you do?
20:09 I gave it to the Lord. And I prayed on it.
20:14 And I asked Him to take that taste
20:18 out of my mouth.
20:19 Okay.
20:23 He's still strong on his word and he did it.
20:28 That's all-- You were ready?
20:30 I was ready. Yeah.
20:31 I was tired and I was ready. Yeah
20:34 So that's important to bring out the fact
20:36 that when you get to a point
20:38 and you're ready to stop drinking
20:41 that God will give you this extra burst of strength
20:45 to resist.
20:46 I commend you for that.
20:48 But let me ask you this follow up question.
20:52 When you stop drinking,
20:53 a lot of times when people recognize
20:55 that they have a problem drinking
20:57 and they stop drinking because of whatever reason,
21:00 because of family or health.
21:02 Sometimes they get to a point where they become angry,
21:06 because they had to stop drinking.
21:09 Did you get to that point? Angry?
21:14 I didn't think so.
21:16 She always tell I was angry, but I don't think I was angry.
21:21 Maybe I was, I don't know.
21:23 Did you notice the difference? He was obeying.
21:26 Okay. He was obeying.
21:29 But did not hurt me any anymore.
21:30 Okay.
21:31 So when you come home from work now, you know,
21:34 that down there was a husband who is completely different?
21:36 Yes. And that's nice.
21:38 It's peace. Peaceful.
21:40 That's fine to know. Yeah.
21:42 What do the children saying now about you two
21:45 and your new found love in relationship?
21:48 They don't says much
21:50 but, you can tell that they're better too.
21:52 Oh, that's beautiful. They're better also.
21:54 How was that first day when Danny came to church
21:59 and joined you all at church,
22:00 you know, what was the reaction,
22:02 did they know he was coming?
22:03 Sure, no one did.
22:05 I don't think they knew that he was coming.
22:07 So he surprised them. Yeah.
22:09 Okay. But it was nice.
22:11 They were happy and proud. That's a blessing.
22:14 Let me ask, what are some of the goals
22:15 that you have for your family now?
22:17 Yes.
22:18 You know, certain goals that you have
22:19 for your relationship?
22:22 Right now my goal is--
22:27 I have four years to retire and I'm just,
22:30 I want to work towards retiring
22:33 and before I was moving out of state.
22:36 Okay.
22:38 That's what my goal is to us right now.
22:40 And seeing Charnel finish school
22:45 and getting DJ off
22:46 and me and Danny just enjoying ourselves.
22:50 I mean that's where I'm. That's right.
22:52 That's where we are. He is there where I am.
22:54 Okay.
22:55 Any particular location that you like to move to?
22:58 I like to go out west.
23:00 Really? Yeah.
23:02 No more snow and cold weather.
23:04 I want to swim in pool in the backyard.
23:07 You want a swimming pool? Yes.
23:08 You don't miss the snow. I don't care.
23:13 Well, that's where my goal, our goal is.
23:16 Yes, that's beautiful.
23:17 And so you go along with that, didn't you?
23:19 Oh, yeah. No, problem.
23:22 You know, when you think about the goodness of Lord
23:24 and all He has been to you, you know,
23:27 of all the scriptures in the Bible,
23:29 is any particular scripture that comes to mind
23:31 that helps you over those hurdles everyday?
23:34 "My help cometh from the Lord."
23:38 "And look to the hills, from whence cometh my help."
23:41 My help comes from the Lord,
23:42 Danny, is there a favorite scripture that you use?
23:46 There is one that I wake up on every morning
23:51 and that goes,
23:54 "This is the day that Lord have made,
23:57 let us rejoice and be strong in it."
23:59 Yes.
24:01 And I take that and just carry out my day with it.
24:05 Wow. Praise the Lord.
24:06 How important is the power of prayer
24:08 in your relationship now?
24:10 It's very important. Why?
24:12 Because as I just mentioned before,
24:16 we need the Lord in our life to guide our steps, you know,
24:20 to guide our tongue, to guide our ears,
24:23 open our ears to hear one another, you know,
24:29 so when she speak, you know, I listen and vice-versa.
24:35 And with our prayer,
24:37 that morning prayer we pray for one another every morning,
24:41 you know, so as a day go on
24:44 we just, just enjoy one another.
24:47 I just want to say, that I think you both
24:50 are so motivating, you know, you have truly a story to tell.
24:55 And I just see the Lord
24:56 using you in a mighty, mighty way
24:58 as you continue to get stronger in health.
25:02 I mean it's such an uniqueness in your story.
25:05 Oh, yes.
25:06 And the Lord has truly, truly blessed you.
25:09 So we'll keep you in our prayers
25:12 and we're gonna maintain our relationship with you.
25:15 All right.
25:16 I want to be able to say that
25:18 I know that God allowed this second time around
25:21 because He has a ministry for you to do.
25:23 Yes.
25:24 He has a work for you to do, and you're doing it right now.
25:26 Can you look at that camera
25:28 and tell another couple going through,
25:32 who's may be dealing with what you've dealt with.
25:34 How they could continue to make it work?
25:38 You can make it work by being obedient,
25:41 and listen to God when He speaks.
25:43 Do what He says, give Him His time,
25:47 and be faithful and honorable.
25:51 And He'll work it out, He worked it out for us,
25:53 I know if He worked it out for us,
25:55 so He'll do it for you too.
25:56 Amen. That's right.
25:58 And Danny?
25:59 Just keep the Lord in the forefront of your lives
26:02 at all the time.
26:04 Amen. Amen.
26:05 Oh, that's so beautiful.
26:07 You know, Arthur I really enjoy, you know,
26:11 being in private practice together here in Detroit,
26:14 being able to counsel people like you.
26:16 And then seeing, you know, the beginning to the end
26:20 and what God can do.
26:22 You know, and we want to just continue
26:24 to be a part of your lives, you're part of ours.
26:26 And how and what God is yet to do
26:29 for the two of you.
26:30 And you just don't have any idea
26:32 how He's gonna uplifts you,
26:33 He has a mighty work in store for you.
26:36 He just want you to come to one church.
26:41 Oh, one day at a time. One day at a time.
26:46 You know, so to our viewers, second time around can be good.
26:51 You have devastation, there's hurt,
26:52 there're problems in all our lives.
26:54 But I can do all things through Christ
26:57 who strengthens me.
26:58 And no matter what God can see us through,
27:02 I'm Doctor Kim Logan-Nowlin. I'm Arthur Nowlin.
27:04 Continue to make it work.
27:05 God bless.


Revised 2016-07-18