Making it Work

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MIW

Program Code: MIW000065A

00:01 Hi, I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin.
00:02 I'm Arthur Nowlin.
00:04 And welcome to Making it Work.
00:37 We are so happy today to have a very special guest.
00:40 All our guests are special
00:42 but today our nephew Austin James Humphreys.
00:46 Welcome to Making it Work.
00:47 I'm excited and blessed to be here today.
00:49 Excellent. Excellent.
00:51 Well, I thank the Lord.
00:52 Austin is my sister's son, her oldest son.
00:55 She has two sons and his brother's name is Jeran
00:58 who is a sophomore at Southern University in Tennessee.
01:03 Austin, what's going on?
01:05 Everything is going well, I'm about to graduate
01:07 in just a few weeks from Oakwood University,
01:10 so I'm excited about that, getting my B.A in theology
01:13 and a minor in biblical languages.
01:15 Biblical languages, okay, is that Latin and Greek,
01:17 you know, you can speak all of that?
01:19 Yeah, I know all of that, Hebrew, all that.
01:20 So yeah, I know that well.
01:22 Yeah, speak a little bit for me.
01:23 I wasn't prepared to bring that here today.
01:27 Well, today our program is entitled God's setup.
01:31 Indeed how God has set Austin up,
01:34 and, Arthur, you remember
01:36 Austin's first haircutting was with us,
01:38 he was four years old.
01:39 Absolutely.
01:40 And we took him.
01:42 We took him and his parents...
01:43 Yeah, I took him to the barber shop.
01:44 Yeah and I went because I was trying to direct things.
01:46 Yes, it was.
01:47 I still have those pictures.
01:49 We took him to the zoo in the stroller.
01:50 Baseball game.
01:51 We took him to the theater,
01:53 we still took him to see the tigers.
01:54 You know do you remember any of that?
01:56 All of it.
01:57 I was impressed with the tiger's gale, I love that.
01:58 I love that.
02:00 You know but he has always been so faithful, very caring,
02:03 reaching out to us as his aunt and uncle and...
02:06 Well, you know I think it's just
02:08 a communication is really has been positive
02:13 and no strings, he felt, feels comfortable
02:17 in communicating with me most of the time.
02:19 But he beat you in basketball, haven't you let that go.
02:21 Beat you.. He won't let it go.
02:23 He just won't let it go.
02:24 Austin knows that he was thought
02:27 how to play basketball by me.
02:29 By you? Of course.
02:30 Okay. Him and his brother.
02:32 Yeah, all right, right.
02:33 What we want you to tell our viewers today about
02:35 how God has set you up.
02:38 And when you listen to that, it sounds really kind of harsh.
02:41 But we gonna let you tell the story.
02:43 You were born and raised in Chicago, Illinois?
02:45 That's right, yes, ma'am.
02:46 And you are product of the Lake Region Conference,
02:49 and the Lake Region Conference is one of the conferences
02:52 that's located within the Northern America division.
02:55 And we are here within the five states of Minnesota,
03:00 Indiana, Wisconsin, Illinois and Indiana,
03:03 and that is known as the Lake Region Conference
03:06 of the Seventh-day Adventist church
03:07 so...
03:09 You know I'm really concerning about where he is...
03:15 his choice.
03:16 His choice of where he intends to go when this is all done,
03:20 when he is getting ready to get his degree
03:22 and he can make it big, give him a call and survey.
03:25 I know he is probably...
03:26 Well, we're gonna get to that,
03:28 we're jumping ahead of schedule.
03:29 Well, I mean, I'm just anxious to hear that.
03:30 Okay, we're gonna let you know about
03:32 where he would like to go versus
03:34 where God wants him and I know he is open to God's will,
03:37 but can you tell us what happened over your story
03:42 when you left the Lake Region Conference
03:44 and where did you go?
03:45 Well we left Lake Region Conference in 2003,
03:48 went to Huntsville, Alabama where my dad
03:50 James Humphreys got the job as chaplain at Oakwood College
03:53 which is now Oakwood University.
03:55 Served there, it was a great, great job for him, he loved it.
04:00 And when he left Lake Region, he had a lot of things going.
04:04 He was a youth director as you all remember
04:05 in Lake Region Conference, so he loves young people,
04:07 his passion for ministry and it just kind of carried over
04:10 to Oakwood University in a major, major way.
04:13 And we moved in 2003, that was exciting for me,
04:16 my brother, new setting, new friends, new family.
04:19 At first I wasn't really in agreeance with it at first,
04:22 the adjustment was tough but it's definitely a blessing now
04:26 when I look back on it.
04:27 In 2005 tragedy struck our home,
04:32 he passed away, May 2005.
04:35 Can you tell us how and what happened that day?
04:36 And it was tough.
04:38 That day he woke up and he made me
04:40 and my brother our favourite breakfast sandwich
04:43 and it was of course egg stripples on hoagie bun
04:47 toasted to perfection.
04:49 What's a stripple?
04:50 And the stripple is basically veggie baking.
04:53 Soy, soy.
04:55 Soy baking for our viewers and we just loved it
04:58 and he would have fried up to perfection.
05:01 I always love mine with cheeses,
05:03 little bit of jelly on it, and it was awesome.
05:05 And he said to himself that,
05:07 and it was just a little bit of pain
05:08 and that he was thinking about going to the doctor
05:10 after he dropped me and my brother off for path finders.
05:13 So he got dressed and he was getting in the shower
05:16 and I got in the shower, and the next thing
05:19 that I can remember is my mother
05:20 screaming in her room and saying, Austin, call 911.
05:24 Hopped off the shower, put some clothes on
05:26 and rush to my father's aid,
05:28 and I can remember just a surreal experience.
05:31 Never forget talking to the 911 person on the phone
05:34 and just how...
05:36 It just seem to me was taken so long
05:38 for emergency to get there.
05:40 Just kind of watching my father's life
05:41 just be sucked out of him.
05:43 So we did CPR, my mother and I...
05:45 I can't remember where my brother was,
05:47 but we are calling 911 and I'm doing CPR
05:51 and I can remember that it just wasn't working.
05:54 I just begin to beat on his chest and calling his name,
05:57 but he's just not responding
05:58 and eventually emergency gets there,
06:01 they pull me away and I could just imagine,
06:04 I'm just in shock, praying to God
06:06 that he will be revived.
06:08 They take him to the ambulance truck,
06:09 my mother goes and my neighbours
06:11 across a street take him to the hospital.
06:14 But that day about the time we got there,
06:16 it was just too late,
06:17 and he had died in the ambulance.
06:19 So it's definitely a tough experience for myself, for me.
06:24 And I think that's where I kind of feel like
06:25 God had set my family up.
06:28 Everything was fine where we were,
06:30 so I have thought of Lake Region,
06:31 I loved my church, I loved my community.
06:34 And I just felt like why would God bring us there,
06:36 if only to experience pain and sorrow.
06:39 And so for a long time as a young man,
06:41 I always felt that when my dad needed me the most,
06:44 I just couldn't do it.
06:45 Where he needed life, I could not bring it.
06:48 And so, as a young man, as you all can imagine
06:50 that was very difficult and hard and hard to handle up.
06:54 I believe I was a freshman in high school,
06:57 so I was only 15 or 16 at the time.
07:00 And it was just a tough experience,
07:01 I was going through a transition,
07:03 gotten into a new school.
07:05 I was very excited.
07:07 Girls, I was really starting to talk to girls
07:10 and really start to get into the thing
07:11 and, you know, playing sports, and I can remember
07:14 playing ball with my dad the week before
07:16 how much fun we had.
07:18 And some of those things that
07:19 I just could not believe were taking place.
07:24 For a period no one could talk to me,
07:27 no one could tell me what to do,
07:28 no one could tell me how to act.
07:30 I remember that I was angry all the time.
07:34 My attitude was nasty.
07:37 I broke the law, I've gotten arrested
07:39 when I was younger, but thank to Lord,
07:43 they dropped the charge, nothing serious,
07:46 and I think that was kind of my turning point,
07:48 where I need to get my life together.
07:51 When I finished high school, everything was great.
07:55 Oakwood Academy which is on the campus
07:57 of Oakwood University and I really...
07:59 And that's located and I'm sorry.
08:01 Oakwood University and Oakwood Academy
08:03 is one of our schools within the North America division,
08:06 it's located in Huntsville, Alabama.
08:08 Definitely and so, I just really,
08:10 really enjoyed my time there.
08:13 During this period, I'd really gotten closure to my mother.
08:17 She really provided all that we needed my brother and I.
08:20 And she really sacrificed her life for me.
08:22 When I went to Oakwood, the transition was tough
08:26 because my father worked on the campus,
08:28 people knew who I was, and I just kind of felt
08:31 a sense of entitlement to, you know,
08:36 where I was, you know, my father's service,
08:38 he has built great things here,
08:39 and I needed to experience God for myself.
08:44 I think so often in my life,
08:45 I was viewing God through his eyes.
08:47 I really didn't have a connection with him.
08:49 I used to be while all the time my father died,
08:51 it was like half of myself going with him
08:55 because so much of his spirituality I relied on.
08:58 And I realized, the only way I was gonna make it out
09:00 was to know him for myself.
09:03 Going to Oakwood, not a lot of people know this.
09:07 My first major was not theology.
09:09 I think I had gotten into like IT tech or something like that.
09:12 I was undecided and I'm really calling Uncle Arthur
09:15 just to tell him I wasn't sure what to do.
09:17 And I basically was just being like gentlemen,
09:18 just kind of running away from the calling of God.
09:22 And I remember in my room one night,
09:25 and the Lord was just wrestling with me,
09:27 and He just wouldn't let me sleep.
09:29 And it was almost like a clear, clear voice telling me
09:31 that I'm supposed to be a minister of the gospel
09:34 and that He has called me for this purpose and...
09:36 All right, let me interrupt you here.
09:38 Yes.
09:39 A young man, you know, experiencing
09:40 all these different things, just new environment,
09:44 you know, and yet you were running away from your calling.
09:49 Right.
09:50 But still something was holding you, you know,
09:54 keeping you together to the point
09:55 were you wouldn't do anything extremely
09:59 out of character in and of itself.
10:01 And what was that?
10:02 I just think it was the anointing on my life.
10:04 I think after a period of time,
10:07 I remember I could have done worse,
10:09 and I could have gone out
10:12 and lashed out in a greater way.
10:13 But I think the anointing on my life and a calling
10:16 because I tell people all the time,
10:18 it was the Holy Spirit
10:19 that really has just saved my life.
10:22 I remember there has been some times
10:24 where I wanted to leave home, run away,
10:27 because the pain was so real and it was so new,
10:29 and it was just hard going through life as a young man
10:32 in the prime time of, you know, his life,
10:35 not being able to have a father,
10:36 but I do remember that the connection with my mother,
10:39 the family worship that we would have at home,
10:42 that was staple in my household.
10:44 No matter where, I can remember
10:46 even the day my father died that night,
10:48 we still had family worship.
10:50 And I believe that family worship
10:52 back then was still a staple for me
10:55 even then when I was in college,
10:58 I always had worship and I think those connections
11:01 which was small at time then be,
11:02 may not want to do it, but the impact was amazing.
11:06 So that's really what kind of got me through
11:08 my first couple of years of college.
11:11 I've really gone through a rough patch
11:12 my sophomore junior year dealing with ministry.
11:17 I was wrestling with the calling,
11:19 I wasn't sure if I was worthy if I could,
11:22 if I could do it.
11:24 I felt as though I was insignificant.
11:26 I felt as though, I could not meet the expectations
11:30 that my father had exceeded and I really...
11:33 So you felt pressure a little bit...
11:34 Oh, of course, Of course going into the ministry
11:37 and the name he had built for himself
11:39 at Oakwood University.
11:40 He was respected highly, and I kind of felt as though,
11:43 I wasn't meeting the expectation,
11:45 so I was forcing,
11:48 I guess a feeling that I could be great
11:50 instead of just with time maturing
11:53 and letting the Lord mature me into the man
11:55 that he wanted me to be.
11:56 So it was just a kind of a rough patch for me.
11:58 My grade slipped, not afraid to say that.
12:01 And the Lord took me through a period
12:02 where I need to define myself and start over,
12:06 and become really just brand new.
12:09 I think that in that year, I got closed to my brother.
12:12 I got closer again with my mother.
12:15 And I think that through just the power of a family,
12:19 you all know, you all helped me,
12:20 and I believe that it has just made me a better man.
12:25 I've realized that my father,
12:27 his only expectation was to see Jesus
12:30 and his standard was God.
12:32 And once I took my focus off my father's accomplishments
12:35 and face my eyes toward the cross,
12:37 I realized it even he was insignificant without Jesus.
12:41 And so, I realized now that no matter what I've done,
12:44 no matter where I've preached, no matter who I've met,
12:47 I still remember that we're all at a centre of the cross,
12:51 and if we keep our eyes on Him that we'll be all right.
12:54 And so that was kind of my staple
12:56 to get me through the rough passage.
12:58 I believe that God is,
13:02 He kind of has a sense of humor.
13:04 You know, I'd always tell God,
13:06 I never want to be a pastor, never.
13:07 I used to be at, you know,
13:08 here at Lake Region camp meetings
13:11 and I would just hate the process.
13:13 I would hate doing it.
13:15 I would hate having to go wake up early,
13:17 pack up the car, pack up that van...
13:20 A green and white van.
13:22 A green and white van I hated it,
13:24 and now I find myself can't, just can't wait to do it.
13:28 You know can't wait to be in the ministry
13:31 that my father was in,
13:32 and I can't wait to make an impact.
13:35 If my life can be just half of what James Humphreys did,
13:38 then I'll be satisfied.
13:40 Do you still feel that at this point in your life that they,
13:44 that people compare you, you know,
13:46 right now with what they remember about your dad,
13:49 they compare you as also, okay.
13:50 Oh, sure, oh, sure, all the time.
13:52 Wherever I've preached, I preached somewhere
13:53 where someone knew my father, they'll always say,
13:55 I just want to see your father inside of you.
13:58 When I go speak somewhere, if I go meet somebody,
14:00 they just said, "Oh, you look just like Jimmy."
14:03 And I take it as a hard compliment
14:05 because he was such an awesome guy,
14:08 but he never made himself above anyone else.
14:11 He always was level with the people,
14:12 he loved the people.
14:14 And I think that it's just an honor
14:16 to be called a son of James Humphreys
14:19 but also, I have to remember,
14:20 I have to make a name for myself.
14:22 I know that the people when they,
14:25 when they see me when I preached
14:26 and they gonna see James Humphreys,
14:28 they're gonna get Austin Humphreys in his new way.
14:30 But I still have the same values that my father did.
14:33 I still have the same vision, the same passion for ministry.
14:37 I tell people this all the time,
14:38 my main goal is salvation.
14:40 Okay.
14:41 And if that's what, if that's my goal,
14:43 then I've got to do things
14:45 and I've got to be about kingdom building.
14:46 Kingdom.
14:47 And making it to the kingdom and that's my goal.
14:49 Let's talk about your values.
14:51 What are your values today being 23 years of age,
14:54 you know, being in celibate, you are in a relationship.
14:58 Yes.
14:59 How do you talk to young people about remaining celibate,
15:03 waiting until marriage?
15:05 I know you're a pastor,
15:06 you're looking forward to getting married and,
15:10 so what are your values today being a young man
15:13 in this life that we're living today?
15:16 Well, I think, you know now, now that I'm 23 years old
15:19 and you know being celibate is not easy, it's difficult.
15:24 But I know that when I speak to other people about it,
15:27 I have to be real, those feeling are there.
15:29 And I think that I've made a commitment to God,
15:33 and I've made a choice to stay celibate
15:36 until I get married, until I receive the proper,
15:42 I guess covering and blessing to receive that.
15:46 I think my values, they really haven't changed
15:49 as far as who I still am today,
15:52 I still have a strong prayer life.
15:55 I think a part of it is my relationship
15:56 with Jesus Christ.
15:57 I think you know, I tell people this all the time.
16:00 I say it, you know, I talk to God
16:02 as if you know he is like my homey,
16:05 my best friend, I talk to him all the time
16:07 when I'm driving, when I wake up in the morning,
16:09 when I go to bed in night, when I'm at work,
16:11 even when I'm about to preach,
16:12 I just always in constant communication,
16:15 and that allows me to be able to hear his voice
16:17 and to make the proper decisions now.
16:18 I think now that I'm older I'm realizing
16:22 that it is hard to walk in this life
16:24 without having a connection with him and so...
16:28 One of the things that I think about you is that
16:31 you went through a tragedy,
16:33 you know especially when experiencing
16:35 the situation with your dad
16:37 and now you have come to the point were you'll be...
16:41 You will soon be a pastor in a particular church.
16:43 Yeah.
16:45 You know, so how do you reach out to these people
16:48 that may have gone to these tragic experiences.
16:51 Of course.
16:52 You know so what's gonna be your motivation for it?
16:55 I think each tragedy is different in its own right.
16:57 I think that in my specific case,
17:00 it was just a dramatic experience for me,
17:03 but I think how I can be able to reach out to people
17:06 is that, I know where you've been,
17:08 you know, I know what you are going through.
17:09 I think but the one thing
17:11 that got me through was simply Jesus Christ,
17:14 and I think my motivation is to restore,
17:18 restore your peace of mind.
17:20 I think one of the major things about me
17:22 when I went through my tragedy is that I had no peace.
17:24 You know I was...
17:25 I hated myself, I hated God and...
17:28 You know sometimes we had to realize
17:30 that God does certain things and it's always for our good.
17:35 And I think that's kind of why I feel like God set me up,
17:38 because I knew for a while that I was called to the ministry,
17:42 but didn't have that close relationship with him.
17:44 When my father passed away, it was difficult
17:47 and I felt as though, I just wasn't gonna make it,
17:51 but I realize now that through his death,
17:54 a new life has resurrected in me,
17:56 and that I have a life and I have a certain peace
17:59 that just surpasses all understanding.
18:01 And I'm thankful now that, you know...
18:04 People ask me all the time, would you change
18:06 anything right now, would you change.
18:07 If you can go back in time and change
18:09 and do anything all over again, I just don't think I would.
18:12 I think I'm glad that my father is resting and waiting
18:16 for the King of kings and the Lord of lords
18:17 to call his name.
18:18 And I'm thankful that through his death, I have new life.
18:21 Now, go ahead.
18:22 And so I just feel as though when I see people
18:25 and see what they are going through,
18:27 I want them to experience and it's difficult.
18:29 The grieving process is hard.
18:31 It doesn't take, you know,
18:32 it's not just gonna be a 12 step process
18:34 that you go through.
18:35 It's not gonna be just, you know,
18:37 few sessions with counselors.
18:38 It takes years to get over things of that nature.
18:40 Doesn't matter who it is, it can be a brother,
18:42 it can be a sister, it can be a grandmother,
18:44 aunt, uncle, it doesn't matter.
18:45 Losses are real and death is real,
18:48 but I serve a Savior who still lives,
18:50 and I want to get that message out to all the world.
18:52 That's a blessing.
18:54 You know yesterday when you, you know,
18:56 my nephew came here to preach for a Youth Federation,
19:00 and we have it in the spring and the fall,
19:02 and what that it is for the young people
19:04 from our 21 churches
19:06 within the Motor City district of Detroit,
19:09 and Austin was invited to be the guest speaker.
19:12 And when you were preaching, someone turned around afterward
19:17 and said, I see a little bit of Dr. Kim in him.
19:20 You know and here we are family and I was just...
19:24 I was really blessed but here we are from a family,
19:28 you know our Taylor family.
19:30 Your father, Uncle Derrick,
19:33 Cousin Ricardo, your mother, me,
19:38 here we're all speakers and preachers and eloquent
19:42 before the Lord, even Uncle Arthur in his own right.
19:45 You know, I know it's a gift from God what we have.
19:49 You know not just a gift of gap but when we say things,
19:52 we say things with substance.
19:54 And we're all here serving the Lord and in the midst.
19:58 You know, I want to tell you something,
20:00 I don't know if you knew this story.
20:01 I talk to your father then on May on the...
20:05 I guess it was April 30th on that Saturday night,
20:08 and I was making the decision
20:10 whether not to be stewardship leader.
20:12 Stewardship leaders, what, it's like a trustee
20:15 and helping with the finances of the church
20:17 and the programs of the church,
20:19 and I didn't want to do it,
20:20 and I didn't even know what it was,
20:22 okay.
20:23 And your father said, sis, you need to pray
20:28 and I see that you need to pray at 5.30
20:31 and I said is that AM or PM.
20:33 And he says sis that's AM.
20:35 He said I need you to get on your knees and pray,
20:38 and God is gonna open that door for you.
20:40 He said but call me tomorrow and I'm gonna do
20:43 some research for you and,
20:46 but I feel that you should do this for the Lord.
20:48 And I said, brother,
20:50 I said I just can't, you know, do this.
20:53 And he was my pastor, that was my pastor.
20:56 I called, I got a call from Micah
20:58 on that morning that he was sick,
21:00 then I get a call that he had passed.
21:02 Right.
21:03 I said that can't be, I just spoke too him.
21:05 And it was again God saying, you know, the setup,
21:09 you know, but I got to tell another testimony,
21:12 and I'm not ashamed of what God has done.
21:14 My husband and I was in some financial situation
21:17 and your mother had received some finances
21:20 from your father's life insurance
21:23 and our house loan was three months behind.
21:24 Wow.
21:26 Gone into foreclosure. Wow.
21:28 Going into foreclosure and your mom called me,
21:31 she knows her sisters.
21:32 She said to me what's wrong.
21:34 I said nothing, nothing.
21:36 We cannot be ashamed to ask for help
21:38 when we're going through difficulties,
21:40 and she said what is it?
21:41 And I said, you know, the business is slow,
21:43 money is not coming in, we're behind in house loan.
21:47 She said how much do you need.
21:49 She send it immediately to the bank.
21:51 Wow.
21:53 Three days later my checks started coming in,
21:55 I reimbursed your mother the whole amount,
21:59 the whole amount.
22:00 But God in the midst of everything,
22:04 she stopped what she was doing
22:06 not in mourning and grieving
22:09 and said what are your needs, big sister?
22:11 And I'm the elder sister, and you know and I told her,
22:16 if I ever once got to pull all this together,
22:18 I will do right 'cause it used to be about me,
22:21 you know how Aunty Kim was.
22:22 You know all about Aunty Kim
22:24 you know that every child has that fabulous aunty
22:27 that's what I thought of myself.
22:28 Okay.
22:30 That's what I was about to say.
22:31 You used to be I mean like...
22:32 God has done a mighty work.
22:35 You know, but I want to tell you
22:37 how much your father meant to us,
22:40 and in the fellowship we all had together
22:43 when you were babies.
22:44 Right.
22:45 And you remember, you were born with a...
22:47 You now, you didn't talk about that how you were born
22:48 with a hole in your heart.
22:50 Got hole in my heart, right.
22:51 Before you talk about that, you know,
22:53 I think what's important is the fact that
22:57 the relationship that we all had is different.
23:00 Right.
23:02 You know my relationship with Jimmy was different.
23:05 But it was to the point where he allowed me
23:10 to express my feelings to him and he was encouraging
23:14 because I was not born into
23:16 the Seventh-day Adventist faith,
23:18 and he walked me through and showed me the humility
23:24 that was required for me to understand
23:27 what it really meant to love Jesus
23:30 and to really be motivated enough to extend myself
23:35 and to be more inquisitive to understand
23:38 what I was getting myself into.
23:39 Right.
23:41 And he really was my friend, you know,
23:44 I really considered him to be a very,
23:46 very good friend of mine.
23:47 Definitely.
23:49 People keep asking why haven't I come back to Oakwood alumni
23:52 for years and years and years,
23:54 because I remember standing in the front of the Von Braun
23:56 taking those pictures with your dad.
23:58 And then a few weeks later, I get the call
24:01 and I couldn't go back.
24:02 Austin, I couldn't go back.
24:04 This was the first time I've been back in seven years.
24:06 Wow. Seven years.
24:08 I never knew that, wow.
24:09 Yes.
24:11 Well, I just think that, that just shows his impact
24:13 that he had in all of us.
24:14 It wasn't just us, you know, Uncle Arthur I know he truly,
24:18 you were one of his best friends, you know.
24:21 Every time you got a chance to come,
24:22 you all come, we come over there.
24:24 You know, he would always want that time
24:26 when we'll go to bed
24:27 and he would just sit up and talk to you.
24:28 I always used to wonder, you know,
24:30 what would you all talk about sitting up,
24:31 and now that I'm older, I can understand
24:33 and just talk to you and just you get a point to me in.
24:36 You know, can we love you just as a sister,
24:38 and I think that when we get to the kingdom,
24:40 the embrace that we all will share,
24:43 you know, I think that
24:45 I can't imagine what it's gonna be like.
24:47 Often times I dream about, you know,
24:49 what will I do, you know,
24:51 what emotions will I have and it's just...
24:54 I just got to get there. You know I go to get there.
24:56 We as a family I've got to get there.
24:59 And I think that's the message
25:00 that I kind of have for young people living today.
25:01 I want to just go back.
25:03 My nephew was born with a hole in his heart,
25:05 and my wedding was going to have to be postponed
25:08 because Pastor Humphreys, he married Arthur and I
25:12 and my sister called and said Austin could travel,
25:15 and Jimmy could to the wedding
25:17 and you know look at you today, you know,
25:21 health wise how you are doing?
25:22 Doing good, really good.
25:25 I am excited that the hole in my heart
25:29 wasn't a thing that still reoccurs.
25:32 I'm able to preach the gospel with power.
25:34 Power.
25:35 I'm still able to whip Uncle Arthur on a basketball court.
25:38 So, you know the thing, we're doing good.
25:40 I think the hole in my heart,
25:42 I think I have a scar in my heart,
25:45 it's just a constant reminder I never forget
25:47 when I came out the operation room,
25:49 they will always tell me
25:50 the first person I cried out for was my father,
25:53 and I think it's just a testimony
25:54 everyday of God's grace and mercy.
25:58 Every time I feel discouraged, I always know
26:00 that I have this wound and I love the scars.
26:03 People say they hate the scars,
26:05 but my scar always remind me of what God did
26:07 and how he saved my life
26:09 and the connection I have with my dad.
26:10 I can remember embracing him, and I was scared and nervous,
26:13 but I just know that anytime I got into my dad's hands
26:17 or somebody's hands,
26:18 every time I got into his hands,
26:20 I always knew that there was safety.
26:22 And so, the scar just reminds me
26:25 even though it was years and years ago,
26:27 still is a constant reminder of the mercy and grace of God.
26:32 God's setup, you know, that was an powerful,
26:36 powerful message you had yesterday
26:39 but it made me think about how we think about setup.
26:43 A lot of times we think about setup
26:45 from a negative perspective.
26:46 Right.
26:48 In this case it was positive.
26:49 It's a positive thing you know God set us up,
26:53 because he saw what was down the lies,
26:55 he saw our future and he was actually trying to prepare us.
26:58 I agree.
26:59 You know so. I agree.
27:01 That first thought instead of it being negative,
27:03 we had to realize if it's coming from God,
27:06 it's going to be positive. Yes, we want to be positive.
27:08 Right, right, definitely I think the setup.
27:10 I think God sets all of us up in different ways.
27:12 Sometime it's a setup we won't even know about it.
27:16 We look at how God spared our lives
27:18 and we can always say that, you know,
27:21 when we see it and we look back over it
27:23 and we see the route that
27:25 we wanted to go was not the best.
27:27 I still even, you know,
27:28 remember not being outside of my father,
27:30 just I know God has set me up
27:32 to where I could have made decisions
27:34 where things happen out of nowhere,
27:36 and I believe my life, I'm still here
27:38 because he set me up,
27:39 so anytime he wants to set me up, he can do it.
27:41 He can do it.
27:42 And I know, so definitely.
27:44 Well, listen, we're out of time.
27:45 We have just a few minutes left.
27:46 I just want to say few seconds left.
27:49 God can set me up anytime and God is waiting
27:52 and he is willing to set you up.
27:54 Austin, congratulations on your graduation.
27:55 Thank you.
27:57 We will be there to watch you walk across that stage.
27:59 On that stage, yes.
28:00 And we love you and may God continue to bless you.
28:03 I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin.
28:04 I'm Arthur Nowlin.
28:06 And thank you and you continue to make it work.
28:08 God bless you. Let God set you up.
28:10 Amen.


Revised 2016-07-18