Series Code: MIW
Program Code: MIW000064A
00:01 Hi, I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin. And I'm Arthur Nowlin.
00:04 And welcome to Making it Work. 00:38 Arthur, when you think about the unexpected, 00:41 and today we're going to talk about the unexpected. 00:45 What comes to mind? 00:46 Something that should not happen, 00:48 something that I had not anticipated 00:50 that it was gonna occur, something out of the blue. 00:53 That's like when I met you. 00:55 You were very unexpected and you're blessing to me. 00:58 Well, same for me. Yeah. Oh, praise the Lord. 01:00 But listen, I just want you to know 01:02 that I'm excited about this program, Arthur, 01:05 because I have known-- 01:06 or she is a friend to both of us. 01:08 Absolutely. 01:09 And I'm gonna let you know 01:10 that we were at the beauty saloon, 01:13 getting our hair done. 01:14 You both go to the same beauty saloon? 01:17 Yes, we go to the same place, 01:19 and that's why every time I would see, 01:20 she will be so beautiful. 01:21 Is that a place where you guys talk and gossip? 01:25 No, we talk, but we don't gossip. 01:26 Okay. We communicate, we engage. 01:28 I didn't think that you do that. 01:30 Well, it was unexpected communication. 01:33 You know, I like to put it like that. 01:35 But her name is Iris Fordjour-Hankins 01:38 and I want to welcome her to Making it Work. 01:39 God bless you. 01:41 God bless. God bless you. 01:42 Thank you, I'm so glad to be here. 01:44 Really? Really, really blessed. 01:46 Well, praise the Lord. Excellent, excellent. 01:47 You know, when we were at Johann's, 01:50 we were getting our hair done, 01:51 and I overheard you sharing your testimony. 01:54 And you told me your whole story. 01:55 And I felt that it needed to be told to Making it Work, 01:59 our listening audience, our viewing audience. 02:02 And would you be so kind 02:03 to share your testimony with them please? 02:06 I'm delighted to share the story. 02:10 It's a story of faith. Yes, it is. 02:14 I started out as a Detroit Public School's teacher. 02:18 Yes. Okay. I won't tell you how long. 02:20 But it was long enough for me to be vested and a veteran. 02:24 I loved every moment of it. 02:26 I was blessed from the beginning. 02:28 God placed me in the right environment. 02:32 I met the right people, I had good students, 02:35 good relationships with my principals, 02:37 co-workers, and the community. 02:42 I was privileged, but it was all God's doing. 02:46 This is only God's story. 02:51 But in October of 2011, I got a layoff notice. 02:57 Really, it wasn't a notice, it was just instant. 03:01 I just was laid off. 03:03 The principal was unaware of it, 03:05 I was unaware of it, no notice. 03:07 If I had known 03:09 that, that was going to be my last paycheck, 03:11 I think I would have done something different with it. 03:14 You know, I have two children Iman and Earnest, 03:17 ten and seven. 03:19 And I have a wonderful husband. 03:21 And so when he noticed 03:23 that I was gonna not be working anymore, 03:28 I was expecting him to be upset, 03:32 a little impatient maybe, saying, you know, 03:34 hurry up wife, find a new job, but instead he said, stay home. 03:41 And those were words that I wanted to hear, 03:44 because, you know, you can recognize this. 03:47 When you have a child, 03:49 you want to be at home with that child. 03:51 You don't want the child to be sent off to grandma, 03:54 not that there is anything wrong with grandma 03:56 or to daycare. 03:58 I wanted to be home with my children. 04:00 And so I was really happy about it, 04:03 but getting laid off for me 04:08 was a answer to prayer. 04:10 I know it sounds odd, as much as I loved my job, 04:15 a feeling came over me, 04:16 and that feeling made me want to ask God for something more. 04:21 I just knew he had something more for me to do. 04:24 And so, on my drive to work every morning, 04:27 I would ask God, 04:28 "What is it that you want me to do?" 04:30 Sometimes I would just get filled with emotion, 04:33 the power of the Holy Spirit would come upon me. 04:35 I would go into prayer, I would often cry. 04:38 You know, there was even a day, 04:40 I went into work and I had an accompanist, 04:44 I teach vocal music. 04:45 And my accompanist is a minister of the gospel. 04:49 Yes. 04:50 He recognized that something was off with me. 04:52 He said, "You know, you need to take this day, 04:55 go home and pray. 04:56 I'll cover your classes." 04:58 You know, that was nothing but God. 05:00 I took his advice and I went home and prayed. 05:03 And I felt settled, you know, that when I talk to God, 05:07 He heard me, I trusted Him. 05:11 Well, on the day that I was laid off. 05:15 It just happened, kind of weird. 05:18 I was going to put grades in my grade book, 05:20 which is done over the internet. 05:23 We have login words and things like that. 05:26 My access codes didn't work. 05:29 So I contacted the principal and said, 05:31 "You know, is something wrong with the system, 05:33 what's going on?" 05:35 She said, "Not that I'm aware of, 05:36 but we will call the helpdesk." 05:38 When I called the helpdesk, they said, 05:40 "Your pass codes have been disabled, 05:43 you need to call Human Resources." 05:45 Wow. 05:46 So I called Human Resources, and they said, 05:48 "Well, your pass code has been disabled, 05:50 because you've been laid off." 05:52 I said, "Where, how?" 05:55 You know I didn't get a letter, not a smoke signal, nothing. 05:59 You know, and so the principal got on the phone, 06:02 and they told her, they'd sent her a text message 06:04 to let her know. 06:06 Well, she didn't remember receiving a text message, 06:08 and who would expect to find out 06:09 that one of their employees was laid off via a text. 06:14 So it was something we couldn't undo. 06:19 So I looked at my classroom, 06:21 I thought, I'm gonna take the things 06:23 that are more special for me here. 06:25 And I want to put them in my car 06:27 and all else is now property of Detroit Public School. 06:31 Now I'm not saying this about Detroit Public School 06:34 to put a bad smirk on its name, that's not the purpose. 06:38 But it is a sad testament of the times in which we live. 06:41 Yes. 06:43 So I went home, and stayed home until December of that year. 06:49 My husband and I went into savings 06:51 that we really hadn't planned to touch. 06:53 And I was able to contribute 06:55 to the family's finances that way. 06:58 But in January, it became apparent 07:02 that I would have to go back to work. 07:04 So I began seeking work. 07:08 The places I was looking didn't seem appealing. 07:13 The pay was low. 07:15 The amount of time I have to put into it 07:17 didn't seem to match the pay scale, 07:19 not anything that I was used to earning. 07:22 And so I thought, well, maybe we can make it another month, 07:25 may be something else would come along. 07:27 So in the midst of my planning and asking, 07:31 you know, because I figured I had to do something, 07:33 maybe God was just giving me a little time, 07:35 that's what I thought. 07:38 Maybe God will send something else. 07:40 So, you know, I went on minding my business 07:44 as any mother would do, any wife. 07:46 Taking my kids to school one morning, 07:49 I got out of the car and decided, 07:51 "I'll walk the kids into the building." 07:53 Most mornings, you know, 07:55 I drop them off and give them a kiss, 07:58 we pray and you know, go have your day, 07:59 but this day, I decided, I'm going in. 08:03 I saw another mom, I'd never met her before, 08:06 but we greeted each other and it was pleasant. 08:11 And I went my way, she went her way. 08:13 Well, on my exit from the building, 08:15 here comes this mom again. 08:16 We meet up on the way out. 08:18 So we stop and talk with each other, 08:20 and we got talking about the Lord. 08:22 And it was an incredible conversation. 08:25 Right. In just a few seconds. 08:28 You know, how we women do it. Yes, yes, I know that. 08:29 So you can find out a lot about the lady. 08:31 Don't take it literally. 08:33 I don't know how you women do it. 08:35 Okay. Okay. 08:38 So on our way out, we opened the door, 08:42 and all of a sudden, 08:44 I find myself flying through the air. 08:48 I kicked my foot up against the slab of a sidewalk 08:51 that was raised higher than it should have been. 08:54 And just maybe three feet away 08:56 from that slab was a metal fence 09:00 with these big heavy poles. 09:03 I know the lady tells me, she tried to catch me. 09:06 It seems like time slowed down. 09:08 All I could say is, "My God help me." 09:10 Mercy. I thought I'm going to die. 09:15 I'm going to break my neck and as soon as I said, 09:19 "My God help me," the second time, 09:22 I was out like a light. 09:23 I hit all three poles of that metal fence, 09:28 all the way down, bam, bam, bam. 09:30 And at the bottom of it was a raised sidewalks, 09:33 then I hit the sidewalk. 09:35 I remember saying, "I have broken my neck." 09:39 That was what I thought. I was out. 09:42 Next thing I know, they're putting me in an ambulance. 09:45 I wake up at the hospital. 09:48 It wasn't as bad as I thought, but it was bad enough. 09:50 I'd broken my jaw, split my lip open, 09:57 twisted my back, busted my knee open, 10:00 twisted an ankle. 10:02 And it was unexpected. Unexpected. 10:10 There are no emotions for that. 10:12 Bam, bam, bam. 10:13 And my husband-- 10:16 Now, let me ask you, where was your husband? 10:17 Who contacted your husband? 10:18 The lady that was with me. She contacted? 10:20 She contacted my husband for me. 10:24 Yeah, I'm glad you said that, 10:25 because I left out something that was extremely important. 10:28 Now I told you about how I was waiting for God 10:31 to give me an answer as to what I should do. 10:34 When I come to this lady 10:36 that I had just met only for a few seconds 10:38 was over me praying. 10:40 My Lord. 10:41 And she was praying, "God help her, heal her, 10:46 you have directed her path." 10:49 And you never knew this woman. 10:50 I didn't know this woman. Never knew. 10:52 She didn't know anything about me 10:53 other than what I shared in those few seconds. 10:56 You maintain a relationship with her now? 10:58 I have called her, and prayed with her, 11:00 and thanked her. 11:02 I told her, "You know, 11:04 God gave you that prayer for me." 11:06 Then she said, "Yes." That's all she could say. 11:10 And I feel, you know, when you're connected with God, 11:13 sometimes He speaks through us and we don't always know 11:17 why we're saying what we're saying, 11:18 or why we're doing what we're doing. 11:20 But God put us together, 11:21 because He knew I needed to be blessed at that moment. 11:24 I had to have some words I could replay 11:27 over and over in my mind, 11:29 because I didn't know what kind of journey I was headed down. 11:31 It's almost God gives you a revelation, 11:34 then He will give you a confirmation. 11:35 Yes. And listen to the word you use. 11:38 She used the word, Lord direct her path, 11:40 direct or you're directing. 11:42 And you've been asking God to direct you. 11:44 Oh, yes. Oh, yes. And she said that word. 11:46 But then she said something else. 11:48 She said God has ordained your path. 11:52 So not only has God directed it, 11:54 but He blessed it. 11:55 He set it aside for a holy purpose. 11:58 You know, and so, you know, 12:00 through all the healing process, 12:03 for a long time that was not to the back of my mind. 12:06 And God brought it to me, so I had to call her, I said, 12:09 "Do you know what you prayed?" 12:11 And I explained to her my journey, 12:14 it's awesome. 12:15 It was awesome. 12:17 So she and I have prayed together from time to time. 12:19 How long did you stay in the hospital now? 12:21 They sent me home the same day. Okay. You know. 12:24 But they had taken X-rays of you 12:27 and determine the extent of your injuries. 12:30 The first hospital I was taken to missed it. 12:33 They sent me home and said, "Go, see your dentist." 12:38 Without being too graphic, my top teeth were pushed back, 12:42 my bottom teeth were pushed back. 12:44 I swallowed a tooth and my lip was burst open. 12:48 They gave me a Tylenol, took some X-rays and said, 12:52 "Go see your dentist," 12:54 and asked me had I had a tetanus shot. 12:56 So we went over to the dentist 12:58 who happens to be not far from that hospital, 13:01 and she was afraid to touch me, she said, "I can't believe 13:04 they released you from the hospital. 13:06 You need to go back." 13:08 So we wound up going down to Detroit Receiving 13:11 which is a hospital 13:12 known for working with extreme emergent cases. 13:16 So when I got there, 13:17 they actually gave me the treatment that I needed. 13:20 Praise the lord. Excellent, excellent. 13:22 But then something else happened in your home 13:24 after this incident? 13:26 After this incident, 13:28 well, what the devil meant for my harm, 13:31 let me say, God used for my good, 13:34 because you know we still need a second income. 13:38 I was able to collect a little insurance money 13:42 that paid my medical bills, and also gave me extra money, 13:46 so that we could live until the end of 2012. 13:52 So that was a blessing. A tremendous blessing. 13:55 You know, but at the end of 2012, 14:00 I was down in my basement, 14:02 getting some books from the bookshelf. 14:05 And the bookshelf fell down 14:09 and it fell down in such a way 14:10 that it came across my back 14:13 and caused me extreme discomfort. 14:16 I missed the discomfort when it first fell, 14:18 I thought, "Ooh, that hurts." 14:20 Yeah. 14:21 You know, I got up and went on about my way, 14:23 but the next morning when I got up, 14:24 everything was in extreme pain. 14:28 So my mom suggested that I go to the chiropractor, 14:31 which I did. 14:32 And when he saw me, he said, 14:34 "Lady, I don't know what you've done, 14:36 but I haven't seen anything this twisted in a long time." 14:40 And I explained to him that I had a slip and fall 14:43 where I broke my jaw 14:45 and so you know that misaligned my spine. 14:48 And so he went to working on me. 14:50 I see. 14:52 And you could hear the sound that the bones make 14:54 when all that air passes through, 14:56 it made me cry. 14:58 I cried, because finally I was put back in alignment. 15:03 But it also released a lot of emotion. 15:06 Yes. I began talking to God again. 15:10 And I said, you know, JBS prayed a prayer, 15:13 "Bless me indeed, enlarge my territory. 15:17 Don't allow me to be harmed 15:20 nor allow me to cause harm to others." 15:23 I was reminded of that prayer. Yes. 15:25 And I said, "God you have something for me to do. 15:29 For some reason, 15:30 the enemy is attacking this body of my, 15:33 I can't figure out what it is, why he wants me?" 15:36 But he was attacking me. 15:39 But it led to depression, and I have to be honest. 15:43 You know, when you're waiting for God 15:44 to do something for you, sometimes that wait isn't easy. 15:49 People would ask me, 15:50 "Why don't you go back to work?" 15:52 I said, "God doesn't want me to, 15:54 He has something else for me to do?" 15:57 I could never bring myself to say, 15:59 "You're right, I should go back to work." 16:02 I just knew that God has something else in the works. 16:06 And I was asked that several times, 16:08 and it was always my response, "I'm waiting on God." 16:11 Yes. So I was depressed. 16:16 I spent a lot of time reading in the word. 16:18 And I learned that when we pray, 16:21 we can't have doubt, follow that prayer 16:24 and so I didn't allow myself to focus on, 16:28 "God, you won't do this for me." 16:29 I knew God would do it for me. 16:31 It was just the waiting that was hard. 16:33 Yes. 16:35 It was hard eating peanut butter sandwiches, 16:37 when you were used to having something else. 16:41 But I did learn to appreciate black-eyed peas 16:44 and pinto beans and greens. 16:47 Good protein. Yes. Oh, yes. 16:49 We are the healthiest family walking around. 16:52 It was good eating. Come on now. 16:53 So here we're talking about two tragedies, 16:55 one tragedy after another. 16:57 Yeah. 16:58 You know, something that's totally unexpected. 17:00 So give me some meat as to what happened next? 17:06 What happened next was, I went to get a massage. 17:12 And I met this woman 17:15 that said I can bring you instant relief. 17:19 What turns out 17:21 that this woman works for the enemy. 17:24 Her form of massage is called Reiki massage. 17:31 And when she massaged me, 17:34 water began dripping off her hands 17:39 and I heard her making these strange sounds. 17:44 And I thought, what is this? 17:49 She was placing, she was talking to Satan 17:53 and it was causing my body to feel good, 17:57 but my mind was saying something's wrong with this. 18:01 And I had to ask her, 18:03 "Are you a Christian, who are you praying to?" 18:06 And I asked her, you know, "Do you read the Bible?" 18:09 And she said, "Well, I used to read the Bible, 18:11 but I don't have any more reason 18:13 to read it any more." 18:14 And that was when I realized I was in-- 18:16 I was, because I was so depressed, 18:18 I'm being honest. 18:19 I had allowed myself to go into territory 18:24 that God's people don't belong. 18:26 And so my prayers fattened up. 18:29 Because I realized 18:31 not only am I being physically attacked now, 18:33 but I'm being spiritually attacked. 18:36 I got into the Word of God in a deeper way, 18:40 deeper than I knew I could go. 18:44 There is power in God's word. Yes, it is. 18:47 And so I knew that I couldn't seek relief 18:51 from anyone, but God. 18:53 And so I said, "God, You are the healer, 18:55 You are also the provider, You are Jevoah-Jireh. 18:58 Yes, He is. 18:59 And so I'm going to sit back here, 19:01 and I'm going to trust that You're going to heal me, 19:03 and I'm going to trust that You're going to provide 19:04 for my family. 19:05 Was it only one session that you had with this person? 19:09 Actually I had two sessions. 19:11 The first session when she touched me, 19:13 I just felt instant relief. 19:15 You know, that's how the enemy sucks you in, 19:17 he makes you think that what he has to offer is good. 19:20 So I made an appointment to go back a second time, 19:22 and that was when she began this-- 19:25 she told me I was laying on her altar. 19:28 Oh, okay. Okay. 19:29 And I'm trying not to go into too many details about it. 19:31 Right, right, we understand. 19:33 But I was on the devil's territory, 19:36 which let me know by the intensity 19:40 that the devil was pursuing me 19:42 that God has something else in plans 19:45 and I should hold on. 19:47 So I got into the word, 19:49 and I was reading about the weeping prophet Jeremiah. 19:55 And I was reminded through Jeremiah's life 19:58 that sometimes when you're on a mission for God, 20:02 it's not easy. 20:04 And I said, "God, I'm not likening myself to a prophet, 20:07 but I do recognize that you have a mission for me, 20:10 and it's not going to be easy. 20:12 I have to buck up and take this." 20:15 Right. 20:16 Now listen, we have eight minutes, 20:17 and we need you to jump over and tell us the clincher 20:21 'cause I'm telling you, what she's about to tell you, 20:23 you better hold on to your seats. 20:25 All right. 20:26 I met a lady, I went to sing for a festival in Detroit. 20:30 She said to me after she heard me sing, 20:33 "Do you have your doctorate?" 20:35 And I told her, "No, ma'am, 20:36 I don't ever want to go to school again." 20:38 I don't want to go to school as a teacher 20:40 and I don't want to go to school as a student. 20:43 She said, "Well, yes, you do. 20:44 I like to give you a list of places 20:47 that offer scholarships to women of color, 20:51 women who have big heavy voices like yours," 20:55 and I thought okay, I'll take the list. 20:59 I've got the list and at the top of the list 21:01 was the University of Kentucky. 21:03 Yes. 21:05 So I called there and I found out 21:07 that one of my former classmates. 21:10 Dr Angeline Clay is on staff. 21:14 I met her at Oakwood University, 21:15 we were both students together. 21:17 Okay. 21:18 And she said to me, 21:20 "Well, if you want to go to school here 21:22 in the coming fall, which will be fall 2013, 21:25 you've missed the deadline for auditions 21:27 and prescreening." 21:29 So I thought, well maybe this isn't for me, 21:31 I need an answer now. Now. 21:33 Well, she arranged it for me to talk with the person 21:37 who does the auditions. 21:39 All right. Yes. They allowed me to audition. 21:42 I drove down in two weeks later 21:44 I'm prepared mentally for what was about to happen. 21:48 The audition went well, and I thought, 21:50 "Oh, well, I could go to school here." 21:53 They said, "We're going to try to see 21:54 if we can find you some money." 21:56 I thought, "Well, that's nice." 21:58 You know, nothing major. Right. 21:59 I got a phone call and a letter 22:02 and an e-mail that said be prepared, 22:04 because at the end of this week, 22:07 you may get a call from us that says, 22:09 "Come down here to audition 22:11 in a scholarship contest competition." 22:14 I thought, "Okay, it's not going to happen." 22:18 Iana Gardner, a dear friend. 22:20 I was telling her about it, and she said, 22:22 "You know, you might feel like the tail, 22:25 but if you're God's child, you'll be the head." 22:27 Oh, say so, say so. 22:29 I got a text message, and all the text message said 22:31 this was Sabbath afternoon that said, "Come." 22:34 Come? That's all. 22:36 That was it. It was just one word "Come." 22:39 I got chills on my arms. 22:40 We went. Yeah, all right. 22:42 And the next day, I had to compete in this scholarship 22:46 called the Alltech Scholarship Competition, 22:52 where I met Dr Lyons and Everett McCorvey, 22:55 all of these people have gotten together 22:56 to University of Alabama 22:58 to provide wonderful opportunities for students. 23:01 I was in competition with other grads. 23:05 And I did the audition, 23:08 but it didn't go like I thought it was supposed to go. 23:11 I started my aria, and all of a sudden 23:13 I felt like I was submerged underwater, 23:16 and I couldn't hear the piano, 23:17 I couldn't remember what I was doing. 23:19 I just went on automatic pilot. 23:22 Is that the part when you told me, 23:24 he didn't have your music. 23:25 Well, no, after that, I had two songs to sing. 23:27 Okay, two songs. 23:28 So the first one I was-- 23:30 The first song I was really upset about. 23:32 The second song, you know, the judges said, 23:35 "Well, now we'll choose your second song," 23:37 and they chose Do Ike Nu which is by Strauss. 23:42 And I was excited to sing this, it means devotion. 23:46 So I looked at the accompanist and I said, "Let's start," 23:49 and he said, "Ma'am, I don't have the music." 23:51 Don't have her music. 23:52 Now I'm standing on stage in front of all of these people 23:55 who are watching the competition, 23:57 these judges from Opera houses around the world 24:00 and I'm, "This is a bad set of circumstances." 24:03 Well, they were nice and they said, 24:04 "Go get your music." 24:06 So I walked off stage, I was really, really hurt. 24:08 And you know, you never want to be looking like an idiot. 24:11 Right, right. 24:12 I cried on my way out to get the music. 24:15 I came back in with my chest high 24:18 and I looked at the audience and I said, 24:19 "This could only happen to me." 24:21 Did she really said what I heard. 24:22 So I gave the music to the accompanist, I sang. 24:25 Yes. 24:26 I don't remember singing it, I know I sang it, 24:28 I don't remember singing. 24:30 And I walked off the stage 24:31 and I'm thinking all of these other people 24:34 have done much better than I did 24:35 and I know I'll get the last prize, 24:39 you know, I was convinced. 24:41 You know, that was supposed like $500. 24:43 Five hundred dollars. Five hundred dollars. 24:44 And I thought, "Well, God, it will be $500 I didn't have." 24:48 That's right. 24:49 I'll be grateful for whatever you give me. 24:51 So we came back on stage 24:53 and they started with the lowest price first $500 24:57 and they gave it to a person 24:58 that I thought was going to be first prize winner. 25:00 And I thought, "Well that's odd." 25:02 They kept awarding, awarding, awarding and I thought, 25:05 "I'm not going to get it." 25:07 Next thing I know they're handing me this check 25:10 and saying I had won second place. 25:13 Now second place is not a small award. 25:15 It's a pretty huge award, 25:18 this check is the award that I was given, 25:21 it says at the very bottom in the memo line 25:24 that "It's a prize of $100,000 to $150,000." 25:30 It simply means that my tuition is paid for, 25:33 for a doctoral program and upper studies. 25:37 That $8,000 there, it means that, 25:40 I will be given a stipend to live on, 25:43 total went that much. 25:45 I also will get another stipend 25:48 of $2,000 per semester. 25:53 I have a job coming to me and I have an opportunity 25:57 to sing in lots of different operatic environments. 26:01 And I'm pretty happy, because He answered to my prayers. 26:06 Get the unexpected. Unexpected. 26:08 And when you talk about the unexpected, 26:10 only God could do something like this. 26:12 Only God could do it. 26:14 And I also get a trip to go to Graz, Austria, 26:17 to study in the AIMS program. 26:19 Really? 26:21 I'm just so elated, because God knew 26:23 that this was the path that He wanted me to take, 26:26 He'd ordained my prayer. He's ordained this. 26:28 He left this, set it aside for holy purpose. 26:32 Iris, would you just sing a little bit 26:34 of one of my favorites I'm sure, 26:36 many of our viewers, Amazing Grace, 26:38 so they can hear this beautiful voice. 26:40 I hope it sounds beautiful. It is always beautiful. 26:43 Amazing Grace 26:47 How sweet the sound 26:52 That saved a wretch 26:57 Like me 27:00 I once was lost 27:06 But now I am found 27:12 I was blind 27:15 But now I see. 27:21 Hallelujah, hallelujah. 27:23 I acted though, one quick question. 27:26 How long, when was it, 27:27 as a child that you really felt that this was your calling? 27:32 I was always known-- 27:33 it's always been known to me that I was a musician. 27:36 Okay. Always. 27:37 When I was one year old, 27:39 my mother has a picture of me 27:40 with a party hat on sitting at a piano playing. 27:44 And I don't remember doing anything else but that. 27:46 I'm just so enlighted, 27:49 I'm looking forward to keeping up with Iris 27:52 and letting you know how she's doing. 27:54 I want you to know that God is able. 27:56 Iris, we want to thank you again. 27:58 May God bless your journey to Kentucky. 28:00 And you're going to bless your students 28:02 and many, many people. 28:04 Arthur, all I can say is, 28:06 hold on to what God's going to do for you. 28:08 The unexpected is coming. 28:10 I'm Dr Kim Logon-Nowlin. I'm Arthur Nowlin. 28:12 God bless. |
Revised 2016-07-18