Making it Work

'Taking the Next Step'

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Arthur Nowlin & Kim Logan-Nowlin, Michael & Alana Randall


Series Code: MIW

Program Code: MIW000063A

00:31 Hi, I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin. And I'm Arthur Nowlin.
00:35 And welcome to making it work.
00:38 Oh, Arthur, I got a scripture for you.
00:39 Okay, come up with.
00:41 You ready? Yeah.
00:42 "He who finds a wife,
00:44 finds a good and receives favor from the Lord."
00:49 Proverbs 8:22. Wow. That's fantastic.
00:52 He that finds the good wife.
00:54 I'm still looking for that favor.
00:57 Well, you got the good wife? I got the good wife.
00:59 You remember how we met? You know, well...
01:01 Yeah, I can remember that.
01:03 I'm going to the part in the bank
01:04 where after I met you, you didn't recognize me.
01:07 And I was so embarrassed, I ran out.
01:10 You were running all over the place.
01:11 When I ran out of the bank
01:13 'cause you didn't know who I was.
01:14 You didn't remember me. That one is terrible.
01:16 Why? Is that understandable? I shook you up.
01:18 You did.
01:19 But at the end I gotcha. I gotcha.
01:23 What do you mean you got me?
01:24 You married me. Oh.
01:27 You remember you were there. Can we count that as being got.
01:31 Okay.
01:33 Arthur, I'm glad you are a happy man.
01:35 Yeah.
01:36 Well, you know, taking the next step I guess.
01:39 And Michael and Alana, what a beautiful couple.
01:44 Yes.
01:45 And I look forward to the interview.
01:47 I'll definitely.
01:48 But you know Alana was a major witness to him,
01:51 when she met him and encourage him
01:54 and he accepted the Sabbath message.
01:56 Absolutely. You know what a blessing.
01:59 She is a fourth generation of Seventh-day Adventist
02:03 pastors in our family.
02:04 But she took a stand for what was right
02:07 and did not compromise on her standards.
02:10 And Michael accepted Jesus Christ.
02:12 It should be really interesting
02:14 just listening to them and how they met.
02:18 And some of the particulars and challenges
02:20 that they face as being young people
02:23 in this society today.
02:25 Because there are so many things
02:27 that you can compromise on but they did not.
02:30 And you have to be strong.
02:31 The young ladies today, let me tell you something,
02:34 you don't have to compromise to have a young man
02:36 to be attracted to you.
02:38 If you walk with the right type
02:39 of skills and attributes of God
02:41 and the same thing goes to our young men,
02:43 you don't have to compromise.
02:45 God will give you that right person
02:47 and bless your ministry together.
02:50 So I'm excited, hope you're excited.
02:52 And let's now join Michael and Alana.
02:55 And looking at how they're making it work
02:58 in their relationship.
03:02 Hi, Michael Randall and Alana Baxter.
03:05 Finally, we finally have come together with making it work.
03:09 How you guys doing? We're doing good.
03:11 We're doing wonderful. Yeah, you look good.
03:13 You look great.
03:14 Well, congratulations you are engaged to be married.
03:18 Absolutely.
03:19 And we guys are so happy for you.
03:21 Soon too, I mean, it's not a long thing right now.
03:23 But we don't want to talk about when
03:26 because we haven't really set a date yet.
03:28 So we're going to leave that open.
03:29 Oh, that's pretty close to date, Kim.
03:31 But we don't want to say the date not yet, all right.
03:34 I know we're not... I didn't mention date.
03:36 I said soon.
03:38 How did you get to date anyway?
03:39 You know, you all think am I getting married really.
03:41 No.
03:43 Well, Michael,
03:44 you were not born or raised in this church,
03:46 in the Seventh-day Adventist church.
03:48 Tell us your story?
03:49 So when I met my bride to be, I was definitely searching,
03:55 definitely looking for more biblically based
03:59 Christian practices.
04:01 And so I was raised
04:03 going to community church of God,
04:04 you know, pretty much the separation of my parents...
04:09 definitely broke me away from the church
04:10 for a number of years.
04:12 And so when I met my fiance,
04:15 I definitely was still searching
04:17 and she helped me along the way,
04:19 gave me some reading material, did Bible studies with me,
04:23 and introduced me to the pastor who baptized me,
04:27 Pastor Joseph Reeves
04:29 who is in my wedding and a lifelong friend.
04:34 And so I was just introduced to the gospel very lovingly.
04:38 But I was also still, I was challenged.
04:40 And I like that challenge, you know.
04:43 And I guess the rest is history,
04:44 I have been baptized for a year now.
04:46 And I can't say I've ever been happier.
04:50 You enjoying your journey? Absolutely.
04:53 Alana, I've known you for a long time
04:56 through our families, God's hands of praise.
04:58 You know, what is it that you saw in Michael
05:03 just that you knew that God had called you
05:06 to be a vessel in his life?
05:07 Well, after I met him, and we became friends.
05:12 I realized one that he was searching,
05:14 I remember a conversation we had
05:16 and I asked him, you know, are you open
05:19 and he said, "Yes, I'm open."
05:20 And after that I knew, okay.
05:22 You know, the Lord is trying to use me
05:25 to be a witness and I mean so much more now.
05:29 But I gave him Desire of Ages,
05:31 other Spirit of Prophecy books.
05:33 And then we actually went to vespers,
05:36 a young adult vespers in Detroit.
05:38 And I felt like that's really when the spark happened.
05:42 That's when I saw a spark.
05:44 And his eye was very attentive and interested.
05:47 Look at them, let we say how Michael looking at her anyway.
05:49 Absolutely.
05:51 He's just all in. He has not...
05:53 Just how you look at me.
05:55 Listen, the whole time Alana was talking, he was like.
06:00 When was the last time you did?
06:02 I do it every day. Oh!
06:07 That's beautiful. That's beautiful.
06:09 So what's been some of the challenges in dating
06:12 that you have faced thus far?
06:14 Well, I'll let you.
06:16 I mean, well, I guess just I mean in the short we live in,
06:21 we are part of the generation of youth,
06:24 right now who are anti-marriage,
06:27 anti-relationship in a lot of respects.
06:29 And so that just in and of itself
06:31 is a challenge by itself,
06:34 you know, just going against the grain
06:37 and doing what we feel is biblically sound
06:40 as Christians to join union and get married.
06:45 And so, you know, explaining things like
06:49 not living with each other before marriage
06:51 and not having premarital sex and things like that
06:55 is just not mainstream,
06:56 not even in the church on these days and so.
07:00 I guess that's all encompassing of the challenges
07:04 that we deal where there can be a myriad of things.
07:06 But, you know, it's just,
07:08 we just live in a generation of people of young adults
07:12 who are just anti-marriage.
07:15 And that in and of itself like I say presents our challenges.
07:19 So how does that impact
07:25 the people that you deal with,
07:27 you know, some of those people that still anti-marriage
07:30 and probably just wondering especially you,
07:33 you know, being in the church,
07:36 in Seventh-day Adventist faithful for a year.
07:40 Then they're looking at you, they say,
07:41 "Man, what happened to you?"
07:43 Yeah, I mean it's a wonderful witnessing tool.
07:46 There's some wonderful opportunity
07:49 to encourage people who may be,
07:52 you know, may need to be reinvigorated
07:55 on the idea of marriage.
07:56 And just in a relationship, a committed relationship
08:00 with another individual or with God,
08:04 you know, seeing our relationship
08:06 I'm pretty sure it has re-cultivated
08:10 relationships in my whole family is...
08:12 Really our relationship
08:13 has brought my family closer together, you know.
08:17 Our engagement party and when I proposed to her,
08:19 my whole family was there.
08:21 And so I think that seeing a young couple like us
08:26 and knowing what we were dealing with
08:28 but still choosing to serve God correctly,
08:31 I believe this is a huge witnessing tool.
08:33 How old are you, Michael? I'm 27.
08:35 And how old are you, Alana? I'm 25.
08:36 You're 25.
08:37 Now what do you do for a living?
08:39 Well, I work in a public health.
08:42 I work at a county based public health office
08:46 who offers health coverage to undocumented immigrants.
08:53 Wow. And, Alana?
08:56 So I actually work as a pharmacy technician.
09:00 I'm also still in school.
09:01 So, you know, I'm just trying to figure out
09:04 where the Lord's going to lead me.
09:05 But I'm definitely interested in helping,
09:08 I so wanted to be a spokesperson
09:10 for healthy lifestyle.
09:13 Well, that's interesting both in the health field.
09:15 So do you both want children?
09:18 Absolutely. Yeah.
09:20 Now, Alana, you come from a good family.
09:22 I do. Well, just going like that.
09:23 What's wrong? Yeah.
09:24 It just amazes me sometime, you know, you're asking,
09:28 you know, beautiful young couple
09:30 do they want children.
09:32 Yes.
09:33 Well, I would think they would want children.
09:35 We have children. Happy, so why would you.
09:37 Okay, let's move on.
09:40 You want children? Yeah.
09:42 You know why? Tell me why?
09:45 We've always love children.
09:46 And I feel like I could be a very nurturing mother
09:50 and so I want the opportunity
09:52 to be able to grow children in Christ.
09:55 So I don't know we've talked about it
09:58 and adoption is still also an option
10:01 because I want to be able to raise children
10:04 that haven't had the best chance in life.
10:07 So I don't know as a nurturer I definitely want children.
10:12 I do come from a big family so.
10:14 I do as well. How many siblings?
10:17 I have four sisters and one brother.
10:18 Wow.
10:20 Yes, six of us all together, so definitely...
10:22 Where are you, in the middle?
10:23 I'm in the middle. I'm in the middle, yeah.
10:27 So I thought that, didn't you all think
10:28 that was a good question about the children?
10:30 Do you want children! You know, I just say it well.
10:34 Let me ask you another question.
10:35 Who... cooking, chores, responsibility,
10:38 you know, we have found that the three causes of divorce
10:42 which we are not looking at
10:44 but we need to put on the table,
10:45 communication, finances
10:48 and responsibilities within the household.
10:50 So, Michael, can you cook?
10:53 Okay. So what?
10:56 No, you didn't start that with okay.
10:58 Okay.
10:59 I got to put a disclaimer out there.
11:03 We are actually vegans.
11:06 And my fiance is a much better vegan cook than I am.
11:10 My mother is from South Carolina.
11:11 Since I was raised a Southern cookie,
11:14 so this is completely against the grain for myself.
11:20 I mean I do have to say though.
11:21 So when I met Michael, he was such a great cook.
11:25 And the thing is like he can throw stuff together,
11:28 you know, and so I'm trying to encourage him now
11:31 that we've adopted this vegan lifestyle
11:33 to just experiment more
11:34 because I know that he can cook,
11:36 I enjoy tasting his food
11:38 but he's a little bit more nervous
11:39 when it comes to this...
11:41 But it's fun, we were learning together.
11:42 Yeah. You like rice?
11:44 I do like rice and beans. Okay.
11:46 So rice and beans.
11:48 Poor man's diet so.
11:50 And part of Carolina background certainly.
11:52 Absolutely Yeah.
11:54 I've seen you.
11:55 Let me tell you story on Thanksgiving?
11:57 No, you don't have to tell. What I did on Thanksgiving?
11:59 I cooked everything you possibly have
12:02 on Thanksgiving dinner.
12:03 He sat at the head of the table.
12:06 He looked at the table
12:07 and he said "Where is the rice?"
12:11 I mean, you're talking about 12, 13, 14, fabulous dishes.
12:16 Where's the rice?
12:17 And I think I learned early on my second or third year
12:19 I don't know if I made it that far.
12:22 For every meal we have to have rice.
12:25 Every meal. Every other meal.
12:29 So okay, is he like rice, all right.
12:31 What about house chores?
12:34 You know, are you afraid to do dishes and,
12:36 you know, do laundry, change the sheets?
12:39 Absolutely not.
12:40 I was raised in the house, we didn't have a dishwasher.
12:43 We asked my mom to buy dishwasher.
12:45 She said, "Why? I have five."
12:48 And so definitely I actually do not use my dishwasher.
12:52 It's just the way I was, you know, the way I came up.
12:54 Yeah, me too.
12:55 I know I have one I don't even use it.
12:57 I don't like it.
12:58 You know, it just the way I came up definitely.
13:01 I'm a big, you know, mess it up you clean it up.
13:03 So and I think that working together
13:06 keeping a household together,
13:09 you know, is something that we're probably
13:10 definitely going to do.
13:12 So spreading the chores around
13:13 is something that we're just going to...
13:14 I have to do.
13:16 See how quietly he go, "I have to do."
13:19 Okay. I like that.
13:20 You know, being involved in community,
13:22 you know, both of you are,
13:24 you know, how do you proceed that
13:27 you will continue to have that desire,
13:30 you know, working with immigrants is profound.
13:33 You know, and being a caregiver
13:36 and wanting to give back to children
13:39 who are underprivileged and,
13:41 you know, to me that sounds great, you know.
13:44 But I see a lot of young couples today
13:47 they're focused on the economy.
13:50 They're focused on obtaining things, you know.
13:54 And you seem a little bit different in that.
13:57 You know, we all recognize that finances are important,
14:01 it's definitely important.
14:03 But that when the first thing,
14:05 you know, success means something else to you,
14:08 I sense that.
14:09 Can you expound on it? Definitely.
14:11 Well, we're both involved in the young adult ministry
14:15 called Bridge.
14:17 I'm actually the leader of Bridge and so.
14:20 A young adult ministry in south region, Michigan here
14:22 who is out of the Michigan Conference,
14:23 who seeks to connect the young, young adults
14:27 all around the area.
14:28 And Alana is actually the head of music there.
14:30 And so that's my most important endeavor right now.
14:35 I actually quit my second job to do that more full time
14:39 because I believe
14:40 that if there's not a community on base
14:42 and if it's not service, then you're doing yourself
14:46 and the community at large a disservice.
14:48 And so whatever I do,
14:51 that's the number one focal point,
14:54 the number one goal
14:55 is to spread the gospel to community service and so.
15:00 And I made that my career.
15:02 I've made that my career choice.
15:04 And I've made that my choice of ministry
15:07 because that's what I believe
15:09 is the most important.
15:11 So absolutely it's all going to have to run in unison.
15:15 And I feel like you have to stay connected with God
15:17 though to be able to stay focused on
15:20 why you want to help people and do things like that.
15:22 I guess for me,
15:24 you know, I constantly struggle specially in school,
15:26 you know, am I going to make money
15:28 or am I going to do something that I enjoy,
15:29 or am I going to do something
15:31 that God wants me to do, you know.
15:32 And you have to stay focused on God and then stay,
15:35 you know, constantly reading something that's inspiring or,
15:38 you know, a story of somebody helping somebody
15:40 in order to stay focused on that
15:42 because we get so many distractions
15:44 in this world where it's like,
15:45 oh, my goodness our car broke down,
15:46 so I would need another car,
15:48 you know, all these different things and so.
15:49 I think that's really important.
15:51 Excellent. Excellent, yeah.
15:53 It's just beautiful.
15:55 It's just so refreshing to see young people not just,
15:59 you know, committed to love the relationship
16:02 but to the Lord.
16:04 And I think that the power of prayer,
16:06 do you all pray together now?
16:07 Absolutely. We do, not as much as I hope.
16:10 I mean, it's harder though
16:11 because we live in two separate places so.
16:14 But we do when we're around each other,
16:16 we pray together.
16:18 And definitely, you know, we're going to be implementing
16:19 daily devotionals together when we wake up
16:23 and when we're going to sleep just to make sure
16:24 that we're both connected daily.
16:27 Do you text each other throughout the day?
16:29 Oh, absolutely. We do.
16:30 I call him sometimes. She's the only person I text.
16:34 You seem to be a young person, you do not like texting.
16:37 I do not like texting.
16:38 I'm very, I like old school ways of communicating.
16:42 And to me I don't feel like it's old school,
16:44 I feel like it's more effective.
16:45 You know, a phone call is much more effective
16:47 than a text message because you don't know
16:49 the tone through a text message.
16:51 You can't re-tone and so... That's it. That's it.
16:54 She can text me something and I can think
16:56 that she is completely, she is mad at me
16:58 or she might be upset.
16:59 But she call and she's like happy.
17:01 Usually, I feel that way about your text messages
17:04 that I always read it, to me it's like
17:05 "Oh, I hate text messages." Yes. Yes.
17:08 I had a student who did a paper in my class
17:11 and when I read it, I said, "Are you serious"?
17:13 I called him to my desk
17:15 and I didn't want to embarrass him.
17:16 I said, "Could you go back and un-text this paper?
17:19 Read the whole paper but then he said,
17:21 "Oh, Dr. Nowlin, I'm so sorry.
17:23 I know API. I know what to do."
17:25 I said, "I'm gonna give you 24 hours
17:27 to bring this paper back.
17:29 And bring it to my other class the next day all in texting."
17:34 The you, Y-O-U, the letter U.
17:37 I was like what is this.
17:39 So guess I've really approached to him in voice,
17:42 you know, I'm here with the person,
17:44 tell me that you love me...
17:45 You need some help. Well, I never do.
17:48 Wait a minute, can I ask you the question?
17:50 Can I ask the question? Listen.
17:51 Let me ask the question.
17:53 Remember five years ago, I don't know how long
17:56 you would call the answer machine and say,
17:58 "I just called to say I love you."
18:02 It wasn't five years ago. Well, how long ago was it?
18:04 It was 20 years ago. Oh, my Lord.
18:08 I just want to encourage you.
18:11 All right keep Jesus with you, all right.
18:13 You got to need Him
18:14 when you have day by day struggle.
18:17 You know, but you can make it work.
18:19 You can make it work because he is able.
18:22 But you got to be on the same page.
18:24 That's one of the things I was thinking about,
18:26 you know, as you both were talking here.
18:28 Do you feel that you're equally yoked?
18:31 So this has been a question
18:34 throughout our whole relationship,
18:35 especially for me growing up in the church
18:38 and being a multi generational Adventist,
18:42 that's been a huge concern.
18:43 And so, now I can say that yes, I do believe we are.
18:47 In the beginning of our relationship
18:48 we weren't clearly, he wasn't Adventist and I was.
18:52 But at the time a lot of people don't know
18:54 I was praying for my husband at the time.
18:58 And I met him.
19:01 And it was strange because it was like, okay,
19:04 you know when God send you something
19:06 that is not right,
19:10 you know, all these different things going through my head,
19:13 and then lot of advice from family.
19:16 But at the same time I had to remind myself
19:19 that I prayed about it.
19:23 That's right.
19:24 And so I, you know, we're here now.
19:28 And it's just, it's been a long question
19:32 and a long time coming, but yes, now we're...
19:34 And definitely it's important to remember that
19:37 there's other things other than being
19:39 a different religion or a different denomination
19:43 that can possibly make you unequally yoked.
19:46 I think that we've dealt
19:48 with a lot of different challenges,
19:49 premarital sex and not living with each other,
19:52 change in our diet, making our diet more clean,
19:55 making our lifestyles more clean,
19:57 our choices in how we work, how we communicate,
20:00 how we live, those are things that are going to sustain you
20:04 because, of course, you can proclaim a religion,
20:06 and get baptized,
20:08 and go to church every Sabbath day.
20:10 The things that you have to live with day to day
20:12 is what's going to sustain a relationship
20:14 not even a marriage, but a friendship
20:17 or relationship between a daughter
20:20 and a mother or any relationship.
20:23 The decision that you made together
20:25 and how you choose to move forward
20:27 is what's going to sustain you and,
20:29 you know the definition of yoke is being together
20:32 and moving in synergy.
20:34 And so making those decisions
20:40 is what made us...
20:42 Is what got us where we are today that is there for.
20:45 I want to add too as a tool to do a personal inventory
20:50 of your relationship even starting now
20:53 and as you become man and wife,
20:55 just weekly how we doing.
20:58 Don't wait until that problem gets out of hand.
21:01 Address it immediately. And don't...
21:03 I know you're getting premarital counseling.
21:05 Are you having premarital counseling?
21:07 So we actually, well, so, we actually,
21:10 we did financial counseling.
21:11 We just graduated financial thesis
21:13 from university which was great.
21:15 And that was a huge tool for us.
21:17 But we're working on the other part.
21:22 The other part. Yeah.
21:23 All right, 'cause it's important.
21:24 We're there for counseling right now.
21:26 Right. Come on. There you go.
21:28 Come on, Kim Logan Communication Counseling.
21:30 It's really been a pleasure,
21:32 you know, talking to the both of you.
21:34 I mean, it's inspiring.
21:35 It's inspiring to me because I see young people,
21:39 you know, what a desire to do the right thing.
21:42 And to be, I guess leaders and not followers.
21:47 And that's really important.
21:49 So you really need to hold on to each other
21:54 and encourage each other.
21:56 And when the communication is wavering,
22:00 that's when the prayer steps in
22:02 to help you get through those difficult times.
22:04 Definitely.
22:06 You know, in your closing words about 30 seconds.
22:08 What can you say to other young people of your age
22:11 to just continue to make it last and hold on,
22:13 you know, make it work,
22:15 continue to make it work and hold on?
22:17 Well, I just want to say,
22:19 it's important to keep God as the center
22:20 and stay focused on that because it's very easy
22:22 if you indulge in different media,
22:24 if you indulge in,
22:25 you know, certain music and things like that,
22:27 it's very, very hard to stay focused on...
22:30 Let's stay on the right track.
22:32 Stay away from premarital sex, stay away from living together,
22:34 stay away from drugs and alcohol
22:36 and unhealthy lifestyles,
22:37 you have to keep God as the center.
22:39 Amen. Amen.
22:40 Picture yourself in 30 years, where do you want to be,
22:43 how do you want to look,
22:44 what kind of life do you want to have,
22:47 and probably that's going to take,
22:49 making a decision like this when you're young.
22:51 Well listen, Michael and Alana,
22:53 thank you so much for being with us on making it work.
22:56 God bless you. And congratulations, all right.
22:59 Thank you. Thank you.
23:03 Arthur, it's so good to see young people today,
23:06 maintaining their standards.
23:08 I want to share a scripture.
23:09 And it says in Isaiah 59:19,
23:13 "When the enemy comes in like a flood,
23:17 the Spirit of the Lord
23:18 will lift up a standard against him."
23:21 You don't have to lower your standards to be with a person.
23:25 And when God gives you the red flags, get out,
23:27 get out of that situation.
23:29 But Michael and Alana stood to test of time and said,
23:33 we're going to do this right.
23:34 And accept Jesus Christ
23:36 and build a foundation on a rock.
23:39 Not sand but a rock.
23:41 Another scripture that,
23:43 you know, I just thought would be appropriate
23:45 is we're talking about Romans 8:28.
23:49 "And we know that to them that love God
23:52 all things work together for good,
23:55 even to them that are called according to their purpose."
24:00 So you have to understand what your purpose is.
24:03 And every one of us have a purpose,
24:05 has a purpose on this earth,
24:06 and that is to be a witness for Jesus Christ.
24:08 Absolutely.
24:10 So let's talk about some of the things
24:11 that we can help our young people
24:12 who are thinking about, they're dating
24:14 or engaged and contemplating marriage.
24:16 What are some of the things you need to think about?
24:18 Well, you know, I think Michael
24:20 talked about it really, really well.
24:23 And some of the things that he indicated is he said that,
24:26 "In spite of what was going on around him
24:30 that he and his fiance had made a decision
24:33 that they would not sleep together."
24:35 Oh, yes.
24:36 You know, I mean, so we're talking about
24:39 building character and standards
24:40 right off the bat, you know so.
24:43 And he said the most important thing that he wanted to do,
24:46 he said this was his soul mate,
24:49 this young lady was someone that he wanted to marry.
24:53 And that they felt...
24:56 It was good for them to wait until marriage.
24:59 Yes. That's it.
25:00 And it's important to wait 'cause God will honor you.
25:03 He will bless you if you wait, wait.
25:06 Micah 7:7, it says "Wait, I say, on the Lord."
25:10 And why is it so hard for people to wait
25:14 and allow God to direct their path.
25:16 And we know that emotions becoming impulsive.
25:19 I mean, those are the things that we're human,
25:22 you know, we make mistakes.
25:25 So we have to really recognize
25:27 that some situations we need to avoid, you know.
25:31 And some people we need to avoid.
25:32 Absolutely.
25:34 You know, let's talk about the lack of impulse control.
25:36 Oh, man, if, you know, you're in a situation
25:41 where things are just really overwhelming
25:45 and that's a really key point,
25:47 putting yourself in a situation
25:49 where it is overwhelming and challenging, you know.
25:53 So you may lose out, you may win
25:57 but you may lose out as well.
25:58 So why would you want to put yourself in that situation.
26:01 You'd be more comfortable to avoid those situations.
26:04 But once again we're talking about
26:07 learning how to discipline yourself.
26:10 Oh, I like that word. That's a good term.
26:12 You know, and discipline is really important
26:15 because that's the way
26:17 Jesus Christ was our role model for discipline.
26:21 And we got to be careful of the appetite,
26:23 how we feed and nourish our appetites,
26:26 what we watch, what we observe,
26:28 what we listen to
26:29 and that could cause us to make impulsive
26:31 negative decisions and we need to be careful.
26:34 And the key factor is to be in the will of God.
26:38 I like the scripture Hosea 4:6,
26:40 "My people perish because of the lack of knowledge."
26:43 We have to study, we have to stay prayerful,
26:46 we have to stay close to Christ.
26:47 I can't emphasize that enough,
26:49 I know Arthur and I have been
26:51 through a marriage with ups and downs,
26:55 we going to be honest with you, let's keep it real.
26:57 But what has given us the strength to endure
27:00 and make it last,
27:01 and make it work for ever is the fact that through prayer
27:05 we have definitely seen
27:07 God work in our marriage and in our lives.
27:09 Kim, I'm gonna add you know, I think our willingness
27:13 and our desire to overcome problems
27:15 and difficulties is really important.
27:18 So you never stop trying under any circumstances.
27:24 And I won't stop trying with you, Kim.
27:26 Well, I praise the Lord, never stop.
27:27 I'm never going to stop with Arthur.
27:29 I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin. And I'm Arthur Nowlin.
27:32 God bless.


Revised 2017-10-16