Making it Work

Searching for Peace

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Arthur Nowlin & Kim Logan-Nowlin, Tonya Lovette


Series Code: MIW

Program Code: MIW000062A

00:31 Hi, I'm Doctor Kim Logan-Nowlin.
00:34 And I'm Arthur Nowlin.
00:35 And welcome to making it work.
00:38 It takes a lot of work to make marriages work,
00:41 but today's guest we're talking about
00:44 now accepting the fact that she's facing divorce.
00:48 She did everything she could to work things out
00:51 with her husband, he refused to come to counseling,
00:54 did not want to move in the direction
00:57 of the healing of the marriage because of lack of trust
01:00 and for several other reasons that will be disclosed
01:02 during the interview.
01:04 But Tonya still pressed on
01:06 and continued in her counseling,
01:08 continued to work closely with us and more than that,
01:12 she gave her life to Jesus Christ
01:15 during the counseling.
01:16 What a victory?
01:17 A tremendous victory, and the most important thing is
01:22 that she was willing to make changes
01:25 to improve her lifestyle.
01:26 Oh, yeah.
01:28 Even though that her spouse
01:30 refused to accept anything different.
01:33 He wanted to move on.
01:35 His mind was made up. Yes.
01:36 And in that particular situation,
01:39 once your mind is made up, you know, it's very unfortunate
01:42 but his desire to improve the situation
01:46 or the relationship just dissipated.
01:49 And they met as they were out,
01:53 they were in a motorcycle club together
01:55 and they were drinking,
01:57 and they were indulging in a lot of different behaviors.
02:00 And then she recognized, when she began to change,
02:04 and he no longer wanted to be
02:07 in the same relationship with her.
02:08 It's difficult when you see change happening
02:11 and you're like looking on the outside end,
02:14 and my marriage is falling apart,
02:15 and I cry out for help.
02:17 Well, one of the things that was really important
02:20 is that in the process of the change
02:23 Tonya indicated that he had some anger...
02:28 Oh, a lot of anger.
02:30 Because he wanted her to change rapidly.
02:34 He didn't want it to be a long process,
02:37 and unfortunately, when we talk about changing behavior
02:40 is sometimes can be a process involved.
02:44 Oh, it takes time. Takes time.
02:45 It didn't happen overnight
02:47 and it's not going to change overnight.
02:49 Well, join as we interview Tonya searching for peace.
02:54 Peace that passes all understanding.
02:57 Let's see the interview with Tonya.
03:01 Tonya, I love it.
03:03 You're here at Kim Logan Communication,
03:07 and you've been with us for a while now.
03:09 Yes.
03:10 There's a transformation that, that I've noticed
03:14 from the time that you started and where you are now, I mean,
03:17 it's profound because I see a lot of changes
03:22 going on in your life.
03:23 Give me some insight about what brought you to this point?
03:28 When I came in, I was broken, I felt defeated,
03:32 and was probably on the verge of doing something
03:35 I couldn't have taken back.
03:37 I went through a recent divorce
03:39 or separation I should say at that time.
03:41 Okay.
03:43 And so you were dealing with issues within your marriage?
03:47 That was one factor but yes,
03:48 that was the biggest one at that time.
03:51 But for several years,
03:52 I've been getting knocked down with hard, hard trials
03:55 year after year after year.
03:57 Okay. I just had a...
03:58 When you say knocked down, so I'm on the impression
04:01 you're talking about different relationships?
04:03 Not different relationships, different circumstances
04:05 in my life that caused great pain.
04:07 Okay.
04:08 I can go into that.
04:10 In 2010, I met my now ex husband.
04:13 We married in 2011.
04:15 He became over the road truck driver
04:17 so the separation put tension on the marriage.
04:19 2012, I went in for a simple surgery
04:23 and for 11 months after that I had to fight for my life,
04:27 and doctor said, I would die on many occasions.
04:29 Really?
04:30 Finally got better around April, May,
04:32 around that time, my mother fell deftly ill.
04:36 I buried her in August of 2013.
04:39 Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Thank you.
04:42 Try to get over that, still struggling in divorce
04:45 and in April of 2014, my mother-in-law at the time
04:49 was diagnosed with breast cancer.
04:51 She lived for one month, she died in May
04:54 from complications from chemotherapy.
04:56 And in August my husband left me.
04:59 He made a decision that
05:01 he didn't want to be married anymore.
05:02 Right. Okay.
05:03 Had you had any, I guess pre-understanding
05:09 or something to give you the insight that
05:12 the relationship was not going to work anymore?
05:15 I know on my behalf,
05:16 the year prior to I was considering divorce,
05:20 but being that I was doing everything to be spiritual,
05:23 want to be a Christian.
05:24 I really had no reason to leave him
05:27 because he hadn't done anything to, you know,
05:31 step out on the marriage.
05:32 So I tried, I prayed, I started going to church
05:35 and just no matter how much I tried, you know,
05:37 you have to have two people in the same place.
05:38 Okay.
05:40 So you started going to church
05:41 or you wasn't really participating in Christianity
05:47 or anything like that at that point?
05:48 No, I've always gone to church, was I obedient?
05:51 No.
05:52 Did I go on a regular basis? No.
05:54 But, you know, in all of my situations
05:55 I know that's where my strength come from,
05:57 that's the only thing that have kept me on a good path
06:00 even with all of my mess-ups.
06:01 Okay.
06:03 That's understandable, we all mess up.
06:04 Give me some insight about your family origin, background?
06:09 Born in Detroit,
06:10 mother and father left Louisiana,
06:12 came to Michigan,
06:14 and we moved back to Louisiana in '79.
06:16 All of my family is from Louisiana, Mississippi.
06:19 So that's my Southern heritage that I'm so proud of.
06:22 But I guess the proudness kind of ends there.
06:25 My mother was a alcoholic, father is still a alcoholic,
06:28 he has his bouts with narcotics,
06:30 you know, from occasions
06:32 but I take care of him, he lives with me.
06:33 Okay.
06:35 We moved to Louisiana.
06:37 I know that mind has a way of doing things,
06:39 I don't remember a lot before '79.
06:43 I guess tyranny all my life,
06:45 I started being raped by my father's son
06:48 and it had to be '79 or '80.
06:51 Your father's son, you guys didn't have the same mom?
06:53 No. Okay.
06:55 So around '79 and '80?
06:56 We moved in '79, so we weren't there alone,
06:59 he was living with us.
07:00 And he began raping me, you know, as soon as,
07:04 that I could remember as soon as we got there.
07:05 Oh, man, that's a tragedy.
07:07 Yes, it was.
07:08 So, I mean, how did you deal with that?
07:11 Violence. Okay.
07:13 I heard people say that I kind of changed overnight.
07:16 They didn't understand it.
07:18 Supposedly, I was this sweet young girl
07:20 but I just don't remember, I see pictures,
07:22 I look happy, I appeared, but I couldn't tell you
07:24 where I took those pictures or anything like that.
07:28 So you were angry at that point though?
07:29 Obviously. Okay. And did you...
07:33 Had you talked to anybody about it?
07:34 Did you try to get any type of help?
07:36 No, in the south what happens in your house
07:39 stays in your house.
07:41 You would think that a parent would know,
07:43 but unfortunately my mother was dealing
07:44 with her own demons.
07:46 She had been raped as a kid.
07:48 You know, so unfortunately, even if she knew
07:50 she didn't know what to do to help.
07:52 So I don't think it's a...
07:55 No surprise that she had three daughters
07:57 and all of us were raped.
07:58 All three of you?
07:59 Oh, my goodness, that's a tragedy.
08:01 Yes.
08:03 So how did you go on, I mean, after that point, you know.
08:06 I know you talked about violence, I mean,
08:09 so is that the way you dealt with all the issues
08:11 when you get stressed or anything?
08:13 Pretty much, you didn't even have to do anything to me
08:16 for me to fight, and I was a small person,
08:18 but unfortunately I was a little fierce.
08:21 I took up karate, I took up boxing,
08:23 and the people who after my brother,
08:27 they introduced me to alcohol,
08:29 because I got my first and only DUI at the age of 11.
08:33 Really?
08:34 Drinking and driving. You actually had a DUI?
08:37 Arrested, my cousin
08:39 that had been molesting me was in
08:42 'cause he was supposed to be watching us
08:43 when my mother had surgery, she was in the hospital.
08:46 So he took it upon himself to allow me to skip school,
08:49 and buy us some alcohol, and we drove around town
08:52 and he actually fell asleep with his hands in my pants,
08:55 and I got pulled over, I mean, I was evidently,
08:58 you know, speeding and...
09:00 We were arrested taken to a sheriff's jail
09:02 and his mother came, and bailed us out,
09:04 and just asked me not to say anything.
09:07 That must have been heavy, you know,
09:09 as far as not being able to communicate about it,
09:12 having those feelings, you know.
09:15 So how long did you stay there,
09:16 and how long did this continue to go on?
09:19 Up until almost a ripe age of 18,
09:22 I would have said maybe around 17 at that point,
09:24 I really started considering myself dating
09:27 even though I had been sexually active
09:29 from being on all out but it was usually me
09:31 and mostly family members taking advantage of me.
09:35 He introduced me to marijuana, taken valiums,
09:38 and that was their control, it was easier,
09:40 you know, for them that way.
09:43 So tell me when you moved to Detroit back as an adult,
09:48 you know, what happened?
09:49 Well, actually I left Louisiana in '89,
09:52 I was pregnant with my oldest son
09:54 and I stayed in Atlanta until '95.
09:56 Okay.
09:58 And I came back to Michigan which is where I was born,
10:00 but I had gotten in a bad situation in Louisiana
10:03 where I had assaulted a woman while I was pregnant,
10:06 and I couldn't leave until I had my court day.
10:09 So from then I went to Georgia
10:12 where I had, you know, with two sons.
10:15 Jail moment after jail moment,
10:17 fighting after fighting, assaulting.
10:19 Still angry? Very.
10:21 Okay, you know, then you got back to Michigan?
10:24 I got back to Michigan.
10:26 I brought one son with me at the time and, you know,
10:29 attempted to do everything right,
10:30 got back in school, and I was in college in Georgia,
10:32 but I dropped out, it was kind of hard
10:34 going to school pregnant.
10:36 And so I came to Michigan started working,
10:40 got back in school
10:42 but that just wasn't enough I guess to stop the behavior.
10:45 I still continued on with the many men in relationships.
10:48 And my youngest son's father we married didn't last long.
10:55 Many jail visits during that relationship,
10:58 he was supposed to be a pastor,
11:00 and I did everything I thought was right
11:02 but just never really addressed me.
11:04 Was he in the church, I mean, you say...
11:06 Technically, he was supposed to be a minister but...
11:08 Okay, okay.
11:09 Yeah.
11:11 Motorcycles? Mm-hmm.
11:12 Tell me about that?
11:14 Love it. Okay.
11:15 That's my new favorite thing to do.
11:17 I've been riding since 2003,
11:19 and I actually had a scooter when I was 11
11:22 and that was the thing that the cousin was doing
11:24 to take me to go check on my scooter back then.
11:26 So I've been on two wheels for a long time
11:28 but it's my free time, it's my open time.
11:31 I love to do long drives.
11:32 You still ride a lot? Oh, yes.
11:33 You know, and also with the motorcycle
11:38 you get involved with organization
11:41 apparently, right?
11:42 Yes, yes, looking for a family
11:45 being here pretty much alone,
11:46 even though my dad was here, my sons were here
11:48 but I didn't have like any real friends.
11:51 And I think because of my past,
11:52 I kind of gravitate towards men.
11:54 You know, I worked with odd men,
11:56 there may be 10 women out of probably 20,000 men,
11:59 that's just my comfort zone.
12:01 And your job is? And my job?
12:02 A truck driver. Truck driver.
12:04 Hauling cars, yes. Okay.
12:05 But with the motorcycle, I met some people
12:07 and it was supposed to be family,
12:08 the husbands and the wives and the children,
12:10 and it didn't take me long to realize
12:12 that wasn't the case.
12:14 But one night we all went out and we do drink, you know,
12:19 to oblivion as I would describe it,
12:21 and went out and in my mind we are family
12:24 so there should be no fraternizing,
12:26 no sexing each other up and they followed me home.
12:30 That was a rule with a single lady
12:32 somebody had to make sure she get home.
12:33 And one of the club guys asked me to use my restroom,
12:36 I don't remember this unfortunately.
12:39 And I went in evidently let him use the restroom
12:42 and I began getting phone calls the next day saying,
12:44 "What's going on with you?
12:46 That's not like you."
12:48 And the guy came out and told me that
12:49 we've had this wonderful five minutes of sex
12:52 and that's how long I guess he was in the house
12:55 and it took me about two months before I ran into him
12:58 I guess for lack of better words
13:00 and I ended up in jail.
13:02 You were in jail because?
13:05 It was altercation. Okay.
13:06 I destroyed his motorcycle
13:08 along with a couple other people,
13:10 trying to get to him.
13:12 Luckily I had on high heels, I couldn't catch him per se
13:14 but I got into a lot of trouble.
13:17 Okay. Yeah.
13:18 So you went to jail and that was the last time
13:20 you were in jail?
13:21 Yes. Okay, you know.
13:24 So then you met your husband eventually somewhere
13:26 down the line and then, now you and your husband
13:30 are officially divorced, is that...
13:31 Yes.
13:33 It's almost two weeks. Okay.
13:34 So the marriage only lasted, what?
13:36 We married in 2011
13:38 and the beginning of this year we were divorced.
13:40 I mean, there was no way of reconciling that situation?
13:42 I hoped, I wished, I prayed, I begged,
13:46 but somebody was not on the same path spiritually,
13:50 actually they all think I have literally lost my mind
13:53 because I'm so focused on God
13:56 and that's what's keeping me, you know, where I am now.
13:59 Okay, you've gone through all that chaos,
14:03 all that craziness
14:05 and here you are, you're sitting up here
14:06 and you're talking to me about God.
14:08 Yes.
14:09 You know, so what's the motivation?
14:11 What got you to this point?
14:12 And why do you feel that your relationship with him
14:15 is so demanding or important?
14:19 One I believe, I was chosen. I was brought up in the church.
14:22 My mother's mother was a minister.
14:24 My mother parted to her past and she became a minister.
14:27 I just believe it's in my DNA, I know what I'm supposed to do,
14:31 unfortunately, I do like most people
14:33 and I get away from what I know is right.
14:36 Then every time when I come back,
14:37 the pain is greater and greater.
14:40 And I just made up my mind this time
14:42 that I don't want to have to experience that
14:44 that I can't control myself
14:45 going through these ups and downs.
14:48 All of my so-called friends, they don't deal with me
14:50 and that's okay.
14:52 So called people who said they love you, we're a family.
14:54 They don't deal with me, but that's okay.
14:57 I've never felt so low at the same time being
15:00 so alone but that's okay.
15:02 Okay. Yeah, that's okay.
15:04 Alcohol, no more alcohol?
15:05 Had no drinking, to say I won't go out
15:07 and hang out with my friends, I'm not going to say that
15:09 'cause I do have some people
15:11 that we have some things in common but no.
15:14 I brought back alcohol from Casa Mill
15:17 and it's still sealed in, you know,
15:19 that would have never happened in my past.
15:21 But I'm okay with not drinking, I know that was my issue.
15:25 You just completely... You just stopped?
15:26 I have to. I have to.
15:28 You have no assistance, no recovery centers
15:31 or not AA or anything, AA,
15:35 Alcohol Anonymous 12 step program?
15:37 No. You just stopped?
15:38 I had to. It was bad on my life.
15:40 Okay.
15:42 You came to the realization that
15:44 if you didn't stop you would die.
15:47 If nothing else, I probably would have
15:48 killed somebody else.
15:50 Okay, okay.
15:51 That was how deep my pain was. Okay.
15:54 And alcohol was my backbone, I guess,
15:57 not that I really needed one with my past
15:59 but with some of the things that I was going through,
16:02 I was using that to guide me.
16:04 So how did your children, you know,
16:07 see you as you were going through this turmoil?
16:10 Did they ever talk to you about it, especially now,
16:12 since you're not involved in that type of lifestyle?
16:14 You know what?
16:16 I really protected my children
16:17 to say they didn't witness anything
16:19 but I'll guarantee you none of them know
16:20 outside of maybe family members talking.
16:23 They were not aware that was I was in jail
16:24 even when I was in jail.
16:26 Really? I've never done stance.
16:27 I'm talking about maybe the weekend
16:29 but going through bouts with court and courting,
16:32 and unfortunately my anger
16:33 I went to a stance with my oldest son.
16:36 We had an altercation he's a really big guy,
16:39 you know, I take full responsibility for it
16:41 but I was in the system with him for years
16:43 because I guess I'm back about, I assaulted him.
16:48 I felt, you know, he was doing unfortunately
16:50 what teenagers do when me with my background is,
16:53 "No, you don't stand up to me" and you know
16:55 it caused me to really go overboard with him.
16:58 Okay.
16:59 And, you know, I regret that to the day I die,
17:01 but we have a great relationship.
17:04 But, you know, my path that I was on,
17:06 it was either me or them, I guess is the best way,
17:08 and I'm talking about people coming into my presence
17:12 that could have been harmed.
17:13 So the relationship is good now between you and your son?
17:17 Oh, with all of my sons, it's good.
17:18 Now, you always have one you feel that will call you
17:20 a little more often but the oldest son,
17:23 he's really in contact with the now ex-husband,
17:25 so I think he kind of, you know,
17:27 I don't know if he feel alliance
17:29 but you know I have no problem with that.
17:31 Okay.
17:32 So tell me when I say family to you,
17:36 what do you think about?
17:37 God. Okay.
17:39 So God is your family?
17:40 Yes. Explain?
17:41 That's the only place I found my peace.
17:44 When I go to family, nothing there.
17:46 Okay.
17:47 Once again people that knew me,
17:50 I even had a young lady who tell me, you don't need
17:52 to be going to church like the way you do,
17:54 you just need to be the person that you were,
17:55 that's who your husband fell in love with.
17:58 And it took everything in me not to tell,
17:59 if I stayed with the person that I was,
18:00 he will be dead because I was that hurt,
18:03 I feel that betrayed.
18:04 So people would never know me.
18:07 I've tried to get that young lady to go to church,
18:09 but she is in her own battle with the devil
18:11 as I say it and, you know,
18:13 they just think I've lost it and that's okay.
18:16 I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing
18:18 because this is working for me.
18:19 So that anger and that deep anger
18:22 that you had, you know, right now you don't have it?
18:25 Mm-hmm. And I'm tested daily. I pray and I mean that...
18:28 How are you? How?
18:30 Things that normally would have just set me off
18:32 and unfortunately, it didn't take much
18:34 and that's not good being a female
18:36 but I started a new job just for the one
18:38 I'm tired of being outside and I get confronted daily.
18:44 I'm not a thief or, you know, I'm a very upfront person,
18:48 I always have somebody accusing me of something
18:51 or, you know, making it seem like
18:53 I'm doing something against somebody.
18:55 And time before it would been,
18:58 would have given me cause to, you know, attack somebody.
19:02 So now you're not at that point?
19:05 And people that knew I would cuss and fuss,
19:07 they really think I have lost my mind
19:09 because I don't do it.
19:11 So what's your plans for you
19:13 in your way of walking now and way of thinking?
19:17 Straight. Okay.
19:19 Peaceful.
19:21 I know, I still have some ways to go
19:23 because I find myself sometime like,
19:25 "Okay, five years ago..."
19:28 Now when I can stop saying that,
19:30 I know I have arrived but I do find myself just,
19:34 you know, saying thank God.
19:35 Okay.
19:36 So now you're at a point where you actually trust
19:41 in the Lord, Proverbs 3:5-6,
19:45 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart
19:46 and lean not on our own understanding."
19:48 I'm getting from you that you actually really feel this.
19:51 This is something that's really important to you?
19:54 I've always felt that I've never lived it...
19:56 Okay. Fully.
19:57 But now I feel like I have no other choice.
19:59 Oh, okay.
20:01 Even if I die now, I have no doubt that
20:03 I've turned a corner and I've done everything right.
20:06 So what could you say to somebody
20:09 that may have experienced something
20:10 or be into that type of lifestyle
20:13 that you have had struggled with for so long?
20:16 Just close your eyes and imagine
20:18 you walking a few of those steps
20:20 that I've done and look at me now.
20:23 I think I'm just God's witness of what success looks like.
20:26 Not money, but to be able to overcome all of that
20:30 and still have positive thoughts,
20:33 this is great for me.
20:35 Okay, as motivation? Almost, definitely.
20:37 You know, you feel like you won something?
20:40 Do you feel like celebrating and excited?
20:42 Oh, yes. Oh, yes.
20:44 I mean, I get, I'm getting excited
20:46 just thinking about where you came from,
20:49 and where you are now, and your desire,
20:51 and your motivation to maintain this lifestyle, you know?
20:56 I feel like I have no choice.
20:57 I have one son left to get out, go to college,
21:01 and I thought I was living before
21:03 but I am ready to live now.
21:06 I'm ready to live a good life.
21:07 Wow, yeah.
21:09 You just came back from a cruise as we know?
21:10 Yes, and it was wonderful.
21:11 And before that you were on...
21:13 Went on a vacation with some friends,
21:15 is that correct?
21:17 I came to see you all in Alabama.
21:20 Alabama, that's right.
21:21 Yes, for the funeral unfortunately but...
21:22 You drove all the way down there?
21:24 Yeah. That was a good experience.
21:25 Yea, so the cruise I drove to New Orleans, you know,
21:27 was out with my friend who had got married
21:29 and then we want on the cruise after that.
21:31 But I was by myself and I loved it.
21:34 Because you like the road, you like to travel?
21:36 Oh, I love the travel.
21:38 I'm on my way to Atlanta now with the niece that I've come
21:40 and making contact with for years,
21:42 so I'm gonna see her in a couple of weeks.
21:44 Excellent, excellent.
21:45 So we have one minute left, is there anything
21:49 that you would like to say that, you know,
21:51 you would like to leave with listening audience?
21:54 Everybody won't turn towards God
21:56 if you were not brought up that way.
21:58 But just know that you can overcome it,
22:02 you can get through it,
22:03 you have to find people who believe in you,
22:05 anybody that says anything negative,
22:07 you have to remove those people from your life.
22:09 Mm-hmm.
22:11 Because they cannot do anything for you
22:12 and if they tell you anything negative,
22:13 they are not for you.
22:15 They want to see you in the same position
22:16 that you were,
22:18 and you have to be strong enough
22:19 not to stay there.
22:21 That's powerful. Thank you.
22:22 Thank you for being here, we appreciate it.
22:24 Thank you.
22:25 You know, you've done an excellent job.
22:26 I'm very proud of you. Thank you. Thank you.
22:29 God bless you. Same to you.
22:30 Okay. Okay.
22:32 You know, Arthur, during this interview
22:34 Tonya decided to think about Proverbs 15:1,
22:38 "A soft answer turns away wrath."
22:41 She had to walk away.
22:43 Well, you know, let's look at it at a point
22:48 where it's not so much she had to walk away.
22:51 She recognized that at the point
22:55 between her husband and herself
22:58 that there was no more love.
23:00 That it was nothing else that could be done
23:02 to resolve the situation,
23:05 and so she had to find herself.
23:08 She had to get to a point
23:11 where whatever was required for her to save herself,
23:15 that is what she had to do.
23:17 So I'm sure she would have really appreciated
23:20 if her husband had said, "Okay, let's try this one more time."
23:23 Right, right.
23:24 You know, but she fought for it,
23:26 she was trying to resolve it and he refused it.
23:30 Oh, he did. He didn't want to reconcile.
23:32 Even after talking with him,
23:34 I had several phone conversations with him,
23:36 and she was in the office during the time,
23:40 and he kept saying that it was her responsibility,
23:42 it was her fault, and I just can't do this anymore.
23:45 And she says, "I recognize I made mistakes
23:48 but where is the forgiveness.
23:50 Where is the forgiveness in relationships?
23:52 Why do relationships end in divorce?"
23:54 Well, as forgiveness if a person is willing
23:57 to move on and try to resolve the differences,
24:01 but what's really important once again is that
24:04 this man made a decision that he wanted to move on,
24:07 and that was his focus,
24:10 he wanted to move on no matter what.
24:13 Now let's be real. Okay.
24:16 A situation had occurred
24:18 where this man inherited some money.
24:21 Yes. Right?
24:22 Yes, a great deal of money.
24:24 You know, and when he and Tonya met
24:28 his bank account was...
24:30 On zero.
24:32 He didn't have any money, any credit, nowhere to live,
24:36 he was living with his parents,
24:38 and then he meets Tonya and moves into her home.
24:41 Because Tonya was vulnerable...
24:43 Yes. And willing...
24:45 Yes.
24:46 She saw something where well maybe, you know,
24:48 "Maybe this man and my family, we can come together."
24:53 Right, right, right.
24:55 You know, but after he received the money
24:59 then he made a decision, "I didn't need Tonya anymore."
25:02 Right, and you see that happening a lot.
25:04 That's reality. Mmm.
25:06 You know, it's unfortunate but that's why I say,
25:09 let's look at it from the real perspective.
25:13 I personally believe that when the money came,
25:16 he decided he wanted to go.
25:18 So he made this decision way beforehand...
25:20 Absolutely.
25:21 He was just waiting for a way or the money to come.
25:23 Yes.
25:25 You know, searching for peace, how do we find peace?
25:27 And I know my peace comes from Jesus Christ.
25:31 A peace that passes all understanding,
25:33 but what are people looking for in their marriages?
25:36 What are they looking for today?
25:38 They're looking for...
25:40 As one of my clients indicated,
25:43 she just wanted somebody to be nice to her.
25:45 Okay.
25:46 You know, people who want to feel like
25:49 somebody really care, and supportive, and being nice.
25:53 For me the best thing in the world...
25:55 You can really deal with a whole lot of issues,
26:00 but if you've got the support at home
26:02 and you got somebody that's right there
26:04 who has your back.
26:05 Oh, yeah.
26:07 You know, then that means success,
26:09 that whatever the outside world wants to do come on with it
26:12 because I have my refuge in God and my spouse.
26:17 You know, you always used to talk about,
26:19 "Kim, I need you to have my back."
26:21 That was very hard for me, you know,
26:23 in the middle of our marriage, you know, 10th, 12th year
26:26 having your back 'cause it was a trust issue.
26:29 And I trusted you but it was more
26:31 so just really showing you 'cause I was more so concerned
26:35 about having my own back.
26:37 Of course, and, you know, let's look at the dynamics
26:39 that's involved there, you know.
26:42 We're talking about from a disrupted home
26:45 and being at a point where you didn't want to feel
26:49 under any circumstances
26:51 that you couldn't take care of yourself.
26:53 That's right. You wanted to be in charge.
26:55 And they're controlled. Absolutely.
26:57 Even if they're controlled, but I thank God
26:58 that Tonya did realize that she could be a better person,
27:01 and behold through Christ Jesus,
27:04 she's involved in a nonprofit organization
27:06 that she started.
27:08 A serious relationship with church.
27:09 And she's very active in our church
27:11 and she loves God,
27:13 and she is now completed her counseling process,
27:16 and we thank the Lord that she has found her peace.
27:18 Yes.
27:20 Well, I thank God for peace again
27:22 that passes all understanding.
27:24 Yes.
27:25 You can find your peace also through Christ.
27:26 I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin.
27:28 I'm Arthur Nowlin.
27:29 God bless.


Revised 2017-10-16