Making it Work

Just the Two of Us

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Arthur Nowlin & Kim Logan-Nowlin, Elder Roscoe & Nettie Gray


Series Code: MIW

Program Code: MIW000061A

00:30 Hi, I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin.
00:32 I'm Arthur Nowlin.
00:34 And welcome to Making It Work.
00:36 Arthur, just the two of us.
00:39 What comes to mind? You're talking about two of us?
00:41 Just the...
00:43 we still have a third will, we still have Erin,
00:45 our 15 year old, we have a 15 year old.
00:47 Okay, we have a 36 year old, we have a 33 year old,
00:51 and we have a 15 year old.
00:52 Remember, when we, Emica, she was in her junior year
00:56 going to her senior year at Mount Vernon Academy,
00:58 and I came to Arthur and I said,
01:00 "Arthur, what about having another baby?"
01:03 Now our child is about to leave,
01:05 graduate, go to Oakwood University,
01:08 and Arthur response was, "Yes, let's do this."
01:11 No, that was not my response.
01:15 You know, when I asked you, and you said,
01:17 "Yes, honey, what do you want?"
01:18 I said, "I want to have another baby."
01:20 That was the way you asked me.
01:21 I did. I was sweet.
01:22 You know, and I still had concerns.
01:26 You did? Yes.
01:27 'Cause you want to play golf all day.
01:28 Continuously.
01:30 Yeah.
01:31 So your golf game was good, it was going well,
01:34 and I want to have a new baby, an infant.
01:36 And now she's 15.
01:39 So I'm going to that empty nest syndrome,
01:42 she is about to leave to go to boarding school.
01:44 There's people they can help you in that area.
01:46 Is that right, any counselling?
01:48 Yes, you need something.
01:50 Well, I guess today Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe
01:55 and Nattie Gray.
01:57 And I'm just excited
01:58 because they are members of our church,
01:59 we know them, we've seen them but they have an empty nest.
02:03 Their youngest child is attending Oakwood University
02:05 in her junior year,
02:08 and we are just excited what God has done.
02:10 But they are both elders in the church.
02:13 And he's retired but she wears many hats,
02:16 she is vice principle of the school,
02:19 and also teacher, and counselor.
02:21 That's a lot, Arthur. It is lot.
02:23 But I think it's more than just having a empty nest,
02:26 and being involved in the church.
02:27 I think what it is their love for each other.
02:31 Oh, they do love each other.
02:32 No, I mean it shows.
02:34 I mean, you know, like they are willing
02:37 to really work together, and they're excited.
02:43 I heard her say something
02:45 where her husband was really her motivation
02:51 and that was really something important to me.
02:53 Oh, definitely.
02:54 Well, let's talk with Roscoe and Nattie,
02:57 here on Making It Work.
03:00 Elder and Elder Roscoe and Nattie Grey,
03:04 welcome to Making It Work.
03:05 Thank you, Thank you for having us here.
03:08 Listen, okay, let's just talk about
03:10 this wonderful relationship
03:11 that I see week to week and the friendship.
03:15 Let's talk about how you met,
03:16 and how many years you have been married?
03:18 How many years?
03:19 Thirty eight years, Thirty nine in May.
03:22 What? Wow.
03:24 Well, how did you meet?
03:26 I met her in church, at City Temple.
03:29 Our mutual friend introduced us,
03:31 and she has this distinct voice, little voice.
03:37 And when she walked down the aisle to leave,
03:40 there she is, Lord.
03:44 That's what you said? Yeah, that's what I said
03:46 because she had beautiful set of legs.
03:49 It was her legs. It was her legs?
03:51 And a little bit of waist like that,
03:53 I said, there she is, Lord, that's the one for me.
03:55 So what did you do?
03:57 I chased after her.
03:58 That Sabbath?
04:00 No, not that Sabbath, but I chased after her
04:04 and I would dress to impress...
04:07 All right.
04:09 And actually what on her part, it was love at first sight.
04:12 She looked at you and fell in love.
04:14 He will always say that.
04:17 I happen to been home on vacation from Andrews,
04:21 and I was at church that Sabbath,
04:23 but it was my best friend who kind of liked him,
04:29 and she introduced us.
04:31 But as, when I came home for the summer,
04:33 wherever we went,
04:35 it was a threesome, he was always there.
04:37 I had the car and he was always with us
04:40 going wherever we wanted to go.
04:42 And I would tell him the truth,
04:44 oh, you're just like a brother, just like a brother.
04:47 Didn't want to be no brother.
04:48 Will be no brother.
04:50 But it just, the relationship just blossom,
04:52 we just go different places, concerts, and go out to eat.
04:57 He just come over, go bowling, and just blossom.
05:01 Matter of fact, we went bowling today.
05:02 You went bowling today?
05:04 Yeah. Together?
05:05 You are in a bowling league or something like that.
05:07 We have some few friends from the church,
05:09 we just, just for exercise.
05:10 Who is the better bowler?
05:12 I bowled 212.
05:13 Today?
05:14 My first time doing 212. Really, you did 212?
05:16 What did you bowled?
05:18 Two hundred.
05:20 You know.
05:21 212, that's nice.
05:23 Are we going bowling?
05:24 You don't know anything about it.
05:26 Oh, well, let's you do it on a wheel.
05:32 You know, you know.
05:35 You no, that's how I felt,
05:36 because I can do that on the wheel
05:38 but I'm like, wow, all of these strikes like,
05:41 I can't believe it, I can't believe it.
05:42 That's really great.
05:45 Now, I know you both cook,
05:46 and you make a main sweet potato pie.
05:49 And, you know, all the things you do together.
05:52 The children, you have three children.
05:54 What are their ages?
05:56 Okay, Anea is 35,
06:00 Patrick is 33,
06:03 and Regina is 20, should be 21 in October.
06:06 Now that it's empty nest, now Regina is in Argentina.
06:09 What is she doing over there?
06:11 Well, we have this problem Adventist Colleges abroad.
06:16 I participated when I was in college,
06:18 my son went to Arg, I went to Spain,
06:21 my son went to Argentina and Regina said,
06:24 "Because we want to learn Spanish,"
06:26 I says, "Okay, if you want to learn goodbye,
06:28 pack your clothes"
06:30 and I'm packing and crying...
06:32 Were you?
06:34 But I sent her over
06:35 so she's at our Adventist College...
06:36 That's all she do is cry.
06:38 In River Plate College, and she's taking classes there.
06:42 So when she comes back,
06:43 she'll be proficient in Spanish.
06:45 Isn't that wonderful?
06:46 Elder Gray, do you speak Spanish?
06:49 No, no. No, no.
06:53 Just we we...
06:54 Isn't that French?
06:57 That's wrong way. That's wrong lessons.
07:00 Si, okay, si.
07:02 All right, so how is it working together in the church
07:05 for the Lord, both being elders together?
07:10 It's easy. Is it?
07:12 I mean, this is my 33rd year as an elder.
07:14 What?
07:16 Yeah, 33rd year as an elder and it came natural with Nattie
07:20 because when I was head elder,
07:23 she did all my scheduling and everything.
07:27 And when she become an elder, I just worked with her
07:30 how to do this, how to do that, how to be an elder.
07:34 And she blossomed as an elder.
07:37 Recognizing that now you're in a household with another elder,
07:43 you know, how does that motivate you
07:47 as far as maintaining your relationship in the church,
07:52 you know, in the community, you know?
07:54 Now I tell you what she like to do?
07:57 She like to come up with something and say,
08:00 this is mine for the next, for next of my speech,
08:03 this is my sermon,
08:05 and I would more like would steal it from her
08:08 because I do the Wednesday noon prayer service.
08:11 And when she tell me something good,
08:12 that's what I use for my service.
08:14 So she got to tell you, don't use.
08:16 Nattie won't tell me anything.
08:19 But I think when I became an elder
08:21 because he knew
08:23 and we just have books and books at home,
08:26 he wanted to make sure that I'm successful
08:28 because it was a problem
08:30 with assignment of female elder,
08:33 there was some...
08:34 Because you were one and the first.
08:36 Right.
08:37 You and...
08:39 Beverly was the first elder.
08:40 And then Wanida.
08:41 But because I needed to,
08:45 he wanted to make sure that I was successful.
08:48 So when people would come, he would say, okay,
08:50 you need to call this person,
08:52 call this lady here, call and see how she is doing.
08:55 You need to do this.
08:56 When you go out, okay, make sure you do this.
08:58 You read this book for your invocations.
09:01 Read this for your prayers.
09:03 Read this, so he would give me training
09:06 that I did have another elder
09:08 that was supposed to work with me
09:10 but he was my trainer.
09:12 He was the one that would train me
09:14 what I needed to do, what I would need to say.
09:17 And I think about a year ago
09:19 when I did my first board meeting to conduct it,
09:23 he was on the sidelines coaching and reading
09:25 and have to say, do this, do that, move on.
09:30 So he's always been uplifting to make sure that,
09:36 the church sees us as a team.
09:38 As one of the first female elders of the church,
09:43 you indicated that there is some problem.
09:46 What kind of problems did you run into in regards to that?
09:49 Well, it's not so much with me, I guess,
09:51 because everyone accepted Roscoe
09:54 and I'm more laidback, it was easier with me.
09:58 So there were some people that did leave the church,
10:02 because they did not want just a female period.
10:04 People in leadership position?
10:06 Right, in leadership, some elders they did leave.
10:10 But the church embraced me.
10:14 And when we will go out,
10:16 we will go out together with communion.
10:18 So people are used to see a team,
10:21 so that's what they are saying
10:23 when we go out, it's a team.
10:25 That's something I see.
10:27 It was all the female elders that I worked with Doritha,
10:30 Phyllis, Wadni, I trained them all to,
10:34 you know, to really be elders.
10:37 Take the eldership seriously,
10:39 because people are looking at you.
10:41 What is a elder?
10:43 Tell our viewers, what is a elder?
10:45 Well, the elder is,
10:47 it's a spiritual leader of the church at City Temple.
10:52 As I mentioned, this is my 33rd year as an elder.
10:55 And when you are a elder, people respect you
11:01 because of the way you conduct yourself,
11:05 how you are just an ordinary person.
11:08 What you are, you're just a shepherd,
11:10 you're just a shepherd.
11:12 When people call, they want you to pray for them,
11:15 come by and visit.
11:17 And that's what we do, that's like, for instance,
11:21 the female in our church that is sick,
11:23 I would give my wife a list to call them,
11:25 call and pray with them.
11:27 And that's what our female members want,
11:30 they want to hear this woman elder pray with them
11:35 because they can tell her things
11:38 that they won't tell me.
11:41 I have to say, you know,
11:42 when I transferred to City Temple many years ago
11:46 and coming to you with the vision about anything,
11:53 so supportive when no one wanted to support,
11:56 you know, God answers prayers, you did.
11:58 You said do it, just do it.
12:00 And 21 years later,
12:02 still ministering a decade later,
12:04 and or if you ask me to do something,
12:07 and I'll say, "Elder Gray..." And you'll say,
12:09 "It's not even open for discussion,
12:10 I need you to do this."
12:12 'Cause you're training us to really serve God, you know.
12:16 And you would always reach out, no matter what.
12:20 I mean, I'm telling you, I've even said, Pastor Gray,
12:24 because that's how I see him, really pastoring us.
12:28 Let's talk about have you ever had a argument?
12:34 You know, what we argue about?
12:35 What you argue about? Time.
12:36 Time? What do you mean time?
12:38 Being late.
12:39 Being late,
12:40 I don't like to be late for anything.
12:42 Okay. And...
12:43 What time does a 6 o'clock meeting start?
12:45 Yeah, what time a 6 o'clock,
12:46 that meeting start at 6, start at 6.
12:47 No, you know, what time does a 6 o'clock meeting start?
12:49 Yeah, you know, what time is 10 o'clock board meeting
12:51 is going to start?
12:52 10 o'clock.
12:54 My wife have a little tendency just to lag behind time,
12:58 just a little bit, and that...
13:02 Do you drive separately?
13:03 No, I have the wait on her.
13:05 We used to drive separately but we come together.
13:08 My philosophy is if there is a meeting
13:11 and it tends to be habitually late,
13:14 I would get there in time for the meeting.
13:17 You know, I don't need to come and sit and do nothing.
13:22 So I would get there when I think I should be there.
13:25 But though, but see, he is glossing over
13:28 the worst argument we had was he got angry at me
13:33 and he pulled the car on the express way,
13:36 pull the car over and got out of the car.
13:39 And then what? And just started walking.
13:41 He was driving?
13:43 He just pulled over, he was driving,
13:45 and he pulled over.
13:46 I don't know what that...
13:48 I can't remember what was about but...
13:49 Probably about time.
13:52 But that's the most, most of time when he is angry,
13:57 he will tend to probably leave the house,
14:02 or just go into his room.
14:05 I would do the silent treatment for a little while.
14:08 So you know how to respect those boundaries.
14:10 Yes. Oh, yes.
14:11 You know.
14:13 I want to come back to eldership,
14:16 the uniqueness of it.
14:17 I mean, there's not a whole lot of families
14:19 got two elders in the family, the husband and the wife.
14:23 You couldn't handle
14:24 if I was an elder at the church?
14:26 Sure, I could.
14:28 Would it work together?
14:29 Would we work together like this?
14:31 Now she is driving me out of my mind.
14:34 You know, so it won't be anything different.
14:36 I have to say, I'm glad he is a elder
14:38 and I could sit down and...
14:41 What's so weird though
14:42 one minute we are sitting next together in church
14:45 and next when I look up, he is on the pulpit, I said,
14:47 "didn't you know you were serving?"
14:49 And he'll like, "No, well, my name was in the bulletin."
14:52 But it's like, you know, he'll take his position,
14:55 he'll take his place,
14:57 he takes it very seriously, you know, so.
14:59 My question is, you know,
15:02 being that you both are elders,
15:06 is this may be causing you
15:11 to really, really dig down deeper
15:14 to maintain a certain aura about yourself?
15:19 Do you understand what I'm saying?
15:21 I go back to my, our TC days in high school.
15:25 The first thing I learned about leadership,
15:27 respect is to where respect is given.
15:30 And being in the army, being a veteran,
15:33 being a leadership at church,
15:36 that's something that's more or less
15:37 is fallen by wayside respect.
15:40 And you try to bring that dignity back with the...
15:43 to the elder board.
15:45 I have a fantastic leader.
15:47 When I first joined on the board, Elder Briton.
15:51 And he was one straight guy,
15:55 and I can remember he just send me places.
15:58 He said,
16:02 "Elder Gray, this is first Elder Briton,"
16:05 that command.
16:07 Little later about the church died,
16:08 she is 95 years old.
16:10 "I want you to go and buy that type of clothes,
16:12 not the funeral or the wake service,"
16:15 And I said, "You couldn't find any other elder."
16:19 He's like, "Your name came up, so go close it out.
16:21 There's only few people going to be there."
16:24 I went to the funeral home, they had busses there,
16:27 and it was packed.
16:30 And I was so nervous, I was just sweating.
16:34 Two little sisters there,
16:35 sister Iotabird and her daughter Peters,
16:38 they grab me by the hand and that calmness
16:43 just came right over and they prayed,
16:44 and the calmness came right over me.
16:47 And after that, everything just plain came right together.
16:52 Still, Nattie, does it make you, you know,
16:56 feel that you had to present yourself
17:00 in a special way like Elder Gray
17:03 was just talking about respect, you know?
17:06 I am me, I am just me.
17:09 But I think the church knew me and then electing me,
17:13 they knew what I stood for.
17:15 They knew my personality.
17:18 So I don't, I have not changed, I think I'm the same.
17:23 But one thing that it's not just with the eldership,
17:27 we have to go back to
17:28 when has was deacon and head deacon,
17:31 because deacon and head deacon,
17:34 it was a strain, and I might say
17:36 most of our arguments were with the church.
17:39 Why? Because when he was,
17:41 when we had children at home,
17:43 I was left with the children as he was going to this visit,
17:47 that visit to do communion.
17:49 I have to go to the church and I need to mow the lawn,
17:53 I have to do this.
17:55 He just church focus.
17:58 So I was used to that phone calls,
18:00 I think we would get more phone calls at our house
18:02 than the pastors would get.
18:04 Still getting.
18:05 People will call, "Elder Gray, what about this?
18:06 Elder Gray."
18:08 So I would fill those phone calls.
18:09 So that's, I guess that's where my training started to knowing.
18:13 It's easier for me being an elder now
18:17 because the children are older
18:20 and my life then was with the children
18:22 and sometimes we would take the kids with us.
18:25 If he will go somewhere I'll say,
18:26 Okay, we're all going.
18:28 And we will pack up everybody
18:29 to go and visit a sick, do communion,
18:33 Gina would sing and we would all be involved.
18:37 So... Ricky played the violin.
18:39 Right, Ricky could play the violin.
18:42 So it would become a family affair.
18:46 And it took a lot to just maintain
18:48 our household during those years
18:51 because I knew, okay, he had to be with the church.
18:54 My job with the school took a lot
18:57 because working for church school
18:59 I'm constantly, he has a meeting,
19:02 I have a meeting.
19:03 But we've learnt to work with it
19:06 but I guess because I'm a church school teacher,
19:09 I couldn't be risky and do this,
19:11 so I have to spin the same.
19:14 So, it didn't mean to put on any ears be any different.
19:18 What you see is what I would have,
19:21 what I...Oh, this is funny.
19:23 One day before we were, before I became an elder,
19:27 I had this skirt and it was kind of short
19:30 and one of the members in the church says,
19:34 Elder Gray, your wife has on the short skirt.
19:37 He said, I like it,
19:38 he came right off walking
19:40 so that's I...
19:43 That's just been me, I'm me.
19:46 Okay.
19:47 I remember we met, first time we met
19:48 we were in counseling program at Wednesday,
19:51 and I didn't like you.
19:53 What? I know.
19:55 I was so quiet.
19:56 I know, it was just something about you
19:58 that did not connect.
20:00 Can I just be transparent here?
20:02 And I didn't know, I knew you were Adventist,
20:04 I did know, but I just felt a coldness about you
20:09 but over the years, I've to be honest,
20:11 I went to another church
20:12 and then when I transferred
20:14 not knowing the relationship that we would have
20:17 in our daughters with elder Gray and Arthur
20:20 in our lives how they came together,
20:23 but I've grown to love you now.
20:25 You know what I'm saying.
20:26 Erin loves you, yes and I praise the Lord
20:29 but I just didn't know you,
20:31 we would go to class, leave, hi, bye,
20:33 we didn't have a relationship
20:35 not knowing that God was orchestrating all of these
20:39 and now look at it, we're family.
20:41 I want to ask a question?
20:43 Date night, me time, you know,
20:45 what do you guys do to enjoy yourself?
20:47 Well, down to the years, we play scrabble
20:50 when we were down there. You love scrabble.
20:52 And I can't beat her.
20:54 You can't beat? No, I can't beat.
20:56 I think all these 38 years, I beat about twice.
20:59 My goodness, she is that good.
21:01 That's when I block up the boarding kit.
21:03 That's what he likes to block up the board.
21:06 But, we both and we love to watch
21:09 old black and white movies.
21:11 The western.
21:13 Did you do the western?
21:14 Did you do? Oh, yeah,
21:16 Life of man. Oh yes.
21:17 We don't watch these reality shows
21:19 with judges there not,
21:21 but a, you know, but we love the old,
21:24 the old westerns,
21:25 the old black and white movies, love old movies.
21:29 And you enjoy that, you enjoy that, so okay,
21:33 so in our last minute,
21:34 talk about how you make it work in
21:36 how to help someone make it work?
21:39 Prayer. Just prayer.
21:42 Right now I'm in the prayer ministry of our church
21:44 and did had really helped both of us,
21:48 because now we spend a lot of time in prayer
21:51 And more time.
21:52 We got more time in prayer,
21:54 but since my wife became an elder,
21:56 I see the spiritual goal within her.
21:58 She is constantly reading,
21:59 doing this, calling people, praying for them.
22:02 People call all the time, ask one special prayer
22:05 and I actually pray, wait a minute,
22:07 that I ask, and I go to upstairs
22:09 and get the other phone,
22:10 and then she'll pray, then I'll pray.
22:14 Amazing. Amazing.
22:16 And it shows,
22:17 it's really a blessing, you know.
22:19 We thank the Lord and I just want to say to you
22:22 that we love you both,
22:23 we're so honored to have you as our elders
22:27 because you still are, you know,
22:29 as even though Arthur is ordained elder now,
22:32 you know, being the elder
22:33 and I'm able to sit back and watch
22:35 how all this is orchestrated in my church
22:38 as God moves forward.
22:39 Thank you so much for being a part.
22:41 When I baptized, I kept down a long time.
22:44 You take him back down, take him back, take him back.
22:47 Your Sabbath school was the first Sabbath school.
22:50 Sabbath school class.
22:51 Yes, yes, yes. Yes, so we thank God.
22:53 Well, listen,
22:54 thank you for being a part of making it work,
22:56 and continue to make it work for God.
22:59 God bless you both.
23:00 And for us.
23:01 Thank you. Thank you so much.
23:03 Yeah.
23:04 I guess, I must shake your hand, too.
23:05 Yeah, 'cause I'm going to get up and hug you.
23:08 God bless you both.
23:09 Oh, thank you. Amen. Thank you.
23:12 Arthur that was a very loving interview.
23:14 They're special to us both 'cause again we know elder,
23:18 Elders Roscoe and Nattie Gray.
23:20 What do you think?
23:22 Are there any perfect marriages
23:23 because they seem like they got it going on.
23:27 Wow, that's hard for me to say,
23:29 I can't really say
23:30 there is a perfect marriage outside of,
23:33 a person that is willing to follow
23:38 another person without question,
23:41 and then that's not perfect.
23:43 You know, I think every marriage has challenges.
23:47 I agree with that, I do agree.
23:48 But I think what the key is, is how you work through
23:52 those challenges and realizing that,
23:56 a solution is always available, no matter what.
23:59 I like that, you know, you are that
24:01 Ocala, she says happy wife, happy life,
24:04 let's say that together, happy wife, happy life,
24:09 do you agree with that? No.
24:10 I knew he was going to say that, I knew it.
24:12 I know, I mean, I'm only saying it, Kim,
24:14 because, you know, can I get a little personal?
24:18 What?
24:20 Okay, go ahead, get little personal.
24:21 I mean, I've tried to make you happy
24:23 in so many different ways and it still wasn't enough.
24:25 You wanted me to clean this up, and if I clean it up,
24:29 then it wasn't good enough, you wanted me to clean that up,
24:31 and I cleaned that up, it wasn't good enough,
24:34 so it didn't make any difference
24:35 how happy I was trying to make you,
24:37 you still didn't connect with me.
24:39 So you remember when I wanted you to mow the lawn
24:41 and then I wanted you go to straight,
24:42 then I wanted to go circles,
24:44 then I wanted to go diagonal, and you gave me the lawn mover.
24:46 I told you to mow the lawn.
24:48 And you went to play golf.
24:49 Absolutely
24:51 And I did, I started doing the lawn,
24:52 until I broke my knee.
24:53 Yeah, you know, that was an excuse,
24:55 you still should have got there and try to do that alone.
24:58 You know, listen to this scripture.
24:59 I like this scripture,
25:01 "I called on the Lord in my distress
25:04 and he answers me."
25:05 Psalms 120:1.
25:07 So I believe that Elder Gray,
25:10 you know, Roscoe knows how to call up on the Lord,
25:14 and they prayed together,
25:15 did you hear they're praying together,
25:16 worshipping together,
25:18 and being able to use lives the word of God
25:20 to help them sustain in their problems.
25:22 Yes, you know, and that's really important,
25:25 their relationship with God is carrying them through.
25:29 Oh, yes.
25:30 It's really apparent everything that they do, you know,
25:35 they refer to the Lord as being their motivation.
25:38 Yes, they travel together, they cook.
25:41 Did you know Roscoe can make a main sweet potato pie.
25:44 He is excellent.
25:45 He can make some chop less like with gravy and onions,
25:48 and you know, this vegetarian dish
25:51 and it's just so delicious but, Arthur, you can cook.
25:55 I can't, you know,
25:57 I can't make no sweet potato pie,
25:58 but I was wondering, have you made me one yet.
26:01 No, I don't do sweet potato pie,
26:06 but, you know, I do apple cobbler,
26:08 you make a main apple cobbler.
26:09 Arthur makes a main apple cobbler.
26:11 When do you do anything that bakes?
26:13 I don't bake, you knew that, I don't bake, I cook.
26:16 You're excellent cook.
26:18 Come on, now give me some, give me some love.
26:19 You're good, good cook.
26:21 I'm a great cook, I'm a chef.
26:24 Would you take me to that level?
26:25 Okay, anyway would you enjoy my cooking?
26:28 Absolutely.
26:29 And I enjoy your apple cobbler.
26:31 And I thank the Lord that we have balance
26:33 like the Gray's being able to come together.
26:36 Now you are elder at church, I am not a elder and,
26:40 you know I stay in the background and...
26:43 And that's a good place for you,
26:44 you see you recognize where you need to be.
26:48 You know what I am saying, I mean...
26:49 I do.
26:50 You know, that's the understanding, you know,
26:52 who you are as an individual and what's important.
26:54 'Cause you imagine us both being elders.
26:56 No.
26:58 One of us will have to resign.
26:59 Absolutely.
27:00 Well, I know the Gray's commitment,
27:02 they love God, they also communicate,
27:06 they share quality time together.
27:08 They're family oriented.
27:09 See, that's the key on making it work.
27:12 You got to recognize what is important for you
27:15 to be a healthy and whole family,
27:17 it doesn't matter.
27:19 And with few seconds we have left,
27:21 I think we need to emphasize prayer.
27:24 Prayer, prayer is the key.
27:26 The Bible says pray without ceasing.
27:29 Well, thank you for being with us on making it work.
27:32 I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin.
27:34 I'm Arthur Nowlin.
27:35 God bless.


Revised 2016-06-23