Making it Work

For Better or for Worse

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Arthur Nowlin & Kim Logan-Nowlin (Host), Jessica & Patrick Hill


Series Code: MIW

Program Code: MIW000060A

00:31 Hi, I'm Dr. Kim Logan Nowlin. I'm Arthur Nowlin.
00:34 And welcome to "Making It Work."
00:37 Okay, Arthur, I have a scripture for you, all right?
00:40 Now, this is a great scripture.
00:42 This is your favorite? One of them.
00:43 One of them, okay.
00:45 It is better to dwell in the corner of a house,
00:50 than with a brawling woman in a wider house.
00:53 Proverbs 21:9.
00:55 Now Arthur, why did you share this scripture with me
01:00 over the years?
01:01 Because some of the concerns that I had,
01:06 you know, and I needed God to direct my path
01:10 and He showed me that scripture, you know.
01:13 Was I a brawling woman? What do you mean was?
01:20 Okay, okay, okay.
01:21 Let's take it down a minute, I--
01:23 That means you're seeing some improvement over the years?
01:26 We've been together 25 years.
01:28 Yes. Longsuffering. Okay.
01:30 Long, go back to that longsuffering,
01:32 okay, the fruits of the spirit.
01:33 Fruits of the spirit. But it's been joy.
01:35 It's been joy too, peace.
01:36 Yeah, and there's been plenty of peace.
01:38 There's plenty of peace? Yes, it is.
01:39 Yes, the Lord is good.
01:40 Hallelujah. I'm blessed.
01:42 You're blessed, you're blessed, blessed.
01:43 Absolutely and you are too.
01:45 So when we talk about for better or for worst.
01:47 Our guests today, Patrick and Jessica,
01:50 for better or for worst, lot of conflict,
01:52 but recognizing that they needed help
01:54 came to us for counseling,
01:56 and on their way out to divorce court,
01:59 I'm done, but God--
02:00 Serious problem.
02:02 Yes, but God, they allowed God to intercede.
02:04 So we want to be able to share this interview
02:08 with our viewing audience on Dare to Dream,
02:10 and we know it's gonna be a blessing,
02:12 but marriage again, it takes work, it takes--
02:14 Consistent work.
02:15 You know what? I like the word consistency.
02:17 You know consistency and commitment and being,
02:23 just cherishing one another.
02:25 All right, I got three C's. Showing it.
02:26 And showing it, oh, see.
02:28 You can talk it all day long, but you got to walk the talk.
02:31 You got to walk the talk,
02:33 and you do walk the talk, Arthur?
02:34 Yes, I do. You do it also. You know, I appreciate that so.
02:36 I praise the Lord and having that balance,
02:39 so Jessica and Patrick had to find a way to walk the talk,
02:43 or either somebody was gonna walk out that door.
02:46 All right, and we wanted them to know that God was able.
02:50 So join us now with Patrick and Jessica
02:53 for better or for worse
02:55 and thank God as you will see, it got better.
03:01 Patrick and Jessica Hill,
03:03 thank you for being on Making it Work.
03:05 What brought you to counseling at Kim Logan Counseling
03:08 and who made the initial contact?
03:10 I made an initial contact by a friend that had issues
03:14 or what not, you have counseled him
03:17 and the first time we met, I actually I called you guys
03:22 and I talked to you, and I explained my situation,
03:24 when you invited us in for initial intake.
03:28 So we went off to meet her
03:30 and we just had a good experience with you all
03:32 as a partnership to help us out with our marriage
03:35 and something like it helps us see things
03:38 that we couldn't see on our own to workout.
03:40 So that's how that came about.
03:43 Jessica, tell us some of the challenges
03:45 that you have faced in your relationship
03:47 with your husband?
03:49 Well, we had a phase, our biggest challenge was
03:52 with blended families, blending our children together,
03:56 the negativity outside the marriage
03:58 within our peers and family,
04:03 us just coming together and we didn't have a counseling
04:06 before we got married was a big challenge for us.
04:09 All right, so you had no premarital counseling?
04:11 Was it even suggested to you that premarital counseling?
04:13 It wasn't even suggested, we didn't even think about it.
04:15 Our first initial move was to get married.
04:18 It wasn't anything before that, which we should have done.
04:20 Tell us how you and Patrick met?
04:22 This is a wonderful love story, tell us a little bit?
04:25 Well, we met when we were 12,
04:27 we would have phone conversation
04:28 through our, two of our cousins,
04:30 and we didn't see each other until we turned 16 and 17,
04:35 and then we were in love,
04:36 well we thought it was popular if I can say.
04:38 And so we turned 21
04:41 then we broke up for about six years,
04:43 and then we got back together,
04:45 and we knew it was meant to be and then we got married.
04:47 Excellent. How many children?
04:49 Has four children. Has four children.
04:51 Pat, did you have a son from previous marriage?
04:54 And Jessica, you have two children
04:57 and then you have a child together.
05:00 Yes.
05:01 I know that is challenging for you.
05:03 Yes, it is. All right.
05:04 Well, basically I guess my question is that what makes?
05:10 What's the good that make you stay together right now,
05:12 you know, because you talked about the challenges,
05:15 so but something is constantly working
05:18 within your relationship to fight for the relationship?
05:22 What, what's the goal?
05:23 Well, first of all, I think praying
05:26 and be able to putting God first, you know.
05:28 Us, I was saying like this is not right to be divorced,
05:33 because we do have our children involved.
05:36 So it won't be fair, you know, to split them out
05:39 or go in a wrong path and not be married and divorced
05:42 'cause that's not what God intend us to be.
05:44 And making sacrifices,
05:46 you have to make a sacrifice for your marriage
05:48 and I do believe, we're soul mates.
05:50 So that's the biggest thing.
05:52 Okay, but--
05:54 I agree with you 100 percent, when you talk about sacrifices,
05:58 but what was preventing you from coming together,
06:05 and what was causing the dissention
06:08 between the both of you?
06:10 Our biggest issue at that time, we wasn't in charge.
06:13 We, it was just, us together
06:15 and by us going to church now is bringing us closer together
06:18 to see, we're praying together
06:21 and bringing our children to pray together
06:22 is keeping the negativity out of our household now,
06:25 and all the arguments has ceased,
06:28 it's just, we're talking it out,
06:30 there's more communication.
06:32 I think, when you came to counseling
06:35 and then you made a decision,
06:36 we're not coming back, and Patrick,
06:39 you text me, you called, you were crying
06:42 and I reached out to your wife,
06:44 because we're not one to push ourselves,
06:45 it's got to be something an individual wants
06:48 but you reached back to me that time.
06:50 This was a very crucial time, this last period
06:53 and you said, "Okay, I'll come see you,
06:56 I'll talk with you,"
06:57 and when you came, you, I had you all hold hands,
07:01 turn to each other, Brother Nowlin was out of town.
07:04 I was tired that day, you just don't know,
07:07 I sat at my desk, remember that session?
07:09 And you all faced each other and you had to share something,
07:12 with your husband and he just still embraced you
07:16 but I kept telling you all along and my husband
07:18 without the power of prayer studying the word of God.
07:22 See going to church, it does what?
07:24 I mean those few hours is just stimulating,
07:27 is good, is motivating,
07:29 but the work conflicting you at home
07:31 and when you're in your secret place with God
07:34 and then allowing that to manifest yourself.
07:37 And that's what it was
07:38 when you started implementing that prayer,
07:41 implementing that power of belief.
07:44 Let's talk about step father, you know, being labeled.
07:49 Do you all have labels in your household?
07:51 Not anymore. We used to. Not anymore.
07:53 We do have, but now, that we embraced in,
07:57 brought it together
07:58 and the whole house our family has a unique works,
08:02 we embraced that now,
08:04 is that now this house has no problem
08:05 where our kids are calling each other
08:06 mother and dad, you know.
08:10 It feels good 'cause I have that glow.
08:13 Yeah, that glow, and AJ, yes.
08:17 It's warming to me,
08:18 not to be called by my first name but dad.
08:22 It's a good feeling.
08:24 Now I could imagine that prior to this experience
08:30 that you're having now.
08:31 How was the mother of your son,
08:37 you know, relating to you as you were transitioning,
08:41 getting the basics and the foundation
08:44 within your immediate household?
08:47 It was a struggle, but she understand
08:50 that my household is my household.
08:53 I run my household and with my son,
08:56 my son had been with me since he was young.
08:58 So it's only quite natural,
09:00 I'm gonna take on that role of being a father
09:03 of this whole household, you know, and I can't,
09:07 she cannot dictate what goes on in the household of my house.
09:10 It's the way I listed up,
09:12 they're are the co-parent and we were not.
09:14 It's just not, that will cause stress within our family
09:18 because, she's stepping on my wife's toes
09:22 and you know and that's,
09:24 I felt like that's not acceptable
09:29 because that's making my wife look at me
09:32 of not being here so much of, you know what I'm saying,
09:37 I have a role of my son
09:38 because she felt like that's her backbone,
09:42 and I feel like to have to get down,
09:44 and standing up their way.
09:45 So it's good now.
09:47 This look good, I'm sorry, go ahead.
09:49 Jessica, here is his manners that's coming into the house
09:54 and he is placed in a position,
09:57 where he is the leader of your household
09:59 and you have children.
10:02 How did you adjust to that?
10:05 Because, you know, to me,
10:06 when somebody is like taking care of their children
10:10 for any period of time,
10:12 then somebody else comes into the household,
10:14 you still have certain, I guess rules
10:18 and certain things that you expect,
10:21 so tell me about that part?
10:23 It was hard
10:25 because I was playing a mother and father for so long,
10:28 and once my husband came along,
10:30 I still want to play mother and father,
10:32 but I want to play mother and father,
10:34 plus one which was with our oldest son.
10:37 So I want to do it all,
10:38 but now that my husband is here,
10:41 I can fall back and I can't let him
10:45 take control and make some rules
10:48 and you know sometimes I want to object,
10:50 but I have to sit back and let him do it
10:52 because my son, our son, the seven year old,
10:55 I want him to be raised as a man.
10:58 I want my husband to help him become that man.
11:01 So I have to have my husband do it for me.
11:03 So it becomes a little bit less stressful for you.
11:07 Yes, yes because it was stressful giving that,
11:11 you know, he is very hyper.
11:12 My husband can handle certain things
11:14 I can't handle them, my husband can.
11:16 So and disciplinary,
11:18 he can give him different idea versus me, so.
11:21 Let's talk about paradigm shift,
11:23 the paradigm shift.
11:25 We think about something that you have in place
11:28 but if it's not working, when did you shift that?
11:30 All right and coming to counseling,
11:33 we've been able to put some paradigm shifts into place.
11:36 Let's talk about one of the areas
11:38 that was really causing a lot of strain was the finances,
11:42 and how Patrick's working a lot of hours
11:45 but both spending, taking trips,
11:47 doing things and recognizing
11:50 we've got to come together on our finances.
11:52 How has that improved?
11:54 Yes, actually improved, we opened a new account
11:59 at the credit union,
12:00 and we're putting money away every week
12:02 and it's like, you know, it's actually going good.
12:06 It's not in compliance as of now.
12:09 Yeah, we've budgeted,
12:11 we made sure we put our tithes and offerings away,
12:13 take that off tab and we're making sure,
12:17 we do things as needed, not as I want.
12:20 As more, as more, as a need.
12:22 Can you say that one more time? More as a need.
12:24 And that is the one. That is the one.
12:26 I just want us, let the church say amen.
12:29 And if we do have a trip that's coming up we save
12:32 and it's not that we, we're going paycheck to paycheck.
12:35 We're saving as we go
12:37 and we know that we have something to do in ahead time,
12:40 we're putting money aside
12:41 for not just throwing our whole check into it, so.
12:45 Who are you people?
12:47 I'm loving this, and I don't take any credit,
12:49 Arthur and I, just thank God that you've taken the counsel,
12:53 the advice, and through the word of God
12:55 and wanting to save your marriage.
12:57 You are not the people
12:59 who walked in here two years ago,
13:00 and I thank God.
13:01 Where do we go from here,
13:03 where we go in as far as your marriage
13:05 and your relationship?
13:07 Marriage and we want to keep working at it,
13:09 keep prayer in it, keep going to church,
13:12 paying our tithes and offerings,
13:14 and doing the saving to our goal till we--
13:16 Meet our goal. Till we meet our goal.
13:18 Once we've made our goal, we'll make a new one.
13:20 All right.
13:22 So you have different goals? Yes.
13:24 Okay, so
13:26 what are some new challenges now in a relationship?
13:30 I mean everything is coming together,
13:32 we recognize that, but even in the best of homes,
13:36 there are still challenges.
13:39 Well, I can say one of my challenges
13:40 is taking over things,
13:44 this life for instance moving something
13:47 and I don't know whose it is.
13:49 That's my big thing, I would grab something
13:52 and I tell somebody and my wife would remind me,
13:56 you know, this is the cutest things,
13:58 if they want some there,
14:00 you know is enough to respect for almost and to acts now
14:05 whose is this, you know, what are you doing,
14:07 are you gonna move it, how you gonna do it,
14:09 now I take it upon myself and just move it out of the way
14:11 or throw it away,
14:13 that's the behavior that I have is pick some up,
14:15 I see that is laying around or something,
14:18 I just throw it away.
14:19 Oh, that's something like Kim does.
14:23 See now, we'll say about Patrick.
14:25 Patrick is--
14:26 I'm OCD, okay?
14:28 An over compulsive disorder,
14:30 but Patrick likes things in order,
14:32 likes things clean, he come in,
14:33 hang your coat up,
14:34 then you do, do that, and then your shoes,
14:36 things like that and, Jess, we used to talk about this,
14:39 you know you get mad at me sometimes.
14:40 You know but he likes things always in order
14:43 and everything, isn't that wonderful?
14:44 Yeah, yeah.
14:46 You know, I mean--
14:48 Why you say, uh, um, uh?
14:50 No, because, now the roles are very changing,
14:53 because now, I have to get on help about moving his stuff
14:57 and keeping his stuff.
14:58 What? What happened Patrick? I had my moments.
15:03 It's a lot more so now than before.
15:06 I'm moving his stuff, until you know,
15:08 tell them about stuff--
15:09 Well, what?
15:11 See, see, roles changed. Yeah.
15:12 You bet, this role will never change,
15:14 you know that.
15:16 And that's where we have a problem,
15:18 because you need some help.
15:20 You know, I'm thinking you really need to talk to,
15:23 can you give her a session, you know?
15:26 I think the balance of it is that,
15:28 there's no room for me because I am OCD,
15:32 so I tried to leave something alone, you know,
15:35 I try to do this or that, I'm changing in my office
15:38 and, but I still got to keep things in order,
15:40 but that's just how I run my life.
15:43 He is a part of that life.
15:44 He loves it, 'cause he has a built in house keeping.
15:47 Well, let's talk about,
15:48 since you brought up organizational skills
15:51 and you know that's seems to be a issue
15:54 in most household is being organized,
15:56 one person is organizing,
15:58 the other person is not, you know.
16:00 When we talk about that,
16:01 we have to make allowances to recognize
16:05 one person maybe a little bit more organized
16:07 than the other,
16:09 but we can nurture that person
16:12 in the way that we assist him to improve,
16:16 you know and to get on to the same page.
16:19 You all keep nurturing. Yeah, keep nurturing.
16:21 Unfortunately, in some situations patience,
16:26 patience is required
16:27 and a lot of times we overlooked the patience.
16:31 Would you say I'm right or wrong?
16:34 You're right, 'cause she's been very patient with me lately.
16:37 She's been very patient like today
16:38 I came here this morning from work
16:42 and there was a pair of tennis shoes
16:44 sitting on the couch,
16:46 so I grabbed the tennis shoes, I said, you know what,
16:49 they're probably here for a reason,
16:51 I would axe, she's like you okay, you okay.
16:55 She identified that I looked and understand,
17:00 and I asked before touched it.
17:02 I just say, I'm glad you did that
17:05 because that's what I've been preaching to you about
17:07 and she'd say you can put those on floor, yeah there were--
17:10 Who were they?
17:11 It was my, one of my granddaughter shoes,
17:13 I took them up banging,
17:15 and I had no intentions of moving on,
17:17 but our weekend was very busy, so I had forgotten one,
17:21 when I was seeing them doing it, I was, you know,
17:22 I was gonna mention 'cause I meant to take them down now.
17:24 But it wouldn't matter, it didn't matter
17:26 if he did take them down, because that was my intention.
17:28 So you know, he is trying a little bit and that's great.
17:32 Okay, Jess. Let's get a little into it.
17:35 Your parents have spoiled you.
17:38 You know, how does that work with you and Patrick
17:42 because you're, you know,
17:44 really love your parents about living,
17:45 they're there for you, the children,
17:47 they're there for Patrick too,
17:49 but does that pour into your home with Patrick?
17:53 My spoilness?
17:54 I guess, because, yes, because I end up spoiling him.
17:57 He's the more spoiled person than I am.
17:58 Wow!
17:59 I rather spoil him and my children
18:01 and I come last.
18:04 Is that Patrick?
18:05 I already know the answer to that,
18:06 already know, already know.
18:08 She keep over my gym shoe habit.
18:10 You got a gym shoe habit?
18:12 What you're talking about you got a gym show habit?
18:13 Well, explain. Yeah, yeah.
18:16 Everybody is famous,
18:18 I like Jordan's and I love shoes,
18:22 I like different kind of shoes,
18:24 and shoe that come out that I really want.
18:26 So she would come at April first
18:28 that I want, you know.
18:31 I keep surveying,
18:33 it's like a collector's item for me.
18:35 Still, I mean.
18:36 You got a special wall or something where you put--
18:39 In the corner, he stacks them on top of each other.
18:42 In the box. In the box.
18:45 Really has a lot of them? He has enough.
18:47 He got to wear them, he just looks at them?
18:49 He will have shoes for like three-four months
18:51 before he wear them
18:52 and he has to even get a special outfit,
18:54 or a special hat to go with them.
18:56 It just like what I want to get, you know.
18:57 Women get all this--
18:59 Don't go there. No, no. Wait a minute.
19:02 I think Patrick has a point there.
19:03 But we don't wear, ask them.
19:05 Right, we're at it at least once or twice,
19:07 three times a night.
19:08 Cover for months.
19:09 Wait a minute, no, no, no, no.
19:11 See, I have to totally disagree with both of you
19:13 because I never can have stuff in our closet
19:16 that she has for six months before she knew it.
19:19 With the tags still wanted?
19:21 So I mean come on, I mean, so I can understand that.
19:26 That right, I just took off an outfit idea, idea that,
19:29 your idea, I'll give you that one.
19:30 I don't wear them, I'm all right.
19:34 You know what happens, now when you come together
19:40 and pray, and you see the power of God
19:43 manifest himself.
19:44 You know, what happens in your home now?
19:46 It's a wonderful feeling, because now,
19:50 we know that God has a, we're walking with him now,
19:54 it's not just by, we're not by ourselves.
19:56 We'd bring the children in, it's me, it's my husband,
20:00 it's everybody.
20:01 You know we have negativity about it
20:02 but we don't worry about everybody else,
20:04 it's just us now as a whole.
20:07 Oh, we have a hard day, right, let's pray.
20:11 You know everyone to expect their 5:30 prayer from me,
20:14 every single morning.
20:16 Every morning. That's amazing.
20:17 That's amazing.
20:18 I've been their therapist, you know, God's given,
20:21 would you've been there too?
20:23 God is good, he juiced us both in a mighty way.
20:27 You know, I mean having some issues
20:30 in dealing with from a man perspective,
20:33 you know, do you feel like that's more pressure on you.
20:39 Yes pressure.
20:40 Pressure, you know, keep it up with the kids is.
20:44 Oh this weekend was a headache.
20:46 Turned out to my self, break out,
20:48 we took them out to splash universe, you know,
20:50 we have eight kids with us.
20:52 That's pressure and all, and, women,
20:56 just so it makes the roll off so easy,
20:59 keeping up with the is kids is hard.
21:02 They can handle it. They can handle it.
21:04 But it's not that I can't handle it
21:07 is like so much pressure,
21:09 you know for as my perspective is,
21:12 I'm going to school, I work midnights
21:15 they want to get out of school,
21:18 I'm picking up my daughter,
21:19 I'm doing other things with them
21:22 and you say, take them today activities doing today.
21:25 It's just so much you have to have in one time
21:29 and it's sometimes is over bearable
21:31 but you stay out to get that off
21:34 with the spirit just keep moving,
21:36 because you know they ain't gonna skip a beat.
21:38 They're not, they're still gonna continue,
21:40 in our last minute what would you say
21:43 to other couples to continue to make it work?
21:46 Keep God in your marriage
21:48 and he will see that you will go,
21:50 you will get everything you need.
21:52 Yeah.
21:53 And prayer is the number one thing.
21:54 That's right.
21:56 Prayer is the number one thing.
21:57 Well, I appreciate you both, we love you both,
21:59 we're gonna continue counseling,
22:00 gonna continue making sure we stay on task,
22:03 so that we don't have any relapse,
22:05 'cause we want to keep making those shifts towards heaven.
22:09 We want to thank you, God bless you,
22:11 and being on making it work.
22:12 Thank you so much. Thank you.
22:17 We were talking about for better or for worse,
22:19 you're talking about how I can integrate,
22:22 my personality with my spouse
22:24 and in this interview with Jessica and Patrick,
22:27 we were able to see some things
22:29 that what's happening
22:30 from the beginning of their marriage
22:32 and also Arthur,
22:33 we got to be careful not to allow the in-laws
22:36 or the out-laws to come in to the relationship.
22:39 Absolutely it.
22:40 You know sometimes, just a little difficult.
22:42 Why?
22:43 You know because out-laws and in- laws,
22:46 as you indicated they, really are motivated
22:49 to get involved in relationship,
22:51 because they want to make sure everything is going well.
22:55 Unfortunately it can 'cause some problems, you know.
22:58 Let me say this, it is very important
23:01 to our viewing audience on day to dream,
23:04 try not, try not to allow your relationship,
23:09 and what goes on in your household
23:10 to be given to your other family members,
23:14 because once the healing process begins,
23:17 then they're gonna look at your partner
23:19 in a different way.
23:20 But, you know, this sounds great,
23:23 you know and I don't disagree with it,
23:26 but a lot of times when you're talking about
23:29 someone that has been close to their parents for longtime.
23:34 Jessica, yes.
23:35 You know and then we're talking about
23:37 every decision that they've made,
23:39 that they involved their parents.
23:43 Then all of a sudden you get married,
23:46 and you want to give a little of that power
23:49 to the person that you married, that might be a conflict.
23:52 And the reason why we have
23:53 such a conflict in the beginning
23:55 because they didn't have Jesus Christ
23:56 as a third Am aspect.
23:58 Right.
24:00 Christ, then the relationship is served,
24:02 what was the major conflict of Jessica
24:05 letting go of her father, her mother,
24:08 because every time they're together
24:09 in to a difficult situation she got her parents.
24:11 But she it was trust okay.
24:13 Trust in Patrick?
24:14 Yes, trusting her husband, you know to do the right thing,
24:19 you know, I guess apparently,
24:21 there were some mistakes that were made.
24:22 Patrick made some mistakes, yes.
24:24 And from that point, the trust,
24:28 it was difficult for her to really
24:31 give him complete trust in their relationship.
24:35 So how do we regain the trust?
24:37 How do we do that? That's a process.
24:38 It is a process, and it takes time.
24:39 You know, it takes time but in the process,
24:42 the most important thing that you have to do
24:44 is understand that it takes time,
24:46 and then you have to be willing to work,
24:48 you have to pray about the relationship consistently,
24:51 we're talking about establishing
24:53 a different way of dealing with the situation.
24:57 So praying about it,
24:59 getting involved with each other,
25:02 trusting each other, is the goal,
25:05 the long term goal,
25:07 but we have to set up some short term goals
25:09 to get to that long term goal.
25:10 I like that, you know,
25:12 'cause sometime we want to jump up
25:13 right to the long term, without taking the baby steps.
25:16 They're now attending church together with their children,
25:19 studying the word.
25:21 Jessica is no longer arguing, and fighting, and fussing,
25:26 her blood pressure is down.
25:28 Marriages,
25:30 when you're not dealing with it in the right way
25:32 it can cause you to become very ill.
25:34 And, listen also think about Patrick,
25:37 you know, I mean,
25:38 after making some mistakes in the relationship,
25:41 and then trying to get to a point
25:45 where he could present himself as the leader of the family,
25:50 as someone that can be trusted, you know.
25:53 So that was a process
25:54 but now he feels more comfortable,
25:56 and more motivated to work through it.
25:59 So in becoming the spiritual leader,
26:01 that's a high calling on a man's life,
26:03 and be able to hold that responsibility or that title.
26:07 I think that Patrick also recognizes
26:09 he's married to a strong woman.
26:11 Arthur, now you saw some characteristics in Jessica,
26:15 you know, being a strong and being, you know,
26:18 forth right and just being that woman, Amen.
26:21 There's nothing wrong with being a strong woman.
26:24 Amen.
26:25 You know the problem occurs when the projection
26:30 of being strong in every aspect of the relationship
26:34 can create problems.
26:36 It's like dealing with your husband
26:38 to continue to submit or not.
26:40 I feel that we must submit, unto the Lord, both of us.
26:44 The Bible says in Psalms 119:133,
26:49 "order my steps, in the word
26:51 and let not any iniquity have dominion over me."
26:54 I thank God that now Jessica and Patrick
26:57 are realizing that God is the key.
26:59 I'm Dr. Kim Logan Nowlin. I'm Arthur Nowlin.
27:01 And thank you for being with us on "Making it work"


Revised 2016-06-23