Making it Work

One More Drink

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Arthur Nowlin & Kim Logan-Nowlin (Host), Christopher and Cassandra


Series Code: MIW

Program Code: MIW000059A

00:30 Hi, I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin.
00:32 And I'm Arthur Nowlin.
00:34 And welcome to Making it Work.
00:36 How you doing, Arthur?
00:37 I'm doing great, Kim, how about you?
00:39 I'm good.
00:40 I'm excited about our topic today.
00:41 Okay. One More Drink.
00:44 Remember, we were dating
00:46 or shortly after we were married,
00:47 I'm sorry, that we were talking about substance abuse.
00:51 And I said, "I've never been around substance abuse
00:55 or I don't even know what that is.
00:57 What is substance abuse?"
00:58 And you turned to me and said,
01:00 "Kim, your father is a alcoholic,
01:04 that's substance abuse."
01:05 I was just outdone because I'm thinking,
01:09 you know, heroin, cocaine, marijuana,
01:12 you know, addictions like that.
01:14 Never thought as a little girl growing up
01:16 that seeing my father drink that was substance abuse.
01:21 Let's talk about it.
01:22 Well, I guess, a lot of times,
01:24 people don't have a clear understanding
01:26 of what's substance abuse.
01:28 And right now,
01:29 we're dealing with so many different things
01:33 in regards to really recognizing the problem.
01:37 And I think that's probably the most essential thing
01:40 that you have to understand
01:41 is that if you're doing a behavior and it's causing
01:45 a problem in your life and see,
01:47 we have to understand the problem.
01:49 The problem could be a health problem.
01:51 It could be a problem in your attitude and disposition.
01:57 You know, it could cause you problems in the workplace.
02:01 So when we will see all these problems occurring,
02:05 then we understand that something that you're doing
02:09 is causing you to really get into some issues
02:14 that can prevent you from having success in life.
02:17 It can definitely destroy your household.
02:19 I know it definitely caused my parents to divorce
02:23 because my father did drink.
02:25 And I thank God for the mother who raised us
02:29 not to use those type of...
02:33 it's just devastating, substance abuse.
02:35 I never realized
02:36 how devastating it is to the family.
02:38 Well, in the interview today,
02:39 we will be talking with Christopher and Cassandra.
02:44 One More Drink,
02:45 and how they both indulge in alcoholism,
02:49 and how they are trying now to allow the Holy Spirit
02:53 to get them free from this.
02:55 Let's go to Cassandra, and Christopher,
02:58 One More Drink.
03:00 Christopher and Cassandra McCain,
03:02 I want to thank you for selecting
03:04 Kim-Logan communication as your counseling clinic
03:07 and providing services.
03:08 Why did you make the call to come to counseling?
03:11 Actually, I made the call to come to counseling with you
03:14 because I heard that you have such a wonderful reputation
03:17 with Christian based marriages and you're Christian.
03:20 Your Christian based atmosphere is really what I appreciated.
03:25 And the fact that I've met you a few years ago,
03:28 I thought you were wonderful, and I thought you can help me
03:31 in my personal debers, and then once I got married,
03:35 I thought that you would be a good asset
03:36 to me and my husband.
03:38 Okay.
03:39 Tell us what's been going on, you know,
03:41 since we started therapeutic process
03:42 about eight months ago.
03:44 Tell us what's been going on in the relationship.
03:47 There's been some new events that we have to address.
03:49 What's been going on?
03:51 Well, one of the newer things
03:53 that we really need to address today
03:55 is our alcoholism that's what I'm gonna call it,
03:59 and this is gonna be honest.
04:01 My husband and I, we drink.
04:03 Sometimes we drink together,
04:05 and sometimes, we drink separately.
04:08 Even on my job,
04:09 I may have a drink after work or maybe on my lunch hour.
04:13 But sometimes, I feel as though I'm stressed,
04:16 and it can be any number of drinks.
04:19 I see.
04:20 Christopher, what about you?
04:23 How would you define a marriage,
04:24 and define your life right now?
04:27 Well, as far as my drinking is concerned,
04:32 it's kind of went over.
04:37 I indulge a little too much.
04:39 I do a little too much partying.
04:41 Okay.
04:42 You know, and it's kind of ran into my marriage,
04:48 and this... kind of knocking it off balance.
04:52 When you first started counseling,
04:54 there was no drinking when I first met you,
04:55 and then what has happened to trigger
04:58 the change in the behavior?
04:59 Well, I guess the struggles that I go through in life,
05:02 you know, I've been through a lot of things in my life
05:06 that I wasn't willing to...
05:09 ..really commit up to.
05:14 I couldn't really face
05:17 a lot of my demons from the back.
05:20 So but I mean, I've been able to face it.
05:24 I keep running back into it, you know.
05:26 So that was another reason that I was, we were able to,
05:33 me and my wife was able to get together
05:34 and to come to you to maybe find a better solution.
05:39 Okay.
05:41 Your wife called me, I'm sorry, your wife called me.
05:43 You're supposed to pick up her from work.
05:45 She came home,
05:46 you were intoxicated, passed out on the floor.
05:49 Yeah. Let's talk about that.
05:55 I don't really know what to say
05:57 because it was just another one of number of events
06:00 that I was going through.
06:03 Sometimes, I sit home, and I guess I just...
06:09 once again, go back in my thoughts
06:11 or some of the things I've did.
06:13 And I also look at this.
06:18 This is really basic when I look at.
06:22 I have a criminal past.
06:24 And in my past, you know,
06:29 I didn't sold drugs, I didn't did drugs,
06:34 I didn't got caught off with this,
06:36 I didn't rob banks, and, you know,
06:39 and I had to go do sometime.
06:42 And I did a lot of years in my life
06:44 since I was 12 years old, I've been doing time.
06:47 So this is basically all I really knew in my life.
06:51 So now I didn't got with this woman here, my wife,
06:56 and she is helping me stay on this path here.
07:00 And, you know, this is longest I've ever been home,
07:03 period, in my life.
07:05 This is longest I've been home.
07:07 How long have you been home?
07:08 I've been home three years now,
07:09 what, a little over three years?
07:11 Three years now, but I mean,
07:13 I wasn't home, never home three months.
07:17 I was gone. I'm out of there.
07:19 You know, I just did 22 years in my life in penitentiary.
07:23 You know, so, and then I come home,
07:25 and I'm trying to get a job,
07:26 and stuff and then I hear,
07:28 "Oh, no, we can't get you a job because of your criminal past."
07:31 You know, based up on what I've deal in the past,
07:34 so now, I'm sitting here, I'm trying to get a job,
07:36 I'm trying to do this.
07:38 You know, as you know, I was cooking down there,
07:41 and then they stopped me for a ticket
07:44 for what 20 years ago.
07:47 You know, with them under a 20 something year old ticket,
07:53 I'm now losing my job. Yes.
07:55 You know, and you notice we came
07:57 and talked to you about this.
07:59 So come on, then I go back so,
08:03 yeah, I sit home, now get me a drink
08:05 because I get depressed sometimes.
08:09 Yeah.
08:10 You know, and I don't mean to put it on my marriage,
08:13 but it's just, it just roll off into it.
08:17 So like I said sometime, in that idle time
08:20 really brings a lot of things back on me, you know.
08:24 You said that your wife has been
08:27 like some stability for you.
08:29 Yeah, she is.
08:30 You know, and you've also acknowledged the fact
08:35 that being home has been difficult.
08:38 So have you tried any other alternatives
08:43 outside of drinking?
08:44 You know, to eliminate some of the feelings of--
08:48 You had to go a little deeper when you say it,
08:51 try something else, what do you mean?
08:53 You know, like, have you become involved in church?
08:58 Have you made a decision
09:01 to get involved into a community organization?
09:06 Have you attempted to
09:07 get involved into the organization
09:11 where for returning citizens?
09:13 They can assist you in finding employment.
09:17 Have you thought about any training programs?
09:21 Yes, I've, actually, I've tried all of these.
09:24 Okay.
09:25 All of the above, I have tried, what do you call it
09:30 He's doing navigation controls. Michigan Works.
09:31 Okay.
09:33 I went there,
09:34 they sent met to someplace else,
09:36 I went there.
09:37 That's how I ended up getting the job before.
09:40 You know, I've gone through them,
09:42 gone through their training.
09:43 You know, I try to get in college,
09:47 and they would tell me about something
09:50 that I didn't sign for, when I was a child, you know.
09:57 Into the military. The draft.
09:58 Okay, I don't even know about this,
09:59 remember I said,
10:01 "I've been locked up since I was 12 years old."
10:02 Man, it's so, how I would know something about this?
10:04 So now we tell them up, "I'm grown now,
10:07 you tell me something when I was a child,
10:09 so you're gonna stop me from further my education
10:12 based upon something that I was a child,
10:16 you know, so.
10:17 So let me ask,
10:20 I hear what you're saying about employment.
10:22 You know, that the center for everybody.
10:26 But let me ask you now, what's the most important think
10:32 that you need to change about your life?
10:34 Well, I need to change the way...
10:36 my thinking.
10:37 Okay.
10:39 Right now, you know, like I said,
10:40 the way I think now,
10:42 I've been trying to hold myself down,
10:45 I do a lot of little odd jobs, and stuff right now.
10:48 You know, just to stay above water.
10:51 You know, try to help my wife out here or there, you know,
10:57 but right now its like,
10:59 I get turned down so much on trying to do something,
11:03 I'm getting kind of stuck.
11:05 Even my wife even said, she would like, you know,
11:07 "It's like you just give up at there."
11:12 Say, like I come to you now, I'm trying to get a job,
11:14 and I can't get it here,
11:16 it's like, I just... the life would getting a...
11:19 these people are not trying...
11:21 they're not trying to hire me.
11:22 You know, remember
11:24 one person told me, said, man...
11:28 I mean he told me flat on, he said,
11:30 "The reason they're not hiring you
11:32 is because of your crime."
11:35 He said, "You could've killed somebody,
11:36 and it would've been better than what you did, you know."
11:40 And I had to just...
11:44 it took for me, just accept it.
11:47 I mean...
11:49 Let me ask another question, you know,
11:51 one of the things that you've indicated
11:54 was that you came to therapy
11:56 because you wanted a Christian therapy.
11:59 So how has that helped you in your relationship
12:03 in regards to dealing with aspect that
12:06 your husband is having such a difficult time?
12:09 It helps me greatly because there are times
12:13 where I can forget that I'm a Christian woman.
12:17 And it helps me
12:18 because Dr. Kim would bring me back to a level
12:21 where it helps me to remember that
12:24 we were put on this earth to help others.
12:28 And I appreciate you for that I do.
12:30 Thank you.
12:31 And it has helped
12:33 because she brings me to, sometimes,
12:35 she'll take me to write Bible verses.
12:37 She will take me to the Word,
12:40 and show me where I'm failing as a wife,
12:43 where as a Christian woman.
12:45 And then she will bring me back to the Lord constantly.
12:49 So, we are understanding that, you know,
12:55 what do you think you need to do
12:58 to improve your life at this point?
13:00 Okay, we are understanding that
13:02 you're trying to connect with your Christian world.
13:05 So there is something else that needs to be done
13:07 for you to improve that walk.
13:10 For me, I need to remain focused.
13:13 Okay. And I lack that.
13:16 I've acknowledged that I lack that 100 percent.
13:21 There comes a time
13:22 where I don't want to hear the Word
13:27 because of what he may be going through
13:29 or because of what I may be going through.
13:33 And that's basically I just need to remain focused.
13:37 What assigned the goals
13:38 that you have for your life together, Cassandra?
13:41 We've been talking about our treatment plan
13:44 and looking at our vision board.
13:48 We have six aspects on this vision board.
13:51 God, I know is first, you have a blended family,
13:55 you have a young child with in the home.
13:58 But my concern is when I see that
14:01 you are no longer drinking,
14:03 and then you come into therapy, and you say Dr. Kim,
14:06 and I've always ask you, "Have we had a relapse?"
14:08 "Yes, I'm drinking again." Then what is the trigger?
14:12 Because I refuse to believe it is a source,
14:16 but you've told just of accountable,
14:18 and you can't blame Christopher
14:20 for your decision making, or your choices.
14:23 So I need to know, why are you back drinking again
14:26 and we worked so hard to stop drinking.
14:30 Frustrated.
14:32 I get very frustrated because of finances.
14:36 I get frustrated because it could be
14:38 something happening on my job, mainly finances
14:44 because with me primarily being the sole support,
14:48 it does get frustrating.
14:50 So this week, we're working on again,
14:53 staying focused.
14:54 Yeah. Did you ever drink today?
14:56 Today, I haven't drank this morning.
14:58 I didn't stutter, did you ever drink today?
15:00 Hell, I'm not gonna stutter, yes, I did.
15:03 Christopher, did you drink today?
15:04 Yes, I did. Okay, why?
15:08 Because I don't know what type of questions are...
15:11 what's gonna be asked coming on the show.
15:14 I was scared.
15:15 Why were you scared when we walked through
15:16 and we talked about it?
15:18 We went talking about it but we also deal with,
15:20 how to approach matters...
15:22 Absolutely.
15:23 in a positive, in a spiritual, and Godly manner?
15:25 My phone is always available to you, you know that,
15:29 but I think that's another excuse.
15:31 No, that was really just
15:34 the anxiety of coming and saying,
15:36 "Wow, I'm about to go on TV and discuss my life."
15:41 And I said, "Okay, I need a drink
15:43 before I do this."
15:44 Did you pray before you came?
15:45 No, no.
15:47 So, I'll take a drink, but I won't pray.
15:49 Tell me how does that make sense?
15:51 And especially, what we've been working on.
15:54 Yes, in a Christian house hold,
15:55 it doesn't make sense that it doesn't.
15:59 Well, like I said, I did it, and I kind of before idea.
16:03 I think one of the things
16:04 that has to be taken into account
16:07 also is behavior.
16:10 When you're used to doing something for a period of time,
16:13 you know, that behavior is like engrained in us.
16:18 And it's easier for us
16:22 to fall back on negative behavior.
16:25 And we're talking about
16:27 it was easier for you to take a drink,
16:30 to pitch yourself in a state of being
16:33 where you felt that you'll be more relaxed,
16:36 and you'll be able to handle situation
16:38 of being upfront, you know.
16:40 Yes.
16:42 That's understandable.
16:43 But my concern is if this is something
16:48 that you guys want to do as far as changing
16:51 the way you deal with situations,
16:54 even though you're dealing with a difficult situation.
16:56 Being unemployed is something significant.
17:02 And it could be heartbreaking.
17:04 But what one thing I wanted to do is I want to acknowledge
17:07 that I admire the fact that you're still trying,
17:11 you're still doing something, you're out there,
17:14 and you're not just lying down.
17:15 There may be occasions when you drink too much
17:18 and it causes you to be in a stupor,
17:21 you know, that's unacceptable behavior.
17:24 And I'm saying that to you
17:25 because you're better than that.
17:28 In spite of what you may have experienced,
17:31 in spite of the difficulties that you faced,
17:34 you still can be a over comer,
17:36 but one of the things
17:38 that stands out for me is the fact,
17:41 and being overcoming, that means,
17:43 that you have to change the way you think,
17:46 and you have to put the work.
17:48 The work is really important,
17:50 put the work in to make your life better.
17:53 That's not a easy process.
17:56 But it is a process that can happen
17:59 if you become determined.
18:00 Your spirituality is really significant.
18:03 See if you put that to the forefront,
18:06 then that would also help you deal with the drinking.
18:10 And some people may have difficulty in doing that
18:15 because once again, the past behavior is,
18:20 when I reach a stressful situation,
18:24 then I need something to help me
18:26 deal with that stress.
18:28 Do you understand what I'm saying?
18:30 I'm gonna grants with you, absolutely.
18:32 Okay.
18:34 How can Arthur and I in this therapeutic process
18:38 help you to make it work?
18:41 Because we are here to help you make it work,
18:43 and if you continue on the same path,
18:45 it's not gonna work.
18:47 It's going to be destructive.
18:50 Absolutely, I'm gonna agree with you there as well.
18:52 So to answer your question, I think it's the best
18:56 that we continue in marital counseling with,
19:00 actually, the both of you.
19:03 As far as you and I want to wind up,
19:05 I still think we need to continue
19:07 our sessions together because you do help me.
19:10 There are times where, where am I drinking,
19:14 my drinking does become,
19:18 what's the word I'm looking for,
19:19 it becomes overwhelming even to me.
19:22 However, I do control my drinking.
19:25 And when I feel I've drank a little bit too much,
19:28 I'll put it down.
19:29 But we want to get to a point
19:31 where there is no alcoholism in the household,
19:34 not even having genitive with your own lives, you know.
19:37 Do you love each other?
19:39 Yes, I do. Absolutely, I love my husband.
19:40 You love each other? You love each other?
19:42 See, let me interject and say this.
19:46 See, my thing is this,
19:48 I need more of a spiritual awakening.
19:50 You know, we can go on and on,
19:54 and without the spirituality in my life,
19:58 what I've got in my life,
20:00 you know, on the front,
20:05 nothing is gonna really work for me.
20:07 So and then I can go here, I can go to this church,
20:11 go to that church, and go to this church,
20:13 what if I'm not filling them,
20:16 it's not really doing nothing for me, you know.
20:19 So it's like, when we see here
20:21 and we talk and we be so serious,
20:22 when you and I, we will be talking.
20:25 Okay, I can feel you better, you know,
20:29 than me going somewhere else.
20:32 I would be like, "What's your gender?"
20:35 You know, it's slight lately not really...
20:38 Or maybe what we can recommend one-on-one with you and Arthur,
20:42 and then also, a spiritual component
20:44 where I can help you, like a Bible study.
20:46 Right.
20:48 You know, a therapeutic Bible study,
20:49 to give you scriptures
20:50 that's gonna empower you, Christopher.
20:52 That gonna enhance your life and what God has called you.
20:55 We've been put here for a purpose.
20:57 And you all have a purpose in this life,
20:59 a great purpose.
21:01 And God wants to extend
21:02 that purpose throughout mankind.
21:05 But we can pick our own worst enemies.
21:07 But we're not going to look at that,
21:08 we're gonna look at
21:09 how we are measuring our self right now.
21:12 So on a scale, wait a minute, 0 to 10,
21:14 where are we therapeutically, right now?
21:16 Where are we?
21:17 So we all know where we're starting,
21:18 where we have a minute left, where are we?
21:21 For you and I,
21:22 I feel on our one-on-one sessions,
21:25 we are on at an eight.
21:27 And as far as our group therapy,
21:28 or marital status therapy, we are ground zero.
21:32 All right.
21:33 And we need to move forward.
21:34 I just think it's really important from what you said,
21:37 you know, and connecting with the spirituality,
21:40 it's really important that they work.
21:42 Remember, this is that the true emphasis
21:45 of you changing the behavior is going to take a lot of work.
21:50 And you have to make your mind up
21:53 that in spite of what you may face,
21:55 I'm not going to revert back to the old behavior
21:59 and that's calling, constant checking in,
22:02 and doing what's required to save your lives.
22:05 That's what it boils down to and your family's life.
22:07 Right.
22:09 Well, listen, we want to thank you both
22:10 for being with us on making it work
22:12 and we're going to be here for you,
22:14 we will see you this week for your counseling session.
22:17 God bless you both.
22:19 Thank you. Thank you.
22:20 Thank you. Definitely.
22:22 Thank you, Dr. Kim. You're welcome.
22:26 Arthur Christopher and Cassandra really shared
22:30 a lot of information with us, and with the audience.
22:31 Yes. Solutions.
22:33 What do we need to look at to try to help
22:36 our families and couples dealing with substance abuse?
22:40 Well, we have to understand the origin of the problem.
22:45 You know, when we think about this substance abuse issue,
22:50 what's causing them, and what's going on
22:54 to really make them focus on that?
22:58 The only way that they can find and relieve
23:01 is to do a certain things.
23:03 To smoke cigarettes, to drink alcohol, to use drugs,
23:09 then we need to really understand,
23:11 what's the motivation for them
23:13 to change to do that behavior,
23:15 instead of dealing with issues from a different perspective.
23:18 What are the gateway drugs? What are gateway drugs?
23:20 Well, gateway drugs is drugs that would lead you
23:24 into doing harder drugs, such as heroin and cocaine.
23:30 But, you know, right now there's a dispute about
23:35 cigarettes being a gateway drug
23:37 or marijuana being a gateway drug.
23:39 Right.
23:41 Because there's some concerns right now with the way that
23:45 the popularity of using marijuana
23:48 has continued to grow.
23:50 We're talking about some people saying that,
23:53 it's used from a disable purposes.
23:56 And so, that it's not really a gateway drug.
23:58 When you say disabled purposes,
23:59 you're talking about medical use.
24:01 Medical use, that's really a big thing,
24:02 medical marijuana is really, really something bad.
24:07 It's caused a lot of concern,
24:10 but it's also been accepted by a lot of states that
24:17 who have moved towards accepting medical marijuana.
24:22 Legalizing it. Yes.
24:23 Accepting it as something
24:25 that's viable for their communities.
24:27 So how do we get around this, you know,
24:29 when we have our families
24:31 who are truly seeking God's will,
24:33 but yet at the same time, they have these urges to drink?
24:36 They have the desire to drink or use different aspects that
24:41 will lead to the destruction of their family.
24:43 As we saw, what's going on with Christopher and Cassandra.
24:45 Well, once again,
24:47 we have to understand the origin of the problem.
24:50 In a lot of cases, we're talking about peer pressure,
24:53 you know, I mean, we're talking about people
24:56 that maybe in middle school that start drinking
24:59 because they are surrounded
25:02 by people that drink, go in their household
25:05 or their relationships with their peers.
25:10 They could be challenged, you know,
25:12 you haven't done this, you know.
25:14 Have you ever participated in drinking beer or wine,
25:19 you know, you can go from one aspect
25:21 to up to another level
25:23 where, you know, before you know it,
25:25 that person may be drinking on a consistent basis.
25:29 I thank the Lord that my...
25:30 the Lord delivered my father,
25:32 you know, before he passed away of alcoholism.
25:36 But I saw how it impacted his life.
25:39 The damage.
25:40 The damage it did to him physically and emotionally.
25:42 That was done, you know, poor decision making, you know,
25:47 we're talking about and your particular family unit
25:51 that the alcohol had been, was devastating
25:56 that it cost divorce.
25:57 It cost divorce.
25:59 It caused poor relationship
26:00 between your mother and your father.
26:03 She just got to a point
26:04 where she couldn't accept that behavior anymore
26:07 because your father had made poor decisions.
26:10 So with Cassandra, she's at a point,
26:12 you know, where, "I want to stop," you know,
26:14 that's why she sought our counseling.
26:16 And Christopher, he's trying but he'll go two or three days,
26:20 and then you relapse.
26:21 What causes the relapse?
26:22 Well, let's look at Christopher from a different perspective.
26:25 We're talking about Christopher
26:27 indicating on the show that he was an alcoholic
26:32 because of his association with his criminal background.
26:39 And not feeling that the support
26:42 that he was getting
26:44 was going to be something that he can overcome.
26:47 So he continued to drink.
26:48 I see, so again having the ability to trust
26:52 in a lot of Proverbs 3:5, and six.
26:54 "Trust in the Lord with all thy heart
26:55 and lean not to thy own understanding.
26:58 And in all that ways acknowledge Him,
27:00 He should direct that path."
27:01 What should Cassandra do now? What is her role now?
27:06 Well, because Cassandra is also drinking.
27:09 She needs to stop drinking.
27:11 She needs to make a decision, you know.
27:13 And then and she needs to insist
27:16 that Christopher also make a decision to stop drinking.
27:22 Well, it is our desire for all of us to live holy
27:26 and good lives for Christ.
27:27 Work hard.
27:28 I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin.
27:30 I'm Arthur Nowlin.
27:31 God bless.


Revised 2016-06-02