Making it Work

Growing Through the Pain

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Arthur Nowlin & Kim Logan-Nowlin (Host), Donald


Series Code: MIW

Program Code: MIW000056A

00:31 Hi, I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin.
00:33 And I'm Arthur Nowlin.
00:34 And welcome, to making it work.
00:37 Arthur, when you think about loss, I think about you.
00:42 You've been blessed to have a beautiful family.
00:46 But over the years, since we've been married,
00:48 you've lost your three brothers.
00:50 Why don't you tell us, you lost your entire family,
00:52 who did you loose?
00:54 I lost each one of my brothers
00:55 my two older brothers and my younger brother.
00:58 You know, my sister who had passed away some years
01:02 when I was in college.
01:03 But--
01:05 And your mother and father also deceased.
01:06 Yes.
01:07 So when you think about loss, how do you feel
01:09 you know being the younger one still living
01:11 and when you reflect, when you have a brother
01:14 who has a birthday
01:16 and I see you at home sometimes,
01:17 it's where you're reflecting.
01:19 Well, you know, I would think that
01:21 I would always reflect on those dates.
01:24 You know, but I had to redirect the sadness.
01:30 Yes.
01:31 And, and get motivated
01:33 because, I wanted to most importantly
01:36 not linger just on grief alone,
01:39 what I wanted to also do is use it to empower me
01:43 to make me more conscious of doing something positive.
01:50 Now, I like that word empower, you know, that hits me,
01:52 we talk about being empowered, get up, get moving.
01:55 Not just allow yourself to just dive that person,
01:59 all of us have a difficult time when you lose a loved one.
02:02 Well, we were blessed to interview Donald.
02:05 And our topic is growing through the pain.
02:09 And it was hard because, he lost his mother
02:12 and he came to me
02:14 for one aspect of counseling his relationship.
02:17 But throughout the holiday months,
02:19 throughout that timeframe, his mother passed.
02:22 But was so interesting I lost my mom.
02:26 So, I had to counsel him
02:27 while I'm dealing with my own grief.
02:29 That was something.
02:31 Yes, it's difficult and how did you do it?
02:33 I did it by the grace of God, "The Lord is my shepherd,
02:36 I shall not want."
02:38 Psalms 23:1 it's not my will but God's will God's will.
02:41 You know, and I had to allow myself to be moved
02:44 and decrease so God could increase.
02:47 But another thing you had to do,
02:48 or that you felt that was probably mandatory for you
02:52 is that you had to separate yourself.
02:55 I did, I had to move myself out of the way.
02:57 Well, let's listen to Donald, growing through the pains.
03:02 You know, Donald, for the last six months,
03:04 we've been working really diligently
03:06 with your counseling and loss of your mom,
03:09 bereavement counseling.
03:11 Let's talk about that, you know.
03:14 Why did you decide to come to counseling?
03:17 When I started I was having issues with relationships
03:23 and what not and I finally got the courage to say,
03:30 I need help or somebody to talk to about my situation.
03:37 And I had to say you've been very open, very transparent.
03:41 Your mom passed recently, you know.
03:42 Let's talk about her relationship?
03:44 Yeah, my mom, three years ago was diagnosed
03:48 with stomach cancer
03:49 and they didn't give us too many options
03:52 where my mom being at the time she was diagnosed,
03:55 she was 80 years old.
03:57 But my mom was a fighter.
03:59 And that's what I guess, that's where I get my strength
04:05 from most of the time
04:06 and she fought a good fight for three years
04:09 and it was this past December at the Sunday,
04:16 she had two major, two major strokes
04:21 and a seizure and it got her real weak.
04:24 And she was in the hospital, she was fighting
04:27 and she was paralyzed on her right side,
04:31 and she couldn't talk.
04:34 And I would go see her every day,
04:37 and she will look at me, and she know I was there,
04:40 she squeezed my hand
04:41 but I could tell that she wasn't,
04:44 she didn't like me seeing her in that way and.
04:48 It's just--
04:50 It was just difficult. It was difficult, yeah.
04:52 It's all right. Take your time, take your time.
04:54 When you got the call from your niece.
04:57 She called you.
04:59 And you were sitting in the parking lot.
05:00 You were there but and she had already passed.
05:04 What did that do to you
05:06 that you were not able to be there
05:08 at those last few moments.
05:10 It really hurt and once I finally got enough courage
05:17 to get out of the car and go into the rehab center
05:20 and I went, I stood at the door.
05:23 And I just looked at her and I said,
05:26 "Never in my life that I think that this will happen."
05:30 My mom was so strong,
05:32 and I thought my mom would bury me,
05:34 I thought my mom will be around forever.
05:37 And I just, I went over.
05:39 And I just looked at her and I started crying
05:42 and I was telling her, I need you, I need you.
05:46 Autumn needs you.
05:48 And Autumn is your little girl.
05:50 Autumn is my daughter.
05:51 She loved Autumn. She loved Autumn.
05:52 Okay.
05:54 And I kept saying mom, get up I need you and me,
05:59 I'm the baby.
06:00 I'm the youngest of eight, four boys and four girls.
06:03 And my sisters were there telling me,
06:06 we can't do no more and she's not hurting any more
06:10 and that's the part that I really didn't get
06:14 because I was selfish.
06:16 And I wanted my mom still here.
06:19 Even though it was for the better
06:22 that she is not hurting anymore.
06:25 You know in bereavement counseling
06:26 one of the important aspects of it.
06:28 And we've talked about it in your treatment plan
06:30 and setting goals to get through this
06:33 is not to be in denial.
06:36 And recognizing that she has passed
06:39 and you've been able to say that.
06:41 Can you say that my mom has passed?
06:45 I can say it, but I still don't believe it.
06:53 The other day I was going to sell my our cell phones
06:57 and I'm real upset with myself, I'm just trying to find
07:00 one of my old voice mails from her
07:02 just to hear a voice again because it's been so long.
07:06 And I just want to hear her.
07:08 She used to leave sending me mail, "Hey, it's your mom.
07:10 Give me a call."
07:12 And just, I just want to hear
07:14 one of those messages one more time.
07:17 It's like so much, that I wish I could say it
07:20 those two weeks, what I did say it
07:23 but she couldn't say it back to me
07:25 but she looked at me.
07:26 And I knew she knew how I felt.
07:29 And I know how she felt about me.
07:31 One aspect that coming into counseling.
07:34 You have been a great son.
07:36 You were, you would go buy and get her oatmeal
07:38 and take it to her.
07:39 Every day on your way and you are a police officer
07:44 and recognizing how busy you were,
07:46 but you always took time for your mother.
07:48 But part number, another aspect of the counseling
07:52 being able to get through the denial having no regrets.
07:55 Do you have any regrets with your mom?
07:59 I don't really have any regrets.
08:02 I was there like all my brothers and sisters said
08:05 you was the good son, you did all you could for her
08:08 and she's proud of you.
08:11 That is as to this day it's still hard
08:14 to come to grips with it.
08:16 I've drove in to our house several times.
08:20 And I maybe I parked in the driveway,
08:23 but I can't get out of the car and go in.
08:26 So my mom passed December 19th, 2014
08:30 and I still haven't been in her house.
08:34 And that may be one of our exercise,
08:38 a part of our treatment plan
08:39 that I may have to go with you,
08:41 you know, and help you to go through this process.
08:44 Because it's gonna be crucial that you're able to do this.
08:47 It's been three months,
08:48 and we have to start making certain steps
08:51 in order for you to see the measurement,
08:53 and we talk about zero to ten.
08:55 We talk about it often in our counseling session.
08:58 Where are you with this?
08:59 So, right now with your mom's passing,
09:02 where are you on a scale of zero to ten
09:04 in measurement with your counseling.
09:07 With my counseling I understand maybe a seven.
09:10 Okay, all right, so we're making some progress.
09:12 We're making progress.
09:13 And you're still coming, that's the key.
09:15 A lot of people give up, Donald.
09:17 A lot of people stop coming and you have not,
09:20 so you have to recognize that you are still in this.
09:23 And you're still grieving.
09:25 You just recently lost your mom,
09:26 it's not something that you can get over overnight
09:29 and I'm not trying for you to forget about mom.
09:33 But there are those who are here living with you
09:36 such as Stephanie and Autumn,
09:38 and we have to focus on the living.
09:41 You need to remember all this she gave you,
09:44 all that she put inside of you.
09:46 But at the same time now you must take that
09:49 and be a vessel to do like you do in your job.
09:53 Let's talk about that for a little bit?
09:55 You know, domestic violence, tell us what you do
09:57 for the department of, the police department?
10:00 I've been an investigator dealing with domestic violence
10:04 in the city of Detroit since 2001.
10:10 When citizens make
10:11 domestic violence reports at precincts
10:13 or when police come out.
10:16 They are forwarded to my office.
10:18 And once I receive a report, I contact victims
10:21 and see if they wish to pursuit charges.
10:24 And also give them other avenue such as counseling,
10:29 information on shelters and what not.
10:32 And that's, that's my job basically.
10:36 And you go to court also.
10:37 I'm in court quite a bit.
10:39 You find that women or men change their minds
10:42 and do not want to press charges?
10:45 All the time.
10:46 And you know, it sometimes, it takes me off my square,
10:51 when I really try to help somebody
10:53 and I said, "You reached out.
10:56 I'm here to help you."
10:58 And I get everything going, we show up for court,
11:01 and they have a change of heart.
11:03 Now, what's their reason, what's their answer?
11:06 They apologize,
11:07 they're not going to do it anymore.
11:11 It was a one thing, it was my fault.
11:13 I shouldn't have did this or I shouldn't have did that.
11:16 And then other than take is one incident
11:20 where someone is unfortunately killed
11:22 and we'll have a rush to people want to press charges again
11:26 for maybe a month or two,
11:28 and then it will die down and back to the same thing.
11:32 Okay.
11:33 You know in your counseling process
11:34 is really interesting
11:36 when you started, you came in to deal with relationship.
11:39 Then we had to make a transition
11:41 because mom had passed.
11:43 Dealing with the stress on your job.
11:45 You know, having a little baby,
11:47 how old is your daughter Autumn?
11:49 She is two. All right.
11:50 Let's talk about that, all right.
11:52 Your mom raised you in the church.
11:53 Raised in the church.
11:55 You get involved, you have a relationship,
11:56 you have a child out of marriage, all right.
11:59 You are now dating her mom,
12:02 and now decision has been made to marry.
12:05 All right, are you sure about this decision?
12:08 Yes.
12:09 Marriage is a big step, Donald.
12:11 And we've been talking many months about this.
12:14 And some days you are sure, and some days you're not sure.
12:18 And, you know, I always hold on with my ink pen
12:20 like I'm waiting for that answer.
12:22 Right. So now today, you are sure.
12:25 Tell me why you are sure
12:26 that you are ready to be married?
12:28 It basically goes back to how my mother raised me
12:33 and I know right from wrong
12:35 and I love the young lady that I'm with Stephanie,
12:40 and I also love my daughter.
12:43 And with me, I don't know,
12:46 being having a child later on in life
12:51 I have Autumn when I was 40.
12:54 So, it allowed me to see things,
12:56 I saw things in life.
12:59 And I've done things
13:00 and as well as me and Stephanie,
13:03 we've traveled together
13:04 and it's just got to me
13:10 brought her in my life for a reason,
13:14 especially during a time I lost my mom,
13:17 she was right there by my side.
13:18 She was very supportive. She was.
13:19 Very supportive you know.
13:21 So, let me ask you this in the commitment process.
13:25 What are you committed to, you know,
13:26 not just being a good husband, a good father, you know?
13:30 How does God play a role in your relationship?
13:33 Is it important for you?
13:35 It is important.
13:36 Okay.
13:37 Stephanie has instilled that in me
13:39 and sometimes I don't want to go.
13:44 I'm tired, I'm all day at work.
13:48 And she just will give me a look
13:52 and we don't have to say a word after that
13:54 I get dressed and we go to church.
13:56 So in your relationship recognizing the commitment
14:00 and divorce is not an option here.
14:02 No.
14:04 Divorce is not even going to be an option.
14:06 No, I don't, me personally, I don't believe in that
14:08 and that's why I've never been married
14:10 and I believe when you get married,
14:12 it's forever.
14:14 It's forever.
14:15 Now, seeing and working in domestic violence yourself,
14:18 how do you handle your temper, you know, you have a toddler,
14:22 you are engaged to be married?
14:25 How do you deal with your own communication
14:26 and your personality because you're different?
14:30 It's hard and I mean, dealing with work
14:35 and I'm constantly trying to help people.
14:38 And, you know, I come home and I say,
14:41 well, guess what happened to me today.
14:43 I guess what happen and you know I tried it.
14:46 That was one of my things, I never try to bring work home.
14:51 But sometimes it wears on you real hard
14:54 like the people I really want to help
14:57 and out of the people that I help
15:01 maybe out of ten, maybe two will go all the way.
15:06 We see this thing all the way through trial or circuit court
15:09 and certain scene and what not.
15:11 So, before I'll leave the department,
15:15 I really want to increase that number.
15:18 Yes. Yes.
15:20 How has counseling helped?
15:21 You know, it's not about me, it's God.
15:23 God sent you here to Kim Logan Communication.
15:26 How has counseling helped you?
15:28 Counseling has helped me.
15:30 It has mellowed me.
15:33 It kind of humbled me.
15:34 I mean, because for one,
15:37 I always thought I don't need this.
15:41 If someone goes to counseling, they have issues,
15:44 they've got problems, they're crazy,
15:46 all of the above.
15:48 And it got to a point in my relationship
15:51 where I needed this
15:54 and I don't have no regrets.
15:57 Well, I appreciate that and I know
15:59 that God has received all the glory.
16:02 Where do we go now?
16:03 You know, we've been dealing with mom,
16:05 we're still dealing with the bereavement process
16:09 and your relationship.
16:11 Are you going to receive premarital counseling?
16:13 I am. All right.
16:15 We are. Yes.
16:16 All right, I'm glad to hear that.
16:18 What is the most important aspect
16:22 for your daughter Autumn?
16:23 What are your concerns for her?
16:26 My concerns for her as she gets older
16:30 is to have a strong family around her
16:37 because we're not going to have anymore children,
16:41 and I just want her to see what a close knit family is
16:46 and to know that we're behind her
16:49 and, you know, just, just behind her
16:53 to do great things.
16:55 Tell our viewers what Autumn does at night.
16:58 You know, how she will go through the whole process
17:00 not to go to bed?
17:02 Autumn doesn't want to go to bed at a time,
17:04 so when it's time for bed, we brush her teeth,
17:08 we wash her face, read her a book,
17:12 sometimes two books, say our prayers.
17:15 And she gets in a bed and then she says,
17:18 "Daddy socks off."
17:21 I don't want socks on, so she takes her socks off.
17:24 We lay down,
17:26 "Daddy, nose, I have a nose running."
17:29 So I can never get out of her, I said, "Look Autumn,
17:34 Daddy don't want to sleep on the floor every night."
17:36 You sit right there by her crate, her bed.
17:38 She says, "Daddy down, Daddy, Daddy lay down.
17:41 Daddy lay down," for two years old.
17:43 "Daddy lay down."
17:45 And she'll stick her hand now and say, "Hold Autumn hand."
17:49 Oh, giving orders. Yes.
17:51 And so you find yourself, you know.
17:53 She puts me to sleep.
17:54 She puts you to sleep?
17:55 Yeah.
17:57 Stephanie watches on the monitor and say,
17:58 oh, she just watches you till you go to sleep.
18:01 She will patch her head and she will roll over
18:04 and then she will go sleep.
18:05 'Cause she knows, she knows.
18:06 I love the part when you say, "Going to get cover"
18:08 because she knows, you're not coming back.
18:10 She says, because I don't sleep.
18:13 I've no cover on the floor, she's under the cover,
18:15 that's okay, Autumn, goodnight.
18:16 She says, "Daddy go get cover."
18:19 I say, "Yeah."
18:21 She says, "Okay, Daddy, I love you."
18:22 Oh.
18:24 So, she doesn't know I'm not coming back.
18:25 I know you would be devastated
18:27 if a man put his hands on your daughter.
18:28 Yes.
18:30 And being a police officer and what you see every day
18:33 to the type of person you want her to become,
18:36 and the type of person
18:37 you would like for her to someday date,
18:39 who will honor her and cherish her.
18:41 And that will come from your example, all right.
18:44 When we talk about also your goals,
18:47 your vision for your life.
18:49 What's next for you your vision, you know,
18:52 for your career aspirations for Donald?
18:55 Donald, like to eventually one day get promoted
18:59 to the rank of detective
19:01 which basically what I'm doing now
19:04 but I have a title of police officer.
19:07 I do detective work.
19:09 And our new chief instituted a rank of detective.
19:12 So they're in a process of selecting
19:15 and appointing people for the rank of detective.
19:18 Yes, yes. That's exciting. Yes.
19:21 You know, I know when I first-- When you first came in,
19:23 I ask you do you carry a weapon?
19:24 You say, yes, you do
19:26 and I remember all of for like months I never saw it
19:28 and one day I saw it.
19:30 And you covered it up
19:31 and I was like I felt so safe you know.
19:34 But I know you put your weapon away
19:36 when you're not on duty.
19:38 Have you ever been in a situation
19:39 where you had to use your weapon off duty?
19:43 No, and I'm very thankful of that.
19:45 There has been a couple of occasions
19:50 where I thought something was about to happen, you know.
19:53 It's just your senses of a police officer,
19:55 you just, it's training that always sticks with you.
20:00 You just sense something about to happen
20:02 and luckily it was defused for not mistake him.
20:09 It just so happen to be a squad car in area.
20:11 That was a blessing. Yes.
20:13 Let me suggest why I see us going in counseling.
20:16 Recognizing that in our behavior change,
20:20 you've made certain decisions
20:21 to come to counseling to be able to recognize,
20:25 that your mother has left this earth.
20:29 And now, moving to the point
20:30 where we have to accept her passing.
20:32 We're going to have to maybe take an alley
20:34 to go to the house and be able to walk on that porch.
20:38 Take those steps, so that you can begin to recognize
20:41 and you're not a man who is not afraid to cry,
20:44 I've seen your tears.
20:45 And so, that's a part of your healing.
20:47 The other aspect is being able to work through
20:51 all the things you're doing for your future marriage,
20:55 so that we don't have any relapses.
20:57 And then we will close out.
21:00 I will always be here for you.
21:01 Yes, yeah, okay.
21:03 Yeah, okay, long as you say you will always be there.
21:05 I'll always be.
21:07 Feels so wonderful to have been drawn to you.
21:11 Oh, praise God, Donald. Thank you so much.
21:13 Well listen, our time is over but I just want to thank you,
21:16 I thank you for all your commitment,
21:19 your hard work.
21:20 And I see the measurement from zero to seven,
21:22 so let's keep going, all right.
21:24 Let's keep going. Thank you, Donald.
21:25 God bless you. Thank you.
21:31 And the Bible's says in 2 Chronicles 20:15.
21:36 "For the battle is not mine, it is the Lord."
21:39 Let me say that again, 2 Chronicles 20:15,
21:42 look that up, "For the battle is not mine,
21:45 it is the Lord."
21:47 And when we think about pain that we go through,
21:49 we have to recognize,
21:50 God will not put more on us than what we can bear.
21:53 Amen, Arthur? Amen.
21:55 And I think about Donald
21:57 and all that he has gone through
21:58 and what he went through,
21:59 and how he has to still survive.
22:01 You know, being a police officer,
22:03 every day he has to deal with some type of loss
22:06 and seeing it.
22:07 And I think there was one of the things
22:09 that was really bothering him.
22:12 He was having difficulty separating the two.
22:16 And sometimes when you're going through
22:18 a grieving processes and you're still in a job,
22:21 it could be a little bit taxing you know.
22:23 Most definitely.
22:25 In many cases, I really do believe
22:27 that you definitely need some time off of work,
22:31 especially losing someone
22:33 that's extremely close to you, you know.
22:35 Like losing his mother, you know.
22:37 And again like I said earlier,
22:38 Donald had recently lost his mother.
22:41 And then a few weeks later I lost my mother.
22:44 And it was very difficult coming back
22:46 because I really didn't want to start seeing patients
22:49 or clients again right away.
22:51 And but God said that the battle is not yours,
22:54 Kim, it is mine.
22:55 And so, I called Donald.
22:57 Well, Donald has been calling me.
22:58 I really need a therapy session,
23:00 I really need to see you.
23:01 And I had to really pray, I had to pray, Arthur,
23:04 and to go back into my office, and start seeing clients.
23:08 Then not only that, we see like two or three more people
23:11 who just lost their mother so it made me
23:14 really focus on God's ability to heal.
23:17 And not just wallowing in my own sadness.
23:19 Well, I think with Donald, it was basically, here he is,
23:23 he is in a very difficult position as a police officer,
23:28 and he see people that are going through tragedies
23:32 on a consistent basis.
23:34 And then to separate that, that's extremely difficult.
23:37 Even with you, I mean to the point
23:39 where you have people coming to you
23:41 that may be in grief state of being.
23:45 And yet, you had to acknowledge the fact that you lost someone,
23:51 but you have to move yourself out of the way.
23:53 Now, that's the key.
23:54 You know, are you able to do that and do it successfully.
23:57 All right. All right.
23:58 If you're not able to do it successfully,
24:00 then you're causing more stress,
24:02 then you can go into depression.
24:04 That can really affect your judgment.
24:06 That's a good... that's a very good point.
24:08 I remember one lady came in right after Donald,
24:10 and I was sitting in my office.
24:12 And she began to speak.
24:14 And as I was listening,
24:15 I was doing just like this listening to her.
24:17 She said, "But you don't understand.
24:19 You don't understand, everyone says they understand,
24:21 but you don't understand."
24:23 And I say, "What don't I understand?"
24:24 "You don't know what it feels like to lose your mother."
24:26 And I looked at her.
24:28 And I said, "My mom passed 12 days ago."
24:31 And she just, "Oh, I'm so sorry, Dr. Logan."
24:35 I said, "That's okay you didn't know."
24:36 But I do understand.
24:38 So, that was the tool I was able to use to help her
24:41 because going through it myself same thing with Donald
24:45 helping him not only recognize
24:47 but not to isolate himself is very important
24:50 is that this is a very important solution
24:54 that we have to look at.
24:55 Don't isolate yourself as you're going through
24:58 the grief process because it's easy to just cut everyone off.
25:01 Well, once again we're talking about isolation,
25:04 and we're also talking about being able to recognize,
25:08 it is not just that easy.
25:10 You may not be able to see what's going on in your life.
25:14 You know, you may be struggling
25:15 and think that you're still productive
25:17 and you're not really productive
25:19 but you have people around you,
25:20 they have noticed that there's a difference
25:23 in the things that you do.
25:25 So, I mean, it was really important
25:29 that Donald made the decision,
25:31 you know, to discuss the situation with you,
25:34 even though he originally came to you for another reason.
25:37 That's right.
25:39 And that the death of his mom occurred
25:41 while he was in therapy.
25:43 But yet, he allowed himself to release the information.
25:47 Yes, he was very transparent and wanted the help.
25:50 He cried many times.
25:52 You know, crying is healthy, it's good, it's healing.
25:55 God gave us tears to release our pain.
25:58 Another solution, Arthur, in dealing with grief.
26:00 Well, I think basically, it's to have a support system.
26:04 Excellent, excellent.
26:05 You know, and that's really important too,
26:07 whether it be the church or somebody that's really close to
26:11 that can offer you some legitimate support.
26:14 We're not talking about somebody that,
26:16 you know, that say they understand.
26:18 But really they're really tied up
26:21 with what's going on in their own life
26:22 and they really can't really listen to you.
26:26 Okay, I understand the grief that you may be experiencing.
26:29 So you have to be careful and pick
26:31 the right support system,
26:32 a support system that's going to allow you
26:35 to feel like somebody else is really caring
26:38 about what's going on in your life.
26:40 And there's no better support system than God.
26:43 Seeking the Holy Spirit, again seeking
26:45 first the kingdom of God in all His righteousness,
26:48 and all things shall be added.
26:49 I want to read this scripture to you.
26:51 You have your Bibles with you right now.
26:54 Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the thoughts
26:58 that I think toward you, saith Jehovah,
27:02 thoughts of peace, and not evil,
27:04 to give you hope in the latter end."
27:06 God wants nothing but the best.
27:08 I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin.
27:10 I'm Arthur Nowlin.
27:11 God bless.


Revised 2016-04-21