Making it Work

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Arthur Nowlin & Kim Logan-Nowlin (Host), Chaplain Porsche


Series Code: MIW

Program Code: MIW000055A

10:02 Right, right, right. You know.
10:04 So, yes, so I am...
10:06 I always tell them that I am their Queen
10:09 and I am their first example
10:10 of what a virtuous woman should be
10:12 and so I have to model myself after the Proverbs 31:1
10:15 and so they will see
10:17 what they are supposed to expect from a woman.
10:19 How she is supposed to talk, how she is supposed to walk,
10:21 how she is supposed to talk sweetly to them.
10:23 Yeah.
10:25 How she is supposed to just operate always in love.
10:26 Yes. And then caring for them. Absolutely.
10:29 They respect you. Absolutely.
10:31 Have they ever stepped out of the line with you?
10:34 Absolutely. If they did, what would you do?
10:36 What would you do? You know what?
10:38 I love them, my boys a lot,
10:39 but I also knew when to get with them,
10:43 you know, I would say,
10:45 I really had to spank my oldest one
10:49 and my youngest one maybe two or three times
10:51 throughout their entire life, which was a good thing.
10:54 My middle one was my--
10:55 one that wanted to test me a little bit, just to see.
10:57 Come on, the thorn in the side. Yeah, yeah.
10:59 But he is the sweetest, he loves on me.
11:02 He will send me text messages throughout the day,
11:03 just checking in on you girl.
11:05 He thinks I'm his girlfriend.
11:07 That's the way, I'm checking on you girl,
11:09 you know, and so--
11:10 but he is a sweetheart, I love my boys.
11:11 Are they here in Michigan area? Yes, they are.
11:13 Yes, they are. That's beautiful.
11:15 Now you are divorced. Yes, ma'am.
11:16 You went through a difficult divorce,
11:17 but yet God brought you through it.
11:19 Absolutely. And I'm waiting on my new boys.
11:21 You better say it. Amen.
11:23 He is coming, I dreamed about him last night.
11:24 No, you didn't. Yes, I did.
11:26 God kind of showed me some things, some examples,
11:28 and I'm like, I don't know was the real thing,
11:30 but he was just giving me hope.
11:31 And you want that blessing and hope.
11:33 So you are looking forward to remarry?
11:35 I look forward to get married.
11:36 A companionship. Yes, absolutely.
11:37 And we never had that opportunity.
11:40 Give us a little bit of your understanding
11:43 what people are in need of?
11:44 We see Detroit come back and it's turning around,
11:47 where is the hurt, the pain in our city,
11:50 in our world?
11:51 Absolutely, you know, there are so many people
11:53 who are just out there, they are lost.
11:55 There are lot of people who are just lost
11:57 because they've not had hope.
11:59 But speaking of the city of Detroit,
12:00 I think there is an opportunity for us to be the comeback city.
12:04 Comeback city.
12:05 I am so excited about what I am seeing
12:07 and it was almost as if when,
12:10 Mike Duggan became the mayor of the city of Detroit.
12:13 There were so many people that were standing on the outside,
12:16 it's almost like it was a line here
12:17 waiting for that campaign to be complete.
12:21 And when they announced
12:22 that he was the mayor of the city of Detroit,
12:24 it was almost like a switch went on and everybody said,
12:26 all right let's go, let's move forward,
12:28 let's do this thing.
12:29 And so over, it's been less than a year,
12:31 but you can just see, you can just feel the passion,
12:34 the feel, the unity,
12:37 the vibration of a city singing,
12:39 "We are coming back. We are coming back."
12:40 And so, I am just excited to be a Detroiter.
12:42 Recently sold my family home and moved downtown Detroit
12:46 and I'm loving, you know, the apartment life.
12:47 You downtown? I'm downtown now.
12:49 Okay, I will come visit. So I am loving it.
12:53 Oh, my goodness!
12:54 Everything is going on,
12:56 we're gonna have the festival soon.
12:57 And all of that, you know, eat and greets and everything.
13:00 You know, let's talk a little bit
13:02 about your relationship
13:03 with your colleagues in the hospital?
13:09 You know, when men see you and they are also chaplains,
13:14 you know, your colleagues,
13:15 how are you treated as a female?
13:17 Absolutely, actually with a lot of respect,
13:20 because there are lot of times
13:21 when you'll have a female patient
13:23 that doesn't necessarily want a male coming into the room.
13:27 And because I consider myself to be a inter-faith chaplain
13:31 because I respect the various denominations of individuals
13:34 that come into the hospital and so a lot of times
13:37 what I'll do is, I'll ask them,
13:38 if they would like for me to come and visit them
13:40 or if I can put them in contact with their pastor
13:43 or with their rabbi or with their priest.
13:45 And so, we give them options,
13:46 because I don't want to have anyone
13:48 to come into the hospital and they feel that,
13:50 I'm their only options,
13:51 some of the other chaplains are their only options
13:53 in the hospital and so.
13:54 I am treated with a lot of respect
13:56 because people will say to me, you know,
13:57 Porsche somebody may want to see you
13:59 or I need your support,
14:00 I need your resources, can you help me?
14:03 That's Excellent.
14:04 You recently took a trip to Japan,
14:07 tell us about that?
14:08 Well, I had an opportunity to go there
14:10 initially as an armor-bearer
14:12 and just to be an assistant
14:14 to another sister in the ministry,
14:15 who asked me to come and participate
14:18 and it was a wonderful experience
14:20 because, even before I got there,
14:21 someone else had backed out and so they are supposed to go,
14:25 they had an emergency in their family,
14:26 which opened up a door of opportunity for me,
14:28 so as I began to converse with the person who was,
14:31 you know the overseer, you know, of the trip,
14:34 she began to ask me, what else do you do?
14:37 And I began to share with her my talents and skills
14:39 that I've been blessed with
14:40 and she said, wow, that's interesting.
14:42 She says, I want you to bring a word.
14:44 So I said okay, I'll be ready and I'll bring that word.
14:46 And so, I also have been blessed
14:48 to be able to do going through school
14:51 to become a healing touch therapist.
14:52 So I was able to have that experience
14:55 when I was there.
14:56 Did a little bit of singing
14:58 and I did little bit of liturgical dancing,
15:01 you know, when I was there as well
15:02 and so just ministering to the woman that were there.
15:05 Some of them were actually in the military,
15:06 some of them were military wives
15:08 and some of them were women who just,
15:10 actually just live there in the various cities
15:14 that we had an opportunity to visit with.
15:17 The hurt has no color line. Absolutely.
15:20 The pain has no color line. Absolutely.
15:23 People are hurting everywhere. Everywhere.
15:25 And we need to be able to reach them
15:27 and God has already promised that He will open up a window,
15:30 you won't have room enough to see.
15:33 And so as we continue to minister
15:34 and even having you here today,
15:36 ministering to thousands who will view this program.
15:40 To help them understand
15:41 that their vision or dreams don't have to die.
15:44 Why is that women--
15:46 And I know not just women but men,
15:48 but what is the cause for people
15:50 to give up on their dreams, you know?
15:52 You know what, I think sometimes
15:53 we surround ourselves by negative people
15:56 and we don't really listen or take that opportunity
16:00 just to step back and shut those naysayers
16:03 and those dream killers down and saying,
16:06 you know, I know what I am supposed to do,
16:07 I have to find my purpose
16:08 and I'm gonna walk in this purpose
16:10 and I'm gonna be on purpose with my purpose.
16:12 Come on now.
16:13 So, I just truly believe
16:15 that if we begin to surround ourselves
16:18 with like minded individuals.
16:20 And uplift each other and encourage each other,
16:22 then those individuals that are coming across our path
16:25 that are trying to hold us back and saying,
16:27 you will never be able to do that,
16:28 we need to be able to draw the line and just say,
16:30 you know what, this time I'll offer this relationship.
16:32 There is a season for everything
16:34 and your season is complete.
16:35 Thank you so much
16:36 and escort them out of our lives.
16:38 Come on now.
16:39 That takes me to you coming into my life.
16:41 Yes.
16:42 You were referred to me as a patient
16:45 and when I got the call from you,
16:47 and I said, she's a chaplain.
16:49 Not to say chaplains and pastors
16:51 don't need some encouragement--
16:53 And they need to step out and unload sometimes, you know.
16:57 Absolutely. Absolutely.
16:58 But what brought you to Kim Logan Counseling?
17:01 Well, you know, as I said before--
17:04 Normally I have group of other ministers,
17:06 sisters that will support me on my journey,
17:09 but it had gotten to a point
17:10 where I was a little overwhelmed.
17:12 You know, sometimes when people are constantly coming to you
17:14 for help and assistance
17:16 and the phone was just constantly ringing,
17:18 I just didn't know when to just shut the phone off.
17:20 I always sleep with my cell phone right next to me
17:22 so people know that they can call me at anytime,
17:23 text me anytime.
17:25 I made myself basically too available.
17:27 And so with being too available,
17:29 I began to feel some pain in myself,
17:33 meaning that, I wasn't really going through anything
17:36 that was bringing me down,
17:37 but I just felt as if I needed some support myself.
17:41 You know, helping me just to know when to draw that line,
17:44 so by coming to you
17:46 and talking some things out with you,
17:48 it really, really helped me
17:49 to get through that little journey,
17:52 that little door that I needed to go through
17:54 in order to be able to do everything
17:56 that I have been purposed here to do.
17:58 And also being able to realize some things
18:00 that were going on in my life that I did not know
18:01 were going on,
18:03 you would help me to open up and see those things as well.
18:06 And I saw you opened up to it, I know.
18:08 At first, not like you were putting a barrier,
18:11 but I was like had to process in a very unique manner,
18:15 because of the work that you do and coming spiritual,
18:19 this is why the Bible says
18:20 to study to show thyself approved.
18:23 A workman that need not be ashamed,
18:24 rightly dividing the word of truth.
18:26 Because I can't come to you in ministering and healing
18:31 if I don't stand on the word of God.
18:33 And each time we minister each other,
18:35 we weren't pulling out our Bibles,
18:37 we were ministering.
18:38 Because the Bible says, if you put it inside of you,
18:41 he will bring all things back to your remembrance.
18:44 And this is why a lot of people don't want--
18:46 they don't want to study the word of God.
18:48 And because the word of God is gonna change.
18:49 Absolutely.
18:51 It will position you, I have a new book called
18:53 "Planning, Positioning and Purpose."
18:56 So when you understand,
18:58 again, your plan and my husband just talked about,
19:00 do you have a plan for your life?
19:02 And then God will position you with that plan
19:05 and then give you your purpose.
19:07 Absolutely, I love it. But people want to skip over.
19:09 You know, all the planning part of it.
19:13 I want to say to you how important it is
19:16 that you recognize that timeout.
19:19 That you understand that, I'm gonna have this timeout.
19:22 I'm gonna take care of me. So, what do you do for you?
19:25 Well, you know what?
19:27 It's funny that you brought up that word "position"
19:29 because when I'm ministering, I'm always telling people
19:30 you have to in position
19:32 to receive whatever it is God is trying to give you.
19:34 I said, you know, I like to use sports
19:36 because I love sports.
19:37 'cause that's one of the things that I do to keep myself going.
19:40 Going to football games, basketball games, do baseball
19:44 and I would like to workout,
19:45 I love yoga, the whole nine yards,
19:47 so with that being said,
19:48 is I always say like for example,
19:50 when a basketball player
19:52 is in the process of receiving the ball,
19:54 he has to get in position to be able to receive it
19:56 form his partner, Or with, with one of his--
20:00 His teammates. Teammates, there you are.
20:02 His teammates in order to receive,
20:03 same thing with the football, you know,
20:05 you just can't have your hands out like this,
20:06 just expecting that the ball is gonna come in hands,
20:08 you got to be in a position, a certain position
20:10 that you will be able to receive the ball, right?
20:12 That's right.
20:13 So that's the same thing when God is giving us a word
20:15 or He is giving us some direction, some clarity,
20:17 we have to be in a position
20:19 where we're still or we're quiet,
20:21 we're shutting down everybody else
20:22 other than His voice to be able to hear
20:25 specifically what we are supposed to hear from Him.
20:27 Yes. You know, so.
20:28 See, I got to learn that in my marriage,
20:30 you know, I tend to just go add it.
20:33 You know, I got to learn to position myself.
20:34 Absolutely, for the blessed,
20:36 for the good things, give him away--
20:37 Come on, I'm trying to keep by boy as I like.
20:41 No one get, but I think,
20:43 I just sometimes get on his lass,
20:45 you know but that's life.
20:46 That's life. You are human. I'm human.
20:48 You know, he knows, I'm not perfect,
20:51 you know, sometimes, me may think we are low,
20:53 you know, are not perfect but I know I'm not
20:56 because I'm God's vessel.
20:57 That's right.
20:58 In our closing thoughts, you know,
21:00 what can you say to individuals about counseling
21:04 and care counseling, court counseling,
21:06 what can you say?
21:08 Well, one of the things I would like to say is,
21:09 that the caregiver, there are so many people
21:11 that are out there that are caregivers.
21:13 Caregivers have to make sure
21:16 that they take care of themselves,
21:17 because I see so many people who are caregivers
21:20 that come into various institutions
21:22 who are so busy taking care of their loved ones
21:24 or their significant others or their children,
21:26 that they don't take time out to care for themselves
21:30 and go get help and reach out to someone
21:32 to be able to sit down and have a conversation
21:33 with like yourself to be able to say,
21:35 you know what, I am about to lose it here,
21:38 I don't know which way to go, I need some clarity,
21:40 I need some direction, I, basically the bottom-line,
21:42 I need help.
21:43 Yes, yes.
21:44 And knowing when you get to that point.
21:46 Matter of fact even before you get to that point
21:48 to have some continuous conversation
21:50 with someone that can help you on your journey.
21:52 Amen.
21:54 Well, I want to thank you 'cause truly
21:55 you just helped today,
21:57 and I want to take me some me time this week from me.
22:00 Take a nice bubble bath. Take a bubble bath.
22:01 Relaxation, put your music on. Yeah.
22:03 Music, candles. And praise God.
22:06 Well listen, I thank you and I love you
22:08 I love you too.
22:09 God bless you, Chaplain Porsche.
22:11 Thank you, it's been a pleasure.
22:12 Arthur, when we talk about being God's instrument,
22:15 Chaplain Porsche really broke some things down.
22:18 Let's look at some of the issues
22:19 she was dealing with the stress alone.
22:21 What does stress do to someone on a job like that?
22:25 Well, especially by her being a female and a chaplain,
22:29 not to say that she is the only one.
22:32 I just think sometimes
22:34 it creates little extra difficulty
22:38 and when she is trying to extend herself,
22:41 'cause I think she even mentioned
22:42 going to some of the hospital rooms,
22:45 they didn't even want to see her.
22:46 Right.
22:48 They didn't want her to come in.
22:49 They wanted a male chaplain.
22:50 Yeah.
22:52 And you know, and to me
22:53 that can be a really, really a burden.
22:56 So that's a stress that really is unacceptable,
23:00 but living in the times we are, we are in now,
23:04 we can understand
23:06 that some people are just not progressive enough.
23:09 That's a good term "progressive enough."
23:11 So she is dealing with the stress.
23:13 What about her recognizing her boundaries?
23:15 How important is that in her role?
23:17 Well, I think that was one situation
23:20 where she had to realize what her boundaries are,
23:24 you know.
23:25 She had to move forward to accept the fact
23:29 that even though some people may not want her in the room
23:34 that instead of her becoming depressed or stressed,
23:39 she had to accept that fact and move on
23:42 and deal with someone else that may be willing to have her
23:46 and to demonstrate her abilities.
23:49 I know one of the things that
23:50 she always talks to me about was,
23:52 by being a chaplain, but she said,
23:53 I had to look to the Lord, who is coming for my help.
23:57 My help coming from the Lord.
23:58 Yes, that's right.
24:00 And we have to remember that as God's people,
24:02 His children, that He is there for us,
24:04 He never said it was going to be easy,
24:06 it's gonna be difficult days
24:08 but He would be there to see us through
24:11 and I know that,
24:12 that's who Chaplain Porsche dependent on,
24:15 truly her Lord and Savior.
24:17 That's really important and that's the good scripture.
24:19 I think what even comes to mind
24:23 as you were speaking about that is,
24:26 once again we are talking about dealing with issues,
24:29 we are talking about dealing with stress
24:31 and we are talking about someone
24:33 that may have difficulties,
24:35 because you are given a position,
24:39 you are placed in this authority
24:42 and now because of your gender,
24:46 you are rejected,
24:48 that's something difficult to deal with,
24:50 but that's when she has to rely on her faith.
24:53 Yes.
24:54 You know, and rely on what she has been taught.
24:57 Yeah.
24:58 Because she may not be able to please men.
25:00 That's right.
25:02 You know, but as long as she continues to believe
25:06 that she is doing what God has for her to do,
25:09 that's the most important thing,
25:10 that's the motivation.
25:12 That is motivating and we as God's people.
25:15 Again she has to recognize her stress that she was under,
25:18 realize her boundaries, rely on God
25:21 and also look at how God was moving her.
25:24 She was still motivated to do the work of God.
25:26 Yes, and that's really important.
25:28 You can't allow yourself to get so down
25:31 that you think that something is wrong with you.
25:33 Right.
25:34 That's the time that you really have to believe
25:37 that God is directing your path.
25:38 Did you begin questioning
25:40 and then not accepting who you are
25:43 and what God is doing in your life
25:44 and doubting God, the Bible says in Hebrews 11:1
25:48 "Faith is the substance of things hope for
25:51 and things, and evidence of things not seen,"
25:54 but in verse 6, that's the verse I love the most
25:57 and it says, "God is a rewarder of them
26:00 that diligently seek him."
26:02 So you have to please God.
26:03 You can't worry about pleasing men.
26:06 You have to look at pleasing God.
26:07 But once again, you know,
26:09 this is when you have to be trained
26:13 to rely on that,
26:14 you have to accept that through my faith,
26:17 I'm gonna get through any of the trails,
26:19 the difficulties, whatever I may be facing
26:22 and then be encouraging
26:25 especially as a chaplain in the hospital,
26:27 you have to be encouraging to someone
26:30 that may not want you in the hospital.
26:33 Well, we want you to stay encouraged
26:35 and we want you to say motivated
26:37 and know that God is with you.
26:38 I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin.
26:40 And I'm Arthur Nowlin.
26:42 God bless.


Revised 2016-04-11