Making it Work

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Arthur Nowlin & Kim Logan-Nowlin (Host), Darryl & Heather Dixon


Series Code: MIW

Program Code: MIW000053A

00:31 Hi, I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin.
00:34 I'm Arthur Nowlin.
00:35 And welcome, to making it work.
00:37 Arthur, connected by love.
00:41 I always feel connected to you.
00:43 But do I ever smother you, or you need your space?
00:46 Well, sometimes you do, Kim,
00:47 but it's okay, I've gotten used to it.
00:49 Wait, wait, wait, how do I smother you?
00:52 Yeah, you know.
00:53 There's this thing you, the honey do list.
00:57 Okay. Okay, honey do list.
00:58 And sometimes it could be a little bit.
00:59 It could be a little bit long. It could be a little bit long.
01:01 I mean especially after coming
01:02 from a rough day on a golf course.
01:04 Oh, yes.
01:05 Okay, so that honey do list gets longer and longer
01:08 because you did 18 hours.
01:10 Now, can you imagine?
01:12 Now, I'm talking connected by love.
01:13 Can you imagine?
01:15 Nine holes on the golf course.
01:16 Then it turns to 18, then it's 27?
01:18 Well, Kim.
01:20 They only do is 27 is a rarity, 18 is standard.
01:22 Oh, really?
01:24 But you should understand that,
01:25 I mean you've been with me long enough to know
01:27 that I'm going to do 18.
01:28 That's true and I didn't know.
01:29 So, why do you pile on extra stuff?
01:33 On my honey do list? Yes.
01:34 'Cause I'm connected by love.
01:36 I just need to make sure that those things get done
01:39 and it makes me feel good when we do them together.
01:41 And I understand.
01:43 I guess that's why I try to extend myself to you
01:46 to show that I'm connected by love as well.
01:48 Connected.
01:49 Well, what's some of the things
01:51 that helps couple to stay connected?
01:53 Doing things together, you know.
01:56 You know, I think it's really important
01:58 when couples do find equal medium
02:01 and they enjoy being with each other.
02:04 Okay, almost like a happy medium.
02:05 Yeah. All right.
02:07 So looking at the importance of prayer,
02:10 praying together.
02:11 Man, that's, that's always added pleasure.
02:16 You know, to be able to pray with each other.
02:19 You can get, you can even get excited about it.
02:21 Oh, definitely.
02:23 And what about studying the word of God together.
02:24 That also.
02:26 You know, the Bible says,
02:27 "Study to show thy self approve,
02:29 a workman that need not be ashamed
02:31 rightly dividing the word of truth."
02:33 Well, we are going to talk to two lovely people.
02:37 And we want to welcome Darryl and Heather,
02:41 connected by love.
02:43 And today's society is so hard to stay connected.
02:47 But we know that Darryl and Heather
02:50 have stayed connected in their marriage by love.
02:56 Darryl and Heather Dixon,
02:59 it's so good to have you back here.
03:01 Thanks for having us. Thank you.
03:02 Let's talk about relationship.
03:04 Let's talk about your relationship,
03:06 committed to love.
03:08 Since the last time we saw you, you were engaged to be married.
03:11 You are blended family.
03:12 Some new things have happened.
03:14 Tell us about what's going on in the Dixon family?
03:19 Well, we, we have a new addition to the family.
03:25 My youngest daughter, her name is Maven.
03:28 And so, since she has been here,
03:33 a lot of things have changed and--
03:38 But I would say that it's been, it's getting better
03:43 and it's been better
03:46 just having, you know, those changes.
03:50 Okay, let's back up a minute.
03:52 You got married.
03:53 When did you get married?
03:55 We got married November 11, 2011.
03:58 And 2011, and the baby was born.
04:00 Yeah.
04:01 And then now, what is different now?
04:03 You've been in the household versus when you were engaged.
04:07 You're there now every day,
04:08 you know, raising two children, married, responsibilities.
04:12 What is different now?
04:15 I don't think there's a big difference
04:18 in relation, relational wise
04:21 but what is different is time management,
04:28 and having, having a new addition to the family.
04:32 The time, we have to use our time more wisely.
04:35 And it's not a whole lot of it, because she consumes
04:39 a lot of my time and Heather's time, so.
04:44 When we talk about connected to love,
04:46 or connected by love, Heather.
04:48 How are you now more connected to Darryl,
04:50 now that you're married to him?
04:52 Well, I feel like Darryl and I
04:54 have been to the battlefield and back.
04:57 In the first four months of our marriage,
05:00 both of us ended up in the hospital
05:02 and he was diagnosed
05:04 with a major life threatening illness
05:08 and I think that
05:10 probably brought us closer very quickly.
05:16 It's, it was a huge adjustment.
05:20 You know, and you know a lot of people are saying,
05:24 "Oh you know, why are you staying with him,
05:27 you know, there is too much too soon,
05:31 it's too much too soon.
05:32 But like I said, you know, it was like a battlefield
05:36 and going to war together and coming out alive,
05:41 you know, really brought us closer.
05:43 One of the things that I was thinking about
05:46 especially when you were talking, you said,
05:48 "It was getting better."
05:50 You know, can you give me some insight.
05:52 What exactly did you mean it was getting better?
05:55 Well, I think with what Heather is saying
05:58 when, when we first--
06:00 a lot of the problems that happened
06:03 in the earlier stages of our relationship,
06:05 we didn't anticipate.
06:07 And so, after we got married
06:11 and you know, these things started happening.
06:14 It begin to affect, you know, the relationship
06:18 and probably, probably more than, than we knew.
06:25 You know, but we're just living life
06:26 and trying to make everything work.
06:29 But psychologically, there's things that's happening
06:32 that I'm dealing with, that she's not always aware of
06:35 and vice versa with her, you know.
06:39 And, you know, not even just in our relationship,
06:42 but she deals with a lot of stuff at work too
06:45 that I don't, that she doesn't always talk about.
06:48 I'm out there with things also.
06:51 And I think it all, it all gets mixed in there.
06:56 And then you throw a baby in on top of that.
06:59 And, you know, now we have to be concerned about
07:02 her needs, you know, she gets sick, she's angry.
07:06 And at the same time, see I'm used to having time
07:12 to do what I need to do and a lot of stuff that I do,
07:14 I make a lot of phone calls
07:16 and do a lot of stuff in my free time.
07:19 Well, that free time is no longer there.
07:22 And so, for me emotionally it's kind of hard
07:25 because I feel like, okay, I'm being thrown
07:27 into the position of being sort of like the house mom.
07:31 Whereas before, I'm making phone calls
07:34 and I'm doing stuff, you know.
07:36 But it's been, it's been tough but the thing that I,
07:40 that I would say is that...
07:45 I'm not complaining about that, you know, and I'm not,
07:48 I'm not dishearted to say that, this is too hard,
07:53 I don't want to do this, I want a way out.
07:55 I know that God perfects everything in due season.
07:59 And so, we just you know, some things you have to tough,
08:03 you know make it rough and tough through it
08:06 and just keep going.
08:07 But it sounds like it's like weighing on you.
08:12 You know, just in the conversation
08:14 the way you express yourself.
08:16 Well, that's life.
08:17 You know, so let me ask you.
08:19 He's talking about stress and eustress.
08:21 You know, eustress is a positive stressful thing,
08:24 like we bought a house.
08:26 We had a baby.
08:27 Those are positive things,
08:28 you know, new additions to our life.
08:30 But it comes with stress on its own
08:32 and there's an adjustment period.
08:34 So, what are some of those challenges
08:36 did that you're facing today.
08:38 We're talking about things getting better.
08:40 So, what's going on today,
08:43 you know, besides just a baby for both.
08:46 Well, I've been dealing with a lot of stuff concerning,
08:50 what's really been weighing on me
08:52 is a lot of stuff dealing with my music.
08:57 And, and just today
09:01 I just got affiliated with,
09:04 with HFA which is Harry Fox Agency.
09:08 You can't get paid for writers
09:12 unless you have a publishing company.
09:14 And out of all the years that I've been writing,
09:17 I never signed a publishing deal.
09:20 So, from 2004 until now, all of that publishing
09:26 that I've wrote before it all those years
09:29 has to sit in collections,
09:32 so I've been talking to record companies in China
09:35 and, but the record companies don't really have any answers
09:39 because record companies only, they pay publishers.
09:42 But you still have to have a publishing place,
09:44 so I went out and started my own publishing company.
09:47 So that I could get connected to Harry Fox
09:49 and now, all of that publishing can come back to me.
09:52 So, how as and Heather, you've been a therapist.
09:56 How do you step outside of that domain
09:59 and be able to support each other.
10:01 How do you will communicate about the stresses,
10:04 about the overall in and out of the relationship?
10:07 How do you communicate?
10:08 How do you do that?
10:10 Several times a day, I pray. Yes.
10:14 About how to address certain things.
10:17 Darryl's brother died last year.
10:20 His oldest daughter had a baby.
10:23 And I know that, he's going through a lot.
10:26 And he is, he's my nanny, he stays at home with the baby.
10:30 So, I can keep working.
10:32 You know, and I know that he has a lot of responsibility.
10:35 So, I really focus on trying to be sensitive to his needs
10:40 and understanding where he is on a day to day basis
10:43 so I can kind of pick up on his tone.
10:45 You know, eye contact, if he goes into his man cave.
10:49 And he's got a music room downstairs,
10:51 so if he is in the music room
10:53 and the amp is on ten or whatever
10:57 and he's, he's rocking out to his guitar
11:00 then I know this, I'm going to give him his time.
11:03 It's important to recognize the signs.
11:07 You know, he's got subtle signs he might not even know,
11:11 you know.
11:12 Now, it's a good time to talk about certain things
11:14 and now, is you know, let's put it on home time.
11:17 Picking your battles, knowing when to pick those battles.
11:20 Yes.
11:21 You know, how does God plays a role in your relationship,
11:24 you know, this overall impact
11:26 of spirituality in your lives together?
11:29 I would say work
11:32 and I'll just mention this to my wife
11:35 yesterday I believe that I realize
11:40 the value of staying connected to God in prayer
11:44 and just be insensitive and aware of his presence.
11:50 And when I do that personally
11:53 it, it,
11:57 he, he controls
12:01 my outlook on things.
12:04 And is, is it's kind of hard to explain
12:07 but I'm more patient and I'm more sensitive,
12:10 when I'm close to him.
12:12 Oh, yes.
12:13 And, it affects the way I treat her,
12:15 and I actually took notice of that.
12:17 You know, and God is,
12:22 He is the center of everything
12:24 and especially, you know, in our relationship,
12:27 I think you know he is, we got to have him.
12:30 So, when you say, when you're close to God.
12:36 Are you also saying then, then there's a period
12:39 where you are challenged to the point where you know?
12:43 I think, I think...
12:48 I think there are times when it's not
12:51 that God is not always first in my life,
12:54 but I think that there's a time
12:55 whether it's through busyness or through whatever
12:59 that, that sometimes
13:01 He's not in the forefront of our minds,
13:03 and we're just going about
13:04 our daily lives and doing stuff.
13:06 And it's almost like we lose a sense
13:09 that He is there, even though He said,
13:11 "He would never leave us nor forsake us."
13:13 But we become distracted by the things of the world,
13:16 and things that are going on in our lives.
13:19 And you know, I'll say my life, I make it personal and--
13:24 But God always,
13:28 He's always that still small voice,
13:31 you know, and usually for me,
13:33 it happens when I turn everything off,
13:36 and when my wife and children are asleep.
13:38 And sometimes I'm just up,
13:40 sometimes I'm playing my guitar.
13:42 And I'll just sense his presence.
13:44 And it literally breaks me down,
13:46 I'll sometimes I'll just tear up
13:48 for no reason at all,
13:49 because I know that He's that close to me.
13:51 Heather, you said that there were,
13:54 there were times when you can read your husband
13:58 and determine what's going on with him,
14:00 you know, and how to approach him.
14:04 How do you maintain that communication with him
14:09 especially when you recognize that there is some difficulties
14:13 that may be existed, you now,
14:14 he may be dealing with some personal stressors
14:17 whatever, wherever it may be happening.
14:19 Sometimes, I'm just quiet.
14:21 And I give him time to really center himself
14:26 to figure out where he is,
14:28 because I've found that if I come at him
14:31 at certain times,
14:32 if he's not ready, it's a disaster.
14:34 You know, and where we're yelling
14:36 and, you know, going in separate directions.
14:40 I know eye contact even tone.
14:43 You know, making sure that we,
14:46 I guess keep our cool especially around the children.
14:50 How long did it take you to recognize, that
14:52 I mean you've been married now for three years, right?
14:55 We're still working on it.
14:56 Okay, it's important you know because it's not,
15:00 it's not something that just happens.
15:03 No, no, and we've actually called in third party help.
15:08 I'm a therapist
15:10 and I'm not afraid of counselors, you know,
15:11 I'm not afraid of asking for help when we need it.
15:14 And especially after we had the baby,
15:17 we're tired and we never planned to have a baby.
15:20 You know,
15:22 that wasn't in our plan in the big scope of things.
15:25 So, we never talked about infancy
15:29 and you know raising in discipline
15:32 and because Ryan was older.
15:34 You know, and it was, it was easier with him,
15:36 because he was already established.
15:38 But it's really interesting to find out,
15:40 you know how different we are.
15:43 And even how, he was raised and how I was raised.
15:45 Like I like, I put posters on the wall.
15:47 Like I go to the Teacher store and I put posters on the way,
15:50 I have all these little words,
15:51 these sight words that I put up.
15:53 He is still like, "What are you doing?
15:58 You know, so there was an adjustment there
16:00 but if we keep our finger on the pulse
16:05 of each other's hearts, you know, it works out better.
16:09 I like that keeping yourself connected to the pulse
16:12 of the heart.
16:14 Heather, let me ask you a question,
16:15 your me time, you, you know, where is your time?
16:18 At work. At work?
16:19 Yes. That's where you escape.
16:21 Yes, I've been blessed with a job
16:24 that I really enjoy.
16:26 And I do have downtime at work.
16:30 And I have my Sabbath school lesson.
16:32 In my desk at work, I keep my Bible there.
16:35 When I'm at home I do worship with the children.
16:39 So, I'm reading,
16:41 you know, Jr. Early Teen devotional,
16:42 I'm reading the Toddler devotional,
16:45 we're singing baby songs
16:46 or whatever but when I actually get
16:49 to connect with God in my own time
16:51 is when I'm in the office, I close my door.
16:54 You know, and that's when I have my me time.
16:56 Because, when I come home,
16:57 he is so tired having to work with a baby all day,
16:59 his hands are off.
17:00 I fix dinner and then go to bed.
17:02 So my question is
17:04 with the me time for the couple, the relationship.
17:07 Where do you all get rejuvenate your life,
17:09 your marriage, your love, your sexuality,
17:12 where does it come in?
17:13 Come on top.
17:15 We used to have date night,
17:16 but that's not really on the agenda anymore.
17:21 It's there somewhere.
17:22 But we laugh and joke a lot.
17:25 Lean in bed, being silly.
17:28 All right. All right.
17:29 And then you both are musicians,
17:31 you know, so that, is there a time
17:33 where you both can possibly get on the same page.
17:38 It's almost like a challenge we're going to know,
17:40 so you have those musician differences.
17:43 He gives me a hard time
17:45 because musically he doesn't like
17:47 to practice with me.
17:49 I thought you were playing my guitar today.
17:50 I did play your guitar today.
17:54 Yes. Okay. But, he doesn't.
17:57 He doesn't like to rehearse that much with me.
18:02 Well, that bring to me another question today.
18:05 Let's look at drive.
18:06 As far as you're driving your husband's drive,
18:09 you know, are you saying that your drive is more motivating,
18:14 more intense than your husband's?
18:17 It depends on what you're talking about.
18:19 Because he is very passionate.
18:21 Okay. Just differences.
18:23 And he's a, he's a musician.
18:24 so he's very sensitive, he feels things deeply
18:27 and he's very opinionated, you know.
18:30 And I think for her music
18:33 is something that she loves to do.
18:34 For me, it's my bread and butter.
18:37 So, when I do it, it's a whole different dynamic.
18:40 You know, in terms of intensity and...
18:45 But I'm thankful, I'm glad that she is.
18:47 So, are you more critical because of that,
18:50 because you're looking in.
18:51 I'm not critical because I understand that
18:53 different people are on different levels
18:55 and I accept that.
18:57 You know, I don't, I don't challenge her
18:59 to be as intense as I am,
19:01 because she don't have too,
19:03 she's a psychologist.
19:04 You know, I'm a professional musician.
19:08 That's what I do so.
19:09 But one thing I will say about our relationship.
19:15 I don't always see how things are working between us.
19:21 But when I look at the results of our lives,
19:25 and what we're actually doing together.
19:27 I can see it from, when I stand back and look.
19:31 You know, when we got, when we were dating,
19:33 I was legally blind.
19:36 And I wasn't driving,
19:37 I haven't driven for more almost six years,
19:39 while we were dating.
19:41 I think, I remember you talking to me
19:42 about that once.
19:43 And now, you know, I had a surgery
19:45 so I can see now.
19:46 I'm driving, I got my license
19:47 and you know, we,
19:49 we own our own house, you know.
19:52 We have a brand new child,
19:53 so I can see how God is adding on to us,
19:56 even in the midst of the tribulations
19:59 and the trials and the struggle.
20:01 There are still good things that are happening within that.
20:04 And you don't always,
20:06 you do always appreciate it but I love my wife dearly.
20:11 And I appreciate everything that she is.
20:14 And, I'm not supposed to look at you all.
20:18 But, I really do she, she, she is everything to me.
20:22 You're a blended family though, right?
20:25 You know, so, what are some of the challenges with that?
20:28 I think the challenge is including everybody.
20:32 Sometimes it's, sometimes we don't think
20:34 about my daughter is that her living with,
20:38 you know, living out in Canton,
20:40 living with their parents.
20:42 And sometimes, it may not be as much as guilt on her
20:45 as it is for me.
20:46 But I think about them when sometimes when,
20:49 when you know, me and Maven and Ryan go out to eat.
20:55 And we're enjoying each other, I think about you know,
20:58 where are my other children,
20:59 I feel like I'm investing a lot of time into them
21:02 and not in my other children
21:03 and we've actually talked about that.
21:06 And I let them know, look, we think,
21:08 everything that I do include all of my children
21:11 even if you don't see it right away,
21:13 you're going to benefit from it.
21:15 And it includes all of you.
21:16 Listen, we want to thank you both for being a part
21:19 of making it work once again and connected by love.
21:24 Truly this has been a journey and the journey will continue.
21:27 And the legacy now through your children,
21:30 through your grandchild, through your music,
21:32 through you work.
21:34 God has truly blessed you both and I just want to say,
21:37 how proud I am of you.
21:38 I have known you both for very long time.
21:40 Arthur and I, and we will continue to allow
21:44 this relationship to grow.
21:45 We want to thank you for being a part
21:47 of making it work.
21:48 Thank you for having us. God bless.
21:50 God bless.
21:53 Arthur, that was a wonderful interview.
21:56 Heather and Darryl have gone through
21:58 a lot of experience in life.
21:59 Let's talk about some of the issues
22:02 of the interview.
22:03 They are a blended family being able to adjust,
22:07 they recently had a new baby girl.
22:09 Yeah.
22:10 And also Darryl's relationship with his son.
22:13 So, let's talk about some of the things
22:15 that you and I observed doing this interview.
22:18 Well, you know I guess
22:20 well, it was really impressive to me
22:22 was the fact that Darryl seems
22:24 really committed to the relationship.
22:27 Okay.
22:30 Once again, being in a blended family environment,
22:33 it takes a lot of work
22:35 and it's really important that you accept the fact
22:39 that this child is not a stepchild,
22:42 it's your child.
22:44 I have a saying how many steps do I have
22:46 to take for their child to be mine.
22:48 So, we need to get rid of the labels,
22:50 stepchild, stepmother, stepfather,
22:53 we are a blended family.
22:54 We're family. And Darryl accepted that.
22:58 But, you know, another thing that was
23:00 really impressive to me is Heather
23:03 and how she assisted Darryl in dealing with
23:06 his debilitating disease that he had.
23:09 I mean he was going through a really dramatic situation
23:14 and she helped him through that.
23:15 And that was right after they were married.
23:17 Absolutely you know.
23:19 Can you imagine being a new bride,
23:21 and you're expecting things to go one way
23:23 and things go another way.
23:24 And you have to allow the Holy Spirit to help you
23:27 to be able to step in
23:29 and be that perfect person, or that good person.
23:32 Because no one is perfect but God.
23:34 You know, but even in that,
23:37 you can see that it was a trying situation,
23:41 and it really caused
23:42 both of them to really dig down deep.
23:45 And to really try to be supportive
23:48 of the whole situation that had occurred,
23:51 it came out of nowhere, boom, you know.
23:53 So, being in support of, of course always first of all,
23:56 we have to seek God's will.
23:58 "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God.
24:00 And all things will be added onto thee."
24:01 Then of course,
24:03 praying without ceasing as a relationship.
24:05 But the support that needs to be shown,
24:07 and not separating the fact that
24:09 we are both parents in this relationship.
24:11 Where Darryl cannot discipline his son,
24:14 and no, Heather saying, "I will take care of that."
24:17 But he says, "I am a part of this family.
24:20 So, we work together."
24:21 Because there was a concern at one point.
24:24 But now, they have a new addition to the family.
24:28 So that even, that connection even grows even more.
24:32 And they're excited, you know.
24:34 But I think what's really important
24:36 is another thing is that they both have recognized
24:40 they have a talent.
24:43 They are creative, and they work together.
24:45 And they really both of them are excited,
24:49 and they write, they sing, they play.
24:52 Yes. So, that's another connection.
24:54 And there's no competition.
24:56 You know in some marriages,
24:57 it's like, I'm in competition with you,
24:58 but why are we in competition shouldn't we be a team,
25:02 you know, and that's a concept, that's a solution.
25:04 We must think like a team, act like a team,
25:07 work like a team.
25:08 And be a team for God.
25:10 And it's working on being equally yoked,
25:14 even though you may not be equally yoked
25:15 when you come into a relationship,
25:17 you know, there's a lot of things
25:19 that can enhance your relationship.
25:23 You know, work on being equally yoked,
25:26 finding things that's going to make you stay together.
25:29 Now, you know another thing I want to add is that when.
25:33 I have a weakness, you help me, you hold me up.
25:36 And when you're weak, I hold you up.
25:38 And so, we compliment one another you know,
25:41 I think complimenting
25:43 one another is a definite solution to say that
25:46 I don't have to wait for someone else
25:47 to pat me on the back.
25:48 I'm going to encourage you, I'm going to strengthen you,
25:51 I'm going to help you, I'm going to pray for you.
25:53 I'm going to be there for you and be by your side.
25:57 So, as we look at the relationship
25:59 between Darryl and Heather,
26:00 we have the commitment.
26:02 Yes.
26:03 We have prayer, we have seeking God
26:06 on a consistent basis.
26:07 So, you can't just pray to God every now and then.
26:10 It means communicating with God
26:12 on a daily basis two to three times,
26:14 four times a day.
26:16 Absolutely and that's really something
26:17 that you have to understand.
26:19 And like you said, the commitment has to be there,
26:22 and that's waking up in the morning
26:23 and praying together,
26:25 praying together, throughout the day,
26:26 praying together in evening.
26:29 That helps you because,
26:31 even though you may have some disagreements,
26:33 there's a way out.
26:34 You can recognize that through the disagreements
26:38 that we may have
26:39 but if we pray, and we support each other,
26:42 we can overcome these things.
26:44 You know, I think what's important also
26:45 is to be kind, be nice, be sensitive.
26:49 You know, support one another through
26:51 the way you greet each other.
26:53 In the morning, just greeting each other
26:55 helps you to have a better day.
26:57 And you want to come home that evening
27:00 to greet that person.
27:01 Well, I am excited what God is doing
27:03 for Darryl and Heather and their beautiful children.
27:06 And what is coming next for them.
27:09 Great ministries are ahead.
27:11 I'm excited to come,
27:12 because I think God has done a great thing for you.
27:15 But he has made me your life soul.
27:19 I'm excited that
27:20 Arthur is in my life and I'm in his life.
27:23 Well, I'm Dr Kim Logan-Nowlin. I'm Arthur Nowlin.
27:25 And thank you for joining us on making it work. God bless.


Revised 2016-04-04