Making it Work

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Arthur Nowlin & Kim Logan-Nowlin (Host), Jeff & Pam Logan


Series Code: MIW

Program Code: MIW000052A

00:30 Hi, I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin. I'm Arthur Nowlin.
00:33 And welcome to Making it Work.
00:36 Arthur, I'm so excited, we get to talk about marriage.
00:39 You know, when you think about marriage what comes to mind?
00:42 Work, Kim. A lot of work.
00:43 A lot of work.
00:45 I've heard you say before that divorce is easy
00:47 but marriage takes work.
00:49 What are some things that has to be done to make it work?
00:52 Developing a method of communication
00:54 is important to me.
00:56 Always. Always. Yes.
00:57 And also we are dealing
00:58 with different types of personalities.
01:00 Absolutely.
01:01 And do you think that family origin plays into that?
01:04 It's definitely issue. Okay.
01:08 So today we want to welcome Jeff and Pam
01:11 and we want to look at marriage,
01:14 even on stresses, even in a loving marriage
01:18 because it takes love to make it work.
01:22 Jeff and Pam Logan,
01:24 it's so great to have you on our show.
01:26 You know, actually we've been really, really anticipating
01:30 that you have some wonderful things
01:31 to enlighten us because you left Detroit for a while
01:35 and went to Chicago and, you know,
01:38 I don't know of any other places
01:39 that you may have ventured off to
01:41 but we missed you and now you're back.
01:43 You know, so give us some insight
01:45 on what really brought you back to this area?
01:48 Well, the automotive industry of which,
01:53 you know, I'm a part is a kind of cyclical business
01:57 and from time to time
02:02 in automotive there be a downturn
02:06 and a manufacture will layoff, publications type.
02:10 And publications people can be out of work,
02:14 you know, from time to time.
02:17 You don't do Chicago without a job.
02:21 You come back home. Yes, you do.
02:23 So it was kind of difficult
02:25 as far as finding employment there?
02:27 Well, I have four grandchildren also
02:31 and it was an opportunity in that sense to get back home
02:36 and spend some time with the grandchildren.
02:39 So we did really two things.
02:43 You know, we came home to be with our family
02:46 and our friends but we came home,
02:48 you know, to spend some time with those four little people.
02:51 So, yes, yes, yes. Yes.
02:52 So, Pam, how did that affect you
02:54 as far as making a transition away
02:58 and then making a transition back?
02:59 Well, this is actually the second time.
03:02 We went to Akron for five years
03:04 and then we came back to Detroit.
03:06 Then we went to Chicago for three years
03:08 now we are back.
03:09 So, you know, I go wherever he goes.
03:12 That's so beautiful. Yes.
03:13 One year we had to, he lived--
03:15 he had an apartment in Fort Wayne for a year
03:18 and I had to see him on the weekends.
03:20 And then Akron I would only see him in the weekends
03:23 for five years.
03:25 So--
03:26 For five years you did? Yes, five years.
03:28 I was a traveler. Okay.
03:30 So I would leave the house on Monday morning
03:32 and be gone all week staying in hotels
03:35 and then make my way back home Friday afternoon.
03:39 And that's just how the job worked.
03:42 I had like 30 dealerships what I would stop
03:46 and I was a factory rep for these dealers.
03:49 So I was, I got home, you know, as often as I could.
03:53 So we had a great time on the weekends.
03:55 I have his favorite food cooked and have his clothes all washed
03:59 and put in the drawers, iron and hang in the closet.
04:03 And best foods that he wanted.
04:05 We had a good time on the weekend
04:06 but it was, you know,
04:08 it was sometimes it was starting to get old, you know.
04:10 Okay.
04:11 It took, did it take a toll on you eventually,
04:14 you know, with him gone?
04:16 It was five years, that's a lot of time.
04:17 Yeah. And me just with the children.
04:20 Yeah, that was a long time
04:21 and during that time as matter of fact when we moved
04:25 we both had problems with health.
04:28 I was diagnose with lupus shortly after we moved to Akron
04:32 and that was difficult because I had,
04:39 you know, issues with fatigue
04:41 and didn't have him there to help out.
04:44 You know, I was really on my own during the week.
04:46 Okay.
04:47 And girls were kind of little then.
04:49 Yeah, girls, the youngest one was five
04:52 and then Sharon would have been nine.
04:54 What is lupus?
04:56 It's an autoimmune disease that...
05:02 affects mostly women during childbearing years
05:05 and its, well, your body doesn't recognize self
05:10 and it attacks different organs.
05:13 And when?
05:16 It was like 30 years before went into remission
05:19 and now, I was in remission and I'm out of it again.
05:23 So it goes back and forth. Back and forth.
05:26 But Jeff is very, very, supportive.
05:29 A lot of lupus patients end up getting divorces
05:34 because to have a wife heal all those years it's hard.
05:40 But Jeff was always supportive. Sometimes too much.
05:44 He would get into bed with me rather than help me,
05:48 rather than do laundry.
05:50 Oh, okay.
05:52 I would want him to go do something
05:54 but he want to lie right next to me so he did.
05:58 Well, what were your concerns, you fears, Jeff?
06:02 You know, I've never really talked about my fears.
06:06 Lupus is a type of thing that has no cure.
06:10 And the way the symptoms play out
06:16 is your body devours itself and then you die.
06:22 And so there are moments that you have together
06:28 when you really just want to hear
06:32 what's on her mind, you know.
06:33 Here's a woman who suffers literally all the time
06:38 and sometimes she is in pain and she is not saying anything.
06:43 Sometimes she just feels fatigued
06:46 and she can't move or get up or do anything
06:49 and it has the effect of like the pressure on her
06:55 and I want, I want to respond,
07:00 I want to hear how she is feeling.
07:02 I want to do what she needs but you don't know
07:09 if you're not there when she says it.
07:12 So I just,
07:15 I don't know I follow her pretty closely sometimes
07:21 moving around the house just to,
07:24 you know, see what she's up to, what she is thinking.
07:27 Let me ask you this question and excuse us friend,
07:31 but it was just burning in my mind.
07:33 You know, are you angry, you know, about what transpire?
07:40 No.
07:42 Life is not fair and I know,
07:48 I had some health issues of my own
07:54 and I don't know where they came from.
07:56 I never smoked or, you know, drank
07:59 or anything like that and I lost a lung.
08:03 In Akron. Yes.
08:04 You had known? Yes. Yes.
08:06 He almost died in Akron.
08:07 So I don't know where that came from either.
08:11 It's like either you trust Jesus
08:15 or you don't and if you do
08:18 what are you gonna be mad about?
08:20 So did that make your faith stronger?
08:22 I think it did. I think it did.
08:26 Particularly because of the way I came out of that.
08:30 I had struggled for three years and had two surgeries
08:35 where they spilt you around the middle
08:38 and, you know, they--
08:40 Operate those lungs.
08:41 Operate on the lung but...
08:44 the second time it wasn't successful either.
08:50 I still had this low grade fever
08:53 that just followed me around.
08:54 It was terrible. And couldn't get rid of it.
08:59 Couldn't shake it and I was underweight
09:02 and I remember just sitting in the bed
09:06 and I prayed a simple prayer.
09:09 Because I was done with surgery.
09:11 I wasn't gonna let them cut me anymore and--
09:14 He had pneumonia for the third time.
09:18 I coughed and...
09:22 this calcified lymph node
09:26 popped up out of my lung on to a napkin
09:31 and that was it, that was it.
09:33 But before that--
09:34 Everything behind that was infection and stuff
09:36 and all of that came out and I was--
09:39 I have been good ever since.
09:40 That was it? That was it.
09:41 But his prayer was this, "Lord, what can you do for me?"
09:47 And he coughed shortly after saying that
09:50 and the obstructer came up.
09:52 It sure did. And that was it.
09:53 He hasn't had a problem with that since.
09:55 So when the doctors went in
09:56 they couldn't get that obstruction out of you?
09:58 Well, they didn't know it was.
10:00 It was at the lower part of his lung in the back
10:04 and they kept scoping him and they could never see it.
10:06 What? Yeah.
10:08 They X-rayed it, they scoped it.
10:11 They did everything except MRI
10:13 because I don't know they didn't do MRI
10:16 but there it was biggest day
10:19 and I saved it for the, in a little pill bottle
10:25 and gave it to him when he came in.
10:27 I said, "I'm good. I'm all right now."
10:30 And he said, "What do you mean?"
10:31 I showed him my little trophy there
10:33 and he look at that and he said,
10:36 "Wow, I've never seen anything like this before."
10:40 But literally came right up out of my mouth.
10:43 I was coughing
10:45 and the whole abscess just collapsed
10:49 and I was good within hours after that.
10:52 The fever went away. That was good to go.
10:55 No problem since.
10:57 I get out the next day didn't it?
10:58 I go get out the next day. Everything you do.
11:01 Yeah. Yeah, they let me out.
11:02 But I was actually thinking
11:04 that I was gonna have a funeral in Akron
11:06 and ship his body here and have another funeral.
11:08 You already planning it? Yes.
11:10 Because he said, I'm not gonna let them operate again
11:13 and he had pneumonia for the third time.
11:15 He was not responding to the antibiotics.
11:20 So...
11:24 And instead of a funeral we had a celebration of life.
11:29 You know, how do you explain
11:32 or express your love for each other?
11:35 How would, you know,
11:36 tell someone about your love for each other?
11:39 Well, the way I show him that I love him
11:42 like I tell my grandchildren is what I do for you.
11:45 So I spoiled him.
11:47 I really do and he calls his drawers,
11:51 magic drawers because they are always full.
11:56 So I plan from the very beginning to spoil him
12:00 and I did.
12:01 You know--
12:02 Wait a minute. Wait a minute. You go ahead.
12:05 I tried at once, you know, where he came home
12:08 I was expecting a baby right, our last baby Aaron
12:11 and he said, he had a vision and I was lying in the bed.
12:14 I said, I need to do something. I'm eight months pregnant.
12:17 I said, oh, I'm gonna pull everything in his closet,
12:20 I'm gonna do with the drawers
12:22 but it look like SAKS Fifth Avenue.
12:24 He said, when he walked up the steps he said,
12:25 I knew you were in my closet.
12:29 And I, and I'm eight months pregnant
12:31 doing all these things.
12:32 Now ask me did I get spoiled by that
12:35 because I mean, that was a one time,
12:37 one time event and nothing else happened after that.
12:41 No spoiling or--
12:43 He got a baby, you know.
12:46 So let me ask you this, you know,
12:48 in spoiling him, you know,
12:51 do you in turn spoil your wife as a reciprocated to her?
12:57 I feel very happy. Yeah.
13:00 I suppose to say I don't know quite with it.
13:03 Looks like I watch her, I'm attentive.
13:07 I try to see things that she needs.
13:10 I try to get things for her that she likes.
13:17 I maintain her car meticulously
13:20 so that she never has trouble with it.
13:22 We have own cars so,
13:24 you know, its necessary to pay attention to them
13:28 so that they stay reliable.
13:29 You put gas in her tank? I do.
13:32 Sometimes. I do.
13:33 I do it all the time.
13:36 When was last time you put some gas in my tank?
13:38 Right before I went to Orlando.
13:40 You did. He did.
13:41 Prior to that it was 20 years ago.
13:44 You know, they forget. They forget.
13:47 They won't forget.
13:48 Though I remind him, you know,
13:50 whatever I think he is not doing I'll tell him.
13:54 Really?
13:55 She doesn't think if it is nagging?
13:57 She does nagging?
13:58 Because you know what,
14:00 she has so many different little things
14:02 that she needs help with.
14:06 If she goes out in the cold her hands will--
14:11 I have Raynaud's. Yeah.
14:13 So, so I want to--
14:15 What are Raynaud's? I want t o pump the gas.
14:17 I want to keep her warm.
14:18 Like it chills the arteries constrict
14:22 and the blood won't flow.
14:23 Yes. Really? Yeah, so, yeah.
14:25 And I have five of my elders to do so.
14:27 I'm exhausted and I have a lot of pain with that.
14:30 She is a little, she is, you know,
14:33 those little ceramic plants
14:36 that they have that are real fragile.
14:37 You take it over and it will break.
14:39 This is how I have to follow her around
14:42 and make sure that she doesn't break.
14:43 Some days he wants to try make me stop
14:45 but the days when I do that for energy
14:47 I want to do everything.
14:49 So there are days
14:51 when it's just become very difficult, you know.
14:55 Yeah, you have to stay in the bed
14:56 or sit in a chair all day not move.
15:00 Okay, I may ask a question.
15:01 In 38 years you've never had a disagreement?
15:05 We have never had a major falling out
15:07 and you have seven-eight year marriage
15:09 you have this time of adjustment.
15:12 We didn't have it. No, we didn't.
15:14 We like two pieces of a pot.
15:17 Yeah. Yeah, but I--
15:19 Can I start following you around in your way?
15:22 That would drive me crazy.
15:23 I go for golf with you.
15:25 No.
15:28 Well, you asked that.
15:30 Okay, I'll drive the little cart for you.
15:33 No. No. I'll go with you.
15:34 You can drive me to the cart of course.
15:38 You know, so no major? No.
15:40 In front of the children because you know,
15:42 you hear about couples arguing in front of their children
15:46 and, you know, how to resolve that.
15:48 So never, you know--
15:50 Well, we go to the mall--
15:51 My kids are so easily embarrassed.
15:54 So we have the disagreement in the mall.
15:55 They will say, "Ah, you two."
15:59 And then, you know, they want to both scatter
16:01 and we just, you know,
16:03 discuss or approach to it something like that.
16:05 But no, we haven't, we haven't had a,
16:07 we haven't had a hard time.
16:09 You know, what I find interesting,
16:10 when we are in church, you know,
16:11 and I'm proud to say that,
16:13 you know, we're members together
16:15 but when Elder Logan is on the roster
16:19 I will see him look at you.
16:21 Oh, when I turn around doing some part of the service
16:23 I will catch him looking at you
16:25 and it's just so beautiful and romantic
16:28 because even in the house of God
16:31 you can see the love.
16:32 And this is why I wanted you on the program
16:35 because it's genuine
16:37 and that's I'll never seen since the day I met you all.
16:39 But I have-- I think you receive it more than that.
16:42 I think yes, there is love and sensitivity
16:47 but I also think that
16:49 going through some difficult times together,
16:52 the trials and the tribulations, you know,
16:54 that creates a certain bond
16:57 that lot of people never achieve in their lives.
17:01 You know, and you both had
17:03 gone through some very difficult times.
17:05 Yeah, we did it.
17:06 You know, so that draws you to even more close.
17:10 Even the way you talk,
17:11 you know, there is a sensitivity and a respect
17:15 that I see for each other.
17:17 Now that's the key for lot of marriages
17:20 and a lot of relationships
17:22 is if you have respect for each other
17:25 then all the residence stuff is like you keyed into it.
17:30 You know, I prayed for a husband
17:35 that will love Jesus more than me
17:37 and then be second
17:38 and that's what He gave me.
17:40 He gave me great guy.
17:41 It's the easiest thing in the world
17:43 to love this man
17:45 and you see he is so kind
17:47 and he cares about everybody, he is giving.
17:51 I mean, it's easy.
17:52 I try to Kim that only time I mean--
17:53 When did you try tell me?
17:55 When did you try tell me?
17:56 You didn't hear describe me?
18:01 You know what, and obvious he is very kind,
18:03 he is very loving and giving, you know,
18:05 he brings Chinese home
18:06 because he can't really, he is not a gourmet chef.
18:09 But I do know that we've learned some things
18:14 just through observation.
18:15 I think Arthur is right.
18:17 A lot of couples don't know how to weather the storm
18:20 and they give up.
18:21 And as he was saying
18:23 there are many divorces with couples
18:24 suffering from lupus or any type
18:26 then they will walk away from it.
18:28 You know, Arthur was saying divorce is easy,
18:30 you know, marriage takes work.
18:33 And this is a lot of work, you know.
18:35 What do you love about each other?
18:37 What do you really like?
18:39 Are you friends?
18:40 Oh, yeah. Yeah.
18:41 That's why-- That's why you invited me.
18:43 Yeah, definitely.
18:44 We do not want to take it for granted.
18:45 I want to ask.
18:47 But they have been talking the whole show
18:48 and they said they were loving and kind.
18:50 I mean, doesn't that make, okay, I will do.
18:52 Do you know what, you're feeling some pain?
18:55 You know, when you work together
18:56 I'd follow him around.
18:57 But what do you,
18:59 what thing you like about each other?
19:01 I just like the kind of person that he is.
19:04 Pam can, she can anticipate
19:09 things that I need.
19:14 Sometimes it's desperation
19:17 because she will look past
19:22 what I'm doing to what I mean to be doing.
19:26 And she will, she actually remind me
19:30 about something that I didn't do
19:32 and I know that she reminds me because I got a great memory
19:37 but I've gotten even better forgetter.
19:39 So she will remind me of stuff that she knows I meant to do
19:44 and--
19:45 Well, sometimes I nag him
19:47 because I'm trying to pull out of him
19:54 where I'm trying to get it.
19:55 He takes the long time to say something.
19:56 She's a little girl. She's a little girl.
19:58 And I want to get to the point.
19:59 And sometimes, you know,
20:01 I wanted to remind him of things
20:02 so I'm asking him all of these questions
20:04 to help him remember
20:05 what he is suppose to doing and stay away.
20:08 Sometimes he its nagging to him.
20:12 It's nagging. Yeah.
20:13 Well, listen already we are out of time
20:16 and you are gonna comeback.
20:17 Will you do that for us? Yes.
20:18 Okay. We got to do another segment.
20:20 So we want to thank you for being on our program.
20:22 Jeff and Pam Logan, endless love.
20:25 God bless you. God bless.
20:26 Thank you. Amen.
20:29 Arthur, that was a wonderful interview.
20:32 Jeff and Pam were excellent.
20:33 And so transparent. Yeah.
20:35 And that's so,
20:36 that's so important in our relationship today.
20:38 Arthur, let's talk about some of the things
20:40 they were dealing with, you know,
20:42 transition in employment, her health issues with lupus
20:46 and just being helpful around the house
20:48 because, you know, being able to get husbands
20:53 to clean the house and getting them involved.
20:55 I don't know about you viewing audience
20:57 its difficult to get Arthur to pick up a broom.
20:59 I tell you, all right.
21:01 You have to go there.
21:02 I just had to go there, all right.
21:04 But how do we begin to help our couples
21:07 and understanding the stressors even in our loving marriage.
21:10 Where is the misconnections?
21:11 Well, I think one of the things that was really important is
21:14 Jeff and Pam recognized that.
21:16 It was absolutely necessary
21:18 that they develop their relationship
21:19 with the Lord.
21:21 You know, through prayer they felt motivated
21:24 that they would get through
21:25 and Jeff and Pam has always been at a point
21:30 where they wanted people to recognize
21:32 that their relationship with God
21:35 is a foundation, you know.
21:37 So that's one thing that's essential.
21:39 And the Bible says "pray without ceasing."
21:42 Absolutely. All right.
21:44 So prayer is our first solution.
21:45 We've got to include God in every step of the way.
21:48 And I want to ask the question,
21:50 do you start your day with prayer as a couple?
21:53 Do you call each other throughout the day,
21:55 even texting a prayer and then coming home
21:58 having family worship together and having prayer together?
22:02 Because sometimes we get, you know, get distracted
22:05 but we cannot forget about the Lord.
22:07 Number two, what can we do?
22:09 I think you really have to recognize
22:12 what the problem really is, you know.
22:14 Because you can't address the problem
22:15 you don't know what it is.
22:17 You don't know what the problem is
22:18 and then we are talking about spinning your wills.
22:21 So its really important that you understand,
22:23 if you have a lack of communication,
22:25 if there are some issues that need to be discussed
22:28 but unfortunately there is anger
22:30 that's preventing you
22:31 from really getting to those issues
22:33 then once again you need to have
22:35 some understanding of how to accomplish that goal.
22:39 You know, the Bible says in 2 Chronicles 7:14,
22:43 "If my people, would humble themselves
22:45 and pray and seek my face."
22:48 Now that's something that Jeff did.
22:50 He humbled himself to help his wife
22:52 even around the house with the chores.
22:55 And we always say the three issues of marriage is
22:58 communication, finance and responsibilities
23:02 within the household, all right.
23:05 And he humbled himself to help her.
23:06 But Jeff it was not difficult for him, you know.
23:10 And why wasn't it difficult for him?
23:12 Is because of his personality.
23:14 Jeff was committed and that's a third thing
23:18 that needs to be brought out, commitment.
23:20 Commitment.
23:21 He needs to really recognize a person
23:24 that's having some negative experience
23:28 they must understand
23:29 that commitment is going to be very important.
23:32 And then you need to take action
23:34 and whatever is required for you
23:36 to improve the situation.
23:38 Okay, so I can recognize what the problem is
23:41 but at the same time if I don't move forward
23:44 because the Bible said, "Faith is dead without works."
23:47 So if I'm not moving forward is just doing nothing.
23:50 I'm not making any progress.
23:52 So now I take then say action steps.
23:54 You have to understand, I have to do something.
23:57 And unfortunately a lot of times
24:00 when people are going through some real difficult times
24:03 in their relationship
24:05 then they fail to really exhibit
24:07 some method of change, you know.
24:10 I need to change my behavior
24:13 and they become stagnant in a relationship.
24:15 So they become a changed agent.
24:17 Yes. All right.
24:18 Making sure that I'm responsible for this.
24:20 I've got to hold myself accountable.
24:22 Most important.
24:23 So accountability can definitely
24:25 be a solution holding myself.
24:26 You know, and not just demonstrate silence
24:30 and hoping that the issue will go away.
24:33 If I don't really address, I don't pay any attention
24:36 just go and anticipate, this won't go away but its not.
24:39 And we just walking past each other
24:41 and not addressing the issues
24:43 and now we are no longer husband and wife,
24:44 husband and wife
24:46 but we are strangers living together.
24:47 Well, see Pam and Jeff they continue
24:50 to show their commitment towards each other.
24:52 They willing to work on it.
24:54 Though and don't forget about their children.
24:56 You know, even now you could see
24:58 how their commitment,
25:00 their spirit, their relationship
25:02 is even brought out in a way that they have children.
25:05 And they have grandchildren.
25:06 And they have grandchildren to present themselves.
25:08 Oh, definitely.
25:10 I think that crucial aspect or part of their relation
25:14 they love each other.
25:15 The love is genuine.
25:17 And they understand what family really means.
25:19 You know, what is the essence of family?
25:22 How do we really, really demonstrate that?
25:25 And that's what we are.
25:26 We need to recognize that family.
25:29 Without family there is nothing.
25:31 So support. Absolutely.
25:32 You need to be a support to each other.
25:34 I think in marriage and being married to you,
25:36 Arthur, being able to show support,
25:39 showing understanding, showing love, sensitivity.
25:42 Why is sensitivity so important
25:44 or can be a crucial solution in marriage?
25:46 The way you say things,
25:48 the way you use your nonverbal cues
25:52 is really important
25:53 because even though if you don't speak
25:56 but if you demonstrate anger by rolling your eyes
26:00 or turning away or not giving contact
26:04 in a respectful manner.
26:06 Then that can be irritating.
26:08 You know, its like I'm trying to talk to you
26:10 and you're trying to read something
26:11 or you're reading newspaper
26:13 and you are not even giving me the eye contact that I need.
26:16 Eye contact lets me know that you care,
26:18 you're concerned and you're in tuned.
26:20 I think being in tuned with your spouse
26:24 and in your marriage is crucial
26:25 and being able to relate to them
26:27 and being able to understand how they are proceeding.
26:30 So, you know, be mindful of your tone,
26:33 take it down a notch, be mindful.
26:35 Listening is crucial in a healthy, loving marriage.
26:39 And I think that understanding how to listen,
26:42 everyone doesn't know how to listen.
26:44 Listening along with once again the ability to recognize
26:49 where the problem exists
26:51 and making a commitment to change the problem.
26:55 Say it to yourself,
26:56 "I'm going to make a difference.
26:58 I'm not going to be the same."
27:00 And that means that you are taking a action.
27:03 You want to do something different.
27:05 You want to improve the situation
27:06 and so you are not just gonna let something continuing
27:10 to hover over your relationship
27:12 and prevent you from having a good marriage.
27:15 Having a good marriage.
27:16 Well, listen I like that and I just hope and pray
27:19 that these solutions will help you.
27:21 I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin. I'm Arthur Nowlin.
27:24 And thank you for joining us on Making It Work.
27:27 God bless.


Revised 2016-04-04