Making it Work

Knowing Your Boundaries

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Arthur Nowlin (Host), Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin (Host), Tricia Wynn


Series Code: MIW

Program Code: MIW000051A

00:01 Hi, I'm Dr. Kim Logan Nowlin. And I'm Arthur Nowlin.
00:03 And welcome to Making it Work.
00:37 You know, Arthur when you think about
00:39 in today's society being single, being celibate,
00:44 being a woman, being a pastor.
00:48 What comes to mind? A lot of work.
00:50 What do you mean?
00:52 Well, basically you're covering so many different areas.
00:56 And when we break it down, we're talking about a pastor
01:01 being single and being female, that's a lot of discipline.
01:06 Because I would think that a female pastor
01:10 would have to go through some difficulties
01:13 as far as people respecting her
01:17 and looking at her as a shepherd.
01:21 So you're saying the challenges that are presented to her
01:24 and the things that she has to face,
01:25 but in our society, we have pastors
01:27 who have fallen from grace.
01:28 Absolutely. You know, the adultery.
01:31 The marriages and issues the Church,
01:35 the stealing, theft, but there's a lot of things.
01:38 You're right, the eyes are on the shepherd.
01:40 Absolutely. And it's so important.
01:42 Well, we have a very special guest for you today.
01:45 And I can call her my friend, my dear friend.
01:48 But she's the only female pastor
01:53 in the Lake Region Conference
01:55 at the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
01:57 Once again, the Lake Region Conference
01:58 is one of the conferences
02:00 within the North American division
02:02 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
02:04 We would like to welcome Pastor Tricia Wynn.
02:06 Welcome to Making it Work. Well, thank you.
02:08 I'm very happy to be here.
02:10 Oh, we are excited. My goodness.
02:13 Well, listen, we want to hear the whole story.
02:16 How it all began
02:18 and what brought you to Lake Region?
02:20 Tell our viewers your testimony, your story.
02:23 Well, my story can be summarized by saying,
02:26 hearing, praying, seeking and then following.
02:34 You know, you ask me what's my story,
02:36 how did I end up where I am right now.
02:38 And I think that summarizes it.
02:42 I didn't have a dream of becoming a pastor.
02:45 I didn't think, you know, I would ever be a pastor.
02:49 I had my own intentions for my life,
02:51 because it's my life, right? Yeah, that's right.
02:53 I was going to do
02:54 what I needed to do with my life.
02:56 I was trained, I was raised to get a profession or a trade,
03:00 do well in school, study very hard
03:02 so that you have options,
03:03 so you'll be able to sustain yourself.
03:05 Be financially stable.
03:06 And so I went into life thinking,
03:09 "Okay, let me do my best and do what I needed to do."
03:12 I hear the common theme,
03:14 so I went to-- I did my best in high school.
03:16 Did very well, honor roll, you know,
03:19 student body president,
03:21 and I could go into any university I wanted to.
03:25 But then, through a series of events
03:28 and divine intervention,
03:29 God led me to go to Andrew's University.
03:31 But when I went, I went to study physical therapy.
03:34 What? Yeah, of course.
03:36 Because I wanted a profession that was in the health field
03:39 and that would give me the flexibility
03:41 to have a family one day.
03:42 Okay. All right. All right.
03:44 And so off I went
03:45 'cause, you know, this is my dream after all.
03:49 While I was in Andrew's I was involved with the BSCF,
03:51 that's the Black Student Christian Form.
03:53 I was religious vice in my sophomore year.
03:57 And put a tent on campus, had a great tent
04:00 evangelistic meeting with a couple very well--
04:04 pastors are doing very well right now in their ministries.
04:07 And I didn't know what God had in mind for me.
04:11 You know, got accepted in the physical therapy program.
04:14 Did that, enjoyed it. Became class chaplain.
04:21 Didn't know what God had in mind for me.
04:23 Graduated, did very well.
04:25 In physical therapy? Yeah, I did.
04:27 I did very well, undergrad summa cum laude,
04:29 graduated very well, great GPA physical therapy program.
04:33 Passed my boards both into practice in Michigan
04:36 and back in Canada where I'm from,
04:38 and ended up going back home to Canada
04:41 so that I could be with my family.
04:42 Yes.
04:43 I'd been away from them for, you know, it was five years.
04:46 Very close-knit family, I'm the youngest.
04:48 I wanted to be with my family. So I went back, practice.
04:51 Within the first year of practicing,
04:54 I hear God calling me to something else.
04:58 I couldn't believe it.
05:00 One morning, I would go to the chapel
05:02 of the hospital I worked in, in the morning
05:04 and present my patients before the Lord.
05:06 And one morning I went in, and I as entered,
05:09 I felt the deep impression from the Lord,
05:12 "This isn't it." I could have fell on the floor.
05:15 I got upset, I said,
05:16 "Well, I just spent five years in school
05:19 and if this isn't it,
05:21 You're gonna have to tell me what it is,
05:22 because I'm not asking."
05:24 And I walked out of there.
05:25 Can you believe that?
05:28 Deep down inside, I knew it wasn't.
05:29 And God was calling me to something else.
05:32 And so I waited.
05:34 In less than a year, God made it plain to me
05:37 that He was calling me into theology, study theology.
05:41 Oh, what did that mean?
05:42 So I deepened my, you know, my devotional experience.
05:44 I went online, got some online courses.
05:47 Anyway, that wasn't it.
05:49 Became personal ministries leaders at my church.
05:52 I said, "There you go, Lord, I'm serving you.
05:53 That's what you wanted, right?" That wasn't it.
05:57 Ended up back at Andrew's University,
05:59 this time in the seminary.
06:01 When I got there, I had so much peace.
06:04 I couldn't understand it.
06:05 But this time, I said,
06:07 "Okay, Lord, you want me to go back to school,
06:09 you're going to have to pay for it."
06:10 All right. Can you imagine that?
06:12 I said, "There you go, Lord, I'm not taking a loan.
06:14 You take care of it."
06:15 And I want you to know that He did.
06:17 He did. He did.
06:19 You didn't take a loan? Nope. He took care of it.
06:23 And, you know,
06:25 the Lord just led and gave me peace.
06:27 But I wasn't going to the seminary to be a pastor.
06:30 Okay. Can you imagine that?
06:33 No, I went to just be obedient, to study.
06:36 Didn't have an idea what God was doing.
06:37 Mind you, in those years of undergrad, in those years,
06:42 even while I was working in physical therapy,
06:45 I was preaching.
06:47 I was doing a lot of that.
06:48 When I went back to Toronto, I was preaching all over.
06:50 Okay.
06:51 And went back to the seminary
06:54 and I said, "Well, I don't know,
06:56 I'm not gonna soon that I'm here to be a pastor.
06:58 I'll just study and see what happens"
07:01 I graduated in '08, 2008.
07:05 Yes, yes. And I waited.
07:08 I said I'm not gonna go back to Toronto like I did
07:10 when I finished physical therapy.
07:13 I wanted to see what God was saying this time.
07:18 And so I said, "Lord, until You tell me what to do,
07:20 I'm just gonna stay right here."
07:23 I was blessed to be able to work
07:25 in physical therapy in Michigan,
07:27 at an awesome clinical.
07:29 Okay.
07:30 The best clinic in southwest Michigan, in fact.
07:32 And how I got that job is a testimony.
07:36 I continued to work, and then the Lord impressed me.
07:39 There was a an opportunity to help teach
07:41 in the physical therapy program.
07:43 Yes, yes.
07:44 The Lord impressed me to take it.
07:46 I was confused.
07:48 I said, "I'm here with the seminary,
07:49 what do want me-- you know,
07:50 this doesn't seem like we're going in the same direction."
07:52 Right, right.
07:53 And I took it.
07:55 And by the end of the semester,
07:58 the last class before their final exam,
08:01 by this time I knew
08:03 that the Lord was calling me to pastoral ministry.
08:05 Really? By that time I knew.
08:09 And 20 minutes before that last class,
08:12 I got a call from Elder Jerome Davis
08:14 from the Lake Regional Conference
08:16 asking me to sit for an interview
08:17 to be a pastor.
08:19 He made it very clear.
08:20 Pastor?
08:22 I said I'd go. It's been a journey.
08:27 And if you'd ask me 10 years ago,
08:33 "Do you see yourself as a pastor?"
08:34 I'd laugh. I think, no, absolutely not.
08:38 But I'm blessed. But I'm blessed.
08:41 And what was your first church?
08:43 Shiloh. Shiloh?
08:45 Working as an associate to Pastor Leeroy Coleman.
08:48 Okay. And now you're pasturing where?
08:51 Now I'm pasturing in Indianapolis
08:53 at the Tabernacle of Hope Church.
08:56 And I have the Philadelphia Church in Muncie,
08:58 which is 60 miles away.
09:00 Wow, you know so one Sabbath you'll be at one church
09:05 and then you'll alternate?
09:06 Yeah, it varies a based on the needs.
09:08 Okay. Varies based on the needs.
09:10 What did your family say?
09:12 When? Now or before.
09:15 And you are going through this, when God was calling you.
09:18 Well, it was definitely a tug of war.
09:20 I got to a patch of grey here, going through this experience.
09:24 It popped up.
09:27 They-- My mom was quiet.
09:31 She didn't say much.
09:33 She knew God was leading
09:34 and she was very careful not to speak against
09:36 what the Holy Spirit could be saying.
09:38 My dad tried to hold his words,
09:42 but eventually was able to express.
09:46 "Could you wait a little longer?
09:47 You just started working physical therapy.
09:49 Work five years first, you know, work five years.
09:52 Save some more money, you know this is a good job."
09:56 You know, but they saw what God was doing in my life.
10:00 They thought, wow, what's going on?
10:01 And, you know, she just up and left and went.
10:07 But they watched.
10:10 They watched,
10:12 and they're my number one supporters.
10:14 My dad never missed a sermon
10:16 I preached in the Toronto area when I was living there.
10:20 And they were so happy.
10:22 And they're so proud, and they're so excited.
10:24 Yeah.
10:25 Now, where is your dad and your mom from?
10:28 They are from Jamaica.
10:29 Okay.
10:30 Jamaica.
10:32 Look at you. Are you from Jamaica?
10:33 I'm from Canada, I was born and raised in Canada.
10:36 First generation? First generation.
10:38 Okay, okay. Excellent.
10:39 So may hear a lot of different accents.
10:43 So, Wynn, let me you a question.
10:44 The challenges that being a pastor,
10:47 being a woman, a beautiful woman of God.
10:49 Thank you. You know, and being single.
10:53 What are the challenges are women
10:55 and men facing today to be celibate?
10:58 Well, you're asking a loaded question.
11:00 I know. There's a lot to the question.
11:02 You're asking what are the challenges
11:04 with being a pastor?
11:06 What are the challenges with being a single pastor?
11:08 What are the challenges being a single, celibate pastor?
11:10 How about a pastor trying to live righteously?
11:12 Come on, now. Thank you, Lord.
11:15 Amen.
11:17 You know, and I think we had a little conversation
11:20 about this several months ago.
11:22 Yes, we did.
11:24 Because we talked about the needs, the emotional
11:27 and social needs that a pack, any individual has
11:31 that must be met in a healthy way.
11:33 Healthy way. In a healthy way.
11:35 And it's very important to acknowledge it
11:36 and not repress it, and not deny it.
11:40 And so one, you are either challenged
11:43 to make sure you have a good social support,
11:48 a genuine social support
11:49 with people who are in your corner.
11:51 Yes.
11:52 Who love you for you, and who are able to call you
11:54 by your first name and see you as,
11:56 or see me as Tricia.
11:58 Yes. And know me as Tricia.
12:01 Yes. And love me for Tricia.
12:03 That's right, that's right.
12:06 And so when a single pastor
12:08 or individual is placed in a position
12:11 where they don't have a social support.
12:14 That can be a challenge. Okay.
12:16 Do you know anyone in Indianapolis?
12:18 No.
12:19 Oh, my goodness. No.
12:21 And so that I think
12:23 was the greatest challenge for me.
12:25 You know, people say,
12:26 "What's the greatest challenge of being a pastor?
12:28 Is it preparing the sermon?
12:29 Is it ministering to the sick? Is it doing funerals?
12:32 You know, is it counseling at midnight hours?
12:35 Is it dealing with suicide attempts, you know.
12:37 Is it dealing with, you know, bickering, complaining?"
12:40 No, no, no and no.
12:42 The greatest challenge for me,
12:44 for me was living in a situation
12:49 where I had no established social support.
12:53 That was the greatest thing. That was the greatest thing.
12:56 And so first of all,
12:59 acknowledging that this is a genuine need
13:02 that I have as a person, and it's a valid need.
13:07 Affirming that and then asking God to help me identify
13:11 how are we gonna fix this, Lord?
13:13 How am I gonna make friends here?
13:17 Now, people say, "Well, you're in the church."
13:19 I think the church is an awesome opportunity
13:22 for people to meet their social needs.
13:24 Normally when I was on the other side the pulpit,
13:26 that was a given.
13:28 But now I'm the pastor,
13:29 so in order to maintain objectivity, impartiality,
13:34 it requires a certain boundary.
13:38 And so where is my-- where is my Friendship circle.
13:40 Come on now, come on.
13:42 Where is my support network?
13:44 Where are those people who are in my corner
13:45 and know me as Tricia and call me by my first name?
13:50 That is the greatest challenge.
13:51 And my heart goes out, my colleagues and my friends,
13:55 those who went to school with--
13:58 who find themselves in a similar situation,
14:01 my heart goes out.
14:03 I'm blessed, I'm in Indy. You know, it's a little city.
14:08 And, but I have colleagues,
14:10 I have friends who are in more remote areas.
14:14 Yes. And I fear for them.
14:17 And I suppose those who are listening
14:20 and who are in a position of authority
14:22 and a position of decision-making
14:24 where this is concerned can understand
14:26 that it's a genuine need and a concern.
14:29 I fear for them.
14:31 I fear. Yeah.
14:34 Because oftentimes,
14:36 that social need is invalidated.
14:40 It's spiritualized and people are told,
14:43 "Well, you can deal with it, pray.
14:47 God can fix it. He's there with you."
14:48 Yeah, He's there with you and he's there for you,
14:50 but He made us as social beings.
14:52 And any individual going into a situation
14:57 where they don't have an established social support,
14:59 we have to do our best to help them.
15:04 It's a need and, you know,
15:05 we talk about ministers who have fallen.
15:07 Yes. I call them falling soldiers.
15:10 Yes.
15:11 And I think there are a lot of different reasons
15:13 why this happens.
15:15 Of course, of course. I'm no judge.
15:16 That's right, that's right.
15:17 But I believe one thing
15:19 we can do to help prevent it is to make sure
15:22 there's a healthy social support network in place.
15:25 But wouldn't that also require, say, the Conference itself
15:31 to make sure that they intervene
15:34 on a regular basis or they communicate
15:37 to find out what your status is
15:40 and how you are doing
15:42 while you are going through this process?
15:44 How you were doing,
15:45 I think that's a good question to ask.
15:48 I sympathize with the Conference
15:50 because they have such--
15:51 It's a heavy responsibility, those in the administration.
15:54 They have many staff,
15:56 a lot of pastors with different needs.
15:59 And so, when they're making a decision
16:01 on where to send someone,
16:03 there's a lot that weighs into that.
16:05 But I believe asking "How you're doing?
16:08 How can we help you?
16:12 Is there anything we can do to help you
16:14 in your transition?"
16:16 I think that would help.
16:18 That's a very valid question. Thank you, Kim.
16:20 You're very-- you see, didn't I tell you?
16:24 I try to say focused
16:25 and he just does something, you know.
16:27 All I said was, "Thank you, Kim."
16:28 You're welcome, dear, you know.
16:30 So, you know, the next chapter, marriage, children,
16:35 you know, balancing all of this.
16:37 I wanted it. You want--
16:38 I did. And I still do. Oh, okay.
16:40 I know you looked at me like, so you know.
16:42 So you've changed, okay, so you still do.
16:44 I still do. Yes.
16:46 I still do.
16:47 When I made the decision to go into physical therapy,
16:50 I did it for this reason.
16:52 I said, "It gives me the flexibility to have a family."
16:54 Yeah, I was considering being a doctor and all this,
16:58 but I said, no, physical therapy.
16:59 I can have, you know, I can work part time.
17:01 I can have my own clinic
17:03 or I don't have to have my own clinic.
17:05 And now I'm a pastor.
17:06 Who would have thought? But yes, I still want a family.
17:09 Yes, I still want to be married.
17:11 Any old relationships or new relationships
17:15 that you may be, I don't know, talking to?
17:19 You are exploring to see if I'm,
17:21 am I engaged, am I pursuing.
17:24 I'm currently single. Okay.
17:26 Yeah, single and not dating. Yeah, okay.
17:28 Okay, so therefore,
17:30 now I haven't gone into this question
17:31 about internet dating,
17:33 but if you are watching this broadcast, this program
17:37 and you would like more information,
17:40 see, that's how you do that, God is able.
17:43 You don't know who is watching this broadcast.
17:46 He'll be able to see you and then say,
17:48 you know, and reach out.
17:49 Can he reach out? Can he reach out for you?
17:51 But please, send a picture.
17:55 And bio, because we're gonna investigate
17:57 before we pass it on, okay.
17:59 You got to get through us first, all right, you know.
18:02 So being able to look at, you know,
18:06 this social network today, what do you think about that?
18:09 You know, would you consider, you know, internet dating?
18:12 I'm open, you know. Oh, you see what she says?
18:15 She's open. Okay, you're funny.
18:17 I'm open.
18:19 I'm realistic in the fact that a lot of times
18:23 we are not getting out enough to meet different people.
18:25 Right. That's the truth.
18:27 My preference is to meet someone
18:31 that I kind of have a knowledge of.
18:33 For example, you know, Dr. Kim and Mr. Arthur, if you'd--
18:38 You said, "Hey, I know somebody."
18:39 That I feel comfortable with because I know, you know,
18:41 you have a background check on the individual.
18:43 That's right.
18:44 It is a little more,
18:45 you have to be a little more cautious.
18:47 It's like meeting a stranger on the road, you know.
18:49 You don't know who they are. Absolutely.
18:51 You just have to take your time.
18:52 But I'm open. You got to be realistic.
18:54 You got be realistic, did you hear that, what pastor said?
18:58 You know. Pastor is very intelligent.
19:01 And you know what? I was about to say that.
19:04 See, a lot of times, I mean,
19:05 you have the whole package, you know.
19:08 You have brains, beauty, you have the spirituality.
19:11 You walk with the Lord, you know.
19:13 And you know she's a preacher?
19:15 I know she's a preacher. I've heard her.
19:17 You can, you--
19:18 I'm gonna tell you, now you know Dr. Kim.
19:21 But this is a preacher, one woman of God.
19:23 I got up at 6 a.m. in the morning
19:26 at camp meeting, and camp meetings are time
19:29 when we all come together two weeks in June,
19:31 and we come together to fellowship
19:33 there within the Lake Region Conference.
19:35 They have camp meetings all over the world.
19:37 And I wanted to hear this great woman of God
19:41 and I was not disappointed.
19:43 I followed her all the way to the cafeteria.
19:44 Yes, I did, because I wanted to meet her.
19:46 I didn't know, I had not had the pleasure.
19:48 So, and it truly has been a blessing.
19:51 But I want to go back to something.
19:53 You know, when you look at,
19:55 you know, your church today, what needs are there?
20:00 And do people receive your wisdom, your suggestion,
20:04 your leadership, being a young woman?
20:06 Well, needs are there, you know.
20:08 I think the church,
20:09 at least the church that I'm pasturing,
20:10 are looking for, they are open for new ideas.
20:14 They are open for a fresh perspective.
20:16 They want to grow. They want to be relevant.
20:20 And so when I look at my church and identify the needs,
20:23 I always say this, the needs in the church
20:25 are synonyms with the needs in the world right now.
20:29 What's going on in the world and in our society,
20:32 you can pick it, you know,
20:34 just take a sampling and throw it in your church.
20:36 That's what's going on, everything there.
20:38 And so, yes, you have, you have a lot of needs--
20:44 Ranging from dealing with,
20:49 you know, the teenager issues where,
20:51 you know, people, they are experimenting
20:52 with their sexuality.
20:54 They are pushing the boundaries,
20:56 is what's going on there.
20:57 Dealing with homes, marriage and family issues,
21:02 what's going with the relationships.
21:04 You see, at church, people are very good at smiling
21:07 and putting on that Sabbath grin.
21:09 Oh, yes.
21:11 You know, that church grin, everything is going on,
21:13 and they're very active and very busy.
21:15 I'm like, "How is everything going with you?
21:17 How is your spouse?" You know.
21:22 And they are really open to fresh ideas.
21:24 And so in terms of them being open to new ideas,
21:26 I'm blessed with my congregation.
21:28 Everywhere I've gone, be it Shiloh,
21:30 Tabernacle of Hope or my Philadelphia Church
21:33 in Muncie, Indiana, they are open.
21:35 This is that, "Okay, well, we can give it a try.
21:38 Let's give it a try. Let's give it a try."
21:40 And so, that's been a blessing.
21:44 You know, with youth, I definitely, I definitely feel
21:49 that probably is your major challenge, you know.
21:53 Because we are always saying that we need to get more youth
21:57 into the church, you know.
21:58 We want our church to thrive
22:01 and that one way of that happening
22:03 is to have our young people
22:05 be involved into the different ministries.
22:09 How are they responding to you, you know,
22:12 when you are not much older than they are?
22:15 Thank you, Would you like to be my friend forever?
22:18 You knew what to say. I know.
22:19 I got you, didn't I, Baby. What?
22:23 Pastor, thank you.
22:25 But in terms of the youth
22:26 and how they're responding to me,
22:28 we have a very good dialogue.
22:29 Okay.
22:31 You see, they are very familiar
22:32 with the mandatory reporting laws
22:37 and so they are open with me
22:38 as far as they feel they can be.
22:43 They write to me. Okay.
22:47 I can pull them aside and say "How're you doing?"
22:50 And they'll be very honest with me.
22:54 And sometimes they don't have to say
22:55 very much but I know.
22:59 And I had them over once to my place.
23:04 I have a pool in, where I live in.
23:06 We had a pool party and I barbequed.
23:07 I was just in my cap in my head
23:10 and my barbeque tongs, and I was just one of them.
23:13 They loved it so much.
23:14 And they asked, "When is the next time?
23:16 Can we come over again, can we do that again?"
23:18 I said, absolutely.
23:19 I said, when you guys, whenever they are doing
23:21 a social outing, I want to be there.
23:23 And so I asked my youth leaders
23:24 to make sure that they tell me.
23:27 I'm not doing it because I feel obligated.
23:30 I do 'cause I want to. Right.
23:31 I want to be around them. I want to hang out with them.
23:34 And I'm blessed that they feel they can come to me.
23:37 But they know that they can only come as just near.
23:39 They know that if they tell me certain things,
23:43 I have to report.
23:45 And I know that the young people
23:46 are pushing the limits.
23:50 But I also know that they listen to me when I preach.
23:52 I know they do.
23:54 Because they are reciting to me what was said.
23:57 That's good.
23:58 In the AY Program the other day,
24:00 the young people put it on,
24:01 and one of the questions was what the sermon title was.
24:05 And my young people knew during our evangelistic series,
24:09 during the quiz time, it was one of my young people
24:13 that got all the answers right.
24:15 Really? Wow.
24:16 And I think that youthfulness helps in terms of us
24:21 being able to relate to each other.
24:22 Yes.
24:23 And I love them. I love them.
24:25 I think another thing that works to your advantage,
24:28 as far as being at Tabernacle of Hope,
24:32 is the fact the founder of the church was female.
24:35 Absolutely.
24:37 And they have such a love for Pastor Judy.
24:41 Oh, yes.
24:42 Pastor Judy Crawford, and they are very open
24:44 to female leadership.
24:45 And we have strong female leaders
24:47 and elders at that church.
24:48 That's right. Yes, you do.
24:50 We've had the privilege of being there
24:52 with Pastor Tricia,
24:53 and she was at the Philadelphia Church.
24:56 And we were there that morning,
24:58 but she made sure
24:59 she came back for that AY Program, welcomed us
25:02 and it was just a wonderful time.
25:05 And, you know, and I remember receiving calls
25:09 and I said to them,
25:11 'cause we have a good relationship with,
25:12 'cause we've been there so many times.
25:14 Loved your church, we love it. We love Tabernacle of Hope.
25:16 We look forward to coming to visit Philadelphia.
25:18 But I say, just,
25:19 we just rest in the Lord, trust in the Lord.
25:23 God is sending you a jewel
25:25 and you are going to, and receive her and, oh,
25:28 when the calls came back to me,
25:29 you know, "Dr. Kim, we cannot tell you."
25:32 When I saw them at camp meeting, your members,
25:35 they were just tearful how God had blessed them.
25:39 Let's talk about Pastor Judy.
25:41 And, she was the pastor,
25:46 well, before it was another pastor in between.
25:49 But Pastor Judy was-- Tell us about Pastor Judy.
25:51 Pastor Judy was a Bible counselor
25:56 in the area of Indianapolis.
25:59 And she raised up that church through ministry,
26:05 feeding the poor, reaching out to the community
26:08 and raised up that church.
26:09 And her family was very good to support her.
26:13 She was then given the responsibility
26:15 of pasturing the church.
26:19 She passed in 2005, June 2005.
26:25 And I don't think it's by coincidence,
26:26 interestingly, that was the very same time
26:28 I went to the seminary, that very same week.
26:33 Anyway, she passed
26:35 and her memory lives on because of the work she did,
26:39 not only in the Tabernacle of Hope,
26:40 but in the community.
26:42 When I got to the Indianapolis area,
26:45 and I was at a Starbucks, you know, a little cafe,
26:49 I met a pastor, not of our denomination.
26:54 Who knew her. Who knew her.
26:57 And so, her legacy lives on.
27:01 You know, we have about 54, it's almost over.
27:03 Wow. I know.
27:05 It goes so fast. Yes.
27:07 I just want to say, Pastor, that you are truly a friend
27:10 and we want to thank you for coming all the way
27:12 from Indianapolis to be with us.
27:15 Last 30 seconds, what can you say to our families?
27:18 Give us hope. Well, this is what I'd say.
27:22 God loves you so very much and He wants to lead your life.
27:29 But you have to let Him. Let Him be your Lord.
27:34 And you won't be disappointed.
27:36 "Seek ye first the kingdom of God
27:41 and all His righteousness,
27:43 and all these things will be added unto."
27:45 Be it your family, your career,
27:48 your finances, your social status.
27:51 Seek God first. Seek Him first.
27:53 Well, I want to thank Pastor Tricia Wynn for being with us.
27:58 Thank you.
27:59 I'm Dr. Kim Logan Nowlin. I'm Arthur Nowlin.
28:01 Continue to Making it Work.
28:03 God Bless. God bless.


Revised 2015-12-10