Making it Work

Trust in the Lord

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Arthur Nowlin (Host), Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin (Host), Amos & Candace Walls


Series Code: MIW

Program Code: MIW000050A

00:01 Hi, I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin. And I'm Arthur Nowlin.
00:03 And welcome to "Making It Work."
00:37 Arthur, what is your favorite scripture in all the Bible?
00:41 What's your favorite?
00:42 "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart,
00:44 and lean not unto thine own understanding."
00:46 Proverbs five and six. "And in all thy ways..."
00:49 "...acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths."
00:52 Your path, Proverbs 3:5, 6.
00:55 Yeah.
00:56 Well, that's what we are gonna talk about
00:58 on Making in Work, trusting in the Lord.
01:01 Amen.
01:02 Is it difficult for you to trust in the Lord?
01:04 What do you do when times get difficult?
01:06 Who do you turn to? We need to turn to the Lord.
01:11 We need to trust in God
01:12 but sometimes it's not always that way.
01:15 Well, today on Making It Work,
01:17 we want to welcome Amos and Candace Walls.
01:20 Welcome to Making It Work. You're welcome.
01:22 Thank you. How you doing?
01:24 Good. Very well.
01:25 Well, okay, it is so good to have you here
01:27 and we have known you
01:29 and now we get a chance to interview you,
01:31 so thank you so much.
01:33 Tonight we want to talk about making it work.
01:36 How do you make it work
01:38 after you have been through such devastation?
01:41 Candace and Amos, tell us your testimony.
01:45 Well, first I'd like to say
01:47 that is also my favorite scripture too.
01:50 Excellent.
01:51 And the situation that we went through many years ago
01:56 really brought that scripture alive
01:59 in our hearts and in our lives.
02:04 I'm the youngest of a family of six
02:08 and less than 20 years ago
02:14 my family members started to become ill,
02:18 one right after another.
02:20 Really?
02:22 I had an older sister who developed breast cancer
02:28 and a few months before Amos and I were married,
02:33 my sister passed away.
02:36 Now a couple of months after Amos and I married,
02:41 my father passed away.
02:44 And then a few months after that,
02:47 in less than a year I had another sister,
02:50 my older sister passed away
02:54 and then a couple of years after that,
02:58 my last sibling passed away.
03:02 So within in less than five years,
03:07 I lost every living member of my family
03:11 and three of them died within three years,
03:17 within months of each other.
03:20 Amazing.
03:21 And our mother had passed away
03:24 many, many years before when I was young,
03:30 when I was in my early 20s.
03:32 But losing so many family members
03:38 so quickly was an experience
03:46 I could never have imagined.
03:49 You just don't think that you could ever experience
03:53 any tragedy of that nature to the point
03:58 where I didn't want to share,
04:04 you know, with co-workers and friends
04:06 because they would think, "Oh, no.
04:10 You know, not again.
04:12 Didn't she just lose her sister,
04:13 didn't she just lose her father?
04:16 Didn't she just lose another sister?"
04:19 And in going through the experience,
04:23 I felt for my friends.
04:25 Do I have to call them and tell them,
04:27 you know, someone else in my family has passed away?
04:33 What was going on?
04:34 Amos, join this time, here it is before the wedding,
04:37 right after the wedding.
04:38 What was going through your mind?
04:42 I think I saw the affect of her father's death the most
04:47 because what affected her the most.
04:49 And before that I was involved
04:52 with going over helping him finish,
04:58 well, he was trying to finish his house.
05:00 He was in a motorized chair,
05:05 so when we went over to visit I had a chance to know him,
05:09 just to have his relationship
05:11 and try to play with his big dog
05:15 so that I identify with him.
05:20 He was actually the same birthday as my dad
05:22 so I was like, there was correlates
05:25 but, we were out of town I remember the car.
05:31 We were out of town and her reaction was,
05:35 "Couldn't he waited till we got back?"
05:36 You know, I was like, "Wow."
05:38 So that's the thing that's still stuck in my mind
05:42 as far as being near and being supportive
05:47 and observing her reactions.
05:52 Did you go to counseling?
05:54 Did you think, did you go to counseling?
05:56 Did you get counseling during this period of time?
05:59 Well, it's interesting you would ask that
06:03 because yes, I went for counseling
06:06 and I hadn't intended to go to counseling.
06:10 What had occurred is I had the same family doctor
06:15 and I had lost my sister and then my dad
06:19 and then after I lost another sister,
06:22 coincidently I had a physical examination schedule
06:26 for a couple of weeks after she died
06:29 and I went to my appointment and my doctor,
06:33 I had a long term relationship with him,
06:36 asked me, "How things were going?"
06:39 And I said, "Well, actually
06:42 I just lost another family member."
06:44 My older sister died.
06:46 And he stepped back and he looked at me
06:49 and said, "Didn't you just lose another sister
06:53 and your father?"
06:55 I said, "Yeah, I did."
06:59 And he said, "It's been less than two or three years
07:06 with all the loss.
07:09 How are you doing?"
07:11 And we started to talk and I said,
07:12 "Oh, you know, I'm doing fine.
07:15 And I just have to keep strong
07:16 and have to take care of things and keep on trucking."
07:23 And he said, "You know, even though
07:28 you are in good physical health
07:29 and I don't find anything wrong with you,
07:33 you know, of course got to get blood work results back."
07:36 He said, "But you don't have any idea
07:38 how these things can affect you."
07:43 And he said, "I really urge you to get some counseling
07:48 and I'm gonna refer you
07:51 so that your insurance will take care of it."
07:54 And to tell you the truth,
07:55 I didn't think I needed counseling.
07:58 I was functioning as a matter of fact,
08:03 it had fallen to me to take care
08:05 of all the arrangements and the estates
08:08 and all the final affairs
08:11 of every last one of these people
08:14 and I had not completed
08:16 my father's estate when my sister died.
08:20 We were still going through that process
08:24 and I had to call the attorney and say, "Now, I need you
08:28 to take care of my sister's estate.
08:32 Let's just do it all
08:33 and when we finalized dad's estate."
08:37 They will know that he's now deceased too
08:41 and I was functioning, I was just, I got to dot this.
08:44 I got to go to work. We had...
08:47 You never took off of work? Excuse me.
08:49 You kept going? I kept going.
08:51 I took time off for the funeral whether it be a week
08:56 or, you know, however much time I needed to take care
09:03 of the arrangement and then I was...
09:05 Then you went back to work. To work each and every time.
09:09 And I don't know, I guess dealing
09:14 with loss affects people differently.
09:19 You know, we all have different personalities
09:21 and my way of coping was to keep on pushing.
09:28 Just deliberately live, "what do I have to do today?
09:31 What do I think about today?
09:34 What do I have to take care of today?"
09:36 Because that's how I coped, you know, with all of this.
09:41 That was the coping but when you went to work,
09:44 but what happened when you came in?
09:46 They came home and you were with your husband
09:48 how did you deal within?
09:52 I just functioned, you know, actually like nothing happened.
09:58 I had young children at that time.
10:00 I took care of the children. I went to games.
10:03 I took them to school.
10:06 I just functioned
10:11 and it wasn't until I went to see a counselor
10:16 that I realized that because of my trust
10:21 in the Lord and because I talk to Him
10:24 and I just knew that He would help me through this
10:29 and Amos was quite a support
10:33 and my staff were all wonderful,
10:38 you know, the people over me at work were wonderful.
10:41 My friends were supportive.
10:47 I honestly did not realize how much stress
10:53 I was under, you know, dealing with all this
10:56 until I actually went to see a counselor.
11:01 And when I went to see the counselor
11:04 and we talked it through, I had two sessions
11:08 and the counselor told me,
11:11 "You have really great coping mechanisms
11:16 and you are doing very well
11:19 but I want you to take a stress management program."
11:26 Is that right?
11:28 And she didn't prescribed medication
11:30 or anything like that
11:32 because, you know, by the grace of God
11:36 somehow I didn't fall into a mental illness.
11:43 As a matter of fact, after our sister died,
11:48 when we, I had one sister living still
11:53 when we experienced the three deaths in a row,
11:58 less than a year apart from each other,
12:01 and that sister, my older sister had a complete
12:04 and utter nervous breakdown.
12:07 Really?
12:08 So my, I had to go to court and get guardianship of her.
12:11 Wow.
12:12 And deal with her hospitalization
12:15 and take care of her
12:17 and may be that's why I felt that I couldn't breakdown.
12:23 You just couldn't do it.
12:25 Because I take care of her
12:26 and, you know, I'm getting a little emotional.
12:30 That's all right. Because she did.
12:31 She had, she lost her mind, you know,
12:35 and she was hospitalized and I dealt with that.
12:42 I went to the hospital, what three, four times a week?
12:45 Yeah.
12:47 You know, to see about her and to take care of her home.
12:51 She wasn't married
12:52 and she didn't have any children
12:54 so I took care of her home, I took care of her affairs,
12:58 I washed her clothes.
13:00 You know, I did all of that
13:02 while still taking care of my family.
13:05 You know, I can really relate to you
13:08 because I lost my last brother and it must have been June
13:16 and it was three of us.
13:17 So at this point like I'm the only one left
13:20 and that was, it took a while to adjust
13:23 but you are right, you know, people deal with it differently
13:26 and I would go to work
13:27 and act like nothing really was going on, you know.
13:33 Only at moments like when I would go home,
13:39 I would think about some situations that will come up
13:43 and remember how I responded to it
13:46 before when I recall one of my brother's death, I recall
13:51 and one day I felt myself reach for the phone
13:55 and I had to realize that none of them are alive anymore.
14:01 So, you know, I truly understand.
14:05 And he didn't take any time off.
14:07 He kept moving, kept going.
14:09 He did play a lot more golf which was good for him.
14:12 He was, you know, still doing family lives deal,
14:16 you know, with the Dare to Dream Network,
14:19 still doing that.
14:20 I never saw him really breakdown,
14:22 even to this day and then, like I said
14:25 when there was time for his brother's birthday
14:27 or something came up and he said to me one day,
14:30 "I'm the last one.
14:32 That's it."
14:33 And he wrote an article for the Michigan Chronicle
14:37 and we put a picture in there with he and his brother
14:41 and it did that really, you know, hit him.
14:44 So, you know, just going through the process,
14:47 you know, I'm blessed I still have two siblings.
14:50 I lost Derek many years ago, you know, 23 years ago
14:54 but it still seems like yesterday.
14:56 You know, Amos, are you the only child?
14:59 Tell us about your siblings or are they any other children?
15:02 Well, I'm the oldest and when I grew up,
15:04 it was four of us and so my whole life,
15:11 my dad passed away several years ago.
15:13 How was that?
15:15 Brothers still small so my primary care giver for that
15:18 but things worked out.
15:21 We found a place for us to be safe,
15:25 you know, somewhere else but I want to say observing him
15:32 as going through as a distractions
15:34 of taking care of her family, went away,
15:40 I saw her get closer to Jesus
15:43 and what I saw was I get more into the word,
15:48 health habits, you know, eating habits
15:52 became more strict.
15:54 Her understanding of the word became stronger to a point
15:58 where she was seeing things
16:02 so clearly now she is able to teach others on that.
16:06 More else I think
16:07 she was a little bit timid on doing that
16:11 and now she is taking that off.
16:15 She has also become a church elder here at Oakwood.
16:17 Is that right? Congratulations.
16:21 Yeah, that's really. Oh, yes.
16:22 Preach the word while so-- All right.
16:26 Okay, so I think I saw her get promotions
16:32 per se over the past 15 years and more responsibility on her
16:39 and so I think that she was able to focus on that
16:42 and I think that was stressful too,
16:48 becoming more responsible
16:49 and doing the work of three people.
16:51 And, but she was able to cope with it
16:54 and handle that
16:55 and now she is retired from that
16:58 and so she has turned another page from that
17:01 and she has yet to be brief
17:06 let's just say from the job
17:10 but I see her coming to a different page in her life
17:14 where she can focus on getting close to God
17:18 and, you know, us as well
17:22 as far as establishing different routines
17:26 and time together and planning some trips.
17:29 So those are the things that we've made adjustments,
17:34 but I'm really proud and how she has cope
17:39 with all those things.
17:43 I guess I want to say this that,
17:46 I know her sisters, you know, she was the youngest
17:50 and of course, sisters being older they can,
17:53 you know, see why you have
17:54 the little child kind of attitude
17:56 and that's what they kind of have
17:57 so they were really close like she was with her dad
18:01 and then just have to take care of their last days
18:08 and their last, you know, proceedings.
18:11 It's, she had to kind of come to groups
18:15 with the way she swiftly had grown up as a child
18:18 and then as an adult and then to be without them.
18:22 So I think that even now she held together I think
18:29 but this, they were so stressed
18:31 and it, still came through
18:36 but she's come through a stronger,
18:38 she's has had moral trust in Lord.
18:42 She's developed that fine tune that
18:46 and she uses that as her modus operandi.
18:50 I think it is the word for it.
18:52 That is beautiful.
18:53 Candace, I know you had mentioned earlier
18:56 the realization that you are the only
18:59 one of your family origin.
19:01 Let's talk about that.
19:05 I think God provides.
19:09 I know without a doubt that He loves us
19:13 no matter what we have to go through,
19:16 no matter what tragedies we have in our lives
19:20 and one thing that I really appreciate
19:24 and I know God did this was to bring
19:27 Amos and his family into my life.
19:31 His brothers are like my brothers.
19:34 His sister is like my sister.
19:38 His parents were like my parents.
19:40 And there was so much support from them
19:45 and from Amos and his family and I would think,
19:48 "Thank God Lord, that You have filled
19:56 devoid so beautifully."
20:00 And that's why I believe in trusting Him
20:05 because He will take care, He loves us.
20:08 And even though we hurt and we go through pain
20:13 and these things occur He is with us,
20:18 and He is there, right in it with us
20:22 and He so often surrounds us with the people
20:26 and the circumstances and He's right on time
20:30 and He knows where you need to be.
20:34 He knows who needs to be with you
20:38 and He provided all that for me.
20:41 And it was with great thanks
20:46 and appreciation after God brought me
20:51 through all those situations
20:53 that I realized He had been faithful
20:58 and that's the situations pushed me closer to the Lord
21:04 because as I stated earlier,
21:07 one of my sisters had lost her mind
21:11 when she and I were the last two left
21:14 and unfortunately she never recovered.
21:18 She never recovered? She never recovered.
21:19 And she also passed away and I believe
21:25 because, you know, when your family members die
21:31 and they are all believers in Christ
21:34 no matter what the circumstances
21:36 you have hope that you are gonna see them
21:39 and be with them again.
21:41 So I always held on into that
21:44 and I always thought everyday but for the grace of God,
21:50 I could have lost my mind but for the grace of God,
21:55 I could have gotten cancer
21:58 when I was in my 40s or other devastating illnesses.
22:05 One of my sisters died
22:07 from complications of type 2 diabetes
22:12 which she contracted at a very, very young age,
22:17 and not one of them made it.
22:22 None of the women in my family
22:25 made it to the age that I'm at now.
22:27 I've lived longer than any of them
22:30 and people would say to me, "Why aren't you afraid?
22:35 You know, you could have cancer or something like that."
22:39 And I would say, "No, I'm not afraid
22:44 because one of the things
22:47 that it is helpful to do sometimes
22:52 through you lose your loved one."
22:56 You can learn a lot from them,
22:58 from their life and also from their death,
23:02 and I began to examine at a very early age
23:06 because they died of illnesses
23:09 what were some of the habits that we had
23:12 and grew up with and so that their living
23:17 and their dying will not be in vain.
23:22 What can I do to honor their lives
23:26 by learning from their lives?
23:28 And that's a tremendous statement
23:31 because you have to hold on to that,
23:35 basically because you say to yourself, "Here I am.
23:40 I'm still alive and yet my siblings have passed away.
23:45 What did they do, you know, or what didn't they do
23:49 so I can improve on that."
23:51 And in a process it's not just trying to live longer,
23:55 it's trying to live a quality life
23:58 and a more spiritual life
23:59 where you can get closer to the Lord
24:01 and you know that this is a reward
24:03 because He apparently has something more
24:07 for you to do, you know,
24:08 and you have to say those things to yourself
24:11 and that's what I do asking myself as possibly I can.
24:16 I totally agree with that
24:18 and the Lord has been good
24:26 and I have been blessed and time has healed a lot
24:32 and a wonderful life and the fullness there of
24:37 and because God had been so faithful I can look back
24:42 and know that all things do work for the good.
24:46 Oh, yes.
24:48 For the called of the Lord, for those who love the Lord
24:51 in the call according to His purpose.
24:53 Yes.
24:55 And the Lord has been so faithful
25:00 when you go through whatever it is,
25:01 whether you are grieving
25:03 because you've lost a loved one
25:06 or there are other losses or issues or problems
25:10 that we go through in life
25:16 when you are going through God is with you,
25:18 when come out God has been with you.
25:21 And you can look back and really see
25:24 how faithful He was
25:27 and that gives me a peace and a joy
25:35 and an appreciation of God's love.
25:39 And that's what it's about. It's all about God's love.
25:43 Well, we have about a minute
25:44 and we just want to encourage all of you.
25:46 We want to thank you both,
25:49 Amos and Candace Walls for being with us.
25:51 Definitely. We love you both.
25:53 And, you know, I believe that you have to find a source
25:58 whether Amos he plays the organ
26:00 and Candace plays the violin and she even teaches
26:03 and I'm looking to join their class.
26:05 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
26:08 And because this is a part of healing and growth
26:10 but there's something you may be going through right now,
26:13 those of you watching right now,
26:15 go to the Lord in pray, seek the Lord
26:18 and remember to "Trust in the Lord
26:20 with all thine heart
26:21 and lean not unto thine own understanding.
26:23 In all thy ways acknowledge him,
26:25 and he will direct thy paths."
26:27 Don't try to figure it out, don't try to rationalize it.
26:31 Turn to the Lord
26:33 and we know He will see you through.
26:35 And I want to again I want to thank you both.
26:38 And, Arthur, may God bless you. I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin.
26:42 I'm Arthur Nowlin. God bless.


Revised 2015-10-15