Participants: Arthur Nowlin (Host), Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin (Host), Hai Snipes, Devian Trotter
Series Code: MIW
Program Code: MIW000048A
00:01 Hi, I'm Dr Kim Logan Nowlin.
00:03 I'm Arthur Nowlin. 00:04 And welcome to Making It Work. 00:38 Once again we are excited about the program 00:41 that we like to bring to you through Making It Work. 00:44 The question is how are you 00:46 making it work everyday in your life? 00:48 How are you weathering the storms in your life? 00:51 Well, that takes us to our guests. 00:52 And, Arthur, I'm excited, you know. 00:55 Arthur, how you doing by the way? 00:56 I'm doing great. 00:58 You know, you got a different look today. 00:59 Yeah, I'm-- I just thought I'd be, a little flashy. 01:04 Is that flashy? I thought so. 01:06 With the blue and a tan. Right. 01:08 You look good. 01:09 It's a look that I started. 01:11 I'm on a biker's jacket. 01:12 Check me out, with the zippers. 01:15 Yeah, you need some work on that, 01:16 but probably get through it. 01:18 I don't know what it is, I got to always have some work, 01:20 you know, but anyway that's going to talk. 01:22 We're weathering some storms. 01:23 Yes, definitely. 01:25 Well, listen, I want to welcome again 01:26 some dear friends of mine that I've known in the-- 01:28 within the city of Detroit and I'm excited. 01:30 Excellent. 01:32 I want to welcome a mother and son team tonight. 01:34 And, Hai Snipes, and, Devian Trotter, 01:38 welcome to Making It Work. 01:40 Thank you. Excellent. 01:41 How you guys doing? We're doing good. 01:43 You know, this has been a long time coming. 01:44 Yes. A change is going to come. 01:46 Yes. 01:47 You know, well, listen, we want to know your story. 01:50 You know, heard bits and pieces throughout the years, 01:54 but now I pretended for you to tell your story 01:57 about your son and then, 01:58 Devian, where you are in your life right now. 02:01 And your spirituality 02:02 and where you are in the church. 02:04 I'm going to turn to it over to the two of you. 02:06 Okay, um, name is Hai Snipes like she said 02:10 and I was a single parent. 02:16 I was a mom that didn't want to be a mom. 02:21 Mm-hmm. 02:24 When I found out I was pregnant with my son, 02:26 I'm gonna hold his hand because he's my heart 02:29 and I'm glad he's here, 02:33 my mother pleaded with me to keep Devian. 02:38 And I wasn't trying to know God at that time. 02:42 Even though I'm a third day-- third-- 02:44 Seventh-day Adventist. 02:47 Generation? Generation, yes. 02:51 I was 21 years old. 02:56 I really didn't like men 02:59 because of the relationship I had with my father. 03:04 I had no respect for guys. 03:08 I looked at them as less than women 03:12 because I'm such a strong woman. 03:15 So when I became pregnant 03:17 I felt not so much as disappointed, 03:20 I felt it's something I couldn't do. 03:24 But that's where God reached to me 03:27 because when I decided to have Devian, 03:31 I gave him to Lord when I got pregnant. 03:35 Even though I got pregnant out of wedlock 03:38 which goes against everything that we believe in. 03:42 And I believed that God blessed me with me Devian, 03:45 a male, to teach me how to love a man. 03:50 So when I had, Devian, it was-- it's a long story. 03:54 He's been such a blessing, 03:56 he was such a great kid growing up, easy to raise. 04:00 I knew his father wouldn't be there, 04:02 so I asked God to be his father. 04:06 And He took care of Devian all these years and blessed me. 04:12 Even though Kim knows a lot bit about me 04:14 speaking at camp meeting, 04:16 I'm going through my second divorce. 04:19 And it's funny it's a year later 04:21 and I'm still going through the divorce. 04:23 But it's been a blessing because it gave me 04:28 an intimate relationship with the Man, God. 04:34 And it taught me to have an experience and a testimony 04:38 because like I said, it's-- it's-- 04:42 I know it's a program 04:44 that I have a long story to tell, 04:46 but the only thing I can say is, 04:49 God is so good and how He does stuff for us 04:53 and how He takes us through things. 04:56 And through my journey in life having my child on my own, 05:00 being on my own, taking care of myself 05:02 going through to failed marriages, 05:06 I have a new sense of freedom. 05:10 I went through a six year period of being ill. 05:15 I had pre diabetes, Hashimoto's disease 05:19 which for a lot of people is thyroid disease. 05:23 I had a stroke in my sleep. 05:27 I went through cancer scares, cervical cancers, 05:31 breast cancer scares, 05:33 but it only drew me closer and closer to God. 05:36 People always say, "Oh, I feel sorry for you." 05:38 Don't feel sorry for me say, praise God, for me 05:42 because I'm coming 05:44 and I'm coming strong with what my testimony is. 05:47 So as far as life storms 05:53 instead of us asking God 05:55 to help us through the storms, 05:57 I asked Him to help us stand in the storm 06:00 because that's when you learn the best. 06:02 We can go through books, I can read the Bible, 06:05 I can go through school, I'm educated, 06:10 but life's experience 06:11 is what give you your testimony to tell people. 06:14 I can read every book there is, but if I'd never lived it, 06:17 I would never be able to tell you where I'm coming from. 06:21 So everything that I've gone through, 06:24 I'm at the point I am now. 06:26 I never went to school to be a doctor, I'm a nurse. 06:29 I never went to school to counsel people, 06:32 but the Lord has guided me to start counselling women. 06:37 I told Dr Kim when I talked to her the other day 06:39 that nine years ago at this very church, 06:42 I can't remember the pastor's name, 06:44 but I think he was the assistant pastor. 06:47 Very, very nice gentleman. 06:49 And a young lady named Tawny, I remember her name. 06:53 And my mom was like, 06:54 "I'm gonna send them over to you 06:56 to help you to quit smoking." 06:57 And at that time of course, like I said, 06:59 I wasn't trying to know God, I knew God, 07:01 but I wasn't trying to know God. 07:04 And when he tried to help me quit smoking, 07:07 I came to the church and he looked at me 07:10 and he said, 07:11 "You're going to be ministering to young women." 07:14 And I looked at him like I just want to quit smoking, you know. 07:19 So it took me to retire at the age of 36 years old 07:25 and that's few years back, 07:27 I'm nothing much older than that. 07:30 To get to where I'm at now, 07:31 not only has the Lord incorporated me, 07:34 ministering and having a testimony to women. 07:39 There are men coming to me now because when I say, 07:42 "I didn't like men." 07:43 The first thing people think is, 07:44 "Oh, she likes women instead of men." 07:47 No, I love men. 07:48 I had no respect because I didn't have 07:51 the respect for my father like I should. 07:54 But today I love my father, 07:56 he did the best he could with what he had. 07:59 And a lot of times 08:01 that we don't get true forgiveness in our hearts 08:04 then you can't look past and I always pray. 08:07 And a lot-- I'm a prayer warrior for 3ABN. 08:13 When I pray, I also pray that God helps me 08:16 to forgive thoroughly as He forgives me daily. 08:20 And not only that, I thank Him for my trials 08:23 because they only come to make you strong. 08:26 And a lot of times we look at trials 08:29 as being an affliction or suffering. 08:32 I said if that's the kind of God that we have, 08:34 I don't want to serve that God, 08:35 but that's not the God that I serve. 08:37 The God that I serve is such a loving and a kind God. 08:42 And I can remember one day when I was driving 08:44 before I started-- how I start talking to people, 08:46 I still couldn't tell you this day, God is good. 08:51 I could hear the Holy Spirits saying, 08:52 "You need to have compassion." 08:55 And it didn't, you know, bend me 08:58 or make me felt a certain way, 08:59 it just made me realize that even though I love people, 09:04 I have to be compassionate also because everybody has a story. 09:08 It's just some of us don't know how to say it. 09:11 I choose to be one of them to say it and to say. 09:14 Not only that I can sing 09:17 and my sisters are coming back singing are-- 09:19 You are going to start singing again? 09:20 Yeah, we're going to start singing again. 09:22 The Joan sisters, I tell you 09:24 that was the music back in the day. 09:26 And I lost my voice for four years. 09:28 I would whisper when I talk. 09:32 And as when I gave my life to the Lord again, and I said, 09:35 "Lord, this time," 09:37 a lot of us come to God with half of a heart. 09:42 We have to come with a whole heart 09:44 in order for us to be healed. 09:46 And a lot of people when they come to me they say, 09:48 "Hi, can you pray for me?" 09:50 Or, "Can you do this for me?" 09:52 And I say, "How much are you willing to give to God?" 09:55 And a lot of people get scared when they hear that 09:57 and I tell God even after the, 10:00 um, the end of day or at the end of the day 10:02 when I pray I say, 10:05 even until death will I follow Christ 10:09 because He did it for me. 10:11 And that's what we must do daily. 10:13 And like I said, I know I'm probably jumping 10:16 all over the place as far as being a single mom. 10:20 But coming from being 10:21 a single mother has brought me here 10:25 and this is what God has blessed me with, my son. 10:28 And, I mean, I can talk on, and on, and on, but... 10:32 He smiles. 10:34 Well, Devian, tell us about you and all that mama said 10:37 because you've grown up with her. 10:39 Ah-huh. 10:41 Well, my name is Devian Trotter. 10:43 I'm 20 years old, 10:44 go to Wayne State University now, 10:46 it's my third year. 10:47 A double major in psychology and PR. 10:49 I'm also involved in a couple of things 10:51 and camping including SAABs 10:52 doing African-American brotherhood which is a peer 10:54 mentoring group for incoming freshmans 10:56 in different levels of guys that are in college, 10:59 just to give them a backbone. 11:00 So we show them resources and different things like that. 11:02 I'm also working in black male engagement, 11:05 I'm actually really excited about this one. 11:07 It helps me network because I do want to do PR. 11:10 It helps me get the backbone 11:11 that I need to be able to talk to different people. 11:13 But we also going to community 11:15 help out with different fund raisers 11:16 and different community service events. 11:18 Get the interviews from different guys, you know, 11:21 our-- our motto is share inspire connect. 11:24 It's what we really try to do, 11:25 we try to get all these guys together 11:27 and share their story. 11:28 And it's for a way to show that the black male 11:30 is important to community instead of just being 11:32 portrayed in the media 11:34 where we're just involved in violence, 11:36 gang banging and different things like that. 11:38 That's outstanding. Wow, you live on campus? 11:40 Yes, ma'am. How you doing on campus? 11:43 I love it, I love it, I love it. 11:45 I'm lived about-- I actually stay in my fraternity house. 11:47 Is that? 11:48 I can't bail if I stay in my fraternity house. 11:49 Yeah, all right. 11:51 Sounds like you got a-- a room with two... 11:55 No, just one-- one other guy lives with me, 11:57 Martin Ray Jayson. 11:59 Okay, how many guys in house? 12:00 We have about 20 guys in the house. 12:02 Really? Yeah. 12:04 Where is the house, is it on... 12:05 It's right on Cass 4251 Cass. 12:07 Right off Wayne State. 12:09 Now in Wayne State campus, 12:10 Wayne State University is a university 12:12 located in Central Detroit. 12:14 What's that area called now? Uh. 12:17 Midtown, Midtown, that's what it is, Okay. 12:19 Okay. 12:21 So let me ask you this, are you dating? 12:22 I'm-- I have female friends, but not officially dating, 12:25 not officially dating. 12:26 Okay, all right, so academics first? 12:29 Yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am. 12:30 Well, let's talk about you and the Lord. 12:32 You know, I've known you for a long time, 12:34 you've been one of my precious jewels, 12:36 you know, at camp meeting 12:38 and remember when you broke your arm. 12:40 Oh, my goodness, 12:41 they brought a big old screen TV in for me 12:43 to watch in the cabin. 12:44 And I said, "What?" 12:45 I said, "You broke arm doing-- ". 12:47 "Playing ball." 12:48 You know, but you bounced back, came back. 12:50 So let's talk about you 12:52 and your relationship with the Lord. 12:53 You know, I am always concerned with my young people. 12:56 Where is God in all of this? 12:58 Luckily I just, I had one roommate, 13:00 who was a atheist. 13:01 He didn't believe in God. 13:03 But I have a new roommate now who is actually very avid 13:05 and worshipping guy. 13:07 And so bless us so far because we just sit there 13:09 and have talks right throughout the night about religions, 13:11 and different things and aspects. 13:13 So it's been pretty good so far. 13:14 But God has done so much for me. 13:16 If God didn't put my mom in my life, honestly, 13:18 I probably wouldn't be in school right now. 13:20 I have thanked God everyday because I know all the guys 13:23 that came to school with my freshman year, 13:24 I am the only one left. 13:25 And I'm the only out of all the guys. 13:27 Yeah, I can believe that. Really? 13:29 Right. They just dropped out, quit? 13:32 Dropped out, financial situations. 13:34 Out of all that I was able to weather the storm 13:36 and I'm still here. 13:37 Weather the storm. 13:38 So, really I thank God so much that I was able to have a mom 13:41 that was always in my ear, even though I wanted to go out 13:44 and party and have fun, do different things like that, 13:46 she was always in my ear. 13:47 Did you do this? Did you make sure you do that? 13:49 And she doesn't know that I actually lie sometimes 13:52 and say I didn't do something just to make sure 13:53 she still stays on my tail. 13:55 So I am so thankful for that. 13:57 What's your GPA? My GPA is at 3.2 right now. 14:00 That's excellent. You better go ahead. 14:02 Do you have your own car? I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. 14:03 Do you have your own car? Yes ma'am. 14:05 Oh! Yes, ma'am. 14:07 Are you a responsible driver? I try to be. 14:09 You try to be. I try. 14:11 Oh, that's so nice. Did you hear what he said? 14:14 He's a responsible driver, he is trying to be. 14:16 That's wonderful. I'm gonna leave that alone. 14:18 I think so. 14:20 And, you know, I'm not gonna-- I got a story to tell you 14:22 but I better leave that alone. 14:23 Alright. You know, well, let me ask you. 14:25 You know, you were raised Seventh-day Adventist, 14:27 you're fourth generation. 14:28 Now, you know, I was in church yesterday 14:31 and Derek Williams was the speaker. 14:34 And he spoke to the path finders 14:36 and he's now in his junior year nursing at Andrew's. 14:39 He talked about ten years of his life. 14:41 How he wasted it but God turned 14:44 what enemy meant for bad to good. 14:46 But he talked about us making sure 14:48 that our young people know Jesus Christ a relationship. 14:51 Then with that they will accept the Sabbath. 14:53 They will, you know, return to their roots, 14:56 remembering, you know, 14:57 the standards of 14:59 the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 15:00 How does that play a role in your life now? 15:03 Since I was raised Seventh-day Adventist, I honestly, 15:06 strayed away from it when I was younger because, 15:08 you know, I wanted to go out 15:10 because all my friends weren't Seventh-day Adventist. 15:11 Wanted to go out for Friday nights, you know, 15:13 hang out on Saturday. 15:14 But the repercussions that I was raised to see 15:17 that doing these things and not worshipping God. 15:20 You know, if you don't worship God, 15:21 what are you worshipping? 15:23 The devil. 15:24 So seeing these things first hand, 15:25 how guys go out to clubs. 15:27 I have been in situations to where, 15:28 thankfully I was raised Seventh-day Adventist. 15:30 I didn't go to some places on a Friday night, 15:33 where my friends had guns pulled out on them 15:35 and different things like that. 15:36 So me straying away 15:37 and to actually had to find out myself 15:39 and actually coming back to God 15:41 because I was raised that in the first place. 15:43 It's a wonderful thing. 15:44 Because as a kid, you're gonna try to rebel. 15:46 You're not trying to stay and listen to parents. 15:48 You'll be like, okay, I'm grown up, 15:49 I'm gonna do what I want to and nothing is gonna happen. 15:51 But actually being taught that as a child 15:53 and then being able to come is a great thing for me. 15:55 I love to see you at camp meeting. 15:57 When you-- when I saw you with your mom, 15:58 walking with your mom, I said, "look at this." 16:01 You know, and I mean, 16:02 where else you gonna be during camp meeting? 16:04 But at camp meeting, you know. 16:07 Your father, let's talk about that relationship. 16:10 My father, I love the man dearly. 16:13 But he tries to be more of my friend than a father. 16:16 Tries to be on that level where we talk about things 16:19 that a father and son shouldn't talk about at a certain age. 16:22 Like, he is more of my friend during my middle school years 16:24 and high school years instead of being there, 16:26 being a strict man I need in my life. 16:28 And I'm thankful for my mom, she was my mom and dad. 16:31 And he was there almost like a friend. 16:33 So you know what? 16:35 Let me call dad because I have a situation 16:37 where a friend can talk to. 16:38 Where that something happened and I need a parent to talk to, 16:40 I will call my mom, 16:41 no matter what the situation was. 16:43 You are so articulate. Did mom mandate that from you? 16:46 Yeah, mom did. 16:47 Yeah mom is still there even in her age. 16:49 And hasn't it paid off 16:51 and especially in the field of public relations. 16:52 It has. Yes, ma'am. 16:54 And being able to greet and meet people. 16:56 Because first impressions are lasting. 16:57 Yeah. 16:59 And being a African America male, psychology, 17:00 what do you want to do with that? 17:02 Excuse me, I hate to interrupt. But can I ask a question? 17:06 I mean, you were just so engrossed. 17:08 I was waiting. 17:10 I'm sorry, I will come back to my question. 17:12 You know. Hilarious. 17:14 Alright? Thank you very much. 17:15 I appreciate that. 17:16 I hope this question is dynamic. 17:18 Go ahead. You know, I just want to... 17:19 you talked about a father being a friend. 17:22 You know, could you relate to the friendship. 17:28 And within that did you see him trying to be a father 17:33 within that friendship at all? 17:34 With that friendship, he basically talked to me 17:37 a level to where it wasn't father and son 17:39 or child and parent. 17:40 Okay. 17:41 He talked to me like I was at his age and on his level. 17:43 Even if it was involving women or anything of the aspect, 17:46 some things I shouldn't, 17:47 didn't need to hear at that age. 17:49 Okay. 17:50 In middle school, you did not need to hear these things. 17:51 And so as you got older, you realized 17:54 that was not the type of relationship 17:56 you really wanted. 17:57 Yes, sir. 17:58 Have you ever talked to him 18:00 about what type of relationship you do want? 18:01 I mean, when I do talk to him, it's really not about that. 18:05 I just talk to him because I stay in contact with him 18:07 because of my brothers. 18:08 And I have four younger brothers. 18:09 So I try to be the role model 18:11 and do all these things in community and be involved. 18:13 When I do actually get and talk to my father, 18:15 it's really not that pleasant 18:17 where it should be a father and son relation. 18:19 It's just basically us just being friends. 18:22 How does that make you feel? 18:24 At this point in my life, 18:25 it really doesn't make me feel too bad. 18:27 It just means I need to step up 18:29 and be a better father than I saw. 18:30 Okay. 18:31 That means I need to be a better man 18:33 and make sure I'm there for my younger brothers 18:34 so they don't have to go through the same thing I did. 18:36 Okay. How old are your brothers? 18:37 Ha from thirteen to eight, four. 18:40 It's four of them. 18:41 Two twins and then two other boys. 18:43 Really? 18:44 They have the same mom, all the same mom? 18:45 All the same mom. 18:47 And this is your father's second wife? 18:48 Yeah, my father's first wife, she passed away. 18:51 Oh, she did. Okay. 18:52 So do you give them? Do you hang out with them? 18:57 I try as much as possible but with school and work 19:00 keeps me pretty occupied. 19:01 So I need to do a lot more and being like, 19:04 more involved and I try to call them. 19:06 But I need to do a lot more. Okay. 19:08 So I try to make more room for them. 19:09 Okay. 19:10 Let me ask, you have had two marriages and you said, 19:14 you know, you had problems with both of them. 19:20 What were the things that stood out the most 19:23 in your relationship with these men? 19:27 I had to look with inside myself. 19:29 Because a lot of time they say you attract what you are. 19:32 Mm-hmm. 19:35 And as being a wounded woman, I attracted wounded men. 19:40 So the men that I chose were like my father. 19:46 And when I got into the relationship, 19:50 I really didn't have the respect that I should have. 19:53 I never mistreated or said bad things, verbatim, 19:59 I would say verbatim. 20:01 You know, but I would probably be demeaning in my, you know, 20:06 actions and different thing 20:07 especially with this last marriage. 20:10 You know, I often pray that he one day forgives me 20:13 as I've forgiven him. 20:15 But it was a, excuse me, a terrible marriage. 20:22 Terrible, terrible marriage. 20:24 How long where you married the second time? 20:27 We were, we have been together 10 years. 20:29 We are married seven years now because we are still married. 20:32 And we are still in the process of divorcing, you know, 20:35 they say that absence make the heart grow fonder. 20:39 It's not always so absence gave me a chance to really, 20:43 really learn how to love. 20:45 You know, I understand what that appeal means to love God 20:48 with all your heart and then love yourself 20:50 and your neighbors as yourself. 20:53 So it gave me a different prospective. 20:55 So if God, when he does bust me again, 20:59 I know, you know, and I will understand 21:02 what it is to have a relationship with a man now. 21:06 Women, love them all day long. 21:08 Men on the other hand, he is still working on me, 21:10 I'm a work in progress. 21:12 I was listening to somebody say one day, which was my cousin. 21:16 She said, "We've been endorsed for a night joy 21:18 comes in the morning. 21:20 We just don't know which morning." 21:21 So I'll just wait. 21:23 You know until that time comes but as if right now, 21:26 I am at peace and I am content and I can now look at a male 21:32 as respectful because I respect God so much. 21:36 One final question. 21:40 Never thought about reconciling on, you know, 21:42 with this relationship? 21:44 Oh, no. No. Not until so, I bet no. 21:46 Okay. I'm loving life. 21:48 Did you all go to counseling? Yes, several times. 21:52 Because he has-he has-- I went to therapy. 21:57 He has very, very serious problems. 21:59 You know, so it's something that I think the God is just... 22:04 he's still working things out. 22:07 You know, but he had get me to the point where not so much, 22:12 divorce was eminent for me years ago. 22:15 It's just now I had to step out on faith. 22:20 And when I stepped out on faith 22:22 because I had grounds for divorce years ago. 22:24 Okay. 22:26 It's just now, I am the one that walked and said, 22:28 "Okay let's do this." 22:29 And I don't encourage anybody to divorce 22:31 because there is ways that you can work things out 22:34 but my marriage is not workable. 22:38 Because I don't, you know, I don't want it anymore. 22:41 You know, I wanna live my life and do it right. 22:45 This wasn't right. You know, so. 22:48 How did your relationship impact your son? 22:51 What did he see? What did he overhear? 22:54 He looked at mom as being strong. 23:00 I don't-- I asked him. 23:02 I said, "Do you, how did you feel about your step dad?" 23:04 And he said, "I don't feel anyway because I never, 23:07 ever put him down to the point that he is not a still a man." 23:11 But that question would have to probably be posed to him, 23:15 because I really don't, you know. 23:17 Well, Devian, how did it impact you? 23:19 It showed me first hand how to act in a relationship 23:23 and how you should treat women. 23:24 Especially from a man's point of view. 23:26 Honestly, there is certain boundaries and certain ways 23:29 you should handle things, especially in a relationship. 23:32 If things can't work by itself, of course, go to, 23:35 speak to a psychologist. 23:36 It's what I like to do. 23:38 I like to talk to people and actually talking with my mom. 23:39 I love talking with her. 23:40 It's actually pushed me to go this way, the way I am gong. 23:43 I am actually talking and just learning 23:44 how the human mind works. 23:46 How we react to things. 23:47 All the way down from how you make a decision 23:49 from picking a certain color to be your favorite color. 23:51 All the way to far up as being a serial killer. 23:54 What makes you snap? What makes you think that way? 23:56 So one thing from seeing her relationships 23:59 is being a man first of all, 24:01 especially being a God given strong man, 24:05 and just accepting what's going to happen and it just overcome. 24:08 I can see you as a psychologist. 24:09 Your tone, you know, your eye contact. 24:14 You don't frighten people, people will open up to you. 24:18 You've got that gift from the Lord, do you know that? 24:21 Yes, ma'am. 24:22 You know, and you have to use it. 24:24 I mean, you have to go out with your Ph.D. 24:25 You know that? You know I'm gonna be on you. 24:26 Yes, ma'am. You know. 24:28 Yes, ma'am. That's a blessing. 24:30 God is preparing you with such a great way. 24:32 You know, let's talk about, you know, 24:36 where are you worshipping now? 24:37 Where are you? 24:39 I go to Liberty Seventh-day Adventist church 24:40 which is in Belleville. 24:42 We went from a, I believe it is a apostolic church. 24:45 We used to have a church but they sold the church 24:48 and this-- there was eight of us there. 24:51 The Belleville church? Mm-hmm. 24:53 They sold that church? Yes. 24:54 Church on sector road? Yeah. 24:56 They sold it. 24:57 And the church is called Liberty? 24:58 Liberty Seventh-day Adventist Church. 25:00 And who is the pastor there? 25:01 We have no pastor currently 25:03 but we have our column of motivational speaker. 25:07 I'm sure I will be up there speaking shortly 25:09 but we have no pastor. 25:10 We had 2 pastors within the last, maybe 2 years. 25:15 And we can't really keep them because they are trying to do 25:17 the Cherry Hills church and several churches. 25:20 So because we are such a small flock they are probably like, 25:23 "Hey, you know, I wanna go to." 25:25 You know, but that's where God to me can reach, 25:28 in small groups. 25:30 Oh, right. 25:31 You know, so we just have a guy, his name is Alan. 25:34 Hi, Alan. 25:35 He speaks and he speaks very well. 25:37 Oh, praise God. 25:39 You know, your mother, wow, what a pillar. 25:43 And sister Young. 25:45 And you have other aunts and uncles? 25:47 Yes. 25:48 How large is the family? It was nine of them. 25:52 And my aunt Sharon passed away. 25:58 My mom is roughly, like, in the middle. 26:02 But if you see them, you'll smile 26:04 because some of them are my color 26:07 and some of them are my son's color. 26:09 So they look at us like, Okay, you're Joans people. 26:13 Yeah but it's different. 26:15 You know, we're all but we are coming together, 26:18 and it's a lot of women. 26:20 A lot of women. You do have a lot of women? 26:22 Yes. 26:24 In the family, in relationship to spirituality and God, 26:31 what is your hope? 26:32 You know, talk to the camera, I want you to have 26:34 about a minute to go. 26:35 Both of you, take us out. 26:38 What do people need to know about having 26:40 this type of relationship and making it work? 26:44 First of all. 26:45 I would say be truthful and honest about everything 26:50 because God already knows. 26:55 And love people unconditionally. 26:58 Don't put stipulations on people 27:01 because a person makes you feel the certain way. 27:04 Just love them unconditionally and take it to God, 27:07 God will help you work out everything. 27:09 I have learned that. Amen. 27:11 Devian, what do you say? 27:12 Even though I'm not a parent yet, this is for the parents, 27:15 be involved in your kid's life because you never know 27:18 what's gonna make or break them in the future. 27:20 No matter if it's finances, relationships, 27:23 or different things of that aspect. 27:25 If you have somebody strong 27:26 that's in your corner no matter what, 27:28 there is nothing you can't overcome. 27:29 Wow. 27:31 Well, Arthur, I am so glad you are in my corner. 27:32 I'm in your corner, sweetheart. And I'm in yours. 27:35 Oh, then I can beat anything. I know that's right. 27:38 Pull through this, you guys. 27:39 Listen, I want to thank you both for being with us. 27:41 Thank you. Thank you. 27:42 We love you and we continue, we're gonna look forward 27:44 to even greater things ahead. 27:45 Yes. Yes. 27:46 Well, I'm Dr. Kim Logan Nowlin. I'm Authur Nowlin. 27:48 And thank you for joining us on Making It Work. 27:50 God bless. God bless. |
Revised 2015-10-15