Participants: Arthur Nowlin (Host), Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin (Host), Larry Key
Series Code: MIW
Program Code: MIW000047A
00:01 Hi, I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin. I'm Arthur Nowlin.
00:03 And welcome, to Making It Work. 00:38 Once again, Arthur and I are here 00:40 and we're happy to be a part 00:42 of the 3ABN Dare to Dream network, 00:44 bringing quality programs, 00:46 helping you and your family to continue to make it work. 00:50 Well, today we have a special guest, 00:52 a dear friend, a childhood friend. 00:54 And he and I grew up together in Detroit, Michigan. 00:58 And he has a wonderful story. 01:00 Elder Larry Keys. Welcome to the program. 01:03 It's good. I'm glad to be here. 01:05 You know that's the first time, I have said Elder Larry Key 01:08 'cause I always say Larry. 01:09 You know, but you are, Elder 01:11 and you must give honor where honor is due. 01:13 Well, thank you. And I'm so proud of you. 01:14 I'm so glad you are saying that. 01:16 You know, Arthur just became Elder. 01:17 Did you know that? Yeah, I heard. 01:19 Congratulations. 01:20 Oh, that great vine is something else. 01:22 Didn't that? God is good. 01:23 You know, what you all should have, 01:25 one those Elder-- Do they have that, 01:27 Elder's circle, 01:28 where you all come together once a month? 01:29 Yeah, they do. Oh, yes. 01:31 We have the Motor City Elders Council. 01:32 Oh, really? Yeah. 01:34 And matter of fact, 01:35 I'm the chaplain for that organization. 01:36 Wow! Why am I not surprised? 01:38 Well, Larry, you know, this is your time 01:41 to tell your testimony, your story. 01:43 And we want you to tell our viewers 01:45 about Elder Larry Keys. 01:46 Tell us your story. 01:48 Well, God has blessed me tremendously over the years 01:52 and I call myself the Detroit miracle. 01:57 And the reason why, God had has his hands on me 02:00 from the beginning. 02:02 And my mother when she was pregnant with me, 02:07 she could not afford to take care of me. 02:10 And so she did the best the she thought at the time 02:14 and she put me up for adoption. 02:16 My birth name is Larry Coleman. That's my birth name. 02:23 And my mom, she wanted to try to give me to my grandmother. 02:29 But at the time my grandmother was raising my sister 02:33 and she was a single parent at the time 02:36 and she was not married. 02:37 So the courts would not allow her to get me as well 02:41 because they didn't think that she could take care 02:44 of both of us at a time. 02:45 So I was put in the foster home at the age of two months old. 02:51 And I was raised by a beautiful, 02:52 warm Christian family, the Key family. 02:55 And that's how I became Larry Key. 02:58 And I was raised in a Christian home, 03:01 raised in the Baptist church as a child. 03:04 All of my family was Baptists, we went to church every Sunday 03:08 and we stayed in church all day. 03:09 All day. 03:11 And but those were my early years, 03:14 like, exposed to Christian beliefs 03:17 in the Bible and everything. 03:19 But my foster father died when I was 13 03:24 and it was very, very traumatic for me. 03:27 That was a time in my life 03:29 where I really needed a man the most. 03:32 And I was angry and I was angry with God 03:35 when my father died at thirteen, 03:38 when I was thirteen. 03:39 And I began to rebel and I began to get into things 03:43 in school and gangs and things like that. 03:47 And so it was a very difficult time 03:49 between the ages of thirteen and seventeen. 03:52 And so God saw that the track that I was going and I had-- 03:57 was going down the wrong streets 03:58 and getting into some things 04:01 that I shouldn't have been getting in at that, 04:04 those teenage ages. 04:07 But I was just angry and I, 04:08 you know, I really enjoyed my father so much. 04:11 My father used to take me to baseball games, the state fair. 04:16 We did things together and I was just-- 04:19 I couldn't understand at that time, 04:21 "Why did the Lord allow my father to die at that time?" 04:27 And it was very difficult for me. 04:30 And so as I said, I began to do poorly in school. 04:37 Before that I mean, in elementary school, 04:39 I made all A's and B's. 04:40 But during that time period, I just rebelled 04:43 and just was doing all kinds of things, hanging with gangs. 04:48 And I praise, I thank the Lord 04:50 that I never got caught doing the wrong things. 04:54 I didn't get caught. The Lord had mercy on me. 04:57 There were times where I was on a porch one time 05:02 and they began to shoot. 05:05 And the bullet came right past my head 05:08 and missed me just by a few inches. 05:11 And, you know, then something went off in my head, you know, 05:15 I said, "You know, I don't know." 05:18 And at that time I was working at a fast food restaurant. 05:24 I went to school in the day and I worked at night 05:27 at a Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant. 05:31 And at that time I met this young lady. 05:34 And you know, this young lady 05:37 began to talk about the Bible all the time. 05:40 And you know, I began to listen 05:42 but the girl was very, very attractive. 05:45 I mean, you know, I was trying to get next to her. 05:47 But you know, I could not get next to her 05:50 because she kept talking about God and her religion. 05:54 And so I began to listen. 05:56 And then she invited me over to her home for Bible studies. 06:01 And so I started actually reading the Bible 06:05 and listening to what she was saying. 06:08 And at that point, she invited me to come 06:12 to Burns Seventh-day Adventist Church in Detroit. 06:15 And prior to that I was giving her all kind of excuses. 06:21 I can't come, I don't have any socks or I forgot. 06:24 But I finally, and I was still had the wrong motives. 06:28 I'm just, the only way, I'm gonna get to this girl is, 06:31 I gotta go to her church. 06:32 Well, I'll make a long story short, 06:34 I came to Burns and I felt so welcomed. 06:38 Everybody was greeting me. 06:40 It was very-- everybody was sincere 06:43 and I felt a warmth of welcome. 06:46 And so I continued to come. I came the next Sabbath. 06:51 And the next Sabbath 06:52 and then I started taking Bible studies 06:54 from the Bible worker at the church. 06:58 And I really got engrossed into the Bible 07:02 and I started studying it. 07:03 And my mother was strictly Baptist. 07:08 All of my family was Baptist. 07:11 And she began to give me a hard time. 07:14 She says, "Why are you going 07:15 to that Seventh-day Adventist Church? 07:17 You know, you can't do anything in that church. 07:19 You can't do this, you can't do that." 07:21 I said, "Mom, but the Bible says and." 07:23 So I began to give Bible studies 07:27 to my family members and then my religion 07:31 became such a conflict in the home 07:34 that my mom asked me to leave the home. 07:37 What? 07:38 And so T. Marshall Kelly has baptized me. 07:42 And I called up Pastor Kelly and I said, "Pastor Kelly, 07:46 my mom has told me, I need to leave the house 07:50 and I can't stay here any longer." 07:52 And so he says, "Larry, don't worry about it." 07:55 He says, we're gonna pray 07:58 and God is going to work this out." 08:00 How old where you? 08:01 I was around, I was 17. 08:05 Well, 17 Around 17 at the time. 08:08 And so Pastor Kelly called one of the church members 08:11 and he called me back. 08:14 He says, "Look I'm going to send my son over 08:16 and one of his friends, to help pick up your things. 08:19 And we found a place where you could stay." 08:21 And one of the church members took me in. 08:24 And so they took me in and they were real nice. 08:29 They were Christian people. 08:31 And they treated me just like their son. 08:33 Is that right? 08:35 And so in the meantime I was trying to get money 08:38 to go down to Oakwood, in Huntsville, Alabama. 08:42 And some of the church members were encouraging me to go. 08:46 And so I began trying to work and save my money 08:50 to go to Oakwood. 08:52 Now God had already paved a way because my father 08:56 that had died, my foster father, 08:59 I was receiving Social Security cheques from my father. 09:03 And so they said, once I turned 18, 09:06 as long as I was in college, I could continue 09:09 to get the Social Security cheques. 09:12 And so that helped me to get in the Oakwood 09:16 along with Pell Grants and I worked jobs. 09:20 And then there were times where I would have to come home 09:24 because I didn't have enough money. 09:26 Back then Oakwood had three quarters. 09:29 They had the fall quarter. 09:30 They had the winter quarter and the spring quarter. 09:32 And I would never make it to the spring quarter 09:34 because my money would run out. 09:36 And so during those times I would go home 09:38 and I will go to Wayne County Community College 09:42 because I didn't want to get too far behind in my studies. 09:46 But you know what, 09:47 I would want to back up a little bit. 09:49 In high school, during those terrible times, 09:53 my grades were terrible. 09:55 I began to fall back 09:57 and I did terrible in high school. 10:01 And so I went to Pastor Kelly and I said, "Pastor Kelly, 10:04 my grades are terrible 10:05 and I really want to go to college. 10:07 And my one of the high school counselors told me 10:12 that my grades were so bad that I just need to go 10:15 and get a job in the factory like most men, 10:18 young men did back in the early 70s 10:21 living in Detroit. 10:23 You know, the Big Three everybody worked in the factory 10:25 because it was good money 10:26 and you didn't have to have a lot of education. 10:29 But I wanted, something was in the back of my head, 10:31 was saying that you need to go to college. 10:34 And my high school counselor told me, 10:36 "Since well, you're not college material, 10:38 you just need to go and get a job in a factory." 10:40 So I started talking to pastor Kelly 10:42 and pastor Kelly said, "Look, Larry, if you read your Bible, 10:46 your grades will increase." 10:47 He said, "Trust me." 10:49 He said, "Every subject is in the Bible 10:50 and all wisdom and knowledge comes from God. 10:53 If you read your Bible, your grades increase." 10:56 And so I began to read my Bible more and more. 10:59 And low and behold, my grades increase. 11:02 And so that first year, before I could get in Oakwood, 11:06 I didn't have the G.P.A. that I needed. 11:09 So I went to Wayne Community College. 11:11 And I think that's where we had spent some time 11:15 with the English class with Mr. Boom. 11:18 Mr. Daniel Boom, we had a class together. 11:20 And that was at Wayne county community college. 11:22 So that first year in my college experience, 11:26 the very first time I made As and Bs 11:30 in all of my major subjects. 11:31 And that gave me some strength and encouragement. 11:34 And so then I applied for Oakwood. 11:36 So I wanted to tell you that background. 11:38 Then I applied and I got in the Oakwood 11:40 because I was considered an advance freshman 11:43 or an advance student. 11:44 So I didn't have to take entrance exam. 11:47 I just came in like that. 11:49 And so from there, I got down at Oakwood. 11:53 And you know, I still had some 11:54 academic struggles and problems. 11:57 And there was a professor at Oakwood, told me that, 12:01 you know, that first year he said, 12:03 "You know, Larry, you just need to pack your old bags 12:05 and go back home to Detroit 12:07 because you're not college material. 12:09 But something inside me kept telling me, I could do this. 12:13 And one of my favorite Bible text is, "I can do all things 12:17 through Christ Jesus who strengthens me." 12:19 And Pastor Kelly used to tell me all the time, 12:21 You can you can do anything 12:23 that if the Lord is on your side 12:25 who can be against you? 12:27 And so I kept pressing on. 12:29 I would work and I started taking 12:32 remedial courses at Oakwood. 12:34 And just to make a long story short, 12:37 God blessed me tremendously. Today I have five degrees. 12:40 I've marched three times at Oakwood. 12:42 I couldn't get enough of Oakwood. 12:44 I loved it so much. 12:46 Now what are your degrees in it? 12:47 Well, I have a Social Science Degree in Communications. 12:51 Then I went on, went back and got a Bachelor's 12:54 in Communications and Bachelor's in Religion. 12:57 And then I got another Socialist Degree. 12:59 Because I took so many courses 13:01 at Wayne County Community College, 13:02 I ended up getting an associates of Science 13:04 and in Liberal Arts, a Degree in Liberal Arts. 13:08 And then I went on 13:09 and I got the B.A in Communications and Religion. 13:13 And then I was able to go to Andrews University 13:17 and receive the Masters in Teaching. 13:20 And also I was able to go to Fisk University. 13:24 I did some graduate work at Howard University 13:27 in the School of Divinity. 13:29 And now here is an experience 13:31 that really told me that never give up. 13:34 While I was-- I lived in Nashville, Tennessee. 13:37 I was teaching in one of our Adventist schools there. 13:40 And I heard about a program 13:43 where they were looking for African-Americans 13:45 to teach elementary school and public schools. 13:48 And so all you had to have is just a Bachelor's Degree. 13:52 But I had more at the time, I had a Master's. 13:55 But I wasn't State certified to teach elementary. 13:58 And this program was with Fisk in Tennessee State. 14:02 And so they paid for everything. 14:04 They paid your tuition, your books. 14:07 They paid everything 14:08 and it was an accelerated program. 14:10 And in nine months, I was able to get my teaching, 14:13 my state license to teach in an elementary school. 14:18 And God blessed me so much. 14:21 Kim, I made a 4.0, a 4.0. 14:25 And I just thought about the individuals 14:28 in the past who said I was not college material. 14:31 And my testimony is that 14:34 no matter what anyone tells you, 14:36 you never know what God can do. 14:39 And that's why I say, "You can do all things 14:41 through Christ Jesus who strengthens you." 14:44 And since that time, I've been an educator now for 22 years. 14:48 In the way, so you ended up-- you are a teacher. 14:51 Yes, I teach. 14:52 And people told him that he would never get his degree. 14:55 Other teachers. Other teachers. 14:56 And you are a teacher. Right. 14:58 And that college professor, I would never say his name, 15:01 and I see him a lot on my weekend and I just smile. 15:05 You know, I shook his hand 15:07 in three commencement services at Oakwood. 15:11 But God has been so good to me all of my life, 15:15 from the time I was born to even today. 15:19 I'm very busy and active in the Adventist Church. 15:22 I believe that has kept me along with God and His Spirit. 15:26 I wear mini hats. 15:28 I'm the chaplain 15:31 for the Motor City Youth Federation. 15:34 I'm also an ordained Elder. 15:36 I have been ordained Elder in my church, 15:38 in Seventh-day Adventist Church for 20 years now. 15:42 I'm the education leader in my church. 15:46 I'm on the Peterson-Warren Academy, School board. 15:51 Just I can't get enough. 15:53 Can't get enough. God bless. 15:54 So what happened to the pretty lady you met 15:56 at Kentucky Fried Chicken? 15:58 Well unfortunately, she left the church. 16:02 And that was very sad for me. I began to send her literature. 16:08 I enrolled her into the Message magazine. 16:10 I sent her tracks. 16:12 I would pray for her 16:14 and even today I continue to pray for her 16:17 that one day she would come back to-- 16:19 She is in this area? 16:21 Yes, she lives in the Detroit area. 16:24 And, you know, I just continue to pray for her. 16:28 And you know, and the Lord blessed you, however you know, 16:30 with a beautiful wife, two beautiful children, 16:33 a son now at Oakwood. 16:35 Yes, my son is at Oakwood University. 16:37 And is he enjoying himself? He loves it. 16:39 He says, " Dad," he says, "I love it." 16:41 And he says, "It's easy right now 16:42 but I know it's going to get harder." 16:44 I say, " Yes son, it's gonna get harder 16:46 but God will pull you through." 16:48 And I was so proud of my son 16:49 because he was able to receive some scholarships 16:53 from the United Negro College Fund. 16:55 I mean God blessed him so much. 16:58 In September he received a scholarship 17:00 from UNCF for 6,000. 17:03 And then two weeks later 17:04 he received another scholarship for 5000. 17:07 And then he received a scholarship 17:09 from Oakwood University for $25,000 17:14 to cover the four years. 17:15 And let me just go back. 17:17 UNCF is United Negro College Fund 17:19 and that supports our United Negro college, 17:23 black colleges. 17:24 And so that fund is a instrumental 17:26 helping our young black students get through school. 17:29 This is. This is really amazing story. 17:32 I guess my story is similar to yours, 17:35 you know, where we talk about being in high school 17:38 and being told that you never could be college material. 17:42 And yet just keep going and you keep going. 17:45 You're right, never give up. 17:46 Never give up. Never give up. 17:48 But what I also want to ask you is, 17:50 tell us about the time that you and Kim 17:52 went down to Down South and she went to jail. 17:56 Who said I went to jail. I never went to jail. 17:59 Could you tell the story? Elder Larry, tell the story. 18:04 Well, we were traveling. 18:06 We were going back to Oakwood 18:09 and we stopped in Nashville, Tennessee. 18:12 Now Kim and I of course, 18:14 we're from Detroit up north we're northerners 18:16 and I guess Kim didn't know her history too well. 18:19 We were in the Deep South. Deep South. 18:21 And things are different in the South. 18:22 In the 70s. 18:24 Yes, especially in the 70s. 18:25 I know, you know, the voters' rights and things 18:28 that we're happening but still in certain parts of the South 18:30 in the early 70s, in the mid 70s as well. 18:34 There was still a lot of racism and prejudice. 18:37 And so I knew where I was at then. 18:39 Kim, I tell you we were at the bus station. 18:44 I think, was it? Trailways. 18:46 Okay we were transferring to get 18:48 the bus in Nashville to Huntsville. 18:51 And that's where the police picked you up? 18:53 Well, no, they didn't pick her up. 18:54 You know, what Kim... 18:56 There was no wound or anything for my wrist. 18:58 Kim was saying something to the police officers 19:01 and I was saying, "Kim, please, you know, just be quite. 19:04 Don't say anything. 19:05 I said, we are in a South you need to," 19:07 and you know, and she was, you know, 19:10 I think I told the policeman there, 19:12 she was a little touchy or something 19:14 and she hadn't had her medication. 19:15 He did. I was praying. 19:17 Because I want to get to Oakwood. 19:19 I didn't want to be stuck in jail somewhere. 19:23 You know, we got to in. 19:24 I said, "Officer please, 19:25 you know, just don't pay any attention. 19:28 She is a little touch, you know. 19:29 We're students going to Oakwood in Huntsville, Alabama. 19:34 And we're just trying to and please, and I said, "Kim, 19:37 please be quite." 19:38 And you know Kim. She likes to talk... 19:40 How I do know that. I said, Kim... 19:42 Hey, even you know, I have a valid point. 19:44 And when that two police officers came up to us 19:49 we're minding our own business. 19:50 Yes, we were. But I told, "Man, listen. 19:52 I'm from Detroit. 19:53 We're not going for that. All right." 19:55 But we were not in Detroit at that time. 19:56 Lord, have mercy. Things were different. 19:58 And so he said, he was gonna lock me up. 20:00 He said, "I will take you, right now, to jail." 20:02 I said, "You're not taking me anywhere. 20:03 I got rights." 20:05 That's when Larry, Larry, that Elder came out. 20:07 "Kim, you need to be quiet." No, I don't have to be quite. 20:10 And I get all loud. 20:11 You know, how we shake our heads and things. 20:13 But the Lord intervened 20:14 and I was able to get on that bus. 20:16 Praise the lord. Oh, Larry, thank you very much. 20:17 I mean, this-- 20:19 Well, she could have a criminal record. 20:20 Yes, I know. You know, she could. 20:22 You know, I want to clear it up, 20:23 I have no criminal records. 20:25 No warrants for my arrest. 20:26 I have a valid driver's license. 20:27 Thank the Lord. But you almost went to jail. 20:29 That was how many years ago. 20:31 And we made it through school. We made it through. 20:33 Working and being diligent, you know. 20:36 Larry was like my protector. 20:37 He's my big brother. He's my protector. 20:38 Because you had criminal potential. 20:41 You know, in school Oakwood university again, 20:43 is in Huntsville, Alabama 20:45 is one of our Seventh-day Adventist schools, 20:47 our college of higher education. 20:49 And I think that it was so important 20:53 because we have to stay together 20:54 because we were from Detroit. 20:56 And the school was in the south 20:58 and we had gone to school in Detroit. 21:00 Yes. And things were very different. 21:02 But yes, Larry helped me to stay and to control. 21:03 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. 21:06 And I was very, you know, 21:08 he'd say, now we gotta things right. 21:09 We gotta make sure. 21:10 Decently in... Yes. 21:12 He said, now we're not going to be lose the control. 21:14 And we have to make it to Oakwood. 21:15 Oh, yes it is. 21:17 "We got to, Kim, we've, come to far to turn around now." 21:19 That's right. I know. 21:20 That's my song too, "we've come this far by faith." 21:22 Sing a little of that. Go ahead. 21:24 We've come this far by faith 21:30 Yes, Lord Leaning on the LORD 21:36 That's our testimony. That's our testimony. 21:38 We can't look back now. 21:39 Praise the God. We can't look back. 21:40 We have been moving forward ever since. 21:42 That was about five years. God has blessed us. 21:44 Yes, he has. 21:45 Wait, we're even almost neighbors, 21:46 live in the same community. 21:48 That's true. Isn't that beautiful? 21:49 We have the same zip code. And then we... 21:53 You know, okay, I want to know though 21:56 how did you meet your wife Pam because her grandmother... 21:59 I met her at church. At Burns? 22:01 That's right. When you visit other woman? 22:03 Pardon me. 22:04 Were you there visiting with other woman? 22:06 No, no no no. 22:07 Oh, you were single at that time? 22:09 I was single. 22:10 Because her grandmother, 22:11 my grandmother were best friends. 22:13 Exactly, that's true. See that's another connection. 22:14 That's right. See. 22:15 And I remember when you came and you said on the back row, 22:17 I was like, " What 're you doing?" 22:18 And you were saying, "I'm dating Pam." 22:20 And I said, "Oh, really." I said, " This is nice." 22:23 Yeah, I met my wife at church. 22:25 Excellent. At church. 22:26 And it's been a blessing ever since. 22:28 You're still in church. 22:29 I have two beautiful children Micah, Genai. 22:33 See and we have a Micah. 22:35 See that's how I name my daughter 22:37 because Kim's daughter was Micah. 22:39 And I said to the Lord, "Lord if I have a daughter, 22:42 I want to name her Micah." 22:43 Because I like that name, I just like the way it sounds. 22:45 And it's Biblical. It's Biblical. 22:47 And it means like Yahweh. 22:49 Yes. Like Yahweh. 22:50 Yes. I named my son Immanuel. 22:52 I didn't wanna put Larry Lee Key. 22:54 That little-- I wanted something different. 22:57 So I named him Immanuel, Immanuel Joseph. 23:01 We call him EJ for short. EJ. 23:03 But I wanted to name him Immanuel 23:05 because Immanuel means God with us. 23:07 And I wanted him-- every time I see my son 23:09 it reminds me that God is with us. 23:11 Now, let me ask you a question. 23:12 Of all your friends, I know, you have many friends. 23:14 And you know, we have many associates but very few friends 23:17 and I can count mine on one hand. 23:19 Arthur, you are on the other hand. 23:20 That's all right. You know what, I love you. 23:22 I love you baby. 23:23 That's a shame. Now you're my best friend. 23:25 I know. 23:26 I had to get you back for that beauty mark. 23:27 All right. 23:29 But listen, out of all my friends 23:31 outside of my best friend, 23:33 you know, you and I have so many links and connections. 23:38 And when I ran for Detroit City Council, you were right there. 23:41 Oh, yeah. 23:42 You're not voting for me, staying with me. 23:44 You're my sister. 23:45 Remember when President Obama first ran, 23:47 we were in line together singing, 23:48 "We Shall Overcome." You know, Larry likes my voice. 23:52 He said Kim start the song. 23:53 Oh, I like your voice too. 23:55 Sang at Oakwood. It was all over the place. 23:57 I just don't like it when you sing. 23:59 Anyway, you know, I tell you, that I just wanna say 24:03 that I truly have appreciated your friendship, 24:06 your love and, you know, it's just wonderful, 24:11 he just say, you are my friend, true friend, you know. 24:15 Friendship is special. It's very special. 24:17 And you know, since I've been in a church, you know, 24:21 you've always been a support to me as well. 24:24 Oh, thank you. You know. 24:25 I'm sorry to interrupt you. Another link. 24:27 It was Larry's recommendation that we were recommended 24:31 for Family Life Directors. 24:32 Oh, well, okay, he recommended you 24:36 but that they wanted me too. 24:38 It was a couple, I mean, I was on the lake region conference 24:43 executive committee at the time. 24:45 And we came to a point where 24:48 we had to vote on some individuals 24:51 for Family Life for the conference. 24:53 And you know, I thought about you. 24:56 You were well qualified 24:58 and I know you had done work with counseling. 25:01 And so it was just a given. 25:03 I mean because of our friendship, that was one thing 25:07 but I knew that you were qualified and God had given you 25:10 and both of you the gift of what you are doing. 25:13 You do a tremendous job doing and traveling all over in that. 25:17 And I knew and I wanted a family, I wanted a couple. 25:22 I just didn't want one individual, 25:24 with that type of position 25:26 for the whole entire conference. 25:28 And so when I thought about it and I prayed about it 25:30 and the executive committee we voted, you are through. 25:34 I just want to say thank you because I have truly enjoyed 25:37 these 7 years thus far. 25:39 Yes. And all the people we have met. 25:43 That the most important thing. 25:44 Oh, my God and the ministry, 25:46 you know, we were just in Minnesota, 25:48 Our New Year's ministering for Family Life 25:51 there with Pastor Victor Wilson. 25:53 And the Sharon Church and it was amazing. 25:56 It was cold up there. 25:57 And you know what pastor said. 25:59 He said, you know, "I give kudos to the Nowlins 26:02 for being here in this kind of weather." 26:04 When you love the Lord, He says, "So send I you." 26:07 So, you know, Larry, I mean, we could go down the list, 26:10 how we are connected. We have a lot of history. 26:12 A lot of history. 26:13 Well, we get two minutes, Larry. 26:15 So what can you offer... Our families? 26:17 Young people who are going 26:19 through trials and tribulations. 26:20 And may be experiencing some of the difficulties 26:24 that you experienced 26:25 when they told you, you could not make it? 26:28 My advice to the young people is, never give up on yourself. 26:34 And never believe when someone tells you, you can't. 26:39 You just trust in the Lord. Ask God for His help. 26:43 And He will get you through 26:45 whatever that your situation may be, 26:47 academically, spiritually, financially and health. 26:51 Whatever you need, God is there. 26:53 Like I said, He's been with me 26:55 all my life since the beginning. 26:58 Way back when I was just being born in 27:01 and God had, had His hands 27:02 and you never know what a person can become. 27:06 Because God is the beginning and the end. 27:11 And He knows everything. 27:13 And so my advice is never let anyone 27:16 tell you what you can't do. 27:17 And "you can do all things through Christ Jesus 27:19 who strengthens you." 27:20 Amen. Amen. 27:22 Well, listen, I want to thank my dear friend, 27:23 Elder Larry Keys for being with us today. 27:25 Absolutely. Thank you. 27:26 We love you. 27:27 We're so proud of you, you know. 27:29 I'm proud of you too. Thank you so much. 27:31 And we're proud of you, Arthur. Thank you very much Kim. 27:33 You're welcome. 27:34 I'm proud that you didn't go to jail that day. 27:36 It... I didn't go jail. 27:40 And I thank God for Elder Keys. 27:42 So listen. May God bless you. 27:44 And may you continue to make it work 27:46 and never give up on your dreams. 27:48 Continue to go for it in Jesus' name. 27:51 I'm Dr. Kim Logan Nowlin. 27:52 I'm Arthur Nowlin. God bless. |
Revised 2015-10-15