Participants: Arthur Nowlin (Host), Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin (Host), Ayana Gardner
Series Code: MIW
Program Code: MIW000045A
00:01 Hi, I am Dr. Kim Logan Nowlin.
00:03 And I'm Arthur Nowlin. 00:04 And welcome to Making It Work. 00:38 Once again Making It Work comes to you 00:42 and trying to empower our families 00:44 and help our families with good information, 00:46 tools to help you to make it work. 00:50 Today, we have a very special guest. 00:53 I have known her since she was a little girl, 00:56 running around 00:58 the Burns Seventh-day Adventist Church 01:00 in Detroit, Michigan. 01:02 But about I would say maybe 15, 20 years, 01:05 she will tell you more and exact dates, 01:08 something changed in her life, 01:10 and we want her to tell Miss Ayana Gardner 01:13 to tell her testimony. 01:14 Welcome to Making It Work, Ayana. 01:16 Brother Nowlin and Sister Nowlin, 01:18 I'm so glad to see you today. 01:19 Be here with you on this program. 01:21 Oh, well, we thank you. Thank you. 01:24 We watched you grow and develop 01:26 and just a blessing to everyone who crosses your path. 01:29 You were such a sweetheart. 01:31 But now... 01:32 And also worked with me with the Motor City Federation. 01:34 Absolutely. 01:36 There we had great time too. Yes, we did. 01:37 That was the first federation, 01:38 where was it at the Coleman Young Rec Center, 01:41 downtown Detroit. 01:42 I believe so. It has been such a long time. 01:43 Yeah, right. So. 01:45 And the Motor City Youth Federation is a organization 01:49 that brings our youths together within our churches, 01:52 within the Seventh-day Adventist Church, 01:53 and at one time my husband served 11 years 01:56 for the Motor City within Detroit area 01:59 and surround churches. 02:01 Yes, how many churches? Twenty one. 02:03 Twenty one churches. 02:04 You know, and I was first lady, I was celebrity, yeah. 02:08 So, Ayana, we want to hear your testimony 02:11 and like you to take our viewers 02:12 through what happened to you in the middle of your life 02:16 and the high point of your life. 02:18 Tell us what happened? 02:20 Well, I can tell you that it has been an uphill battle 02:24 ever since about the year 2000. 02:28 Shortly after I was married at a young age, 02:32 unfortunately that situation did not work out, 02:35 but I have been having some really strange health symptoms 02:39 following that experience in blindness 02:41 in the matter of three days... 02:44 Really. What? 02:46 In the year 2000, 02:47 I thought it was just a slight muscle 02:48 or eyestrain in my eye, 02:50 and over the course of three days, 02:52 lost my eyesight completely in the left eye. 02:56 Was treated with steroids 02:57 over the course of maybe three, four days. 03:00 And over the next couple of months, 03:02 it slowly but surely came back. 03:05 So I thank the Lord for that. 03:07 But my story is like many others 03:09 who start off with the disease multiple sclerosis 03:12 which is very life altering. 03:16 And at the age of about 22 to 23 03:18 is when I really started having battles with it, 03:22 lots of fatigue, numbness and tingling from the legs 03:26 all the way to the waist, 03:28 and then losing the feeling in my arms 03:30 all the way to my shoulders. 03:32 And walking around and not being able to feel 03:35 the very hands I used to shake at school. 03:40 After about a year 03:42 of not disclosing a lot of these things 03:45 I was going through personally, 03:47 I finally decided to go to the hospital, 03:50 at a major hospital in Detroit, Michigan. 03:53 Was there for roughly three or four days 03:55 while they ran some tests. 03:56 Excuse me. 03:58 Let me interrupt you for one second. 03:59 Yes. 04:01 Are you saying that you didn't tell anyone 04:02 when you were going through these symptoms? 04:04 Did you just kept it to yourself? 04:06 Lots of times I kept it to myself 04:08 thinking maybe it's stress 04:10 or post things from a relationship, 04:14 and I didn't really disclose a lot of information. 04:17 Okay. 04:19 I went to William Beaumont where they did 04:21 lots of experiments on me. 04:23 And unfortunately after three or four days 04:26 of being poked and prodded on, 04:28 they came back 04:30 and said that without a shadow of a doubt 04:32 that it was multiple sclerosis. 04:35 And that was pretty devastating not only to my immediate family 04:39 but to my church family. 04:41 You know, there had been no record of anyone 04:44 that we knew with the illness. 04:46 A lot of information 04:48 had not been out on it at that time, 04:50 so it was pretty devastating to find out I had it. 04:54 And at that time it was an incurable disease. 04:58 My parents who have been a beacon to me since then, 05:03 they were, surrounded me 05:05 and shielded me with a lot of things. 05:07 We had some friends who were medical professionals 05:10 who had attended some conferences in another state, 05:15 and they were speaking to my parents 05:17 because they have recently found out my diagnosis. 05:21 And had learned of some doctors overseas in the Germany area 05:26 that had done some experiments or work on multiple sclerosis. 05:31 And was willing to give my parents the numbers 05:35 to these doctors to get in contact with them, 05:37 because I was progressing within the disease quite fast. 05:42 Losing everything, any bodily function 05:44 you can think of, 05:46 being unable to walk and be able to use your limbs 05:52 without really feeling them, 05:54 some other things like the endless fatigue, 05:57 lots of emotional backdrop to a lot of things. 06:02 It was roughly about five months later, 06:05 four, five months later 06:07 once my progression had really got pretty bad, 06:11 that some of our doctor friends and my parents over the river 06:16 and through the woods, 06:18 they got in touch with this doctor. 06:19 He was going to be back in the States 06:22 for another medical conference. 06:24 And so the original plan I believe if I can remember 06:28 was to fly me to this other state with my parents, 06:32 and we have a meeting with this doctor. 06:35 Well, because my health was really weakened, 06:38 they didn't want to make me make that long flight 06:41 to another state 06:43 like that not knowing what would happen. 06:46 Well, with much prayer and much power, 06:49 somehow the doctor agreed 06:51 that he had a little bit of time, 06:52 a window of time between some meetings 06:55 that he was having, 06:56 and he was willing to fly to Detroit, 06:59 Michigan from half way across the world to meet me. 07:03 My Lord. 07:04 So they got the arrangements together 07:07 and the interesting thing which is, 07:10 one of the most powerful things of the testimony, 07:13 all of my medical records 07:14 were hung up in the hospital here. 07:17 Being that he was across seas, 07:18 he had no access to anything of mine. 07:21 I could barely walk and was really wobbly, 07:26 but I managed to get to a hospital here 07:29 that had my medical records. 07:31 Unfortunately the person that give me the information 07:34 where my records were 07:36 told me the wrong location 07:38 on a very large hospital facility ground, 07:42 that just by walking would take every bit of 25, 30 minutes, 07:46 and I knew I couldn't do it. 07:48 And God places you 07:50 at the right place at the right time. 07:52 A young gentleman 07:53 who was one of the transport personnel 07:56 for the medical facility 08:00 actually saw me looking sort of disoriented 08:02 as I was trying to figure out how am I going to 08:05 get to the other side of this medical campus, 08:08 and he offered to take me over there. 08:10 Put me on his transport vehicle 08:13 and dropped me off in front of the building. 08:15 To make a long story short, 08:18 it was a woman there who got access 08:20 to all my medical records. 08:22 And mind you, this is after the office was closed 08:25 because I was dropped there just a few minutes 08:28 after I knew the office was closed, 08:30 but my spirit, the Holy Spirit 08:32 I believe told me to go here, 08:34 and someone will be there to assist you. 08:37 And within hour and half after being totally 08:42 put from here to there, 08:43 this lady at the hospital that accessed to my records 08:47 and that's how I was able to get them to Doctor Frank. 08:50 And within that week they said, Ayana, it's your choice. 08:55 You can probably imagine what it felt like to be 08:58 able to have a foreign medicine 09:01 being experimented on you and done with this, 09:03 not knowing what could happen. 09:06 And just by faith, trusting that God 09:08 had another plan for you to accept the treatment, 09:11 to accept the clinical treatments, 09:13 and progress along with what the plan was. 09:16 The more they prayed over me and several people were there 09:19 and they told me the moment that you feel anything funny, 09:21 you let us know. 09:22 First treatment went well and second and third 09:25 and fourth and so on. 09:28 And I was treated a series 09:30 of about four to five different times 09:32 over several months within the year, 09:35 skipping a few months at a time. 09:38 And to ended all I will say my sister, 09:43 my younger sister, 09:44 I have two sisters which I'm oldest of all three of us. 09:48 My youngest sister was getting married in the year 09:51 that I was treated. 09:53 And I was received my very last treatment 09:56 the day before she was married, 09:58 and I was able to walk down the aisle in the heels, 10:01 no walker and no cane. 10:04 And I want to say something. 10:05 Let say to here welcome the healed. 10:07 I know. I know. 10:08 That's a blessing. God has been good ever since. 10:10 Oh, that's a blessing. 10:12 I had a few other answers is where something has happened 10:15 due to some others things with. 10:17 Medical thing it's so interesting, 10:19 MS can be triggered by many things. 10:22 And a lot of times, 10:24 even right now I believe the Lord, 10:25 He allows you to have certain illnesses, 10:29 but when you're a testimony for Him, 10:31 you know, you can walk around with some major illnesses 10:34 and really not be affected by. 10:36 I've had MS for about 14 to 15 years 10:40 and maybe longer and just didn't know 10:42 what was going, it's been dormant there. 10:44 But God has watched me ever since, 10:47 I literally walk by faith. 10:49 Just recently I start walking with the cane actually. 10:53 After I was treated back then, I only had one other situation 10:59 that was pretty devastating to deal with the MS 11:01 but it was caused by a tooth being pulled too soon. 11:03 Okay. 11:04 And the bacteria sort of littered to my system 11:06 triggered the MS so I know not to do that soon anymore. 11:10 But ever since then as been upward mobility. 11:14 God has brought me from the bed, 11:15 from the wheelchair, 11:17 and from the cane recently, 11:19 and so I thank the Lord for that. 11:21 Oh, yeah. Go ahead. 11:23 The medication, are you still taking that same medication or? 11:27 I have taken no formal medication for over 10 years. 11:32 Are you serious, my goodness. 11:34 Now, have you changed your diet, 11:36 I know as far as what you eat, 11:38 you know, in your sleep pattern, 11:41 had it improved or did it 11:43 'cause you know the pain that you were experiencing, 11:47 you know, 'cause your muscles were uncomfortable. 11:49 So was it a diet, are you using a special diet now? 11:54 I'm getting ready to start more diet-- more regimen. 12:00 One thing that, I don't know 12:02 if it's exactly from the MS or not 12:04 but I was pumped with a lot of steroids. 12:07 And unfortunately when you're not as mobile, 12:11 you're not able to use muscles 12:12 and you tend to retain a lot of stuff, 12:13 so I have gained 12:15 quite a few pounds over the years. 12:16 And by many people 12:18 and especially those who are close to you, 12:21 sometimes would remind you 12:22 that you have done that unfortunately. 12:24 Sometimes we must understand Dr. Nowlin 12:27 that people don't know your story. 12:29 That's right. Come on now. 12:30 And the pastor of my church, I love when he preached that, 12:33 he is a wonderful pastor. 12:35 And when he preaches that it makes so much sense. 12:40 And I will say that, you know, God would do what He would do 12:43 when that rang 'cause that's another journey to take, 12:46 but I'm so thankful 12:48 that God has brought me through what He has. 12:51 Losing your voice and losing everything, 12:53 I used to sing quite a bit. 12:55 Yes. Beautiful voice. 12:56 Ayana has a beautiful voice. 12:59 Yes, and I'm thankful the Lord 13:01 through one of our wonderful choir directors 13:03 at our church Misairus Hankins 13:06 and our whole music committee 13:08 who stands behind the music ministry 13:10 and she tries to strengthen my voice through exercises 13:13 and things like that, very encouraging. 13:16 And when you have people like that is around you, 13:19 your health and your healing becomes more and more real. 13:25 It becomes more, more real. 13:27 You know, I was visiting your church two weeks ago. 13:29 And at the end of Sabbath school, 13:32 when the department has stated that you'd be taking over 13:35 'cause she was going to be taking a leave of absence. 13:36 Yes. 13:38 I saw you get up and I watched you, 13:41 and it hit me, I said, "Ayana doesn't have a cane." 13:45 And I watched you walk all the way up. 13:48 You would sit down, 13:49 she calls you up and walked again. 13:51 And you stood up for a good period of time 13:55 and I said, "Look at the Lord." 13:59 I was so happy for you. 14:01 You know, and let me say this, one thing about Ayana, 14:04 her countenance, 14:06 the old character has never changed. 14:08 You have remained kind and sweet, 14:10 loving and that song I shall not complain 14:14 and you continue to stay with the Lord. 14:16 You never left the Lord. 14:18 You never, you never questioned God. 14:22 Why? 14:24 Well, one thing when you are-- 14:26 as I said it before raised in a strong family. 14:30 You know, first of all no family is perfect. 14:32 But I must say, I have a supportive grandparent 14:37 and parent foundation 14:39 of which I've watched them go through many things. 14:43 And one thing I remember that is that the Lord 14:46 sometimes has seasons in your life. 14:49 You know, after a relationship that did not last 14:53 and the Lord always expects us to forgive 14:56 not just that person, 14:58 but to be able to forgive ourselves and move in. 15:01 And so I love those individuals even yet to this day. 15:05 But I will say that the healing and the release is one reason 15:10 why the healing physically has taken place. 15:14 A lot of things that we attempt to keep on the inside, 15:17 they manifest their self on the outside. 15:20 But when you learn to release, that release happens 15:23 and you have a better outlook on things in life. 15:27 I will say that, you know, I never questioned God 15:31 in purpose or got in public and got angry. 15:35 There were times in the back of your mind as with Job, 15:38 we know his story. 15:40 And I just felt the Lord was saying just hold on, 15:43 everything is going to be okay. 15:45 And then those many dark nights 15:48 when you're alone sleeping in your bed 15:50 and you just wonder, what's going to happen 15:52 for the next day especially when someone 15:55 is not there to give you a hug 15:56 or to tell you things all the time. 15:59 But when you are alone, God whispers all sweet, small, 16:03 still reminders that you're still His daughter. 16:08 And He specifically told me, Ayana, I know your name. 16:13 And the Lord hasn't forgotten my name, 16:15 not to this day. 16:17 Just recently, not too long ago 16:19 able to have full time employment 16:22 again after a hiatus for three years or so. 16:26 And whether in those emotional storms 16:28 from leaving one company, 16:31 going to another and all of the gaps in between, 16:35 but the Lord never forgot my name. 16:38 I love that. 16:39 Does He never forgot my name. 16:40 Have you ever heard spoken like that, 16:42 the Lord has never... 16:43 He knows my name. 16:45 I think I've rehearsed when I sing it. 16:46 Sing it. 16:48 And he has praises in a song, 16:49 but to hear someone say it, the Lord knows my name. 16:52 That's a real deep commitment, you know. 16:55 And your faith. 16:57 But He's brought you out of some stuff, you know, 17:00 as some of the people would say, you know, 17:04 you went through some stuff and still you held on 17:08 to your relationship with the Lord. 17:11 And you didn't do like what 17:13 Job's wife say curse, go on, Jesus, curse God. 17:16 Curse Him. And die. 17:18 You know, what I'm saying. 17:19 There was one point in my life where I did feel, Lord, 17:22 you've set me on the shelf 17:23 like one of these beautiful vases sitting here. 17:26 And the Lord probably chuckles and laugh at our ignorance 17:29 because He said, now you're in the very position 17:32 you need to be for me to bless you and bring you. 17:35 I'm gonna leave you double for your former trouble. 17:38 And there were some things that had happened in my life 17:40 even prior to this that were very devastating 17:44 but as with anything a lifeless, 17:48 individuals, even personal things, 17:51 but I thank the Lord 17:52 that He's brought me through them. 17:54 Amen. 17:55 You know, it's so interesting because, you know, 17:57 a lot of times individuals not knowing 18:00 that I even had multiple sclerosis 18:02 because they were saying, 18:04 "Lady, you look so well." 18:07 But that's a sign of contentment on the inside, 18:11 that is simply because I said 18:12 before the good Lord knows my name. 18:14 Amen. Amen. 18:16 And He is restoring 18:17 so many things in my life again, 18:20 including relationships, 18:21 both personally and collectively. 18:24 You think you'll have to again remarried, marry again. 18:27 Eventually I will, the Lord has brought 18:29 a special young person in my life 18:31 again after being single 18:33 seven or eight years now for a long time. 18:37 You have to do a lot of self healing 18:38 first especially when 18:40 relationship has a lot of factors to it. 18:43 Yes. 18:44 And, you know, you live and learn. 18:45 You don't want to take a baggage 18:47 into another relationship, 18:49 but as I'm older now 18:50 and had a chance to learn a few things, 18:53 you know, you move on, 18:55 and you don't keep holding those bitter grudges, 18:57 not only against the individual but against yourself. 19:01 And not believing that you don't have 19:03 or you don't deserve 19:04 to be loved again and love right. 19:08 And that's the most important thing. 19:10 It always takes two to tango in a relationship, 19:14 so I'll never blame anyone for anything, 19:17 you know, just solely themselves. 19:19 But at the same time when you look to someone 19:23 and you value and you admire that person, 19:28 and they let you down, 19:29 that could be devastating to you. 19:32 But now, you know, looking forward, 19:35 I look for the Lord to bless what's there. 19:37 a lot of times as a young woman, 19:40 we tend to look for the knight in shining armor. 19:45 And sometimes the good Lord will send you someone 19:47 in the jeans and t-shirt. 19:50 All right. All right. 19:52 Don't need armor, I like that, jeans and t-shirt. 19:56 The armor isn't nice but the only thing 19:57 God Himself was not brought to this world 20:00 in a finest of everything. 20:02 He came in the plain clothing and swaddling clothes 20:06 and the cloth as we know. 20:08 And His own people didn't recognize Him, 20:10 and He was the savior of this world. 20:13 Sometimes we bypass people because they're our sale 20:18 where there are parents, 20:20 where there are book covers as we will say. 20:23 It doesn't matter but what our ideal is 20:27 and yes, sometimes you get ridicule with that. 20:29 But only between you and that person, 20:32 you really know how you feel about each other. 20:35 Yes, there are counsel and yes, the opinions and everything, 20:40 they can weigh in your relationship, 20:41 but they should not control you. 20:43 Right. 20:44 Because people don't really know 20:46 what you've gone through. 20:47 They absolutely don't. 20:48 They don't know your story, you know. 20:50 No, they don't. Yes. 20:51 So part of yes, but totaling and to know, 20:55 to know everything, not really. 20:58 So what's the hat for you now? 21:01 You said you were in music, recording, 21:04 you're thinking about recording? 21:05 I haven't looked into that vision before, 21:07 I have a cousin who has a magnificent voice 21:11 and she records, 21:12 I would love to do a number with her 21:14 or do something in the background weather. 21:16 I love to write being an English major, 21:19 being a person who has an English degree, 21:21 looking forward to doing her master's this year. 21:24 I feel healthy enough to get back into that. 21:27 And just get back into a lot of things, 21:29 I can just about run again, so. 21:31 Oh, man. 21:32 So I heard you munching something, 21:34 probably in French say. 21:37 Oh, yes, I speak in French. 21:44 What did she say? 21:50 She does the same things, 21:51 same words I hear you say every time. 21:53 That's all I do in French. Yes. 21:56 You know, we Bonsoir, Bonjour. 22:02 Bonjour, must see you Arthur. That's the start. 22:04 Yeah. Okay. 22:06 Can you? Can you again come in back. 22:07 He can't see, see, you know. 22:09 I was ready to hit on you 22:11 because you did little some, you know. 22:14 I cannot come back. 22:16 You know, I did not use both France and French, 22:18 I didn't that. 22:20 Yes, I had a teacher in high school. 22:21 My first encounter with her 22:23 was in my early high school years 22:26 and I heard before them but not as much. 22:29 And one of my favorite teachers in high school, 22:31 she had my interest corked in it. 22:34 And all through high school and the rest of college 22:36 and even after college, I kept it in mind. 22:38 Actually, we went on a cruise, my family a few years ago back. 22:42 Unfortunately, I was in a wheelchair then, 22:45 took a cruise in a wheelchair, 22:47 and enjoyed myself like any person should. 22:50 We landed in an island 22:52 that was a French speaking island 22:54 for one of our reports I've got. 22:56 And being that I knew how to spoke French, 22:58 I can tell the gentlemen that we were visiting there 23:00 and could he find me a wheelchair. 23:02 And he was very, very cooperative 23:04 and was kind of excited that I could speak in French. 23:07 And my grandparents were with me. 23:10 My grandmother is so excited, that's my granddaughter, 23:12 she knows how to speak French word. 23:13 That's great. 23:15 I had a wonderful time on that cruise. 23:16 You know, just because you're handicap, 23:18 even when you're down, you just still enjoy yourself. 23:21 Yeah. 23:23 But the fact that I think I actually got up a few times 23:25 and try to push my wheelchair or hold on to it. 23:28 It's kind of difficult. 23:29 Though unless you really have 23:31 a strong relationship with the Lord. 23:33 And most importantly, when you realize 23:37 that you can't contribute, you can't do, you know, 23:41 and that takes a lot of prayer and a lot of strength 23:45 for you to make a decision on that, 23:47 I'm not going to lay down. 23:48 I'm not going to let anything prevent me 23:51 from enjoying my life, 23:52 so that was really important, 23:54 that was really important. 23:55 Ayana, let's talk about the doctor who assisted you 23:59 and how did he come about to be in your life? 24:03 Well, the doctor's name is Doctor Neuse Frank. 24:06 Unfortunately at this time, 24:08 we have reason to believe that he passed away. 24:10 And he hadn't, we haven't heard from him in several years. 24:13 But this doctor was like an angel in the skies. 24:17 Unfortunately, he himself had a mess. 24:20 And by the time he treated himself, 24:21 he was a doctor. 24:23 He had lost the ability to use his legs, 24:25 so when he came here to the States, 24:26 he was already in a wheelchair. 24:29 They had examined me, one of our friends 24:31 here in the United States is a medical professional here. 24:34 And he held my hand in 24:36 and rode up to me next in his wheelchair. 24:37 I was sitting in a chair, 24:39 they got me in the chair and said, 24:40 Ayana, you're at us, you're definitely in the mess 24:43 and you're in exacerbation now. 24:45 But if we can catch your symptoms 24:48 at the stage of MS. 24:49 Now, we can bring you about 90 percent out of the disease. 24:53 And so the decision was basically mine 24:56 and what it was, 24:57 was a series of medicine 24:59 that I was treated with in for intervals, 25:03 seven weeks intervals in between through the two, 25:06 maybe two months or so, two or three months. 25:09 And to be treated again 25:10 for a block of five to seven days. 25:12 Were they injections? 25:14 I'm sorry, were they injections? 25:15 They were infusions of medicine just from a several vial 25:18 that were brought over here by the doctor himself 25:21 or shipped over here, you know, as a package fully, you know, 25:25 containing everything. 25:27 Then it was some nurses here who helped to bridge the gap 25:31 when he could not be over in the States to treat me 25:33 and then they'll have to infuse me. 25:35 One of them was my aunt, one of my favorite aunts 25:37 who has been there with me 25:40 through many, many things in my life, 25:41 my aunt Genora Jones. 25:43 And she did my very last infusion for me, 25:47 the day before my sister got married. 25:50 And God had truly saw me through those, 25:52 that whole thing. 25:53 One thing that I experienced 25:55 about the third series of treatments, 25:57 I really didn't see too much happening, 26:00 the first and second treatment. 26:02 But it was interesting at the third treatment, 26:04 something really funny happened. 26:07 Just as many women like to get their nails done 26:09 or get manicure or pedicure, I notice that my nails, 26:13 it's-- You know, 26:14 it's common place if you have a small white line 26:16 or something on one of your nails, 26:17 but I noticed that all my fingernails 26:20 have white lines straight across them, 26:22 all of my fingernails. 26:24 What was interesting was that my toenails 26:26 had the same thing, 26:27 and I just progressively saw them go further, 26:30 further up my nail. 26:32 To make a long story short there, 26:34 I had a whole new set of toenails and hand nails. 26:39 It was if like I was sloughing off something. 26:42 Also my hair grew immensely long again. 26:45 Almost several things happened on, skin, 26:47 a lot of skin fell of, whole lot of things, 26:49 it was just like something was coming away. 26:52 And there was a rebirth of some new things there. 26:55 So slowly but surely, 26:57 lots of things came back overtime so. 27:02 There's just so much information. 27:03 We have 47 seconds. 27:06 I just want to thank you for coming 27:07 because it's so important that you who may have 27:11 multiple sclerosis to know that you can survive it. 27:14 God can bring you through it, the faith of this young lady. 27:17 Ayana, we wish you all the best and God's blessings. 27:20 We really appreciate you coming. 27:22 You've been so informative. 27:23 I know that a lot of people who have watched, 27:25 definitely get in contact with the station 27:28 because they want to hear more. 27:30 And I'm more willing to talk to anyone. 27:32 I have several friends here in the city 27:34 who are either wheelchaired, 27:35 abound to struggling with the MS that, 27:38 I pray for all the time 27:39 because they understand the same battle 27:41 I go through and I pray that the Lord will see them 27:43 through the same thing. 27:45 Okay. 27:46 Well, we want to thank you for joining us today. 27:48 I'm Dr. Kim Logan Nowlin. 27:49 I'm Arthur Nowlin. 27:51 And thank you for joining us on Making It Work. 27:53 God bless. God bless. |
Revised 2015-10-15