Making it Work

The Journey

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Arthur Nowlin (Host), Dr Kim Logan-Nowlin (Host), Pr. Ariel Roldan


Series Code: MIW

Program Code: MIW000038

00:01 Hi, I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin. I'm Arthur Nowlin.
00:03 And welcome to "Making It Work."
00:36 Arthur, throughout our lives we take many journeys.
00:41 Your journey become Seventh-day Adventist,
00:44 serve in the military.
00:46 My journey being able to take on different roles in my life,
00:52 starting a business from nothing
00:53 and allowing God to move that to a new direction every day.
00:58 And some of you viewing right now,
01:00 you're on a journey but you don't know
01:01 where that journey is taking you.
01:03 Or some of you are going to the left,
01:05 to the right because you're totally not sure
01:08 if it's from God.
01:10 Well, the Bible says that God is not the father of confusion.
01:14 Today we have a very special guest with us,
01:17 Pastor Ariel Roldan.
01:19 He is the pastor of the Oakwood Seventh-day Adventist Church
01:23 in Taylor, Michigan.
01:24 Welcome, pastor.
01:25 Thank you. Thank you so much. Welcome.
01:27 Oh, God bless you.
01:29 We want to talk about today our topic, The Journey.
01:33 You've had a tremendous journey
01:35 and I'm excited about hearing it.
01:37 So I'm going to turn it over-- 'cause I want you to tell,
01:40 share with our viewers your journey.
01:42 Sure.
01:44 My journey begins many years ago
01:47 in another continent, in South America,
01:49 in the country of Argentina
01:51 where I was born to Alfredo and Maria Roldan.
01:57 My dad, when I was born he was a coal porter
02:00 or a literature evangelist
02:01 which is someone that basically,
02:03 it's like a missionary but with literature.
02:05 In fact, they brings the Gospel to people through books.
02:07 But before that he had been a police officer in Argentina.
02:11 So someone shared the Gospel with him more fully
02:14 and he accepted.
02:15 My mom was Catholic,
02:17 and they both took Bible studies together,
02:19 and they decided to be baptized
02:21 and join the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
02:24 So I was born into that kind of a home.
02:26 My dad loved the work of doing literature evangelism
02:31 and we traveled quite a bit.
02:33 So you're talking about a journey
02:34 one from Argentina to Bolivia
02:37 and the Lord used that ability that my dad had,
02:40 He really did bless my dad with that,
02:42 to come into United States.
02:43 We came to Harrisburg Pennsylvania in 1984.
02:47 I was 11 years old when we arrived.
02:51 It was a quite a memorable event.
02:54 My dad came first, 6 months and worked to raise some money
02:58 and then was able to pay for tickets for my mom,
03:00 myself and my younger brother, too, to join him.
03:03 And when we arrived, it was interesting,
03:06 the United States is not at all what you see on television.
03:09 Back in those days "Magnum, PI" was hot in South America.
03:12 Right, right.
03:13 No one was driving Lamborghinis,
03:14 there was no beach in Harrisburg Pennsylvania.
03:18 And where we lived,
03:19 the neighborhood we moved into saw a lot of hooties,
03:22 no Lamborghinis.
03:24 Some hooties.
03:26 We were like, where's, where are the mansions,
03:27 where are the, the rich people 'cause in South America,
03:30 the idea is every American lives
03:33 as the television portrays them to be.
03:37 So we began to see that the United States,
03:40 so it is a land of opportunity also is a land of challenges.
03:44 And one of the first ones was the language,
03:47 trying to pick up English.
03:50 And at that time we did not have
03:52 what we have today with many Hispanic popular artists
03:57 whether in the movies or in the music industry. Right.
03:59 Back in those days being a Hispanic was not necessarily
04:02 something that inspired pride and your ethnic background.
04:08 And so most Hispanics would try to learn English
04:10 as fast as possible and hide their accent.
04:13 Many-- My friends at school would deny
04:17 being able to speak Spanish
04:18 so they wouldn't have to translate for me.
04:20 But I would hear them speak Spanish.
04:21 It was just an embarrassing thing to be a Hispanic,
04:24 during that time, during the early '80s.
04:26 I think the only popular one was Gloria Estefan
04:29 but she hadn't totally crossed over at that time.
04:31 Yeah, okay.
04:32 Only conga was in style back then.
04:36 But that-- that was some of the things
04:39 that began to set the stage for this journey that my family
04:43 and myself more prolonged to go through,
04:47 trying to adjust--
04:48 Excuse me for interrupting but the journey
04:52 when your father left South America
04:54 there was a purpose in that.
04:57 Yes. Yeah.
04:58 What was that purpose, to just come to America
05:01 and find the land of milk and honey or...
05:06 Well, the United States was going through a transition.
05:10 New York which had been the capital
05:12 of many other South American countries,
05:14 like Arabian countries with Hispanics.
05:16 Many Hispanics were actually,
05:18 were leaving, exiting New York City,
05:20 finding lower cost housing,
05:23 better neighborhoods for their children.
05:25 They were moving into Virginia, Pennsylvania and so they,
05:29 the Allegheny East Conference was looking for mini--
05:34 individuals who could minister
05:35 to this growing Hispanic population.
05:38 And so they brought some pastors
05:39 and these pastors decided,
05:40 well, we need some people in the ground
05:43 to get in contact with people in their neighborhoods.
05:46 We need some good LEs, and so someone called
05:49 from North America to Bolivia.
05:51 And providence, for us providence worked it out
05:55 that a lady mentioned my dad's name
05:58 and he got a good report from the leadership
06:01 and so they brought in here
06:02 to work as a literature evangelist,
06:05 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, that's why we came.
06:08 Excellent. Excellent.
06:10 So you said the transition was difficult
06:12 in the beginning, you know.
06:14 How long did it take you before you really settled in?
06:19 Um, I think for my brother and I,
06:21 it took about 2-3 years.
06:24 My parents are still...
06:25 Oh, yeah. Still in the process.
06:28 I mean, it's interesting as I speak to you,
06:30 my dad retired now, some years ago.
06:32 My mom is in the process of retiring.
06:35 But when we first came, he was, I think difficult
06:38 for my parents to be so helpless.
06:41 And especially my dad who was a very,
06:43 I mean, he was almost like an entrepreneur.
06:46 You mentioned about having your own business.
06:48 To go from that type of independence,
06:50 to being dependant on your child
06:51 to translate for you at the bank,
06:53 to open up a bank account,
06:55 to always be looking for a Hispanic dentist
06:58 or a dentist that has a Hispanic dental hygienist
07:00 to translate for you.
07:03 It took a while for my parents to digest this reality
07:06 and my dad was painted or told,
07:09 you know, hey, you be in a Hispanic environment,
07:12 with Hispanic supermarkets, with Spanish radio,
07:14 with Spanish television, you don't need English.
07:17 But that's not the reality.
07:19 And when my parents came here they quickly realized that
07:22 they would need to learn English,
07:23 they were very proactive.
07:24 They learn--They enrolled
07:25 in some community classes for English.
07:30 But they always had this,
07:31 the mindset that we would stay here temporarily
07:33 and then move back.
07:34 Is that right?
07:35 They missed family, all our cousins and aunts,
07:40 stayed down in South America.
07:42 So he was, he was always with his thought
07:45 in the back of our heads, someday we'll go back.
07:48 Okay.
07:49 So originally we were not settling with too many routes.
07:53 We thought it's only gonna be temporary but,
07:55 and once you learned the language,
07:57 once you begin to get a job and you begin to get a--
07:59 a rhythm of how things work here,
08:01 you begin to realize that
08:02 it is a land of tremendous opportunity,
08:04 a lot more than we would have had in, in South America.
08:08 Let's talk about how long it took you to become a citizen.
08:14 Talk about your father
08:15 and what he went through in his journey,
08:17 and then what happened to you at the age of 11?
08:19 Okay.
08:21 My brother was 10 and I was 11,
08:23 we landed in Miami, then we landed in Philadelphia,
08:25 my dad picked us up.
08:28 And at that point our legal status...
08:32 I guess, you're a foreigner
08:35 most of these processes are not commonly known.
08:39 You start out with a visa.
08:41 My dad entered with a religious visa
08:42 an R-1 it's called.
08:44 And after you proved yourself that you know, you're here to--
08:47 The government's afraid
08:48 that people will come here and get wealthier.
08:50 That's one of their fears that they have.
08:53 They'll come, you get people into this country
08:54 and then they'll become dependant on the government.
08:56 What they want to see is, people that will come
08:57 and be productive.
08:59 So after a certain period,
09:00 when they see that you've been productive,
09:01 then they'll allow you to apply to become a legal resident.
09:04 Okay.
09:05 And you can stay for that,
09:07 in that status for indefinitely.
09:09 You have to renew it every 10 years.
09:12 Should you want to become a US citizen
09:14 after you become a US resident for 5 years
09:16 in good standing, you can apply to become a US citizen.
09:20 When we came here my had a R-1 visa
09:22 and the whole family fell underneath that umbrella.
09:25 Okay.
09:26 About a year of being here in 1985,
09:30 my parents got a phone call from the lawyers
09:32 that work with the Allegheny East Conference in New York,
09:35 telling us-- telling my parents what happened?
09:38 My parents were like, what do you mean what happened?
09:40 What happened? We just called the immigration.
09:42 The INS, that's what it was called back in the days,
09:44 Immigration and Naturalization Services,
09:46 now it's Homeland Security.
09:48 What happened?
09:51 We just called to see what the update in your case is,
09:53 what is your status and it's been closed
09:55 and you've been denied.
09:56 Really. Oh.
09:57 And so my parents were shocked.
09:59 Everything was going fine.
10:00 Everything, all the paperwork was there.
10:02 It was a legit call.
10:03 I mean, it was a legit institution,
10:04 the Allegheny East,
10:05 the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
10:06 My dad obviously had the skills and when they began to enquire,
10:13 the sad irony was that,
10:15 it was the pastor that was overseeing my dad.
10:18 This was the last step in this whole process.
10:21 Immigration caught him.
10:23 At that time immigration was very innocent.
10:25 It was-- Pretty much everything was done over the phone.
10:27 They would call the immediate supervisor
10:30 just to verify that this whole application was legitimate.
10:33 Right.
10:34 So all this pastor had to say was yes.
10:35 The Allegheny East Conference
10:36 has made a call for Alfredo Roldan.
10:39 We are financially responsible for him.
10:41 He's working for us.
10:43 We make ourselves responsible for him and his family.
10:47 And all he had to say was yes,
10:48 that all those things were true
10:49 and he said that he doesn't know
10:51 what happened to him that day.
10:52 He got nervous and he said no. No.
10:56 And they hung up the phone.
10:57 And when my parents found that out,
11:01 the Allegheny East Conference obviously was frustrated.
11:03 They had to restart that process
11:05 which meant more expenses.
11:07 And just in that one year immigration laws changed.
11:12 When they tried to go through the process again,
11:14 my parents no longer qualified.
11:16 They put new, new requirements
11:18 that my parents no longer had anymore.
11:22 And so that began the 10-year journey of waiting
11:26 and waiting to see what would happen.
11:27 And my parents had to make that choice.
11:29 Our visas would expire in just a few months.
11:32 Do they stay and let it expire?
11:34 Do we stay legal or do we go back to South America?
11:37 South America that time was in tremendous turmoil.
11:40 And my parents decided or my brother and I's sake to,
11:43 to bear the brunt and stay here and see what happens.
11:46 So we stayed for 10 years
11:48 waiting for our papers to finalize then.
11:51 Every problem, every difficulty,
11:53 every challenge we would encounter,
11:55 we would blame that pastor, blame that pastor.
11:57 That began to have an effect on my brother and I.
11:59 My personal journey in that regards
12:01 was I began to resent the church.
12:03 I began to resent spiritual leadership.
12:05 If there was one thing I swore,
12:07 I would never become is a pastor.
12:09 Is a pastor.
12:10 I thought that's the last thing.
12:12 Amazing. Boil me in oil.
12:15 I'm not gonna become a pastor.
12:16 The last you say. Those pa--
12:18 A pastor was a coward.
12:20 I thought, you know, I thought the lowest in me was that guy.
12:24 But, I mean, in retrospect,
12:26 God has took- taken me through a journey
12:28 where I have met with that pastor
12:30 and we have made peace.
12:32 I needed that.
12:33 So you talked to him.
12:35 This is much later.
12:36 Yeah, but you did talk to him.
12:38 I confronted him
12:40 because I carried bitterness in my heart for decades.
12:45 My parents in 1994--
12:47 1993, a new pastor from New York
12:50 was transferred to the church we were in Harrisburg.
12:52 And he saw my family's plight.
12:54 He took compassion and said, let me make some phone calls
12:57 and once again he tried to process my dad's papers
13:01 and this time it worked.
13:03 For some reason the Lord opened the doors,
13:06 but unfortunately by 1994,
13:08 10 years had gone by and I turned 21.
13:10 So I turned 21 that April,
13:13 that August was our interview
13:15 in Argentina to get our green card.
13:16 So because of 4 months
13:18 I was exempted from the family package.
13:21 My younger brother got his green card,
13:22 my parents got their green cards.
13:24 And that was another hard decision for my parents.
13:26 You know, we came here as a family,
13:28 we were gonna stay here as a family
13:29 and now one of our family members is out,
13:32 because of that pastor, because of that pastor.
13:36 I decided to stay, the-- the lawyers told us,
13:38 if we take Ariel to Argentina to get your residency cards,
13:42 that's the-- that's the way the law work-- was back then.
13:47 There's a risk that he won't be allowed to come back
13:49 because once they see that he's 21,
13:51 they may say, oh, he's out of a family package,
13:54 cancel his papers
13:56 and he won't be allowed to come back here.
13:57 So my parents didn't want to take that risk.
13:59 They told me to stay here.
14:00 Why don't we come back, we'll apply for you.
14:03 So that's what my mom did.
14:04 And she came and obviously it was a big financial drain,
14:08 so they had to wait to build up a little bit of funds,
14:10 but my mom applied for me as a direct relative,
14:13 but because I was an adult it took a lot longer.
14:17 It took another 11 years.
14:19 Eleven years? Really?
14:20 Till I finally was able to get my, my green card.
14:23 But in the process,
14:26 after I realized that I was not gonna get my green card,
14:29 questions began to arise because I had--
14:31 this is 1994, I was out of high school for 2 years now.
14:35 It began to dawn on me what being an illegal immigrant
14:38 in this country would do to me.
14:39 Number one, no education,
14:41 and no opportunity for education,
14:43 which highly limited my employment,
14:45 which has highly limited my income.
14:47 And so I began to realize, what do I do here in America?
14:52 I can't become an American and so who do I become?
14:56 And I began to realize that,
14:57 I didn't really know who I was, what I was to be.
15:01 I had learned like so many undocumented people
15:04 in this country do with that--
15:05 There is a market for illegal immigrants in this country.
15:08 You mean, you want to work, you'll find work. Right.
15:10 So I was working under the table for people
15:13 and making money.
15:16 But still feeling like this was not it.
15:18 This-- There has to be something more,
15:21 to why God has allowed us to come into this country.
15:24 After waiting for, like I said some years,
15:30 the church that we were attending,
15:32 we transferred to an English speaking church which,
15:36 maybe I should say this in a little blurb.
15:39 Because I grew up in inner-city and primarily Hispanic,
15:42 congregation--
15:45 It's interesting that it's in this country
15:46 that I began to learn about things like racism.
15:49 My country never had that. Okay.
15:51 It's more of a homogeneous type.
15:54 We have social class prejudice but not color prejudice.
15:58 And I began to realize that,
16:00 yes, there were some individuals
16:01 who go occasion race type of prejudice.
16:04 But within the Hispanic culture,
16:06 I began to hear Puerto Ricans,
16:08 say things about Mexicans
16:09 and Dominicans say things and...
16:11 And then all of us together
16:13 would say things against Anglos.
16:15 The white man was evil.
16:16 That's what the sentiment was in the inner-city
16:18 and my mom began to attend a pretty much all white church.
16:21 So I was already with this presupposition
16:24 that these are evil Christians Sabbath keepers.
16:28 But God used those, that church,
16:32 to correct and show me that...
16:36 these were some of the most self sacrificing people
16:38 'cause they helped me with lawyers,
16:40 they contacted state representatives.
16:43 They-- One of them, my youth leader
16:44 even wanted to adopt me to resolve my problems.
16:47 So the Lord helped me
16:48 cure my racist heart of the prejudice
16:50 that I had been infected with and correct my view.
16:54 And I began to realize everyone's racist.
16:56 The paradox of the race, the race,
16:58 it's a virus, it affects every race.
17:01 So every race needs to be immunized against that.
17:05 And the Lord immunized me
17:06 by taking me to an Anglo church in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania,
17:09 who loved me tremendously and sacrificed a lot.
17:13 And in spite of all of that I was for sure,
17:15 now God will definitely do things through the church,
17:18 everything failed, everything failed,
17:20 everything failed.
17:22 There was, all these roadblocks and I finally began
17:25 to transfer my resentment to the pastor to God.
17:27 What do you have against me?
17:28 Why can't I have a life?
17:30 I'm not choosing to go in the pathway of drugs.
17:33 I'm not choosing to go the pathway of this.
17:35 Let me interrupt you again.
17:37 Those are one of the thoughts to my mind,
17:40 you know, why didn't you just give it?
17:42 Why didn't you just make a decision,
17:44 okay, I'm gonna go and be a drug dealer
17:47 or someone as participating in some street gang?
17:51 What kept you solid?
17:53 I-- It's a tragedy.
17:55 It's a sad-- part of my journey here
18:00 when I got to see a friend of mine,
18:01 a Cuban friend of mine named Carlos Baccau,
18:04 who in the attempts to try to fit in into the society
18:09 be chose to choose these paths of drug dealing
18:12 which was very profitable.
18:15 In the neighborhood that I was, those were the guys
18:16 with the nice cars with the--
18:18 At that time, these big fat gold chains
18:19 with their names hanging there.
18:23 And he had those and he had lots of money
18:26 and he invited me to sell for him.
18:27 He actually told me that he would take care of me
18:29 because we were Adventists.
18:31 I'll watch your back. He was Adventist?
18:33 Yeah. Okay.
18:35 He was a Cuban refugee. Okay.
18:37 Which in his journey, I mean, he survived.
18:39 His parents, their parents
18:40 when they came into this country,
18:41 they got in this little makeshift raft
18:42 that should have sank coming from Cuba to Miami,
18:47 but in the providence of God it survived
18:49 and he was a baby in arms when he came here.
18:52 So...
18:54 but, you know, we make our choices.
18:57 And he died at the age of 19, shot
19:00 because he did some things with people in New York
19:03 that he shouldn't have.
19:04 Sort of tried to maneuver some things financially that,
19:08 that he shouldn't have.
19:09 Shouldn't have been in that business anyways,
19:11 but he died and that was a wake up call for me in a--
19:14 in a definite I'm not going down that path.
19:16 But you had considered it?
19:19 Well, asides from the drug dealers,
19:21 in the Hispanic culture you feared this thing
19:24 called the chancleta.
19:25 Okay.
19:26 And it's your parents' belt and it's a flip-flop.
19:29 Changu-- Okay. Chancleta. It's the flipper.
19:32 South America is hot, so they wore slippers--
19:35 It's a awesome, awesome instrument of righteousness.
19:38 I can imagine.
19:39 It's local, you can throw it,
19:42 at a long distance.
19:44 And I fear my parents' disapproval.
19:47 I mean, they, they had struck out their necks
19:49 to stay here in this country for me.
19:50 I feared not just like they would corporately punish me.
19:53 I just felt that they would be disappointed
19:55 and that I would actually bring harm to them.
19:58 Because when you mess with these individuals,
20:00 I know that they would go after your family and...
20:02 Take everyone. So but when--
20:05 Carlos was to me a wakeup call that it can happen to me.
20:09 It happened that close to me
20:10 that a dear friend of mine is dead at 19.
20:12 I was 18.
20:14 He would have been 40 years old this year.
20:16 And with family and children and probably like me,
20:19 but he's no longer, he was cut short violently.
20:22 So that, that part of me was just not attractive at all.
20:26 God used that experience
20:27 to totally close those doors for me.
20:32 But still, you know, the bitterness, the resentment
20:35 and the like of knowing who I am.
20:37 Finally in 98 I decided to leave this country
20:40 and say, phooey, you know, I don't want.
20:42 This country doesn't want me, I don't want this country.
20:44 Went back to South America to Bolivia.
20:46 You did go back.
20:48 I went back, um... only for 3 months.
20:53 It wasn't planned, I was just gonna go there forever
20:55 and never come back to this country,
20:56 but landed, through the God--
20:58 Lord's providence, in a-- in Bolivia,
21:01 I had a branch from this organization
21:03 called ADRA
21:04 which is that relief agency
21:06 of the Adventist Church for Hawaii.
21:08 And they had a branch in Bolivia
21:09 for drug addicted children, glue sniffers.
21:12 They needed a translator
21:13 to help write letters for sponsors in the US
21:15 and since I was bilingual, they asked me to help out.
21:18 Where they sent me to the mountains,
21:19 they didn't tell me that part.
21:21 Really.
21:22 And where their center was located,
21:24 no electricity, no running water.
21:26 They had running water
21:27 but not like the kind that we have.
21:29 But these children
21:30 the Lord used to begin to show me my calling.
21:34 I began to feel a natural attraction
21:37 to talking to them about Jesus and praying with them.
21:39 The children were sniffing glue.
21:40 Yes, these were 9-12-year-olds.
21:43 Actually 6-12-year-olds that were at the center,
21:46 to get detoxed, emotionally,
21:48 not just physically, detox spiritually.
21:51 Then I began to realize,
21:52 it's natural for me to want to share the Lord.
21:54 It's natural for me to explain the Bible
21:55 and I began to realize that people actually understood
21:58 when I explained the Bible to them.
21:59 The Lord had used somehow,
22:01 something in my brain that I can understand
22:03 how they would understand it.
22:04 And I began to discover skills and things inside of me
22:08 and then all of sudden I thought,
22:09 you know, I--
22:10 Lord, if I was only back in the States,
22:12 why did you close the doors?
22:14 And all of a sudden a door opened
22:15 which I don't have time to, to share,
22:18 but it was a tremendous miracle both legal and financial
22:22 that only 3 months after I left,
22:24 I was landing in Miami airport once again.
22:27 The Lord did another miracle to get me into this country...
22:30 still illegal.
22:31 Still illegal. And I didn't have to--
22:34 This journey, you know,
22:36 after it took you to the United States
22:39 and then it took you back to South America
22:42 because you said you were really searching to find out
22:45 who you were and--
22:47 I left because I was angry. Okay.
22:48 But in Bolivia the Lord began to challenge me.
22:50 You don't know who you are.
22:53 Now you can go to school here in Bolivia,
22:54 there was Adventist University were I was at
22:57 What do you want to be?
22:58 You are right in the university.
22:59 What do you want to take?
23:00 And I began to realize, I don't know.
23:03 So you went in searching,
23:04 so eventually you had to find your purpose.
23:06 I began to realize, I don't know who I am
23:08 and God is trying to show me.
23:10 And through this drug-addicted children,
23:12 the Lord began to awaken inside of me a desire to serve,
23:16 a journey of service for Him.
23:18 So I came back to the United States,
23:19 went to Pennsylvania,
23:20 I have to really fast-forward through this part.
23:23 The Lord moved upon different things
23:25 that ended up in California for a whole year
23:27 learning how to do massage.
23:29 Then I went back to Pennsylvania
23:30 to work as a youth leader, as a massage therapist.
23:34 Still illegal but I thought hey,
23:35 I'm not gonna go and turn myself
23:37 into immigration services.
23:38 I myself, I'm self employed.
23:42 But I still felt like this was not fulfilling.
23:44 There's something more that I have to be doing,
23:45 not just massaging people.
23:48 I began to feel the need to be more trained,
23:50 how to share Jesus with others
23:52 and I found out about this school in South Dakota
23:53 called Mission College of Evangelism.
23:56 The Lord opened up a door for me to be there,
23:57 when I got there,
23:58 there massage therapist was leaving
24:00 and they found out that I was there,
24:02 that I had those skills and they said, hey,
24:04 well, you want to swap education for,
24:07 you know, you work at our health clinic
24:08 because they had a Black Hills Health and Education Center
24:11 and they needed a male massage therapist.
24:13 So I stayed there for 2 years, took their evangelism course,
24:16 their pastoral course,
24:18 then when I decided that I need to
24:19 go to nursing school, I left.
24:23 Pastor Torres asked me to do
24:24 an evangelistic series in Columbus, Ohio with ASI.
24:27 I ended up staying there for 2 years,
24:29 church planting and that church is a full-fledged church now.
24:32 God is awesome, yes. Praise God.
24:34 I finished nursing.
24:36 I started nursing in 2004, finished nursing in 2008.
24:40 I started working. I got married that year.
24:42 Six months after I got married,
24:44 I told my wife I want her conviction.
24:47 I'm quitting my job at the hospital.
24:49 We need to move to Berrien Springs, Michigan.
24:52 God is calling me to be a pastor
24:54 and I need to get education.
24:55 So we left in 2008, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania,
24:59 landed in Andrews University.
25:02 Finished my bachelors, finished my MDF,
25:04 and I graduated this past May of 2012.
25:07 Praise the Lord. Congratulations. Praise God.
25:10 It's fantastic.
25:11 You know, so the way you tell,
25:14 you know, new immigrants coming in to the United States.
25:20 Number one, pay your taxes.
25:23 And take car insurance.
25:24 Okay.
25:25 I used to tell him my illegal--
25:27 Ah, in Columbus, Ohio,
25:28 80% of my congregation was illegal immigrants. Wow.
25:30 So I really began to see that
25:31 I wasn't the only one struggling.
25:33 Just with papers but with identity.
25:35 When I finally got my green card
25:37 already knew who I was.
25:38 Nothing changed that the day I got my green card.
25:40 Because there was a divine identity that extends beyond--
25:44 You see, even Americans don't know who they are.
25:46 And if you become a US citizen,
25:48 the US government cannot tell you
25:50 what your calling for your life is.
25:52 What will give you fulfillment, that purpose,
25:54 that meaning for your existence.
25:55 Only your Creator can do that.
25:57 And God through His various circumstances
25:59 delayed my process so that I could not tell you
26:04 that I know that I'm a pastor because I'm a US citizen,
26:06 rather I know that I am supposed to be what I am
26:10 because God showed a knucklehead Hispanic
26:12 through many years, His calling for my life.
26:17 So I tell would immigrants surrender to the Lord.
26:20 Trust the Lord. He can move mountains.
26:23 Even if you're in this country,
26:24 I mean, I was a massage therapist,
26:26 I did all these things,
26:27 in spite of having a green card,
26:29 but I was submitted to the Lord.
26:30 If the Lord said, go, I stepped out in faith,
26:32 trusting that He would open doors for me.
26:35 I was given the privilege of baptizing people
26:39 that I was giving Bible studies in Columbus, Ohio,
26:41 though I wasn't even a pastor.
26:42 Right. So-- And those--
26:45 I used to weep at night thinking,
26:46 Lord, you know, I never thought
26:48 life with You would be like this.
26:49 I'm getting to do stuff that in my wildest dreams
26:54 I wouldn't have thought of.
26:55 Now you're the pastor
26:56 of the Oakwood Seventh-day Adventist Church,
26:59 Taylor, Michigan.
27:01 Are you enjoying your journey here at--
27:03 Oh, I, I have these visions and all these passion
27:10 and things that I just want to pour into the church,
27:13 there's not enough Sabbath for me to preach.
27:16 I could preach there every day of the week
27:18 if I was allowed.
27:20 But it's a wonderful church.
27:22 I've received my family with tremendous welcoming arms,
27:27 and I'm humbled because the Lord--
27:30 I keep pictures,
27:31 I keep memorabilia of what reminds me
27:35 just like the people of Israel,
27:37 that God told them, remember who you used to be.
27:40 Don't forget where I took you out of.
27:42 You were a nobody, but you're out where you're at
27:45 because I had mercy upon you.
27:46 Amen. My Lord.
27:47 Well, listen, I want to thank you, pastor,
27:50 so much and we want to thank you from "Making It Work"
27:53 for allowing the church to host our program here.
27:57 It's our blessing. Thank you so much.
27:59 Absolutely, absolutely.
28:00 We all have our own journeys, but with God,
28:03 your journey can be done through great miracles,
28:06 and a blessing to bless others.
28:09 Well, I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin. And I'm Arthur Nowlin.
28:12 And remember your journey can have a purpose to serve.
28:16 Yes. God bless.


Revised 2015-05-14