Making it Work


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Arthur Nowlin (Host), Dr Kim Logan-Nowlin (Host), Pr. Cory Jackson Jr.


Series Code: MIW

Program Code: MIW000037

00:01 Hi, I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin. And I'm Arthur Nowlin.
00:03 And welcome to "Making It Work."
00:24 Arthur, when you think about
00:27 someone who has gone through divorce
00:29 and facing divorce, what comes to mind?
00:32 Transition, thinking about a lot of things
00:38 that you have to do.
00:40 And whereas maybe you had a partner
00:42 to assist you in some of those things.
00:44 Now you're faced with doing those things alone.
00:48 I think that companionship
00:50 is not big void in that you think,
00:53 and then also rejection or them feeling at a loss
00:59 with that person no longer there.
01:01 Yes, definitely it's a loss. Its almost like grieving.
01:05 You know, when you think about that,
01:06 you know, divorce is like death and grieving.
01:10 I agree with that.
01:11 Well, today on Making It Work
01:13 we have definitely stepped outside the box.
01:16 Arthur and I, we asked a very dear friend of us
01:19 to join us today, who is not only facing divorce,
01:22 who has gone through it recently.
01:25 But not just that he is a pastor
01:28 of the Burns Seventh-Day Adventist Church
01:30 in Detroit, Michigan.
01:32 Welcome Pastor Cory Jackson.
01:34 Oh, thank you for having me.
01:36 It's a pleasure.
01:37 You know we've been working on this
01:39 for sometime to get you here.
01:40 How're you doing?
01:41 I'm doing well.
01:42 You're doing better? Doing better, healing.
01:45 Healing, that's a good word, healing.
01:48 So what do you do to heal?
01:49 What do I do to heal?
01:53 Well, at first and foremost I'm in counseling
01:55 so that helps a great deal, prayer,
02:00 having a good support group to be around
02:03 and also having sounding boards.
02:05 Excellent.
02:06 And so, and then keep myself busy right now,
02:09 think that's the big thing for me.
02:11 Well you know, we're entitle to show the blind side,
02:13 didn't you see it coming?
02:15 You know, you had no clue
02:17 that your wife no longer wanted to be married to you?
02:21 No, I didn't and I don't think anyone who is in love,
02:24 they start looking to be divorced.
02:27 I think that's why it's a blind side.
02:29 I think if we had spent time arguing,
02:32 being at each others throats, always disagreeing,
02:35 there was some physical involvement,
02:37 but none of those things happened.
02:39 And so you don't tend to think that
02:43 the one you said I do to would eventually says
02:45 I don't want this anymore. So-
02:48 Well listen, why don't we let you tell your testimony
02:51 how it all came about and from the first day
02:55 you read that note until today.
02:58 Well, it happened about 14 months ago.
03:02 September 18th, received a note
03:06 and the note explained that the inevitable is coming,
03:11 which is divorce. I was totally shocked.
03:13 So went upstairs talked about it.
03:15 She already had her bags packed and she left that day.
03:19 And the following month I had divorce papers.
03:22 And I think the most challenging thing is
03:23 really not knowing the real reason.
03:27 It's just, I'm tired of being married,
03:30 tired of being the first lady, tired of being in church
03:32 and that's the service of what you get.
03:36 And so it's a death as you say it
03:38 because it's collateral damage too
03:41 because it affects not only you,
03:43 it affects your children, affects people around you,
03:46 it affects the family, it affects friends,
03:49 you know, it affects even your enemies.
03:52 So we got divorced in March of 2012.
03:58 And it's been the hardest I'll say, it's devastating.
04:03 And I don't think anyone is ever prepared for it
04:06 because of the emotional draining,
04:09 the spiritual draining, the physical draining,
04:12 and then being a father, being a pastor,
04:15 there is still pressure that's on me
04:17 to still be before the people smiling.
04:20 And not showing any signs of weakness
04:21 and then your children are trying to figure it all out.
04:25 Your family is trying to figure it all out.
04:27 Your friends are trying to figure it all out.
04:29 And you're constantly reliving it
04:30 because everybody is asking what happened?
04:33 What happened? How did this happen?
04:35 They never say things like not you all.
04:37 You all seemed like the perfect family
04:39 because, you know, whenever I go speak,
04:42 I always say with the Jackson 5.
04:44 But you know I guess I forgot that
04:45 Jackson 5 did split up two.
04:48 No, you didn't. They did.
04:50 So they did split up. So that--
04:52 How many children?
04:53 We have three children.
04:55 How has this impacted the children?
04:57 Very tough, because you get used to seeing
05:01 mommy and daddy always together,
05:03 doing everything together,
05:04 and now you see them separated.
05:07 And it takes an emotional toll on them more than anything,
05:09 because at this point
05:11 they feel that they don't have a voice,
05:13 because you know what do they say,
05:14 they can't make us stay together,
05:17 they can't keep us together,
05:18 so they just feel like part of its their fault,
05:22 they feel as though no one's come to the rescue
05:25 and then they look at God a little bit different.
05:27 Did you-
05:28 I'm thinking one of the things is children
05:33 basically wait for the results.
05:35 You know, they wait to find out
05:38 what's going to be the final result out of this situation.
05:43 And changes their lives.
05:44 They know that their lives are in a process of change.
05:49 Another thing that you said earlier that
05:52 I want to go back to is a fact that
05:56 you said you didn't see it coming.
05:58 No.
05:59 You know, but I tell you, well a lot of research said
06:05 that is out there in regards to divorce.
06:08 One of the things that they indicate is the person
06:11 who files the divorce had been
06:14 contemplating divorce for a while.
06:17 I agree with that. Yeah.
06:18 Yeah, because she filed on me
06:20 and she had mentioned that she once thought about
06:24 but didn't know how it's going to take place.
06:27 And so I guess she got to a point where,
06:30 you know, it was time for it to happen.
06:32 She did. How old are your children?
06:35 22, 18 and 12.
06:38 I see, so now let me ask you, let's go back a little bit.
06:41 How did you become Seventh-day Adventist
06:44 because you were not born
06:45 and raised Seventh-day Adventist?
06:47 Not at all, I was actually studying
06:49 to be a Black Panther and Black Muslim.
06:51 And then I was working
06:53 at a youth home called St. John's Home.
06:55 And a gentleman by the name
06:56 of Rich Magsby was working there.
06:58 His wife was a Bible worker
07:00 in Lake Region Conference of Seventh-day Adventist.
07:03 And he sort of asked me about Bible studies.
07:06 He asked me about this Jesus and others.
07:08 And so I was fighting out tooth and nail.
07:10 I'm not serving any white Jesus,
07:12 as to white man's religion,
07:14 you know all the sayings that Islam give you.
07:17 And don't let the bowtie fool you.
07:20 I'm not Muslim.
07:22 But he kept, he was persistent
07:24 but he was also a Christian, he is also patient.
07:27 And so eventually, you know, my ex wife and I
07:30 we decided o take Bible studies.
07:32 And she took Bible studies also?
07:33 Yeah, it took us a year and half together.
07:35 And she accepted the message.
07:36 She accepted everything.
07:38 And we got baptized together. March 21st 1997.
07:42 You remember the date.
07:43 I remember the date.
07:44 It wasn't just your influence over her,
07:47 I mean in her heart she had been convicted.
07:49 Yes, yeah.
07:51 As we studied together like
07:52 I said it took us a year and a half
07:53 and that's when we got baptized together.
07:56 So during this process, she is right there
07:58 by your side seeing the relationship grow,
08:01 your relationship with Christ.
08:02 So what happened during the process
08:04 of because you were in Grand Rapids, Michigan?
08:07 Well, I think first and foremost,
08:10 she didn't expect for me to be a pastor neither did I.
08:13 But we usually go out together at the Bethel Church.
08:16 And things were lovely.
08:19 I was a probation officer
08:21 and she was working at a college.
08:23 And so things began to transitioning our lives.
08:27 We already had two children by then
08:29 and so transitions began to happen rapidly.
08:33 From me going to a small missionary school
08:35 called Black Hills Missionary College
08:37 in South Dakota, coming back home.
08:40 And then from there two years after that
08:43 becoming a minister, a full time pastor.
08:46 And then things just kept moving real quickly.
08:49 And, pastor, during that time,
08:50 you never saw her depressed or any anxiety.
08:53 Did she ever come to you and say to you,
08:55 I can't handle this, this is not for me?
08:58 Well, those words were never said, I can't handle it.
09:00 But you can see the anxiety.
09:03 You can see the challenges.
09:05 But you know with anything for me,
09:08 you know, the Lord wouldn't have called us,
09:10 if he hadn't provided a way.
09:12 But it takes two of us to believe that, not one.
09:15 So for a while you were making this transition
09:19 and doing the things that you needed to do
09:24 to get strong in your faith,
09:27 you didn't sense the same type of strength.
09:30 Well, I did because we would have
09:32 Friday night Bible studies at our home.
09:34 We go to prayer meeting together,
09:36 we were at church.
09:37 You know we would study together,
09:38 she would study right in her Bible.
09:40 And so the signs were there, I think the challenge became,
09:44 when she became a first lady
09:45 and the pressure that the church at times put on.
09:50 But also I think
09:52 her personality is not like mine.
09:56 And so because of that I think that added
09:58 some challenges towards her as well
09:59 because church members and I don't blame them,
10:02 they expect the first family to be a certain way,
10:04 act a certain way, do certain things,
10:07 and so sometimes, when you are not meeting that mark,
10:10 it becomes a challenge for some people.
10:13 Did you see that that in the process
10:15 she was feeling extremely uncomfortable with that?
10:19 I mean with that first lady role?
10:21 I've seen it.
10:22 Yeah, so it was almost, the expectations
10:26 that was placed on you and your family.
10:29 When she didn't fulfill it, that gave her more anxiety?
10:32 I believe so initially... how do I put,
10:37 initially we were just regular folk
10:39 and I hope you can follow along.
10:41 And then the Lord began
10:42 to move things up to full change.
10:45 And as you move upward, there's more expectation,
10:50 there's more pressure, success now is around us
10:54 and because of that people now see you in a different light.
10:57 And so you begin to think, hey you know what,
10:59 I didn't sign up for all of this.
11:01 I signed up for this but now my husband
11:04 is preaching here, he is preaching there,
11:06 he didn't grow up in the church.
11:08 Everywhere he goes, you know he is baptizing
11:11 and now the Jackson family is a household name.
11:15 And so with that comes a household attitude,
11:18 a household behavior that everyone expects.
11:21 And for some, it's very challenging to deal with.
11:24 Everybody can't handle the lights and the camera.
11:28 You know some people like to just stay in the background.
11:30 And that's what she is.
11:31 She is very great when it comes to administrative things,
11:35 she is very organized.
11:37 But she is kind of a, she is behind the scene person.
11:39 Okay.
11:40 Did you ever say to her coming in from church,
11:45 you know did you notice anything at church
11:48 when you will be preaching?
11:49 Did you see expressions on her face?
11:51 Did you pick up on anything?
11:53 You know and again forgive me not to offend you pastor.
11:57 But you know you're the pastor, you're the man of God,
11:59 you help in healing families, you are counseling people
12:03 but you are not seeing
12:04 what's going on in your own household.
12:05 How did this happen?
12:08 Well, if I can find out the answer,
12:11 then I can tell you.
12:13 There are things that I saw but not to the point
12:16 that it will catapult us to where we are now.
12:19 So there are small things that I saw
12:22 but they were big.
12:23 And so you talk about it
12:25 and you pray that it will go away
12:28 and it'll get better with the better support group.
12:31 And I think also a lot of the first ladies
12:33 in our churches, unfortunately
12:35 they don't have a support group.
12:36 They don't have a support group.
12:37 And so because they don't have someone
12:38 they can bend their ear on, a sounding board.
12:42 They don't have those things,
12:44 so now they have to keep all the stuff on the inside.
12:47 And then they have to, you know face the music
12:49 and laugh and smile
12:51 and they're dying on the inside.
12:53 Could they have the shepherdess with us,
12:54 when the pastors' wives get together
12:56 but then they disperse.
12:57 And who's there to help me learn
12:59 how to be in this role
13:01 and how to be able to accept the responsibilities.
13:04 Right because there's no class -
13:05 There is no class - To be a first lady.
13:07 Right. There is no class to -
13:08 They need to offer that at the seminary or something.
13:10 I think so, I think you have such an influence, you should...
13:13 Do something about that.
13:14 We need a class at the seminary,
13:16 how to prepare the pastors' wives for this role.
13:20 It is very important. It's critical.
13:22 But once again we're talking about the more that
13:27 you elevated, the more responsibilities,
13:31 the more in the limelight you became
13:33 and then became more and more uncomfortable.
13:36 Kim brought up a point that,
13:38 you know, you being the pastor and you helping families,
13:44 how did you deal with the fact that
13:46 you were going through this transition yourself,
13:49 and whereas other families probably came to you
13:52 to help them eliminate that?
13:56 Well, it was tough.
13:57 And at one point in time
13:59 I didn't want to offer anybody any help
14:00 because I didn't feel as though,
14:03 you know what can I say now, you know?
14:06 And so I talked to a prominent minister in Detroit area,
14:10 and he said this somewhat thing.
14:11 He said, "A barber still needs his haircut,
14:15 a man who get shoes shine still need to get his shoes shine,
14:20 a car seller still need to buy a car
14:22 and what you're simply standing there,
14:23 even though you are going through this,
14:25 you still can add help to someone else."
14:28 So what I've done now, I've kind of used this,
14:30 what I'm going through to help others
14:33 as a preventative measure.
14:34 How does it make you feel that you're at this point
14:37 where now you're using this
14:40 because you present a workshop
14:44 for the family life retrieval in Lake Region Conference.
14:48 And the reviews were outstanding.
14:50 Praise the Lord.
14:51 And basically because you were honest about
14:54 what had transpired.
14:56 And so I mean how did you feel when it came to a point that
15:04 you know this is me going through this.
15:06 You know what I'm saying.
15:07 It must have hit you like a ton of bricks
15:10 because like you say, it came from the blind side.
15:13 So what was going on through you mind?
15:15 Well, initially I was embarrassed.
15:18 Because the Lord had used me to help save
15:20 so many marriages and then here I am
15:23 on the verge of losing mine and lost mine.
15:26 So I was very embarrassed. Didn't want to talk about it.
15:29 Try to avoid it. Didn't want to deal with it.
15:31 And eventually, the Lord had to bring me to a point
15:34 and say, "This is just a way.
15:35 It's the way it is right now.
15:37 I need you to accept it and trust my leading."
15:41 So when I became comfortable with that,
15:42 I decided then, well, I need to, I need to share this.
15:45 And I was thinking about something.
15:47 You know my first year at Burns,
15:49 the Singles Ministry asked me to preach.
15:51 And so I'm trying to figure out
15:53 why are you asking the married man to preach.
15:57 And so now I guess the Lord is preparing me -
16:02 That's right.
16:03 It was called single gifted and blessed.
16:05 And so as I reflect back, you know people can see me
16:10 and say well, if the pastor can make it,
16:14 not that I'm you know a shiny star or anything,
16:17 but if he can make it in front of all these people
16:20 then there's hope for me.
16:21 That's the best I can get out of it.
16:23 You're taking time to purge yourself
16:25 because I know being a single man in the church
16:28 and the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
16:30 there are situations that come up - women.
16:33 How are you handling that now?
16:36 Well, here's the thing.
16:38 Anybody who approaches me, I let my heart to heal first.
16:42 You know my children are important,
16:44 they have to accept.
16:46 My children and my children are at the point,
16:48 where they are ready to see daddy with anybody else.
16:51 And so my focal point
16:53 is basically my children and ministry.
16:56 And so you know and then, there's a gentleman at church,
16:59 he stays with me, keeps me protected,
17:02 keeps his eyes on me.
17:04 And you know because people want to be married
17:08 and they think, well he is single now,
17:10 he is available, he is a preacher,
17:12 blah, blah, blah, blah whatever.
17:14 And so my focal point is really just being the healer.
17:17 Did you ever think about
17:18 during this process to leave pastoring?
17:23 I did, initially I did because at this point
17:26 I felt I'm not worthy
17:28 and how do I preach to individuals.
17:31 And here I am broken myself. And so I wanted to leave.
17:36 Let me ask you this, I mean your background
17:40 is from the streets of Chicago you know.
17:44 Okay, and as thinking about being a Black Panther
17:49 that's where, who's the one at the headquarters
17:52 so, the Black Panther is that correct?
17:54 Black Muslim. Oh, black Muslims.
17:56 And Black Panther. And Black Panthers.
17:58 You know so did you have a response to the point
18:02 where how dares you take advantage of me like this?
18:06 The anger is what I'm looking at.
18:07 Did you have that anger where you went to retaliate?
18:11 Well, not necessarily retaliate, you feel used,
18:15 you know, because you've put
18:16 in all this time, energy, emotion
18:20 and you feel trampled upon, you feel used.
18:23 But you know that's love you know.
18:25 And, you know, you think about Christ same way.
18:28 He went to many towns to heal folk,
18:30 folks still didn't follow Him.
18:32 And so I care to -
18:33 Wait a minute, wait a minute, you mean to tell me
18:35 you didn't want to beat up nobody.
18:37 No, I mean I don't want to,
18:39 no, I don't want to be admitting to that.
18:41 Was I angry? Of course.
18:43 But for me violence wasn't going
18:45 to get me anywhere you know.
18:47 And so you know I was angry with the Lord.
18:51 I can't hit Him, I can swing,
18:54 but not going to make any connection.
18:56 And so and then at the same time
18:57 my children are watching me.
18:59 So I have to maintain a level of integrity.
19:03 And so when I'm about by myself,
19:05 did I want to hit the bed, I did in prayer.
19:08 You know did I express myself?
19:09 Not necessarily in a volatile, aggressive
19:13 and where I'm cursing?
19:14 No, but I am asking the Lord why?
19:16 Did you do a lot of crying?
19:18 I cried all the time. Did you?
19:20 In the pulpit, at home,
19:22 listening to music, cry, cry, cry.
19:25 I was like Jeremiah, the weeping prophet.
19:26 The weeping prophet.
19:27 And so it has got to a point
19:29 I didn't cried anymore, I've accepted.
19:31 And I think because I was going
19:33 through those stages of grief, you know I was in denial.
19:36 Did you think she was going
19:37 to change her mind in few months,
19:39 perhaps she is going to comeback?
19:40 I did, and everybody was telling me that.
19:42 Oh, she's just trying to get your attention.
19:44 I am like no I don't think so 'cause in my mind,
19:47 I am like, it's a possibility, but it didn't happen.
19:51 Well, you maintain your composer really well you know.
19:55 And let's talk about the counseling?
19:59 You know and what it's been doing for you?
20:04 It's been a challenge.
20:05 You know, it's allowed me to deal with some things
20:09 that ordinarily I don't talk about.
20:11 It allows me to be in a close setting,
20:14 where I can be myself and express however they feel.
20:18 And to address things that I haven't addressed before
20:22 because I've them baggage
20:23 that I've carried into the relationship
20:26 that I didn't know how to deposit,
20:28 and so or get rid of.
20:30 And so, it's been a great help to me,
20:33 because it's making me see things that,
20:36 you know, you don't want anyone want to see.
20:38 And when those things happen, it makes you a better person.
20:41 I don't feel as aggressive as I did,
20:44 I don't feel as angry as I did,
20:45 I don't feel as sad as I used to or as lonely.
20:49 You know I had a hard time sleeping in my bed
20:51 because I've been used to sleeping next to someone.
20:53 So it's helping me cope
20:55 but not only cope but to go, to move on.
20:58 Why didn't you leave the ministry?
21:01 Lord wouldn't let me, as plain as that.
21:04 I tried-
21:05 He is a free will God.
21:06 He is but He also will close certain doors
21:11 because I, you know, when I--,
21:13 before I became Seventh-day Adventist,
21:16 I wanted to be a lawyer.
21:17 I was on my way to Brown University.
21:20 And, you know, we had our first daughter
21:22 so you know, stay close to home.
21:24 And I never pursuit being a lawyer,
21:27 instead I went to criminal justice,
21:29 same kind of path.
21:30 But then when these things start happening,
21:32 I took a trip down to Detroit.
21:35 And they have external law program.
21:38 Met with the counselor, got my packet,
21:41 got the Elsa was going to study for the test,
21:43 the application and the books
21:45 are on my couch for three months.
21:46 Every time I walked near it,
21:48 it's like it was some blocking me from grabbing it.
21:51 And so after certain amount of time threw it away.
21:53 And then my support group really helped me
21:56 to stay focused, and some of them,
21:59 majority of them were like, well, you can't leave.
22:01 Even individuals who are not in the church
22:03 who are friends of mine, they said, look,
22:05 you can't leave ministry.
22:07 And so I tried you know, said, "Lord I'm done with this.
22:10 How can I speak? How can I tell people?"
22:13 And so He wouldn't let that happen.
22:15 So do you know why today
22:18 that your wife left you and divorced you?
22:20 Do you know why?
22:21 Do I know why? Do you have that answer?
22:23 I know what she told me. You know what she told.
22:25 That's all I can do about it.
22:26 And then when you preach that
22:27 and we don't want to affront upon that
22:29 but when you preach
22:31 and you share this message with your congregation,
22:35 your child, your youngest child is sitting
22:37 in the congregation, what happens to him?
22:40 Well, I don't talk about it often
22:42 but it breaks him down, you know, emotionally.
22:45 He starts crying because he starts thinking
22:46 about the times mommy and daddy at church,
22:49 the seating arrangement,
22:50 you know, where they used to sit at.
22:52 So it brings back memories for them.
22:54 And so I try not to talk about it
22:57 especially when they are present.
22:58 So do you have the children
23:02 the majority of time or custody of them?
23:04 Split half an hour.
23:05 Okay, okay.
23:06 The 12 year old and so we share custody.
23:10 Okay, you know-
23:11 And that's very important for you
23:12 to have his mother in his life.
23:14 Yes, yes just because his parents didn't make it
23:17 from a marital standpoint
23:19 don't mean that you know he has to have one or the other.
23:21 He still needs both of us.
23:23 That's a good point that you've brought up,
23:25 and it probably needs to be elaborated on.
23:28 One of the things that seems to be a problem
23:30 when people are going through separation
23:32 and divorce is the fact that we're talking about the anger,
23:36 you know, and we're talking about
23:37 the inability to really work together.
23:40 That wasn't difficult for you.
23:42 No, actually the lawyer said this was the best divorce
23:46 that they've ever seen.
23:47 Wasn't any argument, we determined the custody,
23:51 we determined child support,
23:53 we basically determined everything.
23:55 And I told and I said,
23:56 "I don't want this thing to be ugly
23:59 because God's name still needs to be vindicated
24:01 in front of everybody."
24:03 And I said, "Just because we didn't make it as a couple
24:06 don't mean we can't make it
24:07 as friends, as parent most of all."
24:09 And so somebody has to take the high role,
24:12 and I decided to take the high role,
24:13 even though I'm the one who was served papers.
24:16 So- So are you friends?
24:18 Yeah we are, require to.
24:22 You're trying to be friends.
24:23 Well, you know, I don't think the friendship ever left.
24:26 I think because of the situation,
24:30 we're not as close as we used to be
24:32 because many times people tend to think that
24:35 you'll talk about it and constantly being reminded.
24:38 So you need space.
24:40 So you know we're laughing, joking, all that good stuff.
24:43 Let me ask you a question,
24:44 you know from a woman's perspective,
24:46 if she says to you, if God opened the door
24:49 for you to be reconciled.
24:52 You know is your heart at a place
24:53 where you would say, I'll be obedient to you Lord.
24:57 Of course.
24:58 It is because I don't know what the Lord may do.
25:01 You know He may need us
25:02 to separate to grow to come back.
25:05 You know I don't know Lord's plan.
25:07 And so I always have to leave it open.
25:10 What would you, you know,
25:12 we have a couple of minutes pastor.
25:14 What would you tell somebody going through
25:16 what you're going through right now
25:17 or contemplating divorce?
25:20 Talk to our viewers.
25:21 Now I mean we're trying to send a question
25:22 to a person getting divorced or being divorced.
25:25 Going through just going through
25:26 or they've been contemplating, what would you say?
25:29 I think they should really think about it.
25:31 I think they should consult as many people
25:34 who are unbiased to their situation as possible
25:37 and try to work that thing out, because it's collateral damage.
25:41 You know it doesn't just affect one person.
25:44 It affects the circle that we come in contact with.
25:48 And I think anything can be reconciled unless,
25:53 unless there's no hope.
25:54 But I believe that anything can be reconciled.
25:58 And if you do go through it,
26:00 you need a strong support group
26:01 and your faith needs to be strong.
26:04 And you need somebody to be there for you.
26:06 Has your faith increased? Has it grown?
26:09 It's growing back. It's growing back.
26:11 That's a good answer.
26:12 You know because people need to know sometimes that
26:17 even though you may have a particular status in life
26:22 that you still go through
26:23 and you still experience the same pain.
26:26 You know so people need to know that,
26:29 that's really good, it's admirable.
26:31 As people think pastors have a superman on their chest
26:35 and so I tell, I'm clark kent right now.
26:37 You was clark kent.
26:39 I'm clark kent, on the side I'd be superman
26:41 but I'm clark kent six days a week.
26:44 And it's tough, you know, for pastors
26:46 because number one it's already a lonely position,
26:49 you know, and we don't have the support
26:51 and if you come from dysfunctional family,
26:53 it makes it even worse.
26:55 And so you have to find yourself surrounded
26:58 by the right group of folk
27:00 who has the best interest for you.
27:03 How did you and their mother break the news to the children?
27:08 How did you break the news to them?
27:09 What we decided is to call the family meeting
27:12 and when we called the meeting,
27:15 she told them what she was doing.
27:18 And so we broke it that way.
27:19 So then they can ask any question
27:21 she wanted, they won't excuse me.
27:23 And that's what happened.
27:24 And so I stood at their support.
27:27 And so, you know, she said I'm divorcing your daddy
27:31 and here's the reason why.
27:34 And then they quit asking questions
27:36 and of course began crying and things of that nature.
27:40 But we did it together.
27:42 It's still painful for you.
27:44 Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
27:45 No, no one wants to see their children hurt.
27:48 And I think it's even harder when we're around people
27:51 and they're married couples and they see that.
27:54 But you know the other thing is when they see us together
27:57 and they see us joking around,
27:58 my youngest kid extremely excited about that. So--
28:02 It's like the hope--
28:04 Yes, it's right. It is--
28:05 Well, keep hope alive.
28:07 Keep hope alive.
28:08 Well listen Pastor Jackson,
28:09 we want to thank you so much for being with us here today
28:11 and being so transparent.
28:13 May God continues to bless you
28:14 in your ministry and your family.
28:16 I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin. I'm Arthur Nowlin.
28:19 Thank you for joining us on Making It Work.
28:20 God bless.


Revised 2015-05-14