Participants: Arthur Nowlin (Host), Dr Kim Logan-Nowlin (Host), Rashawn Butts
Series Code: MIW
Program Code: MIW000032
00:01 Hi, I'm Dr. Kim Logan Nowlin.
00:02 I'm Arthur Nowlin. 00:03 Welcome to "Making it work." 00:38 When you think about situations in your life 00:41 and how you can go through something 00:42 and come out of it. 00:44 People say "well, I know it was the goodness of the Lord." 00:48 But when God is not a part of the equation, 00:52 sometimes you can't say that. 00:54 Well, today we have Mrs. Rashawn Butts. 00:57 And her whole aspects of her life 01:00 and what she's been through? 01:01 She is here to tell her testimony. 01:04 Welcome, Mrs. Butts, how are you? 01:06 Okay. Ah, relax. 01:08 Look, at you, you look so nice. God bless you. 01:11 God bless you too. Thank you. 01:12 Well, listen my husband and I 01:14 want to talk about no looking back. 01:17 When I look at you and I see you're so beautiful 01:20 and articulate and intelligent, 01:23 you have your degree 01:25 and when I heard your story 01:26 about once you were on the streets homeless, 01:29 a drug addict. 01:31 Its hard to believe but, all the God has done, 01:34 we want you to tell our viewers 01:36 how God has brought you through and why you don't look back? 01:41 Well, I like to just thank God 01:44 because he's been so good to me. 01:45 Yes. 01:47 Ah, I was um, on drugs 01:49 because I was had a low self esteem. 01:52 Um, lack of confidence and it led me to smoke drugs. 01:57 Hmm-hmm. 01:58 Um, I didn't like my weight 02:01 and that reflected on me using drugs. 02:05 I was smoking cocaine, I was smoking Marijuana, 02:10 I was drinking alcohol 02:13 and all of those things led me 02:18 to a downfall in my life. 02:22 I couldn't believe how good God has been to me. 02:26 I--I used to when my Mother passed away, um, at 18. 02:32 Hmm. Ah, she.. 02:34 When you were 18. 02:35 When I-- when she-- 02:36 when I was--on the 18th of July 02:39 and I was homeless on the 30th. 02:43 I was living in the streets of Romulus, in drug houses 02:49 and I used to lay the clothes out for my son and lay in it. 02:52 One Sunday, the sun was beaming through the window 02:57 and I-- and you know I got to a point 02:59 that I was just so tired. 03:01 And before my mother died she said you need to pray. 03:05 So I began to start praying, but still using drugs. 03:09 So I began to walk out, going to the shelter. 03:16 Got to the shelter and you can't walk in off the street. 03:21 So it was me and my kids, 03:22 we were sitting out on the curb. 03:24 A young man picked us up and-- 03:28 at that point I just like, I am so tired, 03:32 but you know God had someone there to pick me up, 03:35 drop me off at a friend's house. 03:37 Oh, no you can't stay here. 03:39 I wind up staying with my sister. 03:41 But in the process of all me going-- 03:44 well, me going through on drugs, 03:48 God was taking me from level to level. 03:51 He began to-- 03:53 He blessed me to get into a shelter. 03:56 I got kicked out of a shelter. 03:57 Why did they kicked out of the shelter? 03:59 Because some young ladies wanted to fight me, 04:03 and I was a fighter. 04:04 Okay. 04:06 So I got kicked right back out of the shelter, 04:09 went to stay with my girlfriend. 04:13 The Lord say I was laid on her floor 04:16 and the Lord says call your apartment people, 04:20 and the Lord bless me. 04:22 It was like Miss Butts, Miss Butts, 04:23 we were looking for you. 04:26 Your apartment is ready 04:28 and so the Lord blessed me to move in the city of Taylor, 04:32 and I was just so honored and thankful. 04:36 But He took me from level to level, 04:39 from this apartment to this apartment to a house. 04:42 My Lord. 04:44 And now I'm married. I have 3 children. 04:47 Excellent. 04:49 And I just thank God because I never been to a rehab. 04:54 I don't even know what-- they do in a rehab? 04:57 It's like the Lord just took me from level to level. 05:01 My rehab was going to church. 05:03 That was your rehab, that saved you? 05:05 Yes. They cleaned you. 05:07 But before the Lord delivered me, 05:09 I would go to church and come home and smoke rag. 05:13 So-- so let me say this, 05:15 even when you're in a mist of a situation, 05:18 in a situation of sin, God looks upon the heart, 05:23 man looks upon the outward appearance. 05:25 But God looks at your struggles, 05:28 He knows the motive, 05:29 He knows what you're thinking, 05:32 He knows your struggles 05:34 and God weighs us in the balance. 05:36 God saw that you're crying out to Him 05:38 but you were still using the drugs but you yet, 05:41 you were still crying out to Him. 05:43 Yes. 05:44 You said that you now, 05:45 that you're married you have three children. 05:47 Yes. 05:48 One of the things that I was thinking about was, 05:52 how is the relationship with you and your children? 05:55 They've seen what you gone through, 05:57 as a matter of fact you even took them 05:59 through some of that stuff. 06:01 Yes. 06:02 So now where's your relationship with them now? 06:04 My relationship is excellent. I pray. 06:09 I remember when I was on crack I said Lord, 06:11 deliver me because I do not want my kids to get grown 06:16 and to move out and they call me and say 06:20 "Mom, you mess my life up." 06:22 And I'm just so thankful that the lord delivered me 06:28 and they seen a different mom, a mom that's drug free. 06:34 God delivered me from everything. 06:36 All those drugs that I was using 06:38 and I'm just so grateful that God can deliver you, 06:44 God will deliver you. 06:46 But you know what I had to ask Him, 06:49 and I had to trust Him, 06:51 and I had to believe that He can. 06:53 I didn't even know that God was going to deliver me. 06:57 I didn't even know that. 06:58 I-- and I was like wow, 07:02 when I look back over my life I say, 07:06 wow, it was nothing but the Lord. 07:08 Nothing but the Lord. 07:09 Nothing but the grace of God to come into my life, 07:15 He filled me with the Holy Sprit 07:18 and the Holy Sprit guides me, it leads me, 07:21 it keeps me through the midnight hour. 07:24 And I just, want to just say thank You, 07:27 I'm just so grateful. 07:29 I feel your sprit. 07:30 You're so in love with Jesus Christ. 07:33 You know your mother, your father where are they now? 07:36 Where have they and what role have they played in your life 07:39 through this no looking back as you've taken this journey? 07:43 My Mother is passed away. 07:47 Did she see you delivered? No. 07:49 She didn't get chance to see you off the drugs? 07:51 No, but the last thing she told me was pray. 07:53 Pray. Quit ecstasy and pray. 07:56 Yes. 07:57 My dad, he is in the City of Highland park 08:00 and I see him and he's just awesome. 08:03 He just-- he's so happy for me, my children and is like wow. 08:09 And him seeing my life is helping him 08:13 in his life with his addiction. 08:16 Yes, Highland Park is another area, 08:18 that's outside of Detroit, 08:20 you know not too far 08:21 and the same thing Romulus, Michigan. 08:23 You know when you hear us talk about Highland Park 08:26 or Romulus or different areas, 08:28 but they are all close near together within Detroit. 08:30 So basically your dad is involved into-- 08:33 he's still addicted? 08:35 Yes, he struggles. 08:38 Your father is still on drugs? 08:40 He's alcohol. 08:41 Alcoholic. 08:43 And he still struggles. 08:46 But he see what the great work 08:48 that God is doing in his daughter. 08:52 But I'm so excited. 08:53 You should be. 08:54 I'm not looking for no one. Right. 08:56 To be sighted for me because I'm sighted what God is doing. 08:59 We can see that. 09:01 When you were sitting on that curb 09:02 in front of that shelter 09:03 did you consider that to be like your bottom? 09:06 Like that was the last drop. Yes. 09:09 Last stop for you. 09:11 Yes. It was like I give up. 09:17 I was giving up, 09:19 but as I began to give up, God was there to pick me up. 09:23 Turning you around, plant you on solid ground. 09:27 Yes, He did. Yes. 09:30 So now you know 09:32 what are the some of the goals you have for yourself? 09:34 What do you want for you? 09:36 Well, my goal I have-- 09:38 the Lord has gave me a great vision to help women 09:44 and that program is called "No Looking Back." 09:48 We're-- we open up a facility in the City of Wayne. 09:54 We're going to help women that's on drugs, alcohol. 09:59 Giving back. Mental health. 10:03 Excellent. 10:04 And at this point there's-- you don't have any-- 10:09 any women in your facility at this point? 10:12 Not at this point. Okay, so. 10:14 But now we're in a process of writing a grant, 10:18 and once that is completed we'll be open up. 10:22 Oh, Let me ask you, 10:23 how long have you been in this sobriety, how long? 10:26 Nine years. 10:27 Nine years. Excellent. 10:29 Praise God. Nine years. 10:30 No urges or anything to you go-- 10:33 God just took them off. I'm delivered. 10:35 Yeah. 10:36 When God deliver you, you don't look back. 10:38 You don't? Oh... 10:40 You stay looking forward. 10:41 Just keep your eyes on Christ. Yes. 10:44 You know, I press toward the mark of the high calling 10:46 which is Jesus Christ 10:48 and therefore we know that the reward is with Him. 10:51 Yes. 10:52 Now, let's just talk, you've been married, 10:53 how long have you been married now? 10:55 I've been married for six years. 10:56 Six years. Yes. 10:58 And-- you and your husband both attend the same church? 11:01 Yes. 11:02 And you serve in the same church? 11:03 Yes, we do. 11:04 Is there where you met him? 11:06 No. We met like over 20 years ago. 11:10 Okay. 11:11 Found you way back to each other. 11:13 All right, so do you enjoy serving and working 11:16 with God's church and God's people? 11:18 And what are some of the challenges 11:19 that you face working in the church? 11:21 You found-- look, 11:22 we all have challenges working in the church. 11:26 Well, challenges. 11:28 You face challenges in the church. 11:31 But you know what I learned? 11:33 That I don't focus on those challenges. 11:35 All right. I focus on serving the Lord. 11:37 Yes. 11:39 And I overlook those challenges. 11:42 And I continue to pray. 11:43 I believe the foundation that I have, 11:46 praying and fasting weekly has helped my foundation in God 11:53 that I cannot be shaking. 11:55 All right, because some things 11:56 don't come without prayer and fasting. 11:58 And that's what lot of people don't understand 12:00 and those who don't understand, 12:01 fasting is something that you set aside, 12:04 a time for you and God to grow together. 12:07 To meditate in your word through the Word of God 12:10 as you grow to be able 12:12 to have that connection and bond with Christ. 12:15 So you need to pray, study your word and fast. 12:19 In your relationship with your husband now you-- 12:23 you said that you known him 12:25 for the past 20 years, you know. 12:28 Was he, someone that you engage with 12:32 when you were using did he use drugs? 12:35 Yes. Okay. 12:36 Yes. 12:38 So that was major for him. How long has he, he been clean? 12:42 He's been clean for the last 10 years. 12:47 All right. Yes. 12:48 All right. Yes. 12:50 So-- was he like also motivate for you to stay clean? 12:55 Yes. Excellent. 12:58 Reading the scriptures. 12:59 He was very inspiring to me, with the Word of God. 13:05 And I just-- 13:07 I'm just honored to have that support from my husband. 13:11 It made me wanted to get take my life together. 13:15 Yes. 13:16 For my children. Yes. 13:18 Someone else-- people that you get away from your past, 13:22 have they seen you in the new light, the new you? 13:25 What do they say when they see you? 13:27 Oh, they just-- they just look at me like wow 13:31 and I just give it all back to Jesus. 13:33 All right. It was Jesus. 13:35 So you give God all the glory? 13:37 It wasn't me. It was the Lord. 13:39 I couldn't do it, I couldn't have 13:40 the none of that without the Lord. 13:43 The head of my life. 13:44 You're so humble in your praise to Him, 13:46 you know He loves our praises. 13:48 Bible says He inhabits those who praise Him. 13:51 And we tend not to recognize that 13:54 to God be the glory 13:56 for the great things He has done. 13:58 And the Bible says seek ye first 13:59 the kingdom of God 14:01 and all things should be added unto it. 14:03 Now His righteousness and all things should be added. 14:06 But individuals tend to say in the AA programs 14:11 in A programs that I seek a higher power. 14:14 What is the first one in the AA and NA? 14:16 Well, I can't say it-- I can't do this-- 14:20 Powerless over alcohol and drugs 14:22 and my life has become unmanageable. 14:24 But you didn't-- 14:25 did you attend AA or NA program? 14:27 She didn't attend any of them. 14:28 No rehab. At all. 14:30 She says she didn't-- My NA was Jesus. 14:32 Couldn't even tell what you it were consist of. 14:35 I used to go to church every Sunday, all day. 14:39 I went to prayer service on Monday. 14:41 I went to Bible study on Wednesday. 14:44 I went the 5 am prayer on Saturday morning 14:48 and I did that every week. 14:49 That was your routine. 14:51 Every week and it say faith come by hearing, 14:54 hearing by the Word of God. 14:56 And as you hear that word it begins only inside of you 15:00 and the foundation that it brings, 15:03 and I just thank God for that. 15:06 Could nobody have done that but the Lord. 15:08 So I know my AA was Jesus. Wow. 15:12 And so in the process of all of that, 15:15 the weekly Bible studies and prayer meetings 15:20 and early service you were being 15:24 indoctrinated into the word and believe in 15:28 and yet opened yourself up to say that I need a change. 15:32 And that, you know you were crying out to the Lord 15:35 to ask Him to change the old you into the new you. 15:40 Yes. 15:41 And God answered your prayers. 15:42 He heard your prayer. Yes, He did. 15:43 The Bible says we have not, because we ask not. 15:46 He pulled me out of that well and I felt it. 15:49 I felt Him me pulling me out. 15:52 It was like I held my hand up and I was like help. 15:56 And He did and I believe that when you seek after Him 16:02 you will be paid. 16:04 You know I-- I pray every morning. 16:07 It's like I discipline my body to get up and pray 16:11 because He says seek Me early while may He have be found 16:15 and I said that has helped me also. 16:18 So pray have a prayer life, fasting that it's just awesome. 16:24 Where's your self-esteem in all of this? 16:26 I look at you, you're beautiful, 16:28 you know woman of God, you know, 16:30 and we have talked many times 16:31 and I love the way when we're quoting scriptures together, 16:34 we can finish each others scriptures, I love that. 16:37 I say oh, I love a person who is in their word. 16:40 But your self-esteem you know as far as 16:43 where you're in your life now 16:45 you've earned your associate degree. 16:47 Yes. 16:48 And you praise God and so where is your self-esteem 16:52 and how do you see yourself 16:54 helping woman with low self-esteem? 16:56 You know what's gonna be the tools 16:58 that you're going to share with them? 17:00 You know because we hear different things, you know, 17:03 you need to feel good about yourself 17:04 and you need to make sure you stay on 17:07 and focus on your treatment plan, 17:09 six term, short term, long term goals. 17:12 But what you going to do different to say 17:14 my program offers something unique 17:16 to help you out there today. 17:19 Well, I see myself 17:22 helping the ladies that want help, first. 17:26 We have a variety of programs that set in a place. 17:32 We're gonna have a fitness center. 17:34 We're gonna have delicious meals prepared 17:40 and we're gonna have staff with skills. 17:46 To come in to do groups. 17:49 I want to give to the young ladies 17:52 that they never had love. 17:55 I want to give them love. 17:57 I want to give them-- 17:58 show them compassion that they can do it, 18:01 they will do it. 18:03 We have therapy, different types of therapy 18:08 that we're gonna offer. 18:10 We have so many things that we have set in place. 18:14 I have the people that with the skills 18:18 and the degrees to help me, to assist me. 18:23 It's-- it's so big 18:25 this facility is a 300 bed facility. 18:28 Wow. 18:30 In this a lot of work, 18:32 but God is good, God gonna do the work. 18:35 He's gonna do it. He's gonna bless us. 18:36 Yeah. 18:37 Your faith, your faith is amazing 18:40 and I see that your self-esteem is at a very high level, 18:44 how you feel about yourself. 18:45 I see motivation. 18:47 I see the motivation for you is that 18:51 through your relationship with God 18:53 that you feel that you can 18:55 overpower anything that you face. 18:57 Yes. 18:58 And that's something that people who are 19:02 going through problems, substance abuse problems, 19:06 the mental health problems where they maybe, 19:08 they need to know somebody is encouraging that 19:13 that can offer them that encouragement 19:15 and motivations to get through. 19:17 And through your relationship with God 19:19 they need to know that the higher power, 19:22 Jesus Christ allowed you the opportunity 19:26 to come out of the reign 19:28 and He brought you into the sunshine. 19:31 So that's major. Yes. 19:33 You know, our world needs us today, 19:35 our country you know we're in a state now 19:38 where we need the power of prayer. 19:40 We need to have the Word of God to reign down 19:43 upon the people of this country and other country, 19:46 our neighboring countries, our allies you know-- 19:50 Did you feel judged when you were going through? 19:52 Did you feel you couldn't really find help 19:56 when you were out there 19:57 and you were you know smoking and drinking? 20:01 Did you feel lost at a point where 20:03 you didn't think help was available? 20:05 Yes, I was very well lost. 20:07 Did you ever think about taking your life? 20:09 No. 20:11 So-- so when you come to a young lady, 20:14 because I'm sure some young woman have probably 20:17 talked you even though you may not have your shelter 20:20 moving in the direction that you needed to go at this point. 20:24 I mean you're talking to a young lady 20:27 or someone is going through is that something that you 20:32 enjoy doing or what? 20:34 Yes, I enjoy helping. 20:38 I-- you know there is a need for people 20:42 to help one another because you don't get help. 20:46 You know everyone in the world today 20:48 is for themselves and I feel like that-- 20:53 you know not all people was like that 20:56 but for the most part of it, 20:59 its cold out here in this world. 21:01 Oh, it is. 21:02 And when you don't have someone to care 21:06 that's a hurting feeling. 21:08 So I thank God for the compassion 21:11 that He put in me to help other people, 21:15 with low self-esteem. 21:20 We want to work with them and to help them. 21:23 You know they need someone to love them. 21:25 I want to give, I have so much in me, 21:27 I'm so full to give back 21:30 I'm also gonna offer the ladies church, going to church. 21:36 We have a bus, this gonna transport them 21:39 back and forth to church, prayer service, 21:42 Bible study that's gonna be their deliverance 21:46 is going to church because, that's a blessing. 21:50 Now you're gonna offer them, 21:51 making available for them to have-- yeah, 21:54 I'll just say you meant to help, 21:55 you're gonna provide that 21:57 but the NA and the AA programs within your facility. 21:59 Yes. 22:01 You gonna offer that also. Yes. 22:02 Okay, that would be great. 22:03 All right, now where is Rashawn Butts? 22:06 What do you do for you? 22:07 You know how do you enjoy you? 22:09 You know, I hear all the things you're doing, 22:11 but you know -- 22:12 I hear you're enjoying life. I know you're enjoying life. 22:15 You're enjoying life, 22:16 but little special things you like doing for yourself. 22:19 What do you do for you? 22:20 I like cooking. Okay. 22:23 I love singing in choir. All right. 22:26 Just be a sod off for the Lord, that's my life now. 22:29 I guess you're high now. Yes. Yes. 22:31 I know the other day my husband woke up 22:32 and he said and I was-- 22:34 he was getting dressed and he said I just high. 22:39 And I say you high on what? He said Jesus. 22:42 And I said look at you this morning, you know, 22:44 and he just rolled over into me 22:46 and rolled over into everyone I saw that day. 22:49 And it was just-- is contagious, if it's genuine. 22:53 If it's genuine. 22:55 See, and again going back to that statement, 22:57 people are looking for a relationship 23:01 not just a religion. 23:02 And you may be viewing right now 23:04 where you're saying to yourself, 23:05 how do I get on fire? 23:07 How do I connect? How do I make this thing real? 23:10 Well, start right now. 23:12 You accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord 23:15 and Savior and being able to reach out, 23:17 He is waiting for you. Yes, He is. 23:19 He is waiting for you right now. 23:21 And you're not alone. 23:22 I also think people need to feel 23:27 like they have opportunity to reach out and not be judged. 23:32 Right and rejected. Yes. 23:34 You know that's really important 23:37 because you may have opportunity to extend 23:40 all the services in the world to someone. 23:43 But if they feel that you're condescending 23:46 or judging them that makes them run away just as much. 23:51 So when we get people coming into us what-- 23:54 no matter what their problem is, 23:56 no matter what their lifestyle is 23:59 we have to accept the fact 24:01 that God will work into their life. 24:03 What has to happen is they have to see Jesus in you. 24:07 You know and you have to show compassion and not judge. 24:11 You know, in our counseling clinic 24:12 in Detroit, Michigan, 24:14 where Arthur and I are co-owners, 24:17 we receive so many calls and emails and services 24:21 for psychological counseling, Christian counseling. 24:24 But the one thing I have to let people know 24:27 when they come in that we're Christian therapist. 24:31 But we serviced atheist, 24:33 those who do not even believe in God. 24:35 But something happens, Rashawn, they begin to see Christ. 24:39 Yes. 24:40 And they say, okay, okay, I can't do this by myself. 24:43 You know and a woman, I met a woman the other day, 24:46 and she said everywhere I have gone 24:48 I have been judged and you know me, 24:51 and I said I'm just here to listen 24:54 and to give you Godly information, suggestions. 24:58 And I keep my Bible out in my therapeutic office. 25:01 I keep it right there. 25:03 And that particular day she reached out for it 25:06 and she just started crying. 25:07 And she say, and she opening John 3:16 25:10 "For God so loved the world, 25:12 that He gave His only begotten Son, 25:14 whoever believes shall not perish 25:15 but have everlasting life." 25:18 And she said Dr. Logan, you did not judge me, 25:21 you just allowed me to speak my mind. 25:24 Oh, yes. 25:25 You know, and that's what we have to give out of, 25:27 you know, but we still have to stand up 25:29 for our principles. 25:30 Yes. 25:31 And values and morals and be God's servants. 25:34 I think that's important what you just said. 25:35 Yes. 25:36 But I think what you have to remember is 25:38 that those principles are yours and if I'm a babe, 25:44 that's trying to reach out or come into the church, 25:47 you know, I'm more focused 25:49 on trying to understand who Jesus is? 25:53 Because if I need-- 25:54 if I'm searching for something then I know God is out-- 25:58 I'm not searching for God. 25:59 I need that support to know that Jesus is in my life 26:05 and he will help me get through any turmoil 26:09 that I may be experiencing. 26:10 And one thing we have learnt 26:12 in the Seventh-day Adventist Church 26:13 our church is that as people come in and they are baptized, 26:18 they ain't you know showing them Jesus Christ 26:20 but introducing them to like you 26:22 have a structure in your church. 26:24 You know and you're a member of where? 26:25 Where you are you a member? 26:26 At Greater Grace Temple. 26:28 Yes, and who is your pastor there? 26:30 Pastor Bishop Gary Harper. 26:32 And praise God. 26:34 And so again letting them know that there are structures 26:37 and standards and believes. 26:38 That they have to adhere to. Yes. 26:41 Well, listen, I'm just excited 26:42 about everything God is doing for you 26:45 and I want you to know that God has called you 26:47 for such a time as this. 26:50 You know in our closing, talk to the people of God. 26:55 People are viewing, 26:57 what would you say to them in these last few minutes? 26:59 Seek God with all your heart. 27:02 If you be real with God He gonna be real with you. 27:07 When you're weak let Him know, I'm weak and I need Your help. 27:11 And He'll reach down and He'll help you. 27:16 That's beautiful. Arthur? 27:18 Well, basically, I mean you have a tremendous story, 27:22 and people who go through the-- 27:25 who are on the verge of death and destruction 27:29 and then to come out it once they turn their will 27:32 and their heart and soul over to Jesus 27:36 it's a reward that cannot be surpassed by anything. 27:40 Yes. 27:41 You may even come into riches 27:43 and may even come into a lot of materialistic things 27:47 but it still cannot replace the love 27:51 and that Jesus has for you. 27:53 Yes. 27:54 And the guidance He has provided for you. 27:55 Yes. 27:56 Well, I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin. 27:58 I'm Arthur Nolin. 27:59 I want to thank you, Mrs. Butts, for being with us. 28:02 God Bless you. |
Revised 2015-05-11