Making it Work

Letting Go

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Arthur Nowlin (Host), Dr Kim Logan-Nowlin (Host), Terence Standifer, Tenesia Standifer


Series Code: MIW

Program Code: MIW000031

00:01 Hi, I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nolin.
00:02 I'm Arthur Nolin.
00:03 And welcome to "Making It Work."
00:36 You know, when I think about letting go,
00:39 I think about turning my situation over to God.
00:42 Arthur, what do you think about?
00:44 Well, basically the same but don't you think
00:46 sometimes that could be a little difficult?
00:49 It's very difficult in most situations.
00:51 It's just not an easy process.
00:53 I mean, I hear a lot of people were saying
00:54 okay, just turn it over, turn it over.
00:57 But depending on the circumstances
01:00 it may not be that easy to turn over
01:02 but that's when we you have to pray.
01:03 Oh, yes.
01:04 And ask the Lord to step in
01:06 and give you the strength to turn it over.
01:07 Letting it go is like really I'm not dealing with this
01:11 in the manner that I had been dealing with it.
01:13 I'm just gonna move on
01:15 and ask God to step in and give me guidance.
01:17 Amen.
01:18 Well, today we're so blessed here on "Making It Work"
01:21 to have a beautiful couple, they have known,
01:23 that we both have know for many, many years
01:25 Yes.
01:26 And we want to welcome them.
01:27 They service the family life leaders of their local church
01:31 the Burns Seventh-day Adventist Church in Detroit, Michigan.
01:34 And they are the parents of two beautiful children
01:38 and we just gonna let them you a story.
01:41 We want to welcome you, Terence and Tenesia Standifer.
01:44 Thank you for joining us today.
01:45 Thank you for having us. Thank you for having us.
01:47 Hi, guys.
01:48 Hi, how are you doing?
01:49 Good.
01:50 So I'm talking, you know, like we normally do.
01:52 Terence, are you still--
01:53 Oh, no, not, not like we normally know him.
01:56 We're gonna ask a question to you,
01:58 you should know we are talking about letting it go.
02:00 Have you let go of separating the food,
02:02 you know are you still separating on the food?
02:05 Oh, yeah.
02:06 It's not an attachment to me it's--
02:07 it's part of life.
02:09 It's-- how I breath,
02:11 its-- its who I am.
02:12 Were you raised with that?
02:13 Separating you know the corn here--
02:15 Explain, wait a minute, wait a minute.
02:16 Oh, you're missing it. Okay.
02:18 Now I understand what it,
02:19 but maybe some of our audience may not.
02:21 Okay, tell us here little history about--
02:23 You know, you and I one day were talking.
02:25 Okay, we were at your home for a meeting
02:27 and we were talking about the fact
02:30 that I eat one thing at a time
02:32 which is one of my wife's complaint.
02:34 Because she said, you can't-- you're missing out.
02:36 You need to mix the greens with the beans whatever.
02:39 And-- but for me
02:40 I eat one thing at a time
02:42 but I was a guy who grew up with a plate
02:45 that was had separate spots, I didn't want my food to touch,
02:48 so I enjoy eating one thing at a time.
02:52 Which means you have to be a good cook,
02:53 I'm just tasting that one thing so I--
02:55 So you don't-- so when the corn is gone
02:57 then you go to the greens.
02:59 I eat based upon
03:00 the least favorite to the favorites so that--
03:02 Wow.
03:03 Best taste is the last thing I take in my mouth.
03:05 That's not-- you didn't
03:06 even share that with us.
03:08 The least favorite to the favorite, that's too deep.
03:11 Okay, so that's a method to the madness?
03:13 That's correct. That's correct.
03:14 Oh, to the taste buds. You never told me that.
03:16 It's just how I work.
03:18 All right, well, listen, we want you all to tell us
03:21 how you have maintained this beautiful marriage
03:25 and letting things go. Tell you testimony.
03:28 Just share with us.
03:29 Wow, letting go.
03:31 How we maintain this wonderful relationship
03:33 or as you say beautiful relationship.
03:35 That is beautiful. We've been married 25 years.
03:38 Twenty five years?
03:40 Twenty five years.
03:41 Yes 25 years, this year on new years eve--
03:44 So what is that? That's the silver?
03:46 That's the silver anniversary.
03:47 That's the silver. Isn't that beautiful?
03:48 And it's a blessing.
03:50 Yes.
03:52 Terence and I have a unique relationship.
03:55 I am three years older that him,
03:58 and I was told long time ago,
03:59 it will never work. It would never work.
04:03 You know and I had said myself when I was younger
04:06 I don't think I could ever marry anybody younger than me.
04:09 You know, I think I need somebody older than me,
04:11 you know because my dad was so much older than my mom.
04:14 And I believe the reason why I wanted my marriage to work
04:19 so was because I saw that in my parents.
04:22 Yes, beautiful people.
04:23 They were married 57 years.
04:25 Fifty seven years.
04:26 And I said, I'm gonna catch up to that.
04:28 I'm gonna catch up with them. I'm gonna do every thing
04:30 that I need to do to keep my marriage going.
04:34 To make him happy as well as make myself happy.
04:38 That's right. That's right.
04:39 You know and then in doing that at least I think he is happy.
04:43 I think he is.
04:45 He's always smiling in 25 years present.
04:47 But it hasn't been easy.
04:48 It's not easy and I don't want to paint the picture
04:50 that marriage is just this wonderful thing
04:53 and you never argue,
04:55 and you never have disagreements
04:56 but when you can keep God first in your marriage,
05:01 put him first in everything,
05:02 every decision you be on one accord
05:05 which is what we need to be on one accord
05:07 in order to make that marriage work.
05:09 That's good.
05:10 And but you know for being this slightly different
05:12 because I come from a single parent home.
05:17 My Mother raised two sons.
05:18 I have a older brother his name Brian.
05:20 He is in Indianapolis.
05:22 And the marriage thing I was kind of personal,
05:26 I could be married or not be married.
05:28 And so when we met
05:32 the one interesting thing about for both of us
05:35 because we both came out of bad relationship
05:37 so we said, we're gonna take this thing slow.
05:41 And so we did take it slow, we became friends first.
05:45 And so we did eventually get married
05:47 but one of the things that discovered in our marriage
05:50 it was always good but it was always
05:53 something then that was lagging.
05:57 And the thing that was lacking is the fact that
06:01 to be honest I had issues
06:05 with not having a father figure and not seeing relationships,
06:10 good relationships in my life
06:12 and the fact that-- that having that father figure
06:16 I didn't understand how to love.
06:20 So it was a struggle for me to love my own kids,
06:24 it was a struggle for me
06:25 to truly be true to her because,
06:28 its funny in our relationship from time to time
06:31 I would say, you know what,
06:32 I would never let you see everything about me,
06:35 which is kind of crazy
06:37 because she should know everything about me.
06:38 That's right. That's right.
06:39 But I figured that if she's figure this thing about me,
06:42 I'll fit the script and change.
06:43 And if she finds this odd thing about me I'll switch this.
06:46 Because the bottom line is, if she saw the real me
06:50 that at some point in time she would go,
06:54 she would leave
06:55 because there would be something about me.
06:57 that she would reject.
06:58 You had that fear.
06:59 I had that fear, because I've always been rejected.
07:02 And so then, some years ago,
07:05 I'll say eight years ago
07:07 when we became Family Life Leaders
07:09 which was kind of crazy to us because people say,
07:11 "Hey you got a great marriage. You do with your of kids."
07:13 And we kind of like, family life we just us,
07:16 you know, we're kind of messed up behind the scenes,
07:18 everybody know the truth.
07:19 We really want to know the truth.
07:21 But in the end, it's a program that we set in our church
07:26 and we had to administer it and we applied it to ourselves.
07:30 And that's when God began this extreme work on us.
07:34 Looking back on our past and helping us to see
07:37 that the things of your past,
07:40 we let those things control us that binds us
07:44 instead of thinking that we're free,
07:45 we were still captured. We haven't let those things go.
07:48 And that program that you implement
07:50 was with Pastor Edward.
07:51 That's correct.
07:52 Binding the Wounds.
07:53 Binding the Wounds, all right our former
07:56 Family Life directors of the conference
07:58 of the General Conference, put out the flowers you know.
08:02 And so they implemented that program.
08:05 So that really helped you.
08:07 Right and then one of things that God did,
08:10 He said, "Terrance, let Me show you some things,
08:13 through her father, my father-in-law, love Me
08:18 through the times that my kids who have hurt,
08:22 loved Me, without congestion, love Me."
08:27 And then God finally said,
08:28 "Terrance, you want to blame Me,"
08:30 because I was blaming God for everything,
08:32 "You want to blame Me for the outcome of your father.
08:35 You want to blame Me for this your life's situation
08:40 but look what you've done to your daughters,"
08:41 because I hurt them as well.
08:43 Let me interrupt you for a moment
08:45 because this is lingering with me,
08:48 especially for what you just said in regards to
08:53 the love that you feel from your wife's father,
08:57 and what you feel from your daughters.
09:01 If you had the opportunity,
09:05 do you forgive your father, your biological dad?
09:09 Oh, that's a clincher.
09:12 And would you say that in spite of what is transpired,
09:17 I love you?
09:18 Just like that unconditional love, you just spoke about.
09:22 See, that's the clinching part and I finish it this way.
09:25 The relationship that I've with my father is beautiful
09:28 because God brought us back together, four years ago.
09:32 And it's just amazing, how much that he and I are alike.
09:36 Like the same clothes, we don't eat the same way
09:40 but our characters--
09:41 Nobody eats like that. Nobody eats like that.
09:44 But our characteristics are so much alike.
09:48 He's my hero, he gives me great counsel,
09:52 I listen to him and we are extremely close.
09:57 Praise God.
09:58 And so because I let him go,
10:00 but the key point of letting him go,
10:02 I didn't throw him away.
10:03 All right.
10:05 I didn't throw him away.
10:06 I just let go they are hurt and pain because God showed me,
10:09 what makes you think you're better that him,
10:11 when you did the same things that he did.
10:14 And that's what God had to show me.
10:16 You didn't throw him away.
10:17 Didn't throw him away.
10:18 But, you know, it appeared
10:20 that may be at some point in that missing
10:24 when he wasn't there, you know, he wasn't there.
10:29 So, in turn by him not being there,
10:32 that was a void that existed,
10:35 you know, in your life
10:37 and where you curious as to why he was not?
10:42 I was always curious.
10:43 I mean, and he came into my life early and,
10:47 but if I'm honest with myself
10:51 as much as I want him to be in my life
10:53 I wasn't prepared to receive him,
10:55 because I hadn't let go of those things that,
10:59 that was nagging at the two of us.
11:02 And the end result, it affected my relationship with my kids,
11:06 it affected my relationship with my wife
11:09 because she needed me to be the whole me
11:12 and I couldn't gibe that to her.
11:14 Tenesia.
11:15 Yes.
11:16 What did you see, you know,
11:18 from him because he said that more than once so far
11:22 that the relationship with you was affected.
11:25 What was missing to honor that relationship?
11:29 It was kind of like--
11:32 I guess I could put it this way.
11:34 Me growing up and having my dad
11:38 and him exemplifying the proper type of male figure
11:44 that a female needs in her life to complete her,
11:47 this is what I was missing in that relationship with him.
11:51 It's not that I was trying to make him dad,
11:53 it was that I just needed that part
11:56 in that relationship
11:58 because it was kind of like okay,
12:00 now I've moved away from my mom or my dad
12:02 and now I'm in my own relationship
12:05 and I need to have that same type of relationship
12:07 with my husband that I saw that my mom and dad had
12:11 and I wasn't getting that.
12:13 So it was kind of like, I loved him and I knew
12:16 that there was that void in his life
12:18 and there was nothing I could do
12:20 to fill it for him you know.
12:23 So it was, it was difficult,
12:26 it was kind of hard but--
12:28 And what were you saying with you girls,
12:29 especially having daughters?
12:31 With my girls, I was worried at first,
12:35 you know, because that's his will,
12:36 you know, and I understand the dynamics
12:38 that happens between a daughter,
12:41 when it's a healthy relationship between
12:43 a daughter and father and how they needed
12:45 their dad to be there at those crucial times in their life.
12:49 You know, well, they needed daddy to explain
12:52 and show them what a young lady should be.
12:55 And some things he did do and then there were some things
12:59 he just did not know how to do.
13:01 And so that's when I had to,
13:02 you know, kind of improvise a little bit.
13:04 And I didn't want to takeover his role as being dad,
13:08 but it was just that lacking and I noticed in them,
13:12 it was a little bit a strain for them as well.
13:16 I guess I could put it that way.
13:17 You know, and your girls are how close in age?
13:19 They are seventeen and half months apart.
13:21 So they don't right there together.
13:23 They ride together.
13:25 So let's talk about
13:26 the communication during this process.
13:28 I mean like you said there is no perfect relationship--
13:30 Not perfect marriage you know.
13:32 Did the children see a certain behavior
13:35 in their father, because you still had your
13:38 brother and your father-- Yes.
13:40 You know, as a support system. Yes.
13:42 You know, so when they would be around their dad
13:45 and your father and your brother would be around
13:47 what are the dynamics?
13:49 The dynamics were good.
13:50 It was just that, because he didn't know how to receive
13:54 their love because he was so used to rejection like he said.
13:56 A lot of times when the girls, he would come home from work
13:59 and you know kids are happy.
14:00 Oh Daddy's home.
14:02 They would run to him
14:03 and they want to jump in his lap.
14:05 And he would just kind of like stop them.
14:07 And then he would pull them towards him,
14:09 because I got to get ready to receive that
14:12 because I'm not used to that.
14:14 I wasn't shown that as a child growing up.
14:17 So now I've got to condition myself, these are my daughters.
14:20 I did birth them and I love them
14:22 but I've to learn how to receive that.
14:25 And now when you see your girls, you know,
14:27 do you embrace them? How is it now?
14:29 Now, it is totally 360, because one of the things,
14:34 because one things that I did was,
14:36 when God brought it to my attention,
14:38 He freed me of these things that were plaguing me.
14:42 I went back to them and I apologized
14:44 for every single thing that I did wrong.
14:47 It helped into explain.
14:49 And I help to explain, this is the reason why.
14:52 And I let them understand.
14:54 Look, it is not my father's fault
14:59 because I don't understand the choices,
15:00 I understand the things that influenced his life.
15:02 So I don't blame my father for anything.
15:05 And I helped them to understand that,
15:08 if I fix this now with you,
15:11 your relationships when it comes--
15:13 when it comes times for you to be in relationship,
15:15 you be prepared to receive them.
15:17 Because now that hurt
15:19 that I've cost you is now be able to go away
15:21 because I've made it right with you.
15:23 And so, so now, my daughters can come to me
15:26 for any and everything and,
15:29 it's just surprise of some of the things
15:30 they come to me with.
15:32 I mean like, one time my oldest one came to me like,
15:34 "Hey, you know what dad, me and my boyfriend,"
15:37 at that time she was in high school,
15:39 "We had the sex talk."
15:41 And so typical the typical parent would say,
15:44 "Wow, I know your decisions-- it's not going to happen."
15:47 But instead I said, "Really, so what you've decided?"
15:51 I wanted to hear what her decision was,
15:53 because ultimately she's gonna be affected by the choice.
15:55 Sure. Sure.
15:56 And so, and so they are free to discuss with me
15:59 about any and everything
16:01 and there are sometimes, we still bump heads.
16:03 When I'm and when I'm wrong I say,
16:04 "Hey, you know what, I'm sorry for wronging you,"
16:06 because now I understand
16:09 the love that we need to exhibit
16:11 because I'm the first insight of God to them.
16:14 That's right.
16:15 And so, if I show a bad reflection of God to them,
16:19 then there attitude towards God is going to be what?
16:22 Negative.
16:23 And so for me, it is important that I exhibit
16:27 the insight of how God has loved me.
16:29 I exhibit it onto them
16:31 because we influence, we affect one another.
16:33 Oh yeah.
16:34 You know the Bible says that we win our spouses
16:36 through our character, but it is also our children
16:40 how we, you know, like you said,
16:41 what we exhibit, in front of our children,
16:43 God' going to hold us accountable.
16:44 Absolutely.
16:45 And it's so crucial
16:47 the dynamics they see in the household.
16:49 And again there are no perfect marriage,
16:51 no perfect relationships
16:52 but what God wants us to do
16:54 is empower ourselves with the Word of God
16:57 and to have a mindset like His.
16:59 By beholding we become what?
17:01 Change, you know.
17:03 how did your wife empower you?
17:07 You know I saw you all yesterday in a program
17:10 and giving your testimony and you know,
17:12 as you sit here together, I mean, this is real.
17:14 What you see is what you get, all right.
17:17 You know and, and Brother Terence speaks his mind,
17:21 I'm telling you.
17:22 But how did she help to empower you,
17:25 because she didn't push you away, she didn't reject you.
17:28 You know how did,
17:29 because at the same time she was hurting.
17:31 And but she was still trying pull you.
17:33 How did, how did you see her balance all this?
17:36 Well, the best thing about my wife--
17:39 Even before, even before she became my wife,
17:42 she always let me be me.
17:44 Yes.
17:45 No matter how great it was or how messy it was
17:49 because at times it was messy
17:51 but she just allowed me to be me.
17:54 And that was a great thing because,
17:59 when I was at my worst point
18:01 and this is before we've even got married,
18:04 she struck by me and I said, "This is what I needed."
18:07 And the best thing about it too is that,
18:09 she didn't let me wallow,
18:10 because at one point of time she said, "Look, Terence,
18:13 I like you, I love you, you're a great guy,
18:15 but you know, you are gonna stay in depressive state
18:17 I got to go."
18:18 Got to go. I got to let this go.
18:19 So let it go. Let it go.
18:22 So, then when she said that's when,
18:24 I need to pull myself about my bootstraps, and get up
18:27 because I'm about to lose this.
18:28 Now this was before you got married?
18:30 That's right.
18:31 Just before we got married. Just before we got married.
18:33 But she is always been in my corner,
18:35 I mean and sometimes she dishes out tough love
18:38 and tell me things that I need to hear.
18:40 But I appreciate that.
18:41 But you recognized that before you got married?
18:45 I did. I did.
18:46 And you knew it was going to be a problem for you?
18:48 It was.
18:50 Because you come from such a loving family.
18:52 I do, and it was my brother
18:57 and my father both taught me, literally taught me
19:02 what type of man that I needed in my life.
19:04 And I have to say that that have to come from God,
19:07 because I prayed for this man.
19:10 I prayed and I got that answer.
19:12 And you know when I was a kid I used to think that,
19:15 miracles only happen for adults, you know.
19:18 We can pray and we oh, as kids we might believe that
19:22 and you know but I saw it through adults.
19:24 And I said I', gonna give God a try.
19:27 And I was ready for my mate and I prayed.
19:30 I told God, "I want a sign."
19:32 And this is what I wanted to be.
19:34 And I went in my closet so Satan wouldn't hear,
19:39 you know, because I didn't want him to get involved.
19:42 No way, I was in my prayer closet.
19:45 And I prayed and I told God
19:46 and I was specific and I was serious.
19:47 I said, "I'm ready to get married and I like him,"
19:50 and I said, "and this is what I need from you, God."
19:53 And He gave me that answer.
19:55 So I knew this was my spouse for life.
19:57 For life. For life.
19:59 But I think, I think,
20:01 what I get out of this is the fact that,
20:04 you became proactive.
20:06 Yes, I do.
20:07 You know, you recognize a situation
20:09 that may have caused some barriers in your relationship
20:16 and you addressed them instead of letting them linger on.
20:19 Right.
20:20 I didn't want to start a relationship
20:24 in a depressive state because--
20:26 I mean, that's what he was.
20:27 And, you know, I have always been
20:29 a happy go lucky person, I'm always smiling,
20:31 I've got something to laugh about.
20:32 And it was bringing me down, and I could not,
20:35 I could not do that.
20:37 And I didn't want him to be down.
20:38 Yes.
20:39 And this was someone that I was truly interested in
20:42 and I not only wanted to help me
20:44 but I really wanted to help him.
20:45 And I needed to see that this was a flag
20:49 that needed to be addressed now.
20:51 Now.
20:52 You know, not too long ago you went through something
20:56 and letting it go but how do you let go
20:59 of losing your father,
21:01 someone who was such a giant hero in your life?
21:04 Yes, he was.
21:05 Let's talk about that. You know Brother Fuller.
21:07 Brother Fuller. Hopper.
21:09 Hopper Fuller.
21:10 Sharpest man in Burns.
21:11 That is the way it is.
21:13 Wear suit and ties and those hats.
21:16 Yes.
21:17 My dad, he is still my hero.
21:19 I know he is resting and waiting for Jesus.
21:26 But I learned to let the idea of him
21:30 not being physically present with me
21:32 go probably after a year after his death,
21:36 because I didn't know how to do this.
21:40 And every day I was on my knees and I was like,
21:42 "Lord, I don't know how to do this."
21:43 You know this was somebody that I depended on,
21:46 this was somebody that I loved,
21:48 I truly loved unconditionally and what am
21:50 I going to do without this man in my life?
21:53 And I'm not saying that I wanted to put him above God
21:56 because I couldn't, but it was just that
21:59 my earthly father was gone.
22:01 Yes.
22:02 I couldn't touch him no more,
22:03 I couldn't love him no more physically.
22:05 You know, how was I gonna do this, God?
22:08 In each and every single day the hurt just
22:12 seemed to dissipate, just slowly but surely
22:16 and it was the work of the Lord.
22:18 It had to be, because you know I think back about
22:22 that time and how that whole year,
22:24 I lost 40 pounds of weight.
22:25 I remember.
22:26 I lost 40 pounds.
22:27 I walked every single day outside.
22:31 And every single day that I was out there,
22:33 I communed with God.
22:34 I prayed and I talked to Him.
22:36 And I just enjoyed being in nature with Him
22:39 as He helped me through that process
22:42 of learning how to let go,
22:44 you know, physically but not mentally.
22:47 I have daddy here all day and all night.
22:49 I could think and laugh about things that we did.
22:52 You know it was just, it was good and it was a good
22:55 father and daughter relationship and I think
22:57 that's what made it so hard.
22:58 And you were the youngest.
23:00 And I was the baby.
23:01 And, you know, when daddy was towards the end he--
23:06 I was talking in his ear and I told him and I said,
23:08 "Do you know who I am?"
23:10 and he said, "You're my baby, my baby,
23:12 my baby." You know, and then that stayed in my mind.
23:15 And, you know, and that gave me comfort as well.
23:18 So it was little things like that that the Lord
23:20 let me see, this is how you let go, physically,
23:24 but you'll always have him here and here
23:28 and in my heart.
23:29 Oh, that's so beautiful.
23:31 And seriously going through that process I mean,
23:34 how did you see yourself
23:36 being a support system for her?
23:38 Well, you know when she lost her father,
23:41 I kind of felt like I lost my second dad.
23:45 Because he was there with--
23:47 there for me in a lot of those empty years.
23:50 And-- but because I was in the better position now
23:56 all I needed to do is that she needs
23:58 someone to talk to, be there for her.
24:01 If needs to have someone yell at,
24:04 hey, I'm your son on the breast.
24:06 I would borrow her shoulders.
24:07 Whatever you need me to lift, move,
24:09 what have you is to be there for her.
24:12 And so, and so there's times where I'd sit next to her
24:16 just let her cry, cry on my shoulders.
24:18 There're the times we walk together, and she,
24:21 and she discuss, you know, I remember this story
24:23 about my dad, I remember that story
24:25 about my dad but the best part is because we have always,
24:28 we've been through a lot of things together.
24:30 I was there to say hey, I remember that same story
24:33 and how your dad had me to chop up the sidewalks
24:36 with him and how he helped me change out
24:38 the transmission in my car, in the code, in North Carolina.
24:41 So we were able to share the stories together.
24:45 And so and so-- whatever she needed me to be
24:49 I was there for her.
24:50 So it was a lot easier because now I'm able to love,
24:53 give love freely.
24:55 How do you spend your time together?
24:59 You know, what do you do together to enjoy one another?
25:03 How about you tell that story?
25:06 How about you tell that story about Columbus?
25:10 Couple years ago, what, might have been three now,
25:13 you know, the "Just Claim It" that we usually have.
25:15 Yes.
25:16 We're invited to be the guests at "Just Claim It"
25:18 and I think it's Dr. Black?
25:22 Dr. Black. James Black.
25:25 We had gotten his book and we like intimacy
25:31 and the intimate moment with Terence is just riding along
25:35 in the car on our way to find something to eat that day.
25:39 And I want to read the book.
25:41 I mean, just simplicity is best in some cases.
25:46 And I just felt like that was the most romantic moment,
25:50 I'm sharing this book about Dr. Black's story
25:55 and it was so good and, you know, we--
25:59 I mean, just reading and we're driving along
26:01 and we were looking and it was beautiful weather
26:03 and it was just it was so real.
26:05 It was, it was absolutely--
26:07 Like even, even this, even early this morning
26:10 we were supposed to have parenting group at our church,
26:12 but it got cancelled.
26:14 And so, and so, we're just out in the street
26:17 and so we stop by as to pick up a few items.
26:21 We had some breakfast with us,
26:23 so we two decided is to take a drive in our area,
26:26 we went to the beach, stayed in the car of course,
26:29 because it's too cold to be outside.
26:31 But we are at the beach, inside the car,
26:33 we were looking out of the water
26:34 and the birds and we are just enjoying one other's company.
26:37 One of the things that we discovered
26:39 about our marriage now,
26:40 the importance of intimacy and its not always physically
26:45 because the physical goes away after a while--
26:47 Oh, yes. Yes, it does.
26:49 But the thing is to spend every moment with each other
26:52 and enjoying one another's company.
26:55 Hearing her thoughts, hearing her view points
26:57 and sometimes it may or may not agree
27:00 or be in line with viewers,
27:01 but the fact is that I have this woman
27:05 and I can experience the whole Tenesia.
27:08 Her-- what she has to offer me,
27:11 not what I want her to offer me,
27:12 but what she has to offer me and I cherish that above all.
27:17 You know what listen, I can give,
27:18 we got our last 42 seconds.
27:20 I just want to say that intimacy being into me
27:24 and letting things go, will help enhance that.
27:29 Give us a closing mark, in this last you know,
27:32 15 seconds, you know, to help folk let it go.
27:37 Letting go is letting God first and foremost
27:40 and you have to have the understanding
27:44 that it's gonna be all right.
27:46 It's gonna be all right to let go.
27:48 And it gives you freedom.
27:49 And the freedom, freedom--
27:50 Gives you freedom.
27:52 I like that freedom.
27:53 Well, listen Arthur, I want freedom every day, amen,
27:56 into me.
27:57 Listen, I love you, guys. Love you too.
28:00 Love you so much.
28:01 Listen, I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin.
28:03 I'm Arthur Nowlin.
28:04 And let's continue to "Let It Go"
28:06 through "Making It Work."
28:07 God bless you.


Revised 2015-05-11