Making it Work

Making A Catastrophe

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Arthur Nowlin (Host), Dr Kim Logan-Nowlin (Host), Rodney Cooper, Steven C. Barber


Series Code: MIW

Program Code: MIW000022

00:01 Hi, I'm Dr Kim Logan-Nowlin. I'm Arthur Nowlin.
00:03 And welcome to Making It Work.
00:36 The topic of our program today is...
00:38 Making a Catastrophe.
00:39 We want to welcome our guest today.
00:41 We have Mr. Rodney Cooper of Canton, Michigan
00:44 and Mr. Steve Barbra of Detroit, Michigan.
00:47 Welcome to Making It Work.
00:49 Thank you. Thanks for having us.
00:50 All right, guys, one of the things
00:52 that I'm really interested in
00:53 and we've talked about it before is,
00:56 issues dealing with African-American men.
00:58 You know, and some of the things
01:00 that are taking place with our African-American men
01:03 is devastating.
01:06 It appears that everywhere I go
01:09 that's a concern with everybody.
01:11 You know, when we're talking about
01:13 our fathers not being in home.
01:16 African men being incarcerated, you now, consistently.
01:20 Right now I think the prison system
01:22 is like 80% African-American men.
01:24 So you need to give us some solutions
01:28 on how to deal with these issues.
01:31 I think sometimes when we talk about solutions
01:34 we have remedies and formulas
01:37 that take place but the ultimate solution is
01:41 I would believe for our African-American young men
01:45 is to seek God first.
01:46 I believe that seeking God first.
01:49 And a lot of the times in our homes,
01:51 I've talked with Steve a lot of the times
01:53 about the gatekeeper.
01:55 When the gatekeeper leaves the home,
01:58 that means that he is allowed--
02:00 the father has allowed his home to be left vacant
02:03 without his presence or his input
02:07 and when the gatekeeper is away,
02:09 the Devil, Satan himself enters into the home
02:12 and just wreaks havoc throughout the entire home.
02:14 So those are some those things.
02:16 Right, and I agree with Rodney
02:18 because men especially young men will seek to mold
02:22 or model themselves after something.
02:24 You know, we see that so when the father's not home,
02:26 sometimes or most times they model after the mother,
02:29 that's in the house alone.
02:30 And we wind up with, you know,
02:32 something we want to look not little peculiar at.
02:35 So after that if not then, you know,
02:38 we have the rap, you know aspect--
02:40 Culture.
02:41 We have like hip-hop culture,
02:43 we have rappers, we have basketball stars,
02:46 we have political figures,
02:49 all these people that are almost
02:50 push in front of them to say,
02:52 you need to be like this man, you need to be like that man,
02:55 but the man that God put there for them
02:57 some model in the first place
02:58 being their father is not there.
03:01 Want to take it back a minute.
03:03 I hear you talking about responsibility to young men,
03:06 having guarding eyes.
03:07 Can you tell us, who you are, your history,
03:10 and your background, and what, you know,
03:13 what empowers you to be able
03:15 to talk about this with such passion?
03:17 Oh, I think sometimes when you are brought forth
03:21 when you all came to me
03:22 to actually do this type of program,
03:24 I think you have to have some sort of experience in that
03:28 and we just did a program at our church
03:30 last week on blended families,
03:31 and I have a lot of experience in that over the past 13 years,
03:36 so being a father
03:38 and being the second father to some young men
03:42 or and actually in that situation was a daughter.
03:44 I found myself having to find solutions
03:48 as Arthur talked about
03:50 and being able to make decisions for my household,
03:55 and then who to seek, when I'm making those decision
03:57 instead of trying to make them on my own,
04:00 I needed to seek the Lord.
04:01 So I just do that most of the time.
04:04 Okay, but, Rodney, you have a company.
04:05 Yes, I do.
04:06 And why did you start this company?
04:08 What's the name of your company?
04:09 The name of the company is, The Cooper Agency
04:11 and we do for the Detroit Public Schools
04:14 and surrounding areas, intervention programs.
04:17 What are those intervention programs?
04:18 We deal with conflict resolution,
04:21 cultural competency.
04:22 When you're talking about cultural competency,
04:24 our teachers in the educational arena
04:28 don't necessarily know how to deal with
04:31 as they call it the urban child,
04:33 so The Cooper Agency goes in and trains teachers on.
04:37 How to make connections,
04:39 I think that's the biggest thing making connections.
04:41 Our students are failing standardized tests
04:45 because they can't get the word.
04:47 They're failing because the teachers
04:49 are not making connections with students
04:51 and when you're able to make connections with students,
04:53 I think students see through all of that
04:57 and they begin to connect with you too,
04:58 and that enables them to learn,
05:00 so I've been doing that now for
05:01 probably the last year and a half now.
05:04 With the situation that happened.
05:06 Yeah, and I understand that perspective,
05:08 you know, but still we also deal with knowing them
05:11 not making the connection,
05:13 we deal with them not wanting to make a connection.
05:16 You know, because this is at a point now,
05:18 I think a lot of teachers are frustrated,
05:20 when we're talking about dealing with
05:22 you know, African-American males
05:24 and especially if they don't have
05:27 some stability in the household.
05:29 We deal with lot of issues where they really
05:32 have a hard time addressing those issues.
05:35 And maybe because of some medical reasons like ADHD,
05:40 instead of saying that they need to be medicating,
05:43 can we really have them evaluated just to deter
05:45 if they have ADHD or if they don't.
05:51 I again, I continue to talk with educators
05:54 and principals throughout this region.
05:58 And it is not the children,
06:00 I think and it's not the children,
06:02 they are going to learn,
06:03 these children have been learning
06:05 historically for the past 40 or 50 years,
06:08 they've been the same child.
06:09 Now, we can say that they've changed differently,
06:11 but have our methods change,
06:13 so I think that we as educators
06:15 and as we as adults need to revamp
06:18 how it is that we are presenting ourselves
06:21 to our students,
06:22 so that they'll be able to learn
06:23 and that also helps me as a parent
06:25 and this entire ball of wax
06:28 when we talk about the educational system.
06:30 Well, I see, Barber, tell us your background
06:33 and also you know you are men's ministry leader
06:36 for the Lake Region Conference.
06:38 Of the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
06:40 can you tell us about your background, and your history?
06:42 Well, my background is almost the identical
06:45 of probably 80% of some of your viewers
06:47 they gonna be watching,
06:49 which is I grew up with a father not in home.
06:52 And my mentorship was really lacking,
06:55 you know, in the beginning, I wasn't a troubled child,
06:58 but I was withdrawn child.
06:59 You know, I did not know how to respond to men,
07:01 I did not know how to get in there
07:03 and, you know, talk about basketball,
07:06 talk about sports, talk about man things.
07:08 I would always be in the background
07:10 holding up a wall,
07:11 I was afraid to talk to a young lady,
07:13 I'm afraid to approach the boy,
07:15 you know, the fellows and just shoot the--
07:17 shoot the proverbial, you know, words.
07:19 Right.
07:20 And you know, it hindered me,
07:22 but I had a lot of mentors, strong mentors
07:27 that actually decided they wanted to take me
07:29 under their wing, one of them being William Slayton,
07:32 great man-- great man here.
07:34 He is a older man, he'd always see me.
07:36 If he saw me leaning up against the wall,
07:38 he'd always come up,
07:39 pull me up off the wall with his words,
07:41 you know, just talking it's all standing out straight,
07:43 as then I go talk among these pretty young--
07:45 pretty young girls up in here.
07:46 No, I'm no-- I don't know how to introduce.
07:48 You just walk up and say something
07:49 and that's really all it took
07:51 was the walk up and say something.
07:52 So social skills? That's important.
07:54 Exactly and I didn't know how to do that,
07:56 I didn't have somebody there to teach me how to do that.
07:59 Okay, let me stop you there,
08:00 you know, Arthur, when we talk about social skills
08:03 and we talk about interaction with young men,
08:06 we don't have these kind of programs in our church.
08:09 You know, we don't see
08:11 these kind of mentorship programs in our church.
08:13 Why don't we have these type of programs in the church
08:15 where we can teach social skills
08:17 and prepare them for, you know, the right of passage.
08:21 Why is that missing in our church?
08:22 I think it's important when you think about it,
08:24 Kim, it's a--
08:26 A lot of times we don't have
08:27 the people in place that are capable,
08:31 I'm really demonstrating that the mentoring ship
08:35 and then we're talking about also a time factor
08:39 that's involved, a lot of people
08:41 will put church programs on a back burner
08:45 and they don't feel that, they feel that maybe possibly
08:48 they go to church once a week to deal with
08:50 whatever issue they deal with
08:51 and when they go home that's it-- that's it,
08:53 but when you talk about mentoring ship,
08:55 you're talking about 24/7.
08:58 You know, I mean you may not have
08:59 to deal with that child in those particular,
09:01 in that particular timeframe.
09:03 But you're talking about being available.
09:05 You know, especially when we're dealing with crisis.
09:08 So that's really important. Okay.
09:09 And what you do as far as bringing the church together,
09:14 to address issue.
09:16 That's good, it needs to be done by the males,
09:21 and not just by the females
09:22 'cause a lot of our programs in the church today,
09:25 I hear about females.
09:26 I'm glad, you said that too
09:28 because, when you say the males,
09:30 you know, you chose that word so correctly
09:33 because there's a difference between male boy and man.
09:36 You know and male is just a child
09:38 who comes out of the womb and the doctor says
09:41 it's a male child
09:42 because of his gender specific-- specificity.
09:46 He becomes a boy when he starts challenging things.
09:49 He becomes a man when he's securing these things.
09:51 People name you a man, you can't name yourself a man,
09:55 people identify with you as being,
09:57 now that's a good man.
09:58 You know, right there that's a good man over there,
10:00 but if they look at you,
10:02 okay, you still have some growing to do.
10:04 It's a culture thing.
10:06 In Africa, you know, when they had the boys
10:08 become men through the rights of passage.
10:10 All the men laid hands on him and acknowledge them to be man.
10:13 We don't do that nowadays. We say you're 21 you're a man.
10:16 You know, the father leave the home,
10:18 they put this on incredible pressure on boys,
10:20 they say, you're the man of the house now.
10:22 He doesn't know what it's like.
10:23 He doesn't know what he's going to be going through.
10:25 So now that gatekeeper's going,
10:27 he has to make up or adopts anything
10:29 that he can perceive to be a man.
10:31 Now where do they adapted from?
10:33 That's being specific, they adapted from the media,
10:37 from TV, from videos
10:39 and which can create a major problem.
10:42 I'm not saying all programs
10:43 in the television programs are bad,
10:46 but a lot of the things that our youth adopt,
10:49 you know, it seems to be questionable,
10:51 when which you agree or disagree?
10:52 I totally agree with that.
10:53 What we've failed to do,
10:56 when you've talked of mentoring,
11:00 the elongated, the process
11:03 where we begin to talk to them about
11:05 what it is that they need to do,
11:07 we don't follow up with that situation,
11:10 so if it's a program, if it's a whatever
11:12 the 12 step or 12 week program,
11:14 we do those and then on week 13,
11:16 we don't hear or see more from that,
11:19 we don't-- I'm trying to think of the word
11:21 the--what happens in the long period of time,
11:24 should I check back with you in 6 months.
11:26 The follow up surely with that,
11:28 so that we can have some type of follow through
11:32 and some feedback on how you're doing,
11:34 we don't do that, we cannot leave you all,
11:36 if this right of passage, now that you're through,
11:39 what now that you've made it in through this right of passage
11:42 that usually is it for the mentoring.
11:44 And mentoring is a long term situation.
11:48 When you mentoring right of passage,
11:51 I'm really-- I guess, I'm motivated to think
11:55 that we can implement a program like that in our churches today
12:00 because some churches are doing it.
12:02 A lot of churches are not doing it.
12:06 And it's only because I seriously believe
12:09 that they don't hold as being important.
12:13 You know, and that's a good and powerful program
12:16 when you're dealing with a young--young child,
12:19 that's crossing over into a particular age
12:22 and you're providing him with some type of support
12:25 and to let him know what options are available to him.
12:28 That's right. Yes.
12:29 Also one of the aspect that I've come to learn
12:32 because I've been doing men's ministry for 20 plus years.
12:35 And it's a science that really needs or ministry
12:39 that really need more ministry.
12:41 The answer toward is sample, it's Christ.
12:43 It's Jesus Christ. Sure.
12:44 You look at that example He is all the man you need,
12:47 all the man you need to be.
12:48 Following His steps. That's right.
12:50 Exactly, but what we're dealing with
12:52 especially with men in leadership,
12:53 who wants their males in leadership.
12:55 Sometimes we're dealing with hurt individuals,
12:57 sometimes we're dealing with-- with people with great power,
13:01 great responsibility and great authority,
13:05 but does not have that approval of the community
13:08 that lay their hands on and say, you are now a man.
13:11 So what they're doing is they're winning it,
13:13 and it was okay for me, so why not let it be okay for--
13:16 for the rest of the men or let it not be okay
13:18 for the rest of the boys.
13:20 Something, so we have people-- it's a disconnect,
13:23 they show the importance of acknowledging
13:26 our young men to be men,
13:27 but also our grown men to be men.
13:29 I think that we even go after the grown man
13:32 and say that, we acknowledge you as a man
13:34 that will relieves a whole lot of things,
13:36 marriages will be saved, children would be--
13:39 would have their father's back in the home,
13:41 it would be so much-- so much going on.
13:45 A father doesn't have to have a divorce
13:46 and get kicked out the home, not to be there.
13:49 You know he can be spiritually disconnected,
13:51 he can be emotionally disconnected,
13:52 he could just be a body there.
13:54 And that's what we have this thing,
13:55 we were talking earlier about the second commandment,
13:57 on how the iniquity follows the fathers
14:00 and it follows the children.
14:01 You're right. Into the third and fourth.
14:03 Oh, yes. That's right.
14:04 That something else that we need to look at.
14:06 We really need to look at it,
14:07 and I have been thoroughly convinced
14:11 that men need to adopt the new name
14:14 and that is cursed breakers
14:16 because men need to acknowledge,
14:19 what it is that's generational curses in our past
14:23 something that we probably
14:24 didn't have nothing to do with it.
14:25 That's powerful though, you know,
14:27 when you're talking about curse breakers.
14:29 You know, that's really powerful
14:31 and that's something to consider.
14:34 I want to go back to something that you said earlier,
14:37 you know, and that was in regards
14:39 to females raising male child-- children.
14:43 You know, I've seen where females
14:47 have been successful in raising male children,
14:50 so I mean, when I think about it,
14:54 there are certain values that anybody
14:57 can have to implement in a child's rearing.
15:00 Yes. Yes.
15:02 So I mean, if a female may
15:05 not have the male present in the home,
15:07 but if she demonstrate the good values,
15:09 the good character and--
15:11 and if she's also wise enough to recognize
15:14 that she may need support, you know, I say,
15:17 that they can be raised to be really great,
15:21 powerful and studious in all those areas
15:25 where he's going to be a successful child.
15:27 Dr. Ben Carson is the perfect example.
15:29 He was raised by his mother. Yes.
15:31 He's a phenomenal person,
15:33 but the thing is where God puts man and woman together,
15:36 and name that very good.
15:37 Absolutely.
15:38 Who are we to say, what is there to.
15:40 Where could Ben Carson had been
15:41 if his father had been there.
15:43 You know, we want to give the acknowledgement of every--
15:46 of the-- not the complete,
15:49 but the raising and the rearing
15:50 of the children by a single parent,
15:51 who have the fathers or mothers
15:53 positive role models in the front--
15:55 I give all credits to my mother.
15:56 Amen, I applaud you,
15:57 I give all credits to my father, amen,
15:59 I applaud you, but what would have been
16:01 if God had been in the center
16:04 and the husband and wife cohesion,
16:08 you know, would have been there.
16:10 How much more?
16:11 How long-- you say, I give credit to my father.
16:14 Well, how long did it take you to give credit to your father
16:16 because he was out at home?
16:18 My father? Yeah.
16:19 It's a-- it's took years. Yeah.
16:21 I have a 7 year old daughter and I think she turned two
16:25 before the process of forgiving him was complete.
16:29 Because he didn't want-- he walked away
16:32 when I was-- when I was four,
16:34 the divorce was final was when I was seven,
16:36 you know, it took a lot longer back then to get a divorce.
16:39 So I didn't know, when I was hurting,
16:42 you know, I was really hurting in that-- in that situation.
16:45 When you know, he will want to come by and pick us up,
16:48 but he never did.
16:49 You know, I remember one time he came by,
16:51 we want him to get a Mother's Day gift
16:52 for our mom, he went out, we brought her a nice watch,
16:55 came back, and presented it to her,
16:58 happy Mother's Day.
16:59 Years later my mother told me
17:01 I gave him the money for that watch
17:03 so you wouldn't be disappointed on him
17:05 not buying some before he had no money.
17:08 You know-- you know, today's society,
17:10 you find that women are stepping up to the plate,
17:13 they have to because the men are in prison,
17:16 they are not in the forefront.
17:19 However there are lot of good mothers
17:21 in raising their sons and like he said,
17:24 Ben Carson is a prime example
17:26 and there are many, many more.
17:28 But at the same time we do need our fathers
17:31 or mentorship programs, our pastors, good men.
17:35 Kind hearted man, sensitive men
17:38 to be able to see.
17:39 If you see a void,
17:41 to be able to step up and say, feel that boy.
17:44 You know, I shouldn't have to have someone
17:46 to come up with some special program
17:47 to tell me there's a void here, I see this child every week.
17:51 I need to feel that boy,
17:53 go to that mother and say, what can I do?
17:54 Doesn't the Bible say? That's right.
17:56 That we have to take care of those
17:58 who are widowed and those-- The widows and the fatherless.
17:59 Yes, and the father that's-- that's the word of God.
18:02 So why we're sitting back waiting for?
18:04 Why we're sitting back waiting for, gentlemen?
18:06 Well, like I said before a lot of times--
18:08 I'm sorry, Cooper. Okay.
18:09 Yeah.
18:10 We're dealing with hurt individuals again.
18:12 You know, what's to say that--
18:14 the mother has not been hurt by Leroy Jenkins,
18:18 just you know, just saying name.
18:20 And she is repulsed or angry at all men Bitter.
18:25 Yeah. At all men.
18:27 So when I want to come and say, hey, you, sir--
18:30 let me tell you, show you how to tie, tie a tie.
18:32 I can show him how to tie a tie.
18:34 You know, I can do this.
18:35 We have, we did a program at our church for a while
18:39 and a woman say, I raised my son,
18:41 he's a good man and I acknowledge him,
18:43 he doesn't need a father.
18:45 And I said, well, every man needs a father.
18:49 I said, a man cannot raise a daughter by himself
18:52 and she be complete so a woman cannot raise a son by herself
18:57 and he be complete.
18:58 She knows how to show him how to give love,
19:02 but the woman's job, the wife's job,
19:04 a mother's job is to show the son by observance,
19:07 how to receive love from husband.
19:09 So if you had not begun your healing,
19:11 your daughter was two years old,
19:12 you have a son now, you have a male child.
19:14 Yes.
19:15 Is your father in his life and is are you and your father,
19:20 you know, in a relationship now where,
19:23 you know this curse can be broken.
19:24 Okay, well, my father has died,
19:26 my father has passed when my daughter
19:29 was about three years old.
19:30 He had multiple myeloma, he never saw her,
19:33 but I had begun the process
19:35 when my wife was pregnant with her to actually heal that.
19:38 He was down in Florida and I was up here
19:42 and he wanted to-- and he didn't reach out to me,
19:46 I reached out to him.
19:47 I said somebody has to do, you know,
19:49 more somebody has to be the-- the bigger person.
19:52 And not to be vain about a little bit,
19:55 but I called him
19:57 and I have a two hour conversation with him
19:59 and myself on in the car.
20:01 Not about, I want to forgive you,
20:03 I want to tell, we're just-- just talked.
20:05 We just talk about anything, the weather down in Florida,
20:08 how things are going up here,
20:10 you know, you're going to be a grandfather again
20:13 this and a lot, but we talked for two hours
20:16 after that I felt so much more comfortable
20:18 that I was able to videotape my daughter.
20:21 You know, mid night feedings, her learning to crawl,
20:24 just looking around eyes wide open
20:26 and I will send him the videotapes.
20:28 That made his day. That made his day.
20:31 He will call back almost crying because he's like,
20:35 she's so beautiful, she's so this,
20:37 she needs to know her grandfather,
20:38 I said, yeah, I agree with it, but trying to get down her dad,
20:41 things are a little tight here we're trying to do
20:43 and I'll just send him videotapes.
20:45 When the Pistons won the championship,
20:46 I send him a baseball cap and t-shirt,
20:49 he was in the hospital having a cancer treatment.
20:51 He said, that brighten him up,
20:53 you know, as soon as he saw that,
20:55 he put the hat on,
20:56 he had his wife put the shirt on him
20:58 because he didn't have the strength to do it.
20:59 He just sat there grinning.
21:02 What I need to do is to go back
21:05 to what we discussed earlier.
21:07 Sure.
21:08 Solutions, you know, what kind of solutions
21:11 can we come up with?
21:12 We've got to be willing
21:15 when you talk of mentoring programs
21:17 and we've got to be available.
21:19 A solution is being available, you talk of leadership roles,
21:23 those that are in leadership positions within the church,
21:26 the solution is stepping up and stepping out
21:29 and becoming very transparent.
21:32 Making availing yourself to say,
21:35 I know what you've gone through and I am going to step up
21:39 and make a connection with you
21:41 so that I can begin mentoring you.
21:44 And what mentoring means
21:45 and the word I was looking for was the sustainability.
21:48 We've got to be able to see the sustainability,
21:50 when I talk with you in 5 years and that's the greater reward,
21:55 so the solution is surely seek God and I mean,
21:58 really earnestly seek God.
22:01 And the next, one of the next things
22:02 is to make yourself available.
22:05 We have gotten become--
22:06 we've become so distracted with worldly things
22:11 that right in our churches, right up under our noses,
22:13 our children are turning to the world,
22:16 instead of turning to Man of God or even ladies,
22:18 women of God too, actually see what we can do.
22:22 And the one thing that Steve talked about that
22:24 that I wanted to piggyback on what is happening with us
22:26 is we can't find solutions because,
22:30 we are harboring what has taken place.
22:34 We have not recognized or made the acknowledgement that--
22:37 okay, that did happen to me, that did happen
22:40 but I need to now make the connection
22:42 with the Lord and say, Lord help me with this
22:44 as I move forward in raising that child.
22:47 I would have to disagree with you.
22:49 A woman can raise a child by herself
22:52 with God though and a father can raise
22:54 his daughter with God, but he has to--
22:58 we talked in my sermon at this past week of let that go,
23:01 connect with God, and He knows
23:03 what's going on with your situation.
23:05 And allow me to move forward.
23:07 Give me the ability to raise this situation.
23:10 So availability, seeking God,
23:12 those are two solutions that I could say right now,
23:15 we're doing that.
23:16 You know, how many times
23:18 we have to make ourselves available, we're parents.
23:20 And no matter how old our children become,
23:23 we have to still make ourselves available to them.
23:25 We have to make ourselves available
23:27 as parents in this relationship
23:29 so that they have a firm foundation
23:31 and children need that.
23:33 Children need to see the stability,
23:34 I agree with Barber.
23:36 We talked about the stability
23:37 and the longevity of our relationship.
23:40 We got to give our children hope,
23:42 we got to give our families hope
23:44 and this is why the church
23:45 is so important to have different roles
23:47 and leadership set.
23:49 And so when they-- you know, I--
23:50 I guarantee you when Justin's,
23:52 Justin sees you on that pulpit,
23:54 he is just filled with pride to see you serve.
23:57 Your children's did, I know, how Aaron is with us.
24:01 You know those are my parents serving God's church.
24:04 They're in leadership.
24:06 And In process of being in leadership,
24:09 what happens is so many people get caught up
24:11 in the leadership perspective.
24:13 And they forget about-- Your child.
24:14 Yeah, they forget about them.
24:16 You know, you don't demonstrate the nurturing,
24:20 the sensitivity, the caring that they require.
24:23 So I mean, that's what happened to a lot of us.
24:26 We get caught up and being this person
24:29 and many times--
24:30 The people get caught up.
24:31 We get caught up to the point where we could be this person,
24:34 and give other people advice and we forget about our family.
24:38 And we just said that last time,
24:39 we must continue to nurture our children.
24:42 I say we're good in my,
24:43 Arthur and I took family life and we allow our family
24:47 and we allow our children look by the ways,
24:49 you know, our family is whatever is in need.
24:52 So I agree with that.
24:53 I think what has happened we also see this.
24:56 Once there's truth being given,
24:58 when we begin to provide truth to our young people,
25:01 we've got to understand
25:02 that the devil comes right behind us.
25:04 So as you are ministering
25:06 and as we are ministering right behind that,
25:08 he is like, yeah, go serve the people outside your church
25:12 while she is in her room.
25:14 Crying about something that you have not dealt with--
25:17 Go through that true.
25:18 From four years ago that she is upset with you
25:20 and that gatekeeper you've--
25:22 yeah, you're serving, but you've left your home.
25:24 I know I've left my home
25:25 and I'm not dealing with an issue
25:28 with my wife from years ago
25:30 that we can't seem to get in the right direction
25:33 and in the family has the cloud over,
25:36 and then that same situation comes into to our church
25:38 so it becomes a trickle down
25:39 a family sometimes not realizing.
25:41 When we look at you know. We see cycle.
25:43 Inability to communicate
25:45 and I think one of you guys were saying
25:47 that we have to be transparent?
25:49 Yes.
25:50 You know, and that's so important especially
25:52 when we're talking to our children.
25:54 Let them know that we made mistakes,
25:57 so they don't have this false pretense of who--
26:00 who they think we really are.
26:02 You know, so it's a real consistent balance,
26:05 so you know, you guys have to be commended
26:08 because I know you--
26:09 you both are constantly on the battlefield.
26:13 Yes.
26:15 And it's not something that's going away.
26:18 No. No.
26:19 You know, you know, we got to be innovative
26:21 and come up with some new ideas consistently
26:25 and it takes a special drive,
26:27 a special motivation for you to deal with these issues
26:31 and most importantly to be consistent at.
26:34 I want to say, your consistency,
26:37 I want to say that both these gentlemen are married,
26:40 they have children, they have responsibilities,
26:43 they have their individual businesses,
26:45 they are very faithful to God's church
26:48 and they're here with us today on Making It Work.
26:50 Because they're trying to Making It Work.
26:53 Closing comments in our last two minutes.
26:56 Go, Steve. Yeah, just--
26:58 Okay, we want to really focus on the gatekeeper
27:01 and the curse breaker--
27:03 Now it's time to build up men instead of tearing men down.
27:06 We need to uplift and we need to support men and their ideas,
27:11 and their drive, and their passions,
27:12 and their ministry.
27:14 Because every man has a ministry.
27:15 Every man is a minister, you know, of his house.
27:17 When God come--
27:19 when Christ comes in the clouds of great glory,
27:21 who is He going to come to, to say, where is that treasure?
27:23 Where is that investment?
27:24 Where is that stewardship that I gave you?
27:27 That to entrust to me, you know,
27:29 Joseph was made the chief steward of Egypt.
27:32 Christ made us chief stewards of our homes
27:34 in our communities, in our churches.
27:35 We must maintain that. Exactly.
27:37 Sure.
27:38 We are trying to continue to provide that need
27:44 and that's what all this is when we talk about
27:46 these things in our churches,
27:47 there's a need that we have to first deal with.
27:50 Once I provide the need
27:52 then I'm gonna give you some word,
27:54 and that means the word of God.
27:55 So if you're hungry in our communities,
27:57 around our churches if you're hungry and you need a meal,
28:00 we want to give you that, but once you come in,
28:02 we've got to reach out making ourselves available,
28:05 extend ourselves a little bit.
28:06 We've been kind of laying back in the spiritual cut
28:09 for some time and now there needs to be some dealings
28:13 with our community and get the word of God out there.
28:16 Well, we definitely got a lot to cover in this.
28:18 Well, listen that we hope,
28:20 that you have gained some information
28:21 that's going to help you and pull your family together.
28:25 Listen, I'm Dr Kim Logan Nowlin.
28:26 I'm Arthur Nowlin.
28:28 And continue to Making It Work.
28:29 God bless you.


Revised 2015-05-11