Participants: Arthur Nowlin (Host), Dr Kim Logan-Nowlin
Series Code: MIW
Program Code: MIW000021
00:01 Hi, I'm Arthur Nowlin. And in this Making It Work.
00:36 Today we're here talking about insurmountable favor, 00:40 and we happen to have Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin 00:43 who happens to be my wife. 00:44 One of the things that we discussed 00:46 when we met the last time is basically 00:50 you're passing some of the difficulties that you faced. 00:53 We talked about you being in school. 00:56 We talked about coming home 00:58 and experiencing some difficulties 01:01 in developing a relationship, 01:04 and out of that relationship, 01:06 you had an experience where you are, was a child. 01:10 And from that experience you still, overcame 01:13 some of the difficulties with family support. 01:16 So how do we follow up with that today? 01:19 Well, first of all, thank you for having me, 01:21 and I'm am really honored and blessed to be here. 01:24 Some of the challenges 01:25 I've faced I was able to overcome 01:27 because I never left the church. 01:29 Even when we go through sin, the Bible says in 1 John 1:9 01:33 "If we confess your sins, he is faithful 01:36 and just to forgive you of your sins, 01:37 and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness." 01:40 And when I was a little girl, my grandfather told me, 01:43 you have such faith. 01:44 And I learned that scripture 01:46 I don't know who showed it to me. 01:48 Hebrews 11:1 " Faith is the substance of things hoped for, 01:51 the evidence of things not seen." 01:53 So I conquer that scripture- 01:56 I was, my heart began to be open 01:58 to the Word of God in a different way. 02:00 And so the different challenges I had to face being ADHD 02:02 because you know being in a classroom 02:05 where I couldn't understand, 02:06 how to 2 plus 2 could equal 4. 02:09 And how I could drive down the street and end up lost 02:13 and my home was just around the corner. 02:15 And I was hyper, I was so hyper and busy, 02:19 but God still allowed me to accomplish 02:21 the goals in my life. 02:22 Amen. 02:24 Being ADHD and then at that time 02:26 you didn't have a lot of the tools that was available 02:29 or that's available for our students now. 02:31 Yeah. 02:32 So you must've had a lot of difficulty. 02:34 I had a lot of difficulty but God always sent me 02:37 wonderful people in my life to tutor me. 02:39 I had great friends and the Lord even sent 02:42 one of my dearest friends to Wayne State University 02:46 while I was getting earning my PhD 02:47 and I had these statistic classes 02:49 and I got the chairman of statistics 02:52 to come in to work with me. 02:55 And when I went into defend my doctoral dissertation, 02:57 they said there's nothing we can ask you, 02:59 because I study and the Bible says in 2 Timothy 2:15 03:03 "Study to shew thyself approved, 03:04 a workman that need not to be ashamed, 03:06 rightly dividing the word of truth." 03:08 So even being ADHD learning disabled, 03:11 I would not allow that to stop me as my mother did. 03:14 And I had to work a little bit harder. 03:16 I had to work a lot harder, I just study harder. 03:18 I had to write paper sometimes ten times over. 03:22 I've spend a lot of time crying 03:24 but I knew that with God's grace 03:26 by His grace I could do it. 03:28 I knew it. 03:29 Another thing that was going on during that time, 03:31 you had a speech impediment. 03:33 I have several speech impediments throughout my life. 03:35 They used to make fun of my brother, 03:37 my brother Kirk stuttered. 03:38 And stuttering is a learned behavior 03:40 and I earned a degree in undergrad 03:42 in special education. 03:44 And speech pathology and a sign language which was my minore 03:47 and I wanted to understand why 03:50 and I have some stuttering issues as a child even today. 03:55 But as I grew older slowdown, pace myself 04:00 and you can overcome stuttering. 04:02 That's phenomenal. 04:03 And most importantly you still 04:05 kept focus on completing your college degree 04:09 and working through this educational process, 04:12 there might have been difficult for someone 04:15 who didn't have a speech impediment, who wasn't ADHD. 04:18 All right, even without a learning disability, 04:19 I saw many of my peers stopped, give up 04:22 and they didn't want to write the dissertation. 04:24 You ever heard ABD, you know ABD is? 04:27 Explain that to us. 04:28 ABD is a term we use in the doctoral program 04:32 and it's called all but dissertation. 04:34 They take all the course work. 04:36 They complete all that, 04:37 you go to all the examinations and everything. 04:40 But you don't want to write the dissertation. 04:43 And I wasn't going to be a ABD. 04:45 I wanted to be a PhD. 04:47 Amen. 04:48 And I was determined to do that. 04:50 And I did fail part of my exams 04:53 and I had to wait six months to go in and defend. 04:56 I had to two professors who left. 04:59 They set my dissertation on a desk 05:02 and it was one issue or another but I prayed. 05:05 I thank the Lord for my Uncle Sam Logan, 05:08 the late Sam Logan at the Michigan Chronicle, 05:11 who also interceded on my behalf to get things rolling, 05:15 and I defended and God did the rest. 05:18 And I have to say this, 05:19 my pastor, Pastor Murray Joyner. 05:22 And about 25-30 people came to my doctorial defense. 05:27 PhD in Speech Pedagogy, 05:30 which is the study of speech communication 05:32 and oral interpretation and then also 05:35 clinical psychology and family counseling. 05:37 And earning a master's and as a Guidance Counseling, 05:41 I earned by LPC, My license professional counseling, 05:44 so they were all there and we're in a circle of prayer 05:47 when I was about to defend and my teacher looked down 05:50 and he did not worship God, and he joined that circle. 05:54 I remember that. 05:55 Yes, and we prayed, I went in. 05:58 Everyone was in the room, they asked the question. 06:01 And even when questions came to me, 06:03 the scriptures came to me 06:05 because my friends were in the back saying 06:07 agree with thy adversary. 06:09 And when my professors would ask me a question 06:11 I would say, you know you're right. 06:13 I have to rethink that, let me re-look that, 06:15 I'll make that change. 06:17 And I could see something and I said what was going on, 06:19 he said, we were praying a scripture over you, 06:21 agree with thy adversary. 06:24 And so God worked it out and when they told us to go out 06:28 and when they opened the door about 30 minutes later 06:31 we were praying, we were fellowshipping 06:34 and they opened the door 06:35 and they says there's Dr Kim Logan here. 06:39 Yeah, phenomenal. 06:40 You know and this is really a testimony 06:43 because once again we're talking about someone 06:45 that had some speech impediment that was generally with ADHD. 06:50 But it didn't let you prevent you 06:55 from moving forward and still obtain your PhD, 06:58 that's phenomenal. 06:59 Yeah, it was a lot of work, a lot a classes, 07:01 there was no online programs. 07:03 No online programs then and I just thank God 07:06 and I remember looking at my little girl's face 07:09 and seeing and I said Lord, I thank you, 07:12 and I just want to be an inspiration to her, 07:14 now wherever I came in contact with. 07:16 But to be able to now 07:17 because I could take care of her and support her. 07:20 And I thank God for that. 07:22 Another thing that was-- 07:24 that was going on during that particular time is 07:27 that you were still running a business during this whole time 07:31 while you were in school working on your PhD. 07:33 Yes. 07:34 You were still seeing clients and most importantly, 07:37 you were going back to school taking classes 07:41 and doing your assignments. 07:42 Oh, yes, I was doing that multitasking, 07:46 because I had a vision, the Lord gave me a vision 07:48 to start a Christian counseling clinic 07:51 and also speech and language therapy clinic. 07:53 And also some other aspect, 07:55 motivational speaker, inspirational speaker. 07:58 And I wanted to write, I wanted to be an author. 08:01 I wanted to do a lot of things. 08:03 And I remember my aunt Etna say to me 08:06 don't ever tie God's hands. 08:08 He will give you insurmountable favor. 08:11 And so we learned about faith 08:13 but I didn't hear the word favor 08:14 till one day I visited a church with my brother Derrick, 08:17 and the minister was preaching on favor. 08:20 And I said, Derrick, what's favor? 08:22 He said, you know, God blesses us, 08:25 with our faith and we believe in, 08:27 if you obey God and when you wake up in the morning, 08:30 He blesses you, and you have food on the table 08:32 and your bills are met. 08:33 But he looked at me he said, 08:35 favor is when you obey God with everything you have. 08:40 He can trust you to give you 08:42 all in abundantly what you ask for. 08:44 Man, that's powerful. 08:45 Favor. 08:46 Now, you threw that finger out like that. 08:48 So you want make of it a tremendous emphasis on favor. 08:51 I'll tell you that sermon took me to the next level. 08:54 I said, it was like oh, you know, 08:57 having a big dip-dish of strawberry ice cream. 09:01 And favor, favor, favor, favor and I started researching 09:06 God's favor and studying about the favor that he gave Joshua, 09:09 that he gave Esther, that he gave to Deborah, 09:12 that he gave to Joseph, favor, Samuel favor. 09:17 And I said if I could just walk in the will of God 09:20 and be obedient, 09:21 there is no good thing you will know from that. 09:24 This insurmountable favor is something 09:26 that I've been hearing you 09:27 referred to recently more so than in the past. 09:33 And it was more where I wasn't hearing you talk about faith 09:38 'cause you, and I we really would discuss faith. 09:42 And one of the things that I had recognized is that 09:45 your faith was over in abundance self of 09:50 what someone else may have experienced. 09:52 I just knew that there is nothing God couldn't do. 09:55 And whatever God, 09:56 whatever I ask God to do, God always brought it to pass. 09:59 He said to David, David you're the apple of my eye, 10:02 that's what I wanted to be to God. 10:04 You know, even meeting you 10:05 and the Lord blessed me to meet you, 10:07 and I promised the Lord that I would not become, 10:10 I would not break his commandments, 10:12 I would not do it. 10:13 And being a witness to you 10:15 and then I wanted more children. 10:18 And through marriage to you, 10:20 the Lord blessed us eight years later 10:22 with beautiful baby Aaron. 10:23 And I have to tell you that Micah finished high school, 10:28 she was a honor student, Mount Vernon Academy. 10:31 Yes. 10:32 And then she went on to Oakwood University 10:34 and graduated from Oakwood University 10:37 in communication television broadcasting 10:39 where she is now working in her field in Huntsville. 10:42 And it's just a blessing, I cry, 10:46 I was just so happy to be able to see 10:49 my child earn her college degree. 10:53 Let's talk about that for a moment. 10:55 Had you come to the point where you sat down 10:58 and talked to Micah about this whole experience? 11:01 That was difficult. 11:03 You know because I-- you know, 11:06 how do you tell your child 11:09 that you made an error, you made a mistake. 11:12 You did something wrong. 11:14 And as a child I didn't have to worry about 11:16 but as you get older, 11:18 I knew the time would come 11:20 where I had to talk to her about her life, 11:24 because it impacted her. 11:26 And I didn't want our daughter to look for love 11:28 in wrong, wrong places, all the wrong places 11:30 and truly you were a blessing because you came into her life, 11:33 when she was eight years old and you became daddy, you know. 11:37 And it's amazing when I hear her say daddy, 11:40 you just-- you just, it's amazing, 11:43 it's a wonderful feeling. 11:44 How she looks at you and she response to you. 11:47 But I also knew I had to bring some, I had to close some gaps. 11:52 And I had to step up to the plate. 11:55 I had to ask God for courage, 11:57 because I knew a time had to come 11:59 when I had to introduce her to her father, 12:02 her biological father. 12:04 And it was so hard, because I had to now face-- 12:10 it's like I didn't want to be reminded of my sin. 12:14 But God have forgiven me, 12:15 but I had to make things right for her. 12:18 And that's what it takes, you have to be transparent, 12:21 you have to be honest with your children. 12:23 And I have to say, I've waited too long. 12:26 I should have done it sooner. 12:28 I kind of camouflaged this thing with Arthur. 12:31 So I didn't have to really tell her anything else, 12:34 and then my brother-in-law, 12:35 my sister and others and my mom said, 12:38 you need to tell, you need to tell us, 12:39 I said, no no, no, why won't you? 12:42 And I would get up and walk out of the room 12:43 because it is not something I wanted to deal with, okay. 12:47 We're fine. We're good. You know, she's good. 12:51 And later on I found out that she needed some understanding. 12:55 And we need to bring some closure to this. 12:57 It needed to make her whole. 12:59 It needed to make her whole, 13:01 and it was up to her whether or not 13:02 she wanted to have a relationship with him or not. 13:04 Absolutely. 13:06 I did not agree with a lot of his lifestyle, his principal, 13:09 but he was always a kind person, good person. 13:13 And his family has always been loving and kind to me, 13:17 had not seen him since I went to his father's funeral. 13:21 And then I was at a graduation in the city of Detroit, 13:26 and I was running for City Council. 13:29 And I was doing different speaking engagements 13:31 in different things. 13:32 And someone tapped me on the shoulder 13:35 and they said Dr. Logan, 13:37 Dr. Logan and I was steadily talking. 13:39 And the person say, Kim, 13:41 and I knew that voice instantly. 13:43 And I turned and we embraced and he cried 13:48 and I spoke at his son's A grade graduation. 13:51 Amazing, you know. 13:53 How of all the schools, all the places 13:56 I end up being the graduation speaker 13:58 at his son's graduation. 14:00 So here it is, now Micah has learned 14:03 who her biological dad is. 14:06 Yes, and we came together and they met 14:11 and now they're developing 14:14 slowly but surely a relationship. 14:16 And I mean, I thank God for you 14:18 because you supported the decision, 14:21 and I know that must have been 14:23 somewhat hard for you at times. 14:25 And I remember coming to you, asking you 14:27 and I remember Micah sharing with Karen you know and others, 14:32 but it had to be done. 14:34 And my cousin Karen called me and she said to me, 14:37 and no one else said this to me 14:38 but she said, I'm so proud of you. 14:41 This is my baby cousin, 14:43 because I didn't have to do this, I didn't step out. 14:46 And I said, I really broke down and cried for her to say that 14:49 because I thought I let her down and others. 14:52 But the Lord allowed me to bring it full circle, 14:56 and I have no regrets. 14:58 I can look at my child, I can look in the mirror. 15:01 I can look at my life 15:02 and know how God has blessed me. 15:05 And things have come, you know, family line, 15:08 making it work, other opportunities are coming. 15:11 Yes. 15:12 In insurmountable favor 15:14 because I just- I trust God. 15:17 I believe God and I have made a covenant with God 15:21 to live a holy and righteous life. 15:23 And I believe that that's the most important thing. 15:26 When we get to a point now lies 15:28 where we know we have to do something. 15:30 We have to make some type of change 15:32 that's going to help us address 15:34 some of those mistakes from our past. 15:36 And what took place with you, Kim? 15:39 Here's the fact that you made a decision 15:42 that this can go on no more. 15:44 And with the persistence of Micah, 15:47 you knew that you had to make a difference. 15:49 And we can all make a difference 15:51 especially when we know that the Lord is in it, 15:54 and that's most important as well. 15:56 God was in this whole thing even though we make mistakes, 16:01 God does not turn His back on us. 16:03 Oh, God never turns His back on us 16:04 and I want to make one question. 16:06 Micah never was persistent in saying, mom, who's my dad? 16:09 Who's my dad? She was content with you. 16:13 And she came home, I called her 16:16 and I said, I want to do something. 16:18 I said I want to have a blood test. 16:22 I know but I need for you to know, 16:25 and we all met together and I told you. 16:30 And we went and she was kind of quiet. 16:34 She was cordial towards him. 16:36 He was happy but he had to- he had to understand 16:40 that this was all new for her. 16:42 And they went, she didn't say too many words at the test. 16:46 And about a week and a half later, 16:49 I got the results back and I called her, called him. 16:54 And my mom said to me, 16:58 I always already knew and I was like I know mom, 17:01 but we all need to just make sure and bring closure to this. 17:06 And having the blood test and helping us to understand 17:10 that this was her father and it was now 17:16 black and white and let's go on. 17:21 I think, you didn't really talk to Micah on many occasions, 17:27 but where she would talk to me about, you know, 17:30 finding out who her dad was. 17:33 And when I say persistent, you know, 17:36 she would come to me periodically 17:38 and we would discuss and I said, 17:39 Micah whatever I need to do to help you do that. 17:42 I'm willing to help you do that. 17:44 And I think that it kind of gave her some comfort 17:47 that she can talk to me about it 17:49 as well as talk to other close people in her life 17:52 and to let her know, let them know 17:55 that this is something that she really wanted to do. 17:57 She had a timeframe that she wanted to accomplish that 18:01 before that timeframe. 18:03 And I thank God for that 18:04 but there's so much more to this story. 18:07 Because Micah is-- she says to me over and over 18:11 how proud she is of me how happy, 18:14 and she says mommy there's nothing 18:19 that you could do to ever stop me 18:21 from loving you or you being my mom. 18:24 People come up to her and says, 18:25 I've heard your story or your mom's testimony. 18:29 Some people sat me in a camp meeting 18:31 and they said to me you know, 18:33 Dr. Logan, I never knew your testimony. 18:35 And they would judge me by work we had 18:39 and what they saw and or I was just Dr. Logan 18:42 and they never knew, you know, 18:45 my story, or my cry, or the sin that I committed 18:49 and but God covered that sin. 18:52 And I'm not ashamed of my story because the Bible says, 18:55 tell of your testimonies, glorify His name. 18:58 Yes. 18:59 And how God will save you 19:01 from the gutter most to the uttermost. 19:03 God will do that and I'm so elated 19:06 because I just, I have a new book. 19:10 I just completed and I'm writing another book. 19:13 It's my fifth book. 19:14 And the story is about Micah, I'm telling this story. 19:18 And I can't wait for it to be finished, 19:21 and how this story has evolved itself. 19:24 And it's brought us full circle. 19:27 And, you know, that's tremendous. 19:30 I know it must be a relief for you, you know, 19:35 because you don't have to have the tension 19:38 in regards to and the anxiety regards to that situation 19:42 now it's out in the open and it's over. 19:46 Well, wasn't any anxiety or tension. 19:48 I think more than anything, 19:50 I just didn't want my child to hurt. 19:53 So it wasn't that, it was just 19:56 being able to take responsibility 20:00 and help her through. 20:01 And I thank God for that, 20:03 but I tell you it's been a roller-coaster. 20:06 I thank God for the ministry, 20:09 the counseling clinic, 20:11 when other people told me to take Christian out. 20:14 The Lord said, you keep it in, 20:16 and all the people are going to the Lord has just 20:19 blessed our business together. 20:22 We've joined forces. 20:23 We have joined forces 20:25 as Family Life directors of the conference 20:27 and we serve as a Lake Region Directors of Family Life. 20:30 We're the Family Live directors of the Lake Region Conference 20:34 of the Seventh-day Adventist church. 20:36 And our North America division 20:39 is divided into some several conferences. 20:42 And we have conferences where our churches come together. 20:46 And we are one of many Family Life directors 20:51 and now here we are together, 20:52 we're serving again on Making It Work. 20:55 So I believe that God, 20:57 I know that God brought my life full circle, 21:00 because He's got me. 21:01 Because He had a purpose for my life, 21:04 He had a season for my life and if had continued doing sin, 21:07 and that father's cry to me just say go on with your life. 21:13 Don't look back, don't look back. 21:17 But if I had not had Micah, I was on my way to California. 21:22 I wanted to go to Hollywood, 21:24 I was going to go into that life. 21:27 And I might have lost my soul out there. 21:30 You know, but the Lord knew it was test for you. 21:31 The Lord knew. 21:33 You know and He gave you favor. 21:34 He gave me favor. 21:35 Because you made the right decision, 21:37 you know and then now, Kim, I'm not bragging or anything, 21:41 but you know, you really lucked out when, you know, 21:44 you've came into my life 21:46 and we really lucked out with each other. 21:48 Well, I don't call it luck. 21:50 I call it-- It's a blessing. 21:51 It's a blessing and favor. Yeah. 21:53 You know I know-- I know my husband, 21:56 he came into this faith many years ago. 21:59 But I was born and raised Seventh-day Adventist, 22:02 so I never believed in luck or coincidence. 22:05 I wasn't raised that way but a blessing 22:07 and I know we're blessing to each other. 22:09 Absolutely. 22:10 So and you're blessing to-- 22:13 You know, and I think I was just saying an adjustment. 22:15 No, no, no it's okay, it's okay 22:17 because you know a lot of times people don't understand 22:20 that even as Christians, we sometimes use terms 22:24 or words but we get caught up and we forget 22:29 that everything must be brought back to God 22:33 blessings, favor, faith 22:35 everything must be brought back to God. 22:37 And so it's okay you know you-- 22:40 it's like we're still learning, we're always learning. 22:42 Yes, we're still learning. You know so I appreciate that. 22:45 Oh, no problem. No problem. 22:46 Yeah. 22:47 Let me, let me just say this to the viewers. 22:50 In everything that I've been through 22:53 everything it is not been easy. 22:57 You see this person 22:59 but has come with trials and tribulations. 23:02 Has come with hard work and determination 23:04 and a support system from my family, 23:08 from my church and friends. 23:10 And I thank God for all of you listen to me please, 23:14 I thank God for all of you who have helped me. 23:18 Because I stand on yours-- 23:21 And I thank God that you showed us 23:22 were there for me to stand on. 23:24 And for you to hold me up 23:27 because I would not have been able to make it. 23:29 I thank God for putting people like you in my life, 23:33 so that I could go on and be who I am today. 23:36 So all of you today who may be watching this, 23:39 there's somebody out there that needs to lean on you. 23:42 Don't turn your back on that child, help that child. 23:47 Reach out to your children no matter how old they are. 23:50 And help them come back to Christ 23:53 and let them know that there is nothing 23:55 that God can forgive. 23:57 Nothing, nothing too big for God to handle 24:01 and I'm a living witness of it. 24:03 That's tremendous because we need to have people 24:06 that are transparent. 24:08 Well, in this year some of the trials and tribulations 24:10 that they've gone through. 24:12 You know because and let me say this, 24:13 have I could not be chose parent 24:15 and I do apologize for cutting you off 24:17 that I will be ashamed of Micah. 24:19 And I'm not ashamed of my life. I'm not ashamed at all. 24:23 Sometimes it takes a lot for a person to get to that point. 24:25 Oh, yeah. 24:26 Yeah, you've reached that point in life 24:28 where transparency is not difficult for you. 24:32 But there are still some people out there 24:34 that's out there right now that may feel, 24:36 that they can't talk to anyone. 24:38 They can't share some of the turmoil 24:41 that they're going through. 24:42 They may even feel dead, 24:44 they've been thinking about taking their own lives 24:47 because of the pain that they go, 24:49 that they're continuing to go through. 24:51 And we just ask that you continue to reach out 24:54 and believe that God has insurmountable favor 24:58 for you as well. 25:00 Let me say this, I remember many years ago, 25:02 because our daughter she does sign language. 25:04 and she ministers with us. 25:06 And I was at a woman's conference in Myrtle Beach 25:10 and I was the keynote speaker for the women's conference. 25:14 And I got up to speak and I sat back down 25:16 the Lord said you're not done. 25:18 He said, get up and tell your story about Micah. 25:22 And I said all right, 25:24 and I told the story and I said there's someone here 25:27 thinking about abortion or giving your child away. 25:31 And I called my daughter up to sign for me 25:36 and people were like oh, my goodness 25:39 and a woman walked up to the stage and said, 25:42 I want to abort today, today. 25:46 And I said don't you abort 25:48 today that baby is eight-years-old 25:50 in his mother's care. 25:52 That's tremendous. 25:53 And so by telling my story openly 25:55 even at women's conferences, 25:57 wherever I go camp meeting 26:00 whatever I get a chance to tell my story. 26:03 My story is about Micah, how God bless 26:06 and when I went into labor, 26:08 I was reading the Book a Micah 26:10 and that truly was a blessing to me. 26:13 And Micah 7:7, wait I say on the Lord, 26:17 wait on the Lord and be of good courage. 26:20 Well, we're certainly happy 26:22 that you've been fortunate enough, 26:26 where the Lord has continued to be with you 26:28 and direct your path, 26:30 and give you wisdom and guidance 26:32 in making decisions even though we make a mistake. 26:34 Oh, yes. 26:35 Even though we may go off the path just for a moment. 26:40 Yes. 26:41 God is still there to motivate us and give us 26:43 the inside test required for us to have a better life. 26:46 So I'm saying to you that I love you because- 26:49 Thank you. 26:50 You are just a tremendous person 26:53 and because of your faith in God. 26:56 It motivates me just like it motivates many other people. 27:00 So I'll continue to be blessed with insurmountable favor 27:06 but most importantly 27:07 we ask that you continue to reach out to those 27:11 that may feel that 27:12 they are at a difficult point in their lives. 27:16 And that is something 27:17 that is just difficult for them to move forward 27:21 and they need someone to motivate them 27:25 or continue to be with them. 27:27 Oh, yes, most definitely. 27:29 We have maybe about 30 minutes, I mean about 30 seconds left. 27:33 Is there anything that you would like to close out with? 27:35 I just want to say again, be thou faithful unto death. 27:40 And you will receive a crown of life. 27:42 And it may not all work out the way you want 27:45 but continue to work hard, be diligent. 27:48 Don't give upon your dreams. 27:49 I was still able to accomplish everything even with my baby. 27:53 I accomplished even more and give more 27:56 even now and helping families. 27:58 And being able to give back and help my own family. 28:02 And support people from all across the country, 28:05 so I just want you to know 28:07 that God has great things in store for Dr. Kim 28:10 he's not done yet. 28:11 You know and I thank God 28:13 and every morning I wake up and I say, 28:15 what do you need me to do today? 28:16 What do you have for me? 28:18 Insurmountable things. Insurmountable favor. 28:20 And he has it for you. 28:22 Until the next time this is Arthur Nowlin. 28:26 And I'm Dr Kim Logan-Nowlin. 28:28 And thank you for watching Making It Work. |
Revised 2015-05-11