Participants: Arthur Nowlin (Host), Dr Kim Logan-Nowlin
Series Code: MIW
Program Code: MIW000020
00:01 Hi, I'm Arthur Nowlin.
00:02 And today, I'm sitting in-- right here, the driver seat. 00:07 Usually this seat is especially for Kim. 00:11 But today Kim is in another seat. 00:14 She is being interviewed today by me. 00:17 Now that's gonna be exciting 00:19 and I'm sure it's gonna be interesting 00:21 to every one of you today. 00:24 So let's get started. 00:26 Once again I'm Arthur Nowlin 00:28 and welcome to "Making it Work." 01:04 Kim. 01:05 Hey, how're you doing? 01:07 How you feel in this seat? I feel good. 01:09 I remembering you were in this seat last season. 01:12 Yes. And now I'm in this seat. 01:13 Well, I feel good. I feel blessed. 01:15 Really? Okay. Well, that's great. 01:16 You know, insurmountable favor. Yes. 01:19 You know, we've been talking 01:20 about this for quite a while now. 01:22 Yes. 01:23 And you know, I must say that 01:26 I think the Lord is definitely providing not only you 01:29 but both of us with insurmountable favor. 01:32 Indeed, yes, He has. 01:33 And I think one of the reasons for this tremendous favor 01:37 that we're receiving is faith. 01:40 Yes. 01:41 And you know, a lot of times I think I rely on you 01:45 because I know that your faith is steadfast 01:49 and some days I may get a little wary 01:51 because I'm-- I think my emotions may step in. 01:55 But faith is what we live on. 01:58 Faith is what we thrive on. 02:01 So with all the things that had transpiring your past, 02:05 let's get started with some of the things 02:07 that may be affected you from your family or origin. 02:10 Let's move from there to another point 02:12 and then to another. 02:14 Well, I was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. 02:17 I'm a native of Detroiter, Detroit Public Schools. 02:20 Also I attended the Seventh-day Adventist School system. 02:24 And from there I went on to boarding school, 02:27 Adelphian Academy in Holly, Michigan, 02:30 a Seventh-day Adventist Academy. 02:32 From there I earned my high school diploma 02:36 and I'm average student. 02:38 School did not come easy for me. 02:40 I was diagnosed at a very early age 02:42 with speech impediments and also ADHD. 02:47 I was constantly getting in trouble in school. 02:51 I was bored a lot. 02:52 I was-- I felt I was not at that time challenged enough. 02:56 So I was always the one creating new activities, 02:59 creating things 03:00 and the teachers would have a difficult time with me. 03:03 So my parents spent some-- some time at the school. 03:08 Even at Adelphian Academy? 03:10 No, once I got to Adelphian Academy I had some-- 03:13 I had some fights, I had some issues, 03:15 but I would never start those fights, 03:17 those were brought to me 03:19 and I felt like I had to protect myself. 03:21 But I found myself constantly in an aggressive situation, 03:25 aggressive mode and I didn't understand why? 03:27 Okay, so what do you think even though you say, 03:30 you didn't understand, what was your reason? 03:34 What made you believe 03:36 that you were just aggressive towards people? 03:38 Well, one of the things was my parents got divorced 03:41 I was 12-years-old and I saw a lot of violence, right. 03:48 My father was a very-- 03:50 he was a-- first of all my father was a alcoholic 03:53 and I didn't know that for a long, long time. 03:56 Matter of fact, you brought that to my attention 03:58 as a substance abuse because I felt like, 04:00 you know, I didn't have substance abusers in my family 04:03 and you say, Kim, your father was a alcoholic 04:06 and it really stunned me, you know, 04:08 and I was like oh, my goodness. 04:10 So when my father drank alcohol 04:12 he became very abusive toward my mother. 04:14 And I would be in my bedroom 04:17 trying to hide the sounds and noise 04:20 with a pillow over my head and it was very difficult. 04:23 But in spite of it all I still love my father, 04:26 I was very, very drawn to my father, 04:29 close to my father. 04:30 I love my father very much. 04:31 And so in spite of what you heard, 04:35 you felt that you had to do something 04:37 to eliminate some of these feelings that you're feeling. 04:40 Yeah, it came out in a negative way, 04:42 but also I became OCD 04:45 in the process on Over Compulsive Disorder. 04:48 My father was neat-- 04:49 my mother ran a very neat home until this started to happen. 04:53 And I felt that if my dad saw how clean I kept the home 04:57 because I took over the household at 12, 13. 05:00 I was the oldest daughter and so I started, 05:03 I said well, if I do all these things, 05:05 daddy will come home, daddy will come home. 05:08 But daddy never came home. 05:09 My dad remarried. 05:11 He moved a few blocks away, 05:12 but the stepmother didn't want us around. 05:15 She didn't care for him having children. 05:17 So we never were really loved. 05:19 My brother Kirk, he would go over and visit 05:21 but we didn't, you know. 05:23 And my mother was very, very still healing 05:26 from that situation. 05:28 His marriage to her didn't last too long 05:30 and then he met someone else 05:32 and she was very kind to us, very loving. 05:34 She opened her home to us. 05:37 So that's when I began to really start going over 05:39 visiting more with my father. 05:41 In the process 05:44 you say on many occasions 05:46 that you felt that you were like your dad. 05:50 Yes, I was-- 05:52 I looked a lot like my father and his body frame, 05:56 but I my father is a risk taker, very aggressive. 06:02 My father was a close horse 06:04 but yeah, I love that about my day the way he dressed. 06:07 Especially I recognize Friday night's, 06:10 I was why is daddy so sharp on Friday night? 06:13 Well, that was payday. 06:15 You know, my daddy worked at the plant in Detroit 06:18 and get sharp Friday night and he would hang out, 06:22 and go and I didn't know 06:23 but I just thought you know, but my mom, we were-- 06:26 she was a Seventh-day Adventist so mom is home on the Sabbath. 06:29 But she's still trying to keep the family together. 06:32 So, but daddy would come home, 06:34 it will be very late and then the disturbances will begin. 06:38 Okay, so and that affected you? 06:40 Yes, it did because I felt that 06:42 you know, my dad-- it wasn't my dad, 06:45 you know, my dad couldn't do anything wrong, 06:46 my dad didn't do anything wrong. 06:48 And my mother never said anything to me or-- 06:52 yeah, I don't think any of the other children. 06:53 But I never suspected, you know, substance abuse. 06:57 I didn't know what substance abuse was 06:58 because we didn't talk about it in the church. 07:00 So I never heard the term substance abuse 07:03 and I didn't hear the term domestic violence. 07:08 So but, no, my dad you know, he could do no wrong. 07:12 He could do no wrong in my eyes, he could not. 07:15 But at one point when dad left 07:18 and you took on responsibilities of the home, 07:20 you start cleaning up on a regular basis. 07:24 Something else was going on at that point 07:26 you know, it became--you became so obsessed with cleanliness. 07:31 Yes. That also-- 07:33 It kind of alienated you from your siblings 07:36 and from your mom to some extent. 07:38 Yes, it did because I was-- I was such a-- 07:40 I was such a individual 07:43 who had everything in order at all times. 07:46 And I remember my mom would be reading the newspapers, 07:48 she would go take a phone call, 07:50 when she would come back to newspaper 07:51 would be put back in order. 07:53 She was like I'm reading it 07:54 and I say, well, mommy 07:55 why did you leave the paper all over the place? 07:57 Can't you read section by section? 07:59 Well, that's the way she read it 08:00 and it would disturb me. 08:02 And then I would clean one room 08:04 and it would be messed up another room, 08:06 and I said to myself, 08:07 okay, I did not start become very aggressive, 08:10 very angry, and I began to alienate myself for my siblings 08:14 because I-- I begin to think I'm better than they are, 08:17 I'm cleaner than they are, I'm organized, 08:19 I'm all that in a bag of chips, all right. 08:22 Well, but that was motivation for you. 08:24 It was extreme motivation for me 08:26 because I knew that I was-- in my mind superior. 08:29 And that I wanted superior things, 08:31 I wanted to achieve superior things 08:33 and I knew the way my home would be 08:36 and the things I wanted for my life. 08:38 So this is what you had anticipated that, 08:40 when you had the opportunity to move into your own home, 08:45 that it was going to be set up a certain way, 08:48 and you knew that wouldn't be destroyed 08:51 and we could put things the way you wanted them to stay 08:54 and so do you anticipated that? 08:56 Oh, definitely but it started even before that 08:58 my first place by myself. 09:01 But it's started at boarding school. 09:03 Okay. 09:04 And having all the rooms and I would go and I would 09:07 earn money by keeping all the rooms clean 09:10 from the students who had live in 09:13 more finances and more financially stable than I was. 09:17 And they didn't know-- 09:19 So you were getting paid to be housekeeper or-- 09:20 Oh, yes. 09:21 And I would go from room to room before room check. 09:24 You know, do you want me to clean your room? 09:25 Do you need me to do this? Do you need me to do that? 09:27 Kim, can you come over. I got it, I got it. 09:30 So this thing was really getting big 09:32 but you have turned it around. 09:33 And I made money. Yeah, you were making money. 09:35 I became an entrepreneur at a very early age. 09:37 Yes. 09:39 Very early age and my mom had me 09:41 in different job core program, not the job core 09:44 but different programs to help me 09:47 to become an entrepreneur. 09:50 She saw that skill in me 09:52 and she put me in ceramic programs, 09:56 how to make ceramics, 09:57 I have my own business when I was 16. 09:59 And I had a ceramic business. 10:01 So people were buying things from you? 10:02 Yes, they were buying things and my mother 10:04 would get the orders while I was away at school. 10:07 I'll come home during the Christians 10:08 break or weekend 10:09 and I would make the orders and deliver the order. 10:11 So you were pretty talented? I like to say so. 10:14 Okay, did you keep any of those things? 10:16 Oh, yes, I still have some of those things 10:17 till this day. 10:18 Oh, great. Yes. That's fantastic. 10:21 Another thing, okay, in a process 10:23 you're graduating from high school. 10:25 Yes. Then you're moving on to college. 10:27 Yes. How did you matriculate into college? 10:30 Well, I went to community college 10:32 because I was again diagnosed ADHD. 10:35 I had a learning disability, but my mom was 10:39 very encouraging, my dad wasn't really 10:41 in the forefront with our education. 10:43 But she definitely want me to go on to school 10:47 but she didn't want me go to away to school, 10:48 she is very concerned. 10:50 So I attended the community college and I took 10:53 my first three or four classes. 10:54 And I remember one class in my Speech 101 class, 10:57 I was so impressed because I got involved with debate 11:01 in the academy and I started winning the debate competitions 11:05 and speech competition. 11:07 Well, my speech class they'd, 11:09 they had closing party at the professor's house 11:12 and he had a waterbed and I was 17 11:16 and I had to get my mom's permission to go. 11:18 And two other older ladies said, 11:20 we would look after her and it was like you know, 11:23 nothing in appropriate happened, 11:25 but I was like these are adults and I never been 11:27 around any adults other then Seventh-day Adventists. 11:30 Okay. 11:31 And so that was a wakening to attend community college 11:35 and-- and associate with older people. 11:39 And it was a rude awakening that they were more people 11:43 in this world than inside my church. 11:45 Okay, so that was something interesting. 11:48 That was very interesting to me because my mother kept us 11:50 very well protected. 11:52 And where is God in all of this? 11:55 Well, I'm going to church, I'm upholding 11:57 what God needs me to do, I'm-- 11:59 I love church, I love my pastor. 12:01 You know, when I was a little girl 12:02 from ages of 10 to 18 Pastor Marshall T Kelly 12:06 was my pastor. 12:07 And to coming to church in the 11o'clock hour 12:09 to hear it takes everything to serve the Lord. 12:12 I mean, in-- and He stayed with me all my life. 12:16 So you-- you're rooted? I'm rooted. 12:18 Rooted in the church, going to Sabbath dinner, 12:22 Saturday's after church to my Grandmother Pauline's 12:24 house with all the cousins and the aunt's. 12:28 It was just something we look forward to. 12:30 It was wonderful. Okay, we're moving on. 12:32 After you graduated from high school 12:35 and you started in a community college. 12:37 Started in a community college and I did that 12:39 for a year and then I matriculated 12:42 on to Oakwood University. 12:43 You know, feeling that you still 12:45 had insurmountable favor? 12:47 Favor, you know, and I knew God-- 12:49 But you had opportunity to go to college. 12:50 Yes, I have the opportunity that BOG grant 12:53 and I was gonna use a grant. 12:55 And I didn't take advantage that but I did not want 12:59 to attend Oakwood. 13:00 I wanted to go to the school of the prophet. 13:02 I want to sit and listen to E. E. Cleveland 13:05 and I wanted to hear the different 13:09 professors talk about the Great Controversy. 13:14 But also I wanted to have the experience 13:15 of a national to go to historical black college. 13:18 Okay, so you had that opportunity? 13:21 I had that opportunity. It's phenomenal. 13:23 It was there with the best four years of my life 13:27 to you know as I did five years of college. 13:29 Okay. 13:30 And if I had to do it all over again 13:32 it was the best-- 13:33 great friends, great experience. 13:36 I had opportunity to be the reader 13:37 for Dr, Henry Wright, 13:40 Pastor Kelly into be in the chaplain there, 13:41 so he was there. 13:44 All the great prophets to see C.D Brooks 13:46 to walk the campus and Elder Bradford 13:48 to walk to campus and walk up 13:50 to him and St. Richard I mean-- 13:52 You see these are real, well, ridged speakers and pastors. 13:57 These are the prophets. And leaders. 13:59 Yes. Okay. 14:00 And we were right there to see them, 14:02 it was just amazing. 14:03 Okay. You know. 14:04 Moving on to college you eventually-- 14:08 are you going to not only Oakwood 14:10 but you went to A&M. 14:11 Alabama A&M 14:13 because I was in the speech pathology program. 14:14 Okay. 14:15 And they worked out a program where I could be 14:17 a co-up soon to go to both schools, 14:20 so that I can complete my degree. 14:22 And I thank God for Dr. Mervin Moran 14:25 and Dr. McDonald, Mrs. McDonald 14:28 for opening that door in that relationship, 14:30 with Alabama A&M. 14:31 Insurmountable favor. 14:32 Insurmountable favor and I just recently saw 14:34 the McDonald's not too long ago in Huntsville and I thank them, 14:38 every time I see them because I would not have 14:42 this education and the opportunity 14:43 if they did not take a risk on me. 14:45 So eventually you got your bachelors? 14:47 Got my bachelor's degree and it was exciting, 14:51 and then I started to come back to my state 14:53 because I had to do another part 14:54 of my speech pathology program. 14:56 I had to do a practicum. 14:57 Okay, so now we're back home? 14:59 We're back home, I came back home finished all of that 15:02 and then I got into the grad school program. 15:04 Okay, in the meantime while you're getting into this 15:08 grad school, you were still experiencing life. 15:11 Yes. 15:12 You did some things that you enjoyed doing 15:16 such as skating. 15:17 I went skating, I went to different activities 15:21 still involved with the church choir. 15:23 And still doing responsible at home and I worked. 15:26 I worked every opportunity, temporary services, 15:29 I believed in work. 15:31 I had the-- we were taught to work. 15:33 Okay, now in process of you going to the skating rink, 15:38 you met somebody. 15:40 I met someone, yes, 15:41 I did and it changed my life, you know. 15:45 I fell in love, okay, at 17, 18 but my mother 15:50 was not gonna hear of it, was not gonna have it. 15:53 So she couldn't wait to shift me back to Oakwood 15:57 and that was when I was going back and forth. 15:59 I met this person when I was 17, 18 16:01 during the summer break. 16:03 And my mother was not gonna have him 16:05 because she didn't want anyone to interrupt my-- 16:08 during my goals in life. 16:11 But it was still hear my heart, 16:13 but I went back and I have friends at Oakwood, 16:16 I dated at Oakwood and but still that person 16:21 was always in my heart. 16:22 Well, you still continue relationships 16:23 from those guys there. 16:25 Oh, still have good relationships. 16:26 And some of the roommates that you had. 16:28 Oh, we still interact, I just recently saw my college 16:30 roommate at our camp meeting that we convened every year 16:34 at Cassopolis and she surprised me. 16:37 And she was there and I'd seen Erin about-- 16:40 I know over 10 years. So you are about 23, 24. 16:44 No, I'm not-- yeah I was say 22, 23. Yes. 16:48 Yes, and you're back home and in a process of meeting 16:51 somebody you develop a relationship. 16:53 I develop a relation with the same person and I'm-- 16:56 I've getting my masters degree and I'm getting 17:02 enrolled into the PhD program and we began to 17:07 build a relationship. 17:08 Okay. Yes. 17:09 What happen out of that relationship? 17:11 Out of that relationship was disobedience to God, 17:15 disobedience to my mother, but a child came forth. 17:20 And a decision had to be made 17:23 whether or not I was going to keep her 17:27 and I made up my mind before hand 17:30 that I was not going to keep her. 17:33 So that must have been really devastating for you 17:35 and your family. 17:38 For me, no, because at the time I was-- 17:40 I was in a selfish mode, I didn't have room for this. 17:44 So to me it was not going to be interruption, 17:46 it was not a problem and I had not told 17:49 a lot of my family members, they didn't know. 17:52 And so it was kept a secret, you know. 17:55 So how long did that continue, 17:57 where the rest of the family didn't know what was going on? 18:00 About three months. Okay. 18:02 Three months. 18:04 I went up to where she was to sign 18:06 the final adoption papers and I felt career comfortable 18:11 because one my former teachers could not conceive 18:15 and I found out they wanted to adopt 18:18 and I felt very safe and I said, 18:20 this will be a good place to place her 18:22 and I would know where she was. 18:24 But when I went in to sign the papers three times, 18:29 a cry came from her voice. 18:31 Three times and it was like a mother's cry 18:36 and I put the pen down, 18:38 and the woman that was going to adopt her say, 18:40 go and look at her be sure, 18:43 be sure and when I looked at her, 18:45 I picked her up and I walk through the living room 18:49 and I said to them, I'm bringing my baby home, 18:52 I'm taking her home with me. 18:54 So now we're talking about some really drastic changes 18:57 that are about to be implemented in your home. 19:02 In my home with my family and the church 19:05 because remember a lot of my family 19:08 really no one knew, no one really knew, 19:10 my mom, my father did not know, my brother did not know, 19:15 my cousin Karen did not know, we're very close to. 19:20 And because I've been an example 19:23 and a role model in her life how do I tell her 19:25 that her oldest cousin has had a child? 19:29 And it was really interesting 19:31 how she found out she called me. 19:32 I was talking to the-- on the phone with her 19:35 and she heard, Micha cry, she said what is that-- 19:41 and she said, is that a baby? 19:42 And I said, yes. 19:45 She said, you have a baby-- no, you don't, I'm your baby. 19:48 You don't have a baby? 19:50 And I said, and that's how I told her. 19:52 And but everyone took to Micha, they loved her, everyone-- 20:00 Karen just took right to her father, 20:02 such a great support from my Uncle Kenny, 20:04 who is Karen's father. 20:06 My father stepped up when he came 20:08 and what happened was, Micha got very sick. 20:10 Okay. 20:12 And I went to rush into children's hospital 20:14 and we almost lost her this night. 20:16 Really? 20:17 And-- yes, and she was having like 13 stools a night 20:20 and they didn't understand 20:21 why or whatever operation on her. 20:23 So my mom said you need to call everyone 20:26 and I really didn't want to, because I was still in that, 20:28 you know, disappoint mode, what are you gonna say. 20:31 So I called my brother, my oldest brother, 20:33 my god brother, I called other family members, 20:37 my grandmother, 20:38 and they were like why are you crying? 20:40 My father, I said, daddy, 20:41 I need you to come to the hospital. 20:43 Come to the hospital, what's wrong? 20:44 So you hadn't informed anybody about 20:47 why you wanted them to come to the hospital? 20:49 No, and then I said, you just need to come. 20:51 They said, children's hospital? 20:53 You know, why would you be at children's hospital? 20:54 I said, you need to come. 20:55 So they all came, they were in the waiting room, 20:58 I walked in, I told them, 20:59 I said, I have something to tell you 21:02 and I said, I have a baby. 21:05 Everybody was like what baby? 21:07 I said, I have a baby. And my brothers were-- 21:11 they were furious and they were like 21:13 I'm so tired of these secrets in this family. 21:16 The secrets destroy families. 21:19 And I said, I know you're hurt. Oh, my brother was so hurt. 21:21 So when they brought-- when they said, 21:24 that I could release her, I went back to get her 21:27 and I stayed at the hospital with her everyday. 21:29 After classes I'd go back and forth to the hospital. 21:32 Brought her in and my oldest brother held her, 21:35 he walked her and from that day 21:37 forward everyone just said, this is our baby. 21:40 Okay, you know. 21:41 And there was no problem, 21:43 I was we re-baptized on my mother's request 21:48 and she asked me not to go to church 21:49 until I was re-baptized. 21:51 And I respected her wishes 21:54 and I went to church and no one could say anything. 21:57 And-- but I was not able to serve, 22:02 but for a period of time and then they were like-- 22:06 they allowed me to star serving again. 22:07 Well, how did that affect you about not being able to sevice? 22:11 It's almost like the church had said, 22:14 these principles that we implemented-- 22:16 implement we're not going to let you violate them 22:20 under any circumstances. 22:21 Well, this was-- that was the order of the church. 22:23 Okay. And I had to respect that. 22:25 And so that was you did respect them. 22:27 Right, and my mama told me, 22:28 and I knew, I've been in the church all my life. 22:31 My grandmother was head deaconess for 27 years, 22:34 my brother was over Praise and Worship hospitality, 22:37 he was stewardship leader, my mom was head usher forever, 22:41 my cousin was organist pianist, 22:44 another cousin was in the Seminary Andrews, 22:47 he was also assistance pastor 22:48 to one of our assistant churches. 22:50 So we were a family that was recognized 22:53 and known for the work of the church. 22:56 Now this family had come together 22:59 to provide you with the support that you needed. 23:03 And to let you know that everything was okay. 23:06 Yeah, they really wanted me to finish school, 23:08 earn my PhD and go forward. 23:11 And they said, just as long as you stay focus 23:14 we are here to help you. 23:15 You know, I remember so many times that you know, 23:18 my Uncle Kenny would come I was going, 23:20 I was working, I was going to school, 23:22 I was picking up Aron, I mean, Micha, Aron is at other door. 23:27 But he says, I tell you what, why don't you let Karen, 23:31 I'll get Karen pick you up, give Karen the key 23:34 and she'll watch her 23:35 and everybody just stepped up to the plate to help me. 23:38 Man, that was fantastic. 23:39 So this gave you opportunity to do complete your studies. 23:42 They gave me opportunity to complete my studies, 23:44 also work and to start my business. 23:46 Oh, that was fantastic. 23:47 Insurmountable favor. 23:49 So you're really motivated, you know, 23:52 to make sure that your business is moving forward 23:56 and that you're independent businesswoman. 24:00 I was in the beginning stages 24:01 and going to meetings and networking 24:04 and doing a lot and my baby was right there 24:06 by my side and going to meetings. 24:08 People everyone knew her, everyone knew her 24:10 and what was really amazing was that I didn't allow them 24:16 to hold me back, but Micha was my motivation. 24:20 I had to provide for her 24:22 and something devastating happened to me 24:25 and my brother came to my home and he said, 24:29 you know, what are you gonna do? 24:30 You have a child. 24:32 He threw the Detroit newspaper in my lap, 24:35 I was sitting in the corner crying 24:37 and because I lost my business, 24:38 my business was stolen from me, lots of money. 24:41 And he says, snap out of it, get up, find a job. 24:48 And as soon as I opened the paper, 24:50 I saw a job for a sex abuse therapist. 24:54 And I'm-- I've had my own business 24:56 making lots of money, 24:58 I can't go to work for someone? 25:00 To me that was like, huh, to go back and do 25:03 that nine to five and I can't, I've had my own business. 25:07 Yes, but it took a low humility for you to do that. 25:10 The Lord was really His-- He remind me 25:12 what I went through like Moses. 25:14 He put you in the palace to make-- 25:16 to allow you to lead the people to the Promise Land. 25:20 And that's what God did with me. 25:22 He allowed me to go through and I took that job 25:26 and I worked my way up in seven years. 25:28 Really? 25:29 And not only that, seven years and then I was able to do 25:31 my practicum internship and get paid at the same time. 25:36 But I went to the Lord and I said, Lord, 25:39 if they ask me to do more than the hours 25:42 that I am doing then I'm going to start my own business. 25:44 That's my sign to step out on faith 25:47 and start my own business again. 25:50 Because when I went to court after losing my business 25:52 the judge said to me, what do you want? 25:55 And I looked in the eyes and my daughter was at school, 25:58 and my mom was there and I said, 25:59 all I want is my name, can I walk out with my name, 26:03 Dr. Kim Logan and my license? 26:06 And he said, I grant you that. 26:09 And he said to me, be careful who you go into business with. 26:12 And from that day forward I never went into business 26:14 with anyone else but God. 26:15 So the people that you are in business at that point, 26:20 they turning their back on you and became a tragedy 26:25 because you indicate that you lost a lot of money. 26:28 Right, they were-- they were very nice, 26:30 they taught me a lot, but they were-- 26:33 they were motivated by greed and I got caught up in that, 26:37 and I took my eyes off of what I was doing, 26:41 went to my bank account one day and all my money was gone. 26:45 Well, this is going to lead us into another segment. 26:48 Yeah. 26:49 So we're very fortunate to hear your story 26:52 and it's going to offer a lot of insight to a lot of people 26:55 who may be going through some of the same things 26:58 that you experience. 26:59 So we really appreciate you taking the time. 27:03 Thank you. 27:04 And providing us 27:05 with a transparent observation of who you are. 27:09 Thank you. 27:11 And the blessings that how the Lord 27:13 still got you through. 27:14 So we're gonna really be prepared to watch 27:17 the next segment that will follow up 27:20 what we're talking about today. 27:22 Oh, thank you very much. It's been a pleasure. 27:24 Okay. 27:26 So we're asking that you join us next time for part two 27:29 and we can follow up with, what's going on with Dr. Kim. |
Revised 2015-06-04