Making it Work

Why Not Me?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Arthur Nowlin (Host), Dr Kim Logan-Nowlin (Host), Sandy Weaver


Series Code: MIW

Program Code: MIW000018

00:01 Hi, I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin. And I'm Arthur Nowlin.
00:04 Welcome to "Making it Work."
00:38 Welcome back to "Making it work."
00:40 Arthur, you know in today's society
00:42 men and women are suffering with cancer.
00:46 Yes.
00:47 It is impacting the entire family,
00:49 it impacts the church and impacts family live.
00:53 Well, today we wanted to talk about "Why Not Me?"
00:56 Because a lot of times people say, why me God?
00:59 They question God.
01:00 Have you ever questioned God, Arthur?
01:03 Yes, I can honestly say I have especially
01:06 when you go through trials and tribulations.
01:09 But you know that's a good topic
01:11 "Why Not Me?"
01:12 Why not me?
01:14 You know, I had to think about that sometimes too.
01:16 So this should be pretty interesting.
01:17 It's gonna be very interesting.
01:19 Today joining us on "Making it Work"
01:22 we have a very unique story because it is her story.
01:25 Her name is Sandy Weaver. Welcome to "Making it Work."
01:28 Welcome. Thank you.
01:29 We are so honored and privileged
01:31 to have to here today.
01:33 Well, Sandy, why don't you tell our viewers your unique story
01:37 and what has happened to you?
01:39 Well, September 11 is a day when the United States,
01:44 you know, is suffering because of tragic loss.
01:49 Well, my September 2011 was when my life changed.
01:55 I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer
02:00 but it was in the first stage.
02:02 There's four stages to cancer and it was in the first stage.
02:05 And the doctor told me that it was rare
02:09 to find ovarian cancer in the first stage.
02:13 So my prognosis was good. Yes.
02:16 Which oh, my, I was grateful, very, very grateful.
02:20 But, you know, the word cancer
02:23 is a word that you don't like to hear.
02:28 And so when this happened to me
02:31 in September my husband was in India.
02:34 He had just gone for a trip in India
02:36 and on Sabbath I started having severe abdominal pain.
02:40 And so after church I asked my eldest daughter
02:43 to take me down to the emergency room
02:45 downtown Detroit
02:46 because there was something wrong.
02:48 Yes.
02:49 And so we went to the emergency room at Harper
02:56 because that's where my husband works down at Harper.
02:58 So they did the diagnostic test,
03:03 they admitted me that night
03:05 and my daughter started texting my husband in India.
03:09 So he got a plane and turned around and came back.
03:11 So he was back by Tuesday noon.
03:15 Tuesday noon.
03:17 And that's when he went and talked to all my doctors
03:20 and found out that I had ovarian cancer
03:23 that was the diagnosis.
03:25 Well, then he told me that I had ovarian cancer
03:28 and I thought well, my sister-in-law
03:34 had been diagnosed with ovarian cancer
03:37 and hers was in the forth stage.
03:39 They missed it many, many times in diagnosis
03:41 because it is very evasive and it's hard to diagnose
03:45 because there's a lot of symptoms
03:47 that could be something else.
03:49 That's right.
03:50 But I didn't know that I had a cancer.
03:54 I knew that I had ovarian cysts and I had been watching them.
03:57 But since I was taking care of my mother in my home
04:00 I sort of let things slide and I didn't go to the doctor.
04:03 So when this happened I got flat on my back
04:08 but till when my husband came back he told me the diagnosis.
04:10 I had lots of good doctors and the specialist
04:14 that did my surgery two and a half days later
04:17 that's all-- that's that how long I had to worry.
04:20 Two and a half days.
04:21 Two and a half days is all I had to worry
04:23 because God just orchestrated everything,
04:27 everything I needed was there.
04:29 The-- the GYN oncologist was my surgeon.
04:35 And he had worked with my husband.
04:36 They worked together on some cases
04:39 when it has to do with the abdomen.
04:41 I wish your husband's specialty.
04:43 He's our general surgeon.
04:45 He's the chairman of the department
04:47 at Harper Hospital.
04:49 Now-- The GMC.
04:51 You have-- you're married to a physician,
04:53 you become ill, your husband's in India.
04:56 You know, but you did something where a lot of people don't do.
05:00 They ignore symptoms. They ignore when things hit.
05:04 Yeah, but she was keen into it. Yes, because--
05:07 We could not ignore its pain.
05:10 That's was so devastated.
05:11 It was very, very, very severe and so when they did the test
05:14 and then they found out what was wrong.
05:16 I only had as I say two and half days
05:18 just lay there and worry.
05:20 And then I had the surgery and then the recovery
05:23 and then I went through six treatments of chemo
05:26 every 21 days.
05:28 I had chemo treatments.
05:33 The horror stories that you hear about people
05:36 who had chemo, you know,
05:39 that was the first thing in my mind
05:41 but I also knew that God was in control
05:43 and I said to God the day before surgery,
05:48 well, I'm going to go through this
05:51 but I know that You'll be there with me
05:53 because You promised never to leave me.
05:55 That's right.
05:56 He promised never to--
05:57 and I, you know, the why not me.
05:59 Yes.
06:00 That was an important thing to me
06:01 because in April of 2011 one of elders preached a sermon
06:07 and he himself has myeloma.
06:11 So he had to have treatment and chemo
06:13 and all that's kind of stuff.
06:14 He told his story that day in April
06:17 and now this is in September
06:19 and so I'm saying the same thing.
06:21 Well, why not me? I have insurance.
06:24 I have a family. I have good doctors.
06:27 I have a church family that loves me.
06:30 Prayer is powerful. Yes, it is.
06:33 And I-- there were people praying for me
06:36 all over the place and they are still telling me
06:38 that they are still praying for me.
06:39 I said well, keep it up. I need it.
06:40 Keep it up. That's right.
06:41 So during this time-- just by you are expressing
06:45 those feelings gave me the impression
06:48 that you was determine
06:50 to really overcome this situation.
06:52 Oh, absolutely.
06:53 God can do anything
06:55 and if that's what He had for me to do to overcome it
06:58 then I would be much more empathetic,
07:00 much more patient,
07:02 much more willing to let Him be in charge.
07:06 How did your children over come this?
07:08 Oh, my children were fabulous. Okay.
07:11 One was in school in Tennessee
07:13 and she flew home when I had the surgery.
07:15 She says mom, I have to come. I said its fine.
07:17 We'll pay for your ticket to come
07:20 but my children both are married.
07:22 The two older ones are married and live in the area
07:25 and so they took turns coming and staying at my house.
07:29 Oh, okay.
07:30 Because I had my mother plus me now to take care off.
07:34 And they cooked and they took care of me
07:40 and you know just-- they just oversaw my household.
07:46 Now let's go back to what you were saying
07:49 about the chemo itself.
07:51 How people have so many horror stories behind it?
07:54 You know, that you I mean, suffered all
07:57 while you were going through these treatments?
07:59 Well, the chemo itself, the advance treatment
08:05 that they have now which is
08:08 so much milder than it used to be.
08:10 I mean lot of the horror stories were from years ago.
08:13 And yes there are horror stories now too
08:15 and people don't mind telling their horror stories.
08:18 But I don't like to hear them because I know that you know,
08:21 God is a loving God and He cares very much for me
08:25 and that He will sustain me through
08:27 whatever I have to go through.
08:28 And that's what that preached the guy said in his sermon
08:32 that you know, why not me?
08:35 I have everything in place. I even have insurance.
08:39 I mean, that was something
08:40 that I was staggered at the prices of surgeries
08:43 and all these kind of stuff.
08:45 The chemo treatments I was staggered at the prices.
08:48 And to be able to have it and insurance pay for it
08:54 was just-- it was just incredible.
08:57 So God was in the midst.
08:58 God is in the midst. He's has never left me.
09:01 And when you say prayer uplifts
09:04 it's something that you cannot describe.
09:07 I can hardly describe it because it is so uplifting.
09:11 You feel uplifted all the time.
09:14 Now you said, you went to church
09:16 and when that elder spoke
09:19 and he talks about his situation and his cancer.
09:23 Prior to you going there,
09:25 I mean, were you dealing with depression and all?
09:28 I had some depression just from--
09:32 I inherited some of it. Okay.
09:34 My father was on medication for 50 years for his depression
09:41 and so but I don't think it got much worse my kids think it did
09:47 but I don't because,
09:52 I just feel like God took care of me.
09:55 Amen. Excellent.
09:56 And He continues to take care of me.
09:58 And so far I didn't have any the surgery showed
10:02 that I didn't have any psychology
10:07 that was positive after the surgery.
10:09 Oh, excellent.
10:10 And my CT scans have been negative and so.
10:13 I prayed for-- you know I prayed for healing
10:16 and I feel that God has healed me.
10:18 If not He's still in control.
10:22 Now you remember at the Oakwood Seventh-day
10:24 Adventist church in Taylor, Michigan.
10:26 Have you told this testimony in church?
10:29 No. Okay.
10:31 I'm told that they want me to do it but I haven't yet.
10:34 Okay.
10:35 I'm three months post chemo so--
10:37 Okay. Oh.
10:39 You know, some of the-- the weakness that you deal with
10:43 and some of the-- I still don't take walks out on the street
10:48 because I'm-- I'm little unsteady
10:50 and my weight and everything
10:52 but my strength is improving and I'm-- I'm encouraged.
10:57 So I'm not discouraged.
10:59 Are you taking a lot of medications?
11:00 No. Okay, excellent.
11:02 I just take my regular medication
11:04 that I took before I had cancer
11:06 and take an extra iron pill and some vitamins.
11:09 Well. That's great.
11:11 Now let's talk about your faith.
11:13 The Bible says
11:15 "Faith is the substance of things hoped for,
11:18 the evidence of things not seen."
11:20 And Sandy you sound like,
11:22 you know, verse number 6, verse 6,
11:24 "He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."
11:28 Let's talk about faith,
11:29 how did faith play a role in this?
11:31 Well, without it, without hope. Yes.
11:35 There's just-- there's without hope
11:39 it's just hopeless you know.
11:42 But my situation is not hopeless,
11:45 I have the faith that God can heal,
11:49 that He will heal
11:50 if it's to His honor and to His glory.
11:53 So I don't believe that He is gonna heal somebody
11:55 that's just gonna go off and forget about Him.
11:59 I mean, I think that God heals because it gives Him glory.
12:02 Oh, believe that. Yes.
12:04 Everything has to be about God's glory.
12:06 Exactly. Yes.
12:07 And this is really something that I'm really keen into
12:14 and my reason for it is
12:16 as my mom died from ovarian cancer.
12:19 Your mom?
12:20 Yes, and this is when-- when I was a child of seven.
12:22 I was gonna say years ago. Yeah.
12:24 It was a lot different. And it was.
12:25 I could remember visiting her in a hospital.
12:28 And I can remember the doctors always being there
12:31 because she was in so much pain
12:33 and when they tried to use the different medications
12:37 and a different new techniques it really did more damage
12:41 than really assisted her, you know.
12:43 Well, my sister-in-law died two months
12:48 after I started my treatment.
12:50 Oh.
12:51 So I had that to deal with too and you know, all of the--
12:57 I almost felt guilty that my cancer was in the first stage
13:01 and I wasn't gonna go on her path.
13:04 I didn't have to travel her path.
13:05 So I'm so grateful for that and love all other things.
13:10 I know you are. I can imagine.
13:12 Let me ask you, in your walk with Christ is it crucial--
13:18 how important is time in His word?
13:21 How important is that to you?
13:23 Well, I've been a little relax, I'll be-- I admit it.
13:27 But when I-- when I do, do it,
13:33 it makes my day go better.
13:35 And it gives you hope? I have hope.
13:37 You have the hope.
13:38 I have the hope. You already have hope.
13:39 I just need to spend time and I-- I'm working on that.
13:47 So, Sandy, what are your other aspiration?
13:50 I mean, do you like to gardened, are you chef?
13:54 What are you-- what else do you do as a hobby?
13:55 Well, I-- my name's Sandra means
13:58 industries one or helpful to man.
14:00 I've always been a professional volunteer.
14:04 Whenever there was something going out at church
14:06 or at the school, I was there.
14:08 They need Sandy to do. Yeah.
14:09 Yeah.
14:10 But Sandy's can't do that but she's passed the torch on.
14:14 I'm in the mentor stage, I mentor people.
14:16 That's lovely.
14:18 I think it's my job now to mentor and to help.
14:22 And to help, always wanted to help.
14:23 Continue help.
14:24 But I can't always do the heavy work anymore.
14:27 Okay. Can't do it.
14:29 Like we're into vacation Bible school now
14:30 and I couldn't do what I had done in the past.
14:33 So I'm playing the piano in prayer.
14:35 Oh, that's nice.
14:36 Then I love seeing the little one sing.
14:37 So you play the piano?
14:38 Yeah, I-- oh, yes.
14:40 I play, I sing, I play the organ.
14:42 I play hand bells.
14:43 You know I've been involved
14:44 in a lot of musical aspects of the church
14:46 but since I had cancer
14:48 I haven't been able to attend and do that.
14:50 So hopefully this fall,
14:51 once things start up I'll be able to.
14:54 How long, how many years in marriage?
14:56 Forty two. Forty two years of marriage.
14:58 And when we're just talking before we started taping
15:01 how you met your husband at Adelphian Academy.
15:03 And Adelphian Academy is a Seventh-day Adventist
15:07 boarding school that was located Holly, Michigan.
15:10 And I also attended there with Sandy's sister-in-law Susan
15:14 and Brian we-- you know, we were family.
15:18 I remember when I was a young girl
15:21 and your father-in-law would come, was it smoking Sam?
15:25 Stop smoking clinics. Yes.
15:26 That's still doing them. He is?
15:28 He is 89-years-old and he's still does
15:31 that smoking clinics at least once or twice a year.
15:33 He would have come to Barns
15:35 and some of the area churches in Detroit helped mil--
15:39 I know thousands of people because of the knowledge
15:43 and to see that mechanism.
15:45 You would have to see, it was amazing.
15:48 You know 89 years of age and still going strong.
15:51 Yes. That is a blessing.
15:53 As soon as you've been tested
15:58 and the Lord has blessed you what are some of the things
16:02 that you intend to do at this point in your life?
16:06 Well, every chance I can I give Him the glory.
16:09 But I'm-- I'm going to get back into my music things.
16:14 And there as I say mentoring,
16:18 there's a lot of that that needs to be done.
16:20 There's a lot of young people coming up,
16:21 I love the young people.
16:24 The school Oakwood Academy, where the children at--
16:28 where our children attended.
16:30 We-- my husband was one of the visionaries
16:33 for Oakwood Academy
16:34 and I'm planning on working with the alumni
16:37 and to do some fund raising.
16:40 Excellent, Excellent. It's a blessing.
16:42 Let me ask, what could you tell someone
16:46 that may have been recently diagnosed?
16:50 Not like ovarian cancer but any cancer that you know,
16:54 what kind of encouragement could you give them?
16:59 Well, first of all they need to know the Lord.
17:02 It they know the Lord then their hope is in the Lord.
17:05 And you know the song "We Have His Hope."
17:07 Yeah.
17:08 It is definitely that's where our hope is it's in Jesus.
17:12 And whatever we have to go through He promises,
17:18 there are so many promises in the Bible.
17:20 And He promises that He will never forsake us,
17:23 He'll always be there
17:27 and He will put people in our path
17:29 and I pray that God will put people on my path
17:31 that I could be a witness too.
17:33 And I tried to not miss those opportunities.
17:38 They're everywhere.
17:40 I mean people are hurting, say a kind word.
17:45 You know, like they're telling the little kids
17:48 in vacation Bible school,
17:49 go home and tell your friends that Jesus loves them.
17:52 Jesus does love us.
17:53 A smile, a kind word as Sandy says,
17:58 can go a long way to encourage someone.
18:01 Have you been back to any support groups,
18:03 are you in a support group?
18:05 No, I'm not. I'm not.
18:08 I decided that that was something
18:10 that I really didn't want to get into.
18:11 All right.
18:15 I felt like my family
18:16 and my church were big support to me
18:18 and so that it didn't really need to go
18:20 and cry on somebody else's shoulder
18:22 because I wasn't crying.
18:23 I was rejoicing. You were rejoicing.
18:26 I was rejoicing? And why should you rejoice?
18:29 Again going back to why not me but why shouldn't I rejoice
18:33 and the Lord truly answered your prayers
18:36 and the prayers of the righteous
18:37 availed it much.
18:39 And see and this is why it's so important
18:41 when we go to a battle with Jesus Christ
18:43 or we go through something a struggle.
18:46 James 1:8 says,
18:47 "The double minded man is unstable in all his ways."
18:50 If you're going to believe God is going to heal you.
18:53 You got to stand on that
18:55 and you cannot waiver in that faith.
18:57 You have to be solid
18:59 and you have to be sure in your heart and in your mind
19:03 that what God says God means.
19:05 Right. And you cannot question that.
19:08 All right, if I say, if I've changed
19:11 that now to whatever God has for me to do.
19:13 Oh.
19:14 Okay, I would do it. Whatever.
19:17 I think of we were reading in Paul
19:20 and it might have been in Chronicles
19:21 and he was talking about
19:22 you need to tell your testimony
19:25 and to witness.
19:26 He encourages that-- In Corinthians.
19:28 Yes, in Corinthians and I think that is so important
19:31 as I was reading this I really became motivated,
19:36 you now, to share those trials and tribulations
19:39 that we go through and talk to others
19:42 to have them share their trials and tribulations.
19:44 I agree with that and I--
19:47 when I was then getting a CT scan
19:51 this is after all the chemo treatments
19:52 I was getting my follow up.
19:54 And one of the ladies that was in there was so tearful.
19:58 She was just so tearful and another one came in there
20:02 just she was higher than a kite.
20:04 She was just complaining about everything
20:08 but you know, but she was very positive about her health
20:11 and the other one was crying and so I said,
20:14 do you have a church that you attend?
20:16 You know, is there do you know the Lord
20:18 I mean, Jesus loves you and He cares about you.
20:20 And I said I've been through this treatment.
20:23 And she says, oh, you lose you hair
20:26 and you lose this and you lose that.
20:27 I said, yeah, that's all part of the treatment.
20:30 But you know it's possible to make it and here I am,
20:35 I've done it only
20:38 because the God has brought me through it.
20:40 And so I said, you know, do you have
20:42 a church community or church family?
20:45 Does your family support you
20:46 and so we talked about all those things.
20:48 So I felt good about that.
20:49 Yeah, you're witnessing right there.
20:50 I witness right there in the CT scan.
20:53 You were. So whatever--
20:55 So it's-- I wanted just do it wherever God leads me?
20:57 Wherever God leads you.
20:59 Now your mom still-- she's still--
21:00 No, she went to live with my sister
21:03 and she has since passed but she passed off you know,
21:06 she didn't have any major diseases.
21:08 Just a little Alzheimer's and dementia
21:10 and she died peacefully in her
21:12 sleep with all of us around her.
21:13 Singing hymns. Singing hymns.
21:15 That means God close hymns.
21:17 She was singing up to 24 hours before she died.
21:19 She sang with us. Really?
21:22 Yes. Isn't that a blessing?
21:24 It was a true blessing, you know.
21:25 So now that you-- you've gone through this
21:28 and you're mentoring
21:30 and you know a 42 years of marriage,
21:32 your children are doing well.
21:34 Any grandchildren? Six.
21:35 Oh, you got to snug that in there, Sandy.
21:37 Six, you know. Oh, my goodness.
21:40 You are beautiful, you are great.
21:41 I'm blessed. I'm totally blessed.
21:43 Totally blessed, you know.
21:45 So being able to have six beautiful grandchildren
21:48 and being able to see the God's glory just--
21:51 Absolutely.
21:52 You know, manifest themselves. Absolutely.
21:54 Through you, you know, being so transparent.
21:57 Why are you so trans--
21:58 why are you just telling this, why?
22:01 Why are you here to do this?
22:07 Because it happened to me
22:08 and it's happening to other people.
22:11 And so if there's something I can say
22:15 that they can find peace because I have peace.
22:22 Believe it or not I have peace.
22:25 I see that. I feel that.
22:27 I'm not-- I'm not anxious.
22:31 One of the things that you talked about
22:33 and you referred to on a couple occasions,
22:36 as you were talking to us.
22:38 You talked about your insurance and how that poured you though.
22:44 How do you get to a point
22:46 where those who may not be as fortunate as you,
22:50 you know, who may not have the insurance.
22:53 How do you encourage them? Because--
22:55 Well, I have a friend. Okay.
22:57 Who was one of my caregivers for my mother,
23:01 she would come in every day and help with my mom
23:04 and do some of her things that needed to be done.
23:08 And we would have worship every morning together with her
23:12 and she just loved that.
23:14 Well, after I was diagnosed with cancer
23:17 and had my surgery and everything.
23:20 She comes up and tells me that she has colon cancer
23:24 and she has spots on her liver.
23:26 So she already has metastasis.
23:29 She doesn't have any insurance.
23:32 So what do I tell her?
23:35 She went to live with her sister,
23:37 her sister is helping her tremendously.
23:42 She went to a doctor
23:44 and they're finding funding for her.
23:48 She hasn't had her surgery yet but she has chemo
23:51 and she uses some natural remedies of fruits
23:56 and vegetable juices fresh for things
23:59 and hers is receding.
24:02 Excellent.
24:04 So I mean, I have experience with, with that to with people
24:10 who don't have the insurance and I just pray with them.
24:14 You know, we talk every once in a while
24:15 and I send her some night gowns of my moms.
24:19 And you know, we some things over
24:21 and she doesn't-- she goes to church.
24:24 She still goes to church.
24:25 She'd goes to the Farmington Seventh-Day Adventist Church.
24:28 She says, I go and she inspired me
24:32 because she'll go and she'll lay down on the bench
24:35 just to be in church.
24:36 Okay.
24:38 Just have a little piece of church.
24:43 That's comforting to her.
24:44 I think no one you know. Yeah.
24:46 Here I didn't go to church because I had a,
24:49 you know, ache in my leg or something.
24:50 She goes, she can't even sit up
24:55 but she goes to church and lays on the pew
24:57 and they don't mind 'cause she's there.
24:58 Because she is there.
25:00 So I mean, there's examples of that in my life too.
25:08 You know--
25:09 Your relationship with the Lord apparently increased
25:13 you know, after the victory.
25:16 Well, my dependent.
25:18 I'm dependent. Okay.
25:20 I'm very dependent. That's a excellent way of--
25:22 On Jesus. You know.
25:23 I'm very dependent.
25:24 They are depending on the Lord. Yeah.
25:26 And I'm not independent. I can't do it myself.
25:30 When you talk about faith and hope
25:32 and someone right now viewing "Making it Work,"
25:35 maybe saying I can't make it.
25:38 I don't have insurance, I don't have any money.
25:39 I don't have family I don't support.
25:42 I don't have a church family but you do have Jesus.
25:46 God will never leave you or forsake you no matter
25:51 what you have to endure.
25:53 And maybe you know in the second,
25:55 third or forth stage may not be in the first stage.
25:58 It may not be able to be turned around
26:01 but one thing is for sure that if you give your life to Jesus,
26:07 He will make things all right, no matter what.
26:10 And another thing that I think its important
26:13 is that it's significant for each and everyone of us
26:17 to hold on to the Lord.
26:19 Absolutely.
26:20 When we get to a point,
26:22 when we feel that there is no one
26:24 that's going to understand the Lord understands.
26:28 And that's where we reach out to.
26:30 And Sandy, you recognized
26:33 that you needed to strengthen your faith
26:35 and that's really important because many of us
26:39 will become so tied up with the illness itself
26:45 that we don't really recognize that it's more to the illness
26:49 that we can over come this illness if we have faith
26:52 and if we have a relationship with the Lord.
26:54 Well, even if we don't overcome--
26:57 I mean, if the illness takes us and we perish.
27:02 We still know that God loves us.
27:03 Yes. He didn't planned for sin.
27:07 I mean planned for in the salvation
27:09 because He send His son.
27:11 But he didn't want us to be ill.
27:13 It's not His plan for us to be ill.
27:14 That's right. He wants us to be well.
27:16 When we're well, we have more energy to use in his service
27:20 and that's what we need to be doing.
27:24 All right. Okay, you go on.
27:25 I think the overcoming
27:27 is basically releasing those negatives feelings
27:31 and developing a relationship with God
27:33 so you can accept whatever happens.
27:36 Yes. You know.
27:38 It says you know, it's like you pray in His will.
27:41 It's not His will for us to be ill.
27:42 Absolutely.
27:43 But it's will for us to trust Him.
27:45 And to trust.
27:47 And you know it takes me to that hymn, "
27:49 Trust and obey, for there's no other way.
27:52 To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey."
27:55 Amen. You want to sing?
27:56 Oh, listen, well, we're out of time.
27:59 But, Sandy Weaver, thank you
28:01 so much for telling yours story,
28:03 your unique story.
28:05 And we praise God for your life, the testimony
28:09 and to you today know that God is with you.
28:12 Well, Arthur, I thank God for your life.
28:14 Thank you God.
28:15 I'm thing for your life all the time.
28:17 And praise God.
28:18 Well, I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin. I'm Arthur Nowlin.
28:21 Thank you for joining us on "Making it Work."
28:24 God bless.


Revised 2015-06-04