Making it Work

Learning How To Wait

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Arthur Nowlin (Host), Dr Kim Logan-Nowlin (Host), Brendan and Talia Bryant


Series Code: MIW

Program Code: MIW000017

00:01 Hi, I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin. I'm Arthur Nowlin.
00:03 And welcome to "Making it Work."
00:37 Our topic today on "Making it Work" is
00:40 "Learning How to Wait."
00:42 Arthur, when you think about waiting what comes to mind?
00:45 Pausing, making good decisions--
00:47 Okay. Not moving forward impossibly.
00:50 All right, well, today on "Making it Work"
00:51 we are joining with two wonderful people
00:54 that we have the pleasure of knowing over the years
00:56 Mr. and Mrs. Brendan and Talia Bryant.
00:58 Welcome to "Making it Work." How are you?
01:00 We are fine. Thank you for having us.
01:01 Doing great, Great. Thank you.
01:02 You guys look good, looking as still honeymooners.
01:05 How many years of marriage now? We are going on nine years.
01:09 No, Talia, nine years? Nine years, yes.
01:12 All right let's get right to the mid of it.
01:13 All right, how did you meet and how did Talia you become
01:17 a Seventh-day Adventist?
01:19 How did you meet? You want to take, how we met.
01:21 Well we met at church actually, I was going to church
01:25 at Ephesus SDA Church in Saginaw.
01:28 And she was at that time
01:30 was going to a church in Flint, Michigan.
01:33 And her choir was visiting and she came up,
01:36 and we kind of met after church
01:39 because her choir was there to sing that day.
01:41 Was it love at first sight?
01:43 No, it was not love at first sight.
01:45 But I think about it is we met
01:48 that was my first time speaking.
01:49 Yes, it was his first sermon. That was my first sermon.
01:51 Really, she heard your sermon? Yes.
01:53 Yes. Okay.
01:54 Wow, okay, were you impressed?
01:58 No, not really. Okay.
01:59 He did a good job in his sermon but, you know,
02:03 I wasn't looking for a boyfriend
02:06 or anything at that point time.
02:07 I had just moved to Michigan.
02:08 All right. So--
02:10 From where? From North Carolina.
02:11 I went to school in North Carolina
02:12 close to Maryland.
02:14 So I just moved to Michigan
02:15 and I wasn't looking for relationship.
02:19 I thought we were gonna last for two weeks.
02:20 Okay. She told you that?
02:22 Yes. Yeah, I told him that.
02:23 You believe that? No.
02:24 Okay.
02:25 And you are doing nine year. Exactly.
02:27 So you, it's looking for a relationship?
02:29 Oh, not really.
02:31 You know, I kind had just into the relationship
02:33 and I just wanted to have fun.
02:36 You know, just want to take an easy
02:38 and just kind of talk and things like that.
02:41 So when she told me that kind of,
02:43 you know, peak my curiosity.
02:44 What do you mean two weeks, you know.
02:46 So I said you have never met anyone in your choir like me.
02:49 So that was the challenge for you?
02:51 Okay, all right, so then you started dating?
02:54 Okay those two weeks went into another week--
02:56 Five years, we dated five years.
02:57 You dated-- now you know, that is really
03:00 unheard of today five years before marriage.
03:02 Yes. All right.
03:04 Why five years? Yes.
03:06 Well, Brendan was still a school
03:09 and so we didn't know each other prior to,
03:12 so we want to take the time to really
03:14 get to know each other as friends
03:18 and then as we dated and it progressed.
03:21 Okay. Okay, all right.
03:23 So five years-- so the wedding was in Maryland?
03:26 No, it was actually at Saginaw, Michigan.
03:27 It was-- and how did in the world
03:28 did you get moved to Saginaw, now you're from Maryland.
03:30 I was here for so long.
03:31 And you made a lot of new friends.
03:33 And I made a lot of new friends so I decided to go ahead.
03:36 So your family from Maryland?
03:38 My family is from Maryland. And they came?
03:39 And they came, family friends
03:41 and my grandmother, family from Trinidad came up.
03:44 Oh, really?
03:45 It was actually the weekend of the major blackout.
03:47 Okay. Wow.
03:48 Oh, really. In 2003.
03:49 That was your wedding weekend? That was our wedding weekend.
03:51 So did it affect your wedding?
03:55 Actually because our wedding was on Sunday,
03:57 it affected as far as getting people in
04:00 but they made it in time for wedding.
04:01 My grandmother made it right
04:03 before the wedding started she walked in.
04:05 Oh, my goodness.
04:06 So some of our family, they got stuck coming from down South.
04:11 They ran out of gas and they have to wait
04:13 while to, you know, refuel.
04:15 And then some of our family coming from on the West Indies
04:18 and Trinidad got New York and waiting to come and yeah.
04:22 Well, that's something. That's amazing.
04:23 Now let's talk-- let's go back a little bit education.
04:26 Tell me about your educational background.
04:28 Okay.
04:29 Well, I graduated from North Carolina Agricultural
04:32 and Technical State University with a bachelors in IT
04:35 and have a masters in Information Systems Management.
04:38 Wow, okay.
04:39 And my train I'm occupational therapist,
04:42 doing practicing now for almost ten years.
04:45 And I have a bachelor's degree in occupational therapy
04:47 with a minor in psychology.
04:50 Really. That's wonderful.
04:52 you need that. You like your job?
04:53 I love it. Really.
04:54 I love my job. Tell us why?
04:56 Because I earn a continue-- on a daily basis
04:58 I get a chance to help people and shape and mold their lives.
05:02 When they think the down and out and they can,
05:05 you know, come out you know
05:07 I can kind of facilitate for them to rehab
05:10 and go back home or go back to into the community.
05:12 So this is awesome job.
05:13 I sprain my or something my-- my sort of got so maybe
05:17 you and I can communicate about it, you know,
05:20 because I need it man, I need that arm.
05:22 I give home health care too.
05:26 Well, let's talk about so many things
05:27 as transpired in your life leading up to learning
05:30 how to wait.
05:31 There's been some tragedies. Yes.
05:33 Okay, Talia, let's talk about some of the strategies.
05:36 Well, in 2001 I lost my uncle, and at the 9/11 tragedy
05:43 he was one of my closest uncles and so that was devastating.
05:49 And then in 2005 I lost my father
05:53 which was a shocker.
05:57 It wasn't, you know, he was, he was sick
05:59 but it was getting better and so to have him passed
06:03 two days after my birthday was to very tragic for me.
06:07 And you are only child? I am the only child.
06:10 Your uncle was in 9/11? Yes.
06:13 And you had a good relationship with him?
06:16 And that must have been devastating.
06:17 Very, very devastating.
06:19 So much so that I was in denial for a long time.
06:23 I would tell Brendan that he's out there,
06:24 he just has amnesia.
06:25 He doesn't know where he is,
06:27 we got to go we got to go find him.
06:28 Wow. Right.
06:29 But, you know, I've come to the realization
06:33 that you know he has passed.
06:35 But the blessed hope still is there
06:38 that I will see him again.
06:40 You know, when I had opportunity
06:41 last year to go visited, 9/11
06:44 we went to the monuments and I'd text you.
06:47 You did.
06:48 And I still have all that for you.
06:49 I do. Oh, wow.
06:50 And, we went and we took the paper
06:53 and we took the charcoal over Oscar Nesbitt.
06:56 Yes, that's right.
06:57 And I went to-- we looked him up
07:00 on the keypad, saw his picture.
07:02 I took of it picture and I sent it to you.
07:04 You did.
07:05 And it was so moving that I could do that for you,
07:09 that we could do that for you
07:10 because you had not been able to make it.
07:12 And it was an amazing experience.
07:14 It truly was.
07:15 Because we were so excited and Kim said
07:17 we got a call her, we got a call her.
07:18 I did say call her. And you did call.
07:21 I did, I did. Yeah we did.
07:22 And I said what is your uncle's name?
07:24 I'm here. I'm taking pictures.
07:26 I did-- even did a video on that.
07:28 I did a video and wanted you to know
07:31 how much we love you and your family.
07:34 Thank you, its greatly appreciated.
07:36 Let's talk about some issues that you've dealt with, okay.
07:41 You know, just growing up, and I was the youngest child
07:46 and so, I had to-- my siblings,
07:50 my siblings is closet to me is 10 years older than me.
07:54 Wow.
07:55 So in a sense I kind of grew up
07:57 almost in a sense of I'm the only child.
07:59 Only child.
08:00 In a way but as far as I, you know, dealing with that
08:04 and, you know, actually during our marriage,
08:09 probably around the year four?
08:12 Three or four years.
08:13 Three or four years so we started
08:15 trying to plan to have a family.
08:16 Yes.
08:18 Now Talia, were you Adventists
08:21 before-- you accepted the massage.
08:23 Yes, at 13.
08:24 At 13 and so your family where members back in Maryland.
08:28 Yes. Okay.
08:29 So now you're here,
08:31 you married this two weeks have gone into five years
08:34 you walked down isle, you married.
08:37 Now you thinking about having children, okay.
08:41 Let's talk about that.
08:43 Let's talk about what happened.
08:45 Can you tell your story?
08:46 Well, it was probably around year
08:50 three of our marriage we decided
08:51 "Okay, we're gonna have children,"
08:53 and we started going through the process.
08:56 And weren't getting pregnant. You will.
08:59 Right, and then one thing that I wanted to say
09:00 is we are before we went to premarital counseling,
09:05 we went to Seventh-day Adventist Church,
09:06 we went through a lovely premarital counseling.
09:08 We always said, upfront we said "hey, when we have children
09:13 we want to have at least two birth children
09:16 and may be we'll adopt the third child."
09:18 So that was our plan. Wants plan for family.
09:19 So you have already planed?
09:21 Yes. Okay.
09:22 Yes. Okay.
09:23 Yep, so we started trying and we weren't conceiving.
09:28 Brendan was going through some medical issues
09:31 that the doctors still don't know what's wrong
09:34 but is only by the grace of God that he is healed.
09:37 Definitely.
09:38 And so with that after four years of trying
09:43 we decided to adopt first.
09:46 We said, you know, what
09:48 God has a plan for us with children.
09:51 And we are adopted into the body of Christ.
09:55 All right.
09:56 So we went for with an adoption plan.
10:01 And that's here in Michigan?
10:02 In Michigan, yes. In Michigan.
10:03 Let me put something else in there.
10:05 All right.
10:06 How we get to that point is, we had been through,
10:11 you know, different testing and things like that
10:13 and have prayed about it.
10:16 Have prayed and said to God what do You want us to do?
10:19 And the doctors didn't say we couldn't have children
10:23 but pretty much say we couldn't.
10:26 And so, they said the only option
10:27 is for you to do and vitro fertilization.
10:30 And so I started doing it.
10:31 Be in the medical background
10:32 I started doing some research on it
10:34 and I was kind of on the fence.
10:36 I was more gung-ho. You were gung-ho.
10:38 You were like let's do this. I was like let's do this.
10:41 I mean, as many through the treatments
10:43 and going to the doctors and it was painful.
10:46 Very painful and expensive.
10:47 And expensive but I said let's do this,
10:50 and so the doctor sent the preparation kit
10:54 for the vitro to our house
10:57 and Brendan actually got the house before I did.
11:01 Yeah, when I got to the house the box that that it came in
11:05 was primarily this big, this high.
11:07 Yes. Really?
11:08 Yeah, and so, I started going through, the stuff.
11:12 And I'm like Holy Spirit saying it now you know.
11:15 Now you know.
11:16 Now you know and went into the cupboard
11:21 I got a black marker and wrote on it testimony.
11:24 Testimony. You did.
11:26 Wrote on it. Oh, testimony.
11:27 And we still have that box.
11:29 Yeah, still have that box. That is the testimony.
11:31 And I put it away, and I said one this will be my testimony.
11:35 Yes. This will our testimony.
11:36 Never used it? Never used it.
11:38 We never used it.
11:39 Okay, after you investigated
11:41 and found out what it would take for you
11:44 to go forward in that you decided
11:45 that you didn't wanted to go.
11:47 And Holy Spirit said start read the ministry
11:50 and the Adventist and Adventist health message.
11:53 What do you know about that?
11:54 And when I read that and the things that I learned
11:57 and I said I can't let my wife go through that.
12:00 That's was funny because you asked earlier about
12:03 did I always have faith in, you know,
12:06 and during this time I said wait a minute come on now.
12:10 We, we have this box let's move forward with this,
12:14 let's move forward with it.
12:15 And Brendan comes saying no,
12:17 no the Holy Spirit is saying no.
12:19 And I'm saying but when. When is it going to be?
12:22 So you question God? I questioned.
12:25 I questioned.
12:26 Soon so at that point you made the decision
12:28 not to move forward with this.
12:30 Right. What were you thinking?
12:33 Did you think well, okay, I'm gonna go ahead and adopt?
12:36 It was that your motivation?
12:38 That was it. Okay.
12:39 The Holy Spirit when he sent
12:40 when he allowed that box to come
12:42 and he spoke to me very clearly
12:44 that this is not the thing to do.
12:46 I say He's reversed our plan. Okay.
12:50 He's reversed our plan,
12:51 I said we have to adopt that's what God wants us to do.
12:53 But it supposed to be in our minds
12:54 is number three is number one.
12:56 Is number one.
12:57 Okay, so now you got used to-- begin the adoption process.
13:01 How long did that take?
13:03 We started in-- four months. Four months.
13:07 Which usually they told us it could take--
13:09 Up to two years. Up to two years.
13:11 It took you four months. Four months.
13:12 And that includes, filling out all the paperwork,
13:16 home visits everything.
13:18 Four months, until we were able to bring a baby girl home.
13:20 Bring your baby girl home. All right.
13:22 How did you feel when you brought her to your home?
13:24 Oh, man. Elated, yes, yes.
13:26 Yes. Yes, very exciting.
13:28 Definitely.
13:29 And then just some nervous. Nervous.
13:33 Because I thought I knew what I was doing.
13:35 And then I realized I don't know
13:36 what in the world I'm doing with the baby.
13:39 So the baby was a infant at that time?
13:41 Yes, she was two weeks old. Two weeks old.
13:42 Yeah, two weeks old. And there are no books.
13:44 Even though people write books
13:45 but when you're going through it, two weeks.
13:48 And the awesome thing about
13:49 that is to go back a little bit,
13:51 when we say we are gonna plan for a family we said,
13:55 we're at that time in a condominium
13:56 which is a little small, we said we need some space.
13:59 And for years we had tried in this market to sell it,
14:02 anyone sell.
14:04 And so we got a real great realtor.
14:06 And during that time
14:07 what we were trying to sell the condo
14:09 we start looking for other homes.
14:12 Looking at a short sales, looking at foreclosures
14:14 but none ever worked out.
14:17 And so God had blessed us.
14:19 He-- what His goals for us were higher than what we thought.
14:24 We were able to build a home. You built a home.
14:27 That's on the day that our daughter was born,
14:32 is the day then we moved into our new house.
14:36 Excellent.
14:37 Oh, that is a blessing, you know--
14:39 So how old is your daughter now?
14:41 She's two. Two, two-years-old.
14:43 Two-years-old.
14:44 All right, very active, very involved now.
14:47 Okay now that's not the clincher
14:50 of the story all right.
14:52 So now learning the way again meaning into pause,
14:55 listen to God and, you know.
14:57 Both believe in God even when you question God
14:59 was it any type of challenges going on
15:02 when Talia wanted you to used the box.
15:04 And she said come on, you know,
15:06 was that putting pressure on you?
15:08 A little bit, you know, but my faith was strong
15:12 and scripture says "God is a reward of those
15:16 who diligently seek Him."
15:18 So it just made me more prayerful it made me
15:21 fast more, praying more.
15:23 And just to hang in there, and know that
15:26 if it doesn't happen right away God still gonna bless.
15:29 Was Talia asking you on a daily basis
15:31 come on, come on, come on
15:33 or did she just, kind of let it ceased?
15:35 Initialing yes but after a while it was
15:39 maybe a month here, a month there, you know.
15:41 Okay. Yeah.
15:42 So it was basically your faith that kept you be moving?
15:45 Definitely. Okay.
15:46 Nothing but faith. Okay.
15:49 And during that time, you know, had you indicated to yourself
15:53 well, we are not going to be able to give birth
15:56 or what was going through your mind?
15:58 Well, actually I was so serious.
16:03 I did a couple things.
16:05 I made a couple covenants with God.
16:07 It is first time I really speaking of them.
16:10 The first one was that I will not eat sweets
16:14 except natural sweets for until He blessed me with a child.
16:21 Sugar means no, no candy, no cakes, no pie.
16:26 Because I start to see you lose so much weight.
16:29 Oh, I said what is going on?
16:31 So you didn't eat sweets. No, sweets.
16:34 The other thing was that no, meat.
16:37 No, meat. I love my chicken wings.
16:42 My goodness.
16:43 No, meat and then the other thing was
16:47 I say at that time I had a beard
16:50 and I said I'll trim it
16:52 but I won't cut my beard until You bless me.
16:54 Okay. Wow.
16:56 Made those covenants. Yes, made those covenants.
16:58 Where will we be today if we can make those
17:00 types of covenants with God and hold fast to those?
17:04 And a covenant is a commitment.
17:06 It is a task, is a bond
17:08 that you make an agreement with God
17:11 and then you gonna hold to it until He brings the best.
17:14 So how soon did God act on those covenants?
17:18 That was four years. Four years.
17:19 Four years?
17:20 So where was your beard? So you did that for years?
17:24 You didn't shave your beard cut your beard?
17:26 No, I just trimmed it.
17:27 You trimmed it. I just trimmed it.
17:28 But the sweet thing I mean-- Man, that was rough.
17:31 That you go to, you know, functions, birthday parties
17:34 and I love ice-cream, cake no big deal but ice-cream
17:37 and I will see Haagen-Dazs that would just wave at me.
17:41 Wave, praise the Lord. But no, no, sweets at all.
17:45 Okay. None.
17:46 And it's no way it's gonna break that covenant.
17:48 No, because I said I'm not gonna,
17:50 I'm not gonna let go until You bless me.
17:54 I'm not gonna let go.
17:55 Until You bless me. Until You bless me.
17:56 Even though the doctors and the reports said
17:59 this is pretty much impossible I said no.
18:03 And it is funny because that's the faith
18:05 I had to cling onto.
18:06 When I didn't have the faith
18:08 I needed to carry on I would cling to him.
18:11 Yes.
18:12 And his faith helped bring me through to a point
18:15 where I could depend on my faith within.
18:19 So was it hard for you to cling on to that faith?
18:22 You know, I understand what you're saying,
18:23 you have to cling onto.
18:24 But was this a difficult process for you?
18:27 Yes, sometimes harder than others,
18:29 especially when friends would have children,
18:33 new born babies or they would pregnant
18:35 so I would, when is it gonna be my turn.
18:37 Yes.
18:38 But then there were other times
18:40 when I wouldn't think about it as much.
18:42 And so, especially when the Lord decided to bless us
18:45 with our oldest daughter through adoption.
18:51 You know, I was elated and wasn't thinking about
18:53 immediately having children.
18:55 I said okay, you know,
18:56 maybe another year or two we'll try again.
18:59 Because my faith said, I'm not trust
19:02 what the doctors are saying.
19:03 So I still believe that we can conceive.
19:06 It's just not our time I'm learning to wait.
19:09 Learning how to wait.
19:10 You never felt that you were not going to conceive.
19:14 You believed that because of your husband's faith.
19:17 Yes. Excellent.
19:18 So four years go by. Four years go by.
19:20 And then what happened?
19:23 So 13 weeks after are daughter came home where I was born,
19:29 I found out that I was pregnant.
19:31 Thirteen weeks Thirteen weeks.
19:32 Thirteen weeks later.
19:34 Thirteen weeks. Yes.
19:36 And the awesome thing about it is,
19:39 our first daughter was born in year six,
19:43 almost I think end of the year seven.
19:45 But our second daughter, was born in year seven.
19:49 Seven. Seven.
19:50 God's number, the completion.
19:53 Oh, let me we want to shout up, Hallelujah.
19:56 Hallelujah. Yeah.
19:57 What God, God.
19:59 How did you feel when you finally got the messages
20:03 that are you information that it was there?
20:05 I didn't believe it really.
20:08 I kept taking pregnancy test levels.
20:09 Oh, boy, this cannot be real.
20:11 Were you sick or what? I was but it was weird.
20:14 I was having evening sickness.
20:17 So I was sitting in the back of the car with,
20:19 you know, our daughter.
20:20 So I'm thinking I'm getting motion
20:21 sickness in the evening when we will go out.
20:24 So I just said give me a gingery I'm okay.
20:27 My mom she said do you think you need to take it as a--
20:30 No, I am not pregnant so no.
20:32 And then I kept on going and one my best friend said
20:35 maybe you should take a test.
20:36 I said I'm not pregnant. It's okay let's go.
20:39 And then it was one day
20:41 we had gone to a graduation party.
20:43 I didn't eat anything but I was just sick.
20:45 So I had, you know, felt really bad sinus.
20:47 I was like give me sinus medicines.
20:48 So I took some medicine and it came back up.
20:50 Brendan was like will you just get a test.
20:52 I was like sure go ahead to get a test.
20:54 So he got the test
20:56 but I never took it, not that day.
20:58 So he asked the next day well, did you take the test?
21:01 I was like no, because I'm not pregnant right.
21:04 Why take the test? Why take the test?
21:05 I couldn't sleep that night
21:08 and I was up at like two in the morning.
21:10 Really? And I thought about the test.
21:12 I said well, may be I just go ahead and take the test.
21:14 All right. And I took the test.
21:17 Did you shout? Did you shout?
21:18 I almost fell out.
21:21 It was funny because I woke him up.
21:22 I was like, Brendan, I'm pregnant.
21:25 And he was like that's great and went right back to sleep.
21:29 Went right back to sleep. I knew it.
21:33 I knew when God would do so I was happy
21:35 but I just like thanks, God.
21:38 You just, You just, You did said
21:40 You would do and went back to sleep.
21:41 And at last you got a opportunity
21:43 to eat some ice-cream.
21:44 Ice-cream!
21:48 You know what, not right away,
21:51 I didn't eat it until she was born.
21:54 Until she was born. What, another nine months?
21:56 Yes.
21:57 Boy, you bought all that ice-cream back.
22:00 And so--
22:01 What ice-cream did you eat? Vanilla Swiss Almond.
22:06 Oh, I get it.
22:07 Now how old is your youngest daughter now?
22:09 She's one. Oh, my goodness.
22:11 A two-year-old and one-year-old.
22:12 Two-year-old and one-year-old. You are all busy.
22:14 So how does the two-year-old relate to the one-year-old?
22:16 Oh, they get along just fine. Really?
22:18 Yeah, they really get along well
22:20 and it's just-- it was God's plan.
22:23 A lot of people, you know,
22:24 they always saying a lot of time
22:26 that people that adopt always have a birth child.
22:29 Well, that's not true.
22:31 The percentage say is about five percent of people
22:35 that adopt actually have a birth child.
22:37 So I wouldn't expecting,
22:38 you know, that blessing right away
22:41 but I knew that someday God would do it.
22:44 And it was just a double blessing.
22:45 And I don't even think about it as an adoption.
22:48 Exactly.
22:49 Anybody somebody asks me I'm like,
22:50 oh, yeah she is my daughter.
22:52 She is your daughter.
22:53 Now what about when she gets older would you ever tell?
22:57 Actually we already told her, so it's not big deal you know,
23:01 when somebody says you're adopted.
23:03 Oh yeah, I'm adopted.
23:04 There are two ways some people are by birth
23:05 and some people are adopted.
23:06 But if you think about it we're all adopted.
23:09 Just we're adopted in God's family.
23:11 I like that the body of the Christ.
23:12 How does she comprehend that when you tell her?
23:14 Yes, being too? Yeah, you know what we do.
23:16 We actually have what's we called life book.
23:19 And so, there're pictures in there
23:22 when she was born, about her birth mom.
23:25 Pictures of us. Pictures of her birth mom?
23:27 So it just tells her story. Yes.
23:28 Also she sees her birth mom?
23:30 She sees, she sees pictures of her.
23:31 Pictures of her.
23:32 Pictures of her and we have an agreement
23:34 that we send her pictures
23:37 and she's able to communicate to us,
23:39 we can communicate to her.
23:41 And it was a great process
23:43 and I encourage other people to adopt.
23:45 Because she actually had to choose us.
23:48 She did. The mother chose you.
23:49 The mother chose us. Wow.
23:51 Through profile. Okay.
23:53 She chose us. Excellent.
23:54 This is amazing. The Lord is surely blessing.
23:58 Did you cry, I mean you Talia, you read that test you said,
24:01 you almost fell out but any point did you all just,
24:05 it could have been a church, driving to gym,
24:07 just start cry and say Lord, You're just an awesome God?
24:10 I've cried many tears. Yes.
24:12 Many tears of thanks. Yes.
24:15 Of joy because I know where He has brought me.
24:19 I know where He is brought us.
24:22 Through dealing with the grief it wasn't just me,
24:25 my husband had to help me through that grief.
24:27 There was a trying time with my father's passing
24:31 to having to deal with the fact
24:34 that he's not able to see his grandchildren here.
24:36 But again rest in a blessed hope.
24:38 Blessed hope.
24:39 When the trumpet should sound
24:41 and the dead in Christ shall rise first
24:43 and we should be gathered together.
24:45 Oh.
24:46 Even though, you know, he's passed on, you know,
24:50 and you believe in that blessed Hope.
24:52 Her you are your parents of two beautiful young ladies
24:57 and I mean that's motivating when is-- within itself.
24:59 Yeah, that it is.
25:00 You know, so the plans that you have for,
25:03 I mean, you get a chance to do
25:04 all those things that parents do.
25:06 Definitely.
25:07 You know, you should be commended tremendous
25:09 that you even took the opportunity
25:11 to make a decision, you know, to adopt.
25:14 Because you don't find men today.
25:16 Not too many.
25:17 I mean, I am blessed there a lot of good men out there
25:19 but for you to be committed to your wife,
25:23 through the challenges, the difficulties
25:25 but I think the key was
25:26 you two were on the same page with Jesus Christ.
25:29 Right. Definitely.
25:30 You know, and that God was your hope.
25:32 You prayed together you studied together
25:34 and also you are in love with you wife.
25:37 Definitely.
25:38 Brendan, every time I see you, I mean,
25:40 I see men with their wives and, you know.
25:43 And they sit here, they over there or,
25:46 you know, they walk in church they don't--
25:49 Because I, you know, but you--
25:52 Wait a minute, what do you know?
25:53 That I love you. Okay.
25:55 Yeah, love, I'm always with you.
25:57 I mean, do you ever see us apart?
25:59 No, really. Rare.
26:00 You see the one you see the other.
26:01 I forgot.
26:02 They are not, they are not forgotten.
26:04 Not yet.
26:06 But every time I don't care where I am if she walks past
26:10 or you passing her the duffle bag
26:12 you just light up, you know, the children you just light up.
26:16 And there was some other thing
26:18 I like the fact that you are on one accord.
26:20 It shows in everything you deal in.
26:22 You know, when we came over to your house to visit.
26:25 We can see how attentive that you both were with the other.
26:29 Each other.
26:30 Even among all the different people that was in the home
26:34 you still cared into each other.
26:35 Well, I think we till our marriages
26:38 we were first friends.
26:39 And so I think because God's planed
26:42 we were able to enjoy each other,
26:44 we could know each other.
26:45 You know, travel the world with each other.
26:47 You have been to the Africa?
26:49 How many times you have been to Wales?
26:51 We've been to Africa six times.
26:52 Six times? Yes.
26:54 Now you know six times. Caribbean, Mexico.
26:57 Why are you looking at me? I'm just saying.
27:01 You know, we have fabulous new trip coming now
27:03 I'm hoping that, you know we are gonna be together.
27:05 We have about one minute
27:07 and call somebody to they going through
27:09 you know learning how to wait.
27:12 When you're in your darkest hour and...
27:18 Sunken. It's all right.
27:23 When you're in your darkest hour
27:25 and you think that you can't hear God
27:29 that you can't see Him know that He still is alive.
27:34 Yes.
27:35 And you know that's fine. Yes.
27:40 If you can't hear Him, if you can't see Him,
27:43 if don't feel His presence, because there was times
27:45 I didn't feel His presence but I knew He was alive.
27:48 Amen.
27:50 Know that He can do something for you
27:53 that's never been done before.
27:55 He did that for us. Oh, God is good.
27:58 Well, listen I want to thank you both.
28:01 We can't come behind that and listen, we want to thank
28:03 Bryant's we love you and we are so happy for you.
28:07 You have been a testimony in our own lives.
28:08 Absolutely.
28:09 I'm Kim Logan-Nowlin. And I'm Arthur Nowlin.
28:12 And we want you to continue to wait on the Lord,
28:15 learn how to wait and make it work.
28:17 God bless.


Revised 2015-06-04