Making it Work

The Last Call

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Arthur Nowlin (Host), Dr Kim Logan-Nowlin (Host), John Bordach


Series Code: MIW

Program Code: MIW000014

00:01 Hi, I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin. And I'm Arthur Nowlin.
00:03 And welcome to "Making it Work."
00:37 Today we're talking about the "Last Call."
00:40 Arthur, why the last call?
00:42 Well, there are some issues that exist with many of us
00:46 and today we have a special guest here,
00:48 basically dealing with substance abuse issues.
00:51 Well, why don't you introduce our special guest?
00:52 Well, today we have John Bordach.
00:56 And John, welcome to our show.
00:58 It's my honor to be here. It really is.
01:00 We're really pleased to have you here
01:02 and basically what I'm asking you to do right now
01:05 is just give us an insight about
01:07 what has happened to you last year and a half.
01:10 Last year and a half I've gone through a transformation
01:13 that probably most people would not believe
01:15 unless they witnessed it.
01:17 And I happened-- what happened to me was,
01:20 I was in such bad shape to alcohol abuse,
01:24 physically, psychologically, spiritually
01:27 that I was pretty much unrecognizable
01:29 as human being.
01:30 Really? Yeah.
01:32 And I was hospitalized into my subsequent recovery
01:35 and through the grace of God, I'm with you today.
01:39 So how has this experience changed your life?
01:43 About 180 degrees.
01:46 I'd been drinking for approximately 40 years.
01:48 Oh, my goodness.
01:49 And when the physical nature of the disease
01:53 finally, you know, took over and I was succumbing to that
01:58 and my family deemed it was time
02:00 to make a move into the hospital.
02:02 I went and under I want. Okay, wait a minute.
02:07 Explain to us what do you mean under.
02:08 I was basically on the list of he's not coming home.
02:12 Really?
02:13 I was in a coma, alcohol induced, pretty much.
02:17 My systems were failing, my liver was shutting down,
02:19 my kidneys had shut down,
02:22 my blood does basically an oil refinery
02:26 and this-- they worked very hard to get me to the point
02:30 where I could actually have a chance in surviving it.
02:34 Now up until that point you didn't really realize
02:38 that you were as bad as
02:40 where as just life-threatening for you?
02:43 No, and it add to my situation I think
02:47 comes the same agreement with themselves,
02:49 that it's not my fault,
02:50 I don't feel that bad, this is fine.
02:54 When in truth the opposite is what's going on
02:57 and one of the hard things about addiction
02:59 is to come to the fact of reality
03:02 that yeah, that is me and it is my fault.
03:05 Now how can I be helped?
03:08 And I turn to obviously the three things drive me
03:11 in my life is my faith in God,
03:14 I trust my doctors and I believe in myself.
03:17 And God puts the belief in ourselves right there
03:21 so that we can utilize that along with His grace
03:25 and His power to make us change to the fact
03:28 that its not just for today or tomorrow but permanency.
03:33 Now, it comes to a point like you say
03:35 you were drinking for 40 years.
03:37 Correct.
03:38 Had it come to a point where you, you say you believe in God
03:42 but you didn't have a relationship with God?
03:45 No I had a very nebulous understanding of God.
03:49 I knew there was this brain being out there,
03:53 I didn't give Him a name, I didn't expect help,
03:56 I didn't ask for anything.
03:58 I just sort of though blew the idea off
04:02 because, you know, I'm invincible.
04:05 You know, nobody can touch me until you find out your not.
04:09 And then when God steps and insists
04:11 yes, what can I do for you?
04:14 It's not glad that so much is what can I do for God?
04:19 How about your family,
04:20 how did they respond to what was happening?
04:23 They were stalwarts.
04:24 When they finally understood the depth,
04:26 my wife Beverly took over immediately
04:29 and my brother and sister, very supportive.
04:32 My parents have been gone long time.
04:34 I think one of the things that drove me
04:37 to addiction of alcohol abuse, family upbringing.
04:41 There was lot of alcohol around our neighborhood,
04:43 in our family and my mother passed away
04:45 when I was 16, her age 54.
04:49 And it was an alcohol related illness.
04:51 And I started in the restaurant field,
04:55 hospitality for 30 years
04:57 and that's a very easy place to get involved
04:59 in addictions of various types.
05:02 Now drugs, alcohol and things like that it's all around you.
05:05 Let me ask a question, what do you think
05:07 was the major influence for you to begin drinking?
05:12 Fun. It's for fun.
05:14 And it was a way of rebelling in somewhat, at a young age
05:19 and as a rebellion turned into you have to govern yourself.
05:22 As you get older that aspect
05:24 totally lost my life as far as control
05:27 and the alcohol had taken over by my mid 20s, early 30s
05:32 and I was succumbing every day.
05:35 And as time went by, my amount of,
05:39 you know, of drinking increased and to the point
05:43 where as--a year and half ago I was on death's door
05:49 and it was a gradient that didn't happen overnight
05:52 and you don't see it.
05:53 You don't see it.
05:54 That was another question I was thinking about
05:57 as you were talking.
05:59 Many times you really don't see what's going on.
06:02 You know, you don't get feel
06:04 that this type of circumstance can happen
06:08 after experiencing long addiction,
06:10 you know, such as what, 40 years of drinking.
06:13 Correct.
06:14 And then another thing
06:16 I'm piggybacking on what Kim was saying.
06:19 You had a family origin that was drinking,
06:23 you know, so this was acceptable lifestyle?
06:25 Yeah, blue collar and that there wasn't a lot to do.
06:28 You know, father worked afternoons
06:30 at Ford for 41 years,
06:33 my mom raised my siblings and myself.
06:36 My brother and sister were much old than I was,
06:39 so they waited 11 years to have perfection.
06:44 The influence is there in from when I was a small child.
06:47 The parties, every holiday, every backyard barbecue
06:50 there's just tons of alcohol involved.
06:53 All the neighbors, it's blue-collar,
06:55 certainly I don't want to blame them
06:57 that so much as it is just at time
07:00 the social moralities allowed that more
07:02 and people didn't understand what we understand now.
07:06 Now you went into a recovery process,
07:09 apparently you went into one addiction facilities or that?
07:12 Yeah, I went into an addiction facility
07:14 in Canton, Michigan, Oakdale and they're quite helpful.
07:20 They have a very difficult job
07:21 because you got 70 or so residents,
07:24 70 or so different personalities
07:25 and 70 or so different cases.
07:28 You can't put a blanket over it.
07:29 Every individual has their own type of addiction in the way
07:34 as far as level as far as want's done to them
07:37 and what's done to people around them.
07:40 And they focused a lot on God,
07:44 in getting a start in the right direction,
07:46 in with that as an anchor point.
07:49 Because they know that when they leave
07:50 but people go there is not gonna be
07:52 a hundred percent success.
07:54 There's a lot of recidivism
07:56 when you let people on the street
07:57 that have not come to the conclusion
07:59 that God is in charge.
08:02 And that you have to answer to yourself, to Him
08:06 and to people around you.
08:07 Had you had several relapses to this
08:10 when you said to yourself,
08:11 I'm gonna do this and then you went back out again?
08:14 Yeah, that was in October 2009,
08:17 I believe it was when I was first into rehab.
08:20 Well, it was that winter actually, 2009
08:23 and when I got out two weeks later
08:25 I said, boy, I beat this thing.
08:27 This is great, I'm fine.
08:28 That last until October,
08:30 I was up hunting by myself in the northern woods
08:33 and I said, well, do have party started,
08:35 just one is not going to hurt.
08:39 The 12 months, 13 months later I'm in Beaumont Hospital
08:44 and they're trying to unhook things.
08:47 So I-- you know I thought I gave it a good shot
08:50 but in the end I wasn't thinking of God at the time.
08:53 So you really believe that the Lord spared your life,
08:57 you know, for a purpose?
08:58 Absolutely, absolutely for purpose.
09:00 When I woke from my alcohol coma
09:04 and I looked around me,
09:06 the first crushing thought that I ahead of time
09:09 as I came was the four words, who can you help today?
09:15 That was intended for me to hear.
09:18 Yes.
09:19 Then I knew that God had given me
09:21 some kind of mission or ministry
09:22 that I would go out
09:24 and try to help people in my circumstance
09:26 before it is too late.
09:28 You know, I escaped by a hair, you know, there's many people
09:32 that are closed to that, so maybe not close,
09:35 it still need to know that the Lord is in charge.
09:39 And that is the key.
09:41 God is in charge, God is in control of our lives.
09:44 And the Bible says in Philippians 3:14
09:47 "I can do all things through Christ
09:49 which strengthens me."
09:50 Not some things, not little things, but all.
09:54 And at times we tend to want to tie God's hands.
09:56 Don't tie God's hand.
09:58 God can free us all from any addiction.
10:01 And now, how are you now, John?
10:03 You know, tells about what are you doing now?
10:06 Well, my church that I chose to join
10:08 is in Durban Heights area
10:10 and the family there has been absolutely sterling
10:14 in taking me in and teaching me
10:18 and whenever there is a little problem
10:20 or glitch in my system they're there.
10:23 And it's just been a glorious opportunity for me
10:27 not just to learn about the Lord
10:29 but to actually communicate through Him
10:34 what is the proper thing to do
10:35 because every morning there is a message.
10:39 And it's still the same one for me, who can you help today?
10:43 Do you have a favorite scripture
10:44 that you stand by or stand on?
10:46 Well, John 23 is always the number one.
10:50 Why? Because it's so profound.
10:52 It explains Jesus very succinctly
10:56 and I believe that the people, even that one scripture
11:00 and there are some in Matthew that I really do enjoy.
11:03 And as far as the Old Testament,
11:05 any story of Abraham is very well worth studying.
11:10 Amen. You like stories, don't you?
11:12 Yeah, I've been known to spin a tale.
11:16 I think your excellent storyteller,
11:18 and as a matter of fact,
11:20 one of things that I recognize when I first met you was that
11:24 you had exceptional skills in telling stories.
11:28 Some of them are even true.
11:30 I can believe that, you know,
11:31 because you're an author as well, is that correct?
11:34 Yes I penned my first book and you are instrumental
11:37 to get me to think in that direction
11:39 and I'm very happy to get that as a start to a lot of people
11:43 to understand what an addict's life is like.
11:47 And, you know, to some of it's humorous,
11:49 some of it's tragic but I just hope it affects
11:52 somebody out there, somewhere.
11:54 You have no problem telling your testimony,
11:57 being transparent, you know.
11:59 Why are you so open, you know, even to come here on
12:02 "Making it Work" to be able to tell your story?
12:04 And I understand, today well, who can I help today,
12:08 you know, because people tend not to want to be transparent.
12:11 They don't want to let people know
12:13 because we know secrets can kill.
12:14 They can destroy lives. Absolutely.
12:16 You know, but you saved your life to be so transparent.
12:20 Well, you can't help anybody if they don't see who you are.
12:23 Excellent.
12:24 You know, they are-- you have to be
12:26 able to put yourself out there as much as possible
12:30 and hide nothing.
12:31 To gain their trust number one, and number two,
12:34 from your own standpoint, from my own standpoint
12:37 if I don't explain who I am then I don't feel
12:40 I have all the tools available to me,
12:43 to be able to help anyone out.
12:45 Let me go back to family, you know, your wife, Beverly.
12:49 While you were going through this process,
12:52 you know, was it hard for her to see you in this condition
12:56 or had she come to the realization
12:59 that you are gonna leave her?
13:03 She had known for quite some time
13:05 and did her best to stop it.
13:08 When everything came to ahead,
13:12 she stuck by me and till this day
13:17 she's still my chauffeur until doctors say otherwise
13:21 and she's my physician at home
13:23 with keeping my prescriptions all normal
13:26 if I missing by half hour, I'm hearing about it.
13:29 Yes.
13:30 And her work with me has kept me on the path
13:34 that I am on now, which is forward.
13:38 And you know its typical marriage,
13:39 we always have a little ups and downs.
13:41 Who doesn't?
13:46 I want to tumble that with you.
13:48 Now you can't live with that too.
13:50 But, you know, it's instrumental.
13:51 You have the people around you
13:53 that are gonna be resources to you
13:56 and that having a faith in you and love you so much
14:00 that they will be able to sacrifice on their own.
14:02 That's amazing.
14:03 To be able to help you along and as it goes,
14:06 it goes very notice
14:08 she might not think it sometime.
14:10 Some things I do are still not quite right
14:13 but at the same time--
14:14 But that's marriage too
14:15 I mean, you're working on relationships.
14:17 But at the same time I don't know
14:18 if anybody on this earth that I ever met
14:20 that will take on the job that she took on--
14:22 That's amazing. That's amazing.
14:25 A loving wife.
14:26 Children, you have children and grandchildren?
14:28 Two adults and six grandchildren,
14:31 three greats, not bad for 106.
14:35 But they're all good solid family and, you know,
14:39 the holidays are always well noted.
14:42 So my checkbook notes it quite a bit.
14:45 And let me, let me-- just give some, Kim.
14:47 Let me ask this question okay, we talked about family,
14:50 what about friends?
14:51 Now, well, you know at 40 years you develop some friends
14:54 that are strictly drinking partners, you know.
14:56 So how was that, you know, the transition for you?
15:00 Well, that is one on the main cause of being an addict is
15:04 because you're accepted into a part of society
15:08 that has the same problem you have
15:09 and it's like, hey, look at us, aren't we great?
15:13 You know, I'm not against,
15:14 you know, going to a football game
15:16 and, you know, hoisting a couple
15:17 or something like that, that's fine.
15:20 It's just a matter of when it get's
15:21 to be an excess so I can out-drink you
15:23 and that's the kind of friends that I was with.
15:26 Now my friends are different.
15:27 Amazingly, lot of the people I mentioned in my book
15:29 are coming back into my life from 25, 30 years ago
15:34 and saying we wonder what happened to you.
15:35 As I was saying, the friends that I've made
15:39 and the ones that are coming back
15:40 are different than the ones I had before.
15:42 My new friends are very God driven,
15:47 family centered people.
15:50 The ones before were basically, what's in it for me
15:55 and I found that a lot in the chosen career I took.
16:00 You know the hospitality business
16:01 is very noble business
16:03 and I worked in some very fine places
16:06 and it's a learning experience about human beings in general
16:09 but the temptations of the alcohol on site
16:13 and I don't know how many wine tasting
16:15 and things like that are to
16:17 and after a while you think I'm a pro,
16:18 I can do this.
16:19 But in reality you're a rookie for your whole life at this.
16:24 You know, there's no learning in alcoholism.
16:27 It comes afterward when God says time for the lesson.
16:31 Have you learned it because I don't have talk
16:33 to you much anymore if you've learned it,
16:35 but I'll be here for you.
16:37 You know, our topic today is the "Last Call"
16:40 and in society or in the world in nightclubs and bars
16:46 and places where alcohol is served 1:30, 2 o'clock a.m.
16:50 the last call, the last round for drinks
16:53 but it is more significant to John
16:55 because the last call was his life
16:59 and the imprints of that and the forth--
17:01 I mean, you woke up and you said you had the tubes
17:04 and you were connected to
17:05 all these wires in the hospital,
17:08 what-- that mindset did you think
17:10 I'm gonna die, this is it for me?
17:13 By that point when I was fully conscious,
17:16 I knew that God was there to help me.
17:19 And He wouldn't go me
17:20 that point to be hooked up ahead,
17:22 you know, fire hose,
17:23 putting blood into me and things like that.
17:26 He wouldn't allow me to that point
17:27 if there wasn't a purpose.
17:29 Right then I started seeing a little bit of a purpose.
17:32 It wasn't I had been listening very hard to come by
17:34 what it actually was but then as time went by
17:37 and I started gradually little better,
17:39 little better, little better than I saw it fully,
17:41 that God wants me on this earth to provide something.
17:45 Has been no relapse? You've been clean since when?
17:49 It'll be, let's see, 19 months me and 15 days.
17:55 That is wonderful. Congratulations.
17:56 Every day is a different day. Every day is a different day.
17:58 New one day at a time. One day at a time.
18:00 That's true. That is quite true.
18:02 A lot of people say, oh, I've got this licked.
18:04 No you don't. That's really powerful.
18:07 Now tell me about your motivation for life now.
18:12 You know, what does this whole ordeal mean to you
18:16 and what are some of the desires that you have?
18:19 Well, my motivation in life right now is number one,
18:22 God has given this opportunity to help people if I can,
18:26 whatever regard it takes to help
18:28 someone along even simplest thing.
18:31 Few weeks back, my wife and I were leaving church
18:33 and this very elderly lady standing outside
18:36 and she did not have a ride.
18:37 She walked all the way there, almost two miles
18:40 and we said, you know, and God put me in that position
18:43 at that time to open a door and see this lady there.
18:46 It's tiny, tiny things like that
18:48 that showed His presence or the larger things.
18:51 Well, actually can save a life by some be
18:54 you know, to paraphrase the baseball pitcher
18:57 and author Jim Bowden.
18:59 "You spend your whole life gripping a beer bottle
19:02 and in the end you turned to find out
19:03 it's the other way all around,"
19:05 you know, the all time you know is the other way.
19:09 The beer bottles gripping--
19:11 When you get to that point then you have a realization
19:16 and then when God gives you the message and says
19:19 it's time to do something then you do it.
19:21 And I've been fulfilled in that regard
19:23 because number one, my health has returned
19:25 a not a hundred percent
19:27 and she still got to be the pill person everyday
19:29 and make sure I'm on that regiment
19:31 but I've been able to get back into my beloved outdoors,
19:36 helping on a refuge down south Detroit to restore
19:39 the Wildlife Refuge down there, at Humbug Marsh.
19:42 I've been able to do my own gardening timely
19:44 and little things you know here and there,
19:47 I look forward to actually tromping through the woods
19:49 someday again on my own unencumbered.
19:53 But those are the things the blessings
19:55 that God is bringing back to me.
19:57 And my mind is cleared up
19:58 so I can actually read a book now.
20:00 I couldn't read a book before. Couldn't read a book.
20:02 Hey, and you're also concerned
20:04 to go back to college is that correct?
20:05 Yes, I've enrolled at Madonna University in Livonia
20:09 and I start my series, basically in addiction studies
20:15 and I hope to be certified in addiction studies
20:17 by the end of the second semester
20:20 and then my adviser looked at me
20:22 and said, John, I got your transcripts
20:24 from your old school
20:25 why don't you finish your bachelor in psych?
20:28 I said, well, as long as I can be like Arthur Nolin.
20:33 That's a lot of hard work there, John.
20:35 No, but I'm working forward to that
20:37 and that is a goal that God has given me.
20:39 Yes. Because He knows I can do it.
20:43 He's given me the strength and every day when I wake up
20:46 He is there help me to crack that computer code
20:49 to get on those sites and get ready to go.
20:53 And that's just now up to my brain to figure out
20:55 if I still have study habits and keep things retaining.
20:59 Well, I was gonna come back to you know,
21:01 what I think about what did you said,
21:03 I think about Hebrews 11:1
21:05 "Faith is the substance of things hoped for,
21:08 the evidence of things not seen."
21:10 You have a faith of a mustard seed,
21:12 God will give you desires of your heart.
21:13 Absolutely.
21:14 And He hears you John, He hears our prayers any
21:18 He wants us to flourish, He wants us to prosper.
21:21 He wants us to be all that we can be in good health
21:25 so that we can serve Him.
21:27 It's about service for God.
21:29 That's why we wake up every day
21:31 what can we do to serve others and God receives all the glory?
21:35 I like that what you said.
21:36 Another thing is one of the things
21:38 that I think about is that especially with the ordeal
21:42 that you are going through.
21:44 That you've hit a rock bottom,
21:47 that you're on your way out of here
21:49 that the Lord gave you an opportunity to make amends
21:54 because what's important is He wanted to use you.
21:57 He probably wants to use you a long time ago
22:00 but you were not ready.
22:02 You we're not at the point in which you could be used
22:06 and now the things that you're doing now is like phenomenal.
22:10 You look different than the first time
22:12 that I've saw you and you came in to see me.
22:15 Oh, yeah. I hope I do.
22:18 As you definitely look different,
22:19 I man, you look motivated and I know that
22:23 the relationship between you and your wife has, has improved
22:27 because you done a lot of positive things
22:29 to make it work.
22:30 And that was one of the things
22:31 that was a really concern for you.
22:33 so, you know, I encouraging you.
22:34 Well, it's almost like God has stopped watching
22:38 and He let me go on for 40 years of drinking
22:41 and finally went your race is over,
22:44 time to get to work.
22:46 Just as simple as that.
22:48 So ever since then every day I get up is a blessed day.
22:51 Yes
22:52 Everyday I look forward to doing something
22:54 whether just in my garden with the flowers
22:57 and thanks to my genius wife for the planting skills
23:01 and we're surrounded by that
23:02 and got a restful place to be to read, to study
23:05 and I've got two good wonderful parishes I attend,
23:10 St. Linus, Nearborn Heights and St. Anne's,
23:12 right down the road from me.
23:13 And again the families here are very, very loving and caring.
23:18 And that is all-- that's get's you off of your starting line
23:23 and helping to the finish.
23:24 I like that, say that again.
23:25 It could get's you from the starting line
23:27 to the finish basically.
23:28 That's beautiful.
23:30 You know Arthur, in today's society,
23:32 not just are teens
23:35 but a lot of adults are struggling
23:37 with substance abuse from adolescent years
23:40 into the adult life.
23:42 Yes, and teens just may get introduced to it.
23:47 Some-- one of the things that I'm concerned about
23:49 when you talked about teens,
23:51 you know, recently we did an article on K2.
23:54 K2 is the synthetic marijuana and the things
23:58 that its really doing in our community
24:02 and how a lot of our young people
24:04 are using this synthetic marijuana
24:07 is causing a lot of psychotic effects on their whole lives.
24:11 Wow.
24:12 You know, so substance abuse to me
24:14 is just really devastating.
24:17 But unfortunately what happens is you may start out
24:21 where you think you have control over it
24:23 or you can stop anytime you feel like you want to stop
24:27 and it just creeps into your lives
24:29 and before you know it becomes such a habit
24:31 that it becomes a life-threatening.
24:35 And you don't recognize yourself.
24:37 No, you know have time to do anything
24:39 about your parents or who you are
24:42 because the most important thing for you
24:44 that day is how do you intend to celebrate
24:48 that day with what drug or what, what alcohol.
24:52 That's the important thing.
24:53 For me it was is in 8 o'clock yet, is the store open yet.
24:56 Yes.
24:57 Eight AM in the morning? Yeah.
24:59 Starting at 8 AM in the morning.
25:00 That's the, that's the starting to for me.
25:02 My way of life. Yeah.
25:03 You know, we human is great, I'm sorry.
25:06 Of course, finding well, few things
25:08 here in our own house.
25:09 You weren't that type of person
25:10 to hang with bottle in the house.
25:13 Cases.
25:14 Cases? Seriously?
25:16 No, a lot. A lot than that cases.
25:18 By the way, it could have gone to that point you know.
25:21 Yeah.
25:22 That's one of the draws is being able to think
25:25 that you're getting away with something.
25:27 I'm sneaky, I'm good at this.
25:29 There was young lady I was in rehab
25:31 with they found her on the floor of her bathroom.
25:34 She is supposed to be wrapping Christmas presents
25:37 and she had a broken bottle tequila in one hand
25:40 and phone the other one laying past out in her bathroom
25:43 after probably went to bed
25:44 and when they checked her clothing
25:46 shared hundreds of dollars in her coats,
25:49 in her shirts, in her pants
25:50 just like she had money when she went to get tequila.
25:53 My, my, my.
25:55 That's why you think, you know, hey I'm--
25:56 That's, that's true.
25:57 You know you get to a point
25:59 where you want to beat the system
26:00 or you know you want to show them
26:02 nobody could stop me.
26:03 Well, that's the order directing of selves,
26:06 you know, I'm better than you, I'm smarter than you,
26:10 you know, you can't stop me.
26:12 That's an addicts creed. Wow.
26:15 Well, listen we have about two minutes,
26:17 John as you look at that camera and I just want you to tell
26:20 somebody to hold on and they can--
26:23 God can save their lives and your closing thoughts.
26:26 All I have to say is that God is here.
26:29 He is here for you, he is here for all of us
26:31 and He is 24/7 He never closes.
26:35 And when you are in deepest depths
26:37 and your darkness hour
26:39 lot of these please, look to Him.
26:43 Be faithful to God He will be more than faithful to you
26:47 and continue your life in a very positive
26:49 and loving manner so the you too can help people.
26:53 That's powerful.
26:54 Well, John, we really appreciate you
26:55 coming on "Making it Work."
26:57 Keep making it work. Yes.
26:59 Well, Arthur, another-- you want to say one last thing?
27:02 You have a wonderful program
27:04 and good luck with it continue this.
27:06 Thank you so much.
27:08 Basically I think we are at a point
27:10 now where we have to recognize that.
27:12 We have to make changes in our lives
27:14 that's gonna be beneficial.
27:16 Sometimes those changes are difficult, decisions
27:19 that we require to have a better life is there.
27:22 You just have to step out and have faith.
27:25 My wife Kim believe we go back and forth
27:28 because she always believed, she always has faith.
27:32 And sometimes when I get a little wary
27:34 she had just come out and said you need to have faith.
27:37 Faith is the substance of things hope for
27:39 and evidence of things not seen.
27:42 John had faith and he still has it.
27:44 So if are wary or have some difficult point in your life
27:48 where you had some trials and tribulations
27:51 don't give up, have faith.
27:54 Well, Arthur, this it was a wonderful opportunity
27:57 to hear more information about substance abuse.
28:00 Listen we want to thank you
28:01 for joining us on "Making it Work."
28:03 I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin. I'm Arthur Nowlin.
28:06 And you need to continue to making it work.
28:08 God bless.


Revised 2015-06-04