Making it Work

Single Parenting

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Arthur Nowlin (Host), Dr Kim Logan-Nowlin (Host), Darryl Dixon, Heather Willis, Ryan Willis


Series Code: MIW

Program Code: MIW000013

00:01 Hi, I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin.
00:03 And I'm Arthur Nowlin.
00:04 Welcome to "Making it Work."
00:38 Our topic today "Single Parenting."
00:41 Arthur, can you imagine being in a situation
00:45 where you have to raise your child all by yourself?
00:49 It would be pretty difficult,
00:50 especially during difficult times
00:52 that we're facing now.
00:53 Well, definitely the economic situation.
00:55 Absolutely. Academics.
00:57 Making sure your children are in school learning effectively.
01:00 And most of my children have such a busy lifestyle,
01:04 they're just as busy as we are as adults.
01:06 But definitely, but also their self-esteemed.
01:08 Yes, absolutely.
01:10 When the situation comes out where is dad?
01:12 Why I am not involved with my Father Day or Mother's Day?
01:17 So that's why it would take the parents--
01:19 both parents to really go a little bit above
01:22 and beyond to stay in contact.
01:24 Well, and that not possible then that mother
01:27 or their single parent has to do both roles.
01:29 Yes.
01:30 Well, today we want to welcome Heather and Ryan Willis.
01:34 Welcome to "Making it Work." How're you doing?
01:37 Good. Excellent.
01:38 Oh, Ryan, tell us how old are you?
01:40 Nine. Nine years old.
01:41 What grade? Fifth.
01:43 Fifth grade. Do you enjoy school?
01:46 It's really good I guess,
01:47 it could be a little bit better.
01:48 How is that?
01:49 How could it be a little better?
01:51 Let's see, a little less homework.
01:54 Oh, but, Ryan, you know,
01:57 the older you get the more homework
01:59 you're gonna have.
02:00 You know, grades get harder and harder.
02:02 Don't scare a young man like that.
02:04 Oh, I'm not scaring, am I, Ryan?
02:05 Because you like, you like hard work don't it.
02:08 You know, you like challenges, don't you?
02:10 I guess you could say that. Okay.
02:13 Well, Heather, you know,
02:14 it looks like you've raised a mighty fine young man he has.
02:17 Yes. Absolutely.
02:18 You know, just tell us your story Heather,
02:20 you know, tell our viewers about Heather Willis.
02:24 Okay, well, I grew up in a ministerial family.
02:28 I am the fourth of five children and I--
02:32 it's a very close knit family,
02:33 very loving and supportive family.
02:36 And they taught us you know,
02:39 you always put God first, you work hard, study hard,
02:43 you know, strive to be successful in God's will.
02:46 And I went through Christian education.
02:50 You know, my entire career,
02:52 went on to Oakwood College, graduated and well--
02:56 Oakwood is in Huntsville, Alabama?
02:58 Yes. Okay.
02:59 And I got my bachelors there
03:01 and then went on to graduate school.
03:04 During my time in graduate school
03:06 I got married.
03:08 And I was married for a very short time for whatever reason.
03:13 Yes. That ended.
03:14 Okay. And that time--
03:16 Was it-- someone there was the Seventh-day Adventists?
03:19 Yes, he was-- he was also a Christian.
03:23 He went to church. Okay.
03:25 I say that lightly. All right.
03:28 But you know, we-- we went our separate ways.
03:32 During that time I went through a period
03:35 where I sort of spiraled out of control because,
03:39 I didn't really know how to function after that--
03:41 I didn't come from a broken family.
03:44 You know, and I felt like I had--
03:46 I done everything the right way.
03:48 Sure. So I sort of just spiraled out.
03:52 But as a result my spiraling out of control
03:55 I got the best gift that God could have given me
03:58 and that's my Ryan here.
03:59 Excellent.
04:00 Wow, that beautiful. Look at the smile on.
04:03 He got that right.
04:04 So going back in fact that you came
04:06 from both of you were the same faith
04:09 but yet not of the same vision.
04:11 Right.
04:12 And ended going your separate ways.
04:14 So Ryan was born,
04:17 what and how did this impact your family?
04:20 It was difficult. It was tough.
04:23 My parents were very supportive,
04:26 they made it clear that they did not condone
04:29 some of my choices but they never let me down.
04:32 I lean very heavily on my family
04:35 and I mean till this day
04:38 they've been a great support for me.
04:40 Even my siblings.
04:41 And your siblings also. Yes.
04:43 Now during the time what about your peers,
04:45 your friends and your social network?
04:47 How did that impact--
04:49 impact their regulation with them?
04:51 My parents always taught us
04:53 that your families are your friends.
04:55 I have select few friends
04:58 that I have known since early on.
05:02 And we are still very close today,
05:04 they are supportive of me, you know, there were times
05:09 when we did sort of drift apart because we have our own lives
05:13 and I was very busy, they're busy.
05:17 And they were married. Yes.
05:19 They were married still and I-- I had to live,
05:23 I had to go on with my life and there were a lot of things
05:25 that they were doing that I could not do
05:27 or I didn't feel I needed to be around you know,
05:32 at certain times because my life
05:35 was in a very different place then there's was.
05:38 So when you had Ryan, you weren't--
05:39 after Ryan you just weren't dating at that time,
05:42 you focused on the issue with you,
05:44 God and your son.
05:45 Yes. And your family at large.
05:48 So what is your chosen profession?
05:50 I'm a professional counselor. So you're professional--
05:52 Are you LPC, license professional counselor?
05:55 I'm-- LLPC.
05:56 Limited License Professional Counselor.
05:58 So here you are being a counselor,
06:00 counseling other parents, counseling, helping children.
06:03 Teens. Teens.
06:04 Worked at teen shelter for many years.
06:06 Oh, really? Okay.
06:08 As I know there's been some serious challenges with that.
06:10 Yes. Okay.
06:11 Yes, but I-- I could speak from life experience, you know.
06:15 Ryan, how was it for you, you know,
06:18 not being raised without a father
06:20 having just mommy in the household?
06:22 How was it for you?
06:25 It was okay, I guess.
06:27 But it was pretty hard--
06:29 well, I didn't even know some other things
06:32 that men do and they don't do.
06:35 Like what for example?
06:38 How they dance I guess.
06:40 Yeah.
06:41 How they dance
06:43 or they what do you mean, how they dance?
06:45 What do you mean?
06:47 Well, kind of personal.
06:50 Oh, it's kind of personal, okay.
06:53 What else, you know, that you think--
06:55 do you think children need both the mother and father?
06:59 They probably do,
07:00 because it's a really heavy load for parents.
07:05 Excellent.
07:07 And children, they need a mother and a father.
07:12 Now do you get many punishments,
07:16 do you get spankings?
07:17 How does mommy deal with something
07:19 when you misbehave or do you ever misbehave?
07:23 I misbehave every once in a while.
07:25 Once in a while.
07:26 I can believe that, Ryan, every blue moon.
07:29 All right, really, you know.
07:31 How does momma handle that?
07:34 That see is spanking, grounding, no computer.
07:39 No computer. TV.
07:42 Oh, no television, that's hard.
07:44 Is that hard? Very hard.
07:47 What do you like doing--
07:49 what are some of your favorite activities?
07:51 Let's see, swimming, basketball,
07:54 soccer, reading, eating.
07:58 Of course.
07:59 Is mommy a good cook? Very.
08:02 That's great. That's great.
08:05 Now he just outlined some of the things that he likes--
08:08 Yes.
08:09 How does that affect your schedule?
08:11 Oh, my. We're busy.
08:13 Yeah, I can imagine.
08:14 We're busy and I invest a lot of time
08:16 into making sure that he gets to do the things
08:20 that would make him more well rounded,
08:23 like I made sure he got to participate in karate
08:26 or he had basketball early on.
08:28 Because I know those are things that I would not naturally do,
08:30 I'm not gonna say, you know,
08:32 hey, let's go to the park and play basketball.
08:34 There were things that I did with him like we would wrestle,
08:37 you know, just like it make sure he was tough,
08:41 even though it's coming on elementary school,
08:42 it's tough and these kids are--
08:45 Pretty cool and rough, all right.
08:49 Especially when they reach to teenage year
08:51 and you deal with that in that population--
08:53 Yes.
08:54 There must be something to way out.
08:56 When you say, you counsel teens,
08:58 are you saying that you counsel male and females?
09:01 Okay.
09:02 So-- Yes.
09:03 You know, how does that impact you as a Christian?
09:07 Well, its-- I don't work in a Christian organization,
09:11 so I have learned to use a lot
09:14 of what we know as Bible promises
09:17 and in sort of I guess change them
09:20 to be more public oriented.
09:24 Because in a public organization
09:25 they don't really want to say, oh, God loves you so much.
09:28 You know, but I can't say,
09:29 you know, there's someone who cares for you.
09:31 You know. Promises all right.
09:33 Yeah, you know and--
09:34 and just making it apply to them in learning
09:37 that they are someone special
09:40 and that God has ordained them for something.
09:42 Specifically for them, you know,
09:45 its-- it's interesting I get pretty creative.
09:47 You know, it's really 'cause we own
09:48 our Christian counseling clinic in Detroit
09:51 and we're able to use terms such as you know,
09:54 God-- that Lord loves you and prayer.
09:57 So I can imagine the times you want that
10:00 to be able to come out but you have to guard yourself
10:03 because you work for a public organization.
10:05 What has it done for you over the years
10:09 as individuals approached you
10:12 and wanted to begin a relationship
10:14 but did you have to put yourself on the back burner
10:17 because it was about Ryan?
10:18 I was very careful about who I brought into my life.
10:22 Because I work with children,
10:24 because I have sort of segued into psychiatric screening,
10:28 I've seen what happens
10:30 when the wrong people get involved with your children.
10:33 And because of that,
10:37 I have limited my interactions with certain people.
10:40 And I've also gotten to the point
10:41 where if I do allow someone into my life I--
10:44 I place a time limit on it
10:46 'cause I'm a grown women and after-- if you're a grownup
10:49 then you should be able to read people,
10:51 that's what I think.
10:52 You know, what I'm saying?
10:53 So it shouldn't take too long for you to figure out
10:55 or someone to figure out whether or not this person
10:57 is going to be a benefit to you or detriment.
11:01 You know, and if-- if you don't trust them--
11:04 Yes. Why waste your time?
11:06 Well, that's an such a powerful point
11:10 because I would assume that in the population
11:14 that you work with a lot of the young people
11:17 don't have that ability to really I guess--
11:22 see in the future with some of the relationships
11:24 that they deal with and that's why they get in trouble.
11:27 So how do you counsel them? What do you say to them?
11:30 Well, I try not to tell them what to do
11:32 because I found that when trying to tell people
11:34 what to do, it might work for you
11:36 but it doesn't work for them.
11:37 So it's important to help them learn
11:40 to build their own skills
11:41 in their own sense of discernment,
11:43 you know, and-- and just teach them
11:45 what are the qualities that you're looking for in a friend.
11:48 What makes a good friend?
11:49 You know, what people like about you, okay,
11:52 when you are interacting with people at school.
11:56 Or if they're involved in church and all.
11:58 You know, who are you drawn to and why?
12:00 So there is a risk involved, a risk involved.
12:03 Various things that, you know,
12:05 we are quite aware of this
12:06 that you are in a relationship now.
12:08 You know, so in that relationship,
12:12 how did it come about?
12:14 I mean, was it a risk involve in dealing with that person
12:17 you gave time frames and-- and how that move forward?
12:22 There's always a risk involved.
12:25 When I met this young man,
12:27 I did not meet him under the pretense
12:30 that we were moving into a relationship,
12:32 we were friends first, he was my guitar instructor
12:36 and the very first day I met him,
12:39 he actually carried Ryan to the car for me
12:41 because it was after church service
12:43 and he was showing me something on my guitar
12:45 but in the meantime Ryan fell asleep.
12:48 And so I said, oh, man can you--
12:51 I have to run this to the car to make two trips,
12:53 so I had to take the guitar to the car,
12:54 he said, no, no, no don't worry about it, I'll carry him.
12:57 I said oh, it's nice.
12:58 You know, I know it in the bottom.
12:59 He just took the initiative. Yes.
13:01 So that the flag right there. That was great.
13:04 You know, well, Ryan,
13:07 mommy is getting really to get married.
13:10 Yes, ma'am. Are you excited?
13:11 Very excited.
13:12 Tell us why?
13:14 Because, there hasn't been a man
13:17 in the house in a long time.
13:19 Wow. All right.
13:20 Okay, now you said there hasn't a man involved,
13:22 you know, so that must mean a lot to you.
13:26 Yes, sir. You know, well, okay, you know.
13:28 So what is some of the things that you have planned
13:31 with when you see this guy that comes to visit your mom?
13:39 Well, I just wrestle with him
13:41 seeing how great his reflexes are.
13:43 Okay, size and level, okay.
13:45 When you first met him though and you know,
13:48 you realize he was more than mommy's guitar teacher,
13:51 Wow, I think he likes my mom,
13:54 were you nervous or were you like protective of mommy?
13:58 I always protecting her.
14:00 Okay, did you ask him a lot of questions?
14:04 Not really. Not really.
14:06 But did you like him first of, you liked him?
14:08 He is pretty cool. He is pretty cool.
14:10 That's important.
14:11 And he still is. And he still is.
14:13 That's great. Well, that is a wonderful.
14:16 Let me ask you, Ryan,
14:18 what is the most important turning point of your life?
14:21 What's the most important thing in your life?
14:26 Well, when I'm met D-dad.
14:30 When you met D-dad, who is D-dad?
14:33 Darryl Dixon.
14:35 Oh, the name.
14:38 That's cute, D-dad that's nice.
14:41 That's great.
14:43 You know, so it sounds like you know,
14:44 things are really at a good point.
14:48 And what stands out even more so is how observant
14:53 and how willing Ryan is as far as to interact with Darryl.
14:59 Oh, that really.
15:00 So that's really a positive-- positive point.
15:03 You know, Heather, I hear Ryan saying,
15:05 yes, ma'am, yes, sir, and he's so articulate.
15:10 Thank you.
15:11 In today's society you know,
15:13 we have many children who speak well,
15:15 communicate well.
15:16 What did you do,
15:18 how did you get into that point to even give him
15:21 I know repetition, you know, but he is like so mannerable?
15:28 That's good thing. That's a good thing.
15:30 How did you get-- what did you do?
15:31 What did you do?
15:32 Tell our viewers, what was your secret?
15:33 What is your formula? We pray a lot.
15:35 You pray a lot.
15:36 No, seriously I feel that if someone knows
15:39 what's expected of them they will do well.
15:42 And so early on you know,
15:45 we-- we talk a lot and I let him know,
15:47 you know, how he's doing
15:49 according to what the standards are
15:51 that we live our lives by.
15:54 And I'm-- we just let him know what's expected of him.
15:57 And I remind him,
15:59 like if I call him and say you know, Ryan,
16:01 I don't hear anything.
16:03 Ryan, huh. What?
16:05 What is that I don't understand,
16:07 huh, what are you saying?
16:08 Ma'am. Yes, ma'am, I'm coming, mum.
16:10 Yeah.
16:11 And that's the way you addressed your parents.
16:13 Yes. And you still do.
16:15 Yes. Train up a child.
16:16 Train up a child in the way he should going he is old,
16:18 he shall not depart.
16:20 Well, listen viewers we have a surprise for you.
16:23 You're going to get a chance to meet Mr. Darryl Dixon.
16:25 D-dad.
16:26 D-dad, D-dad, I like the way that's sound.
16:29 That is so cool did you, did you-- you gave him a name?
16:32 We thought about it. So they were going together.
16:35 Okay, D-dad.
16:36 You want to get some t-shirts sort of thing.
16:37 You know, some t-shirts and some hats.
16:39 First we called him Dr. Pepper.
16:41 Yeah, and now D-dad. D-dad fits though.
16:45 D-dad, I like D-dad. That's a good name.
16:48 Well, stay tuned and we'll be right back.
17:11 Want to welcome you back to "Making it Work."
17:14 I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin. And I'm Arthur Nowlin.
17:16 And join us is Heather Willis and Darryl Dixon.
17:20 Welcome, Darryl. Thank you, nice to be here.
17:22 Well, listen wedding bells are around the corner.
17:26 We're excited for you.
17:28 Now I want to know how did this relationship come together
17:31 because after all that Heather told us on part one,
17:35 meeting you, coming together
17:37 and how God has blessed her life
17:40 and having you now to be her future husband.
17:43 Tells us about this meeting.
17:45 Well, I met Heather at a church service,
17:50 they was-- there was this church Oakland County.
17:54 And they were have the service at the Embassy Suites.
17:58 And Heather was singing on the praise team,
18:01 the first time she sang,
18:04 I was out of town that weekend
18:05 and then I think the following weekend I came--
18:09 Was a few weeks?
18:10 A fee weeks, that's when I met her.
18:12 And she walked up to me and asked me
18:14 if I could teach her to play guitar.
18:15 Okay. And I said, I'm sure, I will.
18:19 And didn't really take too much notice
18:23 on how cute she was but in the back of my mind,
18:26 you know, that it crossed my mind.
18:28 But, you know, so that's how-- that's how we met.
18:32 All right.
18:33 Now how many guitar lessons did you have, Heather,
18:36 before this relation went into this romance?
18:40 Well, it didn't go into a romance
18:43 it went to friendship
18:44 but I probably only had like three.
18:46 Okay, you had three lessons, all right.
18:48 You did that three lessons, okay.
18:51 And you said, something is important,
18:53 it went into a friendship.
18:54 Okay.
18:56 So how long have you all known each other
18:59 and how long before you propose and where did you propose?
19:04 Well, I've known her, therefore at least two years?
19:08 Three-- three years.
19:10 You know, what is out with guys who keeping up with these days?
19:13 You know, there is something with all men.
19:14 Hey, we got a lot going though. You got a lot going on.
19:17 Okay, all right, I'm gonna let you go.
19:18 Until the day he was really--
19:21 Well, you know, it just, you know,
19:22 I meet a lot of men who can't remember dates,
19:24 so go back to that, Darryl, all right?
19:26 I remember every date. What day did we get married?
19:29 I forgot that one.
19:31 March six, all right. Okay.
19:33 All right, you have some, so go on.
19:37 Yes, so I proposed to her.
19:39 I took her to this Italian restaurant
19:41 that I used to go to when I wasn't dating at all,
19:45 well, I just like the food there
19:46 and I decided to take her there
19:50 and that's where I proposed to her.
19:51 Excellent.
19:53 And now I-- we-- we became close as friends.
19:59 And I-- you know, when you get older,
20:04 you kind of know faster, you know,
20:06 what you're looking for and what's good for you.
20:09 And I'm so-- you know, it was that time.
20:13 That was great.
20:14 But you know, Heather,
20:15 he wasn't of your same faith of your same denomination.
20:19 Was that a concern for you?
20:21 It was. Okay.
20:22 It was and anybody who knows me knows
20:26 that I'm very particular.
20:29 I'm very particular and we discussed it.
20:33 But Darryl since I've known him,
20:36 you know, I met him in the church,
20:38 you known, for some people that might not mean anything
20:40 but he has shown himself to be someone
20:43 who loves God and who is committed to doing
20:45 what God wants him to do.
20:47 And as he spent time with me, I would invite him come,
20:51 well, actually my brother is the one
20:53 that started it a few months after we met.
20:56 He says, oh, you got a friend who plays a guitar.
20:58 Have him come on over here
21:00 you guys do special music at Barn's church.
21:02 So that's how we actually started singing
21:06 and ministering together.
21:08 But as he would come around he would ask questions,
21:12 you know, why-- what is this?
21:14 Why do you guys do that or whatever?
21:16 And he eventually started accepting more biblical--
21:22 biblically based truths.
21:24 Wow. That's excellent.
21:25 And recently you are baptized? Yes, ma'am.
21:27 Into the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
21:28 Yes. Congratulations.
21:30 The most important thing I guess
21:32 is brother's friendship was developing.
21:35 You-- it's easy to sense
21:38 that he has a real calm spirit about himself.
21:41 And that must've been really refreshing for you,
21:44 you know, to see that--
21:45 That he is very layback?
21:46 Yeah, He is layback? It's something.
21:48 Yeah.
21:50 Because I'm high energy.
21:52 You are. Exactly.
21:53 I mean, if you are high energy and he is a little layback
21:57 that's to have balanced in there.
21:58 That balance, you know.
22:00 Now, Darryl, you have two daughters.
22:02 Yes.
22:03 And with Ryan you have a blended family.
22:06 How do you get along with the--
22:07 his daughters and how do you get along with Ryan?
22:09 Because Ryan loves to wrestle, you are D-dad, all right?
22:12 Yeah, I'm-- Ryan is awesome,
22:15 awesome kid and a great guy.
22:18 And I can-- I see potential greatness in him
22:25 and now he come from a-- from a strong family.
22:29 Yes. And the thing that I--
22:31 That I really love about Ryan is--
22:33 is his conviction and his passion
22:36 for God at a young age and--
22:42 you know, as coming into his life
22:45 that's something that I want--
22:47 I feel like it's my responsibility
22:49 to make sure that he loves God with everything that he has.
22:53 And you know-- That's excellent.
22:55 Do you all pray together? Yes.
22:57 So what about the relationship
22:59 that your daughters have with Ryan?
23:01 How's that? Oh, they love each other.
23:03 They get along really well. Really?
23:04 It's really well? Yes.
23:06 That's great. That's great.
23:07 So everything seems to be falling into place.
23:09 At a place. Well, we're so happy for you.
23:12 I want to hear your ministry,
23:15 would you sing and play something for us?
23:17 Sure.
23:20 Is this song something you wrote?
23:22 I did not write this.
23:23 This is a song by a praise and worship leader Tommy Walker
23:27 and it's just one of my favorite songs.
23:31 Because there are times
23:32 when I didn't feel like I was alone and I mean,
23:36 I was never a drug addict, I was never,
23:38 you know, walking the streets or anything like that,
23:41 but it was always good to know that God was with me.
23:44 Excellent. Beautiful, beautiful.
23:53 I have a Maker
24:03 He formed my heart
24:12 Before even time began
24:20 My life was in His hands
24:31 And He knows my name
24:40 He knows my every thought
24:50 And He sees each tear that falls
24:58 And He hears me when I call
25:06 Jesus hears me when I call
25:17 He hears me when I call
25:27 Oh, that was beautiful, absolute beautiful.
25:30 This is amazing, you know, that's great.
25:33 Bringing these two ministries together.
25:35 And I know God has a tremendous blessing.
25:39 Children, do you want more children?
25:42 It's a negotiation.
25:45 Well, you know, it's been a joy.
25:48 Single parenting brings a lot of challenges.
25:52 Yes.
25:53 But if you just holdout and wait, and don't settle.
25:56 Wait for what God has for you
25:59 and God will bring you a beautiful ending,
26:02 not to the story but a new beginning.
26:05 Darryl and Arthur, would you take us out?
26:08 Well, you know, before we do that,
26:10 I just want to say that it's been a pleasure.
26:12 Definitely a pleasure.
26:13 And I think that if the Lord has a special blessing
26:17 in store for you and your family.
26:19 Yes, and we're glad to be a part of the village.
26:21 Yes. Amen.
26:22 And but we want you to come back after the honeymoon, amen.
26:25 Would you do that? For sure.
26:26 We will. Thank you.
26:27 Well, Darryl and Arthur, would you--
26:29 take us out, can I say-- can I say-- no, okay, okay,
26:33 I leave that to Heather, all right.
26:34 Well, what you all gonna do?
26:36 Take us out.
26:37 Well, I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin.
26:39 And I'm Arthur Nowlin.
26:40 Thank you, for being with us on "Making it Work."
26:43 All right, guys take us out.
26:44 Let's try Swing Low.
26:45 Swing Low, all right.


Revised 2015-06-04