Making it Work

Children Of Incarcerated Parents

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin (Host), Arthur Nowlin (Host), Leslie Hightower, Maya Hightower


Series Code: MIW

Program Code: MIW000006

00:01 Hi, I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin. And I'm Arthur Nowlin.
00:04 Welcome to "Making It Work."
00:38 Our topic today "Children Of Incarcerated Parents."
00:42 A very serious topic,
00:44 a topic that's hitting home more and more everyday.
00:47 Arthur, I want to share some statistics with you.
00:50 Okay.
00:52 In the United States in 1999 about two percent
00:55 of our minors more than 1.5 million children
01:00 had a parent in state of federal prison.
01:04 Ten percent of all minor children
01:07 7.3 million children have a parent in prison,
01:12 jail or on probation or on parole.
01:15 Amen.
01:16 The source the National Centre for Children
01:19 and Families in Washington, DC,
01:22 October 31st, 2002.
01:25 Give me some feedback on that.
01:27 It's amazing and at this point,
01:30 I could see that is-- would even get greater.
01:33 We're dealing in some real difficult economic times
01:36 and people are willing to take risk.
01:39 Risk their freedom and the next thing you know
01:43 we're talking about incarceration.
01:45 Well, this is also as you said has impacted
01:47 financial stability,
01:49 relationship with their children.
01:50 Absolutely.
01:51 The children social skills
01:52 and keeping their children balanced.
01:55 Well, today on our program we have two special guests,
01:59 Leslie and Maya Hightower.
02:01 Welcome to "Making It Work." Thank you.
02:03 Hi. How you doing?
02:04 Fine. Good.
02:06 Well, we know over last few years
02:08 she's been experiencing some difficulty.
02:11 Why don't you tell us your story?
02:13 Well, my husband went to federal prison
02:18 because of selling drugs and he just put a strain on me
02:23 because I had to do everything about myself.
02:26 But luckily I have family,
02:28 friends to help me financially and spiritually.
02:32 And it was kind of difficult
02:34 at first dealing with my daughter
02:36 'cause she was really going through some hard times.
02:39 And I felt you know maybe she needed
02:41 to talk to a counsellor so I did that
02:44 and it helped her
02:45 and than we got along and you know lot better.
02:47 Okay, how long did she see a therapist?
02:50 It was less than a year.
02:52 Just a little while to get her acclimated to,
02:55 you know, the situation.
02:57 How old was she then? Nine.
03:00 She was nine-years-old.
03:02 Maya, how did you feel, I mean going to a therapist
03:05 to talk about some of the things
03:06 that you were experiencing?
03:08 Well, I felt sort of, you know, scared or, you know,
03:15 just little weird or awkward and but it helped, it did.
03:22 Okay.
03:23 Can you tell me like, what was some of the things
03:27 that you were dealing with some of the problems
03:30 that you were encountering?
03:38 Basically just little hurt and yeah--
03:43 Yeah, yeah.
03:45 Well, I can understand that being hurt, you know,
03:47 how did you feel and when you were told
03:51 that your father was going to be arrested?
03:56 Well, I wasn't really told, I was basically, you know,
03:59 there so it was deep.
04:02 It was deep.
04:03 So you were there when they arrested your father?
04:05 Yes.
04:06 That's a lot for a little girl to experience.
04:10 Let me ask you, how often do you talk to your father?
04:13 I usually talk to him every Sabbath
04:16 or if I don't talk to him then probably twice a month.
04:21 Twice a month, was that ever a period
04:23 when you did not talk to your father?
04:27 What do you mean didn't talk to him?
04:28 When he was arrested, was it ever a period
04:30 that you never talk to him or even after he got arrested
04:34 and he was sentenced, you continued
04:36 the communication with your father?
04:39 That's beautiful.
04:40 Leslie, you said one thing about transition.
04:43 I mean, and I'm using the word transition,
04:46 I mean at one point you were living a lifestyle
04:50 that was comfortable for you and then all of a sudden
04:55 that lifestyle was interrupted.
04:57 How did that impact you?
05:01 It was hard but, you know, I always knew that
05:04 material things were not really that important
05:07 when you're dealing with family.
05:09 Family is more important so-- as long as I had,
05:12 you know, my daughter and make sure she was okay,
05:15 I was fine.
05:16 That brings up another question.
05:19 If you felt that the material things
05:22 were not that important to you and then your husband felt
05:25 that it was very important to you
05:27 what kind of conflict was it having within the household?
05:31 It was-- it was a conflict because I would say,
05:34 you know, its not is more important
05:36 than you being home with the family.
05:39 So he felt opposite so things happened.
05:43 Absolutely, well.
05:45 Okay, Leslie, what as a mother did you do
05:50 to try to give support?
05:52 'Cause you saw the anger, you saw her disappointed
05:55 and I'm sure she was going through some changes.
05:58 What type of structure did you have to do
06:01 when you talk about transition,
06:03 what did you do to help pull her back,
06:05 pull her back to you?
06:07 Spend time with her and you know make sure
06:11 she was surrounded by positive things.
06:13 Okay, all right.
06:14 I know church is a great influence
06:16 and your relationship and I always was said in Maya,
06:20 you know it was so good to see a smile on her face.
06:23 Even when all this happening,
06:24 I would always see here smile even your continents.
06:27 What was-- what was the formula for that?
06:29 The Lord.
06:30 Okay.
06:31 The Lord has really helped me through a lot of stuff
06:34 so give then honor and glory to Him.
06:37 That's a good point because you both, you know,
06:40 you and your husband were raised in the church
06:43 and then all of a sudden something happened
06:46 and split came.
06:49 Did you have any idea or did you sense anything
06:53 that was causing this diversity between the both of you?
06:58 I know the devil is busy in, you know,
07:01 he really cares about the family
07:03 so he started to do things to try to keep I guess
07:07 the lifestyle that he wanted.
07:09 So that's what happened.
07:12 So bringing it back to the relation
07:14 with you and your husband and the marriage,
07:17 you were in a marriage.
07:19 How long have you been married?
07:21 I can't remember the exact year now
07:24 but it was got married in 92.
07:26 92, so being in a situation where you have a relationship
07:34 and then it begins to deviate you know,
07:36 how you dealt with your own self as a women
07:38 being married, your husband is incarcerated
07:42 and I know at times you are lonely,
07:44 you need that relationship, how have you cope with that?
07:48 Stay busy and you know focus on the Lord
07:51 and I'm in school so that helps
07:54 to take up the extra time that I have on my hands.
07:57 Now you are in school, what are you studying?
07:58 Surgical technology.
08:00 Okay. Why that field?
08:03 It's-- to give me a good presence of a stability
08:09 and financial stability.
08:11 And that's what you need for your daughter,
08:13 you and your daughter.
08:14 Maya, I'm thinking you know,
08:18 dad is not in home, you can't touch him,
08:21 you can't go to the store with him
08:23 or he can't wrestle with you now that.
08:28 Is that hard for you deal within times.
08:31 At times it is hard but then you just got to think--
08:34 keep thinking positive and think that
08:38 he will be home soon and keep praying about him.
08:41 Okay.
08:42 And when is his date of release?
08:45 March or six months after that.
08:47 Of 2012. 2012.
08:49 Okay.
08:50 You know Maya, did your grade slip,
08:53 did your grades fall?
08:57 I'm not sure. Did my grades fall?
08:59 During this time?
09:00 Not-- not really.
09:01 So grade stayed well.
09:03 Did you and mom, did mom have to, you know,
09:06 Maya, don't do this.
09:07 Maya, stop this.
09:08 Maya, did you try to use this as a excuse to be,
09:12 you know, disobedient?
09:13 It might have been pretty well for me
09:15 at the beginning but calm down.
09:18 You came to your senses?
09:20 All right, that's a good thing to come to your sense, right.
09:22 All right.
09:24 Can you give me some idea of probably would have--
09:26 would be one of the career fear fields
09:29 that you've chosen for yourselves.
09:30 Something that you thought about
09:31 being when you graduated from college or high school.
09:36 I thought about being a nurse or a sports medicine doctor.
09:41 Okay. Okay, I guess you can make it.
09:44 All right, that's great.
09:45 Now have you been to the facility
09:49 where your father is to see him in person?
09:51 Yes. Tell us about that.
09:54 Well, it's different. It's different.
09:59 And you just basically check in you got to take off
10:04 a lot to you know, and you just walk back into the--
10:09 they take you in going through the thing and--
10:12 The security.
10:14 The security after you pass that thing
10:16 you are walking outside sort of and you see the tall bars there
10:22 and then you walk into the-- it's a room.
10:24 And it's a pretty big size room and there is lots of chairs
10:30 and there's little outside opening
10:33 where you can like go outside and sit.
10:35 All right.
10:36 Also one thing, you have the opportunity to hug him
10:40 and touch him and it's not a glass or partition
10:43 that's separating you.
10:45 You know, you get a chance to get that good hug
10:47 and before you leave and stuff like that.
10:49 Yeah. That's excellent.
10:51 What do you all talk about?
10:52 Can you share that with us, what do you talk about?
10:54 We talk about school and life at home.
11:01 And we talk about when he comes back.
11:04 Well, some of the things that he wants to do for you,
11:07 when he comes back.
11:09 Oh, no, the basics anytime and the ropes
11:14 what he asked to do before he came out, stabilize again.
11:20 Has he apologized to you?
11:23 Did he said, he was sorry or anything?
11:25 Okay, how did that make you feel?
11:29 It makes me feel,
11:31 it helps like, it helps comfort.
11:33 Very good, very good.
11:34 You know, Maya, everything in life and Leslie,
11:36 and I've learned that in with Arthur,
11:38 in our own family even with God we have choices.
11:42 It comes down to the right choices
11:44 or the wrong choices.
11:46 And you have to look at your lives today
11:48 as what you have to do to make right choices.
11:51 What would you say to a mother or parent going through this
11:55 because we also have women who are incarcerated?
11:58 What would you say to someone this has been four years,
12:01 you were nine old now you are 13, Maya?
12:04 Yes. It's been four years.
12:06 What would you say to those our viewers today?
12:08 What would you say?
12:11 To always have faith and to trust in the Lord
12:17 and don't get angry and just realize
12:20 that everyone is just a step away
12:23 from doing something that they might regret.
12:27 So just stay focus on the Lord.
12:29 Focus on the Lord. Maya?
12:31 I say hanging there 'cause it can rough
12:35 but just praying while they are in,
12:37 God will work things out.
12:39 Maya, were your peers supportive to you
12:41 when they found out that your father was incarcerated
12:43 or did you talk about it within your peers.
12:46 Yes, I talk to it with a few friends
12:49 and some of my friends are in a same situation.
12:52 So yeah, they're supportive and the school
12:55 that I go to Pearson One Academy.
13:00 Someone there my friends father was incarcerated too.
13:05 Is that right? So he talked to me to--
13:08 And he's released now? Excellent.
13:09 And he's talked to you. That's wonderful.
13:12 Leslie, were you angry?
13:17 Oh, yes, a little bit. Yeah, I was angry.
13:19 How did you get over with that?
13:23 Just knowing that I'm not perfect in everybody,
13:26 you know, makes mistakes and just keep--
13:30 keep having the faith.
13:31 That sounds too easy. It's been lot--
13:33 Come on, you-- you want to hit a punching bag.
13:36 Did you want to hit somebody?
13:37 I mean, your whole life has changed now
13:41 and we had opportunity to visit your home.
13:44 And but-- one thing I can say about you,
13:46 you would always say Kim, they're just things.
13:50 You will never attach to those things
13:51 and I think that is so important
13:53 'cause you have people who are so attached
13:56 to their homes and cars and lifestyle.
13:58 Yeah. I mean I understand that.
13:59 You know, you're right they are people
14:01 who are attached to things.
14:04 But Leslie, was never attached.
14:06 She never gave us that impression.
14:07 But come on, Les, come on, did you want--
14:09 I mean, I was-- I was angry but I just--
14:13 I just you know.
14:15 Maybe I was too soft. Did you cry?
14:17 Did you cry?
14:19 Did you find moments of you just--
14:21 I was you know I was more sad for my girls
14:24 and him than really me myself.
14:27 How did you get to that point though?
14:28 I mean where you were more sad for the girls
14:31 and you know and for him.
14:33 You know but how did you get to that point?
14:35 I mean what was going?
14:37 I understand that you said earlier
14:38 it was faith that kept you going through.
14:41 How did you get to the point where you just
14:44 relinquish those feelings?
14:46 I mean, 'cause like Kim, was saying you see like,
14:49 you wanted to give him
14:50 a knuckle sandwich or something.
14:52 He said, he was sorry and you know I just
14:55 couldn't condemn him because you know
14:57 I had to you know stand before the Lord too.
15:00 That's right. Very good.
15:01 I just couldn't you know.
15:03 And it's crucial we as families today
15:06 and how we help to make it work?
15:08 We have to have a forgiving heart.
15:09 We have to recognize that we too are sinners saved by grace
15:15 and that we must have forgiveness
15:18 because we make mistakes.
15:20 I like the one thing about Maya,
15:22 and again this Maya but her attitude.
15:25 Attitude is everything.
15:26 You know, how you approached
15:28 it when you went to see your father.
15:29 You walked in there and you will be angry, right.
15:32 But you didn't, you came in.
15:34 Well, I know you had to be alone nervous,
15:35 were you nervous?
15:37 I was a little nervous but--
15:38 The first time, how many times have you been to see him?
15:42 Probably three.
15:44 Three times, all right.
15:46 You know so you get your support
15:47 from your grandparents?
15:50 Your mom's parents
15:52 and recently you lost your grandfather.
15:54 Again our deepest condolences of losing,
15:57 you know, your father.
15:59 A rock in the church, a pillar in a church
16:01 but Brother Chester will have but at the same time
16:05 being able to look at how are you gonna
16:07 keep your family together.
16:08 You know because you moved from your home
16:10 back in with your parents.
16:12 All right, tell us about that.
16:16 That wasn't difficult but it was--
16:20 I was glad that I actually moved back
16:23 because and them I could spend some more time
16:24 with my father before he passed.
16:26 So you know things work out for a reason.
16:29 Yes, it does and you were there with your father.
16:32 Yeah, it was difficult, I can imagine
16:34 because once again we're talking about
16:36 that transition, you know,
16:38 and now you're looking at moving your life
16:42 to a different plank.
16:45 So I have to ask this question,
16:48 is there any possibility of reconciling?
16:55 No. Okay.
16:56 Okay.
16:58 I mean that was my initial,
17:01 I guess hope but well no.
17:07 Okay, and has he talked to you or you know.
17:10 Oh, we-- we talk. Okay.
17:12 Have you gone to see him, Leslie?
17:14 No.
17:15 Would that be hard for you to do?
17:18 No, it wouldn't be hard.
17:19 Okay, but this is not about you right now,
17:22 it's about your daughter and her relationship.
17:25 I wanted to share something else with you
17:27 and I think it'll be very important for you
17:29 to know this too, Maya.
17:32 "Since 1997, the frequency of contact between
17:36 children and their parents in federal prison has dropped,
17:40 has dropped.
17:42 Monthly contact has decreased by 23 percent."
17:45 So I'm so happy to hear
17:47 that you have gone to see your father
17:50 and that is by the Research and Advocacy
17:52 for Reform, February 2009.
17:56 Statistically it has dropped.
17:58 Children are no longer in contact with their parents.
18:01 They have cut them off.
18:02 Excuse me for interrupting.
18:03 Another aspect has to be involved with that.
18:06 Here what you are saying, we got our statistics
18:08 but as I work with this population
18:12 I also recognize that a lot of the fathers
18:17 that maybe in a particular area
18:20 where their children or families
18:22 were are sent to long distance,
18:26 long distances away from the family.
18:28 We're talking about people that may go to Virginia
18:32 or Kansas City for London or so different areas
18:36 which can be taxing on the family
18:38 and difficult for them to make that contact.
18:40 So that's one of the reasons that I can see that drop.
18:43 Right.
18:44 Well, we have to take in all the considerations.
18:47 I want to also say having incarcerated parents
18:50 also results in school behavior.
18:52 But Maya, you said that your performances
18:54 have been good as well as
18:56 social contacts didn't much in shame.
19:00 Is there any shame or guilt that you're feeling?
19:05 Probably I feel-- probably say at the beginning.
19:08 At the beginning.
19:10 Okay.
19:11 That's really good to because also
19:13 in some of the research that I have to looked
19:16 at it indicated that a lot of the children
19:20 in their opportunity to show displeasure
19:27 and what occur what they would do
19:29 is not perform in school.
19:33 They will rebel and that's a concern
19:37 because sometimes what happens is the children
19:40 will follow a path of a rebellion
19:43 and that will cost up to look at things
19:46 in a real negative way.
19:48 But what's really important is that you some behavior
19:52 and you addressed that behavior.
19:54 Almost definitely and then with you,
19:56 now you're 10 years and we don't want you
20:00 looking for love in all the wrong places.
20:01 Daughter love their fathers.
20:03 Daughter need their fathers, they need their parents.
20:06 So mom is serving two roles, your father is incarcerated
20:09 but he not he is not deceased and he is not dead in your life
20:13 but as you develop and as you grow,
20:16 I want to encourage you Maya,
20:18 to continue to focus on what God needs you to do
20:21 and not look for anyway to escape
20:23 what is around you
20:25 or try to manipulate your situation
20:27 but address your life in honest and godly manner and,
20:31 and continue to talk to your mom.
20:32 Do you have a good relationship with your mother?
20:36 And I see how close you are.
20:37 Oh, what do you expect
20:38 her momma sitting right next to her.
20:41 But I know what I know for a fact that you have
20:44 a good relationship with your mom
20:46 and you love your mother.
20:47 You know, you love your father?
20:49 Yeah.
20:50 Okay, you tell him that when you talk to him?
20:53 Okay, are you ever loss of words
20:56 what to say to him when you see him
20:58 or talk to him on the phone?
20:59 Sometimes.
21:01 Yes, I think that's a legitimate.
21:02 You know, why do you think
21:03 that is that you are in loss of words?
21:06 Just because you know, it's not personal,
21:09 I'm not always like a phone found person.
21:12 So--
21:13 That's a good point.
21:15 You really impressing me because you seem to be
21:18 handling this whole situation really, really well.
21:22 And I have to really, really encourage you to continue
21:26 to look to a real bright future.
21:28 I like the way you communicate,
21:29 you have a real good positive communication skills
21:33 and I know ever see you see where you are loss for words.
21:38 So it was kind of hard for me to really believe.
21:41 There are certain times, you know,
21:42 I have some to say on a telephone.
21:44 And, Maya, let me ask you,
21:46 what do you and your mom do together?
21:48 What kind of things you all share together?
21:51 We talk and you know we can go places.
21:55 Okay, you both play basketball.
21:57 You know and you both and you play tennis?
22:01 Do you like tennis? Always ready for tennis.
22:03 I love tennis. Every show I talk about tennis.
22:05 I love getting into tennis this summer.
22:07 I haven't seen Kim, play tennis in years.
22:10 He's at the golf course.
22:12 When is the last time you play though?
22:13 But he is at the golf-- on the Wii.
22:15 When is the last time you played tennis?
22:17 On the Wii. I play it on the Wii.
22:18 I play on the Wii all the time.
22:20 All right, why doesn't the Wii count?
22:22 That means 'cause you're not on the court.
22:24 I'm on the court. Isn't that on the court?
22:26 That is serious game on the Wii
22:28 but a lot of things that you share together
22:31 that is crucial to the relationship.
22:33 Maya, I have another question I want to ask you.
22:37 Women and young ladies are going to prison
22:40 and they say due to the fact and this again
22:43 is the Bureau of Justice Statistics in 2005,
22:48 young ladies and women are going to prison
22:52 because they're finding themselves getting in trouble.
22:54 My father is in prison, my mother's in prison.
22:56 So they're repeating the behavior
22:59 because it's something-- they're using this as an excuse
23:03 to not function or to do well.
23:05 What can you say to those individuals?
23:09 That's a good question.
23:11 You know, how to help them as they're on point.
23:13 Look at you, you're not out there you know,
23:17 destroying property mommy is not being
23:19 called to the school every three days.
23:22 You haven't been arrested for any vandalism
23:24 or problems or doing drugs and alcohol.
23:26 You know, why is it or what can you say to them
23:30 just say, you know I heard you say, stay focus,
23:33 stay with God.
23:34 But what's keeping you out of trouble?
23:38 Me.
23:39 Your momma said, you already.
23:40 That's right, you know--
23:42 Is that desire inside of you
23:44 that you want to prove statistics wrong
23:46 that you are not gonna be a statistics
23:48 and become like you know other children
23:51 who end up in prison, because their parents
23:53 were in prison.
23:54 I think also you had to look at it from
23:57 another perspective which is,
24:00 we're talking about economic status,
24:04 we're talking about community status.
24:07 If someone is in that environment
24:11 then we're looking at a strong possibility
24:13 that they may succumb to that type of lifestyle.
24:18 Maya, is not really in that environment.
24:21 We're talking about Maya has a lot of support
24:24 and that's really the key to this entire situation.
24:28 Maya, has a strong support system with her parents,
24:31 her family, her church family,
24:34 her school and she's always doing some, she's is active.
24:38 She is not really missing out on a lot of things.
24:40 Well, then I got to-- I got to stop you there
24:42 because her father was raised in the church.
24:45 Mother and father had successful business.
24:47 He was nothing was deprived him.
24:50 But it was a choice he made.
24:52 You know I so you have to look at the fact
24:54 that these are choices that are made by individuals.
24:56 Yes, but with them we're talking about once again
24:59 and I don't want to, you know,
25:00 really debate with you in regards to that.
25:03 I'm just-- what I'm saying is that Maya support system
25:07 and her-- her that support is offering her
25:13 the tools that's required for her to be successful in life.
25:17 And then we're talking about constant support
25:20 and once again, you had a mother
25:22 who is able to recognize particular behavior
25:25 and do something about it.
25:27 Well, I'm glad for mothers, they say the one that rocks
25:30 the cradle rules the world.
25:33 You know, well, listen I think it's so important
25:36 that you know we're able to look at situations,
25:40 look at different perspectives,
25:42 be able to help our viewers understand
25:43 because again this is a not-- this is not a easy topic,
25:48 it's not easy as especially
25:50 because we know them both so well
25:52 and we have watched this situation
25:54 up close and personal.
25:56 We have prayed for you, we have had the opportunity
25:59 to take your daughter with us on trips.
26:02 As you extended yourself to our daughter Micah,
26:04 many, many times.
26:05 That's my buddy, she got my buddy.
26:07 You got my buddy.
26:08 You know so-- we do things when we go
26:12 and we explore things and I have never at any time
26:16 and I want you to know that try to pin up against the wall
26:20 and say to her, what's going on with her father?
26:23 What's going on at home?
26:24 Because I see her as a individual
26:27 and I respect her as a individual.
26:29 And you are more than this situation,
26:32 do you realize that?
26:33 You are Maya Hightower.
26:35 You are more than what this experience
26:37 but it's what you bring out of this experience.
26:40 That's all of us is what we bring out of this experience.
26:42 It's what she learned from this experience.
26:44 She's learned something that she can pass
26:46 on to other people.
26:48 Oh, definitely.
26:49 Whether she be a nurse or she may even chose
26:52 to move to another area like law enforcement
26:56 or be a lawyer in some particular way,
26:58 prosecuting attorney or defense attorney
27:01 because of your experience
27:02 with the prison system and the legal system.
27:06 That must have been devastated to be in the home
27:09 and somebody come in and take your father
27:12 out of the home in handcuffs.
27:14 It was that difficult for you? Yeah.
27:17 And you never want to have that experience happened to you?
27:19 Now that's a learned lesson.
27:22 Listen, we'll be right back with more information
27:26 on "Children of Incarcerated Parents" in a few minutes.
27:41 Welcome back to "Making It Work."
27:44 Leslie and Maya, we want to thank you
27:46 both for being our guests.
27:47 It's been great, great.
27:48 And all the information you've given,
27:50 we want you to know that there's hope for your family.
27:53 Don't give up even if the relationship
27:56 is un-reconcilable as a decision only you God
28:00 and your spouse can make.
28:01 But remember keep God first
28:04 and remember to help your children.
28:07 Thank you, our viewers.
28:09 I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin.
28:10 And I'm Arthur Nowlin.
28:12 Let's continue to "Make It Work."
28:14 God bless.


Revised 2015-05-21