Making it Work

Impact Of Spirituality In African American Males

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Arthur Nowlin (Host), Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin (Host), Sandrew King


Series Code: MIW

Program Code: MIW000002

00:01 Hi, I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin. And I'm Arthur Nowlin.
00:04 And welcome to "Making It Work."
00:38 Our topic for today is
00:40 the "Impact Of Spirituality In African American Males."
00:44 Arthur, what are some of those things
00:46 that are impacting African-American males today?
00:49 Well, one of the major things that African-American males
00:52 have to address is employment. Yes.
00:55 We're dealing with employment issues
00:57 that are nationally affecting our country.
01:00 Yes. Another thing is our education.
01:05 The education.
01:07 It's really important that our African-American males
01:10 have a proper education.
01:12 Yes, definitely.
01:13 Self-esteem, I think that is important
01:16 because a lot of our young males today
01:18 are not getting the self-esteem and the values
01:21 in their family of origin, in their parenting skills.
01:24 And they're really literally raising themselves.
01:26 Well, today we want to welcome Sandrew King
01:29 to "Making It Work."
01:30 Welcome. Thank you. Thank you.
01:31 How are you doing? I'm good.
01:33 Good. We understand recently you lost a loved one.
01:36 Yes. A cousin.
01:37 Yes. And our sympathy is with you and your family.
01:40 Thank you very much.
01:41 And we really appreciate you've taken time
01:42 to be with us today in this crisis.
01:45 Let's talk about our first question.
01:47 Our first question Sandrew, is who is Sandrew King? Yes.
01:51 Well, to answer that question is,
01:55 I'll simply have to say I'm a man of God.
01:57 A father, a son, a brother and being a man of God
02:03 I've also been called to be a minister to youth.
02:05 So there's many different sides of me
02:09 but they all have to work together to complete who I am.
02:13 Another part to that question is being a father
02:17 and also being a son, which role is more important?
02:20 Oh, by far being a father.
02:23 It's difficult at times when, you know,
02:25 I'm the oldest son and my mother is a widow,
02:28 a widower and there's times where she wants me to do
02:31 something and then there's times when my daughters have--
02:33 I have to do something for my children so, you know,
02:36 getting oil changed for mom today
02:39 or spend daddy-daughter time where mom's oil change
02:42 will have to wait or I've differed that to
02:43 one of my other brothers because these are at times
02:45 where my life-- my children's life
02:47 where our relationship is being fused.
02:49 So they're always my priority. And mom agrees to that, right.
02:54 You know, because sometimes moms could be a little selfish,
02:57 I need this done and you're the only one that can do this.
03:00 Actually, she agrees to it. Not all the time.
03:04 She has her mom as well. All right.
03:06 You know, it's well, she is more understanding
03:10 but you know its mom is where she wants me do to
03:13 what she wants me to do when she wants me to do it.
03:15 Do you agree with the things that we were just discussing,
03:17 the facets of employment, education, self-esteem.
03:21 Some of these things aren't patching
03:23 African-American males today.
03:25 I think those are few but I think there are also some
03:28 that you guys didn't mention.
03:30 The lack of fathers in their home,
03:33 the role that society is playing in what determines
03:37 what a man is, when you are being told
03:40 growing up that you can't cry, this shows a sign of weakness.
03:45 And then you have those moments
03:47 when you're hurting, what you do?
03:49 Well, what we do as African-American men,
03:51 we turn that pain into anger and we lash out.
03:54 So we lash out at our loved ones,
03:56 the females in our lives, at other African-American males
03:59 because we haven't been taught how to deal
04:01 with our emotions and because dad wasn't there.
04:05 So that aggression that you just discussed,
04:09 when did you make a decision to turn
04:12 those feelings around or have you?
04:17 I thought I did and this week with the death of my cousin,
04:22 I realized that those feelings were still there.
04:25 Okay now. And--
04:27 Excuse me for than you are but that's a good point
04:29 because I wanted to really talk about
04:31 this situation with your cousin.
04:34 Can you explain to us what happened.
04:37 And you know if this is something that you choose
04:39 not to talk about let me know.
04:41 Well, it was a senseless death.
04:43 He was intervening to on argument with my
04:47 brother and a young lady and in the process
04:50 of intervening the young lady took his life.
04:53 Okay.
04:55 Its still investigate so I can't speak too much
04:57 to the issue but it was the senselessness
05:00 and him being a husband, a father
05:04 and his daughter's birthday was the day after his death was.
05:08 You know, it's just-- I was angry,
05:10 and I'll be honest with you, I was not angry,
05:12 just not at angry at the person who did it
05:14 but I was angry at God because I looked back like,
05:18 "Okay Lord, I've been through all this.
05:22 I've been through all this and I've done all these things
05:24 for You and here I go again.
05:26 You know, and I hear You say it that You won't put
05:28 more on me than I can bear with.
05:30 Did You ask me before You put this on because I bear?"
05:34 And I got angry.
05:35 And I kind of turned the blind eye and deaf ear
05:38 to God this week.
05:39 I got to be honest with you. Okay.
05:42 Because I noticed a different Sandrew, you know,
05:46 because of our relationship over the years
05:49 and I just saw a glare in your eye and as I was communicating
05:53 with you it appeared that you may have
05:56 certain things but you really didn't internalize
05:59 what I was trying to say to you.
06:01 And I was trying to pull you closer like yesterday,
06:04 when I saw you because I recognize that
06:07 sometimes when we go through grief we really have to
06:10 communicate and share feelings about the whole experience.
06:14 Right, right.
06:15 You know, so but I'm gonna continue to pray for you
06:19 about this situation and I hope that
06:20 you get stronger and most importantly
06:23 I hope that you recognize that God had not turned away
06:29 from you under any circumstances.
06:31 God will never do that.
06:32 He will never leave or forsake us.
06:33 It's amazing that you say that because I don't know
06:36 what the transition was from Thursday to Friday where it was
06:40 angry, anger, anger, anger, anger.
06:43 Then Friday it went from anger to peace
06:46 and Saturday it was from peace to calmness.
06:50 And I think I have an idea what it was but,
06:53 you know, I'm just right now, this is amazing how that
06:56 transition took place because it was bad.
06:59 It was bad but God is still in the blessing business and--
07:03 And you were able to cry? I had a moment.
07:06 You had a moment.
07:08 A moment because I was asked by my brother who was,
07:12 came within the church with me for a while
07:14 but reverted back to, you know,
07:16 he started doing his thing in the streets.
07:18 When he asked me to preach my cousin's funeral, you know,
07:23 it was because he asked me, because this was him
07:27 in our relationship that we had has been kind of tumultuous.
07:29 He asked me to do this for my cousin and for my family.
07:33 It was like, you know, I've preached other funerals,
07:35 I've to do this for my family.
07:37 So right now I am having to be strong for my family,
07:40 but there will come a time where there will be tear shed.
07:44 Sure, definitely.
07:45 Well, you have to purge yourself.
07:46 Amen. Tell me.
07:47 What are the some other goals
07:48 that Sandrew King has set for himself?
07:52 Well, because God has called me to youth ministries,
07:54 there is, I have, God has given me a vision
07:58 of what He wants me to do in youth ministries
08:02 and one day I would like to see an
08:06 extreme youth ministries weekend where we are reaching
08:09 young people in outside of the church and bringing them
08:13 in where they can see how God is moving in their lives
08:17 through people who have been
08:19 outside of the relationship with God.
08:22 And now they've come in and they see the transition.
08:25 So it's, you know, will be just a fun
08:28 but impactful spiritual weekend
08:30 where hundreds of young people come to Christ.
08:32 I heard about something last night that had took place
08:34 in Texas and thousands were baptized.
08:38 And different gospel organizations were there
08:40 and a husband and wife team, youth ministries
08:44 and they are taking it from one city to the next
08:48 and drawing out these young people to come to Christ.
08:53 Let's talk about your educational background.
08:55 Well, part of Detroit Public School system.
09:00 After that I kind of wearied off for a while.
09:03 I went back to school at a late age.
09:07 Did it be that late, Sandrew?
09:09 It was late to me because I should have
09:11 just continued through, went to WC3 Wayne State
09:15 and I did a year at Andrew University, you know,
09:19 and I think that was one of the most,
09:21 that's when I knew what God was truly calling me to do.
09:24 And our goal is to go back and complete
09:27 and get my bachelors in Youth Ministries
09:30 and then my Maters in Divinity so that I can--
09:35 I don't want to be a pastor per se,
09:37 but I want to be able to preach the gospel to young people.
09:40 Young people Yeah.
09:42 Sandrew, I have to go back a moment, you know,
09:44 because there's a question that need to try to understand.
09:49 You have three children. Yes, I do, three little girls.
09:53 Can you explain to me how you have
09:55 three children at such a young age,
09:57 you know, what's going all of that?
09:59 Well, I was in a relationship.
10:01 I was in a relationship and got out of that relationship.
10:05 And it was a long term relationship and I was hurt
10:06 and I was angry and I jumped to another relationship.
10:09 And me and that young lady had--
10:11 when we met she had two little girls
10:13 and I fell in love with them.
10:15 And we had a little girl
10:17 and it was no separation of the three.
10:21 They were all my girls unto this day when some ask me
10:24 how many children do I have, I say I have three,
10:27 one by blood and two by love.
10:29 So I have three children. Oh, isn't that beautiful?
10:31 One by blood and two by love.
10:34 And you know Arthur and I always say, you know,
10:36 when couples and we're going to be
10:37 talking this with step-parenting.
10:40 But, you know, how many steps
10:42 you have to take to be a parent? None.
10:44 How many steps? None.
10:46 When we make that commitment
10:48 to be in this relationship, that child is mine.
10:51 I don't like the labels of stepfather, stepmother.
10:55 I'm your dad, I'm not trying to replace
10:57 but you know the vow, we have to know our roles.
11:00 Tell me the role of--
11:02 because the children are with their mother.
11:04 Yes. Primary.
11:05 What role do you play when you are involved with the children?
11:08 What do you do?
11:09 Well, ironically I'm a PTSA president at their school.
11:15 We have-- Isn't that a women's role?
11:17 Roles are changing right. I saw that look, Sandrew.
11:21 You know like my mother was in that role.
11:24 Okay, okay. Okay.
11:25 Why did you go there?
11:26 I know, I'm just you I just had to throw that out.
11:28 But years ago, women could only hold
11:31 those roles because men worked
11:33 and women were at home raising the children.
11:36 So women were there at the PTA meetings all right,
11:39 Parent and Teacher Association.
11:41 So now the roles have reversed. I just want to make that clear.
11:44 Well, I don't think they could only hold that role.
11:46 I think maybe they were more visible--
11:49 And more available. I do agree with that.
11:51 All right.
11:52 Well, I just want you to know, I get off work at 3:30
11:54 and I go right to PTSA meetings you know--
11:58 That's excellent.
11:59 So its not just, I have a job
12:01 but I also have a greater responsibility
12:03 to be involved my children education.
12:04 So all three of them go to same school?
12:06 They all go to same school. Right.
12:07 So now that's Parent Teacher Student Association now.
12:10 See, when I was a little girl it was
12:11 Parent Teacher's Association, the PTA.
12:14 That was a long time ago. A long.
12:15 No you didn't say a long time ago.
12:17 How long was that?
12:19 Maybe before that long ago, man,
12:21 they just changed that just a few years ago.
12:23 Okay. Okay.
12:24 Okay I'm convinced. I'm convinced.
12:26 You want to convince me then.
12:27 All right well, they have changed
12:28 and added that student association.
12:30 So you are the president.
12:31 Yes, and when it comes there, their formal,
12:35 their mother is the primary, she is at home with them
12:37 doing a homework and I come over at times and I help out.
12:39 But I pop up at school when I get a chance.
12:42 I dedicate every Friday to my children's education.
12:45 So I'm in their school every Friday.
12:47 You know, I stop in their class,
12:49 not to embarrass them but I stop in,
12:50 I check with their works, see what they're doing.
12:52 And they know that any given time that
12:54 daddy get a call and will leave work if have to,
12:56 to come up there and address an education situation.
12:59 How old are they?
13:01 Laila is eight, Aisha is 11, Aleysia is 12.
13:05 Twelve, so we are now looking with
13:06 sixth, seventh and eighth grade.
13:07 We're looking at third, sixth and seventh grade.
13:11 So how does their mom respond to that fact that you come and,
13:17 you know, you render assistance to her?
13:20 I mean, is she open to it? Is she open to that?
13:22 Because we are talking about now a relationship
13:24 where you guys were involved with each other
13:26 and now you're not to a certain extent.
13:28 Right. Well, to be honest with you,
13:30 I have not always been that involved in their education.
13:34 I would take them in school and be up at the school
13:36 but as far as being there for homework,
13:38 I wasn't there all the time.
13:39 So she is-- it is been a-- it was been a battle with us
13:41 where she was like,
13:42 "You need to be more involved in their education."
13:45 And I'm like I thought that I was doing a good enough part.
13:49 But good enough is not always good enough,
13:52 you know, because I can see where I didn't know things
13:55 about them educationally
13:56 that I should have known as their dad.
13:58 So I'm taking a more active role
14:01 and she is receptive of that.
14:02 You know, its times where I'm there
14:05 but there's gonna be times when they come to my house,
14:08 you know, and we have our homework time.
14:10 I'll pick them up after school.
14:11 But we are in a process of working out.
14:12 But she is very receptive to me being involved
14:15 because it's not just a one-- a one horse-- you know,
14:19 its have got to be both of us
14:20 working together to make this work.
14:22 So you talked about your goals of going on to get
14:24 your bachelor's degree, Master's of Divinity
14:27 to be a youth ministry, in youth ministry
14:29 to be able to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.
14:32 Do you hope someday to marry? Yes, I do.
14:36 You know, I do believe that when God looked down
14:38 in the garden and saw that and said
14:40 it was not good to be alone
14:41 and He was looking at 2011 and saw me and said,
14:45 "It is not good that Sandrew should be alone."
14:47 So yeah, I mean, it's a part of being,
14:50 I think, Adam was incomplete until Eve came along.
14:54 It was a missing piece there and every man,
14:59 I believe every man was created to be a husband.
15:02 You know and I believe that it's my it's-- I want to be.
15:05 You know I look at couples like you and other couples
15:08 in the church or in my life and I'm like,
15:09 "That's what I want."
15:10 But I have to first be ready-- Be ready--
15:12 To be a husband. Right.
15:13 You know responsible enough to be with my finances
15:16 and myself to be a husband
15:18 because I've been single for roughly six years.
15:21 So its a transition is going to have take place.
15:24 So just because I want to be a husband doesn't mean
15:26 I'm necessarily ready to be a husband.
15:28 And I want to say that that's a very good point.
15:30 And I want to say this, while he is waiting
15:33 that's where you also our viewers,
15:36 you begin to work on yourself.
15:38 Look at yourself.
15:39 How you need God or yourself as an individual?
15:42 What things I need to empower me so that
15:45 I'll be ready for that transition in relationship.
15:48 And I can appreciate that.
15:50 Okay, Sandrew, now you know
15:52 we were going to a point, as you indicated that
15:54 you feel that you are ready now.
15:56 Is that correct? Yes.
15:58 Okay, give us some insight on your background.
16:02 You know, I mean, you apparently
16:04 was raised in a home with mom and dad at one point?
16:08 Well, mom for a majority of my life.
16:11 It's odd how it happened because from--
16:16 it was always just me and mom.
16:17 And so I was a man at house at a very early age.
16:19 And it was me, my mother and my brother.
16:22 I had a older sister but she was tragically killed
16:25 when I was five years old.
16:27 And so mom became real her tight
16:30 her reign on children got real close.
16:33 So it was like, we were like tight unit.
16:36 Then she met my stepfather in 86.
16:40 Okay. They got married.
16:41 So it was still that transition where I was used
16:43 to being a man at a house.
16:45 And we bumped heads for a long time.
16:47 And he passed in 2000 in a tragic car accident.
16:52 So it was mom there most of the time and then the dad came,
16:58 the step-dad came, and the only man who really--
16:59 you know he was dad.
17:00 You know he was a step-dad, he was dad.
17:03 He raised us and then he left then he died.
17:05 So it was once again back on me.
17:08 So majority of life, I would say single parent
17:10 then multiple parents, both parents.
17:13 Biological never really active in our life
17:15 but we have a relationship now.
17:18 So that's how I was raised, you know, in that structure.
17:22 Was brought up in the church for a while,
17:24 left the church and I was-- and when I say brought up,
17:27 you know, mom forced-- church was not an option.
17:29 You know, you went to church. You went to church.
17:31 Or you didn't do anything else.
17:32 So then I got to a point where I wanted to see
17:34 what the street life was.
17:35 You know, I did some things that my mom didn't know
17:38 that I was doing because once I, you know,
17:41 though she had a reign on us it was like once I got out,
17:44 I lived a different lifestyle.
17:45 I could be, you know, the good kid at home
17:48 but on the streets I was a whole different person.
17:50 Really?
17:51 And people are shocking when I tell that to people
17:53 because they look at me like, yeah I can't imagine that,
17:55 but and a lot of people couldn't.
17:57 So that's what made it easy for me to get away with things.
18:01 Tell us about the transition
18:02 from the street life to the body of Christ.
18:05 Oh, man.
18:06 First it was-- thinks its amazing how things,
18:09 how God does things in my life.
18:10 Everything has been surrounded by a tragic event.
18:14 I was in the street life, you know,
18:15 I went from selling drugs to promoting parties and doing,
18:18 you know, clubbing all the time.
18:20 And me and my friends, we had a little
18:22 production company and we threw a party one night.
18:25 And it was an okay party to start off with
18:30 but something in the atmosphere changed and there was a fight
18:34 that broke out and the fight went from two men fighting
18:36 to a group of men fighting.
18:38 Then some gun play got involved.
18:39 Needless to say that that party I threw,
18:42 two people lost their lives.
18:44 And that night I realized that I was tired of living that life
18:48 and I found myself in church, the next day, like in church.
18:54 And before the pastor gave the appeal
18:56 I was in the middle of the isle waiting for him to--
18:58 it was-- I was just tired.
19:00 I thought that things I was doing was making me happy.
19:03 But I was not seeking happiness anymore because
19:05 happiness only comes when something happens.
19:07 So I was trying to-- I was thinking
19:09 I wanted to be happy but I really wanted peace and joy.
19:12 So when I walked into the church that day, it was--
19:15 the pastor was preaching and it was a sermon
19:18 directly towards me and before I knew
19:21 the appeal was coming because I've been in church
19:23 and I saw the setup and I was like okay.
19:25 And I walked down in the middle of the isle and I think,
19:28 I gave him the clue to call for appeal
19:30 because I was waiting there.
19:31 And he called for appeal and that was in 96
19:34 and I have been in church.
19:36 It must had been a tremendous relief, you know,
19:39 once you walked in there and you made a decision
19:42 that you were going to change your life.
19:45 And, you know, especially leaving that other life behind,
19:50 you know, because in most of the cases,
19:52 when I talk to some of the clients
19:54 that come into my office and my awareness myself,
19:58 understanding that that life is like consistent.
20:01 It takes up all your time. Oh, yes.
20:04 It's almost like a job, you know.
20:06 I party six days a week.
20:08 I mean, literally and I then will go for work.
20:11 You structure your life around the events
20:14 that are gonna take place later on in evening or--
20:19 so it was like, okay, I got out of work,
20:21 I got to bring my clothes for the club, to the job,
20:23 I have got to make sure, I'm calling everybody,
20:25 everybody know where we were gonna be at.
20:26 It was literally a job.
20:28 But the financial benefits were great but then I--
20:31 this-- the physical.
20:33 I saw a picture of me when I was at a club.
20:35 I took well, like a bunch of female or friends whatever,
20:37 and I saw no life in my eyes.
20:40 And I'm looking like, is that me?
20:42 I didn't recognize myself.
20:44 But I saw a picture right after that
20:47 and it was total different person.
20:49 I mean, totally different.
20:50 Now a lot of people don't understand is my transition
20:53 from the street life to the church was difficult
20:57 in itself because all my friends in the street
20:59 turned their back on me and the people in the church
21:01 had not yet accepted me.
21:03 So I was in a valley. In the middle, yes.
21:05 A valley of like, lo it was just me and the Lord
21:08 and it took me a time to realize that
21:10 He had did that, so that
21:11 we can get our relationship together.
21:13 But it was a very lonely time of my life because my family,
21:17 you know, my diet had changed, my lifestyle had changed
21:20 there were you know, I had changed dramatically.
21:24 I mean, drastically and they couldn't accept.
21:26 It was like I went from street guy to preacher
21:30 in a matter of-- in a moment.
21:32 Even called turkey. Yeah.
21:33 And you are the first Adventist
21:36 in your immediate family?
21:37 Yes, I was the first.
21:39 So it was-- I put a lot of strain
21:41 on my family because, you know, chores had to be done
21:44 on Friday night, and I'm looking like,
21:47 you know, sorry mom, I can't wash the dishes.
21:50 And she was like-- at first she didn't
21:53 understand it she won't accepting of it.
21:55 And then I said I made-- drew such a hard line
21:57 on it that she-- and I'm talking to my auntie
21:59 who brought me into the church originally, you know,
22:02 she understood it so I had to do my chores before hand,
22:05 you know, and it always worked out,
22:07 you know, where they were accepting.
22:09 I remember the day that you came
22:12 to church on Sabbath Saturday.
22:16 There was a choir, in the choir loft
22:18 by the name of, God's Hands of Praise,
22:20 which I am the founder and director of
22:23 God's Hands of Praise, Gospel sign language choir,
22:26 and they're 17th year now.
22:28 And you immediately wanted to be a part of this ministry
22:34 and you did and still once a member always a member.
22:37 And even last year and then just recently,
22:40 we had celebrated our welcome home Sabbath
22:43 and you joined us with our song, even been the MC.
22:47 We need to just clarify your role
22:50 and where you are in your life right now.
22:52 You are not in a cohabitating relationship. No.
22:56 You're taking good care of your three girls. Yes.
22:58 You're hoping to earn your bachelor's degree. Yes.
23:01 Go on to earn your Master's of Divinity
23:03 to become a youth pastor for youth ministries.
23:07 Yes. Right now my role in youth ministries is simply--
23:11 well, let me tell you some of my history.
23:13 I once held the position as vice president
23:17 of the Motor City Youth Federation,
23:19 AY leader, youth leader in my church for several years.
23:23 I work in different facets of working with young people.
23:27 Going to different churches
23:28 and speaking to young people about specific issues.
23:32 I've had a workshop--
23:35 I've done workshops on Halloween, on relationships.
23:39 Actually helped you out with a couple of--
23:41 Yes, as a youth congress.
23:42 Yes, in Florida and in Atlanta Georgia.
23:45 Yes, I'm trying to become a part of another
23:48 youth conference that's coming up,
23:49 doing a workshop there.
23:50 So, my role is not specific with entitle,
23:53 but God has called me into youth ministries
23:56 and I know that, you know, that is why He has me--
24:00 has placed me specifically.
24:01 Even in my job where I work at now,
24:03 I work with incarcerate youths. Yes.
24:06 And whenever I get an opportunity or they want to
24:08 hear about God I, you know, without conflicting, you know,
24:12 I give them some words of wisdom.
24:14 Now I want to share this with you.
24:16 I heard this just yesterday.
24:19 God does not always call the equipped,
24:22 but He always equips the called.
24:26 And I believe that's what He is doing with you, Sandrew.
24:28 Absolute. You know, I think
24:30 I've to take a little credit here.
24:32 You know what I'm saying. Okay.
24:33 Basically because I recognized in Sandrew,
24:37 that he has some certain talent.
24:39 Yes, you did. You know, and I--
24:40 Sign language.
24:42 Not only sign language, Kim, you know, I mean,
24:44 we both worked together.
24:45 Sandrew and I used to have a great time
24:47 with the sign language choir. Yes. Yes.
24:49 But working in youth ministries,
24:52 because I happened to be
24:53 the Motor City Youth Federation president,
24:55 and I forced you to get involved.
24:58 Yes. And forced will be the correct word.
25:00 Oh, yes, you know, at that time you served 11 years together.
25:04 Yes, I did. Eleven years together--
25:06 But it was those two ministries that kept me in the church.
25:09 What do you say.
25:10 Because at the time that's when I was in my valley,
25:14 when I needed God's Hands of Praise,
25:17 when I needed to be a part of the youth federation.
25:20 Because there was not our head,
25:22 you so used to being a part of something.
25:24 And even being a leader of some things that
25:27 it was God's way of saying, you may not always be
25:29 the leader but you always have to be a part.
25:32 Be a part. So I just--
25:34 it was like, okay, I need these things
25:35 to solidify my relationship and to keep me.
25:37 It was the-- those little things
25:39 that glued me to the church.
25:40 That is you still remember your sign language?
25:43 Yes, I do. Oh, praise the Lord.
25:47 You know, I think that is so wonderful.
25:50 I just want to just briefly mention
25:52 a little bit about your grandfather.
25:54 Yes. And what happened?
25:56 Can you just tell us a little bit about
25:57 so because we want to continue to pray for this situation.
26:01 And it kind of all ties together with the thing
26:03 that was happened to my cousin and my grandfather
26:05 because my grandfather's name was Draper,
26:08 my cousin-- my brother,
26:09 I've a brother who is younger to me, his name is Draper
26:12 and my cousin who passed name was Draper.
26:14 My grandfather left his apartment two years ago.
26:19 It'll be two years, October 28 and was never seen again.
26:24 Never seen again.
26:25 He got-- received a phone call to come to his
26:27 rental property and he went there,
26:30 the cab driver saw him walk up the stairs into the house
26:32 and we haven't seen or heard from him for two years.
26:35 That's a tragedy. Oh, my goodness.
26:38 It's just the-- that what makes
26:39 its hard is there's no closure.
26:41 And I think in everything that we do
26:44 it whether be relationship, personal relationships,
26:48 in all parts of our life, we need to have closure
26:50 in us for us to move on.
26:51 Without closure you are kind of stuck
26:54 at that point where you don't know what to do.
26:57 You know, this is, this is phenomenal.
26:59 Sandrew, you got to come back, you know.
27:01 I can't believe where did the 30 minutes go.
27:03 But listen, we're going to be right back
27:05 and we're gonna talk a little bit more with Sandrew
27:07 and talk about upcoming topics just for you.
27:21 If you've just tuned in, we are talking about
27:23 the impact of African-American males and their spirituality.
27:27 Sandrew King, we are talking about closure,
27:30 not having that closure.
27:32 Where are you now?
27:33 Where's your hope about your grandfather?
27:35 I've peace with it because two years-- you just--
27:41 there are some things you just know.
27:44 I've my own and I don't want to
27:45 put them out there because, you know,
27:47 there're other family members that still have
27:48 their own diff-- I just know where I'm with it.
27:51 So it would just be for the closure for my family,
27:54 I've peace where, where I'm with it.
27:56 You know, sometimes when I get down about it
27:59 but I still understand that it is what it is.
28:02 It is what it is. Yes.
28:04 Well listen, we're out of time
28:05 but we want to thank you, Sandrew King--
28:07 Thank you for having me. For being with us.
28:08 Appreciated very much. Oh, my goodness.
28:10 I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin. I'm Arthur Nowlin.
28:13 And you've been watching, "Making It Work." God bless.


Revised 2015-05-21