Marriage in God's Hands

Managing Money

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Alane Waters, Tom Waters


Series Code: MGH

Program Code: MGH000019

00:34 Welcome to Marriage Heart to Heart!
00:36 We're Tom & Alane Waters with Restoration International
00:40 And we're excited to be together
00:42 to share another program on the principles
00:45 that can make your marriage heart to heart!
00:49 Today we're gonna be talking about managing money.
00:51 Now this can be a very sticky subject,
00:54 a very uncomfortable subject for many couples.
00:56 But we found in our marriage
00:58 that as we learned to manage our money, that means budget
01:01 we have found the joy that it's brought in
01:03 our own marriage.
01:04 So we hope you have your paper and pencil
01:05 because we're gonna be doing some budgeting today
01:08 on this program.
01:10 Well, whether we have a lot of money
01:12 or a little money
01:14 managing money is crucial
01:17 to reducing the financial stresses
01:20 that can happen in marriage.
01:22 So that's what we wanna talk about today
01:24 and Luke 16:2 says that we need to:
01:26 "give an account of thy stewardship;"
01:30 So how do we give an account of our stewardship?
01:32 What does that mean in simple terms today?
01:34 We have to know where we spend the money.
01:36 How much we have and where it goes?
01:38 That's right! And so, sometimes
01:41 we have to look at what our lifestyle is,
01:44 what we are trying to accomplish in life financially
01:48 and some of those dreams that we may have
01:51 have to bee looked at in accordance with the means
01:54 that we have!
01:56 Because many times is easy to
01:58 let the ideas, the dreams
02:00 the credit cards take us outside
02:03 of the means and we can't afford to do that
02:05 if we're going to be faithful to take account of our stewardship.
02:10 Every principle that God has given us in His Word
02:12 only is there to make us happier!
02:14 - That's right! - And if we're willing to take
02:16 these principles into our lives we find that our lives
02:19 are happier, especially as married couples!
02:22 We don't have those unnecessary stresses.
02:25 And I remember when we had set that goal
02:27 of buying our first home
02:29 newly married, saving money, saving money,
02:33 we were both working full-time in our professional
02:36 careers
02:37 and we had looked forward to getting our first home.
02:41 And I remember the day we drove over and we signed
02:43 on that contract.
02:45 We just got ourselves into debt for the first time
02:48 in our marriage! - Yes! And
02:51 unfortunately they had figured our incomes
02:55 in however they do that in qualifying us and
02:58 we needed both of our incomes to
03:02 make ends meet.
03:03 That's what they told us! They took our total income
03:06 from both of us work and said: "This is how much
03:08 you can afford, in the kind of home that you purchase,
03:10 you know, this is your level to go to. "
03:13 And that's where we went!
03:14 And then what have we found out just a few weeks later?
03:18 That our first child was well on her way!
03:21 That was a little bit intimidating.
03:23 And I think realtor was the first one
03:24 to know the news that we were gonna have a baby!
03:26 What are we gonna do now? We've already signed
03:27 down the dotted line.
03:29 No escape!
03:31 We'd already made another commitment that
03:33 was ahead of this commitment and that was that you're
03:35 going to pull back from your employment
03:38 when we had our first little one.
03:41 So, where does that put us financially?
03:43 That puts us down to
03:45 a home that was bought on two incomes
03:47 with one income to pay the bills.
03:50 Ok! So kind of
03:52 forced us to relook at making account of our stewardship.
03:57 It did! Because we
03:58 we thought we were pretty careful.
04:01 And we were good savers to get our down payment
04:04 for that first home but it was quite a struggle
04:07 at the beginning to have that mortgage payment.
04:10 And we only had one full-time income.
04:12 That's right! It also brought us into a temptation
04:16 to
04:18 kind of look at whether we wanted to continue to
04:20 put God first in everything.
04:23 Now it was no question
04:25 that we would continue to pay our tithe,
04:27 but you the little bit of struggle we went through.
04:30 Whether we were going to continue to give
04:33 our offerings on the same commitment that
04:35 we'd given to the Lord.
04:37 And I'm thankful to say that
04:39 we really put God to the test!
04:41 He says: "Prove me!", we talked about that in
04:43 one of our other programs: "Prove me
04:46 herewith, saith the Lord"
04:47 and we did prove Him because we believe that
04:50 He had shown us over and over that
04:52 if we trust Him, He will make things work together for good.
04:55 So, we did not go back on our commitment to the Lord
05:00 and that's been over 25 years and
05:03 we're thankful for that!
05:04 And He's never let us down! - That's right!
05:07 And that's been an encouragement to me!
05:10 But, you know, we had our second child
05:12 and that only adds more expenses here.
05:14 Your life doesn't get less expensive to live,
05:16 every day, that you know,
05:18 the economy increases, you know, the
05:20 it's just, inflation is there! And so,
05:23 when you add children, your life becomes
05:26 more financially complicated.
05:29 That's right!
05:30 Well, about that time
05:32 you probably remember that this big financial
05:36 investment councilor came to the hospital
05:38 and we had a big leadership meeting.
05:42 All the leadership personnel in the hospital
05:44 came together and we had this seminar and
05:47 on investing and annuities.
05:51 And each of the leadership people
05:53 had the opportunity to meet with this
05:55 councilor personally.
05:57 Well, we had our meeting together and
05:59 you remember me coming home that day.
06:02 This man said to me:
06:06 "You need to be able to save at least
06:09 25 dollars every pay period. "
06:13 And I said: "Listen, you don't understand our circumstances!
06:15 I mean, we"
06:17 And I share a little bit with him of our circumstances.
06:20 I said: "You know, we're good money managers,
06:22 but we can't afford to save even 25 dollars!
06:25 We're just, that's how tight we are,
06:28 you know, running our budget!"
06:29 - Pay period to pay period! - That's right!
06:31 And
06:33 I didn't really like what he said to me but
06:35 he turned to me and he said:
06:38 "If you can't save 25 dollars a pay period
06:43 then you have a serious problem!"
06:46 Now,
06:48 I mean, I felt this
06:50 self coming up inside of me,
06:51 I didn't,
06:53 I didn't, you know, respond to him then,
06:54 I didn't understand some of the things we
06:56 certainly understand today!
06:58 But you remember when I came home and shared that with you?
07:01 Yes! I had some of that same self reaction in me!
07:04 Because for the most part I was managing
07:06 the money in the home!
07:07 - That's right! - I mean, you know, you
07:08 bring your paycheck home, and I worked, you know,
07:09 on a very part-time basis
07:12 but my income was very insignificant according to our
07:15 our living demands on us.
07:18 And
07:19 so when you said that to me that night I
07:21 thought:
07:23 "This is, he doesn't know, I mean, we bought this home
07:26 when we had two full-time incomes
07:29 and I'm hardly even working a day a week!"
07:32 So you didn't like it either did you?
07:33 I didn't like it!
07:34 Neither one of us liked it!
07:35 But, it kind of challenged us in a way!
07:38 And so,
07:40 we went back
07:42 we relooked at our financial situation
07:44 and we really couldn't see how we could do it!
07:46 But here's the reason we use this illustration
07:49 we started looking closer
07:52 and we started taking account of the money,
07:56 taking account of our stewardship.
07:58 And you know, we challenged ourselves
08:01 that we were going to save 25 dollars
08:04 every pay period.
08:05 And you know, that proved to be a huge blessing to us
08:08 when we moved to our country home in Montana.
08:12 Yes! It provided us the means to live
08:14 when we made that transition
08:16 because you went from full-time employment
08:19 and a leadership position in a hospital
08:21 to getting a commission only
08:23 in your real estate practice which the first year
08:25 was extremely meager!
08:27 - That's right! - Way below poverty rates
08:29 in the country!
08:31 And so we lived on that savings
08:33 because we ere willing to be challenged that way.
08:36 And, you know, what you hear today may
08:38 step on your toes, you may feel challenged
08:40 it may make you uncomfortable, it may even
08:42 want to make the "me" in you raise up!
08:45 But,
08:47 we only share with you what we have challenged
08:49 and been challenged with ourselves and
08:52 you will see that somewhere down the road
08:54 it will be a blessing to you
08:56 if you will, in your managing of your money
08:59 have a little savings, because no one knows
09:02 what is ahead and what your circumstances may mean.
09:06 And I think that the part that's the so meaningful
09:09 for us, especially as we looked back at it,
09:12 is that
09:13 when we take that 25 dollars
09:17 it seems insignificant, even back then
09:19 over 20 years ago it seemed insignificant,
09:22 we take that 25 dollars
09:24 and if we hadn't just had the
09:27 money taken out of our paycheck
09:29 we never saw it.
09:31 And we never missed it!
09:34 And what that said to us,
09:35 and I think that what it says to you
09:37 is that if we will have a simple savings program
09:42 that we won't really miss that money!
09:44 And a lot of times people spend more than that
09:47 in two weeks and they can't even account for where it went
09:50 just nickel and dimming here and there!
09:52 So, make the commitment
09:55 to tighten the belt on things.
09:57 Look at your lifestyle, evaluate your spending
10:01 look at your dreams and really ask the question:
10:04 "Am I living within my means?"
10:07 "Or am I forcing myself into a position where
10:10 I have to make more money and feel the pressure?"
10:13 And so for us, we began to actually make a budget.
10:17 Because we knew we had this much coming in
10:20 and we had to look at how those dollars were gonna be spent,
10:23 where are they gonna go;
10:25 to make sure we had enough to cover our bills!
10:27 And we sat down with a paper and pencil
10:29 very early on and we started penciling it out:
10:33 "Ok, we have our tithe, our first for the Lord,
10:36 we have our offering and we have our mortgage payment!"
10:39 And we put that down on paper.
10:41 A sort of absolutes!
10:42 Absolutes!
10:43 You know, and this sounds
10:45 maybe a little bit simplistic
10:47 to you but we have found over and over again
10:50 as we have talked to so many couples
10:54 that many times
10:56 if the money is there, the money just goes away!
10:59 I know I talked to one man and he was
11:03 he was just bemoaning
11:05 the fact that if he could make fifty thousand dollars a year,
11:09 this was back when I was in my real estate practice and
11:12 he said: "If I could just make fifty thousand dollars a year
11:15 then I could really get buying life!"
11:18 And
11:20 I knew the way that he was spending money
11:23 and the philosophy that he had,
11:24 tat even though making fifty thousand dollars
11:27 at that time for him
11:29 would be increasing his income considerably
11:33 that the reality of it was that
11:35 it wouldn't change the fact that he'd still
11:37 be running out of money.
11:38 And within a couple of years he was making that
11:42 more than fifty thousand dollars
11:44 and none of his circumstances had changed!
11:46 None of his spending habits had changed and his family was
11:50 still in the same financial difficulties!
11:52 So, the issue here is not how much money we have
11:56 it's how we manage and how take account of that money!
11:59 So, as simplistic as it may sound
12:01 to sit down with a peace of paper
12:03 and start writing down you will be surprised
12:07 when you write down all the known monthly expenses!
12:10 You take that net that you have after taxes
12:14 you put that to the top of your paper
12:16 and then you begin to write down all the known expenses
12:18 and really dig into it,
12:20 dig them all out, go to all your resources
12:23 and they're gonna be surprised
12:25 at what they come up with at the bottom line.
12:27 The blessing of this and how it worked in our marriage
12:31 is that once we did that
12:33 we said: "Oh?
12:35 This is how much money we really have to work with!"
12:39 This has to include our savings and this has to include
12:43 our unexpected necessary expenses,
12:48 some of those unknown things!
12:50 And so, now you have a different picture!
12:52 We got a totally different picture in our minds
12:55 about what we had to really work with!
12:57 And that's one of the blessings
12:58 that sitting down with a peace of paper
13:00 or you can do it on your computer with a spreadsheet,
13:03 but to com up with a bottom line.
13:05 That's right! So maybe we should talk about those
13:07 known expenses, because in talking with many couples
13:10 who have had financial stress in their marriage
13:13 they don't even know what those real known expenses are!
13:16 - That's right! - They don't
13:17 take account of them
13:18 because they don't necessarily show up every month.
13:21 So maybe we should identify
13:23 these known expenses! - That's right! That's good!
13:26 Well, we talked about the tithe, the offerings,
13:28 the mortgage,
13:30 the car payment, the insurance these are things
13:33 that are known expenses! But
13:34 let's take the car insurance for example.
13:37 For us and I don't know how it is for you,
13:39 but our car insurance comes due every six month.
13:43 So, what are we gonna do?
13:46 One of the problems that people run into
13:48 and we used to run into this problem, is we
13:50 think about our paycheck and we think about the net
13:52 that we have to work with
13:54 and so, here we are in Wal-Mart or some store
13:58 and we see something that:
14:00 "Wow, this is really great! I need this!"
14:03 And what can happen is we can look at our check book
14:06 or we can look at how much money we have
14:09 presently with us,
14:11 we can end up buying that, maybe it's a camping tent or
14:15 you know, it's a new exercise treadmill or something like that
14:19 we got the money for it,
14:20 but because we haven't taken account
14:24 we haven't looked at
14:25 the fact that that six month
14:29 insurance bill needs be reconciled
14:32 and accounted for every month.
14:33 So a peace of that it's coming out every month.
14:36 What many people end up doing
14:38 is they come to the insurance bill, the bill comes in the mail
14:41 and they go: "Oh no! "
14:43 "When am I gonna get that six hundred dollars? "
14:45 or whatever it is
14:47 because they just went out
14:48 and bought the tent two month ago, not thinking
14:53 that part of that money should have already been set aside
14:57 for that insurance payment.
15:00 And the other thing that the problem we have today
15:03 is the credit card, that peace of plastic
15:05 that has made everything so convenient!
15:08 And what it's made the most convenient is go on to debt!
15:11 That's right!
15:12 And cause stress and marriage fallen apart because
15:15 people can't, they just,
15:17 they're in fights and arguments and blame and guilt
15:20 and so it just - They can't even keep up
15:22 hardly with the interest on the
15:25 the card. - That's right!
15:26 So, what we chose to do
15:28 is to write down these real expenses
15:33 that we know, and in six month we're gonna have
15:35 our insurance payment on the car,
15:38 on our home.
15:39 Some people have medical policies or life insurance
15:42 all of these are expenses - That's right!
15:44 that need to be budgeted in every month
15:46 and those funds need to be set aside
15:47 so when those big bills show up in the mail
15:51 there's the money to pay them off.
15:53 And then there's the utilities!
15:55 Which you can get a pretty good idea
15:56 what that's gonna be on a monthly basis.
15:58 And many of the utility companies today
16:01 let you do a year plan.
16:03 So if you have higher heating cost in the winter
16:06 and it's lower in the summer, you can pay the
16:08 same amount every year and they can estimate your
16:11 your monthly bills on that. - That's right!
16:13 So it can be a fairly well known expense.
16:16 And so you've got your phone bills,
16:19 your heating bills, your electricity, gas,
16:23 you know, sewer, whether, all those things
16:25 that have to be incorporated into that budget.
16:28 There's a few other things that we wanna talk about,
16:30 but we need to take a break right now!
16:32 We hope you'll stay with us
16:34 as we talk about how we can truly manage our money.
16:43 There are many "How to?" books available,
16:45 but there's one that's free and perfect for every couple:
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17:15 Welcome back! We're talking about how we can really manage
17:19 our financial responsibilities.
17:22 We've been talking about budgeting
17:24 and the importance of that and we've talked of it in
17:26 very simplistic terms. You can take it
17:29 and put it on your spreadsheet on your computer or
17:32 the way we simply did it as take a peace of paper
17:34 and write the net amount after taxes and start working with
17:38 the expenses that are known expenses
17:41 or just a couple of other ones that
17:44 kind of catch people from time to time.
17:46 And those are the taxes, the property taxes,
17:49 the things that, you know, don't come, you don't see them
17:52 every month.
17:53 And so, sometimes those can be set out of sight,
17:57 out of mind and then they pop-up and
17:59 they can be a pretty huge expense at one time.
18:01 That's right!
18:02 The other areas
18:03 are professional licenses - Yes!
18:05 for people who have to have continual education
18:07 or renew their licenses every year
18:10 or even their auto-licenses,
18:11 that you know the tags on the car.
18:14 They come once a year and "Bang!" all of a sudden we
18:16 owe 400 dollars to the state.
18:17 Where are we gonna get that 400 dollars?
18:20 - That's right! - So, by identifying those
18:22 known expenses and putting them out
18:25 and then budgeting every month,
18:26 maybe it's only 30 dollars for this or 40 dollars for that,
18:29 when that bill comes in we have the money.
18:32 - That's right! - And it's not
18:34 a pressure, it doesn't cause a reaction.
18:36 That's right! And one of the things that happens is:
18:40 if we're not really prepared for that when it comes in
18:42 we live in such a "debt orientated
18:45 leverage your money " kind of society
18:48 that the temptation then is to just,
18:51 you know, I'll put something on the credit card
18:54 so I can free up some money or I'll just, you know,
18:56 I'll take out a little loan, you know, just a signature loan.
19:00 It's easier or I could get a little bit of money here
19:02 with a little equity loan.
19:05 Those things had become so accessible!
19:07 But what they do if no habits change
19:10 if no account is made of our finances
19:14 then that cumulates, it keeps building up.
19:17 And there's maybe somebody out there listening
19:19 and says, you know:
19:20 "Well, it's not an issue for me!
19:21 I don't even have to think about
19:24 my bottom line! I've got all kinds of money!"
19:27 Ok? There are people like that that may be listening
19:30 and that's a blessing! Praise the Lord
19:32 that you have been blessed with those kinds of finances!
19:36 But you're still going to have to give an account
19:39 as a steward! So
19:41 whether you have plenty of money
19:43 and you forget about your tax bills until they come due
19:46 and the money is readily available
19:48 there's still an accountability to God
19:50 for the blessing that He's given to each one of us
19:52 in the funds that we manage!
19:55 So, maybe you can have the inducement
19:58 to then be able to give more to the Lord's cause
20:01 if you're a good steward of those finances!
20:05 So we should look at some of those unknown expenses
20:08 like food. I mean we all know we need to eat!
20:11 We all like to eat!
20:12 But most people don't have a budget
20:15 "This is what I'm gonna spend
20:16 on food every month!" - That's right!
20:17 And going out to eat, and the pets that we have in our home
20:21 and the home maintenance needs to be done, and all the
20:23 miscellaneous things we need to buy to
20:25 keep our home up. You know, the toilet paper,
20:28 the paper towels, the Cleanixes,
20:29 all those little things! - Even gifts then
20:31 you know, what we're gonna spend on holidays and
20:34 birthdays and that adds up! - Stamps to mail things!
20:37 I mean it seems so insignificant!
20:39 But in reality it all adds up and it makes a huge difference!
20:44 That's right!
20:45 It makes a difference on that bottom line!
20:48 And it especially makes a difference because
20:51 we don't have the expectation!
20:53 We haven't sat down and had a budget.
20:55 So, it really makes an impact if we think we've got
20:59 "x" number of dollars
21:00 because we have a paycheck in our hand
21:03 and then all of a sudden we realized that not only
21:05 do we not have all that money we thought we did
21:08 after we go out and eat or we go out and buy these things.
21:11 When we find out that it's way less than we thought we had
21:15 and we need a large sum of money, that's where again
21:18 that the debt comes in.
21:20 So, we need to take these
21:23 undefined areas, the undefined amounts
21:26 and after having put our net amount
21:28 at the top of our budget
21:30 what we need to do next after we've identified
21:32 and put in the known expenses
21:35 we need to see how much money has left
21:36 and then divide it in these areas that are very real,
21:39 that we need from day to day to keep living.
21:41 And determine how much we're gonna spend in those areas.
21:45 - That's right! - And this has been
21:47 a tremendous help to us! I mean
21:48 there was a time we lived on 300 dollars a month!
21:51 And that was in the 80's.
21:53 So that's not a lot of money and it can't be done.
21:56 You know, - That was our transition time
21:58 from our suburban lifestyle
22:00 'cause we wanted to stay out of debt!
22:01 That's right!
22:02 That was something we agreed on, you know,
22:04 when we talked in the previous program about
22:07 agreeing together. - That's right!
22:09 That was one thing we wanted out of debt!
22:11 We didn't want that financial pressure on us!
22:14 So we were able to make that transition
22:16 without the debt. We never would've been able to do that
22:19 though if we had not agreed
22:21 to be accountable with our finances
22:24 and have a budget!
22:25 So we looked at everywhere those dollars would go.
22:28 And we didn't just drive around for something to do.
22:32 We only used the car if we had to go somewhere.
22:34 - Yes! - And, you know,
22:35 we were out in the country and I walked to the mailbox
22:38 a mile away instead of driving to the mailbox.
22:40 - Great exercise! - Yes it was good!
22:42 And, you know, we wouldn't
22:44 necessarily pick up our mail every day. I mean
22:46 these were areas that we address because we knew
22:50 that we didn't have those resources
22:51 and we didn't wanted to go into debt!
22:53 Well, it was a blessing too, because
22:54 we began buying bulk foods
22:57 you, know, we started buying things and
22:59 you know, a 50 pound bag or a 25 pound bag
23:02 and it was a huge savings!
23:05 And those kind of things, and we knew
23:08 when we went, you know, with you to go to the grocer store
23:10 or when we go to shop for something we had an idea
23:13 of exactly how much money we had to work with.
23:15 And so, our children never knew it
23:17 but during that period of our lives in that transition
23:20 we lived and ate pretty simply.
23:23 We bought, you bought
23:25 the vegetables and the fruits that were on sale,
23:27 not just what our taste liked.
23:30 And so, it was a good discipline for us
23:32 and it's really proved to be a blessing.
23:34 That's right! And cooking from scratch
23:36 that made a huge difference because of that bulk buy
23:38 of that I mean you can eat pretty cheap
23:40 if you, you know, heat a pot of beans!
23:41 - That's right! - Don't buy the beans
23:43 already done in the can! Buy them dry
23:45 and cook them and then eat them.
23:48 You know, and you can eat very inexpensively that way.
23:51 And those are some of the things we did, besides
23:53 looking at second hand things,
23:56 which also helped us to redeem
23:58 you know, and live within our means!
23:59 Because our means was - That's right!
24:00 very meager!
24:02 Rather than to get a plastic and go into debt
24:04 and have that constant pressure
24:05 because, you just don't ever get unburied.
24:08 It just gets bigger and bigger and bigger!
24:10 And it's very hard to get out of it!
24:13 That's right!
24:14 You remember that couple that actually called us
24:17 after we had done meetings, they called us and
24:19 wanted to see if we could come over
24:21 and help them
24:22 work through their budget.
24:25 It was really an interesting situation,
24:26 we've done this with people.
24:28 Well, they just didn't have any idea how to
24:31 how to go about this and really make it work.
24:33 And so, we actually sat down, we got out
24:36 a peace of paper and we just pulled together everything
24:39 all their financial information that they
24:42 could get their hands on.
24:44 These people had tried and tried different ways to
24:47 you know, to beat their debt!
24:48 And their paycheck always run out before
24:52 their bills were all paid.
24:53 And that night we sat down with them and
24:55 we went through this, we haven't gone
24:57 through all the details here,
24:59 we don't have time. But we went through
25:01 every detail with them!
25:03 And when we got to the bottom line
25:05 with their paycheck and their bills, we actually had
25:09 what was it? 300 dollars? - Yes!
25:11 Between 200 and 300 dollars
25:12 extra! - 200 or 300 dollars extra
25:14 that was unaccounted for!
25:16 And they found out, to their shock,
25:18 that they had just been letting this money
25:20 sleep through their fingers! - Yes! Every month
25:21 200 to 300 dollars was unaccountable!
25:24 - That's right! - You know it was just spent
25:25 a little here a little there, you know
25:26 quick fast foods,
25:27 I'll stop by Mc Donald's - That's right!
25:29 and I'll do this and I'll get this, you know.
25:31 And it was gone.
25:33 And so, we worked with them and we did all this
25:36 in just one evening together.
25:38 We worked with them and they called us
25:41 a few weeks later and they said:
25:43 "This is so amazing!
25:44 For the first time in our married life we
25:48 are living on a budget,
25:51 living within our means.
25:53 Not only are we paying all of the bills that we have to pay
25:57 but we have prioritized ", 'cause we kind of helped them
25:59 prioritize which debts they should be hitting
26:02 first to get rid of the higher interest rates.
26:04 They said: "We have prioritized all these things
26:06 and we actually have money to save
26:08 for the first time in our marriage! "
26:10 And not only that!
26:11 They talked about how much happier they were too!
26:13 - That's right! - Because so much
26:15 of their time was spent on the stress that the financial
26:18 burden was causing. - That's right!
26:19 I mean they were at each other, at each other
26:21 - Yes! blaming. And they had
26:24 that freedom.
26:25 So we wanna encourage you,
26:28 challenge you just as we've been challenged
26:31 to meet the responsibilities of taking account!
26:37 Be accountable as a steward
26:39 not only of the paycheck that you have
26:41 but realizing that God is the Giver of all these gifts
26:43 and we're His stewards!
26:45 So we wanna encourage you
26:47 to take account of your finances,
26:49 have a realistic budget that includes everything,
26:51 know what your means is
26:54 and know what your spending is
26:55 and encourage you to live within your means
26:58 and then begin to work diligently to reduce the debt!
27:02 And we can't do any of this apart from the Lord!
27:04 So I'd like to just close in prayer. Honey
27:06 do you wanna pray? - Sure.
27:10 Father in Heaven
27:11 thank You that You are the Giver of all things
27:14 and thank You that You will help us to learn
27:16 how to manage our money - Amen!
27:18 by Your principles!
27:19 And thank You for the joy that that can bring us!
27:23 So help us to be faithful stewards as we're praying
27:26 in Your Sun's name Amen! - Amen!
27:30 Well we look forward to having you join us again
27:33 as we talk about
27:34 From Discord to Harmony!
27:38 We want you
27:39 to experience a marriage that's heart to heart
27:43 with the Lord Jesus Christ!
28:26 Captions and translations by Christian Media Services www.


Revised 2014-12-17