Participants: Alane Waters, Tom Waters
Series Code: MGH
Program Code: MGH000012
00:33 Welcome to Marriage Heart to Heart
00:35 We are Tom & Alane Waters with Restoration International 00:39 And we're looking forward 00:41 to our time together with you today 00:43 as we talk about more principles 00:46 in building a happy home, a marriage that's heart to heart. 00:51 Today, we're gonna be talking about Forming common goals. 00:54 So we hope that you have a paper and a pencil 00:56 and as we talk about this subject 00:58 that you will take notes, 00:59 so that you can form those goals in your home too. 01:03 You know, some of these goals 01:05 are so basic, they get messed. 01:07 I mean, that's how it was for us early on. 01:10 We didn't recognize 01:11 some of the things that we needed to be talking about or 01:14 setting goals for. 01:16 It seems like for many 01:18 the work a day, push and try to make a living 01:23 just swallows up time. 01:24 It swallows up life. 01:26 And so, to take the time to sit down and form common goals 01:30 isn't often happening in marriages. 01:34 We tried to talk about thinking we had formed common goals 01:38 but they really werent very many started 01:39 when we first got married. 01:41 That's right! 01:42 I mean they were pretty generic and 01:44 not specific. 01:45 That's right! 01:46 But our plans were. 01:48 You know, it's interesting that 01:49 a top executive from a very 01:53 knowledge company 01:54 and he was very successful, he called me 01:58 on the telephone and 02:00 he began talking to me and he shared with me, 02:02 "You know I do all these things, and I 02:06 govern all these people, I have all these millions of dollars 02:11 that I'm responsible for. " 02:13 And he says: 02:15 "The people love me here! 02:16 I'm very respected! 02:18 And you remember the story. 02:20 I mean he was 02:22 he was doing everything right 02:23 in his company. 02:25 And he was telling me that he had all these goals 02:28 that he set and you know, he's got these evaluations 02:31 to find out how the company is doing. 02:33 And they're meeting all of their marketing goals. 02:36 All that stuff! 02:38 And then he says to me: 02:41 "So, why am I calling you?" 02:43 He said: "Here I have all these experience 02:47 and I'm being successful here 02:49 in this company. 02:51 But I'm not being successful in my own home. 02:55 I'm struggling with knowing how to have these 02:59 kinds of goals and objectives and evaluation process 03:03 in my day to day life, 03:05 in my own marriage, my own family, my own finances. " 03:09 And I think that this top executive is not so much unlike 03:16 all of us 03:17 If we don't make time, if we don't take time 03:20 to really formulate or form these goals 03:25 then life is gonna crowd out the most important things 03:29 for marriage and family. 03:31 Well, that's what we found happening to us, 03:33 and I think it happens to a lot of people. 03:35 Life is so busy! 03:37 There's so many things to do! 03:39 I mean we came back from our honeymoon 03:40 and we started work the next morning. 03:42 We just dived right into right? 03:43 That's right! We were both working full time 03:44 and have, you know, responsibilities, 03:46 we were under stressful careers, 03:48 and it just start consuming and so you get through each day. 03:52 And then, you know, make it to the next day 03:54 and to the next day 03:56 and we don't really look that far in the future or if we do 03:59 it's just to a sort distance. 04:02 It's not out where we really 04:04 need to be looking at our lives ahead of us 04:05 and what are we gonna do with our lives, 04:07 because we're consumed by life. 04:10 Yes, it was interesting as I talked with him 04:13 and he was very opened, very honest 04:15 and I appreciated his vulnerability 04:18 especially in the position that he was in. 04:21 But, you know, as he was asking me for encouragement 04:24 and some words of advice on how to proceed with his family 04:30 he hadn't made goals 04:32 in some of the most basic things. 04:35 And that's what we began recognizing 04:37 in our own experience. 04:39 That we had not made the goals 04:41 in some of the most basic areas of our life. 04:44 And that's what we're gonna be talking about today 04:46 we just simply we gonna be sharing with you 04:49 some of the things that came to us 04:51 and how the Lord began to work in our lives 04:54 in this area. 04:55 Another thing that we found is that the goals that we did have 04:59 were temporal. 05:00 And we need to set those temporal goals. 05:02 I mean we talked about when 05:03 we could afford to buy our first home. 05:06 And, when we should change out the car and get a new car 05:09 or an updated car, a newer car than what we had. 05:12 And those were temporal goals and we need to talk about 05:15 those but there's goals far beyond that 05:17 that we need to be looking at 05:19 that are the most important goals in life. 05:22 - That's right! - And that is where 05:23 are we heading spiritually? 05:25 Where are we gonna end up for eternity? 05:26 - Yes! - That's the goal, that we 05:28 really need to be turning into. 05:30 And I think for you and I in our marriage early on 05:33 we were not aware 05:36 that, yes, I mean we had the goals: 05:38 "Some day we wanna be in Heaven!" Right? 05:40 That's right! 05:41 That's where everybody wants to end up, in Heaven. 05:42 I hope so! 05:43 And so, that's a goal we had, 05:45 but it was out there somewhere. I'll use the word nebulous. 05:48 It's like: ok we go to church every week, 05:51 we participate in certain activities in the church, 05:54 and therefore that's just almost like it's 05:56 considered an automatic 05:57 that that's there where you wanna be. 05:59 Or I'm a basically good person, you know, 06:00 I don't steel from my neighbor and that kind of things. 06:03 So, well, I wanna be in Heaven! 06:06 But what is it really mean? 06:07 What is Heaven like? I mean we have to start looking at 06:11 these goals and making them practical. 06:14 - And making them real - That's right! 06:16 in our lives. 06:17 That's right! 06:18 And for us, 06:20 and I thank the Lord for what began to happen to us. 06:23 Because one Friday night 06:25 one quiet Friday evening 06:28 in the mist of our busyness and when I talk about busyness 06:30 we were both in our professional careers 06:33 and both of us were very active in our church 06:36 worked involved in giving Bible studies. 06:38 I was a personal ministrys director of a very 06:41 very large church, 13000 members. 06:44 And so, we were busy people, weren't we honey? 06:47 It seemed like we were busy all the time! 06:48 From the time the alarm went of in the morning 06:51 until we fell in the bed at night, which was quite late. 06:53 And part of our busyness, quite honestly, part of our 06:56 pushing pressure of live was the same as many of you 06:59 are experiencing. 07:01 And that is trying to answer all these another people's goals 07:06 Ok? 07:07 You've got the goals at your work and you've got the things 07:09 that you have put on you 07:11 when you accept responsibilities in your church, 07:13 and you've got community things, and you've got 07:16 all these different activities, 07:17 and what begins - Family needs. 07:18 Yes! And what happens is it begins to really squeeze out 07:22 the real deep family needs. 07:24 And we find ourselves on the run. 07:27 And that's why I said this quiet Friday evening. 07:31 We were just sitting at home at that time 07:32 we just had our two little girls. Josiah wasn't born 07:36 yet, and we were sitting there together. 07:40 The girls were just playing together 07:41 in their little Footie pajamas. 07:43 I remember that scene. 07:45 And I ask Alana's a question. 07:47 And it wasn't something I've been thinking about 07:49 and I really believed it in looking back, 07:51 this was something Lord put in my heart. I said: 07:54 "Honey, what's the most important thing 07:57 that you can accomplish in this life?" 08:00 And I remember, when I asked you that question, I mean 08:03 I didn't even, 08:04 it seemed like I didn't know where was coming from. 08:06 And it wouldn't have surprised me, you were just finishing up 08:08 your bachelor's degree if you would've just said: 08:10 "Well, I think maybe I might get my master's degree 08:13 in nursing". I mean, it wouldn't have surprised me at all. 08:17 But that's not how you responded. 08:20 Well, 08:21 I have to say that when you asked me that question 08:25 it took me back. I mean it got me totally off guard. 08:28 I was, I mean we've been having good communication 08:31 and enjoying the evening, enjoying our children, 08:33 just sitting there watching them playing. 08:36 And they were happy and you know, it was just 08:38 such a close family time. 08:39 I was just soaking the whole environment in. 08:41 And for you to come off with a question like that 08:44 it's like: "Wow! Where did that come from?" 08:46 It was a pretty heavy question wasn't it? 08:47 Yes it was! 08:48 And I didn't answer you immediately. 08:50 - Do you remember that? - Oh yes! 08:52 I usually, when you ask me a question, 08:53 I usually answer you very quickly. 08:55 Even if I don't know sure the answer, 08:56 I'll try to at least respond to you. 08:58 But that evening I just set there quietly. 09:02 And what happened in those moments of silence 09:05 is I believe took my thoughts back to just that evening. 09:09 How beautiful it was. I mean 09:11 the stress was gone, 09:12 we were together as a family, 09:15 I was really toned into the children, 09:17 you and I were having great communication, 09:20 - Yes! 09:22 all these things that were more rare 09:25 than, you know, every day real. 09:27 That's right! 09:28 And as I thought about that 09:31 and I looked at our children and I saw 09:33 you know, the joy that they had 09:35 that.. 09:37 the simplicity, the trust! - Yes! 09:39 The security, the love that was there 09:43 I just thought: 09:45 I wanna see our children in the Kingdom of Heaven. 09:47 That was the thought I had. And so I said to you: 09:49 "To see our girls in the Kingdom of Heaven! 09:52 And to see them receive the crown of life. " 09:54 And when you said that to me 09:56 you know that I didn't have a very quick response either. 10:02 When she said those words to me 10:06 "To see our children 10:08 in the Kingdom of Heaven 10:10 to receive the crown of life. " 10:14 Oh it hit me! 10:15 Here I was involved in all these Bible studies 10:18 and in church work and 10:20 personal ministrys director and I was honest hearted. 10:22 I wasn't a hypocrite. We werent living hypocritical 10:26 lives. But it just hit me! 10:27 And I believe the Holy Spirit was speaking in my heart. 10:30 Because what struck me in that moment 10:34 was 10:35 then something's got to change. 10:37 Something's got to change! 10:40 And I realized 10:42 that it's us 10:43 that has to change. 10:46 And it just hit me that night! 10:49 But the exciting thing was 10:52 God didn't leave us there, that night! Did He? 10:55 Because, before we left that evening 10:58 we got down on our knees 11:00 before the Lord. 11:01 And we made a commitment that night 11:04 we made nailed together and we made a commitment. 11:07 And I said 11:09 to my Heavenly Father: 11:11 "I will go anywhere. I will give up anything. 11:15 I will do whatever You ask me to do 11:18 if I can hear the words: "Well done! 11:20 Thou good and faithful servant!" 11:23 And see the crown of life! 11:26 Placed on the heads of my children. " 11:29 And we've never turned back from that day. 11:32 No we haven't! 11:33 And our lives began to change that day! 11:36 And all with the blessing, as we look back 11:39 now, the ages that are young people are 11:42 to see that God began that work that night! 11:46 But He didn't go from there 11:49 to where we are without some choices. 11:51 That's right! 11:52 I remember that night when you said that to me: 11:56 "than something has got to change!" 11:58 You said it was such conviction, such force 12:01 - That's right! - that wow! 12:05 It's us! 12:06 I mean: It's us 12:07 that has to change! - Yes! 12:10 The realization that the way we were living 12:13 just going to church and doing things with good intentions 12:17 and the love for the Lord the best we understood 12:20 that there was real change. Because you and I both knew 12:24 that we really weren't living 12:28 Christ like lives. 12:29 Cause we still had too much self in us. 12:32 Yes! 12:33 And we knew the little struggles that we had between us 12:36 and sometimes 12:37 the little struggles I had with the children. 12:38 And when you said that, 12:40 that we were the ones who had to change 12:42 that was very impactive to me. 12:44 Well, it struck me because 12:46 I hadn't been thinking about anything like that. 12:48 In fact we had been so busy 12:51 as many of you are in this time 12:54 in Earth's history, as we were so busy 12:57 doing good things, we were looked up to in the church, 12:59 we were just a young family. We were looked up to 13:02 for all the work that we did and our enthusiasm. 13:06 And as I said earlier, weren't hypocrites, were we? 13:09 We were doing the best we understood! 13:11 But, the difficulty was, and the eye opening part 13:14 of it that night for us was 13:15 we were doing all these things but God began to show us 13:19 that we were doing it in our own strength. 13:22 We weren't understanding the power of Jesus Christ. 13:26 I didn't know how to deal with my irritation toward you. 13:28 I didn't know how to deal with some, 13:31 we've been given a Bible study. 13:32 Remember that one night we gave a Bible study on consecration? 13:36 And the people, they surrendered themselves and 13:40 we saw them baptized, what a blessing privilege 13:43 to lead them to Christ. But do you remember 13:45 what we were doing all the way home that night? 13:47 Yes! 13:48 - We were arguing! 13:50 - And I don't remember about what, but I remember 13:51 - We were arguing, we were at each other! 13:53 And the Lord just began to open our eyes that 13:56 we were not who we thought we were. 13:59 And I tell you friends that 14:01 at that point 14:03 God began to show us that we needed to set some goals, 14:09 If we really wanted to see 14:10 our children receive the crown of life, 14:13 if we wanted to hear the: "Well done thou good and faithful 14:15 servant" we needed to set some goals 14:19 and make some changes. 14:22 And we need to take a brake here, 14:23 and when we come back, we're gonna talk about 14:25 the goals God began to show us, that we needed to set 14:29 to be a successful family. 14:32 To have a marriage that's truly heart to heart. 14:34 Stay with us! 14:40 There are many "How to?" books available, 14:42 but there's one that's free and perfect for every couple: 14:46 how you can "Build a Better Marriage". 14:48 Bible-based, matrimonial advice is given in a lighthearted, 14:53 easy-to-read manner, for those contemplating marriage, newlyweds, couples in their 14:58 golden years, and everyone 14:59 in-between. Simply call or write for your free copy of this amazing little booklet, a handy 15:04 little tool to help build a 15:13 better marriage. Welcome back! We've been talking about 15:15 forming common goals. 15:16 And you remember that special Friday evening 15:18 we were telling you about. 15:20 Well, there's one other part of it that really struck my heart. 15:23 And that is that God motivated us. 15:26 He used our children to motivate us 15:29 in our spiritual walk. 15:30 Because we were consumed with life. 15:32 And do you remember honey, what I said? 15:35 How good God was! 15:37 That He could, He knew the cord to strike in my heart 15:41 - Amen! - that would turn 15:42 my eyes fully on Him 15:44 and make Him number one 15:46 was my children. 15:48 Because 15:50 I wanted them, about anything else to be in Heaven. 15:53 And that night when you said that to me: 15:55 "Than something's got to change and that something's us" 15:57 I realized that I needed to be different because I 16:01 wanted my children to be in Heaven! 16:03 And therefore God used our children, my children 16:06 to motivate me to motivate us for those changes. 16:09 And so, that night, that prayer of commitment 16:11 we began immediately and this is an important part 16:15 to begin immediately to make time. 16:17 That night we began to make time 16:21 to look at the goals we had in life. 16:23 First of all we had to make the time 16:25 and secondly we have to take the time. 16:28 They're very different! 16:30 We have to make it, plan for it, 16:32 not let anything come in to take it away. 16:35 And we take that time then 16:36 and we accomplish what we have set out to do. 16:39 That's to begin to form those common goals. 16:41 That's right! 16:42 And we began then looking at these more life changing 16:48 and long lasting goals 16:51 that would make a difference 16:52 to really see our children in the Kingdom of Heaven. 16:55 They've continued to be a motivation to us both. 16:58 So we wanna talk about 17:00 the goals that we sat. Now we could tell you 17:03 many goals that we have sat 17:05 but we're gonna talk about three. 17:07 And these are three of the most important goals and 17:12 the most basic for us and our family. 17:16 And these are springboards for you. 17:18 We're sharing this with you, so you can have an idea 17:21 of what we're talking about in our goal setting, 17:24 in forming these things that will last for a life time and 17:27 - For eternity! - by God's Grace for eternity! 17:29 That's right! 17:30 So the first one 17:32 for us was: gaining and maintaining 17:35 a vital connection to the Power of God. 17:39 Now, that may seem strange, 17:41 maybe automatic, but we came to recognize 17:44 that we did not have this vital connection. 17:48 He that hath the Sun hath life. 17:50 He that hath not the Sun hath not life. 17:53 It doesn't say "He that knows Scripture. " 17:57 It doesn't say: "He that goes to church. " 17:59 It doesn't say "He that professes" 18:01 It says: "He that hath the Sun hath life!" 18:04 And we didn't have that Power working in us. 18:08 We did not understand the practical Power 18:11 of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, 18:13 the life changing Power! 18:15 We did a lot of good work, 18:17 we were involved in a lot of good programs, 18:19 but we did not understand! 18:21 And our hearts were good, 18:22 we wanted it! - That's right! 18:24 We desired it. And that's why, again, 18:26 we weren't living hypocritical lives. 18:28 We were doing the best we could 18:30 but we just didn't have the power. 18:32 We do a lot of gritting our teeth and trying hard 18:35 and what a difference when we began 18:38 to set as our first 18:42 goal 18:43 Was to gain and maintain 18:46 a connection to the Power of Jesus Christ. 18:48 That meant we needed to change something 18:50 in how we are prating our daily life, isn't that right dear? 18:53 Yes! Because we talked about being in Heaven. 18:55 We wanted to be in Heaven, 18:56 we want our children to be in Heaven. 18:58 But we had really no time for God! And I think 19:00 that's the way it is in a lot of homes. 19:01 That's right! 19:02 God was pretty much cut out because we 19:04 were just too busy for Him. 19:05 Or too busy doing things that we call 19:08 "things we're doing for God". 19:10 And that is something that we know. 19:13 And as we have worked with many families 19:16 over years in this ministry 19:18 this is not a struggle that just we had together. 19:22 We recognized that if we are going to have 19:24 a vital connection with God 19:27 and maintain that connection, we need to take time 19:30 morning by morning 19:32 that we would take time for prayer, 19:34 real communion with God. 19:36 You know, I used to get up 19:38 just in enough time to get my breakfast 19:41 get a quick reading 19:42 and have a quick prayer, maybe a five minute prayer, 19:44 and out the door. And I tell you those 19:45 five minute prayers 19:48 are not enough to sustain 19:50 that vital connection with God. 19:52 And my mind was racing with all the things that I had to do 19:55 anyway. So we're talking about setting a goal 19:59 forming a goal that puts God first 20:02 in our lives, 20:04 first in our marriage. 20:05 And taking time to make His Word practical, 20:08 taking time to have what we call: two way communion 20:11 it's not enough for us just to pour out ourselves 20:14 to God. He wants to pour something back into us. 20:17 He wants to commune with us. - That's right! 20:19 And so, that began to be 20:22 our first and most important 20:24 life changing goal. 20:27 The second one, that we talked about was 20:28 to have a happy home. 20:30 Now, we had a happy home 20:32 most of the time. 20:33 At least what we understood happiness to be. 20:36 It was good as everybody else we knew. 20:37 That's right! And 20:39 but it wasn't happy all the time. 20:41 Is that idealistic that we can have a happy home all the time? 20:44 Well it might sound idealistic but I believe 20:47 and we believe together now like we 20:50 we have for years, that our homes 20:53 can be a little taste of Heaven. 20:57 And we've experienced that 20:58 how many times have people come into our home? 21:01 And one of the things they've said before 21:03 they were there too long is: 21:06 "The atmosphere here 21:07 is so peaceful. 21:09 It's so restful, how does this happened?" 21:13 Well, I think we can have a little bit of Heaven on Earth. 21:16 Well, absolutely! Because 21:18 God wants our homes to be like we want to live forever. 21:22 Amen! 21:23 We don't wanna have fighting and yelling and contention 21:27 and discord here 21:28 and then think we're gonna live forever after happy there. 21:32 That's right! 21:33 What motivates us, what motivates our children 21:35 if they think that Heaven is their final home 21:38 or their eternal home, why would they wanna be there 21:40 if they don't find peace and happiness here on this home? 21:43 That's right! 21:44 This is the parallel, this is the mirrored image 21:46 that we have the opportunity to develop that home. 21:48 And that became - That's right! 21:49 a goal. It's interesting 21:51 that we would set something so basic 21:53 as a goal in our home. 21:54 And for you listening out there, 21:56 I mean we've shared this before 21:58 and people said: "Wow, that's just so, I mean so fundamental 22:02 so basic, I mean we would never 22:03 thought about making that a goal in 22:05 our home and in our lives, in our marriage. 22:07 But we've missed it in the simple things! 22:11 We think we understand them, we think they are in place 22:13 and we move over the top of them. 22:15 And they're not being accomplished. " 22:17 And so, for us to really put that as a goal in our home 22:20 that we were going to try to do everything we could 22:23 to make our home a little Heaven on Earth. 22:25 You know, the day that Alison, our oldest daughter Alison 22:30 she said to us, one day, and I know you remember this. 22:33 I've never forgotten it. 22:35 We were sitting at the meal table 22:37 and she said: "You know, 22:39 if there was no Heaven to look forward to 22:43 I wouldn't wanna live my life any differently 22:46 than we live it in our family. " 22:48 She said:"I love living life the way we live it in our home!" 22:53 Oh, I tell you, 22:54 that broke my heart! 22:55 Because what more could a parent ask for? 22:59 We want a happy home, and to see 23:01 that fruit being born out 23:03 is it worth making that kind of goal? 23:06 It has been! And you know that the little things 23:08 that we've changed in our lives 23:10 to accomplish that 23:12 have been insignificant. There's been no loss 23:15 of anything. - That's right! 23:16 It's all been gain. 23:18 Everything it's been gain. 23:19 That's right! 23:20 Well, we're telling these folks here 23:24 about these goals. 23:25 I think what they also need to know 23:27 is that when we get together next time 23:30 we're going to be talking about more specifics 23:32 on how we achieve these goals. 23:35 Today we're just trying to give you some ideas of 23:37 goals to became important, foundational 23:40 to us in our marriage. 23:42 Well, we're gonna talk about 23:43 how we really went after those goals and the specifics, 23:48 next time we get together. 23:49 But you know, there's a verse that I remember 23:52 Psalm 133 verse 1 it says: 23:55 "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren" 23:59 could we say kindred? 24:01 - Husband and wife maybe? - "to dwell together" 24:02 - The husband and wife. 24:03 What a blessing "to dwell together in unity!" 24:08 Is God asking too much of us? 24:11 To have a home that's a little bit like Heaven? 24:13 I don't think so! 24:15 It's been a wonderful blessing in our experience. 24:18 The happier home is here. 24:20 The happy we are in our marriage, 24:22 the happier our children are, our youth, our young adults, 24:26 the greater and the more anticipation we have to 24:28 Heaven, cause it's only gonna get that much better. 24:30 That's right! 24:32 Well, we'd better move on to number three. 24:35 Yes! We just gonna give you three. 24:36 There's more that you can do, 24:37 but this is just a little kick start for you, we can say. 24:40 The third area wanted to establish in our home the goal 24:45 was to parent in agreement. 24:49 If we're gonna have a happy home 24:50 then we have to be able to parent with agreement. 24:55 That's right! 24:56 Romans 15:5 says: "Now, the God of patience and consolation" 25:02 now here we got God describe this being a God of patience 25:06 and that's what He's looking for. 25:07 He can give us that patience as parents. 25:09 "the God of patience and consolation grant you" 25:14 that's us. 25:16 grant you to be likeminded 25:20 one toward another" 25:22 Isn't that beautiful? 25:23 God is wanting us to be likeminded. 25:27 And as we talked about in our Sure Foundation, 25:30 this is where as we go to God's Word 25:34 and find there the real principles, that's how 25:36 we can become likeminded towards one another. 25:40 Thats right! And it's been such a blessing in our home 25:43 to have made this a goal in our lives 25:45 that we're gonna parent in agreement. 25:48 Because you and I are much happier in this in our home. 25:51 Oh, absolutely! And it's made 25:53 such a difference as we've gone to God's Word 25:55 to look for those principles to parent in agreement. 25:58 It has drawn us together. 26:00 And it has, it's improved our communication 26:02 as we've been trying to be fair 26:04 and train our children properly 26:07 it's been a training process for us. 26:08 Absolutely! 26:10 So that's exciting! 26:11 Well, we would like to give you a personal challenge 26:13 that you first make time 26:15 to form those goals for your family and your marriage 26:19 and then that you take that time. 26:21 It's not enough to make the time. We have to be there to 26:23 take the time to accomplish it, to form those goals 26:27 that will begin to change 26:28 your marriage and make it heart to heart. 26:30 That's right! They've got to carve out time because 26:33 everything around us is working against us. 26:35 You know, just everything it's a push and pressure so 26:38 take that time! 26:40 And right now I think it would be great 26:42 if we could take time 26:43 just to go to God and ask Him to bless us 26:46 in forming these common goals. Shall we pray? 26:50 Father in Heaven what a privilege it is to come to You. 26:54 We know that You can help us form common goals 26:58 as we give ourselves to You, Lord 27:01 as our viewers 27:02 are contemplating the need in their own lives 27:05 give them grace and understanding. 27:07 That Your will can be accomplished 27:09 through Jesus Christ we pray. Amen! 27:13 We look forward to seeing you next time 27:16 as we talk about how we move forming these common goals 27:20 to setting the priorities. 27:23 Two very distinct things. 27:24 It's one thing to set the goal isn't it honey? 27:26 It's another thing 27:27 to make the priorities to really follow through. 27:29 So we wanna encourage you to be back with us next time 27:32 where we talk about 27:34 setting the priorities to make these common goals a reality 27:39 so that we can have a marriage 27:41 that's heart to heart 27:44 with God and the one we love! 27:50 Marriage in God's Hands |
Revised 2014-12-17