Participants: Alane Waters, Tom Waters
Series Code: MGH
Program Code: MGH000001
00:32 Welcome to Marriage Heart To Heart.
00:35 We're Tom and Alane Waters with Restoration International. 00:38 And we want you to experience a marriage that's 00:42 truly heart to heart; 00:43 heart to heart with our heavenly Father, 00:46 and heart to heart with the one you love. 00:50 So we hope that you brought paper and pencil so that 00:52 you can take notes. 00:54 And if you didn't, we encourage you to get that so that you can 00:57 remember more what you've learned from today's program. 01:02 Today we're going to be talking about learning to become one. 01:06 Now that wasn't necessarily as easy as we thought it 01:09 was going to be, was it honey? 01:10 No, I thought it would just happen spontaneously. 01:13 So we're going to be sharing with you very openly 01:16 and honestly how it began for us. 01:18 It began wonderfully, but things started to happen 01:22 shortly after our honeymoon. 01:25 Yea, and I'd like to take us back to our courtship. 01:27 And we encourage all of you that are viewing today, 01:31 to also think about your courtship and your wedding day 01:35 as we share with you from our experience. 01:37 But our courtship was so special. 01:40 I can remember any time we had a few minutes, 01:43 we'd look for ways to communicate with each other. 01:46 You know, when you were on break from your responsibilities 01:49 in the hospital and I would be in my apartment, 01:51 I would anticipate your break time and anticipate that 01:55 phone call because I knew that we loved to have every 01:58 moment together, even if it was only by phone. 02:00 Oh yes, we never ran out of things to talk about, did we? 02:03 No, all through our courtship and engagement, 02:06 we just wanted to have more time. 02:08 We weren't getting enough time with each other and 02:10 we never ran out of anything to talk about. 02:12 And it seemed to me like we really didn't run 02:14 into any conflict. 02:16 We had a great time. 02:18 So let's talk about our wedding day. 02:21 You know, that day that we looked forward to 02:23 was such an exhilarating adventure. 02:27 But I have to tell the people, that day when I was standing 02:31 up there waiting for you to come through those doors... 02:34 And go back with me as we talk about this. 02:37 I don't know how it was for you men, but you think about 02:40 what it was like on that wedding day. 02:41 I was standing there in my tuxedo and I remember 02:45 as you were back there, and we were in a pretty big church, 02:49 and you were behind those doors, and I knew my bride 02:52 was going to come through those doors. 02:53 And that was exciting. 02:55 But I remember thinking, "My heart is pounding so hard, 03:00 I wonder of these people can see it. " 03:02 So I very discreetly looked down at my tux jacket 03:06 to see if it was flopping up and down, but it wasn't. 03:09 But I was anxious and I was excited. 03:13 This was going to be my new life with my new bride. 03:16 Now were you pretty nervous too? 03:18 I didn't feel nervous at all. 03:20 I was just so excited and I was waiting for those doors to open. 03:24 I could hardly wait to go down the aisle 03:26 and stand by your side and make that commitment for life 03:30 that I wanted to be your wife. 03:32 And the excitement and the enthusiasm, 03:34 it just seemed like it was nothing but all my energy 03:39 was focused on you. 03:41 Now we wanted our love to start out right. 03:44 So what we did, I found this book that had 31 versions 03:50 of the love chapter, 1 Corinthians 13. 03:53 I wanted us to be able to have something very special 03:56 in that very first wedding day when we were 04:00 heading off for our honeymoon. 04:01 Do you remember what we did? 04:02 Yes, that evening, you brought out this book and you said, 04:06 Honey, I would like to start our marriage, and from this day 04:10 forward to read 1 Corinthians 13 about love. 04:15 It sounded like a great start, wasn't it? 04:16 It was, I was very impressed and very happy. 04:19 Well then we set off, we flew out the next morning 04:22 to our special place on Hilton Head Island. 04:26 I know you remember that. 04:27 Yes I do. 04:29 I asked that we, I didn't care where we went as long as we 04:32 had a warm place to go because I like heat and sunshine. 04:35 And now we were starting our wonderful new lives together. 04:40 Well, do you remember what happened the first time we 04:42 went out to play tennis? 04:44 Yes, we had never played tennis in our courtship 04:46 or engagement and it was interesting. 04:49 I always thought I was a good tennis player 04:51 and I told you, "Oh yes, I really love to play tennis. " 04:54 So we got out on the court and we began to play tennis. 04:58 It wasn't what I thought it was going to be. 05:00 And I think you were use to the guys that you were with before 05:05 hitting the ball to you. 05:07 And I was a bit too competitive, wasn't I. 05:09 Well, it seemed that way. 05:11 I just felt like I was spending a lot of time running 05:14 back and forth from one side of the court to the other. 05:16 And it seemed like if I hit the ball, it often wouldn't 05:19 even go in the court. 05:21 So, you know, it did... 05:23 I thought, maybe I was just having an off day or something. 05:26 But as we tried it a couple more times, I soon realized 05:29 that I am really not a good tennis player 05:31 and this really isn't enjoyable. 05:33 It was just a lot of extra hard work for me. 05:35 Well, we decided tennis wasn't for us. 05:39 At least not now. 05:40 So we moved from tennis into canoeing. 05:43 Which was another new experience that we had not 05:46 done together before this. 05:48 And we just really encourage you, if you are engaged 05:52 at this point, or you have a special relationship 05:55 with someone, do some of these things together so you really 05:58 know how you each really are. 06:00 But my husband didn't know that I had a fear of water. 06:05 And so we got in the canoe and the first thing I wanted to do 06:08 was put this life jacket on. 06:10 Do you remember that? 06:11 I just wanted to make sure. 06:12 And you probably thought "What is she doing 06:14 putting a life jacket on in a canoe. " 06:15 At least they had it in the canoe, but I wasn't use to just 06:17 putting it on, especially when it was warm. 06:18 Yes, well I tightened all mine up and I was ready to go, 06:21 but it seemed like every time you turned to one side 06:24 or the other, the canoe started tipping and I would hold on 06:26 at the end, the edges, and I was quite fearful. 06:30 Well, we don't want to paint such a negative picture 06:32 because we did have a great honeymoon. 06:34 We did. 06:35 But really, where we had a great time was bicycling. 06:39 Now I have to tell you, this is quite humorous, but 06:41 they would not rent us a car. 06:43 Here we are nearly 24 years old and we can't rent a car 06:48 on our honeymoon because we're too young. 06:50 You had to be 25 to rent a car. 06:52 So we rented bicycles. 06:54 And we had a great time riding bicycles. 06:57 I was pretty good at riding a bicycle. 06:59 I had a little work to keep up with you but it was enjoyable 07:02 and we had a good time. 07:03 Just being together, that's what I was looking forward to. 07:07 Just having every moment with you, 07:09 because I loved you so much. 07:10 And I just knew no matter how, you know, uncoordinated 07:15 I might have been in some of these things, 07:16 life was just going to be happy ever after. 07:20 And then we went back to the real life. 07:23 You know, that's one of the things, after the honeymoon, 07:25 you go back to real life. 07:26 And we were both working at the hospital and we both had 07:30 rather stressful jobs at time. 07:33 And what began to happen then, dear? 07:36 Well, it seemed that as we would get up in the morning 07:40 and travel to the hospital together, it seemed that 07:43 you were very quiet in the morning. 07:45 And I wasn't use to you being quiet. 07:49 I was use to you talking to me and feeling free 07:52 that I could share with you. 07:53 And so I can remember after a little while, I'd start saying 07:56 things like, "How come you don't talk to me in the morning?" 08:01 You know, I really hadn't had that experience because 08:05 we weren't talking early in the morning and so you didn't know 08:09 that I wasn't really a morning person. 08:11 And so I used as my excuse, "Well, I'm just not very 08:15 talkative early in the morning. " 08:17 That's right, that's what you told me. 08:19 "I'm not a morning person. " 08:20 So you told me, "Go ahead and talk. " 08:22 And so I would, I can talk any time of the day. 08:25 You know that. 08:26 So I would talk to work, going to work. 08:29 Then I noticed coming home you weren't very talkative. 08:32 And I said, "How come you don't talk to me?" 08:34 And this is after work. 08:35 You've been awake all day, you've worked hard. 08:37 I'm interested to know what your day was like 08:40 and who you talked to and what you did in your job. 08:44 And it seemed that you were very quiet. 08:46 And yet, when we were courting, you would call me all the time 08:49 and tell me all about your day. 08:51 And you know, folks, what I was experiencing, 08:54 and I didn't realize all this at the time, 08:56 but I was feeling pressure now because now I was in 08:59 the real life, I was in these stressful situations. 09:03 Now here's my wife putting pressure on me that I'm 09:07 not communicating right. 09:09 And so she started feeling this pressure and I started 09:13 feeling the pressure, and the little walls started 09:17 going up between us. 09:18 And I started thinking, "You really don't seem like 09:21 the same person that I married either. " 09:23 You know, you were this bubbly vivacious woman. 09:27 You know, you were very confident and organized 09:31 and on top of things. 09:32 And now I started noticing that you're withdrawing. 09:37 And I'm thinking, "Well, is this just because, you know. 09:40 What is she really like? 09:42 Did I really not get to know her?" 09:43 And so the walls started coming up between us. 09:46 And I think at that time, we didn't even recognize 09:49 those walls were being built. 09:50 I think that we both were in a new phase that we had 09:55 never experienced before. 09:56 And when I married you, I just expected that you were 10:00 just going to make me a part of every aspect of your life. 10:04 And that's what I was wanting you to become in my life. 10:07 And so I was pressuring you, questioning you, 10:10 I want you to do this for me. 10:12 And that was making you pull back. 10:15 And yet I was trying to include myself into your life 10:18 and all these other areas. 10:20 And that wasn't what you were expecting, and so you were 10:23 kind of, you know, a little bit shy of that. 10:25 You know, you liked to be with your buddies, 10:27 you liked to be with your friends at work. 10:29 And then when you'd come home, then you could 10:31 be with your wife. 10:32 And so I think that what happened is we didn't 10:35 recognize that these little things were starting to 10:39 build in our marriage. 10:41 And I found myself at times feeling frustrated and hurt. 10:48 And I think every woman out there knows 10:50 what I'm talking about. 10:51 We can easily be hurt. 10:53 And I found myself responding to you in ways that 10:57 I wasn't accustomed, that I even had done before. 11:00 You know, sarcastically saying sharp things to you. 11:06 Because you weren't meeting my need. 11:08 Or my perceived need. 11:09 And I wasn't really understanding you. 11:12 And I wasn't being sensitive to you and I didn't 11:15 recognize these things. 11:16 And so I remember it got to the point for you 11:19 that there were times I could actually walk in the kitchen, 11:21 you know, several months down the road in our marriage, 11:25 I could walk in the kitchen and you would have a reaction. 11:30 Do you remember that? 11:32 Oh yes. 11:33 I mean, there were times that I'd actually start 11:35 seeing your hand shake, and you would start fumbling. 11:39 And instead of me having tenderness and pity for you 11:44 and being sympathetic, it irritated me. 11:48 It was like, what is going on here? 11:50 Where is this vivacious wonderful woman that I married? 11:56 And I found myself just withering away and withdrawing. 11:59 And, you know, when you would respond that way, 12:03 I would feel like I wasn't doing things right. 12:05 And so I would try really hard. 12:06 And, you know, I might cut myself or burn myself. 12:09 And it seemed like once a week, I had a new injury somewhere 12:12 from being in the kitchen. 12:13 And I think also that I didn't understand the effects, 12:20 something was happening different in me that I 12:22 had never experienced. 12:23 The effects of the birth control that I had been put on 12:26 was really messing up my thoughts 12:29 and my emotional stability. 12:30 Which having never experienced that before... 12:33 Not to mention your hormones. 12:34 Yes, really. 12:36 But we didn't know that was a factor at the time. 12:38 But it was a very real factor, we discovered later. 12:41 But it only made these things more difficult to deal with. 12:45 And, you know, as we've had the opportunity to talk with 12:48 many, many couples over the years, we were entering into 12:52 what I now call, the fatal cycle. 12:56 And we have seen scores of couples enter this fatal cycle, 12:59 not even knowing that they're entering into it. 13:02 And for us, the fatal cycle for me, without even realizing it, 13:06 I was living a single lifestyle and trying to fit you into it, 13:12 as a married man. 13:13 I didn't even know it. 13:14 I was just trying to fit you. 13:17 I wanted to keep all my interests, all my friends, 13:19 all my buddies, and I wanted to fit you in. 13:23 And that's not how you viewed the marriage. 13:25 I didn't know I viewed it that way, but that was what was 13:27 beginning our fatal cycle; is me trying to fit you 13:31 in to my lifestyle. 13:32 I was holding a single life, and didn't even realize it, 13:36 while I was a married man. 13:39 Well, sometimes when we were together in the evenings, 13:41 there were many happy times, but there were also 13:44 some evenings that were quite stressful. 13:46 It depended upon how responsive you would be 13:50 to me, at least coming home. 13:53 And if you were more withdrawn or quiet, then I would 13:55 find myself withdrawing from you. 13:57 And my communication with you, again, would be a little 14:00 sharper or more indifferent, like, "You can't really touch me 14:04 or, you know, you're not going to hurt my feelings. " 14:07 But it really wasn't true, it was a cover up. 14:09 Well, we're going to talk about that. 14:12 We need to take a break here, but when we come back, 14:14 we want to talk about where that fatal cycle led us 14:19 and how God broke through to restore us. 14:30 There are many "How To" books available, 14:32 but there's one that's free and perfect for every couple. 14:35 "How You Can Build A Better Marriage" 14:37 Bible-based matrimonial advice is given in a light-hearted 14:41 easy to read manner for those contemplating marriage, 14:44 newlyweds, couples in their golden years, 14:47 and everyone in between. 14:49 Simply call or write for your free copy. 15:02 Welcome back. 15:03 We're talking about how we became one. 15:08 And so far, we haven't really given you much evidence 15:11 that we're doing a very good job. 15:12 But, stay with us because I really was in love with my wife 15:19 and she was in love with me. 15:21 But, you know, as we've talked to so many couples, 15:25 this is not so uncommon in marriage. 15:29 Many people just don't know how to deal with it. 15:32 So we're going to be talking about how God takes these 15:36 difficult situations and makes a marriage that's 15:41 truly heart to heart; heart to heart with God 15:44 and heart to heart with one another. 15:46 So here we are, we're back at this dreadful evening, dear. 15:51 I remember it very well. 15:52 Probably too well. 15:54 I'm thankful that as we recount this evening and the pain 16:00 that was there, we are past that. 16:03 And we got past it very soon after that evening. 16:06 Because God is going to do great things in people's lives. 16:10 God does want those people out there to have 16:13 a marriage heart to heart. 16:14 That's right, He still does miracles every day 16:17 in our hearts. 16:19 And that's the exciting thing about God, is He's bigger 16:22 than all of our problems. 16:24 And He has a way to heal those hurts and fix those problems 16:28 and really bring us heart to heart. 16:30 And sometimes we have to go through some hard things 16:33 before we really realize where our solution is. 16:37 So that evening we had another one of our blow ups. 16:44 And you headed one direction and I headed the other. 16:48 And I ended up down in the basement, 16:50 the basement of our house. 16:53 And I was sitting down there and I was feeling 16:55 pretty sorry for myself. 16:57 You didn't know that at the time. 16:58 But I was sitting there thinking, "Here we go again. " 17:04 I was so frustrated, so upset, and I was so focused 17:09 on my selfishness. 17:12 And I didn't know what to do. 17:14 I was questioning our marriage, I was questioning, 17:17 "What is going on here?" 17:19 And I don't know what was happening with you. 17:21 What was going on with you upstairs? 17:23 Well, I started to go to the bedroom, but realized I didn't 17:28 want to go there because I figured when you came back up, 17:30 that's where you'd find me. 17:31 So I went into the office because I figured you 17:35 wouldn't find me there so quickly. 17:37 But I was feeling quite hurt, again, and feeling 17:41 very discouraged. 17:42 And yet in my heart, I knew you loved me 17:44 and I knew I loved you. 17:46 And I was confident that God had brought us together. 17:49 Amen. 17:50 You know, sometimes these difficulties 17:52 cause us to question. 17:53 But we can't really question. 17:55 We have to believe that when we join as husband and wife, 17:59 we are making that commitment to one another forever 18:02 and before God. 18:03 And that's a forever commitment. 18:05 Amen. 18:06 And I was really questioning in my own mind, you know, 18:11 "What's wrong with me? Am I losing it?" 18:15 And so I turned my focus off of you and I started 18:18 looking at myself, but not in a positive way. 18:22 In a very negative way. 18:24 And so it brought me more and more discouragement, 18:26 and I found myself feeling incapably even of making 18:31 simple decisions and fearful of not knowing how to react. 18:37 I'm sorry I put you through that, dear. 18:39 I forgave you a long time ago. 18:41 It was my own choice. 18:42 But you know, that night as I was sitting down there 18:44 in the basement, I was thinking about myself 18:49 and what's wrong with you. 18:51 It was a "me" focus. 18:53 And we're going to be talking about that. 18:55 But you know, I didn't understand how God really 18:58 speaks to us in that still small voice. 19:01 But that night, I'll never forget, that night as I was 19:04 sitting there on the couch, this thought came so vividly. 19:08 It might as well have been an audible voice. 19:09 It wasn't an audible voice, but the Holy Spirit came through 19:13 so forcibly, and this is the thought that came to me. 19:15 "If you don't stop picking on you wife, 19:19 you will destroy her. " 19:23 Ohhh. 19:24 It just sat me back, there on the couch. 19:28 And suddenly, for the first time I got my mind off myself 19:33 and I started thinking about you. 19:37 And I started realizing, this is my problem. 19:41 It's not just your problem, it's not what you are doing 19:44 or not doing, I've got a problem. 19:47 And so this is the next thought that the Lord brought to me 19:51 when I started to open my heart to the Lord there on the couch; 19:56 think of 10 things that you love and appreciate about your wife. 20:03 Ten things. 20:05 Now today, if I had to think of ten things about my wife that 20:08 I love and appreciate, it would be a very easy thing to do. 20:12 But that night, because of what we had been through, 20:15 it was not an easy thing. 20:16 And I sat there, and the only thing that I 20:18 could think of was... 20:21 I was a good cook. 20:22 ...a great cook. 20:23 I know. 20:25 But that had already caused great conflict in our marriage 20:28 because I said you were a great cook, didn't I. 20:31 Daily, daily, that was my great compliment. 20:34 I said to you one day, "Honey, I want to be 20:36 more than a cook to you. " 20:39 And so here I was trying to think of ten things, 20:42 that's all the Lord is asking me to do, think of ten things 20:45 that I love and appreciate about my wife. 20:46 And I couldn't. 20:48 And I cried out to the Lord. I said, "Oh God, help me. " 20:53 I saw my need, I saw the direction that I was going 20:57 and where it was taking us. 20:58 We were in a fatal cycle. 21:01 And I cried out to the Lord. 21:03 And the Lord began to open my heart. 21:05 And the thoughts began to flow and I started getting excited. 21:10 And I started writing things down. 21:12 And I got so excited, I wanted to come upstairs and find you 21:16 and tell you what great things God was doing in me. 21:19 And then the Lord restrained me. 21:22 The restraint was, "No. " 21:24 No. 21:25 "You need to demonstrate this love and appreciation. 21:29 Don't speak about it, don't tell her all these things 21:33 that you love and appreciate about her. 21:35 Demonstrate that love to her. " 21:40 And do you remember, I came up. 21:42 And you did find me. 21:44 I found you. 21:45 And when I found you and I saw you sitting in the corner 21:49 of our office on the floor, huddled, broken hearted, 21:55 weeping, God broke through to my heart. 21:59 Remember that moment? 22:00 Oh, I do. 22:02 I heard you coming up the stairs and I kind of 22:05 snuggled into my corner because I was embarrassed 22:07 for where I was and I knew that I wasn't coping 22:11 the way I should be. 22:12 And as you came up and you stood in the door, 22:16 after you looked for me in the bedrooms, 22:18 you stood in the door and you saw me there. 22:22 I sensed that moment of hesitation and contemplation. 22:27 And then you spoke so gently and so tenderly. 22:32 I mean, it's just as if you just spoke those words to me, 22:34 "Honey, I'm sorry. 22:38 I'm sorry for the way I've treated you. " 22:41 The first thing that you told me is that you were sorry, 22:43 and then you said, "Honey, I love you. " 22:45 And then you started coming into the room, 22:47 then you knelt down by me there on the floor. 22:50 And of course, I was embarrassed for being there. 22:53 But I was so embarrassed, I didn't even 22:56 really want to look up. 22:57 And then you shared with me what was really in your heart. 23:03 And as you shared it with me, I mean, I found 23:06 my heart just opening up like a flower to the sunshine. 23:11 And... 23:12 I find myself reliving the emotion at the moment. 23:15 It was very meaningful and very tender, wasn't it. 23:19 It was a turning point in our relationship. 23:22 Amen. 23:23 And as you spoke those words and you told me, you said, 23:27 "God has put it in my heart to show appreciation towards you. 23:33 And I'm going to demonstrate these things. 23:35 I have written ten things. " 23:36 You told me how you wrote them on the paper 23:38 and that you weren't going to let me read your list. 23:41 And I really wanted to read it because wanted to know 23:43 what was on that list. 23:44 But you weren't going to let me read it. 23:46 You said, "I'm going to demonstrate these to you. 23:48 I'm going to show you and then you tell me how I'm doing. 23:53 You figure out that list by how I live and how I treat you 23:56 and how I respond to you. " 23:59 And then, I'm still not looking at you except, you know, 24:02 under my arm there. 24:03 And then you said to me, "And I want you to know 24:08 that being a good cook is not one of them. " 24:11 And with that, I tell you, my head popped up 24:14 and a laugh came just right out. 24:17 Do you remember that? I just burst out laughing. 24:19 And then all that pent up emotion. 24:22 Because we really did love each other. 24:24 But we had so long, or in our own ways, quietly subtly 24:29 built these walls that were barricading us from each other. 24:32 And as you spoke those words, and the laughter came, 24:36 you took me by the hand and you looked me right in the eye, 24:39 and you said, "I really do love you. " 24:42 And it was so meaningful. 24:44 It was like the past was done, we're in a new life, 24:48 and we're going to move forward from this point on. 24:51 And you knew at that moment that I really did love you. 24:54 I did, and I was convinced. 24:56 I knew it before too. 24:57 The beauty of that situation was that you already knew 25:00 I loved you, but now you were experiencing that love. 25:06 And I remember embracing you there in that moment. 25:10 That was a very special moment. 25:12 You know, Ephesians 4:32 says, "Be ye kind one to another, 25:19 tenderhearted, forgiving one another, 25:23 even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. " 25:29 You know, one of the things that I remember most about that 25:32 evening was your forgiveness. 25:36 That true forgiveness that only comes from God. 25:40 And it's beautiful. 25:41 And it's the only place that it can come from 25:43 because we cannot generate that forgiveness in and of ourselves. 25:49 Not only did I forgive you that night, honey, 25:51 but you also forgave me; my selfishness and 25:55 my self-focus and my stubbornness. 25:57 And it's never been the same since. 25:59 We had a new start and it's only gotten better. 26:02 Now I never saw the original list, but I knew what they were. 26:06 But I have a new list you gave me a few years ago. 26:09 It has 54 things on it that you love and appreciate about me. 26:12 And the exciting thing is that I know them because that's 26:15 how you treat me, that's how you live towards me every day. 26:18 Well, it's wonderful because I could write a new list 26:21 probably every day. 26:23 Because love continues to grow. 26:24 And we do have a marriage that's heart to heart. 26:27 And we want this for you, our listening and viewing audience, 26:31 to have that kind of marriage. 26:33 It only comes through Christ. 26:34 And if you find yourself in a stressful difficult situation 26:38 in your marriage, God can give you the answers. 26:42 Be willing to go to God, cry out like we did, 26:45 and God will be there for you. 26:47 In fact, I think it would be great right now 26:48 if we prayed together. 26:51 Father in heaven, we do thank You for the opportunity 26:53 to come to You in every situation. 26:56 You're the creator of life and of marriage. 26:59 We know in coming into oneness with You, 27:01 it's only then that we come into oneness; 27:04 to become one with each other and have a marriage 27:07 that's heart to heart. 27:08 Bless us to that end. 27:09 Through Jesus Christ we pray, amen. 27:14 Well, we're going to be talking about something that everybody 27:16 experiences, and that is, the two "me's" or the one "us". 27:22 What do you like better, the "me" focus or the "us" focus? 27:26 I'd rather have one "us" than two "me's". 27:27 That's right, and so we need to move from the "me" focus 27:32 to the "us" focus. 27:33 Because we're just focused on ourselves 27:36 when we're in a "me" focus. 27:37 It's a very selfish focus. 27:38 So that's what we're going to be talking about 27:40 when we get together next time; two "me's" or one "us", 27:45 on Marriage Heart To Heart. |
Revised 2014-12-17