Melody from My Heart


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: 01. Mark Trammell & Tim Parton "Mary Did You Know?"<\br> 02. Jaime Jorge "Silent Night"<\br> 03. Gale Murphy "Medley"<\br> 04. Christian Edition "Do You Hear What I Hear?"<\br> 05. Mahalia Christy "I Call Him Lord"<\br> 06. Neville Peter "Go Tell it on the Mountain"<\br> 07. Steve Darmody "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear"


Series Code: MFMH

Program Code: MFMH000259

00:01 Oh, Jesus, still today I see You as You are
00:08 Please take my loving offering I praise You with my offering
00:16 I lift my humble offering
00:19 With melody from my heart
00:53 Mary, did you know
00:56 That your baby boy will one day walk on water
01:03 Mary, did you know that your baby boy
01:09 Will save our sons and daughters
01:13 Did you know that your baby boy
01:19 Has come to make you new
01:23 This child that you've delivered
01:28 Will soon deliver you
01:32 Mary did you know
01:35 That your baby boy will give sight to a blind man
01:42 Mary did you know
01:45 That your baby boy will calm a storm with his hand
01:52 Did you know that your baby boy
01:57 Has walked where angels trod
02:02 When you kiss your little baby
02:06 You've kissed the face of God
02:11 The blind will see, the deaf will hear
02:16 The dead will live again
02:20 The lame will leap, the dumb will speak
02:25 The praises of the lamb
02:36 Mary did you know
02:41 That your baby boy is Lord of all creation
02:48 Mary did you know that your baby boy
02:54 Will one day rule the nations
02:58 Did you know that your baby boy
03:04 Is heaven's perfect Lamb
03:09 This sleeping child you're holding
03:14 Is the great I am
07:10 O Come All Ye Faithful joyful and triumphant
07:18 O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem
07:27 Come and behold Him born the King of Angels
07:35 O come, let us adore Him O come, let us adore Him
07:43 O come, let us adore Him Christ the Lord
08:00 Sing, choirs of angels, sing in exultation
08:08 O sing, all ye citizens of heaven above
08:16 Glory to God, all glory in the highest
08:24 O come, let us adore Him O come, let us adore Him
08:32 O come, let us adore Him
08:38 Christ the Lord
08:49 Away in the manger no crib for a bed
08:57 The little Lord Jesus laid down His sweet head
09:06 The stars in the sky looked down where He lay
09:14 The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay
09:30 Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay
09:38 Close by me forever, and love me, I pray
09:47 Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care
09:56 And take us to Heaven to live with Thee there
10:11 Hark The herald angels sing
10:15 Glory to the newborn King
10:19 Peace on earth and mercy mild
10:24 God and sinners reconciled
10:28 Joyful, all ye nations rise
10:32 Join the triumph of the skies
10:36 With angelic host proclaim
10:40 Christ is born in Bethlehem
10:45 Hark The herald angels sing
10:49 Glory to the newborn King
10:59 The First Noel
11:04 The Angels did say
11:08 Was to certain poor shepherds
11:13 In fields with the lay
11:16 In fields where they lay
11:21 Keeping their sheep
11:25 On a cold winter's night
11:29 That was so deep
11:33 Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel
11:42 Born is the King of Israel
11:58 O little town of Bethlehem
12:04 How still we see thee lie
12:10 Above thy deep and dreamless sleep
12:16 The silent stars go by
12:21 Yet in thy dark streets shineth
12:27 The everlasting light
12:32 The hopes and fears of all the years
12:39 Are met in thee tonight
12:51 Silent night, holy night
13:01 All is calm, all is bright
13:11 Round yon Virgin
13:16 Mother and Child
13:21 Holy Infant
13:26 So tender and mild
13:32 Sleep in heavenly peace
13:45 Sleep in heavenly peace
14:18 Said the night wind to the little lamb
14:23 Do you see what I see
14:28 Way up in the sky little lamb
14:33 Do you see what I see
14:37 A star, a star dancing in the night
14:41 With a tail as big as a kite
14:46 With a tail as big as a kite
14:53 Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy
14:58 Do you hear what I hear
15:02 Ringing through the sky shepherd boy
15:07 Do you hear what I hear
15:11 A song, a song high above the tree
15:16 With a voice as big as the sea
15:20 With a voice as big as the sea
15:27 Said the shepherd boy to the mighty king
15:32 Do you know what I know
15:37 In your palace warm, mighty king
15:41 Do you know what I know
15:46 A child, a child shivers in the cold
15:50 Let us bring him silver and gold
15:55 Let us bring him silver and gold
16:06 Said the king to the people everywhere
16:11 Listen to what I say
16:16 Pray for peace people everywhere
16:21 Listen to what I say
16:25 The child, the child sleeping in the night
16:29 He will bring us goodness and light
16:34 He will bring us goodness and light
16:45 Bring us light
17:13 Master, redeemer
17:19 Savior of the world
17:25 Wonderful counselor
17:31 Bright morning star
17:39 Lilly of the valley
17:44 Provider and friend
17:49 He was yesterday, he'll be tomorrow
17:55 The beginning and the end
18:00 But the Angels called him Jesus
18:09 Born of a virgin
18:17 Mary called him Jesus
18:25 But I call him Lord
18:39 Jehovah, Messiah
18:44 The Mighty God and King
18:49 He's the bread of life
18:51 He's the lasting word of love that I sing
19:02 He's lord of heaven, light of darkness
19:07 He's my home in the sky
19:12 He's the fountain of living water
19:18 That never shall run dry
19:23 But the Angels called him Jesus
19:32 Born of a virgin
19:39 Mary called him Jesus
19:47 But I call him Lord
19:55 The Angels called him Yeshua
20:03 Born of a Virgin
20:11 Mary called him Jesus
20:19 But I call him Lord
20:27 The shepherds called Him Jesus
20:34 Mary called him Yeshua
20:42 The Angels called him King Jesus
20:49 But I call him Lord
21:25 Go tell it on the mountain
21:30 Over the hills and everywhere
21:35 Go tell it on the mountain
21:39 That Jesus Christ is born
21:44 While shepherds kept their watching
21:48 Over silent flocks by night
21:53 Behold throughout the heavens
21:57 There shone a holy light
22:02 Go tell it on the mountain
22:07 Over the hills and everywhere
22:11 Go tell it on the mountain
22:15 That Jesus Christ is born
22:21 The shepherds feared and trembled
22:24 When lo above the earth
22:29 Rang out the angel's chorus
22:34 That hailed our Savior's birth
22:37 Somebody out to go and tell it on the mountain
22:43 Over the hills and everywhere
22:48 Go tell it on the mountain
22:52 That Jesus Christ is born
22:57 Down in a lowly manger
23:02 Our humble Christ was born
23:06 And He brought us God's salvation
23:10 That blessed Christmas morn
23:14 That's why I got to tell it tell it on the mountain
23:20 Over the hills and everywhere
23:25 Go tell it on the mountain
23:29 That Jesus Christ is born
23:33 Oh, the people did not notice
23:38 When the savior came back then
23:43 So this time make sure you're ready
23:48 'Cause He's coming back again
23:51 That's why I'm gonna tell it tell it on the mountain
23:57 Over the hills and everywhere
24:02 Go tell it on the mountain
24:06 That Jesus Christ is born
24:13 Somebody ought to tell him
24:16 Tell it on the mountain
24:18 Go tell it, tell it on the mountain
24:23 Shout it out loud
24:25 Tell it on the mountain if you don't tell it
24:30 I am gonna tell it somebody got to tell it
24:34 Tell it on the mountain shout it out loud
24:39 Jesus is coming again, my friend
24:41 Shout it out loud
24:43 Jesus is coming again, my friend
24:46 Shout it out loud
24:48 Jesus is coming again, yes Jesus Christ is born
24:54 Yes, Jesus Christ is born
24:59 Yes, Jesus Christ is born
25:03 Yes, He's born
25:06 Oh, Jesus Christ is born
25:35 It came upon the midnight clear
25:42 That glorious song of old
25:49 From angels bending near the earth
25:55 To touch their harps of gold
26:02 Peace on the earth, goodwill to men
26:09 From heavens all gracious King
26:16 The world in solemn stillness lay
26:23 To hear the angels sing
26:44 And ye beneath life's crushing load
26:53 Whose forms are bending low
27:00 Who toil along the climbing way
27:07 With painful step and slow
27:15 Look now, for glad and golden hours
27:22 Come swiftly on the wing
27:29 Oh rest beside the weary road
27:37 And hear the angels sing
27:50 Oh Jesus still today I see You as You are
27:58 Please take my loving offering I praise You with my offering
28:06 I lift my humble offering
28:10 With melody from my heart


Revised 2014-12-17