Come ye who are weak and weary I will give you rest 00:00:13.60\00:00:27.03 Ye who bear a heavy burden I will give you rest 00:00:27.03\00:00:41.06 Take my yoke upon you And learn of me 00:00:41.06\00:00:54.93 I am weak and lonely And I will give you rest 00:00:54.93\00:01:10.66 Let not your heart be troubled Come on to me 00:01:10.66\00:01:23.26 Ye whose hearts are greatly troubled 00:01:23.26\00:01:30.46 lie your fears distressed 00:01:30.46\00:01:37.20 Lean upon on my steady shoulder 00:01:37.20\00:01:44.26 I will give you rest 00:01:44.26\00:01:51.40 For my yoke is easy my burden light 00:01:51.40\00:02:05.73 Cast your cares upon me And I will give you rest 00:02:05.73\00:02:22.40 Come ye who are weak and weary I will give you rest 00:02:22.40\00:02:45.93