Participants: Phillip Sizemore (Host)
Series Code: LOE
Program Code: LOE000034
00:01 Harvest truly is plenteous,
00:03 but the laborers are few. 00:04 Pray Ye therefore, the Lord of the harvest, 00:06 that He will, He will send forth laborers 00:09 into His harvest. 00:10 Also, I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 00:13 "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" 00:17 Then said, I. "Here am I, send me, send me." 00:23 Life on the Edge will enable you 00:25 to be an effective harvester for the Lord. 00:27 We now invite you into our classroom 00:30 to come, experience, Life. 00:43 Hello, welcome back again 00:45 to the Lay Institute for Evangelism 00:46 here in sunny Florida. 00:48 I'd like to welcome you people at home 00:49 as well and just thank you for joining us 00:52 today in tuning in. 00:54 In case you just now-- is being the very 00:56 first time you've ever tuned in and seeing 00:57 what's going on here at Life, 00:59 the Lay Institute for Evangelism. 01:01 What we're doing here is having 01:02 an interactive Bible study. 01:04 And we're not only interactive Bible study, 01:05 we're actually teaching one another how to give 01:07 Bible studies to somebody else. 01:09 And if you're joining us for the first time 01:11 or if you just picked up on a few of them 01:13 and you would like to more information about this, 01:14 you can visit our website 01:16 at 01:20 and there are on a website you have links you can go 01:23 to where you can download the study guides 01:24 what we're using here at Life and also you can 01:27 download the videos and watch, 01:28 actually watch the classes that we're taking here 01:30 to teach this here at Life all those things can be done. 01:34 We want to encourage you though, 01:35 it's nothing like being here actually physically here 01:37 where you can be interactive with us 01:39 and see the other things that are going on 01:41 and get the full experience. 01:42 And so we want to encourage you 01:43 to come and experience life. 01:46 You can get more information again 01:47 on the website there. 01:48 You can look at-- download an application, fill it out, 01:51 send it off and we'll be glad to see you 01:53 in the spring of 2010 or anytime after that. 01:56 You can see the other sessions 01:57 that will be taking place. 01:59 But right now today, we're going to be looking 02:01 at one of my most favorite presentations, 02:04 I think I've said that at every presentation 02:06 I've given, I like everyone of them. 02:08 But I do specifically like this one, 02:09 it does me, have a little meaning to me more than 02:12 some of the others and you understand 02:13 why as I move along. 02:14 And it's the presentation what we're gonna be 02:16 showing is that in the Bible that God cares 02:18 about our health. 02:20 He does definitely care about our health 02:21 both physically and spiritually. 02:23 And if you notice at the screen here 02:24 that's exactly what we say the purpose of the study is. 02:27 This purpose of the study is to show that God cares 02:30 about our spiritual and our physical health. 02:33 Now that might be a new revelation to some people 02:35 and think really does God care me and I thought 02:37 it just long as-- as long as I'm healthy spiritually 02:39 and long as I love the Lord everything is going 02:40 to be fine and in a sense that's true, 02:42 but did you know that good spiritual health 02:46 or also and because good spiritual health means 02:48 just spending time with God 02:49 and you're in His word and things like that. 02:51 You will find that the Bible teaches that God wants us 02:53 to be healthy physically too. 02:54 So if you have good spiritual health, 02:56 which you mean you're spending time with God, 02:57 you also understand when you spend time with God 03:00 reading His word that He expects us to take care 03:03 of the bodies that He has given us. 03:04 And that's where we're gonna be going through 03:05 with the study today. 03:06 Now I must admit the study isn't for-- 03:10 it would not be for the people 03:11 that really aren't Christians 03:12 and have given their heart to the Lord. 03:14 Because if you don't have that relationship 03:17 with Jesus, if you're not close to Him 03:19 and trusting in Him and loving Him, 03:21 then when the Bible says, you know what, 03:23 you need to change this in your life or change 03:24 that in your life is not gonna do you any good 03:27 unless you have Him in your life. 03:29 And so this-- through the study we're gonna be 03:30 looking at things that the Bible teaches 03:32 that we should not have things 03:34 we should abstain from, things that we should have 03:36 throughout the Bible that God gives us. 03:38 So that's going to be part of the study today. 03:40 Also as we move along here 03:42 to the Center It part of it. 03:43 The Center It is simply exists almost 03:45 like the purpose. 03:47 Jesus wants us to be healthy. 03:49 Jesus wants all of us to be healthy. 03:51 The Center of it is Jesus cares for you 03:53 and He wants each of us to be healthy. 03:55 Now before we go on to the next slide 03:57 we're gonna have-- the next slide is going to be 03:58 a list of all of the text 04:00 we're gonna have for this study 04:01 and there is actually 18 of them 04:03 and we'll get through them in two hours. 04:06 This will definitely be a two hour session, 04:08 so for those you at home you'll get to sit 04:10 and watch the first half of this, 04:11 you watch the first hour and if it's interesting 04:14 enough and you wanna go ahead and finish getting 04:16 that Bible study, you've to go ahead and go back 04:19 in later on and get part two off the website there 04:22 and watch it as well. 04:23 But there is only one study guide to it. 04:25 So you don't have to go about and say where is 04:27 part two, the study guide part two on the internet. 04:29 It's all come from the same study guide. 04:31 We'll just stop about half way through 04:33 and then pick up the rest of the way 04:34 in a two hour session. 04:36 And for those who are here and for those 04:38 you at home as well, I would like to invite you 04:39 to bow your head with me as we seek God's guidance 04:42 as we study His word today. 04:44 Lord Jesus, thank you so much for the health 04:47 that you've given to us, for this life 04:49 that you've provided for us. 04:51 And I pray Lord, as we open Your word now 04:53 and we study this very important message 04:55 on health that You'll give us understanding 04:58 and You'll give us wisdom that when we're done 05:01 here Lord, we'll know how to serve you better. 05:03 And I pray this in the name of Jesus, amen. 05:07 As we turn to the screen here you'll see 05:09 that our text that we're gonna be using here 05:11 for the health presentation. 05:12 Now you'll notice here that the abbreviation 05:15 for the health study when you're marking 05:16 your Bible just simply H. 05:18 So when you get to that first text in your Bible 05:20 and you're marking it up you'll put it 1H. 05:22 And we'll go to that and let you see it 05:24 as we get them to the marking part of it. 05:26 But that's what you use H. 05:28 Now, I had one of the students here said 05:29 when you done those as a study on health, 05:32 the destruction of the wicked what it was, 05:34 right, and we told you to use DW 05:36 and I said during that presentation well, 05:38 you can actually use an H if you want to if you insist 05:41 and I wasn't thinking ahead for another thing. 05:43 Well, health presentation is also an H. 05:45 So what I wanna encourage you to do if you actually did 05:48 do that when we done the destruction 05:49 of the wicked and you marked it in the Bible. 05:51 If you marked it H instead of DW on this one 05:56 you have to use HT 05:58 or something like that for health. 05:59 Just use HT so it keeps it separate like that. 06:02 Shalida was the one, you know, 06:03 done that and she was hoping 06:05 I wouldn't embarrass her today, but that's okay. 06:07 She obeyed me both ways. 06:09 All right, and so we're gonna end up 06:11 in the-- with the last text today being 06:13 1 Thessalonians 5:23. 06:14 We'll get down somewhere probably around 06:17 in the first half of this, we'll probably get 06:18 somewhere around Leviticus Chapter 11 number 9 06:21 That's about we'll finish off at in the first half of this. 06:23 So let us carry on now and go to our first text. 06:27 Our first text on the screen is Revelation Chapter 14, 06:33 Revelation the 14 Chapter 06:35 and here is what we're going to be studying here 06:37 and the reason why I opened up with Revelation 14. 06:39 Does anybody know what Revelation 14 06:41 one that first part of Revelation Chapter 14 06:44 basically just that Chapter what is known for, 06:47 what it's kind of famous for? 06:48 We call it the Three Angels' Message, right. 06:50 And what you gonna find 06:52 in these Three Angels' Messages, 06:53 we discover the judgment in the Three Angels' Message. 06:56 We discover the mark of the beast 06:57 in the Three Angels' Message. 06:58 We find that the Gospel is going to go 07:00 into all over the world in Three Angels' Message. 07:02 Many things packed in those verses 07:04 right about these messages is gonna be going 07:06 to all over the world. 07:08 Well today, what we're gonna find out 07:09 is also the very fact that God want's us 07:11 to be healthy is also in that Three Angles Message 07:15 and we're gonna unpack that right now. 07:17 So at this time Robert, 07:20 Robert is gonna read to us. 07:22 Sorry Robert, I had to think about your name 07:23 there for a second, read to us 07:24 Revelation Chapter 14 verses 6 and 7, 07:27 Revelation 14:6 and 7. 07:31 "Then I saw another angel flying 07:34 in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting 07:37 gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth 07:42 to every nation, tribe, tongue, 07:45 and people saying with a loud voice, 07:49 'Fear God and give glory to Him, 07:52 for the hour of His judgment has come, 07:55 and worship Him who made heaven and earth, 07:59 the sea and springs of waters.'" 08:03 Thank you very much. 08:04 Now you remember early on in one of the studies 08:07 we read from here and it was a matter of fact 08:10 it was the study on judgment two. 08:12 The second part of the judgment, 08:14 the judgment study, is judgment part two. 08:16 And we saw here that first angel 08:20 is going to be preaching the everlasting gospel, right. 08:23 That's what it says here, the everlasting gospel. 08:25 And we ask what is the everlasting gospel? 08:27 And then the answer comes in verse 7, 08:29 because it says this everlasting gospel saying 08:32 and then it goes on to-- as to what he was saying. 08:35 Saying with a loud voice, 08:36 fear God and give glory to Him. 08:39 And then we focused in on the hour 08:41 of His judgment has come, worship Him that made 08:42 heavens and the earth, the sea, 08:43 and fountains of water and all those things. 08:45 Well, what we haven't focused in on yet 08:47 is what it says fear God and give glory to Him. 08:49 Now the question is going to come up right now. 08:52 How do we give glory to God? 08:54 That's a good question isn't it? 08:56 I mean that's part of the everlasting gospel, 08:58 giving glory to God is part of the everlasting gospel. 09:01 Well how is it we give glory to God? 09:03 Well, let us go on now to our next text, 09:04 we're gonna answer this question, 09:05 we're gonna begin answering this question, 09:07 and while we're turning in our Bibles 09:08 to the second text. 09:09 Let me ask you some of the ways. 09:10 Please tell me, some of the ways 09:12 we can give glory to God? 09:13 Can anybody give me just some, 09:14 just some ideas how can you give glory to God 09:16 in your life right now as a Christian? 09:18 Do good to others. Do good to others. 09:20 How we dress. How we dress. 09:22 Witnessing. Witnessing. 09:24 How about singing hymns, is that giving glory to God? 09:26 Reading our Bibles, does that give glory to God? 09:28 Right, there are many things we can think 09:30 of that give glory to God. 09:31 But now we're gonna look at is there is also 09:33 the way we give glory to God can be in the way 09:35 we eat, in the way we drink, 09:38 and many other things. 09:39 There's many ways we can give glory to God 09:41 and how we are gonna find out is go to the Bible 09:42 1 Corinthians Chapter 10 and verse 31. 09:45 And Tim is gonna read that for us, 09:47 1 Corinthians Chapter 10 and verse 31. 09:49 Go ahead Tim. Don't go ahead yet. 09:53 So everybody else is there from Revelation 09:55 we're gonna turn to the left 09:56 1 Corinthians Chapter 10 and verse 31. 09:58 There you go, now you read it for us I'm there. 10:01 "Whether therefore you eat, or drink, 10:03 or whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God." 10:06 Okay, Paul is writing here to the Corinthians 10:09 and he says for whatsoever you do, 10:12 whether you eat or whether you drink, 10:16 do all to the glory of God. 10:17 So is there a way that we can eat and drink 10:20 that gives glory to God? 10:23 Of course it is because he says whatever you do, 10:25 do it to the glory of God, 10:26 whether you eat or drink. 10:27 So if there is a way to eat and drink 10:29 to the glory of God, would that also logical conclusion 10:32 here would be, there is a way you can eat and drink 10:34 that would not bring glory to God. 10:37 Do you see that from the text? 10:39 Now do you see like when you're given 10:40 a Bible study how this first part leads you 10:42 so perfectly together. 10:43 I mean, you've the Revelation 14 text 10:46 it says fear God and give glory to Him. 10:48 And then you go here to this text 10:49 in 1 Corinthians 10:31 it says whatever you do 10:52 give glory to God. 10:54 So it has to be given glory to God. 10:55 And I've heard people say, you know, 10:57 like since whatever we do we give glory to God. 11:00 We'll be doing something that the devil 11:01 would have them doing and they say well yeah 11:03 but I'm praising the Lord while I'm doing it. 11:05 You know, you follow what I'm saying, right. 11:07 You know, we do something completely outrageously wrong 11:09 and say well, I'm giving glory to God, 11:11 I'm thanking Him. 11:12 No, the context of the verse here, 11:15 the context of what he is saying is your actions 11:18 will give glory to God or not give glory to God. 11:21 Giving glory to God is not something 11:23 you just say out of your mouth. 11:25 Are you following that? 11:26 And so some people actually have that idea, 11:28 as long as I'm, saying praise the Lord 11:30 then I must be giving glory to God, right, 11:32 but that's not necessarily the case. 11:35 If I'm going around like today as the matter of fact 11:37 tomorrow is my 15th wedding anniversary 11:39 with my wife, right. 11:41 And so tomorrow on our 15th wedding anniversary 11:43 I'll go out with another girl 11:44 and I'm gonna say glory to God. 11:47 And then you think that's really giving glory to God. 11:49 But I'll go to church with the other girl. 11:51 No because your actions actually show 11:54 whether or not you're giving glory to God, okay. 11:56 So tomorrow on my 15th wedding anniversary, 11:59 I know people at home saying oh well 12:01 he doesn't look that old he must have got married 12:02 when he was like 15. 12:04 No I'm just kidding, I'm we had this 12:06 discussion yesterday I found out 12:08 from some of our students here that I couldn't pass 12:10 the 29 anymore, I'm heart broke. 12:14 Let's carry on here. 12:15 So we found out, we found out here now 12:17 in the Bible that whatever we would do 12:18 whether we're eating or drinking we should do 12:20 all to the glory of God. 12:22 Now, from this point we are gonna 12:24 go on to 1 Corinthians Chapter 6:19 and 20, 12:29 because some folks think 12:32 1 Corinthians Chapter 6:19 and 20, 12:40 let me get there myself 1 Corinthians Chapter 7 12:41 I said that's not the verse. 12:43 1 Corinthians 6:19 and 20 12:45 and Mike is gonna read that one for us. 12:49 "What? Know you not that your body 12:51 is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, 12:54 which you have of God, and you are not your own?" 12:56 Mike can I ask you a question? 12:57 Have you ever had anybody said it's my body 12:59 I'll do what I want? Yes. 13:01 You know, Paul's argument here right in 13:03 1st Corinthians is we're just reading. 13:05 Is if you say that, if you say that my body is mine 13:07 I'll do what I want you're saying you're not a Christian. 13:09 Because he says if you're Christian 13:11 who owns your body. 13:12 Yeah, read it again now with that in mind. 13:14 Let's start right there again I'm sorry. 13:16 Pick it up again. What? 13:17 "What? Know you not that your body 13:19 is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, 13:22 which you have of God, and you are not your own?" 13:26 Verse 20. Yeah go ahead verse 20. 13:28 "For ye are bought with a price, 13:29 therefore glorify God in your body, 13:32 and in your spirit, which are God's." 13:34 Once again we hear that again Mike, 13:36 glorify God in your body and your spirit 13:38 which belongs to God. 13:40 And so time and again as you read in the Bible 13:42 as you find in the Bible God is defining 13:44 Christians through Apostle Paul here, 13:47 he is defining Christians. 13:48 If you gonna follow God you gonna understand 13:51 that the body does not belong to you, 13:53 but it belongs to God Himself. 13:55 He owns you. 13:56 First of all He created you. 13:58 Secondly, He redeemed you. 14:00 So therefore He owns you. 14:02 And so can you imagine the situation here. 14:05 Let's suppose, let's suppose right now 14:07 that Shalida here. 14:13 Let's suppose that Shalida goes out 14:14 and buys herself a new car, brand new car, 14:17 like to have a new one, won't you? 14:18 So she has this brand new car and she takes 14:21 the instruction manual to her brand new car 14:23 and she just puts in a glove box and closes it 14:25 and she goes and drives her car 14:26 about 15,000 miles about 20,000 miles 14:30 and all of the sudden smoke starts rolling out of it. 14:32 And so she takes it in-- takes it back 14:34 to the dealership and when she get's back to dealership 14:37 it's all scratched up on the sides, 14:38 smoke throwing out of it and she never done 14:41 one thing to take of it what she had it. 14:43 Is anybody here going to be upset with it? 14:45 How careless of you, wouldn't bother me a bit. 14:47 It's your money you wasted it, you know, 14:49 it's your business, right. 14:51 Of course it's God's money she wasted 14:52 and we would may be little upset with her, 14:54 that's my point of view, but still the point 14:56 is it was her car she done she want to. 14:58 But let's suppose Shalida borrowed my car 15:01 and she takes it away and she goes down 15:03 and I said yes Shalida you can borrow my car. 15:04 She has taken it down to Miami to visit family 15:06 or whatever and about a week later 15:08 she shows back over my house. 15:09 The car is beat up, smoke rolling out of it, 15:11 you know, the windows are cracked and things like that. 15:13 Would I be angry with her 15:14 or little upset with her then? 15:15 Of course I would have to forgive her because 15:17 then I couldn't go to heaven if I wouldn't, right. 15:19 But I would definitely, I would definitely get 15:20 little upset with Shalida wouldn't I, why. 15:22 Because it's my car, your body that you claim 15:26 to be yours is not your body according to Bible, 15:28 but it belongs to God. 15:30 And if God give us our body and after only about 15:33 20,000 miles of usage, right, 15:35 I say 20 years into our life it looks like 15:37 our body has been used by somebody for 75 years, 15:41 then do you think God would have any issue with us, 15:43 if it was something we did ourselves, you know, 15:45 things can happen, right. 15:46 So God expect us to take care of what He has given us. 15:49 God expect us to take care of what He has given us. 15:52 And, you know, God gives us strong warning 15:55 against those people that insist 15:58 that it's mybody, I can do what I want. 16:00 He gives very strong counsel against that 16:02 and you find it in 1 Corinthians 16:03 the next chapter we're going to next we're going to 16:05 1 Corinthians and I got to skip one because 16:08 we're going to 1 Corinthians Chapter 3 16:10 and verse 16 and 17, 1 Corinthians Chapter 3 16:13 verses 16 and 17. 16:15 Now this is one of the strongest points, 16:17 one of the strongest statements in the Bible 16:19 that you can find regarding how you take care 16:21 of your body and Ms. Gloria is gonna 16:23 take-- take the privilege of reading that one for us 16:26 and I thank you for doing that. 16:27 1st Corinthians Chapter 3 verse 16 and 17 16:30 the strongest warning you find in all the Bible 16:34 about abusing your body. 16:35 Let's go ahead and hear that from Ms. Gloria. 16:40 "Do you not know that you are a temple of God 16:43 and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? 16:47 If anyone defiles the temple of God, 16:50 God will destroy him, for the temple of God is holy. 16:55 Which temple are you." 16:57 What is that the Bible says that God is going 16:59 to do the man or the woman that decides 17:01 they're just going to mess up their body 17:03 and it doesn't matter what happens to their body. 17:05 God will destroy them, that's pretty serious isn't it. 17:08 I mean, that's not my words, 17:10 that's the Bible's words. 17:11 You know, I have friends, 17:13 many friends that are not Christian, 17:16 and relatives especially. 17:18 And I can remember, I remember often times 17:20 I've heard many people say, 17:21 well, you know what it's my body I'll do what I want. 17:24 And they do that just that very thing 17:26 that they eat all kinds of things that just are not 17:28 good for them, they drink things 17:30 they should not be drinking, 17:31 they smoke anything, right. 17:33 They do these things and they say it's my body. 17:36 But yet, here's what they will do, 17:38 they will say to their family 17:39 and their loved one's, I love you. 17:42 Of course they do. No, they don't. 17:44 I want you to think about this Tim, 17:45 I'm gonna pick on you for a minute. 17:46 Tim, let's suppose you're married man, okay. 17:49 And you got your wife there and you say, 17:51 honey I love you and you're a smoker 17:53 and a drinker and you're just a rabble-rouser, right. 17:57 Eating all kinds of things that are bad for you 17:59 and things like that you're bloating up, 18:00 you're getting big, you're getting unhealthy 18:02 and you're getting lazy, and you're lying 18:03 in the house and it's just getting worse 18:04 all the time, okay. 18:05 But you say, where your wife says oh Tim I love you. 18:07 She is like catering to him, 18:08 she just loves him so much and adores him. 18:11 Tim, you got to pretend with me, okay. 18:13 You have your wife, you love her. 18:17 Whenever you have your stroke 18:19 and you are laying there with drool running out 18:21 your mouth and your -- then your lovely wife has to come 18:25 and spoon feed you whose life has just been ruined. 18:30 My wife's life has been ruined. 18:31 Exactly right, exactly. 18:34 My dad died at very young age, 18:36 52 I believe how old he was when he died. 18:38 He died in 1999 and it devastated me. 18:42 I love spending time with my dad, 18:44 but you know my dad thought it didn't matter 18:46 what you ate and what you drank 18:47 and all these kinds of things. 18:48 And he smoked all the way up until 18:50 like eight years before he died when the doctor 18:52 finally told him, said if you continue smoking 18:54 you won't see your grandkids, right. 18:56 So he quit smoking and he got to see his grandkids. 18:59 But then in 1999 he dropped dead 19:01 with massive heart attack but, you know, 19:02 in his mind, his view it didn't matter what you ate. 19:05 Whenever my dad dropped dead 19:06 of massive heart attack, whose life was messed up? 19:09 Yours. Yes, my life is messed up. 19:11 So as you're growing older, 19:13 as you're young and you're developing habits 19:15 that are really bad that is harming your body 19:17 and you say well it doesn't matter because 19:18 it's my body you maybe-- maybe the case 19:21 you may not be serving God 19:22 and giving your body to Him, right. 19:24 You may be serving yourself, 19:26 but do not lie to your family and tell them 19:28 you love them. 19:32 You understand that, right? 19:33 I mean, I tell my family I love them, 19:34 I love my kids, I love my wife, 19:36 but if I go out and destroy this body. 19:39 When if I drop dead of a heart attack, 19:41 or whenever I have a massive stroke 19:42 and I'm laying there in a nursing home 19:44 or any of these things happen. 19:45 Can these things happen to people that live healthy? 19:47 Yes, over a period of time it does happen, 19:49 but it's a lot less frequent. 19:51 It's a way rarer for that to happen 19:55 to someone that's eating right, 19:56 exercising and doing right, than it is for someone 19:58 that's just saying it doesn't matter, 19:59 I'll do what I want. 20:01 You know, they-- is all way back in the 60s, 20:04 you know, where they call these, 20:06 first I understand calling cigarettes coffin nails. 20:10 You know, having another nail for your coffin, right. 20:12 That's like terminology used way back then. 20:14 Now we're gonna get into the details 20:15 of this later on, but what I want you to understand 20:17 is before we get into the health part of this, 20:20 as far as the details of it, 20:21 the reason I've such a burden for this 20:23 is because I've seen it happen too many times. 20:26 And it's usually more along with the men, 20:28 the men side of it. 20:30 You know, when I was growing up 20:31 it was the women that were all the religious people 20:33 and stuff, they were in the families. 20:35 Like the men they never went go to church 20:36 and things like that. 20:37 Almost like they think it's all of the religion 20:39 that's for women and children. 20:41 It's like, you know, salvation 20:42 that's only for women and children. 20:44 No, I could definitely use that myself too. 20:46 And but it seem like it was almost looked 20:48 as a girly thing to do, that's what the women, 20:50 children did right. 20:51 And it's the same way with health and things like that. 20:54 I'm glad things are changing somewhat in the world. 20:56 I mean, people are being more and more 20:57 health conscious right now especially 20:59 with the healthcare debates and everything going on. 21:01 But all that set aside, the reason 21:03 I want to be healthy primarily is to serve God. 21:07 And secondarily I want to be healthy for my family. 21:11 And so there is a way you can eat and drink 21:14 that will glorify God but there is a way 21:16 you can eat and drink that will not bring 21:18 glory to God and it will actually cause you very much, 21:22 very large problems overtime, you know. 21:25 And so we're gonna continue on 21:26 in the study here and we're basing it in primarily 21:30 going from what I've just laid here as a foundation. 21:34 You know, you think about that as a foundation. 21:35 It's pretty serious, it's not just something 21:38 we can just brush off and say, well, 21:39 I'll accept this part of the gospel, 21:40 I accept this part of the Bible and this part. 21:42 When it comes out whole health thing 21:43 no I'm just gonna brush it away. 21:46 Shalida back to the car you borrowed. 21:49 If you would have took that manual that you threw 21:51 in the glove box and shut up and never opened it up, 21:53 you know, it told you to change the oil, 21:55 when to change the oil, right. 21:56 It would have told you exactly 21:57 how much air to put in your tires. 21:58 It would have told you all these things 21:59 and if you have followed that your car would be 22:01 in a lot better shape and lasted a lot longer. 22:03 And when you take it to the dealership 22:04 and you say why is all these things happening, 22:06 why are all these things happening to my car. 22:08 They are gonna say, well, you didn't follow the manual 22:10 and, you know, 22:11 often times when we go to God saying Lord 22:14 please heal my diseases. 22:15 The reason we have it to start with not always 22:18 that often times is because 22:20 we never followed the manual. 22:22 You know, and not that he won't help you, 22:23 the dealership you take it back to, 22:24 they will help you, but it's gonna cost you. 22:27 And I believe with all my heart that Jesus, 22:28 when we come to Him, even with our health problems 22:30 that we have often times brought upon ourselves. 22:32 He will help us, but I think it costs us 22:35 a little pain or little suffering 22:36 and a few things things like that, 22:38 because God also want's us to learn to trust Him. 22:42 All right, am I going too slow? 22:47 I'll let everybody know at home if you've seeing 22:49 some of the earlier shows that are recorded 22:52 I was talking really fast and I've been 22:54 reprimanded for that. 22:56 Now, they say, you need to slow down 22:58 a little bit and it kills me. 22:59 You know, what happens to me is when I slow down 23:01 thoughts come to my mind and I don't get to the-- 23:04 the end of my sentence quick enough to start 23:07 saying that thought and it goes away. 23:09 So I'm struggling here. 23:12 All right, now our next text here 23:13 we're go to is in 3rd John verse 2, 3rd John, 23:17 there is only one chapter in 3rd John verse 2 23:19 and it's to the right we're at 23:21 and it let's us know that God is not only caring 23:23 about our spiritual well being, 23:25 but just as much as equally so actually 23:28 he cares about our physical. 23:29 Now 3rd John is right before-- if you go 23:32 to Book of Revelation and back up one book, 23:34 what book are you in? Jude. 23:36 Jude and back up one more book, 23:37 what book are you in. Third John. 23:39 So we're going to 3rd John verse 2 23:43 and I believe Danielle is going to read 23:45 that one for us 3rd John verse 2. 23:48 "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou 23:51 mayest prosper and be in health, 23:53 even as thy soul prospereth." 23:55 So John here writing on the inspiration 23:58 of the Holy Spirit says beloved I want you 24:00 to prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers. 24:04 So is God interested about 24:05 in our spiritual life being healthy? Yes. 24:08 But He is just as interested in our 24:10 physical life being healthy. 24:12 Absolutely, absolutely. 24:13 And as we go through this, 24:15 you're gonna find out that, you know, 24:16 like myself and some of the and some 24:18 of the other friends I have, I'm just gonna pick 24:20 on Mike over here too and maybe Tim 24:23 I can pick on him, I know his background a little bit. 24:25 But many of us during our younger part of our life 24:28 we really messed up our spiritual life. 24:30 You know, there wasn't one, it was non existent. 24:32 We were basically I guess you could say 24:34 serving the devil, because if you're not 24:35 serving God in a sense that's who 24:36 you're serving, right. 24:38 And so we weren't living for God 24:40 spiritually nor physically. 24:42 But just as same whenever we came to God 24:45 he healed our spiritual past if we come to Him 24:48 even though we lived our life not serving Him 24:50 physically, He can heal our physical past too. 24:53 He can make things get better, 24:54 he can make us healthier with things 24:55 can change in our life. 24:57 Lifestyle changes both spiritually and physically 25:00 will make us more healthy. 25:01 You know, what I mean, make us feel better 25:02 make things better. 25:03 God can heal us. 25:04 We know He can and we know He is willing to. 25:07 Now from this point, we're gonna make 25:09 a little bit of a transition. 25:10 We've laid the foundation that everybody understands 25:13 when I'm giving the Bible study or even 25:14 when I'm preaching this in evangelism, 25:16 I'm going a lot faster in evangelism. 25:18 But whenever we're preaching it, 25:19 or whenever we're teaching it we lay this foundation 25:21 that it's not okay for me to claim to be a Christian 25:25 and then say that God doesn't care about 25:26 how I'm physically. 25:28 As a matter of fact John just told us 25:29 that it's just important our physical health 25:32 as our spiritual health. 25:34 Now that's a new Revelation to a lot of people. 25:36 I mean, there are probably people at home right now, 25:38 or people watching this DVD or whatever 25:40 and they are saying well 25:41 I've never been taught about that. 25:42 I've never been connected the two, 25:43 that our physical health and our spiritual health 25:45 is equal and that God cares about that, but He does. 25:48 And what I've discovered in my personal life 25:50 that is after I started eating more healthy 25:53 and living healthy and trying to obeying 25:55 the laws, the health rules that God has given us 25:57 out of the scriptures, when I started doing that. 26:00 After I started doing that 26:01 my spiritual thoughts became clear. 26:04 It's like I wasn't so muddled in my head, 26:06 you know, with the stuff that I was putting 26:07 in my body wasn't helping me think as clearly 26:10 as I was able to after I started, 26:13 I started eating as God would have me eat. 26:15 So it does make a difference 26:16 and that's what the Bible lays out. 26:17 As a case in point, let us go to our next 26:21 part of the text, you see that transition there 26:22 when you're giving a Bible study, right. 26:25 In other words like I give my personal experience, 26:27 this is good when you're given a study 26:29 or even preaching. 26:30 When you give your personal experience 26:31 and I say I discovered in my own life that what I eat 26:34 and drink and those things helped me 26:36 to think more clearly and I was able to understand 26:38 spiritual things better. 26:39 Let us look at a case in point 26:40 and go to the Bible. 26:42 And that's where we're going to now is Daniel Chapter 1. 26:44 You see how that ties together, 26:45 because we're gonna see in Daniel Chapter 1 26:47 that the very same thing happens. 26:48 Now I'm gonna make a statement here 26:52 after we get somebody reads part of Daniel Chapter 1 26:55 and it's gonna seem a little bit outrageous. 26:57 Actually I'm gonna say it now, 26:59 when Daniel eats healthy here in Daniel Chapter 1, 27:04 he didn't become healthy 27:05 because he was eating healthy. 27:08 He became he didn't become wiser 27:09 and all these things we gonna find here because 27:11 he was eating the right food. 27:12 He did it because he was obeying God. 27:15 And you will see as we go along here, 27:16 it's just a ten day process. 27:17 Let us look at here what helped him, 27:19 wasn't the fact that he was just eating 27:21 the right food, it's because he was obeying God. 27:23 That's the important principle here 27:25 is obedience to what God would have us to. 27:27 So if someone like to read Daniel Chapter 1 and verse 8. 27:29 I think Dosung is gonna read that for us. 27:31 Daniel Chapter 1 and verse 8 and then also 27:35 you stay ready to read verse 12 through 15. 27:38 "But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would 27:41 not defile himself with the portion 27:43 of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank, 27:48 therefore he requested of the prince 27:50 of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself." 27:54 Okay let us picture what's going on here with Daniel. 27:57 Daniel has just been taken away, 27:59 marched about a 1000 miles across the dessert 28:02 from his home town there in Jerusalem 28:05 all the way to Babylon. 28:06 While Daniel is in Jerusalem, 28:09 he was taught as he was growing up to eat 28:11 certain ways because there was laws 28:14 that they had health principles 28:15 and health laws that God 28:16 had given the Jewish people, right. 28:18 And He had given it to all people as we learn 28:19 as we go on, but He given it to the Jewish people there 28:21 and Daniel had been taught to obey those laws. 28:23 He had been taught that God is real 28:25 and that God cares for you, He is gonna take care of you. 28:27 And while he was there in Babylon, you know, 28:30 we looked at-- we mentioned already once 28:31 before that there was a prophet there 28:32 by the name of Jeremiah, the prophet 28:34 and he was saying they are gonna go away to Babylon 28:36 and the other religious leaders at the time 28:38 say no God is going to take care of us 28:40 we're not going to get carried away. 28:42 But yet Daniel, he saw his family likely murdered, 28:45 he saw a bunch of friends and relatives 28:47 all killed, when the Babylonians come 28:49 and besiege the city, 28:51 pretty horrible situation, isn't it. 28:52 Do you think this would have given Daniel 28:54 a reason not to be trusting God anymore. 28:57 I mean, like if you're young kid 28:59 and you've just seen all these things 29:00 that Daniel happened it to you 29:02 would you say is God does even care, 29:04 does He actually even real, 29:05 does He even care about me. 29:07 But somehow someway even in the midst 29:09 of all that, you know, foreign land 29:12 where he is surrounded by idolatry and idols 29:16 and things like that, he is forced to serve 29:18 in a king's palace, he is forced to go to that school. 29:21 I mean all these things are happening in his life, 29:23 yet Daniel with all that going on says, 29:26 you know, what. 29:27 My body doesn't belong to me, it belongs to God 29:29 and I don't want to defile myself 29:31 with what the king would have us eat. 29:33 He is still trusting in God, 29:35 that's pretty powerful isn't it. 29:36 You know, you and I often times 29:38 if you just think about it little bit, 29:40 I'm on hostile ground. 29:43 Anytime you want to make a stand for God, 29:45 anytime you wanna serve God with what you eat, 29:47 what you drink, when you go to church right now, 29:50 right, where and all these kinds of things. 29:52 It's an hostile environment a lot of times 29:54 especially if you are around nonbelievers 29:55 will give you a hard way to go about, won't they. 29:57 But we've to be like Daniel and say, 29:59 you know what, I'm gonna make a stand for God. 30:02 And so that's what he says here, 30:03 he says look please-- 30:04 he is gonna make request here to the chief 30:07 of the eunuchs and says please don't, 30:08 I don't want to eat this stuff 30:09 and drink this stuff, I can't do it because 30:11 I'll be defiling my body, I'll be disappointing God. 30:14 And now we're gonna pick it up again in verse 12 30:16 and Dosung is gonna read now verses 12 through 15 30:19 as we continue on here. 30:22 "So Daniel says to Belshazzar, 30:23 "Prove thy servants, I beseech thee, ten days, 30:26 and let them give us pulse to eat, 30:29 and water to drink." 30:30 Okay, hold on just a second. 30:31 He says I want, just ten day trial please because 30:34 remember the chief of the eunuch say Meltzar 30:36 he was worried like, if I give you guys, 30:38 if I don't give you the kings food 30:39 you're not going to be as healthy, 30:40 because you got to eat all this stuff 30:42 in order to be healthy. 30:43 The idea in that time was if you don't eat 30:44 this stuff, you won't be healthy. 30:47 So Daniel says please just try for a ten days, 30:49 just let me have vegetables, 30:51 pulse to eat and water to drink, that's all I want. 30:53 And if ten days if you don't see a difference 30:55 then fine I'll go and eat your food, 30:57 that's testing God. 30:59 Now let me ask you in general 31:03 if you take somebody off the street, 31:05 yeah two people that's eating 31:06 just awful food Dosung, right, 31:08 they are just eating things that's just-- 31:09 but that's their lifestyle 31:10 and they've a certain look to them, 31:11 they're just kind of normal and you can't right, 31:13 you don't see anything very bad wrong with him, right. 31:15 And you have two of those people and you take 31:16 one of them out of that situation 31:18 and say okay, you only gonna have fruit, 31:19 you only gonna have vegetables and water 31:20 to eat for ten days. 31:22 You think there is going to be a really 31:23 a huge difference between the two. 31:24 I mean they will be somewhat likely, 31:25 but it won't be like a noticeable difference 31:27 in that short of time. 31:29 I mean some people argue with me on that point. 31:31 Oh yes, there would be too, but I don't see it. 31:33 I mean, I mean like coming out of the environment 31:34 I was, I was eating Big Max and all these kind of things 31:36 and I felt really healthy. 31:38 Like when I first became a Christian I was running 31:39 like five miles a day, 31:41 I was exercising and I felt like I was healthier 31:44 just as healthy as anybody in the church. 31:46 I found out later on I had cholesterol 31:47 almost to 300 but besides that's I felt good, 31:51 right and I look good and I really believe 31:53 if they would have taken me out of my situation 31:55 and said okay here I want you to come over here 31:56 and eat only vegetables for ten days. 31:58 I don't think anybody will notice 31:59 any big difference in me. 32:01 But here what the point is, 32:03 is that Daniel chooses to obey God 32:05 and he tells him look, let it be done for ten days 32:08 and see if there is a difference. 32:10 All, right, so his point is here 32:11 is obedience to God. Read the rest of it. 32:13 "Then let our countenances be looked upon before thee, 32:16 and the countenance of the children 32:18 that eat of the portion of the king's meat, 32:20 and as thou seest, deal with thy servants. 32:24 So he consented to them in this matter, 32:26 and proved them ten days. 32:27 And at the end of ten days their countenances 32:30 appeared fairer and fatter in flesh 32:33 than all the children which did eat of the portion 32:36 of the king's meat." 32:37 So Daniel and his friends that were blessed with by God 32:42 working with the king there no doubt 32:43 in a situation worked out where they could eat 32:45 just the vegetables and water for ten days. 32:48 And at the end of ten days they looked fairer and flesh, 32:51 they looked fatter and I know that 32:53 doesn't look sound good today in our culture, 32:55 but in other words they looked more healthy. 32:57 They looked healthier than the other boys 33:00 who are just like them, but only were eating 33:01 the king's meat and the foods that the king was providing. 33:04 The point is here, when Daniel choose to obey 33:07 what God wanted to eat, God then blessed Daniel. 33:11 And you know, you know, what happened at the end of this 33:13 and you can read it in verse 20 here. 33:15 It's as we're leading up to verse 20 33:18 in the same Chapter that after three years 33:20 span of Daniel eating just these foods, 33:23 Daniel and his friends eating these foods 33:24 and serving in the kings palace 33:25 at the end of the time, look what it says in verse 20. 33:27 "And in all matters of wisdom 33:29 and understanding, that the king enquired of them, 33:31 he found them ten times better than 33:33 all the magicians and astrologers 33:34 that were in all his realm. 33:35 And than Daniel continued even 33:36 to the first year of King Cyrus." 33:39 In other words Daniel ate what God would have him eat, 33:42 he lived like God would have him live, 33:44 and God actually blessed him and his friends 33:46 to be ten times better, ten times wiser, 33:48 ten times healthier, whatever 33:50 than all the other young ones who grew up. 33:52 And I like it's interesting because the next part 33:54 of that statement says and Daniel continued even 33:56 to the first year of King Cyrus. 33:58 What happened to the rest of the guys? They died. 34:02 And as you read through the Book of Daniel, 34:03 you know, he lived till the ripe old age. 34:05 I mean, he has lived all the way up into the time 34:07 where that into 70 year period 34:08 where they are going back to Jerusalem 34:10 he is still alive then. 34:11 So if he would say, he was only ten, 34:14 if he was ten years old when they took him 34:16 to Babylon he was 80 years old and still living 34:20 when he is writing to into the Book of Daniel. 34:22 So it's very interesting that you can link 34:25 that right back to the fact that he ate 34:27 what God would have him eat. 34:28 And you know, you know, what the good thing is 34:30 about being vegetarians don't you, right. 34:32 If you eat that vegetarian diet like 34:34 Daniel did, eating foods like Daniel did, 34:35 the lions don't want to eat you 34:36 because it's not much there. 34:39 That's not the case at all. 34:41 You know, then the lions, the lions didn't want him, 34:44 he is a vegetarian, hey, nothing there right, 34:45 there is no meat on the bone of the vegetarian isn't it. 34:48 I'm a vegetarian look at this. 34:52 That's embarrassing. 34:55 All right, now let's go back, 34:57 I want to tell you as we're going here 34:59 to our next section Genesis Chapter 1 and verse 29. 35:02 Genesis the 1st Chapter and verse 29 35:05 we're gonna go to here and we're gonna look 35:06 at the original diet that God gave. 35:07 Now, I got to tell you here again coming out 35:11 of the background that I was in that, I was-- 35:13 what you call really un-church. 35:15 You've not been to Church, you can count 35:16 how many times on your hands and maybe take your shoe 35:19 off and get one toe out. 35:21 The times I had been to church all growing up. 35:23 And as I was growing up I got relatives 35:26 especially like my grandmother. 35:27 She is a Methodist and I've relatives that many 35:29 of them are Methodist and that kind of thing. 35:31 And when they found out I was becoming 35:33 a Seventh-day Adventist they frowned on that, 35:35 you know, they didn't like that idea. 35:37 And so the religious thing was always 35:39 kind of avoided to logic stand, but every once 35:42 in a while somebody would throw 35:43 something out at me. 35:44 And I remember being home one time 35:46 and I was sitting out on the back porch with my mom 35:49 and my grandmother and lawyer was sitting there 35:52 and my grandmother just out of nowhere because 35:54 she knows that I eat vegetarian, right, 35:56 and she says well I heard on the radio 35:58 the news that vegetarians don't get enough B12 36:01 they have bad eyesight. 36:03 And I said really granny? She said yeah. 36:05 I said well I notice you are wearing glasses 36:08 and she said oh that's because I'm old. 36:10 I said well my mom wears glasses? 36:13 Because she is old too. 36:14 I said my brother who is only two older than me 36:17 is wearing glasses for the last three years. 36:20 Well, well you know, impress a little bit 36:22 and I said, let me ask you something. 36:24 In the Bible granny, God gave us a diet 36:27 in the Bible what was the original diet? 36:30 The original diet that God gave granny 36:31 you believe He created us and so therefore 36:33 he would know what's best for us. 36:35 He is like gives us the sharp menu right, 36:36 as far as what to do. 36:38 So what is the diet that God gave us in the Bible? 36:41 I don't know, of course me I'm pretty persistent, 36:44 I said granny, you've been a Christian 36:46 like your whole life and you don't know 36:47 what the original diet was. 36:49 I don't know lamb. 36:51 And I said no, actually the original diet 36:54 and then I told her what it was 36:55 and we're gonna turn to that right now 36:56 Genesis Chapter 1 and verse 29. 36:59 Genesis Chapter 1 and verse 29 37:02 and Bill is going to read that for us, 37:04 Genesis 1 verse 29. 37:06 And God said, "See, I have given you every herb 37:09 and that yields seed which is on the face 37:12 of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed, 37:17 to you it shall be for food." 37:20 So according to the Bible Genesis 1 and we know 37:22 that this is like when God has created mankind, 37:24 right he got mankind created and he says okay 37:26 here is your diet. Here is what you gonna eat. 37:28 What was the diet? Fruits. 37:30 And if you notice here, its fruits, 37:32 grains and nuts basically the original diet. 37:34 Now, check this out the original diet 37:36 was fruitarian, it was fruitarian. 37:39 And they says well you can't live on just fruits, 37:42 grains, and nuts, are you sure? 37:44 I mean because of our, because of our taste buds, 37:47 and because of our desires, and because 37:49 we have these-- we desire certain things 37:52 we feel like, oh, there is no way 37:53 I could live without that, right. 37:55 But original diet here He says fruits, grains, 37:57 and nuts is basically what He says here, 37:59 because it has to be something 38:01 from the seeds, I mean look at here. 38:04 It has to have the seeds upon the face 38:05 of the earth and everything that grows 38:06 from tree there and a fruit tree yielding seed 38:09 it shall be for your meal. 38:11 So it would be nuts and fruits, you know, 38:12 the grains that kind of thing, right. 38:15 Now I think this is interesting 38:17 as I thought about this before. 38:19 Somebody might 38:21 straight me out on this or clue me in some way different, 38:23 but it's interesting to me that see 38:24 you can eat the fruits, you can eat the grains, 38:26 and you can eat the nuts 38:27 without killing the plant itself. 38:29 And you remember in Eden the original plan 38:31 that God had was nothing was going to die right. 38:33 God created everything perfect, 38:34 there was no sins and nothing have to die, 38:36 so you can eat the fruits off the tree, 38:37 the tree will still live. 38:38 You can eat the grains, you can eat the nuts 38:39 and nothing had to die. 38:41 Everything can keep right living 38:42 and you could be healthy eating God's original diet. 38:44 But, you know, something came along, 38:47 Adam and Eve had a little problem they, 38:48 they decided that they are going to eat 38:51 something that God had told them not to eat. 38:55 Isn't that interesting? 38:56 The original problem with us 38:58 being in a whole problem of sin right now 39:00 is when Eve ate something 39:02 that God had asked her not to eat. 39:03 And you know what she said, you know, 39:05 basically what she said, when you look at 39:06 in Genesis Chapter 3 and Eve looked at that fruit, 39:09 it says in verse 6 and this is not in your study, 39:12 I'm just gonna throw that out there 39:13 because it just came to me. 39:14 This part of it says when the woman saw, 39:16 Genesis 3:6, "When the woman saw 39:18 that the tree was good for food, 39:19 and that it was pleasant to the eyes." 39:21 You know, what it's exactly saying there. 39:23 She looked at the fruit that God said don't eat 39:25 and said I just don't see anything wrong with that. 39:29 God has said don't eat a certain fruit 39:31 and Eve says but, I don't see anything wrong with that. 39:34 As a matter of fact I got this brilliant 39:36 serpent right here, the snake 39:37 that I've never seen before talking snake 39:39 and he is telling it's perfectly fine. 39:43 He is going against, he is going against 39:44 what God has to say and telling her do something 39:47 that God had told her not to do. 39:49 And so therefore she obeyed the serpent, 39:50 you know, and ate something that God had 39:52 asked her not to eat and that's why we're here. 39:56 That's why you have aches and pains, 39:57 that's why you have problems in your lives 39:59 right nowadays, because Eve decided to eat 40:01 something that God had told her not to eat. 40:04 So do you think God cares about 40:05 what we eat or doesn't eat? 40:07 The whole reason why this mess started 40:08 is because we've done that. 40:10 But so you look at there and we just saw 40:12 the original diet was just fruits, grains, and nuts. 40:14 But, you know, after she made this mess 40:16 and then you keep right on following along 40:18 you'll find that God after the sin problem 40:21 in Genesis Chapter 3 verse 18 we're gonna read that now 40:23 Genesis Chapter 3 and verse 18 40:25 and I'll go ahead and read that one, 40:28 Genesis Chapter 3 and verse 18. 40:34 After sin it says now "Thorns also and thistles 40:38 shall it bring forth to thee, 40:39 and thou shalt eat the herb of the field." 40:43 So now God has told Adam and Eve, told Adam, 40:45 you have to go out and start plowing up the field. 40:48 And as you plow the field things are gonna 40:50 grow when you start planting things 40:52 and it's gonna bring forth, and it shall bring 40:55 froth thorns and thistles you gonna have that problem 40:57 and you shall eat the herb of the field. 41:00 Now I don't know about you, 41:02 but I have two roundworms. 41:04 You know, like have you noticed when you go out, 41:06 you plant a garden and you put seeds 41:08 in the ground then what grows up 41:12 are weeds all around it and then the seed 41:14 will finally start growing up this big. 41:15 Isn't it amazing how much faster the weeds grow 41:17 than do the actual plants? 41:20 You know, its part of the curse, 41:21 it says thorns and thistles are gonna be there, 41:23 but you're gonna eat now 41:24 also of the herb of the ground. 41:26 Now what will be the herb of the ground? 41:27 Vegetables. Vegetables. 41:29 So you know, what after sin things began to die. 41:34 Death is a result of sin. 41:36 And so now when you take, 41:37 when you take a carrot up out of the ground 41:39 and you clean it all off and you scrub it down 41:41 and you run it through the juicer and drink it 41:43 or you actually eat it like a carrot, you know, 41:46 just go ahead and eat it you're killing it. 41:50 You're killing it, it's dying 41:52 and it goes into your body. 41:53 You ate the whole plant, it's not the plant is not there 41:56 anymore you took and ate it. 41:57 And so the things like that began to die then, 41:59 you know, we started eating the vegetables 42:01 as well as the fruits and the grains and the nuts. 42:04 So that was added to the diet. 42:05 So God's original diet, well, 42:06 we looked at right here was first fruit, grain, 42:08 and nut and then he added vegetables. 42:10 And it's interesting because people says 42:12 now wait a minute, wait a minute 42:13 what about the animals. 42:16 God gave us animals to eat too. 42:17 There is no record in the Bible of anybody 42:20 eating an animal, eating one until after the flood. 42:23 I'm not saying they weren't eating it before the flood, 42:25 I'm not saying oh yeah they wasn't eating 42:26 animal before the flood. 42:27 They may very well been people eating animals 42:29 before the flood but there is no record 42:31 in the Bible of anybody eating an animal 42:33 until after the flood. 42:36 And so as we go into this next part of this 42:39 we're gonna go and find out 42:40 that God had a distinction between animals 42:43 even that could be eaten and not eaten. 42:45 Now if you want to be the healthiest, 42:47 the healthiest and do the very best according 42:49 to the Bible what is that we should be eating. 42:51 Fruits, grains, and nuts and vegetables, 42:53 you know, we add the vegetables in it 42:54 to because that's what Daniel ate 42:55 and Daniel-- Daniel was eating the vegetables 42:57 that's what's the pause was. 42:59 So what we find like the healthiest and the best 43:01 is the fruits, grains, and nuts and vegetables. 43:03 I just gonna throw something out 43:05 just little early, maybe little premature but, 43:08 you know, when you eat an animal that animal 43:10 what do they tend to eat. 43:11 Most of the animals that we eat 43:12 what are they tend to eat. 43:14 Vegetables right. 43:15 Like you ate the cow the cow is not eating 43:16 other cows unless they have like grinding it up 43:19 in their food and dump it in like 43:20 I understand they do now. 43:21 They take the sick and dying cows and the sheep 43:22 and stuff and the pigs they grind them up 43:24 in the food and feed it back to the cows 43:26 and then we've the mad cow 43:27 and all kinds of crazy stuff going on. 43:28 I mean I've heard all kinds 43:29 of horrible stories like that. 43:30 But in general when you eat a cow or you eat 43:33 a deer, you eat something like that, 43:35 you're actually eating the nutrients 43:37 and the vitamins the stuff you get from the animal 43:39 comes from the fat that it has been eating 43:41 vegetables and those things are in its system 43:44 and then you eat it out of there 43:45 and you are turning glean from the meat that it has. 43:47 So I'll tell you what, just like when you wanna go 43:50 buy something and get a good discount 43:51 you can eliminate the middle man 43:53 and go right to the source and do a lot better. 43:55 It's the same way what you eat. 43:57 You can eliminate the middle man, 43:58 you can eliminate the middle cow 44:00 and you can go right to the source 44:02 and eat the vegetables and it's much better for you. 44:06 It really is. 44:08 There are people right now just going crazy 44:10 saying no, you got to have meat, 44:11 you got to have this, that's what they thought 44:13 in the days of Daniel. 44:14 You know, we haven't progress much 44:15 that's one of the reasons I don't, 44:17 definitely don't believe in evolution, because 44:19 we have not evolved and we're definitely not 44:20 any smarter than they were 44:22 way back in the times of Babylon thinking 44:23 the same things we're still thinking in. 44:26 We're devolving and so right now at this point 44:30 we're gonna go on to Genesis Chapter 1 44:33 and verse no I'm not in Genesis Chapter 9, 44:37 okay messed up there. 44:39 Genesis Chapter 9:1 through 3, 44:40 we will look at the second part of this. 44:42 It goes on with Genesis 3:18, 44:44 Genesis 9, 1 through 3. 44:47 It said oh man we got to fix it in truck, 44:49 you know, it seems they are yelling right now 44:52 as they are putting together this video, 44:54 he saying okay put a cut right there 44:55 we got to edit that, it will work all right. 44:57 Genesis Chapter 9 verse 1 through 3 44:59 and Darlene is gonna read that for us. 45:02 This is after the flood. 45:04 So God blessed Noah and his sons, 45:06 and said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, 45:09 and fill the earth and the fear of the Lord 45:12 and the dread of you shall be on every beast, 45:18 and upon every five of the air, 45:20 on the earth, and every bird of the air, 45:25 and on let's see bird of the air, 45:28 on all that move on the earth, 45:31 and on all the fish of the sea. 45:33 They are given into your hands." 45:35 That really emphasize verse 3 for me. 45:37 "Every moving thing that lives 45:38 shall be food for you. 45:40 I have given you all things, 45:43 even as the green herbs." 45:46 All right, now, you know, 45:48 we just read just now. 45:49 You know, Darlene do you realize 45:50 what you just read there verse 3 45:52 again it says every moving thing that lives 45:54 shall be meat for you even as the green herb. 45:56 You know what the problem with that is right, 45:58 what's He telling them. 45:59 What is God telling Noah and His son's right here, 46:02 everything that moves shall be food for you. 46:05 That's what it says, read it there. 46:07 Shalida taken ahead no but that's exactly what it says. 46:09 Verse 3 it says, every living verse 4 let's finish 46:16 Verse 3 it says, "every moving thing lived 46:17 shall be meat for you even as the green herbs 46:19 had I given you all things. 46:20 Verse 4 says, but flesh with the life there off 46:23 which is in the blood there we shall not eat. 46:25 So it's saying no need of blood but it says 46:27 every moving thing I've given you as food. 46:30 And, you know, what the logical objection here is 46:33 and I say okay that means every animal is okay 46:35 and clean to eat according to God's directions 46:37 He has given to Noah. 46:38 Isn't that what it says there? 46:40 I'm kind of covering two things right here, 46:41 we're gonna cover, we're getting into the animal 46:42 part of eating and we're also covering 46:45 what will be called a difficult text. 46:47 But it is very simple as soon as 46:48 you read the context. 46:50 It says as every green herb have I given it to you. 46:53 Is it safe to eat every green herb? 46:55 Have you heard of the herb Hemlock? 46:58 Do you know if you eat Hemlock you'll die? 47:00 So since God has said that every animal is okay 47:03 for you to eat or all moving things are okay 47:05 to eat even as the green herb. 47:07 God is simply saying if it doesn't kill you 47:10 then it is okay to eat it. 47:12 And then, you know, he made a distinction 47:13 between the things that will kill you 47:14 and the things that won't. 47:15 even before the flood and I love doing this. 47:18 Now you guys are all like 47:19 Seventh-day Adventist here 47:20 and so you're gonna get this one right. 47:22 But you will be surprised how many times 47:24 I went to a minister of other churches 47:27 or even members, you know, 47:28 and I'll ask them this question. 47:30 Because they say-- because what we're 47:32 getting into now is the fact that the animals 47:36 there is a distinction that God made between 47:37 clean and unclean and people will say well 47:39 that was only for the Jews. 47:41 Like Jews have the different body than we do. 47:43 But let me ask you how many Jews 47:45 were around in the days of Noah. None. 47:48 None, because the first Jew was? Abraham. 47:50 Yeah, you go to Abraham, right, and then Isaac, 47:53 and Jacob was the first one 47:54 actually called Israel, Israel. 47:57 So the children of Israel, 47:58 the Jews or Abraham than Isaac 47:59 and Jacob his descendents. 48:01 Okay, that was a much past in the days of Noah 48:03 well after the flood. 48:05 So God never made a distinction between 48:07 clean, unclean animals as far as it goes to-- for 48:10 all the rest that was prior to that, did he. 48:12 And then I like to take on the Genesis Chapter 7, 48:15 Genesis Chapter 7 and verse 2, 48:18 Genesis Chapter 7 and verse 2. 48:20 You read verse 1 and 2 actually it says 48:23 "And the Lord said unto Noah, 48:25 come thou and all your house into the ark, 48:27 for thee have I seen righteous before me 48:29 in this generation. 48:30 Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee 48:34 by sevens, the male and his female, 48:36 and the beasts that are not clean by two, 48:38 the male and his female." 48:39 So when you ask the question how many of each animal 48:41 went on the Ark, Darlene what is everybody said. 48:43 Give me the common answer. Two. 48:45 Two by two right but according to the Bible 48:47 what it was that we just read. 48:48 Did they go on two by two or do they go on 48:50 by sevens and twos. 48:52 Now I'm gonna make another little statement here 48:53 I think that's very interesting. 48:54 I think they went on by 14s and 4s. 48:58 Does it make sense. Look at what it says, 49:00 of every clean beast thou 49:01 shalt take to thee by sevens, 49:03 the male and his female. 49:05 If you taken by sevens the male and his female 49:07 how many do you have. Fourteen. 49:08 Yeah, and that the beast that are not clean 49:10 by two the male and his female. 49:13 Yeah, you wouldn't have to say by two the male 49:15 and his female like you just simply said 49:16 if unclean beast just take two. 49:18 Obviously it has to be the male and the female. 49:21 But what it's actually saying here is like okay 49:23 take two the by sevens. 49:24 Now, if seven divisible by two. 49:27 Now, some people say well, 49:28 there was just one male and six females. 49:30 Well give me the Bible text for that 49:31 I believe that one too. 49:32 And so, I think in my context here that makes 49:34 quite a few animals on to the Ark, doesn't it. 49:36 So whether it's seven, whether it's 14s 49:38 and 4s or 7s and 2s whichever however 49:41 it was the fact is they did not go into the Ark 49:43 simply two by two. 49:45 They went on the Ark by sevens and twos. 49:47 Because God had made a distinction even before 49:50 the flood that they were clean beasts, 49:52 that were okay to eat and non clean beast 49:55 that were not okay to eat. 49:57 Now we're gonna take it a step further as we go 50:00 into this study little bit and find out that 50:01 even in the last days that the Bible predicts 50:03 in the last days that we're not to eat 50:05 or gonna have to get away from meat altogether. 50:08 Did you know the Bible taught that? 50:10 We'll get into that later on as we go along. 50:12 So let us carry on, now we've understood 50:14 that God gave a distinction. 50:15 First of all He says if you're going eat 50:17 the best diet, if you want to be the healthiest 50:18 you need to eat fruits, grains, nuts, and vegetables. 50:21 But if you're going to eat meat right now 50:23 He says there are distinction in the meats 50:25 between what we will call clean meats 50:28 and unclean meats. 50:29 And that's where we're going to with our next text. 50:31 We're gonna get into that part of that 50:33 but first we're going to 50:34 Leviticus Chapter 11 and verse 47. 50:37 Leviticus 11:47, and Shalida is gonna be kind enough 50:40 to read that one for us. 50:41 Leviticus Chapter 11, do you know how to get 50:43 to Leviticus Shalida, you wanna help us out 50:45 little bit from Genesis. 50:47 It's the third book of the Bible. 50:48 So you got Genesis in what? Exodus. 50:51 Then Leviticus and then we go to 11 Chapter 50:53 and you gonna read verse 47 for us. 50:56 What's the purpose of Leviticus Chapter 11, Shalida? 50:59 "To make a difference between the unclean 51:01 and the clean, and between the beast that may be 51:04 eaten and the beast that may not be eaten." 51:07 So God here speaking to who, 51:10 at this point the children of Israel 51:12 to Mosses and He says I want you now, 51:15 I've given you a list of things and the purpose 51:16 of this list is so that you can know 51:18 the difference between the things that are clean 51:19 and unclean and things that are okay to be eaten 51:21 and not okay to be eaten. 51:23 Now there is something I find very fascinating. 51:26 As we go through this list and we start determining 51:28 what animals God has said is okay, not okay. 51:31 There is something, it just blows me away 51:34 is when you start looking at the ones that He says 51:35 are unclean are the ones that everybody likes 51:38 to eat that gives them high blood pressure, 51:39 high cholesterol and all these kind of medical problems. 51:41 I mean like I'll just throw one out, 51:44 everybody is kind of general one everybody knows. 51:46 Did you know that the pig is unclean? 51:48 Now, you know, as soon as you go to the doctor 51:50 with high blood pressure, 51:51 high cholesterol and all these things, 51:52 one of the first things that doctors often times 51:54 will tell you if there is half their way in there 51:57 and the money they get paid is that they say, 51:59 you know, what you may have to give up that pork. 52:02 That sausage, and that baking, 52:03 and that ham stuff, you know, 52:04 it's clogging up your arteries and it's giving 52:05 you high blood pressure and it's causing 52:07 these problems for you. If you give that up, 52:08 that will probably help a little bit. 52:09 You know, but unfortunately 52:11 they don't do that often times today. 52:13 Oh, man it's so sad. 52:15 In my family this will get back down 52:17 my mom's never watched one of my sermons or anything 52:19 of that she will watch she just be the one to get 52:21 her hands on right. 52:24 She has told me because she takes her row 52:27 of medications, right, it's like keeping 52:29 in the window straight I got a row of medications 52:31 up there she takes for blood pressure, 52:32 cholesterol and all these things right. 52:34 But doctor has told me it doesn't matter 52:35 it's not on diet it's inherited and as long 52:37 I take this medications I can eat what I want. 52:40 I think that she will be used for malpractice. 52:45 That is, that is so, yeah maybe the medications 52:47 can help you eat whatever you want. 52:49 But when you throw something in your body 52:51 that's not naturally there in order to take care 52:52 of something you mixing things up, 52:54 you're messing things up and things aren't going 52:55 to get better they just gonna progressively get worse. 52:58 You know, like I've seen these people like 53:01 they start taking the medication 53:02 and God help my wife's grandmother. 53:08 She takes, she takes a medication to help her 53:09 to go to the bathroom and she takes another one 53:12 to help keep often going to bathroom. 53:13 You know, she takes one to help her to have fluids 53:16 and other help one to be dry, you know, 53:17 I mean she will just take one to counteract the other one. 53:20 All the times she is taking all different medications, 53:21 you know, and it's like she spins her life. 53:24 Popping these pills and try to make her body work. 53:27 And God has said if you'll just go out of the principles 53:29 that I've given you I can make your body work. 53:33 And it's not the case as I've heard so many times, 53:36 oh it's just because you're getting old. 53:38 Listen I know many, many 53:41 Seventh-day Adventist Christians 53:43 that follow the health principles 53:44 that we find in the Bible. 53:46 In one of their sayings about just used I just love 53:50 daily he is passed on now. 53:51 His name is Eric Smith, I think he was 96, 53:54 94 or 96 when he died and even up to the right 53:58 just a few weeks before he, 53:59 he actually died he was coming to work 54:00 where the company that he started there. 54:02 Well, I was working at the time. 54:03 He would come to work everyday 54:05 and he is still making machines and designing parts 54:07 and this I mean has done all kinds of things. 54:09 And he is working, he is healthy, 54:10 his mind is clear in everything 54:11 the man was taking no medication. 54:15 And his son, you know, my good friend Woker, 54:17 he is getting up in there in age too as well, 54:19 you know, he takes nothing. 54:21 You know, what his medicine is, his carrot juice. 54:24 You know, every time, almost every time I go there 54:26 he offers me some of that carrot juice. 54:27 Here have some of this, you know, 54:29 and I like it all I did taste okay, 54:30 I've better things but I like carrot juice. 54:33 But the point is under so many people 54:36 that follow the principles that we're gonna be 54:37 that we've shown so far and the ones 54:39 we are gonna continue to show is we're getting ready 54:40 going to part two after we done with this one. 54:43 And these principles will make you healthy. 54:47 God is the one that wrote this manual. 54:49 He is the one that gave us these 54:50 health principles, He is the one that told us 54:52 what is okay and not okay to eat 54:53 and what's good for us. 54:55 And if we follow it he will make us healthy 54:58 just like he did for Daniel. 55:01 It's funny to me because I get to live in 55:02 two different worlds and what I mean 55:04 by that is I've the world I've got my family 55:08 my close family who are the people I worship with 55:11 and go to church with them. 55:12 The Bible says that He has made them 55:13 all one blood, you know, those who follow Christ 55:15 are one blood and I see the ones that are close 55:17 to Jesus and the ones that are surrendering to Him 55:19 and they are living by the health principles 55:21 He has given them. 55:22 Even was it they didn't start to later in life 55:24 and I see that they are like healthier, 55:25 they don't have medications, 55:26 some of them still have a few things here 55:28 and air problems and we're still living 55:29 in a sinful world you understand. 55:31 But it's such as minor small amount. 55:33 And then when I look at my other family, 55:35 you know, the one that I, that I, 55:37 biological family and those. 55:39 Even like my brother who is just a couple of years 55:41 old than me he has the cholesterol problems 55:43 and things like that and he has had them 55:44 for several years now. 55:46 And my dad died early of a heart attack 55:48 and my grandfather died early of a heart attack 55:50 on my mom's side and then my grandfather 55:53 of my dad side he was 80 when he died. 55:55 But in general, you know, 55:57 he had health problems taking medications 55:58 and things like that. 55:59 In general that is dying younger on that side 56:01 of my family and the only distinction I see 56:04 the only thing like from standing in the middle 56:06 looking at both sides of this scenario, 56:08 the only distinction I see is the fact that my family 56:11 on this side of the ones that are following 56:14 the health principles that God give them 56:16 they are eating and living 56:18 what God would have them live and these aren't. 56:21 And so if there is a way that you can actually 56:24 see a difference, you know, 56:25 and see one way you could be more healthier 56:26 than the other why don't you want to follow it. 56:30 It doesn't make sense to me. 56:32 I mean, it's like-- it was a no brainier for me. 56:34 I was just, yes, I want to be healthy. 56:37 I don't want to orphan my kids when I'm 51 years old. 56:42 And then on top of all that to the glory of God 56:46 I'm doing what he wants me to do. 56:50 And now we got only less than a minute 56:51 and go right now and when we come back 56:53 for the second half of the study 56:54 we're gonna be getting into the details of the animals. 56:56 The God says okay, if you insist on eating an animal 56:59 these are the ones that is okay, 57:00 these are the ones that are not okay 57:01 and then we gonna talk about 57:02 alcohol and cigarettes and all those kind of things. 57:04 So you definitely don't want to miss that right 57:06 as you put that cigarette out on the ashtray 57:07 for the last time. 57:09 We're gonna invite you back here 57:10 to the Lay Institute for Evangelism. 57:12 We will back here just in a few minutes for us 57:14 and just whenever you want to watch that tape 57:16 at home or see that downloaded on the internet 57:19 we invite you go to 57:22 You can download the lessons, 57:23 you can watch the videos 57:25 and we're looking forward to seeing you back here 57:27 in about ten minutes for us right. 57:30 So go ahead and take yourself a break 57:32 and we hope you come back and spend some time with us 57:34 here at the Lay Institute for Evangelism. |
Revised 2014-12-17