Life On the Edge

Christian Living

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Scott Moore (Host)


Series Code: LOE

Program Code: LOE000030

00:01 Harvest truly is plenteous,
00:03 but the laborers are few.
00:04 Pray Ye therefore, the Lord of the harvest,
00:06 that He will, He will send forth laborers
00:09 into His harvest.
00:10 Also, I heard the voice of the Lord saying,
00:13 "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?"
00:17 Then said, I.
00:19 "Here am I, send me, send me''.
00:23 Life on the Edge will enable you to be
00:25 an effective harvester for the Lord.
00:27 We now invite you into our classroom to come,
00:31 experience, Life.
00:43 We'd like to welcome all of you here to the classroom
00:46 at Lay Institute for Evangelism.
00:48 We recognize that there are some of you
00:50 that are in the classroom with us,
00:52 via the Internet or a DVD maybe you purchased
00:55 at GYC or one of the other big events where we were at.
00:59 We just want to praise the Lord
01:00 that everyone of you are here with us.
01:02 We are going to be going over a study today
01:04 on Christian Living.
01:05 And we're gonna focus on two specific aspects
01:09 of Christian Living and we're going to get
01:11 into that study in a just a moment.
01:13 But, we're very glad that you could be here with us
01:15 in this classroom on the campus
01:17 of Pine Lake Retreat in Groveland, Florida.
01:21 We just like to welcome everybody here,
01:22 our students at Lay Institute for Evangelism.
01:26 We go to our graphic now, you can see that
01:28 the title of this study is Christian Living.
01:33 The purpose of this study,
01:35 the purpose of this Bible study
01:41 to live in this world
01:43 while not becoming a part of this world.
01:47 To show that the way we look on the outside
01:50 is important to God and our worship of Him.
01:55 To show that how we look on the outside
01:57 is important to God and our worship of Him.
02:02 We'll go ahead and read our Center It,
02:04 each one of our Bible studies are centered on Jesus Christ.
02:08 Now our Center It is this,
02:09 the way that we dress is an outward indication
02:14 of our inward person.
02:17 Jesus desires that we reflect His character
02:19 on the outside as well as on the inside.
02:25 Jesus wants our characters not only to be
02:28 an inward display but an outward display.
02:33 He wants to see His character reflected in us
02:36 not only in our heart that He can see,
02:39 but also in our appearance that everyone else can see.
02:45 You'll notice there on our next graphic
02:47 we have all of the text that we are going
02:49 to be covering in this Bible study.
02:51 We have 16 of those texts and that is what
02:54 you are marking either in the front
02:56 or the back of your Bible
02:57 or on some other blank sheet that you have in your Bibles.
03:02 We'll go ahead and jump right into the study.
03:05 We're gonna jump right into this study,
03:07 and before we go to our first slide,
03:10 there was a young man who was in the service.
03:14 There was an accident, something happened
03:17 and his left arm had to amputated.
03:21 And the chaplain came into his room
03:24 and he said, young man, I know that you just woke up
03:28 but I need to let you know that you lost your left arm.
03:34 That soldier looked at chaplain he said,
03:36 I didn't lose anything I gave it.
03:42 Our attitude has much to do with the way
03:46 that we handle what we are going to learn today.
03:50 We are going to learn that we don't lose
03:53 anything by following God,
03:56 but we get everything from God when we follow Him.
04:01 This is probably one of the Bible studies
04:04 that you as Bible presenters, you as people
04:07 who are going to be giving Bible studies,
04:09 you will probably be amazed at the amount
04:13 of conviction that you see
04:15 when you're giving these Bible studies.
04:17 Every year that I've taught this Bible study.
04:20 When we had someone in the classroom
04:23 that was dressing in a way that God did not prescribe
04:26 to be dressed, that person during that study
04:30 would take off what God had asked them not to put on.
04:35 And we're gonna find that, that God is going
04:37 to convict us here and God is going to convict
04:40 those of you that are at home or on the Internet
04:42 because when the word of God is studied,
04:46 God's spirit is very active.
04:49 And so now we're gonna look to our screen
04:50 for our first reference.
04:52 We're gonna go to Hebrews
04:53 the second Chapter and the 10 verse.
04:57 Hebrews Chapter 2 and verse 10.
05:02 And before we study this, before we get into our
05:06 Bible study, we are going to pray.
05:08 So let's bow our heads and pray.
05:13 Gracious Father in heaven,
05:15 everyone of us here in the classroom
05:17 and at home are very grateful that you've given us this time
05:21 and this opportunity to study Your word.
05:24 We pray that you will give us
05:26 the humble heart of Christ
05:28 that you'll give us His mind and that you will gives us His
05:32 desire to follow your will.
05:36 Please bless us now as we study,
05:38 in your name we pray, Jesus, amen.
05:43 So we're opening our Bibles now to Hebrews
05:46 the second Chapter and the 10 verse.
05:49 Hebrews Chapter 2 and verse 10
05:52 and we'll go ahead let Mike read that.
05:53 Mike is usually there before anybody else
05:58 I don't know if he has this personal agenda
06:00 to make sure that he's there first,
06:02 but he's always there.
06:04 So read for us Hebrews Chapter 2 verse 10.
06:10 "For it became him, for whom are all things,
06:13 and by whom are all things,
06:15 in bringing many sons unto glory,
06:18 to make the captain of their salvation
06:20 perfect through sufferings."
06:23 Now, the first part of this Bible study
06:25 is designed to inspire people
06:30 to be a good soldier of Jesus.
06:33 The first part of this study is designed
06:36 to inspire us to do exactly what God ask us to do.
06:41 It has been stated that you can motivate people
06:44 much better by inspiration
06:46 rather than condemnation.
06:48 You can motivate somebody much better
06:50 by inspiration rather than condemning that person
06:53 and the first part of this study is to inspire us
06:56 to do what God is asking us to do.
06:58 And this text here says, verse 10 of Hebrews 2,
07:02 the very last part it says,
07:03 to make the captain of their salvation
07:07 perfect through sufferings.
07:09 So, my friend, who is the captain of our salvation?
07:16 Jesus Christ, that's absolutely right.
07:18 So Jesus is the captain of our salvation.
07:23 Now if Jesus is our captain
07:25 what then does that make us?
07:29 Soldiers, that's right.
07:31 Let's go to our second reference,
07:33 our second Christian Living text
07:35 and we're going to Second Timothy
07:37 Chapter 2 verses 3 and 4.
07:41 Second Timothy Chapter 2 verses 3 and 4.
07:46 So we'll go ahead and let Shalita read that for us,
07:49 Second Timothy Chapter 2 verses 3 and 4.
07:56 "Thou therefore endure hardness
07:59 as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
08:02 No man that worth entangles himself
08:06 with the affairs of this life, that he may please him
08:10 who have chosen him to be a soldier."
08:12 Okay, so the Bible here teaches us exactly
08:15 what we said a moment ago.
08:16 If Jesus is the captain of our salvation,
08:19 then that makes us what? Soldiers.
08:23 And scripture says that right there
08:25 in Second Timothy 2 verse 4.
08:27 It says that, we may please him,
08:30 well, let's start back up in verse
08:31 the beginning verse 4.
08:33 It says, no man that wars,
08:36 so no man that's in a war entangles himself
08:40 with the affairs of this life.
08:44 You remember that King David,
08:46 one of his captain was Uriah, wasn't it?
08:49 And Uriah wouldn't even go home
08:52 because Israel was at war.
08:56 Israel was at war.
08:57 He did not want to entangle himself
08:59 in the affairs of this life, so he didn't even go home
09:01 to see his wife Bathsheba.
09:03 The Bible says here that no man that wars
09:07 entangles himself with the affairs of this life.
09:09 So the reason we are in this text
09:11 is to inspire individuals
09:15 to be that good solider of Jesus Christ.
09:19 And to be a good solider of Jesus Christ
09:22 our focus is not on this world, our focus is on whom?
09:27 It's on Jesus and it's on the battle that is being fought.
09:31 This is the-- what is that the 22nd study
09:35 in our Life on the Edge series.
09:37 Our third study-- everybody that's here knows,
09:40 what was our third study? The great controversy.
09:44 Those of you at home maybe you missed that
09:45 but there is this cosmic battle that is going on
09:49 between Jesus Christ and the antichrist.
09:51 Between Jesus Christ and Satan.
09:55 And here it says in Second Timothy 2:3 and 4.
09:59 "Thou therefore endure hardness
10:02 as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
10:06 No man that warreth entangles himself
10:09 with the affairs of this life, that he may please him
10:11 that has chosen him to be a soldier."
10:16 So who was it that shows you to a solider.
10:19 Jesus. Jesus.
10:21 That gives you an advantage point, doesn't it?
10:25 If you're going to be in war you want to be
10:27 with the guy that's already conquered the enemy,
10:29 don't you? Amen.
10:30 And the Bible says here
10:31 that you are a solider of Jesus Christ.
10:37 Now Jesus Christ, it says there,
10:40 you're a solider of Jesus Christ,
10:42 you don't entangle yourself with the affairs
10:43 of this world that you may please Him
10:46 who has chosen you to be a soldier.
10:49 Our goal in this life is to please Jesus Christ.
10:58 Everything that you do, everything that you say
11:02 even everything that we eat should be done
11:08 to please God, shouldn't it?
11:12 So we're gonna to our next text.
11:14 We are going to see
11:15 what the results of pleasing God are.
11:20 What are results of pleasing God?
11:24 So we started this Bible study in Hebrews 2,
11:27 this Bible study started in Hebrews 2.
11:29 Now we are going to Hebrews Chapter 11
11:32 and verse 5. Hebrews Chapter 11,
11:35 it's our third text in the Christian Living study.
11:39 Hebrews Chapter 11 verse 5
11:40 and the reason we're in this text
11:42 and I must turn there even while I talk.
11:45 The reason that we are in the text is to show
11:47 the results of pleasing the captain of our salvation.
11:55 Now if you can ahead Ms. Gloria,
11:57 can you read Hebrews Chapter 11 and verse 5 for us,
12:01 and you will need that microphone
12:03 right there beside you.
12:04 Hebrews Chapter 11 and verse 5
12:07 and maybe you're like me you found yourself
12:09 in Hebrews 5 looking at verse 11.
12:11 But, we're in Hebrews 11 verse 5,
12:15 if you could read that for us.
12:19 "By faith Enoch was taken away so that he did not see death,
12:27 and was not found, because God had taken him,
12:33 for before he was taken he had this testimony,
12:37 that he pleased God."
12:40 Now, you'll remember Enoch.
12:41 Enoch never died. Of course,
12:44 Enoch had to die to self, didn't he?
12:46 But, Enoch never died like people that get
12:50 old and sick and die, do here on this earth.
12:53 Enoch was taken or translated to heaven, why?
13:00 Because he pleased God. Because he pleased God.
13:02 Is it important for us to please God?
13:08 What is the result of our pleasing God?
13:14 Eternal life. Eternal life.
13:16 And what did you say there, Shalita?
13:18 Translation. The result of pleasing God
13:22 or striving to please God is translation preparation.
13:27 Translation preparation, how many if you want be
13:30 translated, don't want to see death at all.
13:32 Oh man, you realize we're gonna have to standup
13:35 against some hard things before Jesus comes.
13:38 When God stands up and says,
13:41 let everything be filthy that is filthy.
13:45 We're gonna face some hard situations, aren't we?
13:48 The result of pleasing God is eternal life, translation.
13:55 Paul, Paul tells us in our next reference
14:00 First Thessalonians 4:1 you can see
14:02 that there on your screen.
14:03 First Thessalonians 4:1 Paul tells us
14:06 that we should live to please God.
14:10 Now, Paul doesn't have to tell us this
14:11 because we already want to please God,
14:13 but it's important for us to see these concepts
14:16 and these principles out of scripture.
14:18 So we're going to the left from where we are,
14:21 we are going to First Timothy Chapter 4
14:25 and I have past it maybe you did the same.
14:29 Oh, maybe that's why I have past it
14:31 as I was going to the wrong one.
14:33 All right, First Thessalonians Chapter 4 verse 1
14:37 and, Do-Sung, if you could read that for us.
14:40 First Thessalonians Chapter 4 and verse 1.
14:44 "Furthermore, then we beseech you, brethren,
14:47 and exhort you by the Lord Jesus,
14:50 that as ye have received of us how ye ought to walk
14:53 and to please God, so ye would abound more and more."
14:59 There's lots of different ways that you and I
15:02 can walk or live to please God.
15:06 This Bible study is going to focus on two of those ways.
15:12 It's going to focus on the way we dress
15:16 and it is going to focus on the things that we put
15:18 on our bodies or jewelry.
15:21 This Bible study is going to focus on dress
15:24 and it's going to focus on jewelry.
15:28 Paul says there, that we ought to walk
15:32 and to please God, so that ye would abound
15:37 more and more. So the purpose of walking
15:40 or living and pleasing God
15:43 is so that you and I can grow closer
15:45 and closer to Jesus, isn't it?
15:48 That's why we're here
15:49 at Lay Institute for Evangelism as well.
15:52 And so we're gonna go now we're gonna focus
15:54 on dress and we're just gonna pull some
15:56 principles out of probably the most
15:59 discouraging chapter in the Bible,
16:03 that would be Genesis Chapter 3.
16:05 That's where all of heaven broke loose.
16:08 Genesis Chapter 3.
16:10 So we're going to Genesis Chapter 3 and verse 7.
16:15 The first text that we used,
16:17 the first text that we went over,
16:19 were used for the purpose of inspiring us to be
16:23 a good solider of Jesus Christ and you want to be
16:27 a good solider, don't you. Amen.
16:28 Sure, now we're looking at the way
16:31 that the soldier of Christ, the one that doesn't
16:35 want to get entangled with the affairs of this world.
16:37 We're going to look and see how does that soldier dress.
16:41 Now I'm not going to tell you any specific length
16:44 of anything or anything like that,
16:46 but we're going to get principles
16:48 out of scripture. Because if we ca take
16:50 the principle out of scripture, Tim,
16:52 then we can know that we're following God.
16:55 So Tim's ready, he's got that microphone in front of him.
16:58 He's gonna read for us
16:59 Genesis Chapter 3 and verse 7.
17:04 "And the eyes of them both were opened,
17:07 and they knew that they were naked,
17:09 and they sewed fig leaves together
17:12 and made themselves aprons."
17:14 Okay, so Adam and Eve sinned.
17:18 Adam and Eve disobeyed God and all of a sudden
17:22 Adam and Eve realize that they are what?
17:26 Naked. Naked.
17:27 They realized they are no longer clothed.
17:31 They don't have anything on,
17:36 then God comes-- then what does it say
17:38 that they do there in verse 7,
17:40 they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves what?
17:44 Aprons. Aprons or coverings.
17:47 That's what another version reads, isn't it?
17:49 Coverings, and we're gonna see this in our graphic
17:51 right here. Let's go to the screen.
17:53 The word covering or apron is khagore
17:58 chagore, and it means covering apron or girdle.
18:05 Now how many of you know how much a girdle covers?
18:09 Not much, the ladies in here are just starting to grin.
18:13 A girdle doesn't cover much,
18:15 it only covers the what? The essentials.
18:18 An apron, you know, when I was going up
18:20 I had to go I was four years old
18:22 I had to go have surgery.
18:23 And I can remember being in the waiting area
18:28 with my mom and dad or the preparation area,
18:31 I forget, the pre-op area,
18:32 that's the word I'm looking for.
18:34 And I can remember holding my robe closed in the back
18:38 because I didn't want anybody to see my bottom.
18:41 I didn't want anybody to see that.
18:42 Have you ever put an apron on?
18:45 How much doesn't apron cover?
18:47 not much, not much.
18:50 Adam and Eve made themselves chagore
18:54 or they made themselves coverings or aprons or girdle.
18:57 They made themselves something that only
19:00 covered the essentials, that only covered the essentials.
19:06 But something happens in Genesis Chapter 3
19:08 verse 15 something happens in Genesis 3:15.
19:12 And Jessica, if you could read for us
19:15 Genesis Chapter 3 and verse 15.
19:19 You will see that on our next graphic
19:21 Genesis Chapter 3 and verse 15.
19:23 Again we're just looking for principles.
19:26 Adam and Eve find out they're naked,
19:28 they sewed fig leaves together
19:30 and they cover just the privates.
19:32 And if you could read for us what happens
19:34 in Genesis 3:15.
19:37 "From now on, you and the woman will be enemies,
19:40 and your offspring and her offspring
19:43 will be enemies. He will crush your head,
19:46 and you will strike his heel."
19:49 All right, so Adam and Eve sin,
19:52 they realize their make it and this is the first promise
19:56 of a Redeemer in the Bible.
19:59 Genesis Chapter 3 verse 15 is the promise
20:04 of the Redeemer that is going to come.
20:06 So we see that sin happens,
20:09 they cover just their privates,
20:11 God comes along, promises the Redeemer
20:14 and then God does something very interesting.
20:18 Before we look at what God does
20:19 it so interesting I'll ask you this.
20:22 Is God redundant?
20:28 Is God redundant, if you did something
20:31 does God need to go back
20:32 and do that for you again? No, no.
20:37 God is not redundant God isn't gonna do
20:39 for you what you can do for yourself.
20:41 God is not redundant, so if you have done something
20:45 God isn't going to come along and do that same thing.
20:49 Does that make sense there?
20:50 Okay, so if you have done something
20:51 God isn't gonna come along and do that same thing.
20:54 Although God can probably do what we do--
20:56 God can do what we do much better of course.
20:58 Let's go to our next reference you will see
21:01 on your screen Genesis 3 verse 21.
21:06 Genesis Chapter 3 and verse 21
21:11 and again we're looking for a principle.
21:13 Now because God is not redundant
21:16 he does something very interesting
21:18 and Robert is going to read for us
21:19 Genesis Chapter 3 verse 21.
21:24 "Also for Adam and his wife the Lord God made
21:28 tunics of skin, and clothed them."
21:32 God made tunics of skin and did what?
21:35 Clothed them. Clothed them.
21:38 Did God consider Adam and Eve to be clothed
21:43 when they just had the privates
21:45 or the essentials covered?
21:47 Absolutely not, Absolutely not.
21:50 So Adam and Eve were naked,
21:52 they made for themselves listen to this
21:54 they made underwear and God came along
21:57 and given them clothes.
22:00 The principle there is not just you and I
22:04 shouldn't go around walking around our underwear.
22:07 The principle is that we should be
22:11 clothed very modestly.
22:16 And something that just covers the essentials
22:19 according to God is not clothed
22:22 because God is not redundant, God comes along
22:25 and he gives Adam and Eve clothing.
22:28 But, Adam and Eve only made for themselves
22:30 what they felt was appropriate
22:32 and they just covered their essential parts.
22:35 So the principle that we see here again.
22:38 Let's just start from beginning of the study.
22:40 We went through Hebrews Chapter 2 verse 10
22:43 Jesus is captain of our Salvation.
22:45 Then we went Timothy we are a good soldier
22:48 of Jesus Christ, we don't get entangled
22:49 with this world. Hebrews Chapter 11,
22:52 we walk to please God, not Hebrew.
22:54 Well, Hebrews 11:5 said that Enoch,
22:58 the result of pleasing God is translation,
23:00 and then we went to First Thessalonians
23:02 where it said that, we should walk to please God.
23:07 Where Adam and Eve pleasing God
23:10 by being clothed with fig leaves?
23:13 Or by covering up the essentials
23:16 with fig leaves because you notice there
23:18 in the text it says God comes along and clothes them.
23:22 They weren't clothe before, God clothes them.
23:26 So the principle that we are pulling out of this
23:28 is that when we dress we need to dress
23:31 in a way that glorifies God.
23:34 And if we look at Genesis Chapter 3 we can say well,
23:37 a way that we can dress to glorify God
23:40 is to make sure that more much more
23:43 than just our private parts are covered.
23:46 The word that was used there for tunic
23:49 is kethoneth and it means to cover or to robe.
23:54 So they made for themselves small things
23:57 and God gives for them big things.
24:00 They cover the essentials, God covers everything else.
24:05 So as soon as the Savior's introduced,
24:07 then the Savior says, hey, listen,
24:09 this is the principle, you're not clothed right now
24:12 I'm going to give you some clothes.
24:14 I'm going to give you some clothes.
24:17 It's interesting that the world says,
24:20 take it off when it comes to clothing,
24:22 but God says what? Put it on.
24:26 Now we are going to find out that the world says
24:29 concerning jewelry put it on,
24:33 but God says what?
24:35 Take it off. Take it off.
24:37 So when it comes to clothing the world says
24:39 take it off, God says put it on.
24:42 When it comes to adornment God says
24:45 take it off and the world says put it on.
24:48 So now we've gotten the principle from scripture
24:52 that we need to dress modestly, was that clear?
24:56 It's very simple, isn't it?
24:58 it's very simply and most people would say
25:00 here, you know, I can understand
25:02 that I need to dress modestly.
25:05 Now gentlemen even though some of us can pull out
25:09 Atlas anytime we want.
25:11 Does that mean we need to show off
25:12 our muscles to all the ladies.
25:14 No, no, no, that's saved for wife and ladies,
25:20 just because you have the body of Eve
25:23 who was a perfect lady.
25:24 Okay, I have no idea what she looked like,
25:27 is it appropriate for you to show off
25:28 to every man that body?
25:30 No. No, no, no.
25:32 So we keep ourselves clothed
25:35 and then when you find your husband
25:36 or your wife well, you do what married people do.
25:42 They're naked in front of each other
25:43 and they're not ashamed.
25:45 All right, let's go to our next-- enough on that
25:48 Let's go to our next reference.
25:50 Let's go to our next reference,
25:52 we are going to First Timothy 2 and verse 9.
25:57 First Timothy Chapter 2 and verse 9
26:01 and we are going to let the Vanessa read this.
26:05 First Timothy Chapter 2 and verse 9,
26:09 First Timothy is of course, in the New Testament
26:13 in the T section.
26:17 And what the scripture say there for us, Vanessa.
26:19 "In like manner also that women adorn themselves
26:23 in modest apparel."
26:24 Okay, stop right there, stop right there.
26:28 The Biblical principle of modesty
26:33 is what Paul is referring to here.
26:36 The Biblical principle of modestly
26:38 is what Paul referring to here.
26:39 Where did Paul get his information on modesty?
26:45 From the Bible, from scripture.
26:47 What scripture did Paul have?
26:49 Paul had the Old Testament,
26:51 so read that part of the verse again, Vanessa.
26:54 "In like manner also that women adorn themselves
26:59 in modest apparel." Keep going.
27:02 "With shamefacedness and sobriety;
27:05 not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls,
27:09 or costly array." Array.
27:12 So Paul here takes the biblical principle
27:16 of modesty and he just restates it
27:20 in the New Testament.
27:21 He said there in verse 9, in like manner also
27:24 that women adorn themselves with what?
27:28 Modest. Modest apparel.
27:30 Now I'm not here to tell you what is modest
27:34 and what is not, but for us guys if we feel like
27:38 we're wearing something we've got to poke
27:39 our chest up and suck that gut in
27:41 so that people can look at us.
27:43 We're probably not wearing the clothes
27:45 that we should be wearing.
27:47 And ladies, if you find yourself continually
27:49 having to shimmy down your skirt
27:51 because you are afraid that your private parts
27:53 that God covered are going to be uncovered,
27:58 then maybe we should wear something a little longer.
28:00 So Paul says listen that women should
28:02 adorn themselves with modest apparel,
28:04 that's the positive aspect of that verse.
28:07 Then he says there not, in verse 9,
28:11 not with broided hair,
28:14 or gold or pearls, or costly array.
28:20 Now if Paul gets his principle
28:22 when you're giving this Bible study you got remember
28:24 we're dealing with principles here.
28:26 If Paul gotten the principle of modestly
28:28 from the Old Testament, then where did Paul get
28:33 the principle of not be adorn with broided hair,
28:37 which is braiding strands of gold or sliver into your hair.
28:41 Some of the version may even say braided hair
28:44 and it's braiding your hair in a way that brings
28:47 glory to you that takes the attention off of God
28:50 and brings it to you.
28:52 And there is a custom that they would
28:54 when the ladies in this era here would bray their hair
28:57 they would bray it with silver and gold strands into it
29:00 so it sparkle when they turn their head.
29:04 He says not with broided hair or with gold
29:07 what is it say there or gold or pearls or costly array.
29:14 Paul is giving us the very forward information
29:18 from the principles that he got
29:20 out of the Old Testament, is this clear, is this clear?
29:25 Paul bases his modestly principle
29:27 on the Old Testament, excuse me,
29:30 Paul is going to base the principle
29:32 of not adorning ourselves on the exterior
29:35 on the Old Testament as well.
29:38 But, why would Paul, we're gonna get to,
29:40 you see there on your graphic
29:42 we go back to the same graphic in the far corner,
29:44 far right corner it says mentioned
29:46 in First Corinthians 2:2 so I'm gonna mention that.
29:49 And so in your notes or in your Bible study
29:52 you may just put mention as you mark it in your Bible,
29:55 mention First Corinthians 2:2.
29:57 Paul said in First Corinthians 2:2
29:59 we will read it later,
30:01 but I will quote part of it to you right now.
30:03 Paul said, "I'm determined not to know
30:06 any thing among you, save Jesus Christ
30:10 and him crucified." Paul said,
30:15 in First Corinthians 2:2, "I'm determined not to know
30:18 any thing among you,
30:19 save Jesus Christ and him crucified."
30:22 Why is Paul telling us about the way we should dress
30:28 and the way we should not adorn ourselves
30:31 if all he's concerned about is the gospel.
30:38 Why is Paul, I'll ask you again
30:40 Bill's got that question mark on is forehead.
30:42 Why is Paul telling us about modesty
30:45 and about the things we shouldn't wear,
30:48 if Paul's principle was the Lord Jesus Christ
30:51 and him crucified? If Paul was only worried
30:54 about the gospel why is Paul telling us
30:56 about this and you had to hand up right there
30:58 get that microphone so we can hear you.
31:00 There you go. Because he wanted to show
31:03 Jesus' character through the way we dress.
31:07 He wanted to show Jesus character
31:09 through the way that we dress.
31:10 Thank you, Darlene.
31:11 Paul must have considered the way we dress,
31:17 the things we put on our bodies
31:21 to have something to do with the gospel.
31:24 If all Paul was concerned about was the gospel,
31:28 Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
31:30 Then the way that we dress,
31:32 our modestly must show the gospel,
31:38 if the way we dress and the things we put on
31:41 take away from the beauty of Christ and we think,
31:45 add to our own beauty, then we're distracting,
31:50 we're distracted from Jesus Christ.
31:52 Does that make sense?
31:54 Okay, so Paul says, "I'm determined
31:55 not to know anything among you,
31:56 save Jesus Christ and him crucified."
31:59 And so what we are going to now as we are going
32:02 to go into the Old Testament.
32:05 We are going to take the principle of
32:08 not adorning ourselves and we are going to look at it
32:12 through the Old Testament.
32:13 We're gonna take the principle that Paul gives us
32:16 not to adorn ourselves with broided hair,
32:18 gold, pearls, costly array and we're gonna
32:23 look at that from Old Testament.
32:24 And we are going to start in Genesis.
32:27 We go to our next graphic,
32:28 Genesis Chapter 35 verses 1 through 5.
32:32 Now whom ever is going to read this
32:34 let see that was going to be Darlene.
32:37 Darlene will read this for us,
32:39 we're in Genesis Chapter 35:1 through 5.
32:45 Genesis, so Genesis that's the first book,
32:48 I started to quote all the books there,
32:50 so I could find there but remember was the first one.
32:53 All right, Darlene if you could start in verse 1.
32:57 Then God said to Jacob, "Arise,
33:00 go up to Bethel and dwell there,
33:04 and make an altar there to God,
33:06 who appeared to you when you fled
33:08 from the face of Esau your brother."
33:10 All right, right there.
33:12 What is the reason and the answer
33:14 is found in verse 1.
33:16 What is the reason that Jacob
33:19 is going to go to Bethel?
33:22 Make altar. To make an altar.
33:24 Now, you make altars to your what?
33:28 God. To your God.
33:30 So he is going to Bethel to worship God,
33:34 does that make sense?
33:35 That's where he's going,
33:36 go ahead and read verse 2 for us.
33:39 And Jacob said to his household and to all
33:42 who were with him, "Put away the foreign Gods
33:45 that are among you, and purify yourselves,
33:49 and change your garments."
33:51 The three things that Jacob tells his household to do
33:55 or what? there is three things in there.
33:57 Put away the strange Gods. Put away the strange gods,
34:00 what's the next one?
34:02 Change your garments, and to purify yourselves
34:05 or be clean. So Jacob says,
34:07 you guys need to purify yourselves,
34:09 you need to put away the strange Gods
34:11 and you need to change your clothes.
34:14 Why does he tell them that?
34:19 Because they're going to worship God,
34:21 that's absolutely right.
34:24 How did they interpret what Jacob told them to do?
34:30 Jacob said three things, what were they?
34:32 Put away the strange Gods, be clean,
34:35 and change your garments.
34:38 How did they understand change your garments,
34:41 put away the strange Gods, and be clean?
34:44 Let's go to verse 4.
34:48 "So they gave Jacob all the foreign Gods
34:52 that were in their hands and the earrings
34:54 which were in their ear and Jacob hid them
34:58 under the terebinth tree which was by Shechem."
35:03 What was the response of Jacob's family
35:08 when Jacob said, we're gonna go worship God,
35:12 and the reason we're gonna go to Bethel
35:14 and the reason we are going to Bethel
35:15 is to make is to make an altar to God to worship God.
35:18 How did they understand or what was their action
35:23 showed there interpretation of what he said
35:25 and what was there actions maybe that's
35:27 the best way to ask you.
35:29 They took most of it off. The jewelry.
35:31 They took their jewelry off.
35:33 What else did they do?
35:35 They give him the foreign Gods
35:37 they were among them,
35:40 is that right? Yeah.
35:42 They gave Jacob the foreign Gods
35:44 that were among them and they gave Jacob
35:47 the golden earrings which were in their ears.
35:53 Why did they do that?
35:57 Why did they do that?
36:00 Because they're going to go worship God.
36:04 Now some of what Paul said to us is making sense.
36:08 Paul said I determined not to know any thing
36:10 among you, save Jesus Christ and him crucified.
36:13 Jacob tells his family we're gonna go worship God,
36:16 you need to put away the foreign Gods
36:18 that are among you, you need to change
36:20 your garments and purify yourself.
36:22 Their response to what he tells them to do
36:25 is to take of their adornment, to change their clothes,
36:29 and to get read to worship God.
36:32 I'm determined not to know anything among you,
36:34 save Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
36:36 The way that we dress, the things
36:39 that put in our bodies is an indication,
36:44 it's an outward indication of the one
36:47 that we worship, isn't that amazing?
36:51 And we're just pulling these principles
36:53 out of Old Testament scripture.
36:54 Let's go to our next one.
36:56 Let's go any questions on that first one there.
37:00 So when I'm giving this Bible study,
37:02 I'm literally asking the people
37:04 that I'm giving the Bible study
37:05 the same questions that I'm asking you.
37:07 What did Jacob tell them to do? Three things?
37:10 Why did he tell them to do that?
37:12 They were going to worship God at Bethel.
37:14 What was their response?
37:16 And their response was to take off their jewelry,
37:19 to change their garments,
37:20 to prepare themselves to worship God.
37:22 So we go to our next reference there.
37:23 We're going to Exodus 33, I love Exodus 33.
37:27 Exodus 33:1 through 6 is the graphic
37:30 that you see there.
37:31 So Genesis, Exodus 33, we'll began reading
37:36 in verse 1, and Danielle, if you could go ahead
37:39 and get that microphone there,
37:41 Exodus 33 verses 1 through 6.
37:44 And I'm going to interrupt you just like
37:46 I did Darlene, all right.
37:48 So you go ahead and read for us.
37:50 "And the Lord said unto Moses,
37:52 Depart, and go up hence, thou and the people
37:54 which thou hast brought up out of the land of Egypt,
37:57 unto the land which I swear unto Abraham,
37:59 to Isaac, and to Jacob, saying,
38:01 Unto thy seed will I give it."
38:03 Okay, stop right there.
38:05 Who is doing the talking?
38:08 God is doing the talking.
38:09 Go ahead and read verse 2.
38:11 "And I will send My Angel before thee,
38:13 and I will drive out the Canaanite,
38:15 and the Amorite, and the Hittite,
38:17 and the Perizzite, the Hivite,
38:19 and the Jebusite." Verse 3.
38:22 "Unto a land flowing with milk and honey;
38:24 for I will not go up in the midst of thee
38:26 for thou are a stiff-necked people
38:28 lest I consume thee in the way."
38:30 So God tells the children of Israel
38:33 that they are what?
38:34 Stiff-necked. Stiff-necked.
38:35 You know, I actually woke up this morning
38:37 with a stiff-necked and I hope
38:38 that's not what that means.
38:39 What that really means to be stiff-necked
38:42 is that you will not bow or worship.
38:46 God tells him they're stiff-necked,
38:48 they're rebellious. Why does God say
38:53 that the children of Israel are rebellious,
38:56 let's keep reading there. And let's go to verse 4.
39:02 "And when the people heard these evil tidings,
39:04 they mourned, and no man
39:06 did put on him his ornaments."
39:08 Okay, why didn't they put on their ornaments?
39:14 Now that's exactly what most people say,
39:16 they say well, they were in mourning.
39:17 Nobody gets dressed up when they're in mourning.
39:20 I mean, you put on black, you go to--
39:22 when you're mourning for somebody that you've lost,
39:24 you go to the funeral,
39:25 you're not happy, you're mourning.
39:27 You don't get dressed up for those things.
39:30 but they were mourning because God said
39:33 they were stiff-necked and rebellious.
39:35 What did they do that God,
39:39 that caused God to say
39:40 they were stiff-nicked and rebellious.
39:41 We could account for many things
39:43 that they had done, but what does it say
39:45 here in the context of this verse.
39:47 So, Danielle, we'll go ahead now
39:49 and we will read verse 5,
39:52 Exodus 33 and verse 5.
39:56 "For the Lord had said unto Moses."
39:58 Okay, stop right there, for the Lord what?
40:01 The Lord had said, is that past, present, or future?
40:04 Past. That's past.
40:06 For the Lord had said we could say,
40:09 for the Lord had already said this.
40:11 Would that be the same thing?
40:12 For the Lord had said, this is in the past,
40:15 the Lord had said what, Danielle?
40:18 "Say unto the children of Israel,
40:19 Ye are a stiff necked people,
40:21 I will come up into the midst of thee in a moment,
40:24 and consume thee, therefore now put off
40:27 thy ornaments from thee,
40:28 that I may know what to do unto thee."
40:31 So God had told them beforehand
40:35 to take off their, what?
40:37 Ornaments. Ornaments.
40:39 What is an ornament? Jewelry.
40:42 You know, if you're thinking about
40:43 Christmas time what's an ornament?
40:46 It's a decoration that you hang on tree.
40:50 Here, the Bible says that they,
40:53 that they God told them to take off thy ornaments,
40:57 so that God could know what to do with them.
41:01 The way that we dress, the things
41:04 we put on the outside of us are an indication
41:10 of our inward condition,
41:13 an indication of our inward condition.
41:15 God had told them to take them off,
41:21 they were stiff-nicked, they were rebellious.
41:24 And it's not until God says, all right,
41:27 I'm gonna send my angel before you,
41:28 but I'm not going to let you into the Land of Canaan.
41:30 They're like, oh, we gotta get this off.
41:36 What is it say there in verse 6,
41:37 this is exactly what he says, they took them off.
41:40 "And the children of Israel stripped themselves
41:42 of their ornaments by the Mount Horeb."
41:45 So what did they do? Took off their jewelry.
41:48 They took off their jewelry.
41:50 The original language gives us the indication there
41:53 that they took off their--
41:55 they stripped themselves of their ornaments
41:58 from Mount Horeb onward.
42:02 The indication is that, that they recognized
42:04 that they had gonna way too far.
42:06 They stripped themselves of their ornaments
42:09 and what has just happened
42:10 in the chapter previous this?
42:13 What has just happened in Exodus 32?
42:15 Golden Calf. The Golden Calf.
42:17 You remember they had taken
42:19 some of their jewelry
42:21 and they had made a God, hadn't they?
42:24 It's a very interesting when we give this Bible study,
42:28 that people will say, my jewelry doesn't
42:32 separate me from God.
42:35 If God asks us to take it off
42:40 and we refused to take it off,
42:44 does our jewelry affect our relationship with God?
42:48 It does. It does, it does.
42:52 I remember, when I was converted,
42:55 I was driving an 18 wheeler, the big rig.
42:59 I had a sliver ring on every one of my fingers.
43:04 Now Shalita gave me that look like,
43:05 eww, that's gross but, I liked it.
43:08 I had other jewelry on my body.
43:13 And when I studied the word of God,
43:16 I said to myself, this stuff is plumb ridiculous.
43:22 What in the world, some of them were harder
43:28 to get off than others, but they all came out.
43:30 Every piece of jewelry on my body came off
43:32 because I did not want God to look at me and say,
43:37 Scott, you are rebellious.
43:41 I wanted God to look at me and say,
43:43 that's my solider right there. That's my soldier.
43:49 And so now we'll continue to look through
43:51 the Old Testament because Paul had lots of evidence
43:55 in the Old Testament to backup the reason
43:57 he would say not to adorn ourselves with gold
44:00 or pearls, or costly array
44:02 but to be dressed modestly.
44:05 Let's go to Judges the 8 Chapter the 24 verse.
44:09 This is our 11th text,
44:11 Judges Chapter 8 and verse 24.
44:16 Judges Chapter 8, so we turn into the right
44:18 from where we are Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers,
44:21 Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, that's right.
44:25 And we're going to Judges Chapter 8 and verse 24.
44:31 Judges Chapter 8 verse 24 there were actually
44:34 groups of people that were recognized
44:37 by the jewelry that they wore.
44:40 And the Bible says here and Ryan's gonna read
44:42 this for us, Judges Chapter 8 and verse 24.
44:48 "And Gideon said unto them,
44:50 I would desire a request of you,
44:53 that ye would give me every man
44:55 the earrings of his prey.
44:56 They had golden earrings,
44:58 because they were Ishmaelites."
45:01 The thing that identified someone
45:03 as an Ishmaelite was what?
45:05 Golden earrings. The golden earrings.
45:07 Now, was Ishmael and the Ishmaelites
45:11 were they the chosen one
45:13 that the lineage of Christ was going to come through?
45:15 No. No, they weren't?
45:17 Here we see that these people were known
45:20 by the fact that they had golden earnings in their ears.
45:25 God wants us to be known by so much more
45:29 than just what's on the outside.
45:31 God wants us to be known just like Job was known.
45:35 Job in the councils their in heaven,
45:38 Satan comes to God and he says,
45:41 or God says to him to Satan,
45:43 have you considered my servant Job?
45:46 And, of course, Satan had, because Satan had nothing
45:48 -- couldn't get to him.
45:49 He says, you put every hedge of protection around him.
45:52 This is found in Book of Job in the Old Testament.
45:56 Does God, would God be able to say that for each one of us?
46:00 Would God be able to say, consider my servant
46:03 Ms. Gloria, consider her. Consider my servant Bill.
46:11 We're gonna see now in the Old Testament,
46:14 now some people maybe getting upset
46:15 with what's happening here.
46:17 But, remember we learned in our first week here
46:20 at LIFE, that conviction is the voice of God
46:25 speaking to us to us, and we can react
46:28 in lots of different ways and one of those ways
46:30 is happiness over God given us the truth
46:32 and the other way we can react is anger
46:36 at the presenter for presenting God's truth.
46:40 I would like to apologize on behalf of
46:43 every minister that you have ever made,
46:46 ever been able to meet in your life
46:50 some of which have drawn you
46:52 closer to Christ than others.
46:53 I want to apologize on their behalf
46:55 that we have not shared with you all of the truth
46:59 even when it came to something
47:01 that you would get upset about.
47:02 So accept our apology and accept God's truth.
47:07 We're gonna go now to another reference in scripture
47:10 that shows how Hosea,
47:12 Hosea's wife Gomer would dress when she went out,
47:16 you know, Hosea was told by God
47:18 that he needed to marry, do you remember,
47:20 he needed to marry a what? A harlot.
47:22 A harlot or a prostitute. How was it that she looked,
47:26 what did she do when she went out and forgot the Lord.
47:30 We're going to Hosea, so you have Ezekiel, Daniel,
47:34 Hosea there we are.
47:36 Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea
47:38 we're going to Hosea 2 and verse 13.
47:43 Hosea 2:13 and we'll go ahead and let who we've got there.
47:47 We got Bill, is that-- Bill gonna read that.
47:50 So Bill, we'll get that microphone over to you.
47:53 Hosea 2 and verse 13.
47:57 "I will punish her for the days of the Baals
48:00 to which she burns incense, she decked herself
48:03 with earrings and jewelry, and went after her lovers,
48:07 but me she forgot says the Lord."
48:10 Isn't that interesting?
48:12 God tells His people or God tells Jacob
48:15 that he needs to go to Bethel and worship Him.
48:18 And Jacob tells his family to get the strange Gods out
48:22 from among them, change their garments,
48:24 and to be sanctified, get read to worship God,
48:27 and so they're getting closer to God,
48:29 so they take it off.
48:30 Here we see that this prostitute
48:33 who is the prophet of the Lord's wife,
48:40 she forgets the Lord, puts it all on
48:44 and goes out to commit her atrocities.
48:49 What is that, what are you saying that?
48:51 Did you say a prophet of the Lord?
48:52 That's right Hosea was the prophet of the Lord,
48:54 wasn't he? Yeah.
48:55 Yeah and he was married to Gomer, his wife.
48:58 So the prophet of the Lord's wife
49:00 right okay, very nice.
49:03 So we see again in scripture,
49:05 when Jacob's family is going to come
49:07 to worship the Lord, they take it off.
49:10 When Hosea's wife Gomer is going to be
49:13 with her lover she forgets the Lord
49:15 and does what with it, and puts it on.
49:17 And my friend, we could go
49:18 to reference after reference after reference
49:21 in the Old Testament to find where Paul gets
49:24 his authority for saying
49:27 that we should not adorn ourselves.
49:28 Let's go now to First Timothy Chapter 2
49:31 our next reference. First Timothy Chapter 2,
49:36 First Timothy is in the T section,
49:38 First Timothy Chapter 2 verses 9 and 10
49:42 we've been there once
49:43 and we're asking ourselves this question.
49:44 If God doesn't want us to be adorned on the outside,
49:47 what does God want us to be adorned with,
49:50 and Mike, we'll let you read that.
49:52 First Timothy Chapter 2 verses 9 and 10.
49:58 "I will therefore that men pray every where,
50:00 lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.
50:04 In like manner also, that the women adorn
50:07 themselves in modest apparel,
50:09 with shamefacedness and sobriety,
50:11 not with broided hair,
50:13 or gold, or pearls, or costly array."
50:16 Verse 10. "But, which become with women
50:21 professing godliness, with good works."
50:23 What does God want us to be adorned with?
50:27 Good works. Good works.
50:29 What does God want us not to be adorned with?
50:33 Gold, jewels, pearls, costly array.
50:37 God's wants our beauty not to be on the outside,
50:40 but to come from the inside.
50:43 Have you ever looked at a person
50:44 and just said to yourself,
50:46 man that person is very peaceful.
50:48 That comes from having that relationship with God
50:51 where you know that your life is pleasing him
50:55 in every aspect. Some people say what,
51:00 you know, but, you know, my husband gave me this
51:02 or my son gave me this or my dad gave me this.
51:05 Let's go to our next text,
51:06 it's right there in First Timothy as well.
51:08 First Timothy Chapter 6 and verse 6,
51:13 First Timothy Chapter 6 and verse 6,
51:16 and Anita, we're gonna ask Anita to read this.
51:19 So if you could read that for us in First Timothy
51:21 Chapter 6 and verse 6, what is say there very short verse.
51:26 "But godliness with contentment is great gain."
51:30 Godliness with contentment is great gain.
51:34 For some of us it may be very difficult
51:37 to take all of the stuff we've worn all of our lives.
51:42 It may be very difficult
51:46 but God says that godliness
51:48 with contentment is great gain.
51:53 Is it possible that we could be living
51:58 part of our life doing things dressing in a certain way,
52:02 wearing certain things that would displease our creator?
52:06 You know, one minister said it this way once.
52:09 He said, you know, if God had wanted me to wear Jewelery
52:11 He would have put it on me when He created me.
52:15 Another one said something like this,
52:17 they said, you know, if a perfect sinless angel
52:21 named Lucifer was lifted up because of his beauty,
52:29 then what makes me think I can put something
52:31 on the outside of my body and not get proud.
52:37 The Bible says here, the Bible is teaching us
52:40 the reason or the principle that Paul gives us
52:43 in the word of God.
52:45 For letting the light of God shine through our lives,
52:50 not through street pavement from heaven.
52:56 Do you understand the jewels in heaven
52:58 will be the walls, the foundation,
53:01 the gates, all of that.
53:07 God says take it off, the world says what?
53:11 Put it on. Put it on.
53:12 Let's turn to First Corinthians
53:15 Chapter 2 and verse 2.
53:17 First Corinthians Chapter 2 and verse 2
53:20 is our next reference and we'll get Tom
53:23 to read this for us so you can get set up there, Tom.
53:26 First Corinthians Chapter 2 verse 2.
53:28 Paul the one that gives us this New Testament counsel
53:33 says this in First Corinthians 2:2.
53:35 We alluded to this earlier.
53:37 "For I determine not to know any thing among you,
53:40 expect Jesus Christ, and Him crucified."
53:43 So what was Paul's thrust behind
53:46 all of the Biblical counsel that he gives?
53:50 To know Jesus Christ.
53:52 To know Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
53:55 So why then would Paul mention
53:57 the way that we dress, being dressed modestly
54:01 and not putting things on the exterior of our bodies.
54:04 Why would he mention that?
54:08 He knew those things will draw us away from our relationship.
54:11 He knew those things would draw us away
54:13 from our relationship to Christ.
54:14 And somebody right now is thinking to themselves
54:16 that doesn't draw me away from Christ.
54:19 But if God is asking us to do something
54:23 and we choose not to do, then are we getting
54:26 closer to Christ or are we getting
54:27 further away from Christ? Further away.
54:30 Further away from Christ, that's absolutely right.
54:34 Our last reference in this study
54:37 is one of our appeal texts and I'll go ahead
54:40 and read this because when I'm giving
54:42 the Bible studies I'll read my appeals
54:44 because I want to make sure that--
54:46 that what I have in my last several texts--
54:49 is iterated exactly the way we want to bring it out.
54:52 So we're going to Hebrews Chapter 11,
54:55 so we're turning to the right from Corinthians
54:58 we'll go past the T section
55:00 and we're going to Hebrews Chapter 11 and verse 6.
55:07 The Bible says in Hebrews Chapter 11 and verse 6,
55:12 and incidentally this right after the testimony
55:15 that was given of Enoch, right.
55:16 Let's read verse 5 as well.
55:18 "By faith Enoch was translated
55:20 that he should not see death, and was not found,
55:24 because God had translated him,
55:27 for before his translation he had this testimony"
55:31 that he did what? That he pleased God.
55:33 "That he pleased God." Verse 6.
55:36 "But without faith it is impossible to please God.
55:41 For he that cometh to God must believe that he is,
55:44 and that he is a rewarder of them
55:48 that diligently seek him."
55:51 God rewards us when we diligently seek Him.
55:59 My friend, you and I are not saved
56:02 by what we wear or what we put on.
56:05 But, you will remember that we're judged by our works.
56:10 Do our works reflect the character of Christ?
56:16 Does our clothing reflect the character of Christ?
56:24 You know, the only thing they had at the cross
56:26 that was a value to gamble over
56:29 was Christ's undergarment that went from His shoulders
56:32 all the way down to His feet that was woven without a sin.
56:38 Scripture never tells us than our redeemer
56:42 wore something to bring attention to himself.
56:46 And God is asking you, what would keep you,
56:52 what would keep you from reflecting
56:55 the character of Christ in the way that you dress
57:00 and in the way that you adorn your body.
57:04 Jacob's family said, I'm taking it off.
57:07 Adam and Eve says, God we'll wear your clothes.
57:12 Gomer said, forget God and Hosea
57:16 I'm gonna do what I wanna do.
57:18 What will be your heart's response to Jesus today?
57:25 What are you going to do with the truth
57:26 that He has shared with you?
57:31 As you consider this, I want you to make sure
57:35 that your life is ready,
57:38 that you're ready to meet Jesus
57:41 and we'll be there with you.


Revised 2014-12-17