Life On the Edge

Remnant Church Pt. 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Phillip Sizemore (Host)


Series Code: LOE

Program Code: LOE000029

00:01 Harvest truly is plenteous,
00:03 but the laborers are few. Pray ye therefore,
00:05 the Lord of the harvest, that he will,
00:07 he will send forth laborers into his harvest.
00:10 Also, I heard the voice of the Lord saying,
00:13 "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?"
00:17 Then said I, "Here am I, send me, send me".
00:23 Life on the Edge will enable you to be an
00:25 effective harvester for the Lord.
00:27 We now invite you into our
00:29 classroom to come, experience Life.
00:43 Welcome back again to the
00:44 Lay Institute for Evangelism.
00:46 Right now we're gonna be discussing part two
00:48 of a study we started just
00:50 a little while ago on the Remnant Church.
00:52 We're gonna be discussing the Remnant Church
00:53 that God has from Bible Prophecy you might say,
00:57 it's the Remnant Church of Bible Prophecy.
00:59 Many people that they hear someone it,
01:01 something say like oh it's the Remnant Church,
01:04 it almost sounds like you're being exclusive like
01:06 there is no other Remnant and well, that's true.
01:08 Biblically there is only one true Church
01:10 in the world in the last days.
01:12 And as you look at these identifying characteristics,
01:14 I want you at home and all of us here
01:16 actually to ask yourself, is the Church
01:18 that I'm going to or maybe
01:19 you're not going to any Church at all.
01:20 But the Church that I'm attending,
01:21 does it fit these characteristics
01:23 and if it doesn't, maybe it will benefit us
01:25 to be looking for the Church that does
01:27 fit the characteristics that God has.
01:28 He's gonna have a remnant in the
01:29 last days according to the Bible.
01:31 And that's what we're gonna be studying more
01:32 so now as we get into the second half
01:34 of the remnant church Bible study
01:36 here at Pine Lake Retreat.
01:39 In the, once again, beautiful sunny Florida.
01:42 It's not quite as beautiful as it is in Kentucky,
01:45 but it's really beautiful, I like it.
01:47 You know, I like the heat, I got to admit
01:49 I like the heat here but, and I like the humidity.
01:52 I just love that, I love going outside
01:53 and getting all hot and sweaty,
01:54 no problem with that. But there's no hills.
01:58 And there's like nobody here that lives in a hallway.
02:02 So, you know, that's one of the things
02:03 I missed about Kentucky is being in the hills,
02:05 you know, being in the hills.
02:06 Other than that I love it here at
02:07 Pine Lake, here in Florida.
02:08 And I know that God has us here for a purpose
02:10 and the purpose specifically
02:12 right now is to help other people
02:14 become effective soul winners for Christ.
02:16 And then one of the ways we're doing that,
02:17 learning to become effective soul winners is,
02:19 as we're going through marking
02:20 our Bibles up with these Bible studies.
02:22 We're gonna be take our Bibles
02:23 and go into homes and go into people,
02:25 whether it be in our homes or just on
02:26 our workplace or wherever we're at.
02:28 And share the truth of God's word from just the Bible.
02:31 So I wanna encourage you guys here to continue
02:32 marking your Bibles up and have them all done.
02:34 You'll be glad you did and I wanna encourage
02:35 the people at home to be doing the same thing.
02:37 Get your Bibles out, get your pencils out.
02:39 You know, the best thing
02:40 to use as far the pencil goes,
02:41 for the people at home or not for sure.
02:44 I think we covered it with you guys
02:45 but seems like we did before we entered the classroom.
02:48 But one of the best pencils you can have
02:49 and mine happens to be missing,
02:50 usually sits up here. But I like to get the,
02:52 it's a five millimeter lead, that smaller lead.
02:54 You can get a three millimeter lead
02:56 but it tends to sometimes tear
02:57 through the paper and things like that.
02:59 But with a five millimeter lead,
03:00 one of those clicker pencils, you know,
03:01 you click the lead, make it come out.
03:03 You can, it make, it writes this small enough,
03:04 so you can get in between all the lines
03:05 and everything in your Bible and get it all marked up.
03:08 And I put notes in there and you know,
03:10 go to this text, go to that text.
03:11 And what's really nice too, Tim is, sometimes
03:14 like I'll be put on a spot, I be like at
03:16 a Church or something, they'll say, hey,
03:17 can you handle the evening worship
03:19 or the evening devotionals.
03:20 And I have that times,
03:21 when I put on a spot like that.
03:22 I'll just go to one of our Bible studies
03:23 I have here and just take part of it out.
03:26 And use that as a message.
03:27 You know, just cut out some of the
03:29 part of it and just preach from that,
03:30 give a devotional, it's the word of God in truth.
03:33 And so it's still a powerful presentation,
03:35 a powerful message, not because
03:37 of the messenger understand.
03:38 But because of the messages being given.
03:40 So you having your Bible marked up like this,
03:41 you also learn that as you're studying
03:44 the Lord will give you an idea and you'll say,
03:46 just out of habit, you'll start putting
03:47 a little bit of note in your Bible.
03:48 I got little stars and highlights
03:50 and stuff all through my Bible.
03:51 I thought about when I left my Church in
03:53 Louisville auctioning it off,
03:54 you know, like somebody can have all the
03:56 sermons and everything all marked out.
03:57 But we could have given it to the
03:59 pathfinder or something like that.
04:00 But there were several people say,
04:02 I like to have, as a matter of fact,
04:03 one lady actually brought me
04:04 a brand new Bible, just like the one I have.
04:06 And I think she is kind of thinking
04:08 I would give her my old one.
04:10 And I think I'm gonna go ahead
04:12 and do that after I get my new one all marked up.
04:14 So I'll give her my old one so.
04:16 There's something about going through
04:17 marking your Bible up and studying it that way,
04:20 to where you always have something to give.
04:22 You always have something to give somebody else
04:23 from the word of God if you do that.
04:25 So some people think that some,
04:28 really bad to write in the Bible,
04:29 mark in the Bible. I'm not changing
04:31 the words of the Bible understand,
04:33 I'm not going and saying, oh I don't like this
04:35 and writing over the words.
04:36 I'm just making notes along the sides.
04:38 So we're not defiling the word of God here,
04:39 we'r just writing in the pages beside it.
04:42 Okay, now they got that out of the way, where was I?
04:44 Oh we've just finished the first
04:48 half of the Remnant Church study
04:50 and we're going in the second half now.
04:51 Here the title of the study
04:52 once again is, the Remnant Church.
04:54 And the purpose of the study we looked that already
05:00 is to show that God, show that Christ word
05:02 is leading all of His sheep into one fold.
05:05 God does have one fold in the last days,
05:06 one flock, and how they can't tell who that is.
05:08 And the description doesn't come
05:10 from a name of a Church.
05:11 Remember to look at that, the description comes from
05:13 what the Bible teaches that
05:15 His people will be doing, the characteristics.
05:16 That's how you have to find the Church to go to.
05:19 You know, in U.S. some people go to Church
05:21 because it's the closest Church to their home.
05:23 Other people go to Church because
05:24 well that's what I was raised to do.
05:26 I was raised to go to this Church, right.
05:28 Other people go to the Church because
05:29 they think the pastor is good looking.
05:30 That wasn't the cast at my Church.
05:33 Well maybe, no, I'm just kidding.
05:35 I'm gonna say, Pastor Scott's Church.
05:37 Anyway, but people go to Churches
05:39 for different reasons don't they.
05:41 They go to Church for different reasons
05:42 and the only reason, the only main reason you
05:44 should go to attend the Church that you attend
05:46 should be because they teach what the Bible teaches.
05:49 And if you looked at the Bible you said okay,
05:50 the Bible teaches this, I'm gonna follow that.
05:53 And I got to find a Church that teaches what the
05:54 Bible teaches and then you go find that Church.
05:56 Some people do it the other way around,
05:57 you know, they just saying, well I'm gonna find
05:59 a Church that tells me what the Bible teaches
06:00 and I'll believe what they teach.
06:02 And that's not, that's not the appropriate way
06:04 or because my parents did it or whatever.
06:06 And we're gonna be doing, what we're doing here
06:08 this is a difficult study
06:09 for many people to understand,
06:11 because in most people's mindset.
06:12 You know, just think about it,
06:13 you're raised a certain way,
06:15 you're raised with a certain number of beliefs
06:16 and certain kind of beliefs no matter
06:18 what whether it's Christian or non-Christian like I was.
06:20 But you just, you're raised
06:22 with a certain kind of belief.
06:23 So therefore if you ever decide,
06:24 you know, like the Spirit of God's working
06:26 on your heart, you wanna go find a Church.
06:27 Sometimes, most of the time people just say well,
06:29 I got to go find somebody that believes what I do.
06:32 Without ever even investigating the Bible.
06:34 So what you believe must first come through
06:35 the Bible and the Church you attend.
06:37 You want it, also what comes in the Bible, don't you.
06:39 And that's why we're going through this study.
06:40 We're gonna look at the identifying characteristics,
06:42 all of them that shows that God does have
06:44 His sheep in the last days.
06:46 He has the one fold, the one flock,
06:47 we just got to find it. All right.
06:51 And now we're looking at the center
06:52 of the study, we're centering it.
06:53 Of course every study is centered on Jesus Christ.
06:56 Though we start off here, Jesus has a true Church
06:58 in the last, the word day should be inserted in there.
07:01 It should say the last days, just like He had
07:04 a true Church in the time of the disciples.
07:06 So after Christ was the ascended,
07:08 and went up to heaven.
07:09 Did you know that Peter and James
07:11 and John and Matthew and all the disciples,
07:14 did you know that they did go like start
07:15 one Church over here on this corner
07:17 called the Church of Matthew,
07:18 and over here was the Church of Paul
07:20 and over here was the Church of Jesus,
07:22 and over here was the. They didn't do that, right.
07:25 They had all things in common
07:26 the Bible says, right.
07:28 And they had the same beliefs
07:30 and the day of Pentecost when they preached,
07:32 they all didn't preach different messages.
07:34 They were all preaching the same truth from God's word.
07:36 And the Church that was born right there,
07:38 all had certain characteristics
07:39 and certain ideas and certain plans.
07:42 And that has carried through the centuries.
07:45 An obscurity at times, but it's carried through,
07:46 and it's carried through all the way down
07:47 to these last days, the times we're living in.
07:50 There is a people, there are people,
07:51 how do you say that, somebody that knows English.
07:54 There is a people or there are a people?
07:56 No one else knows? Well I feel better.
07:59 There are a people, okay. There is a people.
08:03 This half says, there are people,
08:04 and this half says, there is people.
08:05 And so the solution will be the guy at home
08:08 who is an English professor and he's throwing things
08:09 at his television right now. There is a group of people.
08:13 But there is a group of people
08:15 that's keeping God's truth alive.
08:18 They always have been, has been.
08:22 Let's carry on. Remember we left off,
08:25 we've done the first half,
08:26 we're into the second half now.
08:27 We left off in the first half
08:28 and we discovered according to Revelation chapter 12,
08:32 we looked at verse 1, and there appeared
08:33 a wonder in heaven; they had a woman
08:35 standing on the moon, clothed with the sun,
08:36 had the stars about her head,
08:37 that kind of thing, right.
08:38 And we know it's symbolic and we know
08:40 that it's representing God's Church or God's people.
08:43 And when the devil could not destroy them
08:45 by attacking the sun, who is Jesus Christ,
08:48 it couldn't attack him anymore because
08:49 he was taken away to heaven.
08:50 Then the devil turned his focus to who?
08:53 The Church or God's remaining people.
08:55 That's where he turned his focus to.
08:57 The remaining people or who remained in the remnant.
08:59 And so the woman according to verse 6,
09:01 went into the wilderness,
09:03 and she had a place prepared there of God
09:05 for 1260 days and we looked at when we finished
09:09 off that according to the Bible we have Ezekiel 4:6,
09:13 Numbers 14:34 and Luke 13:31 through 33
09:18 that teaches us that if you have
09:19 a biblical prophetic lay when you're talking
09:22 symbolically in the Bible if you have
09:23 a day it equals to a year.
09:25 So there are 1260 days will literally be 1260 years.
09:29 And you remember, we've done the
09:30 anti-Christ study we found out that in the Bible,
09:34 you have that term, that 1260 year time frame
09:38 is the most prevalent time prophecy in all the Bible.
09:41 It's in there how many times does anybody remember?
09:44 Seven, you all remember that seven,
09:46 you know, the perfect number is seven, right.
09:48 And so it's in there seven times.
09:49 It's like four times in the Book of Daniel,
09:51 No three times in Daniel and four
09:52 in Revelation, the other away round.
09:53 I'm not remembering right now,
09:54 often top of my head but its one or the other.
09:56 Total seven times. And this is one of them here
09:58 and that timeframe that timeframe is the time
10:01 that the anti-Christ power will be suppressing
10:03 God's people and we know that
10:05 lasted through the dark ages.
10:06 And that timeframe was from
10:07 538 to 1798, that's exactly right.
10:12 I got one person answering all the questions up here,
10:14 I'm so glad that Shalita sits in the front row.
10:17 She loves it when I embarrass her like that.
10:19 But she gives me all the answers,
10:20 I know that there are those people at home
10:22 can't hear it and some people can hear her here.
10:24 I know the folks here all know the answers,
10:26 but she is the one who is voicing it for me.
10:27 I appreciate it, Shalita. Thank you.
10:30 So anyway, the Church then according
10:33 to what we looked at, it says here in verse 6,
10:35 that we would go into the wilderness for how long?
10:37 1260 years. So would God's
10:41 Remnant Church be in open and everybody seeing
10:44 knowing where it is during that time.
10:46 No, it will be in hiding.
10:48 But then after that time of
10:49 hiding you know it's gonna come up.
10:50 And look what happens when it comes up,
10:51 and that's where we're picking up now in verse 13,
10:53 Revelation chapter 12 and verse 13.
10:55 And if I'm not mistaken I believe Bill was
10:58 reading verses two to six wasn't he?
10:59 No, it was Danielle. You were reading verses two.
11:04 okay you read two through six, all right.
11:05 So I want you to go ahead and read verse 13
11:06 for us as well since we're there.
11:10 Now, when the dragon saw that
11:11 he had been cast to the earth,
11:12 he persecuted the woman
11:14 who gave birth to the male child.
11:16 So when the dragon, who is the dragon?
11:18 Satan. Okay give me a scripture.
11:20 How do we know that the dragon is Satan?
11:22 Revelation 12:9, you got it brother,
11:25 thanks, Tom. Revelation 12:9.
11:27 Yeah it's right there. Remember that,
11:29 because you say, oh we know that the dragon here,
11:31 we know that it is, it is the devil.
11:33 And then someone says, well how do you know that.
11:35 Well its good to have a verse, isn't it to say.
11:37 By the way isn't it fascinating that
11:39 back in the Book of Genesis, that the serpent comes as,
11:42 the devil comes as a serpent right.
11:44 And by the time you get to Revelation
11:45 he is no longer a serpent but what he is?
11:47 A dragon, you all know why it grew to be so big?
11:49 Because we all kept feeding him.
11:51 All right. So he starts off
11:53 as a serpent and he becomes a dragon.
11:54 All the way through the Bible
11:55 he grows into this dragon by the time you get
11:57 to the Book of Revelation and he is angry.
11:59 And who is he angry at? The woman, the Church.
12:03 And why is he angry at her?
12:04 That's what we're gonna go to and find out
12:06 as we're keep moving along here.
12:07 Now I gonna had to skip the next slide
12:09 because it's Ezekiel 4:6 and that was the day
12:11 for your Bible Prophecy we've already covered that.
12:13 We're going to the next slide here which is
12:15 Revelation chapter 12 and verse 17
12:18 and we're gonna see now why it is that the
12:20 devil was angry at this woman?
12:23 Why was he angry at her? Revelation 12:17.
12:27 Is there anybody that has not read that today?
12:30 Anita. All right sister,
12:32 I'm glad you volunteered.
12:33 That smile gave you away sister,
12:34 I know would have guessed.
12:35 I thought you already read once.
12:36 I want you to read Revelation
12:38 chapter 12 and verse 17.
12:40 And look real nicely right into the camera over there.
12:42 You should almost be able to quote
12:43 this one from memory, but go ahead.
12:45 And the dragon was wroth with the woman,
12:48 and went to make war with the remnant of her seed,
12:51 which keep the Commandments of God,
12:53 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
12:56 All right. As we're giving
12:58 this Bible study, this text that you just read is.
13:02 Do I have something on my feet.
13:05 Shelly looking my feet, I got something on me.
13:06 This text you just read is packed with so much stuff.
13:12 I mean, let's just think about it.
13:14 The dragon. Who is the dragon?
13:15 The devil. He is wroth with the woman.
13:17 Who is the woman? A Church now,
13:20 and we covered, we talked about this
13:22 just a little bit in the first half of the study.
13:25 But you know you want to be a part of this Church, why?
13:28 Because the devil hates her.
13:30 If the devil hates her, if the devil's mad at her,
13:32 that's who you want to be a part of.
13:34 If the devil likes her and it's kind of like
13:36 helping her and encouraging her,
13:37 do you want to be part of that.
13:38 Or you want to be right now,
13:39 in this earth because many people do is like well,
13:41 you know, look at how well, how wealthy they are
13:44 and all the things they have
13:45 and all the stuff they're doing.
13:46 If it's not for God, who is blessing them, right.
13:51 And so you can't just be looking at just the blessing
13:53 or the good things that are happening.
13:55 Because according to the Bible the devil is gonna be
13:56 attacking God's people, right.
13:59 He couldn't do anything to them,
14:02 to Jesus because after
14:03 he killed Him, he could do nothing else
14:04 and Jesus has now ascended to heaven.
14:06 So now he turns his attention to God's Church.
14:08 And by the way this Church if you wonder
14:10 who they're and how to identify them.
14:12 This is the next identifying characteristic and...
14:15 I wanna stop here just for second.
14:17 I'm sorry. Just so everybody
14:18 is caught up on the same page.
14:20 What's that identifying characteristics
14:22 through the Church we looked up so far?
14:24 Number one is the pillar and ground of truth.
14:26 They will be teaching God's truth,
14:27 from his word, right.
14:29 Number two is, it will be a woman
14:31 and the devil, the devil would hate her,
14:33 but during a time, there is a certain time
14:34 in earth's history that she'd be hiding.
14:36 What would that timeframe be?
14:37 Yeah, The Dark Ages from 538 to 1798.
14:42 So this group of people that would come on the scene,
14:45 they would had to come on
14:46 the scene sometime after 1798.
14:49 So if you're like a member of a Church.
14:51 It's your Church, let's say my Church
14:53 came in being back in, back in 600.
14:55 Back in year 600 or 700 or something like that.
14:58 Or maybe it came into being in the year 1598
15:01 or some just pick a year,
15:03 that's when my Church came into existence.
15:05 Where would God's Church be during the time of the
15:07 Dark Ages 1260 years? In hiding.
15:11 So if it came on the scene as a prevalent,
15:13 you know, prominent denomination
15:14 or prominent Church during that time,
15:16 can it be part of God's Remnant according
15:17 to that identifying characteristic?
15:19 No. Now we're gonna
15:20 look at another identifying characteristic,
15:22 which is actually even to me it's
15:24 more and more powerful one's and somebody might say,
15:27 well I don't really buy into that whole 1260 years thing.
15:30 I'm not sure that the Church
15:31 will be in obscurity during that time.
15:32 Okay, well if you wanna set that one aside
15:35 that's one of the identifying characteristics.
15:36 But you can set that one aside if you want to,
15:38 but you can't set this next one aside.
15:40 Look at this, Revelation 12:17,
15:43 says the dragon was angry or wroth with the woman,
15:46 and went to make war with the
15:47 remnant of her seed, which do what?
15:49 Keep the Commandments of God,
15:51 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
15:52 We want to tackle these things one at a time.
15:54 They keep the Commandments of God.
15:58 Now what commandments do you suppose
15:59 this is talking about? The Ten Commandments.
16:01 How do we know? Read the text, Romans 7
16:05 and this is not in your study guide,
16:07 but we'll just this remember this, so you'll know.
16:08 How do we know, it's talking about the Ten Commandments.
16:11 Romans 7, I hope it is, verse 7, you got it.
16:15 Paul says writing to the Romans,
16:18 what shall we say then, is the law sin?
16:23 God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin,
16:27 but by the law: for I had not known
16:31 lust or covetousness, I will not know
16:34 lust except the law had said,
16:36 Thou shall not covet.
16:39 So speaking of the law, what law do you suppose this is?
16:41 What law is this talking about.
16:42 This is the tenth of Ten Commandments, right.
16:44 There's nine others besides this.
16:46 I get it. I get tickled sometimes,
16:48 somebody will say, we just keep the
16:49 Commandments that are found in the New Testament.
16:50 Our Church is a remnant church,
16:52 we keep the Commandments of God.
16:53 We just keep the ones found in the New Testament.
16:56 Well, it must be interesting there is one commandment
16:58 that I've never been able to find
16:59 directly in the New Testament.
17:01 Its all about taking God's name in vain.
17:05 I've never had anybody show it that
17:06 where that is quoted in the New Testament.
17:08 The only closed thing that I found to it,
17:09 Jesus where prayed, our father,
17:11 which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
17:13 And so somebody says well that's the example
17:15 of the commandment in the New Testament.
17:17 Following here, is a commandment,
17:20 is an example of Jesus keeping the Commandment.
17:24 Is that in the New Testament,
17:25 an example of Jesus keeping the commandment,
17:26 is that showing that the commandment
17:28 is in the New Testament?
17:30 Yes, you wanna see the Commandments
17:31 which shows when Jesus kept the Sabbath?
17:34 Right, you know that he kept the Sabbath as well,
17:35 because it says as was his custom,
17:36 he went into the synagogue
17:38 on the Sabbath day. When he stood up to read.
17:39 He was accustomed to obey and keep that commandment.
17:41 Jesus kept all Ten Commandments.
17:43 And so to say that like the fourth Commandments
17:45 not in the New Testament like somebody will
17:46 try to say or other things like that.
17:48 If you use the example of the one that you
17:51 find about him taking God's name in vain
17:53 and he find that in New Testament well Jesus
17:55 obey that commandment He also
17:56 obeyed the Sabbath commandment.
17:58 All ten of these Commandments.
17:59 So Revelation chapter 12 and verse 17 and it says,
18:01 He went to make war with the remnant of her seed,
18:04 which keep the Commandments of God.
18:05 It has to be talking about the Ten Commandments,
18:08 all Ten Commandments.
18:10 You know, I've never went into
18:12 a Church myself personally. Well he said, oh yeah.
18:15 We don't believe in keeping the
18:16 Commandments of God, have you?
18:18 So everybody is going to be claiming to keep the
18:20 Commandments of God, aren't they?
18:22 But now this is a client, this client here
18:24 in Revelation 12:17 specifically talking about
18:27 they're not only to be claiming to be doing this,
18:29 but they are gonna be keeping them.
18:31 And let me just be straight up with you.
18:32 We've been to enough of the studies,
18:33 I'm just gonna like shoot in the hip a little bit,
18:35 maybe get myself in trouble.
18:36 If you're in a Church that's not keeping the
18:38 seventh day Sabbath as the commandment says,
18:40 you cannot be in the Remnant Church.
18:42 Oh, that sounds so harsh doesn't it.
18:44 And when I give the study
18:45 or when I preach this in evangelism,
18:47 I say that very same thing.
18:49 I believe that Jesus is coming soon
18:51 and as I study the disciples and I study the Bible,
18:54 when it came to solid truths in the Bible
18:56 and people's souls hang in the balance.
18:59 Jesus or none of the disciples
19:00 ever mushed it down, and like took the potato
19:02 and turned it into mash potatoes.
19:04 You know, they never made it real soft,
19:05 so you can swallow it.
19:06 They just gave what the truth was, in love.
19:10 And so, if you're in a Church that's saying
19:11 that don't have to keep the fourth commandment.
19:13 You're not fitting the Church that's given here
19:15 in the description of Revelation chapter 12
19:17 of God's Remnant Church.
19:20 That's pretty harsh, isn't it?
19:22 But, do you love somebody so enough to tell them that.
19:27 So God's Remnant Church are going to be keeping all ten.
19:31 And if you're not, you're not
19:33 part of God's Remnant Church.
19:34 You know, it makes it nice because not even going
19:35 to the phone book and he's gotta go find a Church.
19:38 That's gonna be keeping all Ten Commandments.
19:41 And you just look at it and say,
19:42 Sunday service, Sunday service,
19:45 Saturday service, okay that maybe it.
19:47 You don't know for sure, you don't know for sure
19:49 that Church will be it, but you do know
19:51 that there was a down quite a bit,
19:52 like he put the whole list of Churches up
19:53 there and you just say okay,
19:54 are they keeping the Ten Commandments,
19:56 you can narrow it down pretty quick.
19:57 Are you following that? So if you're looking,
19:59 if you're at home or looking for a Church
20:00 to be a member of, to be a part of,
20:01 that's it's fitting the characteristics that God
20:04 has for his Remnant Church,
20:05 one of those characteristics is gonna be
20:07 that they're keeping all Ten Commandments,
20:08 which includes the fourth commandment.
20:12 So it's gonna be the pillar in the ground of truth,
20:14 it's gonna be an obscurity during time of the dark ages
20:17 right, until 1798 it will be relatively obscure
20:20 because it will be in the wilderness.
20:22 And now we're looking here that the devil is gonna be
20:23 mad at her and she is gonna be
20:25 keeping the Ten Commandments.
20:26 Teaching that you've to keep the Ten Commandments of God,
20:28 not in order to be saved, but because you're saved.
20:32 Again you're accused of saying I think
20:34 you don't get my obedience.
20:36 If the Bible says that God's people gonna obey the
20:38 Ten Commandments and you won't be part of
20:40 God's people then you all obey the Ten Commandments.
20:44 And if you reject it, can you be the remnant?
20:48 It has nothing to do with the name, does it.
20:50 We haven't mentioned any names as far as what we,
20:52 as far as finding the description here.
20:54 We're just finding the identifying characteristics.
20:56 Well, you know, there is another identifying
20:57 characteristic and we're gonna look at it now
21:00 in the same verse that the same chapter
21:02 Revelation chapter 12 and verse 17.
21:04 It says that they also have
21:06 the testimony of Jesus Christ,
21:08 the testimony of Jesus Christ.
21:10 It's like well, every Church has
21:11 a testimony of the Jesus Christ,
21:12 I mean, that means they're testifying
21:13 about Jesus, right.
21:15 We know that Bible gives a description
21:16 as to what the testimony of Jesus Christ is.
21:19 And so we can like put our opinions on.
21:22 Like I would say what's the testimony of Jesus
21:24 and we can all say, well I think it's this.
21:26 And I think it's that and I think it's because
21:27 the preacher preaches about Jesus,
21:29 I think it's because the preacher
21:30 preaches about love. I think it's because
21:31 we're feeding the poor, we can have all kinds of
21:33 ideas as to what we think the
21:34 testimony of Jesus is about.
21:36 But, you know, there is a Bible text
21:38 that tells you exactly what the testimony of Jesus is
21:43 and at this time we're gonna go to that text,
21:45 Revelation chapter 19 and verse 10.
21:48 And I think we'll have Gloria,
21:50 do you mind reading that for us Ms. Gloria.
21:52 Keep the microphone there, get it all arranged,
21:54 and while you're getting arranged
21:55 we'll all get our Bibles turned there.
21:56 Revelation chapter 19 and verse 10.
21:59 Now it's a very easy one to find,
22:02 it's the next to the, next to the,
22:04 next to the last chapter of the
22:06 last book of the Bible, all right.
22:08 Revelation chapter 19 and verse 10,
22:12 go ahead, Gloria.
22:14 And I fell at his feet to worship him.
22:17 But He said to me, see that you do not do that.
22:22 I am your fellow servant, and of your brothers
22:25 who have the testimony of Jesus.
22:27 Worship God for the testimony of Jesus
22:30 is the spirit of prophecy. Thank you, Gloria.
22:33 She read that with all kinds of path pathos.
22:35 Is that the word you use there,
22:37 there was something there when she read that.
22:39 The testimony of Jesus is what?
22:41 The Spirit of Prophecy. Now I'm gonna ask you,
22:45 we went through a study already.
22:47 And we saw that right now there is,
22:50 well I'm just gonna say it.
22:51 I guess can say this now,
22:52 the Seventh-day Adventist Church
22:54 has a prophet in it's midst, the Spirit of Prophecy.
22:55 Now I'm gonna say something that's gonna also sound
22:58 a little bit outrageous to
22:59 some folks and it's simple this.
23:02 According to the Bible, the Remnant Church
23:03 is gonna keeping the Ten Commandments of God
23:05 and they're gonna have a prophet
23:07 the midst, the Spirit of Prophecy.
23:11 They're gonna have the
23:12 Spirit of Prophecy in the midst.
23:14 It is gonna be a prophetic movement
23:15 with a prophet in it.
23:16 So if you're in a Church that does not have a prophet
23:21 can you be part of God's Remnant Church?
23:25 Sounds harsh doesn't it,
23:27 but are we getting this from the Bible.
23:28 Well some people say well, how can you be sure
23:30 that this is talking about having a prophet,
23:32 after all it just says, the Spirit of Prophecy.
23:34 Well, what is the Spirit of Prophecy,
23:35 did Daniel have the Spirit of Prophecy?
23:38 Because he was a prophet.
23:41 John had the spirit of Prophecy
23:43 because he was a prophet.
23:44 And if you notice right there in a text it says
23:46 when He says don't worship me
23:47 I'm one your fellow servants.
23:49 And then he says worship God,
23:50 for the testimony of Jesus is the Sprit of Prophecy.
23:53 He is talking to a prophet when he says this,
23:55 one of your fellow servants
23:57 is the Spirit of Prophecy, you're Prophet John.
24:01 The testimony of Jesus that you're giving
24:02 is the Spirit of Prophecy.
24:05 And so the Church would have to have that.
24:06 Now we've done a study, yeah,
24:08 we've done that actually a couple of days ago,
24:10 I guess for us it will be yesterday.
24:12 And we looked at, we looked at the
24:14 Spirit of Prophecy in God's Remnant Church
24:16 and you remember that,
24:17 how we went through the slides there.
24:19 I'll do a quick review there, just...
24:21 The people at home that haven't seen that study yet,
24:23 they can go back and watch it and find out how,
24:25 you know, find out where we got this from how,
24:27 while we're saying this.
24:29 Do you remember when we found that
24:30 that every time God raises up
24:31 and has a prophet give a timeframe prophecy.
24:34 He would always at the other end of that prophecy time
24:36 and raise up another prophet to
24:38 announce that it's coming to an end.
24:39 That's why he used Enoch to
24:40 prophesy the flood would come.
24:41 And then when it got ready to come He raised up Noah.
24:44 And then after that, He said,
24:46 had Abraham give up a predictive prophecy
24:48 saying that the children of Israel are
24:49 going into bondage for 400 years.
24:51 After that 400 years they would
24:52 come out with a great deliverance.
24:54 And when it got to the end of the 400 years,
24:55 God just left them to themselves.
24:57 No, He raise up another prophet
24:59 by the name of Moses and God used Moses to deliver them
25:02 And then we went to the Book of Jeremiah.
25:03 I remember Jeremiah
25:05 predicted that, you know what?
25:07 You guys have been disobeying God
25:08 and you been not doing what God wants.
25:10 And so that why everybody always
25:11 hates the prophet right, the contemporary prophet.
25:13 So they all hated Jeremiah and said he is a liar.
25:15 But then they ended up still going in the bondage.
25:17 And Daniel at end of 70 years,
25:19 God raised Daniel up and said, you know, what?
25:21 The 70 years is coming to an end
25:23 God's getting ready to deliver us,
25:24 Daniel 9:2 where you find that out.
25:26 Then Daniel gets a timeline prophecy.
25:29 Daniel's timeline prophecy says that,
25:32 it's gonna go from 70 weeks.
25:34 Remember the 70 weeks were determined
25:35 upon your people and upon the
25:36 holy city for the Messiah to come.
25:38 And then at the end of that timeframe,
25:40 the 70, at the end of 69 week part of that,
25:42 first part of the time prophecy God raised up
25:45 John the Baptist so now the time
25:47 prophecy is coming to an end.
25:48 Then Daniel gives another timeline prophecy,
25:50 do you remember what it was.
25:51 The 2300 days, and that ran out in what year.
25:55 1844 which would have been after 1798, right.
26:00 And during that time God raised up another prophet,
26:03 and the devil raised up all kinds of
26:04 prophets during that timeframe.
26:05 But God raised up another
26:07 prophet and who was it? Ellen White.
26:08 Ellen White and she came with
26:10 a message pointing us back, pointing us back to say,
26:12 you know, what the 2300 days has come to an end.
26:15 The sanctuary has been cleansed
26:16 in heaven, after that takes place.
26:17 After the sanctuary is cleaned according to the
26:19 biblical pattern shown to us in the sanctuary service
26:23 after the Day of Atonement or the Day of Judgment
26:25 or the sanctuary is cleansed what would happen?
26:27 Jesus would come. And so we know
26:29 at that time we would been through the last days.
26:31 And, you know, its fascinating
26:32 because the Church that I've happen to be
26:35 fellow shipping with not the Church that I was raised in.
26:38 I was raised a heathen, but the Church
26:39 that I found when I started studying the Bible
26:41 and found out that the Bible has distinctive
26:44 characteristics for God's Remnant Church.
26:47 In the Bible, when you go look at these things
26:49 that there is one that fits all those is the
26:50 Seventh-day Adventist Church.
26:52 And so my understanding or maybe like
26:55 what my relationship with the Lord
26:57 led me to that not because of how I've been raised
27:00 but because what I studied and found.
27:02 And I'm gonna encourage all of us
27:04 even if you're a Seventh-day Adventist Christians
27:05 sitting here right now.
27:07 I hope you're not here just because
27:08 you're raised that way, because if you are,
27:11 eventually what's gonna happen is there
27:13 gonna be things happening in this world and in your life,
27:14 that the devil is gonna bring about your way.
27:16 And if you're not grounded
27:17 in truth of God's word, you too will turn away.
27:20 And so if you're in your Church
27:21 just because you was raised that way,
27:23 you better make sure you've grounded
27:25 and the foundation found in the Bible.
27:27 And so according what we found now
27:29 is that they will be keeping the
27:30 Ten Commandments of God and they're gonna have
27:31 a testimony of Jesus, which is the Spirit of Prophecy,
27:33 they'll have this prophecy in their midst.
27:35 So let's do a quick review again.
27:37 All right. They're gonna be the
27:38 pillar in the ground of truth.
27:40 They're gonna be presenting the truths of God's word.
27:42 And you notice here to what we've been learning
27:44 through this Bible study series,
27:47 there is a lot of truths that are in God's word,
27:50 that very few people are teaching.
27:52 Like when you die you're waiting on the resurrection.
27:54 That's what the resurrection is about
27:56 to bring the dead out of the grave, right.
27:58 What's the purpose of the resurrection
27:59 if Christ talks about if you die
28:00 and you go straight to reward.
28:01 There is no purpose there,
28:02 if you're already there, I'm not coming back.
28:04 I had enough of this place, right.
28:05 And so there is a resurrection so Christ
28:08 is gonna come and raise the dead,
28:09 people that are sleeping in Jesus.
28:11 That's the truth we find in God's word
28:12 that's being obscured for the most part.
28:14 So if you're Church is gonna be
28:15 the pillar in the ground of truth,
28:18 it would have to be that truth as well.
28:20 And so all these truths you been learning
28:22 through these Bible studies series,
28:23 those truths have to be applied to the Church
28:26 that you wanna be a member of.
28:27 But they're not teaching those truth
28:28 then you need to go look for somebody that does.
28:31 It has to be the pillar in a ground of truth.
28:33 The second identifying characteristics,
28:34 the characteristics we looked at
28:36 is there will be this pure woman.
28:38 And this pure woman would be in obscurity for how long?
28:41 The 1260 days. Have me missed a point,
28:43 was there anything I missed right there.
28:44 Okay, and then we went to the third one
28:46 we just looked at, they're gonna be
28:47 keeping the Ten Commandments all ten of them.
28:51 Did you know that even people in prison
28:53 keep like eight, nine, seven of the Commandments?
28:58 You know, when I was growing up,
29:00 Mike maybe able to go with me on this here too,
29:02 because he had, you know,
29:03 a worse background then I had,
29:04 I guess you could say.
29:06 Tell the whole world that, Mike.
29:07 But I can remember like in school and stuff,
29:09 I had this friend, one friend I had,
29:10 he had thirteen and half tattooed on his arm,
29:12 he was in high school and I went and asked him,
29:14 what was thirteen and half for.
29:16 He says, twelve jury, one judge, half a chance.
29:20 He's like a junior high school within us.
29:22 He thought that, you know,
29:23 he had it on there, twelve jury,
29:24 one judge, half a chance, thirteen and a half.
29:26 And so, did you know this guy had very,
29:28 he wouldn't like steal.
29:31 You know, he had done all kinds of
29:33 ordinary things out there, but he would never steal.
29:34 Never considered stealing.
29:36 But I mean he was a womanizer
29:38 and these kinds of things.
29:39 You know, he just like a, he been on drugs,
29:42 he's been on all kinds of things,
29:43 but he wouldn't steal.
29:45 Everybody keep some of the Commandments,
29:46 you know, we've our own moral standards don't we.
29:49 And even in Churches, you know,
29:51 there is Churches that teaching,
29:52 you got to keep all these Commandments,
29:55 but they like to throw out one.
29:58 So it's important to keeping all of the
30:00 God's Commandments and not throwing out
30:02 one here and then picking and choosing.
30:03 And so that was another identifying characteristic,
30:05 they kept all Ten Commandments.
30:07 And then the next characteristics
30:08 we just looked at that one too
30:09 and it was in order to be part of God's Remnant Church
30:12 they would also have to be have a prophet in the midst.
30:16 Have a prophet in the midst.
30:17 Now we're gonna to the next part of the series.
30:21 Remember John chapter 5, verse 39,
30:24 that's the next text does anybody know
30:25 that one at the top of the head.
30:27 John 5:39 Search the Scriptures,
30:30 for and then you think you have eternal life
30:32 and there they to do what? Testify me.
30:36 So also you have the part of that testimony of Jesus,
30:39 the part of testifying is the fact that
30:40 the spirit of prophecy would be testifying of Jesus.
30:44 So the spirit of prophecy is where
30:46 they've given the testimony of Jesus.
30:47 The scriptures testify of him.
30:49 So both the old and the New Testament
30:52 would testify of him, scriptures.
30:53 When John wrote this, when Jesus spoke this
30:56 and John wrote it. Search the scripture for him
30:58 you think you have eternal life
30:59 and there they testify me.
31:01 What would he had been being referring to?
31:04 The New Testament or the Old Testament?
31:06 Specifically, here the Old Testament, right?
31:08 Because the New Testament hadn't been written yet.
31:10 So if your Church, now I'm just throwing in
31:12 an identifying characteristic,
31:13 it wasn't one of the labeled ones,
31:14 I don't think, but yeah it is.
31:17 It's number 5, so number one was,
31:20 it's foundation of truth, number two
31:22 is it came up publicly after 1798.
31:25 Number 3, it keeps the Commandments.
31:26 Number 4, it has a prophet
31:27 and number 5, we're looking at John 5:39,
31:31 it would actually believe in both the
31:32 old and the New Testament.
31:34 You know, you can go to some Churches
31:36 or you go into a Church and you sit down
31:38 and they supply everybody with New Testaments
31:40 and they don't do the Old Testament.
31:41 When I was doing Bible working
31:42 one time in Michigan, this fellow that I got
31:45 talking with and was sharing with.
31:47 When I've done the studies with him,
31:48 he had never opened his Bible to the Old Testament.
31:50 And he said in his Church, they said the
31:51 New Testament Christian, new covenant Christians,
31:53 so they only used the New Testament.
31:54 They only teach from Matthew forward.
31:56 But now according to Jesus himself,
31:58 when He was going with the
31:59 two guys on the road to Emmaus.
32:00 He was going with the two disciples
32:02 on the road to Emmaus, you remember that story?
32:03 In Luke. That as He went
32:05 with them on the road to Emmaus.
32:07 He shared with them all the things
32:09 in the scriptures concerning himself.
32:12 Well, starting at Moses all the way to Malachi, right?
32:16 All the things in the Scriptures
32:17 concerning himself. If you throw out
32:19 the Old Testament, if your Church
32:20 throws out the Old Testament.
32:21 Can you be part of God's remnant?
32:23 No, they had to believe in the old whole Bible,
32:25 that both Old and New Testament.
32:26 And maybe to some people shock
32:27 and surprise the Old Testament
32:29 does not contradict the New Testament
32:31 or the New Testament the Old, it fits together.
32:34 Somehow somebody saying, somebody thinks,
32:35 I've heard that, heard it say that
32:36 they contradict one and other so.
32:38 So we got to get rid of one or the other
32:40 and so, that's not the case at all.
32:42 All right, so they're gonna keep all Ten Commandments.
32:45 They're going to have a prophet in the midst,
32:46 they're gonna believe both the Old Testament
32:48 and the New Testament,
32:49 they're gonna teach from both.
32:51 Though, if the Church that you're a part of,
32:53 has not covered these characteristics,
32:56 frankly, you may need to looking for another Church.
33:00 And just for us here, I guess for those of you
33:02 at home they may be given this Bible study later.
33:04 We need to realize that, you know,
33:09 the kind of people who were going crazy when I do that.
33:11 I look at the wrong camera every time
33:12 I am talking to the people at home.
33:13 I will try harder next time guys.
33:15 So for the people at home, if you're part of a Church
33:19 that doesn't fit these characteristics.
33:22 You may be looking for another Church.
33:24 You may be needing to do that.
33:26 And I know that sounds kind of harsh,
33:28 but it is biblical. Did you know that
33:32 Jesus himself changed his Church?
33:35 Did you know He did that?
33:36 Don't you remember at the end of His ministry,
33:38 He goes into His Church and He says your house
33:39 is left unto you desolate and he left.
33:43 He says, you guys,
33:44 this is your Church now, it's not mine.
33:46 Prior to that, you can come in there,
33:47 He cleansed the temple and he turned off the table
33:50 and stuff and he says, my father has said,
33:53 you know, the Bible says, that this,
33:55 my house has become a den of thieves, right?
33:58 He says that my house was gonna be a house of prayer,
33:59 but you've made it a den of thieves.
34:00 That's how it's quoted, right?
34:02 My house is to be a house of prayer,
34:04 but you made it a den of thieves.
34:05 But at the end of His ministry,
34:07 He left his Church and He says,
34:09 your house is left to you desolate.
34:11 He didn't call it His house anymore.
34:13 He left his Church and then
34:14 a new Church was established.
34:15 The New Testament Church what we call today
34:17 with the apostles and things like that,
34:18 the disciples, does that make sense?
34:20 So even he himself when he realized that
34:22 his Church had been so far the wrong way.
34:25 He said you know what? I'm sorry I got to leave
34:28 and he did just that, he left it to them.
34:31 Hard to do isn't it? Yeah,
34:34 but is what the Bible teaches
34:35 then it's important that we follow what the
34:37 Bible teaches and not what man teaches.
34:39 Remember Peter, we ought to obey God rather than men.
34:43 In Revelation 12, I mean Revelation 14 now,
34:46 and these characteristics here.
34:47 This is powerful, you've heard of the
34:48 three angels message, right?
34:51 Well, we will look at three angels message here
34:52 in Revelation chapter 14 now
34:54 and we're gonna have different people read.
34:56 Somebody else read here,
34:57 Revelation Chapter 14 verse 6, and 7
34:59 and I'll probably stop and interrupt whoever it is,
35:01 I gonna let Tim do this.
35:02 Revelation chapter 14, verses 6 and 7.
35:05 Tim, I want you to read this for me.
35:06 And again, I'll probably stop you
35:08 and interrupt you and I know I can do that with you,
35:10 because you have that nice smile.
35:11 And you'll just let it go and won't be angry with me.
35:14 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven,
35:18 having the everlasting gospel
35:20 to preach unto them that dwell on the earth,
35:22 and to every nation, and kindred,
35:24 and tongue, and people.
35:25 Okay, hold on. Okay.
35:26 According to the Bible here there is gonna be
35:28 a message it's gonna go out.
35:29 This angel symbolically this angel's gonna come down.
35:32 And we know that the angels don't actually come
35:33 and preach that God uses His people to preach.
35:35 So this is symbolic here of God's people,
35:37 they're going out and preaching.
35:38 And Tim, they're gonna be preaching
35:40 what kind of message, what's gonna be the
35:41 message that's gonna be the...
35:42 The everlasting gospel. The everlasting gospel
35:44 and where are they gonna take it to?
35:46 They're gonna take it to the earth.
35:47 Every nation, kindred, kindred, and tongue.
35:49 All right, you know what that's telling us..
35:52 That God's people in the last days,
35:54 in order for it to be God's remnant Church,
35:56 they're gonna have to be going to all of the world.
35:59 They say, well, my Church is going
36:00 all over the world, we send missionaries out.
36:03 No, going to all of the world simply means
36:05 that every part of the Globe
36:06 is gonna be hearing this message.
36:08 Now, let me give you some facts
36:09 about the Seventh-day Church.
36:11 There are basically two Churches right now
36:13 that are in all of the world
36:15 like every country in the world,
36:16 that are in every part of the globe,
36:19 every part of the world.
36:20 You know, what those two Churches are?
36:22 The Catholic and the Seventh -day Adventist Church.
36:25 You know, most of the Churches,
36:27 you know, like North America,
36:29 when you're talking about North American Churches
36:30 and things like that, that's where they are.
36:33 Primarily North America there will be
36:34 a few countries here, and a few countries there,
36:36 but you won't find them all over the earth.
36:39 And according to this message
36:40 here that we are look at.
36:41 That this message is gonna go
36:42 when it's preached in all the world.
36:43 In other words they're gonna have
36:45 a presence in every part of the world.
36:47 I remember, I haven't done very much traveling
36:49 as far as outside of Kentucky,
36:51 prior to moving to Florida.
36:52 But I do remember one time when I,
36:54 one of the company I was working for,
36:55 send me to Egypt, Cairo Egypt
36:57 and I was gonna be there for over a week.
37:01 And you know, the dilemma I had,
37:02 I wanna find a Adventist Church.
37:04 Well, sure enough, you know, I get there.
37:06 And they have McDonald's,
37:08 they had KFC Kentucky fried chicken,
37:11 I didn't eat at either place.
37:12 I'll have you know, so don't send me any letters,
37:13 I didn't eat at either place.
37:15 But they also had a Seventh-day Church
37:17 just a couple of miles away.
37:18 Oh that's interesting, right there in Cairo,
37:20 you know it's a Seventh-day Adventist Church in Cairo.
37:22 But I can understand, you can go to
37:23 anywhere in the world and you know,
37:24 what's interesting about that.
37:25 When I went to the, when I went to the
37:26 Church there in Cairo, Egypt.
37:28 They had, they had both the
37:29 English Sabbath school class
37:31 and another one they spoke in Arabic,
37:36 whatever the language is there, right?
37:37 I didn't understand anything they were saying.
37:39 But in the English Sabbath
37:40 school class, I understood perfectly.
37:42 In the Sabbath school quarterly,
37:43 the lesson that they're using to teach
37:44 to everybody, you know, the same one
37:45 I've been studying all week.
37:47 In other words, listen, the Church is teaching
37:49 the same message all over the world.
37:51 You go any of the Sabbath school
37:53 anywhere in the world and basically
37:54 you're gonna teach the same thing.
37:56 I will tell you this is the little note here
37:58 I thought was interesting.
37:59 The guest speaker that they had at
38:00 the Church that day was from China.
38:02 So, and he spoke broken English.
38:05 He preached the sermon in broken English
38:07 and they translated into Arabic.
38:11 I was so confused, I mean,
38:13 as I was listening to him preach,
38:14 I was picking up the words here,
38:15 his English is pretty poor, you know.
38:17 So I am picking up what he is saying listening closely
38:18 then they would translate into Arabic there.
38:20 You know, they will translate and..
38:23 it was a little confusing but we made it through.
38:26 But I think it's interesting that anywhere you go,
38:28 you do find those things. You know, you find
38:31 a Seventh-day Adventist Church.
38:32 In other words, if your Church
38:33 isn't going to all the world it can be God's remnant.
38:37 That's another identifying characteristic,
38:39 pretty potent isn't it.
38:40 I mean, then there was a down quite a bit.
38:42 I wish I had that graph, I've seen it before,
38:44 it's a little chart that's put out by...
38:48 I can't think of the group that puts it out.
38:50 But they took all the denominations
38:52 that claim to be denomination,
38:53 but certainly not a membership
38:54 and things like that. And they list them
38:55 down a list, this side here.
38:58 And then across the top, they list all the nations.
39:01 Across the top like this,
39:02 and all of the countries right,
39:05 and then, you can go find new denomination
39:07 and it will have a little black dot everywhere
39:09 in every country that they have a presence in.
39:12 And when you get down to
39:13 Seventh-day Adventist, you're just like
39:14 straight across Catholic, straight across, right?
39:16 And then they got like say, say the Baptist,
39:18 they maybe like, I don't know
39:19 how many countries, just for a number's sake 50.
39:21 That's something like 270 or more then that.
39:24 Now, I don't know how many countries are
39:25 exactly in the world, but there was only
39:28 two they had dots in almost like
39:29 in every nation, every country.
39:32 And the other ones had a large presences
39:34 but there is only two going all around
39:36 isn't that interesting that they are two going
39:37 all around are the two opposing forces there.
39:41 Very interesting. And so God is
39:43 finishing the word, God is sending it out.
39:45 And if you're in a Church
39:47 that's not going to all the world.
39:49 What we just read it is gonna go to every nation,
39:51 kindred, tongue and people.
39:53 That's what Tim read there.
39:54 So that's the next identifying characteristic
39:56 I think we on our list if you are following on,
39:58 it's a worldwide organization.
40:00 Now, let's look at another identifying characteristic
40:03 of God's remnant Church
40:04 as we continue even in the same text.
40:06 Go ahead and keep reading.
40:08 Oh, actually back up where it says,
40:10 they will be preaching the everlasting gospel
40:11 and read from there down. Okay.
40:14 Having the everlasting gospel
40:15 to preach unto them that dwell on the earth,
40:18 and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue
40:20 and people saying with a loud voice,
40:23 'Fear God, and give glory to him,
40:25 for the hour of his judgment is come.
40:26 The hour of his judgment is come.
40:28 Okay, so this people they gonna be preaching
40:31 everlasting gospel and then the next verse says,
40:33 we covered this already, but I like to
40:34 reiterated just a little bit.
40:35 The next verse says what is the everlasting gospel?
40:38 Well, it says right there in the next verse,
40:39 they will be going to all the world saying
40:41 with a loud voice, fear God and give glory to him
40:43 for the hour of his judgment is come.
40:46 So you see that, they're gonna be
40:47 preaching a present tense,
40:49 Judgment hour message. All right.
40:53 It so if you're in a Church it says,
40:54 you know what, that the judgment that doesn't,
40:56 all that took place, was way back
40:58 in Christ at the cross like some people say.
41:01 Right, that was the judgment or they'll say,
41:03 with the judgment, you have a future,
41:04 you die, you go straight to heaven,
41:05 you stand up before the God like the cartoons portray.
41:07 You know, that's what I used to believe,
41:08 because that was the cartoon,
41:09 Tom and Jerry, remember that's where
41:10 I got theology before I started training.
41:12 Studying the Bible, I got it from my childhood.
41:14 And so, you know, one at a time,
41:15 you know they're dying, they're coming to heaven,
41:16 you got Saint Peter standing up there.
41:17 And he got the little book open,
41:18 and you stand before the judgment there
41:20 and you get rewarded they go into the gate.
41:22 Or you got to go the other place back down
41:23 through the earth and get in the center.
41:25 You know the whole idea is right like that?
41:26 No, the judgment is a present tense
41:28 judgment hour message.
41:30 It's tied with the sanctuary,
41:32 you know like we looked at already with the sanctuary.
41:33 In other words, in the Old Testament
41:35 you had the sanctuary service
41:37 with the Day of Atonement and the judgment took place.
41:39 Now you have remnant taking place in heaven with
41:41 Jesus Christ in the most holy place now,
41:43 with the judgment taking place.
41:44 Our judgment is going on right now,
41:47 that's what we have to be surrender our hearts
41:49 to hearts to Lord Jesus Christ
41:50 and living for him everyday.
41:51 Because we don't know
41:52 at what hour that judgment will close.
41:54 So this Church is gonna be going to all the world
41:56 with a judgment hour present tense message.
41:59 If is not, it is teaching that if your in
42:02 a Church that is teaching oh nothing about the judgment.
42:04 You know, just like wait like you're
42:06 getting ready to die and say,
42:07 I believe in Jesus and everything will be fine.
42:09 That's not a judgment hour message.
42:12 Now, I am not saying that I don't believe
42:13 in death bed confessions and being saved,
42:15 we got a thief on the cross as an example of that right.
42:17 I mean, he gave his heart to the Lord on the cross there.
42:19 Those things do happen, but I sure
42:21 won't wanna be taking that chance.
42:24 What if you die in a car wreck?
42:26 You don't have that chance to say,
42:27 oh Lord, forgive me, you know,
42:28 and give your heart to him.
42:29 God wants us to give our heart to him now,
42:31 because the judgment also is taking place now
42:34 and one day it will end.
42:35 So the remnant Church to review,
42:40 they're gonna be the foundation of truth.
42:44 We have a thus saith the Lord,
42:47 for everything we believe.
42:50 You understand that, not everybody can say that
42:53 I mean for instance you don't have
42:56 a thus saith the Lord for Sunday-keeping,
42:57 Sunday sacredness.
42:59 You have a thus saith tradition,
43:01 but not a thus saith the Lord,
43:02 we've already covered that in previous lessons.
43:04 And for those at home this is the first time
43:06 you are joining us and you're thinking
43:07 what is this guy talking about well you can go back
43:09 and read, and study the previous lessons
43:11 and find out, that the Bible teaches what we're saying.
43:13 I don't have time to cover all these truths again.
43:15 That's why you've come in toward the end of these,
43:18 Bible studies and then so
43:20 we're doing these for the last part here.
43:22 And so, they're gonna be the foundation of truth.
43:24 They're gonna be teaching the truths of God's word,
43:26 and they're gonna be bringing those back out.
43:27 And God's remnant are gonna be bringing those
43:29 back out of obscurity, back to the frontlines.
43:31 And if you're not in a Church
43:32 of teaching these truths, then obviously
43:35 you're not in God's Remnant for the last days
43:36 and God wants to bring us together.
43:38 Remember, we already looked at that.
43:39 The next part, the next part here
43:40 what we're looking at, that was the,
43:41 that was the first identifying characteristic.
43:43 The second one, it would be in relative
43:46 obscurity from the years 538 to 1798,
43:49 they would be there but they would be in hiding.
43:51 You won't see them on 3ABN or the Hope Channel
43:53 or things like that during that time
43:54 right because 3ABN didn't exists.
43:56 Not only for that reason, but they had to go into
43:59 hiding because of the prosecution.
44:01 Remember, we studied that already.
44:02 So they would be in hiding
44:03 because of the persecution during that time.
44:05 So that's the second identifying characteristic.
44:07 The third identifying characteristic we're looking
44:09 at is going to be keeping all nine Commandments.
44:13 Thank you, Shalita. All Ten Commandments,
44:16 even the fourth Commandment,
44:17 that dreaded fourth commandment
44:19 that much of the world has rejected.
44:20 Now, I've heard people say, you Adventists,
44:23 all you do is talk about the Fourth Commandment.
44:24 No, it isn't. No, it isn't.
44:26 We talk about the one about adultery too,
44:27 because everybody is breaking that one too.
44:31 You know, we tend to put that one,
44:33 an emphasis on that, you want to know why.
44:35 Because it's the only that starts with the remembrance,
44:36 it's the only one that the world's saying forget.
44:39 You know, the churches, the leaders other saying
44:40 well forget that forth commandment.
44:42 Forget the forth commandment.
44:43 And so we bring that one out because
44:44 that's what God would have us do.
44:46 If the whole church is breaking
44:47 a particular commandment,
44:49 you want to point him back and say,
44:50 you know what its just as important
44:51 as the other nine and there are whole churches
44:52 breaking the whole seventh commandment as well.
44:55 So we're pointing him back to that one too, right.
44:59 Okay, so then we're keeping all Ten Commandments
45:01 and teaching men to do so. That was number three.
45:04 Number four, they would have a prophet in their midst.
45:08 And we studied the Spirit of Prophecy study,
45:10 we already recovered that one yesterday
45:12 and on a previous video, if you want to go back
45:14 and look at that one, it's title number 18,
45:16 the Spirit of Prophecy number 18.
45:20 They believed in both the Old and the New Testament,
45:23 the whole Bible will be the role faith.
45:25 So let's get to here, the Bible, the Bible only,
45:27 the role of faith, right.
45:29 And then also there will be a worldwide organization.
45:31 There won't be some secluded little,
45:33 local non denominational church
45:35 here in accordance say, this is God's Remnant Church.
45:36 We know we are because we don't believe anything.
45:38 That's not, that's not what we'll be looking for.
45:40 We're gonna be looking for one that's
45:41 standing for God's truth and going to all the world.
45:44 If you want to be in God's church,
45:46 now if you want to be in the convenient Church
45:48 you can pick whatever you want.
45:49 But God's church you're gonna have
45:50 certain principles and certain truths, all right.
45:53 We're still in the review.
45:54 They're gonna have a present tense
45:56 judgment hour pre advent judgment.
45:58 This is going to be taking place.
45:59 In other words, the judgment of God
46:00 is gonna come before the second advent of Christ.
46:04 Now, Tim, I'm gonna pick up that catch again,
46:06 continue to read there in verse 7
46:08 and finish it up. Start from verse 7,
46:11 chapter 14, Revelation 14, verse 7,
46:14 just read the whole verse now. Okay.
46:17 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God,
46:18 and give glory to Him;
46:21 for the hour of His judgment is come:
46:23 and worship Him that made heaven,
46:25 and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
46:28 Okay. So this Remnant Church
46:30 is also is gonna calling people back to worship God
46:34 as the creator God, to worship Him as the creator.
46:37 Now that was that one identifying
46:38 characteristic necessarily, but that's definitely
46:41 one of the things that's gonna be doing,
46:42 calling people back to worship God as the creator.
46:48 You know, in a world where many churches are saying,
46:51 its okay to believe in evolution,
46:53 isn't it nice to have a people that believe
46:54 that God actually done it in six days
46:56 and rested on the seventh day.
46:57 And you can believe what the Bible says and follow that.
47:00 And we're calling him back to God as the creator.
47:03 Calling people to worship Him as their creator.
47:05 In other words, God kind of knew,
47:08 I think God definitely knew, that in the last days,
47:11 you would have people that
47:12 didn't believe God was a creator.
47:14 That he evolved out of some kind of slime.
47:16 And so God is calling us
47:18 back to trust in Him as the creator.
47:20 Now there is another one here
47:21 and actually it wasn't on my slide,
47:22 so I'm gonna have to just point it out short to you.
47:24 Let's move on down to verse 9, actually that should be
47:27 Revelation 14 verse 6 through 9.
47:30 Six through nine is what should be not six and seven.
47:34 So if you want to make a correction there
47:35 on your notes or whatever six through nine
47:36 will be a better, better for that.
47:38 And Tim, I'm gonna go ahead
47:39 and read this last part for you okay.
47:40 I'll give you a break, brother.
47:41 Thank you. Your welcome.
47:44 Verse 9 says, and the third angel followed,
47:48 it has a second angels message
47:49 and I'll just read verse 8 to just to fill the context.
47:52 And there followed another angel,
47:53 second angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen
47:55 that great city, because she made all nations
47:57 drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.
47:59 So that's the second angel. Then, it fits that as well,
48:03 calling people out of Babylon.
48:05 Babylon being spiritual confusion, okay.
48:08 Third angel followed, saying with a loud voice,
48:11 If any man worship the beast and his image,
48:14 and received his mark in his forehead,
48:15 or in his hand, the same shall drink
48:18 of the wine of the wrath of God,
48:19 which is poured out without mixture
48:21 into the cup of his indignation;
48:22 and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone
48:24 in the presence of the holy angels,
48:26 and in the presence of the Lamb.
48:27 So according to verse 9 I just want to had
48:29 note pass it there, this remnant people
48:31 that will be preaching a message that tells
48:34 people how to avoid the mark of the beast.
48:37 In other words, there won't be saying
48:39 we don't know what the mark of the beast is,
48:40 it could be this or could be that.
48:41 And for those of you at home and for those of us here,
48:44 that Pastor Scott is going to be teaching us next.
48:47 He is going to be teaching us
48:48 what the mark of the beast is
48:49 and how we can avoid the mark of the beast.
48:50 He is going to be actually be teaching that
48:51 for us here a little bit later on.
48:53 I'm not sure that the next study
48:54 or the one after but I know its coming very soon.
48:58 We already had him.
49:00 He already taught to you guys before.
49:01 I'm sorry, I'm not in here all the time,
49:04 Scott has already taught you about the mark of the beast.
49:06 You can find that on the
49:07 earlier studies is that right,
49:08 it goes before that, right.
49:12 You do have it. Yeah, its number 17.
49:16 As we're carrying on here, they're gonna have
49:17 a present tense judgment hour message,
49:20 and they're gonna be teaching the
49:21 mark of the beast, okay.
49:22 So they're gonna understand what the mark is.
49:24 Have you been to a church and they say
49:25 oh I wonder what the mark of the beast is.
49:27 And he says, well I don't know
49:29 and they'll say I'll tell you what I think it is.
49:31 Its barcode labels, don't buy
49:34 anything with a barcode label.
49:35 Do you know, I used to say that.
49:36 Oh that's the mark of the beast.
49:37 You know, you know, why you don't hear
49:38 people say that anymore?
49:40 Because those people starved to dead a long time ago,
49:43 they didn't buy anything with barcodes.
49:44 And so they've all kinds of theories out there
49:46 about what the mark of beast is.
49:47 But according to the Bible, that God's Remnant Church
49:50 are gonna know exactly what the mark of the beast is.
49:53 And that's why it says they're gonna be
49:54 warning people away from that.
49:55 Let me read it again the verse 9.
49:57 The third angel followed saying with a loud voice,
49:59 If any man worship the beast and his image,
50:01 and receive his mark in his forehead,
50:02 or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine
50:04 of the wrath of God. So they've been warning
50:06 people not to receive the mark of the beast.
50:07 Would it be fair for God to say I'm gonna have
50:10 the people warning people about the mark of the beast.
50:12 And then say well, God, what is the mark of the beast.
50:14 And He says well that's for me
50:15 to know and for you to find out.
50:18 Doesn't make sense would it?
50:19 So these guys are gonna have,
50:20 a group of people according
50:21 to what was read here in Revelation,
50:23 that's gonna be warning people
50:24 away from that mark of the beast.
50:25 And how to avoid and what it is.
50:27 And since you already, you already discovered that
50:29 with Pastor Scott study there.
50:30 You know what the mark of the beast
50:32 is and how to avoid it.
50:33 And they're gonna actually giving that, that message.
50:38 That's one of the identifying characteristics.
50:40 So I think I've given about nine or ten,
50:43 but we only had eight listed.
50:44 I'm gonna go with those eight again real quick.
50:46 And when you give your study and you go with these
50:49 eight identifying characteristics
50:50 I can promise you this. You've a lot of questions.
50:55 People gonna say what about this or that,
50:57 unless you cover everything really good
51:00 when you do the rest of your studies.
51:02 In other words, you don't go like
51:04 when you give your studies.
51:05 You don't from the word of God study
51:07 to the Remnant church study.
51:10 That you understand why we've been progressing
51:12 from these studies, the way we've been
51:13 progressing through them.
51:14 Because if you don't understand the fact
51:16 that God has a Remnant Church
51:17 it's going to be like, if you don't
51:19 understand how important it is
51:20 to keep the Ten Commandments,
51:21 then you won't understand the Remnant study.
51:23 If you don't understand how important
51:25 it is like for instance, to understand
51:27 the day for your principle.
51:28 And understand that God when He gets things
51:30 symbolically that the use of day for your,
51:32 you don't understand the Remnant Church study.
51:34 So all these studies that you been learning
51:35 as we're making them in your Bibles, they're progressive.
51:38 And we've led up to this is like,
51:39 this is almost like, almost a climactic event here,
51:41 where he's saying, you know what,
51:43 if you're in a church, if you're among
51:44 a group of people and you're worshiping with them.
51:46 And they're not the pillar in the ground of truth.
51:48 If they're not going into all the world,
51:50 if they're not teaching the truth about
51:51 the mark of the beast, if they're not teaching
51:52 these things then you need to leave.
51:57 That's harsh, but can you continue to grow an error,
52:02 and expect to be ready when Jesus comes?
52:05 And I wanna just point out something here
52:07 because some people say, well are you saying
52:09 that all my relatives that didn't obey these things
52:12 that you're saying in the Bible are going to be lost?
52:13 No, I'm not saying that at all.
52:15 Let me point out something to you,
52:18 and I think I've done this in earlier study.
52:19 I remember doing that in the early study
52:21 but we're just gonna touch on it again.
52:24 We look at the story of Noah in his day.
52:26 Noah's great, great, grandfather was Enoch.
52:30 And Enoch didn't had to know
52:31 anything about building an ark.
52:32 In order to him being saved, did he.
52:34 Then Bible says he wasn't not anymore
52:36 because the God just took him.
52:38 He was whisked away to heaven, right.
52:40 And then he got a son,
52:41 Enoch did by the name of Methuselah.
52:43 And you know Methuselah didn't have to
52:44 build an ark to be saved.
52:46 No, he died right when the flood came, didn't he.
52:49 And Methuselah also had a son his name was Lamech
52:52 and Lamech didn't either know how
52:53 to build an ark in order to be saved.
52:56 Apparently he didn't have to know how to build an ark.
52:58 He could have been saved, he saved have been saved
52:59 anyway likely, could have been anyway.
53:01 We don't know where he ended up,
53:02 when he died and stuff, the Bible is silent on that.
53:04 Well what about Noah, could Noah looked at,
53:07 when God come to Noah and said,
53:08 here is the present truth Noah
53:09 for your day, here is the truth.
53:10 And Noah says, well I know that's truth
53:12 but you know what my ancestors
53:14 didn't follow that truth and they were all saved.
53:16 I'm not going to follow it.
53:17 Could Noah have rejected the present day truth
53:19 and still been saved? No.
53:22 So as you learn things, as you and I are
53:24 learning things that they're from the Bible.
53:26 And if we tend to say, well I don't care about
53:28 what these truths are, because my parents
53:30 or my grandparents or whoever,
53:32 they didn't follow this truths
53:33 and I think they still gonna be
53:34 saved like way in the truth is.
53:35 If they had a relationship with
53:37 Jesus Christ they will be saved.
53:39 But when God has come to you
53:41 and He has given both you and He has given me,
53:43 new insider or some present day truth,
53:46 it is very dangerous for us to say,
53:48 hey, you know what, it really doesn't matter,
53:50 I'm just go on and do my own thing.
53:52 Very dangerous to do that.
53:53 If God is calling you out of the Church
53:56 that you're part of, and you reject that truth
53:59 and you refuse to come out.
54:01 Then it's the same as rejecting God.
54:05 I can picture Jesus there as He walked out of the
54:07 Temple the last time when he said your
54:08 house is left unto you desolate.
54:10 I can just picture tears in His eyes as He is leaving.
54:15 Wishing that they would all come with him too.
54:18 We're running a little short on time and so,
54:20 I wanna just point out this one other thing here
54:23 that just may help people to understand it a little more.
54:26 When we read this story in John chapter 6,
54:28 this is the whole chapter of
54:29 John chapter 6, it's very interesting.
54:31 At the beginning of the chapter,
54:32 Jesus begins the chapter by feeding the multitudes,
54:36 doing what we would call, what we would call work,
54:38 you know, what do you call it
54:39 when a Church does all that work.
54:40 We call it outreach, you know,
54:42 or community service, community service, right.
54:45 He is feeding the multitude,
54:46 He is feeding the thousands, right.
54:47 And he has 10,000 people,
54:48 5000 plus the women and children.
54:50 They're all following around
54:51 he feeds them all and they're all happy,
54:52 they love him and they're following Him.
54:54 John chapter 6, the beginning of the chapter.
54:56 The next time we read about Jesus doing
54:57 in John chapter 6 an right after that
54:59 He has the multitudes all standing there
55:01 and he begins to preach a sermon to them.
55:03 It preaches a very difficult sermon because
55:05 in John chapter 6 verse 63 he talks about
55:08 how these words I've just spoken at you,
55:10 they were spirit and their life.
55:11 They're spiritual words right,
55:13 He is speaking to them.
55:14 And he talks about how His body is the
55:17 bread you must eat, His blood
55:19 is the juice you must drink.
55:21 And the people were like, what's he talking about.
55:22 And He says I'm speaking to him spiritually
55:24 and he said he said it's too hard we can't handle it.
55:26 And all 10,000 of them leave.
55:28 So at the beginning of John chapter 6
55:30 He is doing community service
55:31 following Him.
55:32 At the end of John chapter 6
55:34 He preaches one sermon
55:35 and all 10,000 leave except His disciples.
55:38 Can you imagine what the conference
55:39 would do to me, or if the church would do to me
55:40 if I have 10,000 at a evangelist meeting at
55:42 the end of the first night, 10,000 people were there.
55:45 And the next night nobody shows up
55:47 except the church members.
55:48 They'll say, you're not preaching
55:49 here again right, thank you very much.
55:51 So this happened to Jesus but here is the point.
55:54 After everybody else left Jesus turns to His disciples
55:57 and he says, hey, are you gonna leave too?
55:59 And what was Peter's answer. Where are we gonna go.
56:02 You have the words of life.
56:05 They were following Jesus not because
56:07 the multitudes were following Him.
56:08 But they were following Jesus
56:10 because He had the words of life.
56:12 That must be the reason that we attend any church
56:14 we're at or we're going to,
56:15 we must have the place that has the words of life.
56:18 Let's go to our closing text,
56:19 John chapter 10 and verse 16.
56:22 I'm gonna take this one myself,
56:23 John chapter 6, John chapter 10 rather,
56:26 I'm still having John 6 in my head.
56:27 John 10 and verse 16.
56:30 By the way that story there in John chapter 6
56:34 it's a good sermon to preach.
56:36 If you wanna turn that into one, there is a lot there.
56:39 John chapter 10 and verse 16,
56:42 Jesus says this in his appeal.
56:46 Other sheep I have, which are not of this fold:
56:49 them I also must bring, and when they hear my voice;
56:53 there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.
56:57 Jesus is calling His people right now
56:59 that are hearing His voice.
57:00 Right now while you're hearing His voice.
57:02 He is calling you into one fold or those one shepherd.
57:05 Right now, presently on this earth there is
57:08 one church that fits the description of
57:09 everything we've looked at today
57:10 and that's the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
57:13 If you're a member of your church
57:14 for any other reason rather than
57:16 these identifying characteristics,
57:17 you need to think about what you're doing.
57:19 So I wanna invite you guys here
57:21 to continue to go along with us in our studies.
57:23 And you people at home, I wanna invite you
57:25 to come with us here, you can come to LIFE.
57:27 You can find out more information
57:28 on how to come to LIFE at
57:32 or you can download these studies
57:33 online at the same place.
57:35 And we hope to see you again here for our next study.
57:38 And thank you for showing up
57:39 and being here with us today.


Revised 2014-12-17