Life On the Edge


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Eleida Feliciano (Host)


Series Code: LOE

Program Code: LOE000024

00:01 The harvest truly is plenteous but the laborers are few.
00:03 Pray ye, therefore, the Lord of the harvest
00:06 that He will... He will send forth laborers into His harvest.
00:10 Also, I heard the voice of the Lord say:
00:13 "Who shall I send? And who will go for us? "
00:17 Then said I: "Here am I... send me, send me. "
00:23 Life on the Edge will enable you to be an effective
00:26 harvester for the Lord.
00:27 We now invite you into our classroom
00:30 to Come Experience Life.
00:43 Welcome to Life on the Edge.
00:46 For those of you joining us from home, we are glad that
00:48 you are joining our class here at the
00:50 Lay Institute for Evangelism at Pine Lake Retreat, Florida.
00:54 We have been learning how to share what the Bible teaches
00:58 in Bible study. And we're learning how to
01:01 mark these Bible studies
01:03 in our Bible. So as you join us
01:05 we invite you to look for your Bible
01:06 and get a pencil
01:08 so that you can mark these
01:09 studies in your Bible with us.
01:10 If this is your first time joining us,
01:13 you have missed out on a lot of good studies
01:14 and we invite you to come to our website
01:17 www. ComeExperienceLife. com
01:19 where you can catch up on the studies that you have missed.
01:21 So join us with your Bible and a pencil
01:24 as we mark our Bibles with the study for today.
01:27 Today we're going to learn about a Bible study that's
01:29 very important in our Christian walk... and it's Baptism.
01:33 Baptism. The purpose of this study is to show...
01:56 And we are going to look at this
01:57 when we have studied this learning how it actually
01:59 represents that.
02:00 So we're going to see Jesus in this study
02:02 because His sacrifice is what gives us life.
02:05 And baptism is our way of showing - demonstrating - that
02:10 we are accepting the sacrifice of Christ
02:12 for our salvation.
02:14 We're going to be going through 13 texts on this study.
02:19 These are the texts that we are going to be going through.
02:21 We are going to use B as the code for our study.
02:26 As we mark it through we are going to be marking B.
02:29 You want to make sure you have this list of texts
02:32 either at the front of your Bible or in the back
02:34 of your Bible. If this is your first time joining us,
02:38 we are going to be going over these and showing you
02:41 how to mark it on your Bible.
02:43 Make sure you have your Bible
02:44 because the texts will not be showing on the screen...
02:46 only the references.
02:48 Final words are very important.
02:52 When you know that you talk to someone that you may not
02:57 see again, you make sure that the words you share with them
03:00 are important words. I remember when I was teaching.
03:04 I had gone through the year with the students
03:07 and one burden I had in my heart
03:09 was to make sure that I left them with something more
03:13 than just head knowledge.
03:14 I wanted them to learn things that could take them through
03:17 life here on this earth and life beyond.
03:20 That was the burden that I had in my heart.
03:23 But as you know with life you get busy
03:27 and sometimes some things pass you by
03:29 and you realize you've spent all this time with someone
03:31 and it comes to the end when you know this person
03:33 will not be with you any more
03:35 and you start thinking:
03:37 "Ah, there are so many things I did not share. "
03:40 At the end of the year I would sit and consider
03:44 all the things that happened through the year...
03:46 what is it that I still need to share with these students?
03:48 What should I share with them in this last moment
03:53 that I have with them?
03:54 I made sure that those last moments were very important
03:58 because I may not see these students again.
04:00 Now I taught first grade, so a lot of these students
04:03 I got to see through the years
04:05 as they were there in elementary school.
04:07 And many of them would come and say "hello"
04:11 and a lot of time got in trouble with their teachers
04:13 'cause they would make it late to their class
04:14 'cause they had to stop by Miss Feliciano's class first.
04:17 But my last year teaching
04:20 the burden that I had in my heart in those last moments
04:23 was even more important because I knew
04:25 I would not be returning to the school
04:28 so most of these students I would never see again.
04:33 Jesus had spent a great amount of time with His disciples.
04:39 He had shared with them many things
04:42 but now it had come time for Him to leave.
04:45 In His last moments, Jesus had something very important
04:50 to share with His disciples also.
04:52 He commands us: "Go ye therefore
04:56 and teach all nations, baptizing them
04:59 in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost. "
05:03 Now if Jesus shared this with His disciples on the very last
05:07 moment that He had with them,
05:09 it must have been something important to Jesus.
05:11 He said to teach and baptize,
05:14 so baptism is an important thing to Jesus.
05:17 And if it is to Him, then it should be to us
05:21 who believe and follow Him.
05:22 So today we're going to be studying this topic.
05:25 Now there's questions about baptism.
05:27 Is it really essential for our salvation?
05:30 Does it matter the manner of baptism?
05:34 Now we're going to do what we have talked about doing
05:38 through these studies. We don't want to find
05:40 answers in other people or other people's opinion
05:42 or even our own, but we want to see
05:45 the answers that the Bible has
05:47 because this is the only place where we can trust
05:48 to have truth in its purity.
05:52 So we're going to look at the Bible today to find answers
05:54 and to learn about baptism... what the Bible teaches
05:58 on baptism. But before we continue
06:00 we will open with a word of prayer.
06:05 Let us pray.
06:07 Dear Lord, Heavenly Father, we thank you for the privilege
06:09 that You give us once more to open Your Word
06:12 and study from it. Lord, as we learn
06:16 what Your Word teaches us and what Your will is for us,
06:19 I pray that Your Spirit will open our minds and our hearts
06:22 to understand the precious truth of baptism.
06:26 And may our hearts be open, Lord, that Your Word
06:29 will be able to enter in and change and transform our lives.
06:33 This things we pray in the name of Jesus,
06:35 our Lord and our Redeemer, Amen.
06:40 We're going to begin by looking at a story
06:43 that helps us under baptism. And this story is found
06:46 in John chapter 3.
06:48 John: the fourth book of the New Testament.
06:52 John chapter 3 verses 1-8.
06:56 This is the very first text of our study
07:00 and this is how you're going to mark it on your Bibles...
07:02 as it shows on the screen.
07:04 You're going to write 1B and circle it.
07:08 For those of you who are joining us the first time
07:10 we make a circle, write the number of the text -
07:15 and the code for this study is B -
07:18 we draw a line. Above the line we write the text
07:21 where we just came from.
07:24 If we're starting, that space is going to be left blank.
07:28 Below the line we write the reference we're going to.
07:31 After this text we will be going to Galatians chapter 5
07:35 verses 19 to 25.
07:37 Make sure to mark at the end of our reference
07:40 here in John: chapter 3 verses 1-8.
07:45 John chapter 3 verses 1-8.
07:47 Mike, can you read that for us?
07:53 "There was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus,
07:55 a ruler of the Jews.
07:57 The same came to Jesus by night
07:59 and said unto Him: 'Rabbi, we know that Thou art
08:02 a teacher come from God for no man can do these miracles
08:05 that Thou doest except God be with Him. '
08:08 Jesus answered and said unto him:
08:10 'Verily, verily I say unto thee
08:12 except a man be born again he cannot enter into the
08:16 kingdom of God. ' Nicodemus saith unto Him:
08:19 'How can a man be born when he is old?
08:21 Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb
08:24 and be born? ' Jesus answered: 'Verily, verily I say unto thee
08:28 except a man be born of water and of the Spirit
08:31 he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
08:34 That which is born of the flesh is flesh
08:37 and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit.
08:40 Marvel not that I say unto thee
08:42 ye must be born again.
08:43 The wind bloweth where it listeth and thou hearest
08:46 the sound thereof but cannot tell whence it cometh
08:50 and whither it goeth.
08:51 So is every one that is born of the Spirit. ' "
08:53 Thank you.
08:55 Now let us look especially here at verse 2.
09:00 It says: "The same came to Jesus by night
09:02 and said unto Him: 'Rabbi, we know that
09:05 Thou art a teacher come from God. ' "
09:07 So here Nicodemus...
09:09 he recognizes that Jesus comes from God.
09:12 In the rest of the verse it tells you what he uses...
09:15 what list of things that He comes from God. What is that?
09:19 The miracles that He performs.
09:22 So Nicodemus has identified Jesus as coming from God
09:27 based on the external miracles that he has seen Jesus do.
09:31 Nicodemus is focusing on the external.
09:35 What is the response that Jesus gives him?
09:40 He tells him that you have to be born again.
09:45 Now Jesus here is not talking about external things.
09:47 He's talking about spiritual things... they're internal.
09:51 He's trying to lead Nicodemus from the external
09:54 into the internal things.
09:56 But look at what Nicodemus does in verse 4.
09:59 He is questioning Jesus, and what is the question
10:02 that he asks Him?
10:06 "How can a man be born when he is old? "
10:09 Is he getting what Jesus is telling him? No.
10:11 Is he recognizing this is a spiritual matter?
10:15 No. He is still focusing on the external.
10:19 He's still focusing on that thought, so he's trying
10:21 to figure out how a man can be born
10:23 after they are already grown.
10:26 "But Jesus answered and said: 'I say unto thee
10:28 except a man be born of the water and of the Spirit
10:32 he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. ' "
10:35 "He cannot enter into the kingdom of God. "
10:38 Now then it says: "That which is born of the flesh is" what?
10:42 "flesh and that which is born of Spirit is Spirit. "
10:46 So if we have flesh, anything that comes of it
10:49 is going to be flesh. And if we have the Spirit,
10:53 whatever comes from it or the fruit of it
10:55 or the promise of it will be Spirit.
10:57 Now what does it mean to be born of the Spirit?
11:04 To be what? To be led by the Spirit.
11:07 Now can you think of something that happens in a person's life
11:10 that you can identify as being born again?
11:14 Because there Jesus is saying: "You have to be born again...
11:16 be born of the Spirit and the water. "
11:18 What does it mean when a person says they are born again?
11:21 There is change.
11:23 There's... it's referring to the conversion experience.
11:27 And the conversion experience leads you to change.
11:29 You recognize your condition,
11:32 you recognize who Jesus is,
11:33 and your life changes as a result.
11:36 So being born again is having that experience
11:39 where the Spirit of God
11:41 is taken... you are taken
11:44 into the Spirit of God and your
11:45 life is changed.
11:47 There is a new experience
11:48 in your life. It says...
11:50 Now notice that it says
11:51 "born of the Spirit and of the water. "
11:54 These two are necessary
11:56 to enter into the kingdom of God
11:58 is what Jesus is telling him.
12:00 Now we're going to look closer at what it means
12:03 to be "born of the Spirit. "
12:04 And then we're going to look at what it means to be
12:06 "born of the water. "
12:08 Now we talked about if it... if it's...
12:11 Spirit... if it's born of the Spirit it's Spirit
12:14 and if it's born of the flesh it's flesh.
12:15 We're going to look now in Galatians chapter 5
12:18 verses 19 through 25.
12:20 We're going to see what are the fruits of the flesh
12:22 and what are the fruits of the Spirit.
12:25 Galatians chapter 5 verses 19-25.
12:29 This is the second text of our study,
12:32 so at the end of this reference you're going to be writing 2B.
12:35 We just came from John chapter 3 verses 1 through 8
12:39 and we'll be going to Mark chapter 16 verse 16.
12:44 We are in Galatians chapter 5
12:47 verses 19 through 25.
12:52 Darlene, can you read first verses 19 through 21?
12:58 "Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are:
13:01 adultery, fornication, uncleanliness and lewdness.
13:06 Idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions,
13:11 jealousies, outbursts of wrath,
13:14 selfish ambitions, dissentions,
13:17 heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness,
13:22 revelries and the like
13:25 of which I tell you beforehand
13:28 just as I also told you in times past
13:31 that those who practice such things
13:35 will not inherit the kingdom of God. "
13:38 Thank you, Darlene.
13:39 Now here in these first few verses it's listing
13:43 certain behaviors. Now what does it say these behaviors are?
13:48 The works of the flesh.
13:50 So here we are seeing the types of behaviors of those who are
13:54 living in the flesh. Now when it mentions living in the flesh
13:57 it's just referencing to the carnal nature.
14:01 And so here it says that these are the things that they do.
14:04 And then it tells us that those who are doing these things
14:07 what's going to happen?
14:09 They're not going to inherit the kingdom of God.
14:13 Now Jesus was just talking to Nicodemus
14:15 talking about the two things that you would need
14:18 to enter into the kingdom of God.
14:19 And here it's showing these people who are living
14:23 by the flesh... so these individuals who are showing
14:27 these things have not been born of the Spirit.
14:30 They're still living in the flesh.
14:32 Now in the next few verses we're going to see those
14:35 who are born of the Spirit and what their behaviors are like.
14:39 Shelleta, can you read verses 22 through 25?
14:44 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,
14:48 longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
14:53 meekness, temperance. Against such there is no law.
14:57 And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh
15:01 with their affection and lusts.
15:03 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.
15:08 Let us not be desirous of vain glory
15:11 provoking one another, envying one another. "
15:16 Thank you... thank you so much.
15:18 Now here it's listing the fruits of the Spirit.
15:22 And then it clarifies here that they that are Christ's
15:26 have crucified the flesh. That means you have died
15:29 to the flesh 'cause you're born again.
15:31 You have had that new experience.
15:35 So those who are born of the Spirit have died to the flesh...
15:38 to the old man or to the sinful man.
15:40 And now you have to walk in the Spirit.
15:44 So we have been able to see what the Bible says
15:47 being born of the Spirit means.
15:50 Now we're going to look at what it means to be born
15:54 of the water.
15:56 The next text that we are going to is Mark 16:16.
16:00 We're looking for the answer what it means
16:03 to be born of the water. Mark chapter 16 verse 16.
16:08 Second book of the New Testament.
16:10 Matthew, Mark chapter 16 verse 16.
16:15 This is the third text in our study.
16:17 You're going to mark it as it shows on the screen: 3B.
16:21 We just came from Galatians 5 verses 19 through 25
16:25 and we're going to be going to Ephesians chapter 4 verse 5.
16:29 We are in Mark 16 verse 16.
16:32 Vanessa, could you read that for us.
16:34 "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved
16:40 but he that believeth not shall be damned. "
16:45 All right, now here it's Jesus talking again
16:49 and He's talking about being saved and those who are not.
16:52 And He says there's two things that have to happen
16:55 for those who are saved. What are those two things?
16:57 Believe and be baptized. Believe and be baptized.
17:01 Believe and be baptized. Now the person who's born of
17:03 the Spirit believes. That's the conversion experience
17:06 that happens. But they also have to do something to show
17:10 this... and that is to be baptized.
17:13 So the Bible makes it clear that Jesus
17:17 has said that baptism is important.
17:21 Here it says that you have to believe and be baptized.
17:25 Talking about salvation: you must believe and be baptized.
17:29 So we see that when it talks about being born of the water
17:33 it's talking about baptism.
17:35 Now how many forms of baptism does the Bible talk about?
17:40 Now we may have heard of different baptisms
17:42 but we want to know what the Bible talks about.
17:45 And so we're going to say... first going to see how many
17:48 forms of baptism the Bible says are valid.
17:51 We're going to look at Ephesians chapter 4...
17:53 Ephesians chapter 4 verse 5.
17:59 Ephesians chapter 4 verse 5.
18:01 This is the fourth verse of our study
18:05 so you're going to mark at the end of this reference
18:08 4B. Above the line you're going to write Mark 16:16.
18:12 That's where we came from.
18:14 And we will be going to Mark 1 verses 9 and 10.
18:18 We are in Ephesians 4... chapter 4 and verse 5.
18:23 Dosung, could you read that verse for us?
18:28 "One Lord, one faith, one baptism. "
18:33 Now that's very simple. What does the Bible say?
18:35 How many baptisms? One.
18:37 The Bible says there is one baptism.
18:40 Now let's see what type of baptism the Bible
18:43 is talking about. What we're going to do is we're going to
18:46 look at some examples of baptisms in the Bible.
18:49 And the first one that we're going to look at
18:51 is Jesus' baptism.
18:53 Now Jesus is our example
18:55 so looking at His baptism is important for us
18:58 'cause He came to be an example for us.
19:00 And we are going to find this in Mark chapter 1.
19:03 We're going to be reading verses 9 and 10.
19:07 Mark chapter 1 verses 9-10.
19:12 This is the fifth text of our study.
19:15 You're going to mark at the end of this reference
19:18 as it shows on the screen: 5B.
19:21 We came from Ephesians chapter 4 verse 5.
19:24 And we will be going to Acts chapter 8.
19:28 We'll be reading verses 36 through 39.
19:32 We are in Mark chapter 1 verses 9 and 10.
19:36 Roberto, can you read that for us?
19:37 "It came to pass in those days
19:40 that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee
19:44 and was baptized by John in the Jordan.
19:48 And immediately coming out from the water
19:52 He saw the heavens parting and the Spirit descended upon Him
19:58 like a dove. " Thank you, Roberto.
20:01 Here it's relating the story of Jesus being baptized
20:05 by John the Baptist.
20:07 In verse 10 it's describing what happens.
20:10 What does this tell us is happening there?
20:16 Before... He came up out of the water.
20:19 Says "He came up out of the water. "
20:21 What does that tell us if He came up out of the water?
20:23 He must have gone down into the water.
20:27 So here we see Jesus coming out of the water
20:30 in His baptism. So He had gone in the water.
20:33 Now in verse 9 it says
20:36 "and was baptized of John in the Jordan. "
20:40 The word there baptize in the original Greek
20:44 the Greek word is baptizo which means immersion.
20:49 Which means to be submerged or fully made wet.
20:54 So in the word itself it's understood what type
20:59 of baptism it was referring to.
21:03 It's talking about immersion.
21:05 Now we do not... we hear the word baptism
21:09 and we just relate it to what we have learned
21:12 in our experience. But the people in that time
21:17 knew what that word meant.
21:19 They knew the word baptizo in itself meant immersion.
21:24 So to them there was no question
21:26 as to what type of baptism they were talking about
21:30 because it actually meant immersion.
21:33 Now it occurred to you when you study your Bible
21:36 to have one of those Strong's Concordances that has
21:39 the Greek and the Hebrew original words
21:41 'cause it really helps you to understand much clearer
21:44 what the Word of God says.
21:46 And here we see how it really clarifies what it meant
21:52 by baptism. It's actually the immersion.
21:55 Now we're going to see another example found in Acts chapter 8.
21:59 Acts chapter 8, and we're going to be reading verses 36-39.
22:04 Acts chapter 8 verses 36 through 39.
22:10 This is the sixth text in our study.
22:13 You are going to mark it as it shows on the screen: 6B.
22:18 Mark 1:9-10 is where we came from
22:23 so that goes on top of the line.
22:25 And we will be going to John 3:23
22:29 and you will put that below the line.
22:31 We are in Acts chapter 8 and we're going to be reading
22:36 verses 36 through 39.
22:41 Tom, could you read that for us?
22:42 "Now as they went down the road they came to some water.
22:47 And the eunuch said: 'See, here is water.
22:51 What hinders me from being baptized? '
22:54 Then Philip said: 'If you believe with all your heart,
22:58 you may. ' And he answered and said:
23:01 'I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. '
23:04 So he commanded the chariot to stand still
23:07 and both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water
23:11 and he baptized him.
23:13 Now when they came up out of the water
23:16 the Spirit of the Lord caught Philip away
23:18 so that the eunuch saw him no more.
23:21 And he went on his way rejoicing. "
23:24 Thank you, Tom.
23:26 Now here we see a story
23:29 and we're going to look into
23:30 this story a little bit more later.
23:32 But what has happened so far...
23:34 Philip has been with a eunuch
23:37 and they have been studying
23:38 the Word of God. Now they're
23:39 walking and he sees water.
23:42 And what is the first thing he says?
23:47 Says: "Water... what keeps me from being baptized? "
23:49 Now he has been studying the Word of God.
23:52 There certainly has been conviction in his heart
23:55 and he sees the water.
23:57 Now remember we've been talking about being born of the water.
24:01 He sees the water and he decides to get baptized.
24:03 What does Philip ask him?
24:08 If you believe. He says: "If you believe with all your heart. "
24:10 And then he proclaims that he believes in Jesus
24:14 and he goes... Now I want you to notice in verse 38
24:17 it says: "And he commanded the chariot to stand still
24:20 and they went down both into the water" -
24:23 both Philip and the eunuch -
24:25 "and he baptized him. "
24:28 And then in verse 39 it says:
24:30 "And then when they were come up out of the water. "
24:34 So here it describes them as going down into the water
24:39 and coming up out of the water.
24:41 So again we see another example of baptism, and we see clearly
24:45 that the person is going down into the water
24:48 and coming out of the water. So we see again that
24:51 the method of baptism here again is immersion.
24:54 The person's going down into the water
24:57 and coming out of the water.
25:00 That... It's interesting to see...
25:02 We know that John the Baptist was preaching the message
25:06 of repentance and he baptized a lot of people...
25:09 Jesus being one of them as we saw in the example before.
25:13 And it's interesting to see what caused him to choose
25:17 the location where he would have this baptism.
25:21 And we're going to look at that in John chapter 3 verse 23.
25:26 John chapter 3 verse 23.
25:30 That's just one book before. John chapter 3
25:35 and we're looking at verse 23.
25:38 This is the seventh text in our study,
25:40 so at the end of this reference you're going to be writing 7B.
25:44 We just came from Acts 8:36-39
25:48 so that will go on top of the line.
25:50 And below the line you will write Romans 6:1-6.
25:55 That's the verse that we will be going to after this.
25:58 We are in John chapter 3 verse 23.
26:02 Ryan, can you read that for us?
26:04 "And John also was baptizing at Aenon near to Salim
26:08 because there was much water there.
26:10 And they came and were baptized. "
26:13 Thank you, Ryan. Here John has chosen to baptize
26:17 in Aenon near to Salim. Why?
26:21 Because there was much water there.
26:22 Now why is this important?
26:24 For immersion. Now if they were just going to do sprinkling
26:30 did they need "much water? "
26:32 No. If they were just going to do the anointing in the forehead
26:37 would they need all this water? No.
26:39 So it's evident here that John understood that baptism
26:43 had to be by immersion so he made sure the location
26:45 that he picked had much water.
26:48 Had much water.
26:50 So we see how the Bible clearly identifies
26:54 the form of baptism as being immersion.
26:59 Now Jesus talking to Nicodemus told him
27:02 that to enter into the kingdom of God
27:05 he must be born of the Spirit and born of water.
27:10 We saw that being born of the Spirit meant having an
27:13 experience. Not just an emotion that you have.
27:15 Being born of the Spirit is an experience that brings change
27:20 to your life. Someone who lives by the Spirit
27:23 walks by the Spirit is what the Bible says.
27:25 And we looked at the fruits of the Spirit.
27:28 We also looked at the fruits of the flesh.
27:30 So a person that's been born by the Spirit
27:34 has a change in the types of behavior that they do.
27:38 So there's a change in the life.
27:40 That is what shows us that a person has been born
27:43 by the Spirit. But Jesus also said
27:46 ye must be born by the water.
27:48 And we see how here the Bible shows us
27:53 that the way of baptism that the Bible approves of
27:58 is immersion. Being born by the water
28:02 is being baptized. And so we recognize
28:06 that the method of baptism is immersion.
28:09 Now it's interesting to say that the method of baptism
28:12 is actually dictated by the meaning of baptism itself.
28:15 And we're going to see that as we read in Romans
28:18 chapter 6. We're going to be reading verses 1 through 6.
28:22 Romans 6:1-6.
28:27 This is the eighth text of our study.
28:30 You're going to mark it as it shows on the screen: 8B.
28:34 Above the line John 3:23. That's where we came from.
28:38 And we will be going to Matthew chapter 28 verses 18-20.
28:43 And we are now in Romans
28:45 chapter 6 verses 1-6.
28:50 Um, Anita, could you read those one at a time?
28:56 "What shall we say then?
28:58 Shall we continue to sin that grace may abound? "
29:01 Now here you see the question is asking:
29:05 "shall we continue to sin? "
29:07 It's talking about grace. Now some people believe that
29:11 because of grace we can just continue as we usually were.
29:15 But we've seen that being born of the Spirit brings a change.
29:19 Now here the question is asked: "shall we continue in sin
29:23 that grace may abound? "
29:24 Continue verse 2...
29:27 "God forbid! How shall we that are dead to sin
29:31 live any longer therein? "
29:33 Now here it's clear that it says if we have died to sin
29:38 that... remember, if you are born again,
29:40 you must have had to die to sin.
29:43 So if you have died to sin, now you are living a new life...
29:49 so it should not be a life of sin.
29:53 Continue in verse 3...
29:55 "Know ye not that so many of us were baptized into Jesus Christ
30:00 were baptized into His death? "
30:02 Now here the Bible clearly compares baptism
30:07 as being baptized into the death of Christ...
30:11 being baptized into the death of Christ.
30:13 And baptism has a very important symbol in our lives.
30:17 As we choose to accept the death of Christ for our lives
30:23 we demonstrate through baptism. It says:
30:26 "Baptized into His death. " Now let's continue in verse 4:
30:30 "Therefore we are buried with Him by baptism into death
30:35 that like as Christ was raised up from the dead
30:39 by the glory of the Father even so we also
30:42 should walk in newness of life. "
30:45 And now here it's talking about we were baptized into His death.
30:49 Now it compares how Jesus was raised up
30:52 to our experience. And what does it say about that?
30:57 "Into newness of life. "
30:59 So we die with Him... that means we die to sin...
31:02 it says here "dead to sin, " and then we are raised up
31:06 just like He was into newness of life.
31:10 Continue in verse 5:
31:13 "For if we have been planted together in the likeness of His
31:16 death so we shall be also in the likeness of His resurrection. "
31:22 So we see baptism here is being compared
31:26 to the death and then it says that as we come out
31:30 into newness of life it compares it to the resurrection.
31:33 Um... verse 6:
31:35 "Knowing this: that our old man is crucified with Him
31:39 that the body of sin might be destroyed
31:41 that henceforth we should not serve sin. "
31:45 Now the Bible makes clear that as we die to sin
31:50 our lives should be different.
31:53 Here baptism is the symbol of the death, burial,
31:58 and resurrection of Christ.
32:00 Now when you get baptized
32:03 the first thing you need to do before you go into the water
32:06 you need to hold your breath.
32:07 Now when we were studying about the state of the dead
32:10 we saw how when Jesus created man, to give life to man
32:14 what did He have do?
32:16 Breath of life in it,
32:18 and that was what brought him to life.
32:20 And then we saw that for death to happen
32:23 what happened was that breath was taken away
32:26 and then the body was left without life.
32:30 So when we hold the breath for those moments that we hold
32:34 our breath to go down in the water
32:36 we are representing the death of Jesus.
32:41 As we are put under the water
32:44 we are seeing the symbol of Jesus' burial.
32:47 When you bury someone you don't leave them on top of the ground,
32:52 right? You dig a hole and you put them under the ground
32:56 and cover it up.
32:57 The same thing when we go into baptism
33:01 we are buried under the water.
33:04 And then the resurrection of Jesus is represented
33:08 by our coming out of that water.
33:10 We come out of that water into newness of life.
33:14 Here we see the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus
33:20 in the symbols of baptism.
33:22 Now let's... let's think about the different types of baptism
33:26 that you have seen or you have heard of.
33:30 Can anyone think of a different baptism other than the one
33:33 that we studied today: immersion?
33:36 What was that? Infusion.
33:38 Infusion. Now tell us a little bit about that type of baptism.
33:42 What happens? You are basically put over a pail of water
33:45 and they just pour it over your head
33:47 and then they rub oil on your forehead.
33:49 OK. Now if you think about these three things that we just saw
33:53 are symbols of baptism: the death, burial,
33:56 and resurrection, now the Bible is telling us that baptism
33:58 does represent that death and that resurrection.
34:01 Can you see infusion being able to symbolize those two things?
34:06 No.
34:09 Can anyone thing of another type of baptism that you have seen
34:12 or experienced or heard of.
34:16 Immersion three times?
34:18 You've seen immersion three times?
34:20 OK.
34:25 Baptism of just the Holy Spirit; no water.
34:28 Yes. OK. So they just receive the Holy Spirit?
34:31 Yeah, they believe that you don't have to...
34:34 OK... you don't have to come in contact with water at all.
34:37 All right, OK. You know, I haven't seen that
34:39 but I think I've heard of it.
34:40 Now when we are talking about being baptized by the
34:44 Holy Spirit, umm... Are these people who believe that
34:48 the Holy Spirit manifests in certain things?
34:52 So they are just going by the outward demonstration
34:55 of the Holy Spirit. Now can you see the 3 things
34:59 that we looked at here: the death, burial, and resurrection
35:01 in that type of baptism? No.
35:03 No. Can anyone think of another type?
35:06 Sprinkling... sprinkling.
35:09 Can you see the death, burial,
35:12 and resurrection of Jesus
35:13 symbolized in the baptism
35:16 that's done by sprinkling?
35:18 No. So if we are believing that the Bible says
35:23 clearly here that baptism is symbolized... symbolizes
35:26 the death and resurrection of Jesus,
35:28 we can only take the method that the Bible teaches:
35:33 immersion.
35:35 The Bible shows us also that there are certain things
35:39 that should happen to prepare you for this decision.
35:43 Now remember that baptism is just a demonstration of
35:47 something that already happened in your life.
35:49 Going into the water itself is not a magical thing
35:54 that's going to make you different.
35:57 It's just a demonstration of faith that you do
36:00 because Jesus has said to do it and we follow into that.
36:04 But something has to happen. What would be some things
36:06 that the Bible said should happen to make sure
36:09 that you are prepared for baptism?
36:12 The first thing that we are going to look at
36:13 is in Matthew chapter 28
36:16 and we're going to be looking at verses 18 through 20.
36:19 Matthew 28 verses 18-20.
36:23 This is the ninth text in our study.
36:26 And you are going to mark it as it shows on the screen: 9B.
36:30 We just came from Romans 6:1-6.
36:33 That goes above the line.
36:35 And we will be going to I John chapter 5 verses 4-6.
36:40 We are in Matthew chapter 28 and we're going to be reading
36:45 verses 18 through 20.
36:49 Matthew 28 verses 18-20.
36:55 Gloria, could you read that for us?
37:09 "And Jesus came and spoke to them saying:
37:13 'all authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.
37:18 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations
37:23 baptizing them in the name of the Father
37:27 and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit
37:31 teaching them to observe all things I have commanded you.
37:35 And lo, I am with you always...
37:39 even to the end of the age. "
37:42 Thank you, Gloria. Now here we see Jesus
37:47 with His disciples in His last moments that He's spending
37:50 with them. And He tells them to go and teach
37:54 all nations, baptizing them.
37:56 Now what is it that they're supposed to teach them?
38:01 All things that He has commanded them.
38:04 So Jesus is making clear that they have to teach these people
38:09 and baptize them... which we can understand
38:13 that for a person to get baptized they need to understand
38:17 the teachings of Jesus.
38:19 They need to understand what the Bible teaches...
38:23 the Word of God teaches.
38:26 There has to be an understanding of the Word of God.
38:29 That does not mean they need to know every little thing
38:32 because we are constant students of the Bible
38:35 so we are going to continue to study more and more.
38:38 But they need to know the basics of what the Bible teaches.
38:43 It says: "Teaching them all things that I have
38:45 commanded you. "
38:47 So for a person to make a decision for baptism
38:49 they have to have an understand- ing of the teachings of Jesus
38:54 in His Word.
38:56 Now let's see what else the Bible says
38:58 that should happen before a person is ready for baptism.
39:03 We're going to look at I John chapter 5 verses 4-6.
39:09 I John chapter 5. I John is at the end
39:11 of the Bible right before Revelation
39:15 which is the last book of the Bible.
39:18 I John chapter 5 verses 4-6.
39:23 This is the tenth text in our study.
39:25 You're going to mark it as it shows on the screen: 10B.
39:29 We just came from Matthew verse 28... chapter 28,
39:34 I'm sorry... verses 18-20.
39:37 And we will be going to Acts chapter 8 verses 26-37.
39:43 We are in I John chapter 5 verses 4-6.
39:48 Jessica, could you read that for us?
39:52 "For every child of God defeats the evil world
39:56 by trusting Christ to give the victory.
39:58 And the ones who win this battle against the world
40:02 are the ones who believe that Jesus is the Son of God.
40:06 And Jesus Christ was revealed as God's Son
40:10 by His baptism in water and by shedding His blood
40:14 on the cross. Not by water only
40:17 but by water and blood.
40:20 And the Spirit also gives us the testimony that this is true. "
40:25 Thank you. Now here it mentions
40:29 in verse 4 that the victory is overcome by what?
40:35 By our faith! It says by our faith.
40:39 And then it says faith in what?
40:41 In verse 5 it tells us what that faith is in.
40:44 Believing in Jesus... that Jesus is the Son of God.
40:49 We must have faith in Jesus and in His Word.
40:55 A person that makes a decision for baptism
40:58 needs to have an understanding
41:01 of what the teachings of Jesus are in His Word
41:04 and needs to believe - not just only with faith which is
41:09 which we have talked about is a complete trust in God
41:14 without any doubt... complete trust in Jesus
41:20 as the Son of God. So we see the Bible has told us we need to
41:24 understand and we need to believe.
41:27 Now before we go to the next one we're going to go
41:29 back into the story of the baptism of the eunuch
41:34 to see how these two things are represented there.
41:37 And that was in Acts chapter 8. So we're going to go back
41:41 to Acts chapter 8.
41:46 We're going to be reading this time from verses 26-37.
41:51 This is the 11th text in our study, so at the end of this
41:55 reference you will mark 11B.
41:58 We just came from I John chapter 5 verses 4-6
42:03 and we will be going to Acts chapter 2 verse 38.
42:07 We are in Acts chapter 8
42:13 verse 20... we're going to begin with verse 26.
42:16 Tim, can you read 26 through 28? Sure.
42:23 "And the angel of the Lord spake unto Philip saying:
42:25 'Arise and go toward the south
42:28 unto the way that goeth down from Jerusalem unto Gaza
42:32 which is desert.
42:36 And he arose and went. And behold, a man of Ethiopia,
42:39 a eunuch of great authority under Candace,
42:42 queen of the Ethiopians, who had the charge of all her
42:46 treasure and had come to Jerusalem for to worship
42:49 was returning and sitting in his chariot
42:52 reading Isaiah the prophet. "
42:58 Thank you. Now here we see that the Lord appeared to...
43:03 spoke to Philip and He told him to go to Gaza.
43:07 And what did Philip do? It says he rose and he went.
43:12 He obeyed... he rose and he went.
43:14 And there he found a man in his chariot.
43:18 And what was he doing? He was reading Isaiah.
43:23 He was reading the scriptures.
43:24 He was studying the Word of God.
43:26 So Philip found this man reading the Word of God.
43:31 Danielle, can you read verses 29 through 31?
43:46 "Then the Spirit said unto Philip: 'Go near and join
43:50 thyself to this chariot. ' And Philip ran thither to him
43:54 and heard him read the prophet Isaiah and said:
43:56 'understandest thou what thou readest? ' And he said:
43:59 'How can I except some man should guide me? '
44:01 And he desired Philip that he would come up
44:03 and sit with him. "
44:05 Thank you, Danielle. Now I want you to notice here
44:08 the Spirit said to Philip to go.
44:11 And what did Philip do? He ran!
44:14 He didn't go: "Oh, let me see. Let me think about it.
44:16 I don't know... I'm afraid. " Instead he just ran over there
44:20 and did what the Spirit told him to do.
44:22 I pray that that's what we do when the Spirit tells us
44:24 to do something... that we'll just run.
44:26 Now he ran there and he heard that he was reading Isaiah.
44:29 And what does he ask him?
44:31 Do you understand what you're reading?
44:33 Do you understand what you're reading?
44:35 Now if we are reading the Word of God and we're not
44:37 understanding it, does it do much good to us?
44:40 No. So Philip sees this man
44:44 reading. He wants to make sure
44:45 he's understanding so he asks
44:46 him: "Do you understand it? "
44:49 And what does he respond?
44:53 "Not unless someone explains it to me. "
44:57 Now some people will need for you to sit and study with them
45:00 and this is why we are learning how to give Bible studies
45:03 because we want to go to those who are beginning to search
45:06 through the scriptures or who the Spirit of God is
45:09 beginning to move their heart
45:11 and we want to go and help them understand the scriptures.
45:15 Now Philip was ready to go when the Spirit of God told him
45:19 to go... and I pray that each of us will, too.
45:21 Now here Philip sees this man who is in need
45:24 and the man asks Philip to stay and sit with him.
45:27 He asks him: "Have a Bible study with me. "
45:29 And let's see what Philip does.
45:31 Bill, can you read verses 32 through 35?
45:40 "The place in the scriptures which he read was this:
45:43 He was led as a sheep to the slaughter
45:45 and as a lamb before his shearer is silent
45:48 so He opened not His mouth.
45:50 In His humiliation His justice was taken away
45:54 and who will declare His generations
45:57 for His life is taken from the earth?
45:59 So the eunuch answered Philip and said:
46:02 'I ask you, of whom does the prophet say this...
46:04 of himself or of some other man? '
46:07 Then Philip opened his mouth and beginning at the scripture
46:11 preached Jesus to him. "
46:13 Thank you, Bill.
46:15 Here we see that as he was reading
46:18 he found the prophecies in Isaiah about Jesus
46:21 but he did not understand them.
46:23 What was the question he had about these prophecies?
46:28 Was Isaiah talking about himself or was it another.
46:32 So he did not understand who this prophecy was talking about.
46:36 And what does Philip do?
46:40 He preached him Jesus; He preached him Jesus.
46:43 Now I want you to notice that he did not start
46:45 just giving him his opinion. Now remember how we said
46:48 when we are studying the Word of God your opinion has no value?
46:51 He didn't start telling him his opinion.
46:53 He didn't start presenting ideas or philosophies
46:58 of why this or why the other.
47:00 Where does he take him?
47:03 To the same scriptures.
47:04 He took him back to the scriptures there and
47:07 then he began to show him Jesus from the scriptures.
47:10 And that's what we want to do
47:12 when a person asks us a question about the Bible.
47:16 We want to take them back to the Bible and lead them to that.
47:20 So here Philip is taking him back to it.
47:23 He wants to make sure he understands.
47:26 Now, continuing here... verses 36 and 37.
47:31 Mike, can you read that for us?
47:33 "And as they went on their way they came unto certain water.
47:36 And the eunuch said: 'See, here is water.
47:39 What doth hinder me from being baptized? '
47:41 And Philip said: 'If thou believest with all thine heart,
47:45 thou mayest. ' And he answered and said:
47:47 'I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. ' "
47:50 Thank you, Mike. We see... Now Philip had already
47:53 spent time with him. He knew he didn't understand.
47:55 He spent time with him learning the Bible, studying the Bible
47:59 together, so he knew that now he has an understanding
48:02 of what the Bible says.
48:04 And Philip has the desire to...
48:06 I'm sorry, the eunuch has the desire to be baptized.
48:09 Philip knows he has an understanding.
48:12 What is the next thing that he sees is necessary here?
48:18 The belief. So he says "if you believe,
48:21 with ALL thine heart then you may. "
48:25 If you believe with all thine heart.
48:27 So we saw the Bible clearly states they need to have
48:30 and understanding of what the Bible teaches
48:32 and they need to believe with all their heart.
48:36 And we see it even in this... in this
48:41 example of a baptism in the Bible.
48:44 Now let's look at the last thing that the Bible tells us
48:47 needs to happen for us to be ready for baptism.
48:51 In Acts chapter 2... Same book, we're just going
48:54 a few chapters before: chapter 2.
48:58 And we're looking now at verse 38.
49:00 This is the 12th text in our study.
49:03 You're going to mark it 12B.
49:06 This is... We just came from Acts 8:26-37
49:12 so you're going to write that above the line.
49:16 And we will be going to II Corinthians 6:2.
49:21 We are in Acts chapter 2
49:24 and we are reading verses 37 and 38.
49:28 Darlene, can you read that for us? Oh, 38. I'm sorry.
49:35 "Then Peter said to them: 'repent and let every one of you
49:39 be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ
49:42 for the remission of sins and you shall receive
49:46 the gift of the Holy Spirit. ' "
49:48 Thank you. Now here it's telling us
49:52 that... it says "repent AND be baptized. "
49:56 So you must repent to be baptized.
49:58 Now we know that John, who was one who began to
50:03 do this baptism with water, he was preaching repentance.
50:07 "Repent and be baptized; repent and be baptized
50:10 for the remission of your sins. "
50:11 And then it says: "And then you shall receive the gift
50:14 of the Holy Spirit. "
50:17 Now remember Jesus told Nicodemus you have to be born
50:20 "of the Spirit and of the water. "
50:23 So for us to receive the Holy Spirit, we must repent.
50:28 Because the Word says if we're going to die
50:30 to our sinful nature, we have to leave those things behind.
50:35 So we have to repent from them. And God has promised
50:38 forgiveness for our sins when we repent and ask forgiveness.
50:41 So "repent and be baptized. "
50:44 The Bible teaches that to enter into the kingdom of God
50:48 we must be born of the Spirit and of the water.
50:53 We saw from the Bible that to be born of the Spirit
50:57 means that we walk in the Spirit
50:59 and the fruits of the Spirit are seen now.
51:02 We have died to the sinful nature
51:06 and we are now living in the newness of life.
51:10 So a change has occurred. That shows - demonstrates -
51:13 that we have been born of the Spirit.
51:15 But we must also be born of the water.
51:18 And we saw that the Bible talks about baptism
51:22 as the method of being born by the water.
51:24 And that the Bible teaches one method of baptism
51:27 being immersion... because it shows what?
51:30 The symbols of Christ's death,
51:34 burial, and resurrection.
51:37 We looked and considered all the baptism methods
51:41 of baptisms and we saw how these methods
51:43 do not... cannot symbolize these three things.
51:50 And we also saw how the Bible makes clear in the examples
51:54 that we saw that the baptisms that were done there
51:56 were by immersion.
51:58 Now, if we consider about these three things
52:01 that we just saw has to happen for you to be ready...
52:04 You must understand the teachings of the Bible.
52:08 You need to... you have to believe, have faith.
52:12 And you must repent.
52:15 Now, if we consider a little child,
52:18 can a little child comply with these three things?
52:23 No... no.
52:26 Then we have to conclude that the Bible does not approve
52:30 of little children being baptized until they're old
52:34 enough to understand the teachings of the Bible,
52:38 to believe with all of their hearts, and to repent.
52:45 Now some of us here and maybe some of you who are joining us
52:49 may have been baptized when you were a baby.
52:52 My parents - they weren't Christians but they...
52:55 You know how parents sometimes they didn't receive things
52:58 themselves but they want the best for their children?
53:00 So even thou they themselves are not Christians
53:02 they wanted us to be blessed by God.
53:04 And they were taught that if a child died
53:08 and had not been baptized that they would be lost.
53:10 So in their best intentions and in their love for us
53:14 they took us to church even though they weren't Christians
53:17 and when we were babies they got us baptized.
53:21 So I was baptized as a child
53:24 and maybe some of you have been, too.
53:26 And even though that was the best intentions of our parents
53:30 the best intentions of your parents cannot take
53:34 the place of God's Word. Amen.
53:37 So regardless of this, the Bible makes clear
53:41 that that's not the type of baptism
53:44 that the Bible talks about.
53:46 Therefore, we cannot accept that one
53:52 as being that being "born of the water. "
53:58 So if you were baptized as a child,
54:05 today as you've learned the teachings of the Bible
54:08 the Spirit of God is leading you to make a decision.
54:14 Now the Bible also teaches you must understand
54:17 and you must be able to repent.
54:19 But it also teaches that you have to have immersion.
54:24 The method of the Bible is clear
54:28 and it says that that person has to have understanding
54:33 and it has to be immersion. So you may have been
54:35 baptized as a child and been immersed but if you didn't
54:40 understand, that doesn't count.
54:43 But you may have been baptized as an adult.
54:46 You understood, you were able to repent...
54:50 but the method was not right.
54:54 And if that's the case, today
54:59 as you've learned the teachings of the Word of God on baptism,
55:04 the Spirit of God is leading you to make a decision.
55:08 Now you may have been an adult and you may have been baptized
55:12 in the right manner of baptism. You may have had
55:16 an immersion and you were an adult.
55:18 But as we have been studying the Word of God
55:22 through these studies you have learned
55:26 what the Bible really teaches.
55:28 And maybe now you recognize that you did not
55:31 understand what the Bible taught.
55:33 If that is your experience,
55:37 if you got baptized without understanding the teachings
55:39 of the Bible, then the Spirit of God today
55:44 is leading you to make a decision.
55:50 Baptism in itself does not save us.
55:55 But as we have seen through the Word of God
55:58 time and time again it is
56:00 related at length that to be
56:01 able to enter the kingdom of God
56:03 into salvation because
56:06 it's a demonstration of faith
56:09 and we are saved by faith.
56:12 Now if we are saved by faith and we believe Jesus
56:14 and Jesus says that you must be baptized,
56:16 then we will follow into that.
56:19 We're going to look at one last verse
56:21 in II Corinthians chapter 6 and verse 2.
56:25 II Corinthians chapter 6 and verse 2.
56:27 This is the last verse, so at the end of this reference
56:30 you're going to mark 13B.
56:32 You're going to write Acts 2:38
56:35 because that's where we came from.
56:36 And this is the last of our study so you're going to write
56:40 End on the bottom.
56:42 This is II Corinthians chapter 6 verse 2.
56:47 Um where were we? Shelleta, can you read that for us?
56:51 Thank you.
56:55 II Corinthians chapter 6 verse 2:
56:58 "For he sayeth: 'I have heard thee in a time accepted
57:02 and in the day of salvation have I succored thee.
57:06 Behold, now is the accepted time;
57:08 behold, now is the day of salvation. ' "
57:11 Thank you. The Bible is telling us
57:14 "now is the accepted time; now is the time of salvation. "
57:20 As you have heard... as you have seen the study
57:24 of the Word of God leading you to understand
57:27 the teachings of baptism,
57:30 if the Spirit of God is moving you
57:32 and those of you who are joining us from your homes
57:36 if the Spirit of God is moving you,
57:38 now is the accepted time.
57:40 Now is the time of salvation.


Revised 2014-12-17