Participants: Phillip Sizemore (Host)
Series Code: LOE
Program Code: LOE000022
00:01 The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few.
00:03 Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, 00:06 that he will, he will send forth laborers into his harvest. 00:10 Also, I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 00:13 "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" 00:18 Then said I, "Here am I, send me, send me." 00:22 Life on the Edge will enable you 00:25 to be an effective harvester for the Lord. 00:27 We now invite you into our classroom 00:30 to come, experience Life. 00:43 Welcome again to the Lay Institute for Evangelism 00:46 here in Groveland, Florida. 00:48 We are getting ready to begin right now 00:50 the second half of our judgment study. 00:52 Judgment Part 2 and I guess 00:53 you could say to Judgment part 2, part 1. 00:57 Because it's gonna be a two part series 00:58 to get judgment part 2 done. 01:00 And so it sounds a little confusing, 01:01 but I know it's not that bad. 01:03 And so, I wanna welcome you at home as well. 01:05 I'm glad you're joining us again, 01:06 this is gonna be a, I've read a long study. 01:08 Well, actually it gonna be a little hard press to get two, 01:11 this one study in on, on two one hour sessions. 01:14 But if you'll listen fast and have your hands 01:16 ready to go and turn your Bible. 01:17 Well, I think we'll get it done within, 01:18 within a two hour span. And with all of us here, 01:22 stand a little late today just to finish up 01:24 on this one here Judgment Part 2. 01:26 And we're gonna begin by; as we always do, 01:30 on the screen over here, the name of the study is 01:32 the 2300 Days or the Judgment Part 2. 01:36 And that's the title of the study the 2300 Days 01:39 or you can call it the Judgment Part 2. 01:41 And the abbreviation for Judgment Part 2 is J2 01:45 and you'll see it on the next slide I think when we get there. 01:47 I might just look at all Judgment 2, 01:49 but the abbreviation is J2, 01:51 when we get the marking you'll see that J2. 01:54 And the purpose of the study look on the screen, 01:55 now see the purpose of the study and the purpose is: 01:58 That the end-time that the pre-advent judgment 02:01 commenced in 1844AD when Jesus Christ entered 02:05 into the Most Holy Place of the Heavenly Sanctuary. 02:07 That's what the purpose of the study is to show that 02:09 in the end of time here that, or there was sometime 02:12 toward the end there was a judgment 02:14 that begin what we call pre-advent judgment. 02:16 Now, that sounds like kind of strange terminology 02:19 doesn't it? The pre-advent judgment. 02:20 And it simply means that the judgment takes place 02:22 before the advent of Christ or the second advent of Christ, 02:25 that's what we're gonna show here. 02:26 And if you think about it, it only make sense, 02:28 that you have a judgment that were take place 02:30 before Jesus comes back with his reward 02:32 to give to every one, right? 02:33 And so that's what we're gonna be. 02:34 That the purpose of the study is to show that, 02:36 you know that begin in the year 1844, 02:38 that might be new to some folks, 02:40 but that's okay by the end of the study Lord willing. 02:43 And if you pay attention 02:44 you understand why that it is in 1844. 02:47 Now, the center, we're gonna center the study here, 02:50 the 2300 day study is: Jesus is fair, 02:53 therefore He judges us before He gives us our reward. 02:57 Now, that doesn't make sense, wouldn't be unfair for Jesus 02:59 to say okay your judged whether you're saved or lost 03:02 without first judging right, to pronounce, 03:05 I'm sorry may I put it another way to do that, 03:07 to do the last phase of the judgment 03:08 actually pronounce sentence on you. 03:10 Without first judging, of whether or not 03:11 you should be in heaven or be lost, right. 03:14 So, He's gonna do that before, 03:16 before He actually comes and gives us our reward 03:19 and you know the Bible is complete, 03:21 has a lot of examples 03:22 in the Bible of that very thing happening. 03:24 You remember when Adam and Eve sinned? 03:27 Right, you remember the story Adam and Eve sinned, 03:28 what did God do? Did He just come down in the garden 03:30 and say, okay, you've sinned, get out of here. 03:32 Is that how He did it? Did God know that they had sinned? 03:35 Absolutely He did, but that He perform 03:37 an act of judgment before He kicked them out. 03:39 He sure did, He comes down and He says, 03:41 hey what are you guys doing? 03:44 Who told you, you were naked Adam? 03:45 Adam have you eaten from the tree? 03:46 Why is he asking those questions, 03:47 did He know the answer? 03:48 But God comes down and He asks questions. 03:50 Adam, have you eaten from the tree? 03:51 Adam, who told you, you were naked? 03:54 And then Adam answers and blames the woman right, 03:56 then he asks the woman questions, 03:57 woman you know what is that, you have done? 03:59 And she confesses out of her own mouth what she's done right. 04:02 And after he does the judgment, 04:03 after he judges them what does he then do? 04:06 He pronounces sentence. But now it's funny because 04:08 people wonder why is it that God has to spend time judging. 04:11 After all doesn't he already know everything, 04:14 but isn't it interesting that he does the judgment 04:16 and not in order so that 04:17 he can know everything because he does. 04:19 But so that you and I can't say that's unfair, 04:22 he actually spends time looking over things 04:23 and to make sure that Adam and Eve 04:24 actually end up confessing themselves, 04:26 Oh! We've done wrong. 04:27 Even though God knew before He came. 04:29 So they couldn't say, it was unfair, 04:30 he kicked us out unjustly. 04:31 And then you go just a little bit further 04:33 into the Bible right there to 04:34 Genesis chapter 4, when Cain and Abel. 04:37 You know, remember the story of the Cain and Abel? 04:39 Cain slew his brother Abel. 04:41 And then God comes down and He says to Cain, 04:43 What have you done? Where is your brother? 04:45 And Cain says, am I brother's keeper? 04:48 And the Lord says to him, 04:50 that his blood is crying out to me, 04:51 I know you've killed him right. 04:52 And then Cain confesses it for himself, 04:54 he's like well yeah I killed him, whatever. 04:56 And then Cain, after God makes Cain realize his sin, 05:00 what happens to Cain? He has to leave, 05:02 he has to go away as well. 05:04 And so you find that time and again in the Bible that 05:06 before God ever pronounces sentence on something. 05:08 He actually comes down and does an investigation. 05:11 I can go to another story. 05:12 We got the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. 05:15 Do you remember the story of Sodom and Gomorrah? 05:16 God sends the angels down to into Sodom and Gomorrah. 05:19 And he says I'm gonna go see if this thing is really, 05:20 how, what's going on here, any the angels went in. 05:22 They found out the city was just that bad 05:24 and then after the investigation, 05:26 the angels got everybody out there was 05:28 "saved" at that time, right? 05:29 And then the city was destroyed, The Tower of Babel, 05:33 the men are building the Tower of Babel. 05:34 And God says, let us go down and see what's going on. 05:36 In Genesis chapter 11 there, if you wanna read Genesis 11 05:39 and after they go down and look what's going on, 05:41 then what happens? He pronounces sentence 05:43 and they had a confuse languages. 05:45 So, time and again in the Bible, you find God 05:47 doing an investigation and then pronouncing sentence 05:49 after the investigation, so is that makes any sense? 05:51 So, it only makes sense if he's gonna do 05:53 the greatest investigation ever, whether or not, 05:55 you and I actually gonna be in the kingdom or not. 05:57 That before he'd pronounce sentence on us, 06:00 he will investigate. 06:01 And so we call that investigation 06:03 that the pre-advent judgment or the pre-advent investigation. 06:07 And so let us go on and look at slide number 06:09 or slide you're gonna have, there you go The 2300 Days J2, 06:12 and there are gonna be 14 slides in this study. 06:15 14 texts I should say in this study. 06:17 And we're gonna start in Romans 2:16 06:19 and we're gonna end in the last book 06:20 of the Old Testament, Malachi 3:1 through 6. 06:23 So, as we get into the study today, 06:25 before we open up the Bible and get into the studying part 06:27 and opening up God's word. Let's once again bow our heads 06:29 and ask God to be with us as we study. 06:32 Father in heaven, I wanna thank you that 06:34 you have so abundantly blessed us with another day, 06:37 here at LIFE and of life. And I pray Lord that 06:40 as we study the judgment seeing here that you will give us 06:43 clear minds and you'll help us to understand 06:44 what it is that you want us to know here. 06:47 That the Judgment 2 is also good news. 06:49 Father, for many people, they dread the idea of a Judgment, 06:52 but when we know the judge, when we know our attorney, 06:55 and it being the same person Lord, 06:57 we know that we have a good... a good chance. 07:00 As matter of fact we had, we can't lose. 07:02 So, Lord, I pray that through this we'll see your goodness 07:04 and your mercy and your love in Jesus name, amen. 07:08 All right, before we get to the first text part. 07:13 Well, now let's just go in and get into this, 07:14 what we're gonna show right now? 07:15 Sometimes people will say that, you know judgment, 07:18 it be like took place at the cross, 07:19 have you heard that? And they have right, 07:21 a pretty good reason for saying that, 07:22 there is a text in John chapter 12 07:25 and verse 30 through 31, 32 around in there. 07:27 When Jesus says: Now is the judgment of this world: 07:30 now is the Prince of this world be cast out. 07:32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, 07:33 will draw all men unto me Jesus says. 07:35 I see there it says: Now is the judgment of this world. 07:38 But, were there judgments all throughout the Old Testament? 07:42 Yeah, there were judgments that took place 07:43 all through the Old Testament. The children of Israel mess up 07:45 and God will pass judgment on them, 07:46 and also when you look at just Adam and Eve and others, 07:49 those were judgments that were passed. 07:51 But they were not the judgment 07:52 of what we called the investigated judgment, 07:54 where Christ pronounces saved and lost. 07:57 And what we find the judgment of this world, 07:59 the Prince of this world being cast out. 08:00 What happened when Jesus died on the cross? 08:02 Was there a, was there a sort of a, 08:05 a sort of judgment that took place right there? 08:07 Surely there was. At that point, 08:08 it showed God's love and His goodness 08:10 and it show the devil for the scoundrel he was. 08:13 And at that time, there was no longer 08:14 any questions in anybody's minds, as far as, 08:16 the other worlds and the angels in other places, 08:18 how bad the devil was, right? Prior to that, 08:21 they might have said, well maybe, 08:22 Lucifer could be right here or maybe he's, 08:23 he's wrong, we can't really be sure. 08:24 But when he really showed himself for who He was? 08:26 And had Christ crucified on the cross, he was, 08:29 he was instigating the people to do those things. 08:31 At that time, you could probably imagine that, 08:34 the only people who haven't really made up their mind 08:36 as who they want to follow yet is you and me. 08:38 And we know that it was not the investigative judgment 08:41 that took place right there, how do we know that? 08:43 Look at our first text, Romans 2:16, Romans chapter 2, 08:47 in your Bibles it's after the Book of Acts, 08:49 it's in the New Testament. 08:50 Romans Chapter 2, we're gonna go through 08:52 a few texts here that all basically say the same thing. 08:55 Romans chapter 2 and we're gonna look at verse 16. 09:00 I think I'll read this one myself, Romans 2:16. 09:03 It says, "In the day when God shall judge the secrets 09:06 of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel." 09:10 So, so he's looking here, writing here, 09:12 Paul's writing the Book of Romans 09:13 there is a slide on the screen, Romans 2:16. 09:16 Paul is writing here to the Romans 09:17 and you look what he says here. He says, 09:19 "In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men 09:23 by Jesus Christ according to my gospel." 09:24 According to Paul at this time, 09:26 had the judgment taken place yet? 09:28 No, because, how do you know that? 09:29 Because the word shall put it into the, 09:32 to the future, right? And so, a future tense judgment 09:34 from the time Paul's talking about right here. 09:36 He says, he says, and he, 09:37 that God shall judge the secrets of men. 09:40 So, right now we're finding it's yet future. 09:43 Now, we also, we're having 09:45 the Acts chapter 17 and verse 31 the same thing, 09:47 we'll look on the screen here, 09:48 if someone wants to get that one 09:49 ready to read, Acts 17 and verse 31. 09:53 We go right here to Mike Mudd, 09:55 you can read that when we get to it, 09:57 I'm gonna get there myself. Acts chapter 17. 10:02 I know they call everybody by their first name, 10:03 but Mike Mudd always calls me Phillip Sizemore, 10:05 so I'm gonna have the calling by his first and last name. 10:07 And so, he's getting ready to read 10:09 Acts chapter 17 and verse 31. 10:11 I really, I really appreciate Acts chapter 17:31, 10:13 where it says, "In the times of ignorance God blinked at, 10:15 but now he commands all men everywhere to repent." 10:18 But then the next verse there, 10:19 the one we're coming in on here is also another text 10:21 that's showing us that God is yet putting 10:23 the judgment at a future place, a future time. 10:26 And this is Paul preaching once again 10:27 and he's preaching to a bunch of, 10:30 of heathens, right, and they are Athens. 10:32 And he gives them a, he gives them a 10:34 a pretty pointed message here. 10:36 Mike, you wanna read that for me? Acts 17 and verse 31. 10:39 "Because he hath appointed a day, 10:41 in which he will judge the world in righteousness, 10:44 by that man whom he hath ordained; 10:46 whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, 10:49 in that he hath raised him from the dead." 10:51 So, you found in verse 31 there once again 10:53 Paul preaching, preaching to these heathen people 10:55 and he says, because he has appointed a day, 10:57 in which he will judge. In other words, 11:00 has it happened yet? No. 11:02 No, so it kind of does away with the whole idea 11:04 that the judgment took place at the cross, doesn't it? 11:06 Because had it taken place at the cross, 11:08 then it wouldn't make any sense for Paul 11:10 here in two different places to say, 11:11 hey the judgment is yet down, 11:13 down the road in the future, it's going to take place 11:14 a little further down the road, are you following what we're, 11:16 are you following what we're talking about so far? 11:18 Now, not only do we find that there 11:19 we also find in the Book of Revelation. 11:21 Revelation chapter 22, Revelation 22nd chapter, 11:24 we're gonna find out this judgment 11:25 one day will actually end. Revelation 22 verse 11 and 12. 11:34 Jesus speaking here, actually some Bibles 11:37 actually have it in red there and who has it, 11:40 and it has it ready? Shelida, do you have it ready? 11:42 Yes. Would you like to read it? 11:45 Revelation chapter 22 and verse 11 and 12. 11:50 "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: 11:53 and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: 11:57 and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: 12:00 and he that is holy, let him be holy still. 12:04 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, 12:07 to give every man according as his work shall be." 12:10 Isn't that interesting? So, there's a statement made 12:12 here in Revelation chapter 22 where Jesus actually stands up 12:15 at one point and says, okay 12:16 the filthy is gonna remain filthy, 12:18 the righteous is gonna be remain righteous, 12:20 the holy is gonna be remain holy. 12:21 And then what's he do next, what's the next thing he does? 12:23 He comes and what's he do? He brings the reward. 12:26 Now, doesn't it only make sense that 12:27 Jesus would finish the judgment, He would finish His judgment 12:30 seen as you find clearly here in Revelation chapter 22 12:33 he makes the, he makes the statement 12:34 or the announcement that everything is gonna stay 12:36 as it is, if you're holy, you're holy, 12:37 if you're, if you're righteous you're righteous, 12:38 if you're filthy you're filthy, no changing it this point. 12:41 Probation you can say is closed, right? 12:42 There is a close of probation. And then the very next thing 12:44 you read about, he comes to give the rewards. 12:47 Now, it wouldn't make sense for him to come and give rewards, 12:49 and then once he gets here and say, oh, oh 12:50 I'm sorry Tim, you know, 12:52 I thought you was ready and, but you're not. 12:54 And so, you have to sorry, I'm sorry you have to go back 12:56 and, and get that second death thing on you, 12:57 I really hate that for your brother. 12:59 Wouldn't make sense, would it? 13:01 But if he does all the judging 13:02 and everything prior to him coming, 13:04 then when he comes to give reward, 13:05 he doesn't make any mistakes. Amen. 13:07 So, and everyone is gonna say, hey you know, what? 13:09 He is right, he done everything just right. 13:10 And so, that's what we're looking at here in 13:12 and 12, that's where the 13:14 in that judgment seems takes place. 13:16 Now, prior to going to Acts chapter 24, 13:19 Acts 24:24 and 25 is just another, 13:21 another one of those statements that shows 13:24 that the judgment is yet future from Paul's day. 13:27 But I wanna go there and you know, 13:29 one of the reasons I wanna go here is 13:30 we're gonna make a stop of in 13:31 Revelation chapter 14 on the way over there. 13:34 Revelation 14, I often hear this when I'm, 13:36 when I'm preaching about the judgment, 13:38 or when I'm preaching about certain truths 13:40 from God's word or how people say this? 13:42 You know, you Seventh-day Adventists 13:45 and this is what I've heard you know. 13:46 You Seventh-day Adventists, all you talk about is 13:48 like the Judgment and the Law 13:50 and the Sabbath and your, your doctrine. 13:53 That's all you talked about, but what, 13:54 why don't you just like Paul, 13:55 Paul what was the Paul preached according, 13:57 according what we find in the Bible, 13:58 Paul just preached Christ and him crucified, right? 14:00 And you don't do that; you don't preach Christ 14:02 and him crucified. Why don't you preach the gospel? 14:04 Have you heard that before? 14:06 Have you ever struggled with like given 14:07 a good answer back to somebody there, 14:08 because they almost like pin you down 14:10 like you're not really preaching the gospel. 14:11 Let me show you something here about Paul, 14:13 the way he preached the gospel, you know, 14:14 sometimes we fall into things like this 14:17 and we don't understand what's, what, how to answer? 14:19 But if you spent a little time studying, 14:20 you may find some, some new interesting things. 14:22 What is the everlasting gospel? What is the gospel? 14:24 That's a good question, isn't that? 14:25 When someone accuses you of not preaching the gospel 14:28 and that you goes like you're preaching a sermon here 14:30 about the judgment and that doesn't sound like the gospel 14:32 to a lot of people, you know that right? 14:34 The judgment doesn't sound like a gospel, but is it? 14:37 Look at this, Revelation chapter 14 14:39 starting in verse 6. "I saw another angel fly 14:42 in the midst of heaven, having what? 14:45 Everlasting gospel. They had the everlasting gospel. 14:46 So, this angel has the everlasting gospel. 14:49 "To preach to them that dwell upon the earth, 14:51 to every nation, kindred, and tongue and people." 14:53 So, where is the everlasting gospel gonna go to? 14:55 The whole world. The whole world, isn't it? 14:57 It's going to the whole world, but now look, 14:59 saying in other words, this angel is preaching 15:01 the everlasting gospel saying. So, here is what he is saying, 15:04 what's he is saying? The everlasting gospel, yeah, 15:07 you're understand what I'm going with this, right? 15:08 He's going to getting the everlasting gospel, 15:10 and now look what it is? Saying with a loud voice, 15:12 Fear God, and give glory to him; 15:16 for the hour of his judgment has come: 15:20 and worship him that made heaven, and the earth, 15:23 and the sea, and the fountain of waters." 15:25 So, according to the Bible, 15:27 when it says the everlasting gospel, 15:28 preaching the everlasting gospel, 15:29 what's part of the everlasting gospel message? 15:31 The judgment has come. Now, you know, 15:33 Paul didn't preach about the judgment, did he? 15:37 Go with me go Acts chapter 24 our next text, 15:39 Acts chapter 24, now I usually go to Acts 24 15:42 first and come back here, it doesn't matter 15:43 you can do it either way. Acts chapter 24 and verse 24, 15:47 you can remember that one 24:24, right. 15:49 Acts 24:24 and you preach the everlasting gospel 15:52 24 hours a day, right? Twenty-four, twenty-four. 15:55 So, Acts chapter 24 starting in verse 24. 15:58 "And after certain days when Felix came 16:00 with his wife Drusilla, which was a Jewish," 16:03 so this, this Roman governor Felix 16:05 he had a wife who was a Jew. 16:06 And he sent for Paul and heard him, 16:09 what did he hear him about? Concerning the faith of Christ. 16:13 So, so Paul was coming to preach to, 16:15 to Felix here about the faith of Christ. 16:17 Look, what Paul preaches? And he being Paul, " 16:20 As he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, 16:24 and the judgment to come, Felix trembled, 16:28 and answered and he say, Go way for this time, 16:29 when I have a convenient season I'll call for you." 16:31 What was it? Now, think about it, 16:33 Paul has an opportunity here to preach to this Roman governor, 16:35 this gentile, this heathen basically 16:39 and preach the gospel to him, what does he preach to him? 16:42 Righteousness, temperance and a judgment to come. 16:46 Now, I can picture like this, Felix, 16:49 because of your unrighteousness, your wickedness, 16:52 you're gonna, you're doomed to be lost. 16:54 Felix, because of what you've done 16:56 you hung Christ on the Cross. 16:57 Felix, it was your intemperance, 16:58 it was the things you're doing in the body, 17:00 that's causing you to be lost because you're not serving God, 17:02 you're serving yourself. And Felix, guess what? 17:05 That same Christ who your sins have put on the tree 17:08 is gonna be the one that judge you as well. 17:09 He, he's gonna be judge you in the future, 17:11 so he reasons with him with him about righteousness, 17:13 temperance and a judgment to come. 17:15 Paul won't preach that today. 17:18 Paul would not preach that today, 17:19 you want to know why? 17:21 Because Paul would preach about righteousness 17:23 and temperance and the judgment has come. 17:27 You notice in Revelation chapter 14 17:28 when we look at that a while ago, 17:29 it was putting a judgment hour message, 17:31 sometime after the cross, 17:33 but prior to the second coming of Christ. 17:35 There's gonna be a judgment hour message preached, right? 17:37 After the cross, but prior to the second coming of Christ. 17:39 Paul's preaching about a future judgment, 17:40 he's preaching the Felix and said the judgments 17:42 in the future. So, apparently sometimes, 17:44 sometime after the time of Paul 17:46 and before the second coming of Christ, 17:48 there's gonna be a message go out, 17:49 that's a judgment hour message, 17:51 in other words, the judgment has begun. 17:53 And what we're gonna do through this study 17:54 is find out when that time was? 17:56 How can we know, when the judgment was gonna begin? 17:59 Does it, is this making sense? Everybody following? Yes. 18:02 Okay, because I know that this I can kind of get a 18:04 little fast sometimes and I'm gonna try to stay 18:07 slow enough that everybody can keep up. 18:09 Now, I wanna show you something from the Book of Daniel. 18:11 We're gonna go to Book of Daniel chapter 7 18:13 and we're going to start setting down a time frame 18:15 as to when the judgment begins. 18:17 Now, just for the sake of, of people that might not be 18:19 listening clearly when you start talking about a time frame, 18:22 they may think that you're actually 18:23 setting the time for the Christ coming. 18:24 We're not setting the time for Christ coming, 18:26 we're setting a time for the judgment, judgment, 18:29 when it's going to begin? And we know that 18:31 sometime after the judgment begins, 18:33 what do we learn in Revelation 22 verses 11 and 12 18:36 there, what do we learn? Sometime after the judgment 18:38 and verse 11 what's going to happen? 18:39 He's going to make the pronouncement 18:40 and then Christ is going to come. 18:42 So, we can kind have an idea Jesus says, 18:44 you should know the, the seasons you know, 18:46 you don't know the day or the hour, 18:47 but you're a hypocrite, if you don't, 18:49 if you can't discern the signs of the times 18:50 and those kind of things. So you put 18:52 all these things together, we're gonna come to 18:53 the conclusion that the judgment is coming in soon. 18:56 If the judgment has begun right now, 18:58 if it has begin if we sure that, 19:00 but it and not begin in Paul's day. 19:04 Then we're gonna understand that 19:05 there's gonna be a certain time now, 19:07 if the judgment has begun that we're in the last part, 19:09 last days, where the judgment will soon end? 19:11 So, you get the idea of how you're gonna 19:12 present this to people. And I love this next part, 19:15 as we go to the Book of Daniel, it will be on the screen here. 19:17 Daniel chapter 7 and we're gonna review 19:20 just a little bit of what we've seen in the past, 19:22 but you'll understand why as we get to it. Daniel chapter 7, 19:28 you remember what happened in Daniel 7, right? 19:29 What do we discover in Daniel 7, 19:31 does anybody remember? Antichrist. 19:32 The antichrist, right? And we started off 19:34 and we found out that Daniel chapter 7 19:37 starts off with this beast, and the first beast, 19:39 does anybody remember what the first beast was even? 19:41 It was a lion with eagles' wings, right? 19:44 And that represented who? Babylon. Babylon, 19:46 and then you had underneath that bear raised up 19:48 at one side, the Medo-Persia, right? 19:50 And then you had the leopard with the four heads 19:52 and the four wings whereas Greece 19:55 and then you had the non-descriptive beast was who? 19:57 Rome. Rome, okay now go to Daniel Chapter 7 with me, 20:01 and you remember after Rome rose up 20:02 it became divided right into the ten horns 20:05 and that after the division what happened, 20:06 a little horn came up and who was that little horn? 20:08 Antichrist, now and we done that study 20:10 we're kind of stop right there, 20:12 I mean we just, we just find out who the antichrist was? 20:14 But you know, the Bible continues on into the scripture 20:16 after that and it gives us a time frame from 20:18 when the judgment will begin? 20:20 And let us look at how we know that? 20:22 Daniel chapter 7, now when did the little horn come to power? 20:25 Five-thirty-eight, do you remember that? 20:28 And then receives a deadly wound when in 1798, 20:32 1,260 years later remember we studied that study. 20:35 And for those you at home, if you're just picking it up 20:36 right now, you have to go back and get the prior studies 20:39 to this and you want to get the one on antichrist, 20:41 part one, antichrist part two and you understand where 20:43 we're coming from with this and where we get those dates? 20:45 We don't have time to study those out in detail right now 20:47 and you can find out on 20:51 So, is where you can find 20:55 the Bible studies on the previous one. 20:57 So, if you hear me alluding to the some of the previous ones 21:00 that's where you can find that at our website. 21:03 Anyway, so now let's look at it again, 21:04 I'm gonna pick it up in verse, verse 8, 21:06 it says verse 9 up there and you can do it from verse 9, 21:08 but remember in verse 8 it said, I consider the horns 21:10 and there come up a little horn among them 21:12 and that was the antichrist, remember we found that. 21:15 When did the antichrist come to power? 21:17 Five-thirty-eight and so, now notice what happens next? 21:19 Because we know from what we know, 21:21 from what we know, what we discussed so far, 21:22 what we've studied so far is the fact that the, 21:24 the judgment is gonna be begin sometime after the cross, 21:28 remember that 'cause it didn't happened at the cross, 21:30 we know that because Paul writing in the New Testament 21:32 and the other gospel writers writing said, 21:35 that the judgment is yet, future tense for them. 21:37 But then we read Revelation chapter 14 just now and it says, 21:40 at some point this angel. The first angel comes down, 21:43 preaching at the everlasting gospel and that gospel message 21:46 has a, has a part of the message that says, 21:47 the judgment has come. Right, it's part of that. 21:51 So, sometime after the cross, and sometime before 21:54 the second coming of Christ the judgment is gonna begin. 21:56 What we find here in Daniel chapter 7, 21:58 we actually get that time frame laid out, 22:01 the time frame laid out as to when 22:02 the judgment is gonna begin. 22:04 And let us look at how we know that? 22:05 So, you find in verse 8 the little horn coming to power, 22:08 but now look at verse 9 22:09 something very interesting happens. 22:10 Does anybody have another translation 22:12 besides the King James in here? 22:14 If you don't that's perfectly fine. 22:16 And New King James, anybody? 22:18 Oh! Yeah, the New King James Tom. Okay, 22:20 I want you to read this when you get to here, 22:22 we're gonna, you're wanna read Daniel chapter 7 and verse 9, 22:25 just read verse 9 because it says something very, 22:28 little different in the New King James 22:29 and the King James, which is translated actually better, 22:32 explain it as we go long. 22:33 So, Daniel 7:9 just read that part. 22:35 "I watched until thrones were put in place." 22:37 Ah! That's it. Hold on right there for second. 22:41 He watched until thrones were put in place. 22:44 Now, in the King James says, it's a little different, 22:45 because it says, "I beheld till the thrones were cast down." 22:47 And it almost sounds like there was kingdoms throw down 22:49 or something like that, doesn't it? 22:50 But this is talking about a judgment 22:51 seen that's taking place in heaven and so, he looks 22:53 and he beholds, he looks and thrones were put in place. 22:57 Or as the King James says, cast down. 22:59 Now, how do I know that he's looking into heaven? 23:01 Read the rest of it. 23:03 "And the Ancient of Days was seated." 23:05 Who is that? God the Father, keep going. 23:08 "His garment was white as snow. 23:11 And the hair of his head was like pure wool. 23:14 His throne was like the fiery flame, 23:16 his wheels a burning fire. 23:19 A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: 23:24 a thousand thousands ministered unto him, 23:27 ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: 23:30 the court were seated, and the books were opened." 23:33 Okay, stop right there just for a second. 23:34 What we found just now? You have Babylon, 23:36 Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. 23:38 Rome is divided; the little horn, antichrist power comes up. 23:41 The next thing you see is a judgment scene taking place, 23:44 right? The Ancient of Days comes, 23:45 he takes a seat, he sets down right on the throne 23:48 and it says that there are 10,000 times, 23:50 10,000 stood before him and the judgment was set. 23:53 And the books were open. So, you know, 23:55 you just set up at least somewhat of a timeline. 23:57 According to the timeline 23:58 we looked at right here in Daniel 7 so far, 24:00 you know that the judgment has to begin sometime after 538. 24:04 You understand that, right? If it's given a, 24:06 if it's given a order of events here it says, 24:08 Babylon Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. 24:10 Rome divided and little horns comes to power, 24:11 then the judgment begins, 24:13 but now as we, in case you're notlike following that 24:16 you say, well how do you know that's the case? 24:18 We're gonna go through this actually God, 24:19 God says it three times in the Book of Daniel chapter 7, 24:22 and in the Book of Daniel and Chapter 7 three times, 24:24 he gives that same order of events, 24:26 he gives the little horn and then the judgment 24:29 and then the second coming of Christ. 24:31 The little horn, judgment, second coming of Christ, 24:33 three times and all in the same Chapter. 24:35 Sometimes people will say, you know, like if I ask you. 24:38 What do you get the most information 24:40 about finding the investigative judgment 24:42 sometimes you know, in closer to our time familiar 24:44 in this earth's history, they will go to Daniel chapter 8 24:47 and that we're gonna go to Daniel chapter 8, 24:48 Daniel 8:14 where you find the, the famous quote that, 24:51 Unto two thousand and three hundred days; 24:52 then shall the sanctuary be cleansed and we go there 24:54 and we show the beginning of the 2300 years 24:56 and when it ends we'll do that in the study. Okay, 24:58 that would be part two of this study, 25:01 but what's interesting is right now? 25:03 We've just have shown as the judgment from Daniel 7 25:05 is going to begin sometime after 538. 25:08 Say, are you sure about that? 25:09 Let me read the rest of this text on out for you there. 25:11 "I beheld then because of the voice 25:13 of the great words which the horn spake: 25:15 And I beheld even till the beast was slain, 25:16 and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame. 25:19 And concerning the rest of the beasts, 25:20 they had their dominion taken away: 25:22 yet their lives prolonged for a season and time. 25:24 I saw in the night visions, and, behold, 25:25 one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, 25:28 and came to the Ancient of Days, 25:29 and they brought near before him." 25:31 So, so that part there is speaking 25:32 about this judgment scenes begin. 25:33 And Jesus the Son of man, Jesus comes to the ancient of days 25:38 and something takes place there, right? 25:39 The judgment was taking place. Verse 14, " 25:42 And then there was given him dominion, and glory, 25:45 and a kingdom, that all people, and nations, and languages, 25:47 should serve him: His dominion is an everlasting dominion, 25:50 which shall not pass away, and his kingdom is that 25:52 which shall not be destroyed. 25:54 So, you know what just took place here, right? 25:56 You have the judgment scene then what happened 25:57 immediately after the judgment scene ends? 26:00 Jesus receives His kingdom. Have you seen that in the text? 26:04 Is everybody okay with that? Any questions? 26:06 All right, now look I'm glad you understood it. 26:09 Because, because Daniel really didn't get it. 26:12 Daniel and Daniel read and followed he says, 26:14 I got to know more about this and we find out 26:15 in Daniel chapter 7 and verse 19, 26:17 the slide is on the screen Daniel 7 26:19 and verse 19 through 22 Daniel 7:19 through 22. 26:23 And Dosung, do you have that, would you like to read that? 26:28 Daniel 7:19 through verse 22. "Then I would know 26:32 the truth of the fourth beast, 26:34 which was diverse from all the others, 26:37 exceeding dreadful, whose teeth were of iron." 26:40 Okay, real quick, who was the fourth beast? 26:43 Rome. And he says, look I wanted to know 26:45 the truth of the fourth beast. 26:46 I want to know something about him, carry on. 26:49 "And teeth of iron and his nails of brass; which devoured, 26:52 brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with his feet; 26:56 And of the ten horns that were in his head, 26:59 and of the other which came up, and before whom three fell." 27:02 Who is the other that came up? 27:05 It was the antichrist, the little horn right? 27:07 And so, and what he is saying here, 27:08 Daniel is like I want to know more about these things 27:10 because I'm not really understanding it all the way. 27:11 Are you following? That's what it said in the text, 27:13 why don't you first start reading in verse 19 it says, 27:16 I want to know the truth of these things 27:18 'cause I'm not really understanding, right carry on. 27:21 Even of that horn. Even of that horn. 27:23 that had eyes and a mouth that spake very great things, 27:27 whose look was more stout than his fellows." 27:30 Okay, now after he this little horn, 27:31 and what he see verse 21. "I beheld, 27:33 and the same horn made war with the saints, 27:37 and prevailed against them. Until. The Ancient of Days came, 27:42 and judgment was given to the saints of the Most High; 27:45 and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom." 27:48 So, did you follow what just took place there? 27:50 Okay, first he says, I want to know more about this. 27:52 So God says, okay what is you want to know more about? 27:55 And he says, well that fourth beast and then that little horn 27:56 that come up until the way three and he said, I beheld, 27:59 I think once no more about that, he says I beheld that same horn, 28:02 the same horn made war with the saints. 28:04 Now, who's the saint? 28:06 The saints are the people of God. 28:07 And we're look at the antichrist, 28:08 what happened from the year 538 to 1798, 28:11 we called that the Dark Ages, because, 28:13 because if just owning a Bible you'll be persecuting 28:15 like God's people are persecuted 28:16 just for owning and studying the Bible, right? And so, 28:18 he persecutes the saints, he persecutes the saints 28:21 and then what happens; he says he's done that, 28:23 he persecuted the saints and preveled against them until. 28:28 "Until the Ancient of days came, 28:30 and the judgment was given to the saints the Most High; 28:33 and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom." 28:35 So, you follow what's going on here. 28:36 He sees and vision here he sees the, he sees the fourth beast 28:40 then he sees the antichrist came up, and he sees him 28:43 persecuting the saints and then 28:45 he see the judgment take place, right? 28:47 And then what happens after the judgment the next verse 28:49 you read in verse 20, still in verse 22. 28:51 The judgment was given to the saints the Most High; 28:53 and then the time came that the saints 28:54 possessed the kingdom. Isn't that good? 28:57 I mean its two time so far in the same chapter, 28:59 he gives that explanation that order of events. 29:01 You know, it does it the third time. 29:03 Just in case you haven't got it yet, because you know, 29:05 some of us from different parts of the country, 29:07 a little slower then others, I'm from Kentucky 29:09 it took me while to get this. 29:10 And I don't think anything do with my raising, 29:13 other than I was raised a heathen 29:14 And it just took me a while to understand so, 29:15 so God's says, I'll tell what I've do, 29:16 I'll give it to you third time. 29:19 You recommend he can get that for third time, 29:21 let's look and find out. 29:22 We're gonna down to from chapter 7 and verse 22 29:26 where it's going to the next verse, here verse 23 to 27 29:28 and I'm gonna, I'm gonna read this one 29:30 because here it is again. Twenty-three to twenty-seven 29:32 look what it says. "Thus he said, 29:34 The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon the earth. 29:36 " Who was that fourth beast? Rome. Rome. 29:38 "Which shall be different from the other kingdoms, 29:40 and it shall devour the whole earth, and tread it down, 29:42 and break into pieces. And the ten horns, 29:44 that's the divisions of Rome, right? 29:46 Out of this kingdom about ten Kings, 29:47 when where the horns divided the Rome, when it was divided? 29:51 Four-seventy-six AD you remember? 29:53 That when we find divided up and that shall rise 29:56 and another shall rise after them that little one 29:58 that rises after them that is, that will be different from 30:01 the first and he will subdue three kings. 30:03 Who is that? The antichrist so we called 30:05 the papacy right. So, he will subdue 30:07 the three kings and then look what it says in verse 25. 30:09 And He shall speak great words against the Most High. 30:12 And Revelation 13 tells us that, that's blasphemy, 30:14 he speaks blasphemy against God. 30:16 And we're out the saints of the Most High. 30:18 He's gonna prosecute the saints. 30:19 He will think to change times and laws and they shall be given 30:22 into his hand for a time and times and dividing 30:26 a time of one thousand two hundred and sixty years. 30:28 Remember, we looked that already in a previous study. 30:30 So, for one thousand two hundred and sixty years, 30:32 he's gonna be prosecuting the saints. 30:33 And look what it says next, after this: 30:36 "But the judgment shall sit and they shall take away 30:39 his dominion to consume it and destroy it under the end." 30:43 And the kingdom and the dominion, 30:45 and the greatness of the kingdoms 30:46 under the whole heaven, shall be given 30:49 to the people of the saints of the Most High. 30:52 Whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom 30:53 and all dominion shall serve and obey him. 30:56 Three times in a row in Daniel Chapter 7, 30:58 three times you find the same order of events 31:01 and you know what's the good news about this is? 31:03 Where we are at in this scenario? 31:04 Are we backup in Babylon? Some times I wonder right? 31:08 No, we're not up at that timeframe though are we? 31:10 And then you go to Medo-Persian, Greece, Rome. 31:12 Rome is divided right and then little horn power 31:15 comes up 538 and it says here. They'll we given into his hands 31:18 until time and time dividing up times. 31:20 We know that ended in the year 1798, 31:22 then the judgment begins. Do you see that? 31:26 So, according to the text in Daniel 7 31:27 without going anywhere else in the Bible, 31:29 just looking at Daniel 7, the judgment must begin 31:31 sometime after 1798. Are you following that? 31:36 So, look I haven't went to Daniel Chapter 8 yet, 31:39 we haven't gone to Daniel Chapter 8 31:40 and note down the exact timeframe. 31:42 But just using Daniel 7 you show from Daniel 7 31:45 that God gives a time line, the timeframe 31:47 of the Judgment to begin and it sometime after 1798. 31:51 Is there any questions regarding this? 31:53 Is it making sense? Shake your head, 31:55 yes if it's making sense. All right, 31:56 okay, no problem all right we're gonna continue on then. 31:59 Now we're gonna go to Daniel Chapter 8 32:01 and we're gonna look into the timeline probably 32:04 we found in Daniel Chapter 8. which is actually just 32:06 a parallel of Daniel 7. It's gonna enlarge just 32:08 a little bit more; I want to get this 32:10 from Daniel 8. Now, I mean Daniel, 32:13 Daniel 7 enlarged on Daniel 2 and Daniel 8 enlarging 32:17 on Daniel 7 and its just kind of gives more detail each time. 32:19 Are you following that? 32:21 All right Daniel Chapter 8 verse 1 through 14, 32:24 I think since, that's a long read and honestly 32:27 when I give a Bible study and if its more than 32:29 just like two or three verses I read it myself. 32:32 People will tend to be nervous reading out loud; 32:34 you know you're not because you're doing a lot right, 32:36 you're not nervous anymore. 32:38 The people do tend to get little nervous 32:39 when they got to read out loud in front 32:41 of somebody even if it's just in their home. 32:43 And so there is a long read like this for a bunch of verses 32:45 and I am gonna comment to be stopping them. 32:48 It's okay just to take it for yourself here. 32:49 And some of your studies will do that, 32:51 but you prefer to give them the shorter text 32:53 if you have a choice right. 32:54 So Daniel Chapter 8 in verse 1, now let's pick it up 32:58 right here Daniel has a vision and it says this, 33:00 Daniel Chapter 8 verse 1 through 14. 33:05 In the third year of the reign of King Belshazzar 33:07 a vision appeared unto me, even unto me Daniel, 33:10 after that which appeared unto me at the first. 33:14 And I saw a vision; and it came to pass, 33:16 when I saw, that I was in Shushan 33:18 in the place, in the palace rather 33:21 which is a province of Elam; and I saw in a vision, 33:25 and that I was by the river of Ulai. 33:28 Now, it's very interesting here this word vision, 33:29 that you find. There's two words 33:32 in Daniel Chapter 8 that's translated vision. 33:36 Two different words. This word we find here 33:39 and I am gonna have it on the screen, 33:40 we will have to up here. The word vision when you look 33:42 at it there on the screen it, let me hit this button there. 33:45 You find Hazon you see how it got written up there. 33:48 Basically means the word Hazon means vision 33:52 you know it just what it means so translate it correctly 33:54 no problems with the translation. 33:55 But later on when Daniel starts talking about 33:58 a certain part of the vision, he uses a different word. 34:02 Like he is focusing in on that term, 34:04 on what that part of the vision is 34:06 and we're gonna look at that in just a minute. 34:07 So, is it important that we understand this 34:09 and the word Hazon is used in 34:11 Daniel 8 verse 1,2,13 and 15, 16 and 17 34:15 So, when you see the word vision in those verses 34:19 that's the Hebrew word that is coming from. 34:23 Okay, is everybody okay with that? 34:25 So, what was the Hebrew word that we find there? 34:27 What's the word we have? 34:28 Hazon, and that means just a vision. 34:29 Now, you notice here when you look, 34:31 read Daniel Chapter 8 verse 1 and 2, 34:32 he is talking about the whole vision. 34:35 Right, he is talking about everything, 34:36 the third year of the reign of Belshazzar, 34:37 King, the vision appeared unto me, 34:38 even unto me Daniel, and he goes on and says, 34:41 and I saw a vision; and it came to pass 34:42 when I saw, that, that I was who he was in the palace, 34:47 in the province and he says, still in verse 2 now. 34:48 And I saw the vision of the Hazon 34:50 and I was at a river of Ulai. Now I got to stop 34:53 for just a second. I am probably saying that wrong, 34:55 and if I am saying it wrong and this is aired 34:57 and I am gonna get a lot of these scholars 34:58 that's gonna write me letters. Well, you don't say Hazon, 35:00 its Haazon or who cares. Right, that you guys understand 35:05 what we're saying right? We know that there's 35:06 a word there and that word is you know we just write 35:08 it out in the English Hazon. 35:10 So, you said however you want to and write me a letter 35:12 if you want to straight me up I am okay with that. 35:13 You better make good, 35:15 you making good grammatical memory recorded. 35:18 And if you send it to me later, 35:19 I won't be able to understand what you're saying. 35:20 So, you may able to like speak into a microphone 35:21 and then send it to me if you want to straight me up. 35:24 So, anyway we know that in Daniel 8 35:26 and then it also Daniel 9:21 it still uses 35:28 the same term you know it's the same word translated vision. 35:32 So, let's continue on as we read through here, 35:33 he says. "Then I lifted up my eyes, 35:36 and I saw, and, behold, there stood before 35:37 the river a ram, which had two horns: 35:40 and the horns were high; but one was higher 35:42 than the other, and the higher came up last. 35:45 Now, we know who this is and then simply 35:48 which told us in the later part in Daniel Chapter 8. 35:50 Its Medo-Persian empire and we don't have to get 35:53 into the details of that right now. 35:54 But I want to ask you something, 35:56 where do the other reasons begin, 35:59 they begin with who? I wonder why this one doesn't 36:01 become a Babylon. Well, know actually it says 36:04 right here that, in the third year of the reign 36:06 of Belshazzar that was still Babylon ruling 36:08 when he is there and it's a better answer than that. 36:10 I think, I think it's we find this pretty interesting. 36:12 When we look at the, at a 2300 Day of Prophecy, 36:14 we're gonna look at here just a minute 36:16 we get to that actually get into that more tomorrow. 36:18 But something is interesting that Prophecy begins 36:21 in the year 457 BC. By the year 457BC, 36:25 guess who was ruling the Medo-Persians. 36:29 Isn't that a good reason to begin the Prophecy 36:31 with the Medo-Persian Empire? Because when the prophecy 36:34 Because when the prophecy timeline part of it begins 36:35 the Medo-Persians are the ones ruling. 36:37 So, it makes sense to begin with 36:39 who was gonna be ruling when ever that one start. 36:40 And another answer that people give often times 36:43 is Babylon was on their way out 36:44 there was you know Belshazzar was a last ruler, 36:46 it's on a way out that kind of thing. 36:47 But I think the better answer if you think about 36:49 it is the timeline part of this prophecy 36:51 begins with the Medo-Persian Empire in 457 BC. 36:55 So, are you following that? Okay, it's pretty neat huh? 36:58 So I lifted up my eyes and I saw 37:00 and behold there stood before the river a ram 37:02 which had two horns and the horns were high 37:03 but one was higher than the other 37:05 and we know that one was higher 37:06 and one was stronger than the other. 37:07 Which one was the stronger one? 37:09 All right and how do you know that? 37:10 The Persian gulf, all right, 37:12 now lets carry on verse 4. 37:13 I saw the ram pushing westward, northward, 37:16 and southward and the bear in Daniel chapter 7 37:18 had three ribs so it's perfectly 37:20 this guy is conquering in three directions as well. 37:22 West, the Babylon and then you go the 37:25 North to Lydia and South to Egypt. 37:28 And so that no beasts might stand before him, 37:29 neither was there any that could be delivered out of his hand; 37:32 but he did according to his will, 37:34 and look what it says he became how? 37:36 He became great, now just if you want to make 37:38 a note or highlight your Bible right there underline 37:40 the word great. That he became great because 37:42 as it moves along through here the next kingdom will become 37:45 like little greater, the next kingdom 37:47 a little greater. And it is important 37:48 to understanding that especially with the, 37:50 with what's going on in the world today 37:51 in Christianity and misunderstanding 37:53 and misapplication of this prophecy. 37:55 It's very important to understand that each one 37:56 become more powerful than the other. 37:58 And you'll get that as we go along, 38:00 so let's continue on. And I consider verse 5, 38:03 I consider, and behold, that he-goat came from the West 38:07 on the face of the whole earth, and did not touched the ground. 38:10 Now, if you think about it, something moving so fast 38:12 as not touching the ground you think its something 38:14 moving pretty quick right and so you know who the King, 38:17 what kingdom ruled after Medo-Persia, Greece. 38:20 And actually we're gonna look at that right here as we get 38:22 into the second half of this, but since Greece ruled after 38:24 Medo-Persia who was the first King of Greece? 38:27 Alexander the Great that he conquered pretty quickly. 38:29 Yeah, just like the four wing leopard. 38:30 That you find in Daniel 7 it went quick. 38:32 And so this one is going so fascinating touched the ground 38:34 and the goat had a notable horn between his eyes. 38:37 And we will find out that was the first King in 38:39 Daniel chapter 8 verse 21, we look at that later 38:42 as well And he came to the ram that had two horns, 38:46 which I had seen standing before the river, 38:48 and ran unto him in the fury of his power. 38:51 And I saw him come close unto the ram, 38:53 and he was moved with choler. In other words indignation 38:55 or anger he was just furious with him against him, 38:58 and he smote the ram, and brake his two horns: 39:00 and there was no power in the ram to stand before him, 39:03 but he cast him down to the ground, 39:04 and stamped upon him: and there was none that could 39:07 deliver the ram out of his hand. 39:08 Verse 8: Therefore the he-goat became, 39:15 when he was strong, the great horn was broken 39:17 that he goat was waxed very great: 39:19 and when he was strong, the great horn was broken; 39:22 and for it came up four notable horns toward 39:24 the four winds of heaven. And now in verse 9, 39:29 still in the same chapter here and verse 9, 39:31 I am gonna turn my notes over here so I don't lose 39:32 my place verse 9. And out of one of them the winds 39:37 came forth a little horn, which was exceeding great, 39:40 so notice how things went here first of all you had 39:43 Medo-Persia who was great, then you had the next kingdom 39:46 which was Greece and it said in verse 8 they were very great. 39:50 And then you got this little horn, 39:52 this little horn who became how exceeding great. 39:54 So, we're looking for something in history 39:55 here this little horn is what we call Rome 39:58 and you'll notice that Rome here starts off conquering 40:02 vertically or horizontally rather on a horizontal plain, 40:04 he like conquers on the earth. 40:06 And then he turns his attention toward God. 40:08 When he turns, when that little horn turns into the papacy, 40:11 In Rome actually turn, converted over into and become 40:14 what we call today the Roman Catholic Church right. 40:16 And so first of all, look what happens in verse 9 it says 40:19 Out of one of them came forth a little horn, 40:20 which waxed exceeding great, toward which direction? 40:23 South, East and the Pleasant land. 40:26 All on a horizontal plain field you understand that, 40:28 but look what happens to him. 40:30 And it waxed great, even to the host of heaven 40:32 do you see the change there? 40:33 Do you see how away from conquering 40:34 all on a horizontal plain to starting to conquer 40:36 a try to conquer a vertical plain right? 40:38 Try to conquer heaven. 40:41 And it cast down some of the hosts 40:44 and the stars to the ground, and stamped upon them. 40:47 So, now he's going up and he is no longer just 40:49 attacking on a horizontal plane. Now, you think about 40:52 Pagan Rome or the Roman Empire in Daniel 2, 40:55 it was a legs of iron remember and then iron went all the way 40:58 down into the feet remember that. 40:59 So, it's still existed but it was mixed with clay. 41:04 And it was like a, you think about clay being 41:06 you think of a mankind. 41:07 Man was made out of clay, made out of dirt right? 41:09 So, you have a mixture of basically religion and state 41:13 and then you find here that we went next to Daniel 7 41:17 and the non-descript beast being Rome 41:20 had horns coming up out of it and then a little horn 41:21 come up out of that non-descript beast right up here three. 41:24 So, think about it the little horn was still part 41:26 of the Roman Empire. He came up out of the same head. 41:31 Now we're looking here once again 41:32 and we find this little horn rises up 41:34 and when it first rises to power 41:36 it starts conquering horizontally on the earth. 41:39 But then it goes through a change as well and that change 41:41 it goes through and starts conquer how vertically 41:44 The host of Heaven he starts attacking God in his throne. 41:47 Do you see the parallels? 41:49 Alright, let's continue to carry on here verse 11. 41:52 Yea, he magnified himself even to the Prince of the host, 41:57 and by him the daily sacrifice was taken away, 41:59 and the place of the sanctuary was cast down. 42:03 Now, we might want to part there just for a minute 42:06 and let them kind of think this through a little bit. 42:07 How is it that he can magnify himself 42:09 to the prince of the host, who is the price of the host? 42:11 Who do you think that would be? Jesus right, 42:14 he magnifies himself to be in the place of Jesus. 42:16 Now, remember when we studied about the antichrist, 42:18 what would will do? He sits in the temple of God, 42:20 showing himself that he is God. 42:22 Second Thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 4 42:25 there I believe that's where you find that. 42:27 If he magnifies himself he puts himself in the place of God. 42:30 And so it says he magnified himself 42:31 to the prince of the host, and by him the daily sacrifice 42:34 was taken away, now what was the daily sacrifice, 42:37 you have already studied the sanctuary service at this point. 42:40 You've studied that in the daily sacrifice 42:41 what took place on daily you guys; your sins forgiven 42:44 everyday right daily you've had your sins forgiven. 42:46 How is that he can attack now after Christ 42:48 was on the cross what takes place when you pray 42:50 and ask forgiven for your sins. 42:52 They go to the sanctuary right and who does the forgiving up 42:55 there? Jesus, but now how can he takeaway his place 42:58 as the high priest in the sanctuary. 42:59 How can he do that? 43:01 You got to come to immediate forgiveness you are right, 43:03 you got to come to immediate forgiveness of sins. 43:05 So, you can kind of see what's going on here 43:06 Daniel is seeing in vision exactly what we're taking place 43:10 prior to the second coming of Christ. 43:12 This is order that how things are going, 43:13 so he is attacking the sanctuary and verse 12 says. 43:16 And a host was given him against the daily sacrifice 43:18 by reason of transgression, cast the truth to the ground; 43:21 and practiced and prospered. 43:23 Now without getting too much into detail and going back 43:26 and rehashing old, old heart feelings 43:28 you guess might say with some folk. 43:29 How was it that the papacy done just those very things? 43:33 Just think about it, does he practice 43:35 truth or error, is truth cast to the ground? 43:40 Sure, and then it goes on and he says 43:41 he practiced and prospered. How they practiced and prospered 43:44 it's like the largest Christian religion 43:46 in the whole world with over a billion people. 43:49 So, you understand how this is like all parallel, 43:51 how it is all fitting what he's seeing there? 43:53 It's not an attack on anybody. 43:54 Just say oh wow! Look what's going on 43:56 and he just sees into the future like 43:58 this, this antichrist power having his way. 44:02 And he is frustrated, when you be frustrated 44:03 like if you're one of God's people 44:04 you're living back in the Daniel's day. 44:06 And you see this antichrist power attacking God's 44:08 people and attacking the sanctuary 44:09 and attacking all these things. 44:11 What will be question you're gonna ask? 44:13 How long O Lord you gonna let this go on 44:16 and look what happens verse12. 44:19 You know, I need to change my slides here maybe. 44:22 They were still in the right place don't put them up yet. 44:24 Verse 12: And a host was given him 44:26 against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression, 44:30 and it cast the truth to the ground; 44:31 and it practiced some prospered. 44:32 And Daniel says, I heard one saint speaking, 44:35 and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, 44:38 How long shall be the vision, the Hazon, this vision 44:41 I am looking at, how long will it be, 44:42 how long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, 44:45 the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary 44:48 and the host to be trodden under foot? 44:49 It's like he sees all his persecution going on. 44:51 He sees him attacking God, 44:52 he sees all these things going on. 44:53 It's like how long is this going to last 44:56 and look at the answer. And he said unto me, 45:00 until 2300 Days; then shall the sanctuary 45:03 be cleansed. Does anybody have 45:05 another translation. Tom, what's your say 45:06 on Daniel 8:14. It says same thing. 45:08 Days, okay because a literal translation had, 45:12 a better literal translation that is unto 2300 mornings 45:15 and evenings. You have any reference? 45:17 Everybody has that? They have 45:18 a center-column reference you'll see it's says 45:20 that actually and 2300 mornings and evenings. 45:22 Those of you at home, if you got your Bible 45:24 and you can open it up there to Daniel 8:14. 45:26 If you've any other translation you may have it correctly. 45:28 But it should say, if it's say unto 2300 days 45:32 you can look in the center-column reference 45:33 or another place and you can find it actually referencing 45:36 and saying unto 2300 morning and evenings. 45:39 All right and it's very important, 45:41 we understand that now let's get verse 15 45:43 that's where we're go to next. 45:44 So, we've got this question and we've got a sort of an answer. 45:48 The question was? How long are you gonna 45:49 let this go on? And the answer comes, 45:53 until 2300 days then the sanctuary 45:56 will be cleansed. Now, do you remember 45:57 what happened on the cleansing of the sanctuary, 45:58 when you done your sanctuary study. 45:59 Do you remember what takes place? 46:02 The day of Atonement, it's the day of Atonement. 46:03 That word neatly divides up into act one that right. 46:06 But at that time all the sins of the people were cleansed. 46:11 Everything is cleansed, everything is made right. 46:13 And everybody got a fresh start right. 46:15 And so as he is looking at this year. 46:17 Daniel is looking at this and sees all this stuff happening 46:19 and he says unto 2300 days then the sanctuary will be cleansed. 46:22 You know in Daniel's mind what automatically drawn to, 46:24 which sanctuary do you think his mind to be drawn to? 46:26 The one in heaven or one on earth. 46:28 The one on earth actually right that's obviously 46:31 you can read that in the Old Testament, 46:33 Mosses is making one of the copy, 46:35 the one in heaven. Does the one on earth 46:37 and Daniel's mind probably this time be cleansed? 46:39 Not his mind right so, he's gonna thank it must 46:41 be the one on earth. And so he gets a little confused 46:43 and when we'll look at that as we go on a little bit 46:45 as we get to Daniel chapter 9. 46:46 So, we're gonna pick it up in verse 15 46:49 and what we're gonna find starting in verse 15. 46:52 We're gonna find that God gives a detail explanation 46:55 of the entire vision, except the 2300 mornings and evenings. 47:01 So, he gets the detailed explanation of everything 47:02 except the 2300 mornings and evenings and Daniel is confused. 47:05 Let's look at it, it came to pass 47:08 when I, even I Daniel, had seen the Hazon, 47:11 the vision, and sought for the meaning. 47:14 Then behold, there stood before me as the appearance of a man. 47:18 And I heard the man's voice between the banks of Ulai, 47:21 which called and said, Gabriel 47:23 make this man to understand the vision. 47:25 Gabriel helped Daniel to understand what he's seen here. 47:28 So, he came near where I stood: 47:29 and when he came, I was afraid, 47:31 and fell on my face, I imagine you would 47:32 be too if an angel come near to you, 47:33 may be in all of his glory, I would fall on my face. 47:37 Makes perfect sense to me, so Daniel fell on his face 47:38 and he was afraid. But he said unto me, 47:41 Understand, O son of man: for the time of the end 47:44 shall be the vision. So, according to what we have 47:46 looked at so far. This vision that Daniel 47:47 just had in Daniel chapter 8, what is it specifically 47:51 referring to? The time of the end. 47:53 Are you okay with that? 47:54 So, it could have fit all the way back in Daniel's days. 47:58 Is that when his vision is applying to? 47:59 No, it's applying to the time of the end. 48:00 The time you and I are living in, 48:02 so this vision is for the time of the end. 48:04 Now, he was speaking with me, 48:06 and I was in a deep sleep on my face toward the ground; 48:09 but he touched me and he set me upright. 48:11 Gave him strength and he said, 48:13 Behold, I will make you know what shall 48:16 be in the last end of the indignation. 48:19 I am gonna let you know what's at the very end 48:21 of this whole mess, isn't that good? 48:23 I am gonna let you know how is all gonna wrap up. 48:26 For the time appointed, 48:28 at the time appointed the end shall be. 48:30 So, is there appointed time for the end. 48:32 Sure, as a time appointed, the way they end. 48:34 Now, look at verse 20, how would I know while I go 48:36 that the ram, that the ram I was looking at 48:38 how did I know that, that represented Medo-Persian. 48:40 Because I looked ahead in the book, 48:41 because it says, the ram which you saw having 48:43 two horns are the Kings of Media and Persia. 48:46 So, do we have that, does Daniel probably not 48:48 understands that part of the vision? 48:50 Of course he understands it right, 48:51 he understands that the ram represent Medo-Persia, 48:53 right, no problem with that, right? 48:55 Now, let's go to the next verse 48:56 and the rough goat is the king of Greece, 48:59 I wonder what the rough goat is. 49:01 The King of Greece right and the great horn 49:03 between his eyes is the first King. 49:05 And who was the first King? 49:06 Alexander the Great now did Daniel understand this part 49:09 of the vision so far is suppose. 49:11 Absolutely, I mean without a doubt 49:13 if I come up to you and said this is what it represents 49:14 and this is from God. Daniel probably says okay 49:16 God I understand perfectly. 49:18 Now, the next part of it, now that being broken, 49:20 whereas four stood up for it, four kingdoms shall arise out 49:24 of that nation, but not in his own power, 49:27 four kingdoms shall arise out of that nation, 49:28 but not in his own power. 49:29 Do you think that Daniel understand that the four kings 49:32 will arise out of that nation? Sure, he did, simple. 49:37 And in the latter time, much latter of their kingdom, 49:40 when the transgressors are come to the full, 49:43 a King of fierce countenance, and understanding 49:45 dark sentences, shall stand up. 49:47 So somebody understanding like mysteries 49:49 and things like that right. And his power shall be mighty, 49:53 but not by his own power: isn't that fascinating, 49:56 but not by his own power whose power will be by. 50:01 Revelation Chapter 13 and verse 2 when it says: 50:02 The dragon gave his power to the beast right. 50:06 And so parallels were looking at here, 50:08 when it says that he will have power but it won't be his own, 50:11 he will get it from the devil. 50:13 So, you're gonna have this power rise from the devil. 50:16 He shall destroy wonderfully, 50:17 and I took a little liberty there to find out 50:20 what wonderfully was there, what's he talking about? 50:22 He will destroy good things, 50:24 he will be destroying good things. 50:27 And shall prosper, and practice, 50:29 and destroy the mighty and holy people. 50:31 Now, who are the mighty and holy people? 50:33 God's people, he is gonna war against the saints, 50:35 you understand that right. 50:36 Parallels Daniel 7, Parallels Daniel 2 50:39 And through his policy also he shall cause craft 50:43 to prosper in his hand; and he will magnify himself. 50:47 Now, again it kind of goes long before 50:51 we already looked at in the, when the prophecy was given 50:53 in Daniel chapter 8 back a little earlier, 50:54 when it says that in verse 11. He magnified himself, 50:57 remember that and then we read over here 50:59 and it says in explanation of that, 51:01 it says: He shall destroy the mighty people and the holy 51:03 and through his policy, he shall cause craft to prosper 51:06 in his hand and he shall magnify himself. 51:08 What was the devils problem? What was he wanting him to do? 51:11 Magnify himself right and because he couldn't do it 51:14 and he couldn't come to earth and magnify himself here, 51:16 because we know we're not going to openly worship 51:18 the devil when its openly him right. 51:19 He puts the front man up in his place remember that. 51:21 Devil puts the front man in his place 51:23 and he gets that guy to magnify himself, 51:25 because the devil knows if we're worshiping 51:26 anything other than God, we're worshiping the devil, 51:29 right? Anything other than him you're not worshiping, 51:32 you're not worshiping God, you're worshiping the devil. 51:33 And so he puts this guy up and he magnifies himself. 51:36 And everybody says oh! Look, holy people follow them 51:39 and God says no don't follow them, 51:41 he says follow me. And so, this guy is gonna be successful. 51:46 He's gonna calls his stuff to prosper, 51:47 he's gonna magnify himself in his heart. 51:49 I am still in verse 25. And by peace shall destroy many, 51:53 interesting statement isn't it? By peace shall destroy many, 51:57 you understand that what that's saying. 52:00 Well, now think about it in a minute, 52:01 when we think of the papacy 52:02 and I know this is gonna be sound little harsh, 52:04 when we think of the papacy most people 52:05 in the world think of what peace. 52:08 Through that peace he gains power 52:09 and what happens when he gains power? 52:11 He destroys, isn't it interesting 52:14 how this plays out here? 52:15 Now you see, I mean, the Dark Ages 52:16 that's basically what happen wasn't it? 52:18 I mean, if you think of the church 52:19 even in the Dark Ages and you think of the church 52:21 of Christ in the Dark Ages. What do you thinking of 52:23 and if you're living then? Well, he's the peaceful guy; 52:25 he is like the leader of the church. 52:27 The one representing Christ, 52:28 but by means of him using that 52:31 as a platform to destroy God's people. 52:34 Daniel was seeing this in his vision can you imagine 52:36 how tore up he probably was. 52:38 But he think he understood kind of what he was saying here. 52:40 I mean, the descriptions are pretty clear aren't they? 52:41 This guy is going to be conquering, 52:42 he's going to be slamming people, 52:44 he's gonna be doing lot of harm isn't he? 52:45 So, through his policy, he shall cause craft to prosper, 52:48 he'll magnify himself in his heart; 52:50 he shall by peace shall destroy many 52:53 he will also stand up against the Prince of Princes 52:56 stand up against who? Jesus himself, 52:59 and we know how it took place 53:01 But he shall be broken without hand. 53:04 Showing a supernatural intervention right? 53:06 Supernatural intervention broken without hand, 53:08 just like when a stone comes back 53:09 and destroys the image in Daniel chapter 2, 53:11 if that stone was cut of mouth without hand. 53:14 Right, now look at the next part of the verse. 53:17 And the Mareh, the Mareh, he's actually using a 53:22 different term for vision here. Look at upon the screen, 53:26 the term for vision used here. 53:28 We saw the vision was Hazon there 53:30 but now he's using a different term for vision 53:32 in Daniel chapter 8 verse 26 and 27 53:34 and the term he is using here is Mareh 53:36 and look how's it's worded. In the Mareh or the vision 53:39 of the evening and the morning which was told is true. 53:42 The vision of what? Evening and the morning 53:45 what's that referring to? Yeah, to Daniel 8:14 53:48 because it was to the 2300 evenings and mornings. 53:51 Now, notice here, he says the vision of the Mareh. 53:53 He sets it apart different. 53:57 He is not talking about now the whole Hazon, 53:59 the whole entire vision. He is focusing in on 2300 days 54:03 the vision of Mareh, the 2300 days 54:06 the evening and the morning which was told is true: 54:08 Wherefore shut up the Mareh for it shall be for many days. 54:13 Actually, I believe there, let me make sure that 54:15 I got that one correct. With a vision there, 54:19 let me look in the Bible. Yeah still Mareh 54:21 and I Daniel fainted, and was sick certain days; 54:24 afterward I rose up, and did the King's business; 54:27 and I was astonished at the Mareh, 54:30 but none understood it. 54:32 What is it that nobody understood? 54:33 The 2300 days, he actually makes it plain right there 54:37 when he says I was astonished, if he would have said Hazon, 54:40 he'd been talking about the whole vision. 54:42 I really don't, astonish I don't understand it. 54:43 But when you look at it there the actual word used there 54:46 is a different word then when he was talking about 54:48 the whole vision. When he narrowed it down 54:50 to just the 2300 days, he used a different term, 54:53 Mareh and he said but nobody understood it. 54:55 Nobody understood the Mareh? 54:58 And so Daniel here is confused isn't he? 55:00 He's like Oh! Man, I wonder what's going on, 55:04 I don't understand the 2300 day part of it, 55:05 I don't understand that part. And then you know what happens? 55:10 He got sick and he fainted. And because he done that 55:15 we have to wait to get part 2 of the study 55:18 and find out what happens at the end of the 2300 days 55:22 or the Mareh that Daniel didn't understand. 55:25 So, he had tough time to understanding that part 55:27 and because he did we had to go into the whole new chapter. 55:30 Daniel chapter 9 and he is gonna get the explanation 55:32 in Daniel chapter 9 of what happened 55:34 at the end of 2300 days. So is there any question 55:37 so far regarding what we looked at? 55:40 Is it making sense? As we went through that, 55:42 you understand that the Mareh, the 2300 day part of it. 55:44 The evening and morning that part of the vision, 55:46 even though it's right in the center of the Hazon 55:49 the entire vision Daniel specifies that out 55:51 and he calls it out separately right there. 55:53 And so what we'll do tomorrow is actually find out 55:56 what that is, what it is that happens 55:58 at the end of 2300 days, how it begins, 56:00 when it begins and what God has to say 56:03 about all that. All right and so for 56:05 those of you at home if you want to make sure, 56:07 you wanna make sure that you come back tomorrow 56:08 and you can go to our website, 56:10 by this time you can go to the website and download 56:12 tomorrow's presentation. I think that kind of prophetic 56:14 it doesn't it? That they can go to, 56:16 I can tell them right now they can go 56:17 to website and get it and it is not there yet. 56:19 Because we're gonna be doing it tomorrow. 56:21 Better to be there by the time you get there 56:23 and it will be the second half of this presentation 56:24 you will find out the rest of 2300 days 56:26 we'll do a quick review. 56:27 And then we'll find out exactly when this ends, 56:30 when this time prophecy ends 56:31 and that is, 56:35, and we'll be back here 56:40 in beautiful sunny, although it rains a lot 56:44 Groveland, Florida. 56:46 And if you wanna and this not be a good time 56:48 to invite you to, and to come to LIFE yourself. 56:51 You may be enjoying this on the tape 56:52 and it say may you know what? 56:53 I like to get to know that little guy 56:55 who does preaching, he is such a cute guy. 56:56 No, I am just kidding about that. 56:57 But if you want to come to life we're here, 56:59 we're gonna have, actually have another session 57:00 in the spring of 2010 this is coming up here 57:03 in the short near future. 57:06 It's gonna start at the end of the January 57:08 and run through January, February, March, April, 57:10 May is that right? Yeah, I have run through May 57:11 another 16 week course we'll have basically 57:14 the same thing but you wanna come 57:15 and get the new things that will be having. 57:17 And you learned how to become a more effective soul winner. 57:22 Like how to share these things 57:23 and actually if you come here and see, 57:25 you can ask questions, not that we'll have the answers. 57:27 But you can ask the questions 57:28 you know we'll have the answers for you if Lord willing. 57:31 And so there you go you can find out 57:33 more information at 57:36 or you can give us a call or You go there 57:38 and find our phone number and give us 57:39 a call us or whatever. Thanks for tuning in 57:41 with us today and we'll see you tomorrow. |
Revised 2014-12-17