Participants: Scott Moore (Host)
Series Code: LOE
Program Code: LOE000018
00:01 Harvest truly is plenteous,
00:03 but the laborers are few. Pray ye therefore, 00:05 the Lord of the harvest, that he will, 00:07 he will send forth laborers into his harvest. 00:10 Also, I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 00:13 "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" 00:17 Then said I, "Here am I, send me, send me". 00:23 Life on the Edge will enable you to be an 00:25 effective harvester for the Lord. 00:27 We now invite you into our 00:29 classroom to come, experience LIFE. 00:43 My friends, you have joined us here at the 00:45 Lay Institute for Evangelism. 00:47 We're located this year in Groveland, Florida. 00:51 And before a lady gives to us our 00:53 19th Bible Study on the state of the dead, 00:58 what we're going to do is we're gonna take 00:59 several minutes to go over a teaching tool. 01:03 One of the things that you will want to know 01:05 as you give Bible studies. We're gonna go over 01:09 if you look on the graphic that's on 01:10 your screen there, we're gonna go over 01:12 Gaining Decisions. Now you and I can gain 01:17 decisions by logic but that decision will not be 01:20 a decision that will last for eternity. 01:23 So what you and I need to do is we need to 01:25 have the key to gaining the decision. 01:28 So you notice the next graphic says, 01:30 the key to gaining a decision is... 01:35 My friend, what do you think the 01:36 key to gaining the decision is? 01:40 I was in Oregon doing an evangelistic meeting. 01:43 And Pastor Warner and I were visiting a 01:45 gentleman that had just been baptized. 01:49 He had left the church 40 years prior to then, 01:54 but had come to a series of evangelistic meetings 01:56 that we were holding and he made a decision to 01:59 be re-baptized. So Pastor Warner and I 02:03 went to his home. His name was Joe, 02:05 his wife's name was Marysol. 02:08 And so we went into the home of Marysol and Joe, 02:10 and Pastor Warner was sitting on the couch over 02:13 here with me and Joe was sitting over here in his 02:15 easy-chair. And Marysol was on that 02:18 side of the living room. And I remember sitting 02:21 down, just doing a little bit of chit-chat with 02:23 Joe and Marysol and then I asked Marysol, 02:25 I said Marysol, what Sabbath would 02:28 you like to become a Seventh-day Adventist? 02:32 Then Marysol was a Hispanic lady, 02:34 so I'm gonna do my best to mimic her accent. 02:36 She said, you think I need to be re-baptized? 02:42 And as I wanted to say absolutely Marysol. 02:46 That's what, that's what you 02:47 would wanted to say too, isn't it? 02:50 I mean, you learned in these series already, 02:52 that Sabbath keeping is very important to Jesus. 02:54 And she hadn't been keeping the Sabbath. 02:56 And so every answer of my being, 02:58 just wanted to say Marysol that's exactly right, 03:00 you need to be re-baptized. 03:02 But the spirit of God spoke to my heart, 03:04 right then. And God said to me, 03:07 Scott, did you say anything about baptism? 03:12 And to catch myself shaking my head no, 03:14 because your God is speaking with me, 03:17 did you say anything about baptism? 03:19 And I thought. No, I didn't say anything. 03:22 And so I looked at Marysol, and I said Marysol, 03:26 did you hear me say anything about baptism? 03:30 She said. No. I said, did Joe say anything 03:35 about baptism? No. Did Pastor Warner, 03:40 of course I was sitting over here. 03:41 I said, did Pastor Warner say anything 03:43 about baptism? No. I said Marysol, 03:47 it's very evident that someone is speaking to you. 03:52 And that someone cannot be seen. 03:55 She said, who do you think it is? 03:59 I said, Marysol, who do you think it is? 04:03 And then immediately she said, 04:05 and you have to forgive me again for mimicking 04:07 not mocking, but mimicking the accent, 04:09 I love accents. She said he beating me, 04:12 he is smoking, he drinking, he not even husband, 04:15 he no love me, he no love the children. 04:18 He needed to be re-baptized. 04:19 I don't need to be re-baptized. 04:23 I said Marysol, did I say anything about baptism? 04:30 No. Did Joe say anything about baptism? 04:35 No. Did Pastor Warner say, this is the second time 04:39 this has happened? And then I take my Bible, 04:42 and I go over there and I sit down beside Marysol. 04:44 Now Marysol has her Bible as well. 04:46 And so I opened my Bible to James Chapter 2. 04:49 So if you at home have your Bible go ahead and 04:51 go to James Chapter 2. You know that's right 04:54 after Hebrews, in the New Testament, 04:56 James Chapter 2 and verse 10. 05:00 And so, I asked Marysol to read for me 05:03 James Chapter 2 and verse 10. 05:05 And so she opened up her Bible. 05:07 She is very, very strong Christian lady. 05:10 She loves studying her Bible. 05:12 So she turned right to James Chapter 2 05:13 and she read this, she read, 05:16 for whosoever shall keep the whole law and yet 05:20 offend in one point, he is guilty of all. 05:26 And then Marysol began to weep. 05:29 She just began to weep and to sob and, 05:32 then of course I'm sitting next to her and I put 05:34 my hand on her shoulder and I said, Marysol, 05:40 are you all right? And she said for 40 years, 05:44 I never even had mentioned the Sabbath. 05:46 Never had to mention anything. 05:47 She said for 40 years I have not been keeping the 05:51 Sabbath and I'm just as guilty as my husband. 05:56 And then I said this my friend, I said, 05:57 Marysol which Sabbath would you like to become 06:03 a Seventh-day Adventist? And Marysol said, 06:08 I think next Sabbath. My friends, 06:13 as long as you and I will recognize that, 06:17 it is the spirit of God that is speaking to 06:21 people's hearts. When somebody asked 06:24 us that question, you and I we'll just wanna 06:25 get out our dukes and we'll just wanna say, 06:28 yes, you need to keep the Sabbath. 06:29 Yes, you need to do this, you need to do that. 06:31 But if we point people back to the spirit of God, 06:35 the one that has brought them under conviction. 06:38 Then they begin to argue with God rather than 06:43 then with us. So let's go to 06:44 our next slide there. The key to gaining a 06:47 decision is this, the key to gaining a 06:49 decision is conviction. So, now let's ask ourselves 06:53 this question, let's ask ourselves this question, 06:55 what is conviction? Now you and I've felt 07:00 conviction before, haven't we? 07:02 Sometimes it's not comfortable. 07:03 Yet sometimes were very elated about what God is 07:06 showing us. Conviction. Notice this, 07:09 notice the slide here, conviction is the 07:11 voice of God speaking to the conscience. 07:16 Conviction is the voice of God speaking to the 07:18 conscience. Have you ever been 07:20 in a situation where God was speaking to you? 07:26 Maybe you are headed to a place that you know you 07:28 shouldn't go to, and that voice in the 07:31 back of your mind keeps saying, 07:32 that's not something you want to do. 07:35 You want to stop right here and go a 07:37 different direction. Conviction is not always 07:40 comfortable, but it is always comfortable when 07:45 you and I listen to the voice of God. 07:48 It maybe very difficult for us to make that decision, 07:51 but we can make difficult decisions, 07:52 because we've had to make them in the past. 07:55 Let's go to our next slide here. 07:57 There are positive and negative indicators of 08:00 conviction. Now a positive indicator of conviction, 08:04 gives a positive response to conviction. 08:08 A negative indicator of conviction, 08:11 is simply a negative response to conviction. 08:16 Whether it's positive or whether it's negative 08:18 it is conviction. Now if you are giving 08:21 these Bible studies, if you give too little 08:23 information instead of someone being convicted, 08:26 they will be confused. So you wanna make sure 08:28 that the information has been there, 08:31 that will lead to conviction and then they will 08:34 have a desire in their hearts and they will want 08:37 to act on that desire. Information, conviction, 08:42 desire and action. So there are positive 08:46 indicators of conviction and negative 08:48 indicators of conviction. If the information has been 08:51 complete, then you have conviction not confusion. 08:56 So let's just take a look here on our screen at 08:58 some of those indicators of conviction. 09:01 You can see there on the left side of your screen. 09:04 The positive indicators, Joy, sharing with others, 09:07 personal application, tears, they can't stay away, 09:11 their face lights up, they become friendly, 09:14 they ask questions. On the right hand side 09:16 of the screen, in most cases you'll see 09:18 the opposite of that. Or a negative indicator 09:22 of conviction. So I'll just go right back 09:23 to the screen now and I'll read those negative 09:25 indicators of conviction. Instead of being happy, 09:27 they are sad. Instead of sharing with others 09:30 they reject it. Instead of applying it to 09:32 their lives in a personal way they begin to argue. 09:36 Instead of tears of joy, they have tears of sadness. 09:40 Instead of not being able to stay away, 09:43 they want to avoid you, and you can read the rest 09:45 of those on your screen there. 09:46 We'll go to the next slide. It even has more 09:48 indicators for both positive and 09:50 negative of conviction. They want to study more 09:53 or they refuse to study. They have a positive 09:56 attitude or they have a very negative attitude. 09:59 They want to change their life or they want to 10:02 rebel against what God has been teaching them. 10:05 Some people will have peace, 10:07 other people will have restlessness. 10:09 Some people will say I will pray about it, 10:11 others will just get irritated. 10:15 Now something you and I need to remember, 10:16 because the reason that we're doing this class is 10:18 to learn how to draw others to Christ. 10:22 What you and I need to remember is this, 10:24 we have this on the graphic here. 10:25 Let's read this together. 10:27 "The wind bloweth where it listeth, 10:29 "and thou hearest the sound thereof, 10:31 "but canst not tell whence it cometh, 10:33 "and whither it goeth. So is every one that is 10:36 born of the Spirit," John Chapter 3 verse 8. 10:40 So my friends just like you and I can't see the 10:43 wind blowing through the trees. 10:46 We can see the effects of the wind and we can't 10:49 see the spirit of God. But just like Marysol we 10:52 can notice that the person under conviction is 10:56 being moved by the wind of the spirit of God. 11:00 And this next quote is very powerful, 11:02 look at this with me. This is from the 11:03 Desire of Ages page 306. "While those who yield 11:07 "to the influence of the Holy Spirit begin war 11:10 "within themselves, those who cling to sin, 11:14 war against the truth and its representatives." 11:19 As you and I share Bible truth some people will 11:23 begin that battle on the inside and they will 11:26 give in to the guidance of the Spirit of God. 11:29 Some people will begin that battle on the outside 11:31 and they will begin to battle with you, 11:34 whatever the situation, as long as it's clear, 11:37 they are convicted. And now Eleida is going 11:40 to bring to us our Bible study. 11:45 Thank you Scott. 11:49 We're glad that you're here and that you've 11:50 joined us for our class today. 11:53 We're going to be teach, we're going to be 11:54 learning about the "State of the Dead." 11:57 As we mark the study in our Bible, 11:59 we're going to use the code SD. 12:02 The purpose of this study is to show that man 12:05 does not possess immortality. 12:07 Only God is immortal. Now we have learned how 12:11 it's important as we go through this study 12:13 is to center them in Christ. And to center this study 12:16 we're going to be using 12:17 1 John 5:12 where it says, 12:21 "He that hath the Son hath life; 12:24 "and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life." 12:28 As we go through this study about death, 12:30 we're gonna have in mind that Jesus is life. 12:34 So the solution to this problem of death is right 12:37 there in Jesus. And if we have Him, 12:39 we have life. In this study, 12:43 we're going to be going through 15 texts. 12:46 The first ten texts are here on the screen and 12:50 the next five are on the next slide. 12:53 Here these texts you're going to make sure that 12:56 you have them placed somewhere, 12:57 either on the front of your Bible or 12:59 on the back of your Bible. So that you can reference 13:02 them anytime you're giving a Bible study on the 13:05 State of the Dead. Now the subject of death 13:09 has intrigued the minds of many throughout the ages. 13:13 The questions, what happens to a person 13:17 when they die? Do they go to heaven? 13:20 Do they go to hell? Can we talk to those 13:23 who have passed away? Are questions that are 13:27 in many's mind. In the search of answers 13:31 to these questions people have come up with 13:33 all sorts of answers. But is there a way that 13:39 we can find certain answers to these questions 13:44 of the mystery of death. Is there a place that 13:47 we can go and find certain answers to any 13:49 question we have? Yes. What is that place? 13:52 Bible. The Bible. We have learned 13:54 as we have studied the word of God that is the 13:56 only place that we can find pure, undefiled truths. 14:00 So as we are finding our answers 14:03 to the questions of life, whatever those 14:05 questions are, we know here we can find 14:07 certain answers. The Bible gives us 14:11 clear answers on the questions of the 14:14 mystery of death. And we're gonna be 14:16 looking at those but before we open this 14:20 study of the word of God, we wanna always make 14:24 sure that we pray and invite the Holy Spirit 14:26 to be with us as we study His word. Let's pray. 14:31 Dear Lord and heavenly Father, 14:32 we thank you for the privilege that you give us today 14:36 to be able to study your word. 14:39 As we seek for answers on the questions about the death, 14:45 we pray dear Lord that you give us clarity of mind, 14:48 that your spirit will lead us as we seek 14:50 these answers in your word and that it will 14:53 be clear to each of us. These things we 14:55 pray in the name of Jesus, our Lord and our redeemer, 14:58 amen, amen. Now to understand death, 15:02 we must first look at where life originated. 15:06 So we're gonna begin on the story of creation, 15:08 we're going to look first at Genesis Chapter 2, 15:13 and we're gonna be reading verse 7, 15:16 this is the very first text of our study 15:19 and as we have describing forward, 15:22 we mark this as we are going to write the text number 15:25 that we are on in the circle. 15:27 So it would be 1SD, is the code for this 15:29 particular study. Since we are in the beginning 15:33 of our study we do not put anything above the line, 15:36 that's where we would put the text that we just came from. 15:40 Below the line you will write the reference 15:42 of where you're going to and we'll be going to 15:45 Ecclesiastes Chapter 12 verse 7. 15:49 We are now in Genesis Chapter 2 verse 7, 15:54 Mike, can you read that for us? 15:59 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, 16:01 and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; 16:05 and man became a living soul. 16:07 Thank you, Mike. Here it's describing how 16:11 life even began. God created man out of what? 16:16 Out of the dust of the earth. 16:18 Now when He formed them, was he alive? 16:22 No. No. What did he have to do 16:25 for this body to become a living soul? 16:29 Breathe life into him. So we see that this body when it 16:34 receive the breath of life then he became a living soul. 16:38 And we see this equation on the screen, 16:42 the dust (body) + Breath of the spirit = 16:47 A living soul or a living being. 16:50 We see that God formed the man and he gives 16:53 it breath and then gives that spirit 16:56 and then he becomes a living soul. 17:00 Now as we are understanding the death itself, 17:04 this becomes very important and we're gonna see 17:06 the next few verses what the Bible says about death. 17:09 And we're gonna see how it actually represents the 17:13 opposite of what life is. The first verse that 17:17 we're going to look at is 17:18 Ecclesiastes Chapter 2 verse 7, 17:21 Ecclesiastes 2 verse 7, 17:27 and 12 verse 7, I'm sorry. 17:31 You're correct. It's Ecclesiastes Chapter 12 verse 7, 17:35 this is the second text of our study. 17:38 So at the end of this reference you're going 17:39 to be writing 2SD. We just came from 17:43 Genesis chapter 2 verse 7, and we'll be going to 17:47 Psalms 104 verses 29 and 30. 17:51 We are in Ecclesiastes Chapter 12 verse 7, 17:57 Darlene, could you read that for us? 17:59 Then the dust will return to the earth as it was: 18:02 and the spirit will return to God who gave it. 18:07 Thank you Darlene. Here it's talking about death, 18:12 it says that the dust returns, where? 18:15 To the earth. You know in this story of creation, 18:23 we saw how God picked up that dust from the earth 18:24 and formed the man. Now he is saying that goes 18:26 back to the earth. And then it, 18:27 what it says about the spirit. 18:29 It goes back to God who gave it. 18:34 We saw when life originated a man that God 18:38 actually put this breath of life in it and he was alive. 18:42 Now, talking about death, it shows how that dust goes 18:47 back to where it came from on the earth and the spirit 18:50 or the breath of life goes back to God who gave it. 18:54 Now we're going to see this a little bit more clearer 18:56 as we see a few more verses, 18:58 we're gonna look at Psalms Chapter 104 and 19:02 verse 29 and 30. That Psalm 104 verse 29 and 30. 19:12 This is the third text of our study, 19:14 so you're gonna mark it as it shows on the screen, 3SD. 19:19 We just came from 19:20 Ecclesiastes Chapter 12 verse 7 19:24 and we're going to be going to 19:26 James Chapter 2 verse 26. We're reading now from 19:32 Psalm 104 and Chapter 29, I mean verse 29 and 30. 19:40 Shalita, can you read that for us, please. 19:43 Thou hidest thy face, they are troubled: 19:47 thou takest away their breath, they die, 19:49 and return to their dust. 19:52 Thou sendest forth thy spirit, 19:53 they are created: and thou renewest the 19:58 face of the earth. Thank you Shalita. 20:01 Now here what does it say happens when he takes 20:04 away the breath. It dies. 20:07 So if he takes away their breath and it dies 20:09 and returns to the dust. Again we see the opposite 20:14 of what happen in the creation. 20:17 God put the breath of life in the man 20:20 and he became a living soul. Now when He takes it 20:23 away he dies and returns to dust. 20:28 Now let's look at one more verse that talks about 20:30 this in James Chapter 2 verse 26, 20:34 we're going to be going to James Chapter 2 verse 26, 20:37 to understand a little bit more about how life, 20:41 how death is described in the Bible. 20:43 James chapter 2 verse 26. And this is the 20:49 fourth text on our study; you're going to write 20:53 at the end, this reference 20:54 as it shows on the screen. 4SD in the circle, 20:58 above the line you're gonna write Psalm 104:29 and 30 21:02 that's where we came from. And we'll be going to 21:05 John Chapter 11 verses 11 through 14. 21:10 We are reading now from James Chapter 2 verse 26, 21:17 Vanessa, could you read that for us? 21:19 For as the body without the spirit is dead, 21:22 so faith without works is dead also. 21:25 Thank you. Now here again it's 21:27 talking about the body and the spirit. 21:30 And when the spirit is not there, 21:31 what happens to the body? It's dead. 21:35 The body is dead. The word here for spirit 21:39 in its original language means current of air, 21:44 which is breath. And throughout the Bible 21:46 this word sometimes it's translated as spirits, 21:50 sometimes it's translated as breath. 21:53 But it's talking about that same thing. 21:55 So here we know that when that spirit is gone 21:58 then the body is dead. We're gonna look at, 22:04 if you look at the screen you see this equation, 22:07 which is the opposite of the one we saw when we 22:09 were talking about life. Here living soul minus 22:14 that breath of life or that spirit equals 22:17 Dust or Death. The living soul once you take 22:21 take away the breath of life becomes a dust or dead person. 22:31 We are going to be looking now at a few verses 22:35 in the Bible which describes the state of a person 22:38 when they are dead. It's gonna describe what a 22:41 person is going through, what's happening to this 22:43 person once the person's spirit or 22:46 breath of life is gone. The first verse that we 22:50 are going to look at is found in 22:52 John chapter 11 verses 11 through 14. 22:56 John 11 verses 11 through 14. 23:01 This is the 5th text in our study, 23:05 you are going to mark it as it 23:07 shows it on the screen 5SD. We just came from James 2:26 23:13 so that goes above the line and we will be going to 23:16 Ecclesiastes Chapter 9 verses 5 and 6. 23:22 We are in John Chapter 11 verses 11 through 14. 23:28 Tom, can you read that for us please? 23:32 These things he said, and after that 23:34 he saith to them, Our friend Lazarus sleeps; 23:38 but I go, that I may awake him up. 23:42 Then his disciples said, Lord, if he sleeps, 23:44 he will get well. However Jesus spoke 23:47 of His death: but they thought that 23:50 he was speaking about taking rest in sleep. 23:54 Then Jesus said to them plainly, 23:55 Lazarus is dead. Thank you Tom. 24:00 Now here Jesus is talking about his friend Lazarus 24:02 and he had just died. How does Jesus refers to 24:07 Lazarus who is dead? As sleeping. 24:11 Now His disciples, at first were a 24:13 little confused because they thought that 24:15 he was talking about he's actually just resting. 24:18 But Jesus here is speaking about death 24:23 There is actually more than 50 references in the Bible 24:27 where the dead, that where dead is 24:30 referred as sleep. We're gonna see more things 24:34 that the Bible says about the state of person who is dead. 24:38 We know they are in a state of sleep, or rest. 24:41 Let's look at Ecclesiastes Chapter 9 24:44 and we're gonna be reading verses 5 and 6. 24:47 Ecclesiastes Chapter 9 verses 5 and 6. 24:56 This is the sixth text in the study 24:59 and you're going to mark it, shows on the screen 6SD. 25:05 We just came from John Chapter 11, 11-14 25:10 and we are going to be going to Psalm 146 25:14 and we're gonna read verse 4. 25:15 We're in Ecclesiastes 9, verse 5 and 6. 25:24 Desjong, can you read that for us please? 25:27 For the living know that they shall die: 25:29 but the dead know not anything, 25:31 neither have they any more of a reward; 25:34 for the memory of them is forgotten. 25:37 Also their love, and their hatred, 25:39 and their envy, is now perished; 25:43 neither have they any more a portion forever 25:46 in anything that is done under the sun. 25:49 Thank you Desjong. Now here we see 25:52 another description of the state of a person 25:56 who is dead. And is talking about 26:01 their memory what happens to the memory of a person 26:02 whose dead? It's gone. No more memory, it is gone. 26:06 Now it talks also about their emotions, 26:08 their anger, their love, their hatred, their envy, 26:11 what happens with those emotions? 26:13 They're gone also. No motions, no memory, 26:19 they have ceased to exist. Now we're going to look at 26:23 another verse that describes the state of a dead person 26:26 in Psalms 146 verse 4. Psalm 146 verse 4, 26:34 so far we have seen that the Bible refers as dead 26:38 as someone who is asleep. And we see that this person 26:42 no longer has memory of their lives 26:46 and their motions are gone. We are now in 26:49 Psalms 146 verse 4, you go into Mark this text 26:54 as shown on the screen. This is the seventh text 26:57 of our study, you're gonna write 7SD. 27:01 We just came from Ecclesiastes 9 verses 5 and 6. 27:05 And we will be going to Revelation chapter 4 verse 13. 27:11 We are at Psalms 146, verse 4. 27:15 Well Brett, can you read that for us please? 27:18 His spirit departs, he return to his earth; 27:23 in that very day his plans perish. 27:28 Thank you. What this tells us about 27:30 the person who's dead? Their thoughts perish, 27:34 their plans are perished. So far what has the 27:38 Bible told us the state of a person who's dead? 27:42 They are asleep. What else? 27:45 They don't know anything. What else? 27:49 Their feelings and emotions are gone and here tells us 27:53 that their thoughts or plans are also gone. 27:57 We're gonna see one more verse that just 28:00 describes the state of being dead, 28:02 a person who is dead. Revelations 14 and 13. 28:06 Let's see what it tells us about the state of 28:09 someone who is dead. Revelation Chapter 13, 28:14 I mean Chapter 14 verse 13. 28:17 This is the eighth text on this study. 28:20 You're gonna mark at the end of this reference 28:22 as it shows on the screen 8SD. 28:27 We just came from Psalm 146 verse 4 and we will be going to 28:31 Ezekiel Chapter 18 verse 4. We are reading 28:35 Revelations 14 verse 13. 28:39 Ryan, can you read that for us? 28:41 And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, 28:44 Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord 28:48 from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, 28:51 they may rest from their labors; 28:52 and their works do follow them. 28:55 Thank you Ryan. 28:56 Now here's talking about those, 28:59 it's talking about the ones that are righteous. 29:02 And how does it describe them as? 29:08 They are doing what? Resting. 29:11 They are resting from their works. 29:13 They are resting from their works. 29:15 We have seen the Bible describes death as a sleep. 29:20 Once a man dies their thoughts have perished, 29:24 their emotions are gone, their plans are gone, 29:29 they are resting in a state of rest. 29:31 Their lives have ceased to exist. 29:36 Then what about this idea of the soul being immortal, 29:39 is that's something that the Bible teaches. 29:44 We're going to see what the Bible truly teaches about the 29:47 soul and its immortality. In Ezekiel Chapter 18 verse 4, 29:53 Ezekiel Chapter 18 verse 4. Now we're looking at verse 4, 30:01 this is the 9th text in our study, 30:03 you will mark it as it shows on the screen, 9SD. 30:08 We just came from Revelation Chapter 14 verse 13. 30:13 We will be going to First Timothy Chapter 6 30:16 verse 15 and 16. We're reading from 30:21 Ezekiel Chapter 18 and we're reading verse 4, 30:27 Anita, can you read that for us? 30:30 Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, 30:35 so also the soul of the son is mine: 30:38 the soul that sinneth, it shall die. 30:43 Thank you Anita. What does it say here 30:45 about the soul that sinneth? It will die. 30:50 It will die. 30:52 Now is there any human being that has not sinned? 30:58 No. The Bible said is that every one has sinned 31:01 and come short of the glory of God. 31:04 So then can we say that any of our souls are immortal? 31:08 No, not according to this verse, 31:10 because this verse says if the soul has sinned, it dies. 31:13 So the Bible does not teach that soul is immortal. 31:17 We see here that the soul can die. 31:20 Now we're going to see that the Bible actually teaches 31:25 that there is only one who is immortal. 31:29 And we're going to see that in 31:30 First Timothy Chapter 6 verse 15 and 16, 31:36 First Timothy Chapter 6 verse 15 and 16. 31:41 Here it's going to show us the only one who is immortal. 31:46 This is the 10th text in our study. 31:49 We're going to mark a 10SD. We just came from 31:52 Ezekiel Chapter 18 verse 4 that goes above the line, 31:58 and we'll be going to Job 21 verse 32. 32:03 We're in First Timothy Chapter 6 and verse 15 and 16. 32:12 Gloria, could you read that for us please. 32:16 Right, lets see. Excuse me. 32:20 Which He will manifest in His own time, 32:23 He who is the blessed and only Potentate, 32:27 the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. 32:32 Who alone has the immortality, 32:35 dwelling in unapproachable light, 32:38 whom no man has seen or can see, 32:42 to whom be honor and everlasting power. Amen. 32:49 Amen, thank you Gloria. Now according to this text, 32:53 who is the only one who has immortality? 32:58 God, God is the only one who is immortal. 33:01 Then where do the dead go when they die, 33:08 where do the dead go when they die? 33:09 We're going to look at Job Chapter 21 verse 32, 33:13 Job chapter 21 verse 32. Seeking to find the 33:18 answer of where people go when they die. 33:23 Job 21 verse 32, this is a 11th text of our study, 33:29 and you're gonna mark it as it shows on the screen, 11SD. 33:34 We just came from First Timothy Chapter 6 33:36 verse 15 and 16. And we'll be going to 33:40 Acts Chapter 2 verse 29 and 34. 33:44 We're now on Job 21 verse 32. 33:50 Jessica, could you read that for us. 33:53 Ye, he shall be brought to the grave, 33:55 And a vigil kept over the tomb. 33:59 Thank you. Now, here talking about the dead. 34:02 It says he shall be brought to where? 34:05 To the grave. And in the King James Version 34:07 it says, Yet shall be brought to the grave, 34:10 and shall remain in his tomb. So not only does it say 34:14 it will go to the grave, but it says that 34:16 it will remain there. So, the dead when they die, 34:21 a person when they die, they just go to the tomb 34:23 and remain there. Now does that mean that 34:27 a good person when they die, they don't just go to heaven. 34:31 Wait, when we look at the Bible, 34:33 the Bible teaches us, and we see clearly there 34:36 that David was saved, and yet we're going to see in 34:41 the Bible what it says about David, 34:42 to see if David actually went to heaven. 34:44 And this is going to help us answer the question. 34:46 If a person is good when they die, 34:49 do they go to heaven? This is found in 34:52 Acts Chapter 2 verse 29 and verse 34, 34:57 Acts Chapter 2 verse 29 and verse 34. 35:01 We're going to look to see what does it say about 35:06 those who are saved, do they go to heaven? 35:11 This is our 12th text in our study. 35:14 You are going to mark as 12SD, we just came from 35:17 Job 21 verse 32, and we'll be going to 35:21 First Corinthians Chapter 15 verse 51-53. 35:27 Acts chapter 2:29 through 34, Acts chapter 2, 35:33 no not through 34, I'm sorry, 35:34 you are gonna read verse 29 and verse 34. 35:39 Tim, can you read that for us. 35:42 Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you 35:46 of the Patriarch David, 35:48 that he is both dead and buried, 35:49 and his sepulcher is with us unto this day. 35:54 For David is not ascended into the heavens: 35:58 but he saith himself, The Lord said unto my Lord, 36:01 Sit thou on my right hand. 36:05 Thank you Tim. What does it say, 36:07 here about David, where does the Bible 36:10 say that he is? He is buried, 36:15 he is buried, he is buried. 36:16 He says he is both dead and buried. 36:18 And then in verse 34 even clarifies that he has not 36:23 ascended to heaven. Now we can see clearly 36:27 here that David even though he is saved when he died, 36:30 he just went to the grave, he is not in heaven, 36:35 and that's what the Bible tells us. 36:38 We've learned that the Bible describes death as a sleep, 36:43 that a man when he dies, his thoughts, 36:46 his feelings, his plans, they all perish. 36:51 The Bible describes that as a rest. 36:56 That the one that dies goes to the grave 36:58 and he remains there, even though who are saved, 37:01 they do not go to heaven, they remain in the grave. 37:05 Then the question remains when is it that though the 37:11 people of God will receive immortality. 37:14 And we're going to look at that answer in 37:16 First Corinthians Chapter 15 verses 51 through 53, 37:21 First Corinthians Chapter 15 verses 51 through 53. 37:27 This is the 13th text of our study. 37:31 We're going to mark it as you see it on the screen 13SD. 37:37 We just came from Acts Chapter 2 verse 29 and 34, 37:41 and after this we'll be going to be going to 37:43 First Thessalonians Chapter 4 verses 14 through 17. 37:50 We're on First Corinthians Chapter 15. 37:53 We'll be gonna be reading verses 51 through 53. 37:58 Danielle, can you read that for us. 38:00 Behold, I show you a mystery: We shall not all asleep, 38:04 but we shall all be changed in a moment, 38:07 in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: 38:10 for the trumpet shall sound, 38:12 and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, 38:14 and we shall be changed. For this corruptible 38:17 must put on incorruption, 38:19 and this mortal must put on immortality. 38:23 Thank you Danielle. Now here it begins by saying 38:27 that he is going to show us something, 38:32 what is that it talks about? That he is going to show, 38:33 a mystery. Mystery, now this the State of the Dead 38:37 seems to be a mystery to many. People are wondering exactly 38:42 what happens to a person when they die, 38:44 and many people come up with the wrong conclusions. 38:48 So, here the Bible says is, I'm going to show you 38:50 this mystery. And it says that 38:55 talking about those who are dead, 38:57 it describes them as sleep. He says we shall not all sleep, 39:01 but we shall be changed, so we're going to 39:05 receive that change. He says in a moment, 39:07 in a twinkle of an eye in the last trump. 39:10 What is it referring to here? Christ's second coming, 39:16 Christ's second coming. 39:17 So here in Christ's second coming, 39:19 he says that corruptible must put on incorruption, 39:23 and this body that we already, we already saw the Bible says 39:28 is mortal will become immortal, immortal. 39:33 And we're gonna see even more clear in 39:35 First Thessalonians Chapter 4, 39:36 First Thessalonians Chapter 4 verses 14 through 17, 39:43 First Thessalonians chapter 4 verses 14 through 17. 39:48 This is the 14th text of our study, 39:51 which you are going to mark it as it shows 39:53 on the screen, 14SD. We just came from 39:56 First Corinthians 15 verses 51 through 53, 40:00 and we're gonna be going to 40:02 First John Chapter 5 verses 11 through 13. 40:07 We're on First Thessalonians Chapter 4 40:11 verses 14 through 17. 40:15 Bill, can you read that for us. 40:17 For if we believe that Jesus died and rouse again, 40:20 even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. 40:24 For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, 40:27 that we who are alive and remain until 40:29 the coming of the Lord will by no means precede 40:32 those who are asleep. For the Lord Himself will 40:35 descend from heaven with a shout, 40:37 with the voice of an archangel, 40:38 and with the trumpet of God. 40:40 And the dead in Christ will rise first. 40:43 Then those who are alive and remain shall be caught up 40:46 together with them in the clouds 40:48 to meet the Lord in the air. 40:49 And thus we shall always be with the Lord. 40:53 Thank you Bill. Now here describing 40:55 the second coming, a beautiful scene, 40:58 it's talking that. First it describes Jesus 41:00 talking about it says, describes it as sleep again. 41:04 He sees even so then, also which sleep in Jesus 41:07 will God bring with him. He now says for this way, 41:12 for this we say unto you by the word of the Lord. 41:17 This is what the word of God says. 41:20 What happens to those who are alive and remain? 41:29 We will not precede the ones that were asleep, 41:33 so that means those who went to sleep, 41:35 who die are now still there, they are sleeping. 41:38 It says now for the Lord himself shall descend from 41:41 heaven with a shout, its all clear when He comes 41:44 the second time, and they are again 41:47 mentions the trump light, we read in First Corinthians 41:50 and then it says that we who are alive, 41:54 and remain will be caught up together with those 41:57 who were raised, and we will go together 42:01 to heaven, together to heaven. 42:04 Here it goes step by step of what happens when Jesus comes, 42:08 and it shows us that those who have died in Christ, 42:12 it says those who sleep in Jesus, 42:15 they're not in heaven, they will be resurrected 42:19 in the second coming. And they will be caught up 42:23 with us together in the clouds, 42:26 and we will together go to spend eternity with God. 42:32 The Bible is clear on the state of a person who is dead. 42:38 The Bible shows us that God created man, 42:43 it put the breath of life in man, 42:46 and man became a living soul. And so when that breath or 42:51 that Spirit is taken away, then man dies. 42:56 We saw that when a man dies, then his thoughts are gone, 43:01 his feelings are gone, his plans gone. 43:06 The person has ceased to exist. 43:10 And the Bible describes this as sleep, 43:14 or a state of rest. They're resting, 43:18 waiting for the second coming. And on the second coming, 43:24 those who are resting in Jesus will be resurrected, 43:29 and those who have remained or alive, 43:32 will be caught up together and together the Bible says 43:36 together we shall go to heaven. 43:39 We shall go to heaven together. Let's look at 43:42 First John Chapter 5 verses 11 through 13, 43:48 First John Chapter 5 verses 11 through 13. 43:52 As we think about this beautiful day, 43:55 the scene that we just saw of Jesus coming again, 43:59 we're going to see the promise as given to us in 44:02 First John Chapter 5 11 through 13. 44:05 This is the 15th text of our study. 44:08 You are going to mark it on your Bible, 44:10 as it shows on the screen, 15SD. 44:13 We just came from First Thessalonians Chapter 4 44:16 verses 14 through 17. 44:18 And this is the last text of our study, 44:21 so you are going to put end at the bottom of that line. 44:25 We're in First John Chapter 5 verses 11 through 13. 44:32 Mike, can you read that for us. 44:35 And this is the record that God hath 44:37 given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 44:40 He that hath the Son hath life; 44:42 and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. 44:47 These things have I written unto you that believe 44:49 on the name of the Son of God; 44:51 that ye may know that ye have eternal life, 44:53 and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. 44:57 Thank you Mike. Now, here it gives us a 45:00 record that God has given us what? 45:04 Eternal life. Where is this life? 45:08 In His son Jesus, in His son Jesus. 45:12 So, if we have His son, we can have this eternal life. 45:17 Now why is John writing this here? 45:22 It says so that we can believe, 45:23 he says that you will know that you eternal life, 45:25 and you will believe, so that we may believe 45:28 on the name of the son of God. 45:31 The Bible makes it clear, that only God is immortal. 45:37 Eternal life is found in Jesus, 45:41 and only by receiving Him can we receive immortality. 45:47 It says your desire to receive the life 45:51 that Jesus offers. Amen. That's my desire too. 45:58 You know when He comes that second time, 46:00 and we receive that body, the immortal body and 46:05 everything that He has for us, 46:06 we're going to be so grateful, and there is nothing 46:10 that you have gone through on this life, 46:15 nothing that will seem like a big thing. 46:18 Everything will look small compared 46:20 to what He has for us, life eternal, life eternal. 46:25 Let us pray. Dear Lord, and Heavenly Father, 46:28 we thank you that You have given us answers, 46:32 clear answers from Your word, on what happens to a person 46:36 when they die. And we thank you Lord 46:39 that we do not have to just think about death 46:44 as the end of a person's life, but that we've been promised 46:47 more beyond the grave. We thank you Lord that 46:51 You have made it possible for us to receive salvation, 46:54 to receive life eternal to Jesus, Your son. 46:59 And Lord today we all desire to have that eternal life, 47:04 and we want to receive Jesus in our hearts. 47:07 And I pray dear Lord, that You help us to do our part Lord, 47:10 that we will be able to receive Him, 47:13 and to keep Him in our lives, 47:15 this is our prayer in Jesus name, amen, Amen. 47:20 Now we're gonna go over a text that seems to pop up 47:24 every time this study is done. 47:26 It's a text that some people are confused about, 47:29 and found in Luke Chapter 23 verse 42 and 43. 47:37 And this verse says "Today you will be with Me in Paradise." 47:42 Jesus talking to the one that was next to Him on the cross, 47:48 He promised him to be in Paradise. 47:51 And now because of the way He has word it, 47:53 people think well if He is going to be that same day in 47:55 Paradise with Him. He is promising him that 47:57 He die and goes straight to heaven. 48:00 But we saw in the study that's, 48:01 that's not what the Bible teaches, 48:03 so we're gonna see what is the misconception on this. 48:06 We know the Bible will not contradict itself, 48:08 so we've to look carefully at this text to see why it 48:12 seems to say this. We're in 48:15 Luke chapter 23 verse 42 and verse 43. 48:24 I'm sorry, let me get there myself, 48:26 chapter 23 verse 42 and 43. And it says, 48:31 and he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou 48:36 comest into thy kingdom. Now this man has recognized 48:39 Jesus to be the Savior, 48:41 in his very last moments in life, 48:45 and he has chosen to receive Jesus. 48:48 And because he chose to receive Jesus, 48:50 we saw how the Bible says that, 48:51 if you receive Jesus, you receive life eternal. 48:53 So, because he chose to receive Jesus, 48:56 Jesus answers. And Jesus said unto him, 48:58 Verily I say unto thee, 49:02 shalt thou be with me in Paradise, 49:08 thou shall be with me in Paradise. 49:10 Jesus is making a promise to this man, right here. 49:14 Now we saw through the Bible study which we went through, 49:19 that the Bible teaches that people do not go straight 49:22 to heaven, so why is Jesus promising 49:25 here that today in that same day, 49:27 He will be in Paradise with him. 49:30 Now we're going to see, we're going to keep reading 49:32 a little bit more in this same story to see exactly 49:36 what's happening here. Now if you go down to 49:39 verse 54, its says, 49:41 And that day was the preparation, 49:44 and the Sabbath drew on. This is the day that Jesus 49:47 died on the cross, preparation which is what day? 49:50 Friday, so Jesus died on Friday on the preparation day, 49:55 continuing on verse 55. And the women also which 50:00 came with him from Galilee, followed after, 50:03 and beheld the sepulcher and how his body was laid. 50:09 And they returned, and prepared spices 50:11 and ointments; and rested in the 50:13 Sabbath day according to the commandment. 50:15 So, He died on the Friday, 50:17 they rested the following day, and now lets look at 50:20 verse 1 on Chapter 24, it says now upon the 50:23 first day of the week, what day is that? 50:25 Sunday, so now as the day has passed in 50:29 between and a Sunday, 50:32 now upon the first day of the week, 50:34 very early in the morning they came unto the sepulcher, 50:38 bringing the spices which they had prepared and so 50:41 in others with them. So, we see Jesus die 50:44 on Friday, and Sunday this is happening. 50:46 Now we're going to continue seeing a little bit more about 50:49 what happens on this day, Luke Chapter 23, 50:54 I mean John Chapter 20 verse 16 and 17, 50:59 John Chapter 20 verse 16 and 17. 51:09 We left it where it was Sunday, 51:12 He had died on Friday, and this is Sunday. 51:17 The woman had prepared the spices, it is Sunday. 51:21 We're in Chapter 20 verse 16 and 17. 51:29 Actually list our, I'm gonna read verse 1, 51:32 it says, the first day of the week cometh 51:34 Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, 51:38 unto the sepulcher, and seeth the stone taken away 51:42 from the sepulcher. So, here its just establishing 51:45 that again that is the first day of the week. 51:48 Then going down, we're gonna read starting from 51:51 verse 11. It says: 51:53 But Mary stood without at the sepulcher weeping: 51:58 and as she wept, she stooped down, 52:01 and looked into the sepulcher. 52:03 And seeth two angels in white sitting, 52:07 the one at the head, and the other at the feet, 52:11 where the body of Jesus had lain. 52:14 And they say unto her, Woman, 52:17 why weepest thou? She saith unto them, 52:19 Because they have taken away my Lord, 52:23 and I know not where they have laid him. 52:27 And when she had thus said, she returned herself back, 52:31 and saw who, Jesus standing, 52:34 and knew not that it was Jesus. 52:37 And Jesus saith unto her, Woman, why weepest thou? 52:41 Whom seekest thou? She, supposing 52:45 him to be the gardener, saith unto him, 52:47 Sir, if thou have borne him hence, 52:51 tell me where thou hast laid him, 52:53 and I will take him away. Now Jesus says unto her, 52:58 Mary. She turned herself, and saith unto him, 53:02 Rabboni; which is to say Master. 53:06 So, at this point you recognizes 53:08 who she is talking to. 53:10 And Jesus says unto her, Touch me not; 53:14 for I am not yet ascended to my Father: 53:19 but go to my brethren, and say unto them, 53:22 I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; 53:26 and to my God, and your God. 53:29 Now this is Sunday, Jesus died on Friday, 53:33 the women rested on the Sabbath, 53:36 and came back on Sunday, 53:37 here is Mary looking for Jesus, 53:40 weeping because she can't find Him, 53:41 and Jesus tells her not to touch Him why? 53:48 He has not ascended on to heaven. 53:51 Now Jesus promised that man on the cross 53:55 that He that day would be with him in Paradise, 54:00 and Jesus has not gone onto heaven yet, 54:04 what does that make Jesus? 54:09 A liar. Now we know that 54:13 Jesus cannot lie, so there has to be something 54:16 here that is leading us to misunderstand this passage. 54:21 So, we're gonna back to the passage in 54:23 Luke 23 verses 42 and 43. When these passages were 54:33 written in the original, there is no punctuation. 54:38 The punctuation was put later. 54:41 Now if you see that same statement that Jesus said, 54:46 I say to you today you will be with me in Paradise. 54:51 If you look at the screen, the top portion is how 54:54 it's written on the Bible. "I say to you, 54:58 today you will be with Me in Paradise." 55:01 This is a comma that was added afterwards. 55:05 The people who were working with this 55:08 and added those punctuations, thought it to go best there. 55:12 But if we move that comma after today, then it will say, 55:15 "I say to you today you will be with Me in Paradise." 55:21 Now because we know that He did not go that same day, 55:26 then we know He could not have meant that today 55:30 He was going to be in heaven with him. 55:33 We know the Bible shows us that, 55:34 so then we can safely say that the comma 55:37 was just in the wrong place. If we just move the comma 55:40 then it will say, Jesus is just making a point, 55:46 and showing us something important today I tell you. 55:51 And usually we use phrases like that or words like this 55:55 to emphasize what we're about to say. 55:58 Jesus wanted this man who had lived a sinful life to have 56:03 certainty that his sins had been forgiven. 56:08 This man, he was in the last moments of his life. 56:11 He had lived a sinful life, 56:12 he knew that he deserved death. 56:17 But at that last moment he recognized Jesus as the Savior 56:22 and he received Him. And the Bible says 56:25 Jesus has life eternal, and if we receive Him, 56:29 we shall be saved. So, this man as he receive Jesus, 56:32 he received life eternal. 56:33 Jesus was just assuring him of that. 56:36 Anytime we find ourselves in something 56:41 in the Bible where we're confused, 56:43 or not understanding, it seems like a contradicts, 56:46 we need to spend time really trying to see 56:49 what the Bible is saying, and because we found evidences 56:53 that He was not there on that day, 56:55 then we look at what else could be there that 56:58 could be wrong. We don't know where the commas 57:00 or the punctuations would have gone. 57:03 These people just put it where it make more sense to them. 57:07 So, it is only because of the evidences that we have, 57:12 we can conclude that the comma was just in the wrong place, 57:14 and this is something that just clarifies the whole idea of 57:18 Jesus promising a man to be in heaven right after he died, 57:24 when the Bible clearly teaches that this is not so. 57:28 Does that make it clear? 57:32 Thank you very much, 57:33 we thank you for joining us in our study. 57:35 We're going to continue to do more studies on the 57:39 different teachings of the Bible, 57:41 and we want you to join us, so, please keep us in mind, 57:44 and join us next time. |
Revised 2014-12-17