Participants: Scott Moore (Host)
Series Code: LOE
Program Code: LOE000015
00:01 Harvest truly is plenteous,
00:03 but the laborers are few. 00:04 Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, 00:06 that he will send forth laborers into his harvest. 00:10 Also, I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 00:13 "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" 00:17 Then said I, "Here am I. Send me, Send me!" 00:23 Life on the Edge will enable you to be 00:25 infected harvest before the Lord. 00:27 We now invite you into our 00:29 classroom to come, experience life. 00:43 We're so glad that you could be back here in 00:45 the classroom with us at the 00:46 Lay Institute For Evangelism. 00:48 You have turned on your television today 00:51 to watch the 10th study of our Life on 00:55 the Edge series. The title for the study 00:59 is the Millennium. Does anybody know what 01:01 Millennium stands for? Thousand years! 01:03 Thousand years! That's absolutely right. 01:06 The millennium is a thousand year period and 01:09 it's a literal time period, it's not a 01:12 prophetic time period other than the fact 01:14 that it's in the future and we know that it's 01:16 going to happen. If you take a look at your 01:18 screen there, you will see at the top the title 01:20 of the study is Millennium. The code for marking 01:23 it in your Bibles is the letter M that stands 01:26 for millennium. The purpose of this 01:28 study is to show that the millennium begins 01:32 at the Second Coming of Jesus. 01:35 It is a period of judicial review that culminates 01:40 in the eternal destruction of the wicked. 01:44 So the purpose of this study today is to show 01:47 that the thousand year period begins at the 01:51 Second Coming of Jesus. And it ends a thousand 01:55 years later where the wicked are destroyed 01:59 for eternity. Now this Bible study is centered 02:02 on Christ just like all of our other studies 02:04 have been. This way it says, 02:07 Christ allows His followers, the opportunity 02:11 to review the decisions that He and the Father 02:14 have made. He allows us to see that He is fair 02:18 and just in all of His ways. You and I serve a God 02:25 that is willing to allow us to look at 02:28 everything He, all of the decisions that 02:31 He has ever made concerning man, 02:33 or anything other thing for that matter. 02:35 God's life is so open. God want you an eye 02:40 to have all doubt removed as to the 02:43 decisions that He has made. 02:45 Because you remember when we started in our 02:47 3rd Bible study that, Bible study on The 02:49 Great Controversy that Satan was insinuating 02:53 that God was not fair, God was not just. 02:56 And God is going to allow his character to be 02:59 vindicated in that thousand year period. 03:02 What you see there on the slide now are the 03:05 references in this Bible study called 03:08 the Millennium. There are 17 references there 03:12 and this Bible study should take, should take 03:14 approximately an hour to give so that's about 03:16 how long we're gonna be here today. 03:18 So we won't take up all of your day, or all 03:20 of your night if you're watching this at home, 03:22 just a little bit of time. So we're glad you 03:24 here with us, we will go ahead and go now to our, 03:26 the next slice tells us that there are two classes 03:31 or two groups of people that will be resurrected. 03:35 And thank you Tom. Tom has just reminded 03:37 me and Shalita. I see two, two people doing 03:40 like this. That's an indication that we need 03:42 to pray before we study the Bible, so let's pray. 03:47 Father what a privilege it is to be here at Life, 03:51 to be studying your word. We know that 03:55 when your word is studied that your spirit 03:57 is poured out. And we thank you Father for 04:00 giving us this opportunity here in the classroom 04:03 and those of us at home the opportunity to study 04:06 your word right now. We ask that you will 04:10 open our minds so that we can understand it, 04:13 so that we can take it into our hearts and love it. 04:17 We pray this in your name Jesus, amen. 04:21 So there are two classes of people or two groups 04:24 of people that are resurrected and so 04:28 we're just gonna look at that right now. 04:29 We're not gonna say when they're resurrected 04:31 we'll look at that in just a moment. 04:33 But we're gonna go to John chapter 5 verses 04:35 28 and 29. John chapter 5 verses 28 and 29, 04:40 we'll let Mike read this for us. 04:42 Now Mike let suppose that I'm new to the Bible, 04:46 this is the first time that I've turned on 04:48 the television and they're, they're watching 04:50 this program. How do I get to The New Testament 04:52 book of John? Help me get that? Well Matthew 04:54 is the first book of The New Testament, 04:56 that's about three quarters of the way 04:59 through the Bible. Alright, well I got 05:01 Matthew here now where do I go? Go to the right, 05:04 it goes Matthew, Mark, Luke and then John. 05:07 Okay. And we're going where in John? 05:09 John chapter 5 and verse 28 and 29. That's good. 05:14 Now you see how Mike walked us right to 05:17 John chapter 5 verses 28 and 29. 05:19 You have to do that when you give Bible 05:21 studies because you'll study with people that 05:22 don't know anything about the Bible. 05:25 But you're the one that God has chosen to share 05:27 this with them, and maybe God has chosen 05:29 Mike to share this passage with us today. 05:33 Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, 05:36 in the which all that are in the graves shall 05:38 hear his voice. And shall come forth; they that 05:41 have done good, unto the resurrection of life; 05:44 and they that have done evil, unto the 05:46 resurrection of damnation. And so how many, 05:49 Mike go on keep that, how many resurrections 05:51 or how many classes of people do we resurrected? 05:54 Two! What are the two groups? The righteous 05:57 and the wicked! The righteous and the wicked! 05:59 So does everybody see that? We have two groups 06:01 of people that are resurrected, one group 06:03 is called the righteous and one group is called 06:05 the wicked. Let's look at this another reference. 06:07 The Bible tells us in the mouth of two or three 06:10 witnesses, the truth has established. 06:12 So Roberto, we're gonna go to Acts chapter 24. 06:16 So for those view at home, those of you here 06:18 you just gonna turn one book to the right from 06:20 John and you will be in Acts chapter 24 and 06:26 verse 15. Acts 24 and verse 15, Roberto; 24 06:33 and 15. Yeah Acts 24 verse 15. I have hope, 06:39 I have hope in God, which they themselves 06:43 also accept, that there will be a resurrection 06:48 of the dead, both of the just and the unjust. 06:52 Okay. So Roberto, how many groups of people 06:55 do you see resurrected in that verse? Two. Two. 06:58 A group called the just and a group called 07:01 the what? Unjust. The unjust. 07:03 So there are two classes or two groups of people 07:07 that are resurrected, is that clear? My question 07:11 now Tom is, when are these groups of 07:15 people resurrected? When are they resurrected? 07:18 And we'll go to our next reference for that. 07:20 And there is, well you have a slide it says when 07:22 do these resurrections take place? 07:24 And then our next slide takes us to 07:26 First Thessalonians chapter 4 verses 15, 07:29 16 and 17. Now should sound very familiar to us 07:33 because in our last program we studied the 07:35 Second Coming and we read these references 07:38 right here. So the T section of 07:40 The New Testament, First Thessalonians chapter 4 07:44 starting in verse 15 and go on through 17. 07:47 For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, 07:51 that we who are alive and remain unto the coming 07:54 of the Lord will by no means precede those 07:57 who are asleep. For the Lord himself will 08:00 descend from heaven with a shout, with the 08:03 voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet 08:05 of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first: 08:09 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught 08:12 up together with them in the clouds, to meet the 08:15 Lord in the air and thus we shall always be forever 08:19 with the Lord. So go back into verse 16, 08:22 it said there and the dead in, well I should start 08:25 at the beginning. For the Lord himself shall 08:28 descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice 08:31 of the archangel, with the trumpet of God: 08:34 and the dead in Christ shall raise what? First. 08:38 First. Now in the context if we just said first right 08:41 there considering the question I just ask you 08:44 would say whether dead in Christ must raise 08:45 first before anybody else does. 08:47 But in the context that first word is simply 08:51 talking about the righteous that were dead 08:54 or resurrected and meet the Lord in the air 08:56 before the righteous living meet the Lord 08:59 in the air. It's also important that we meet 09:01 the Lord where? In the air. You remember in 09:04 our Second Coming study we learn that 09:05 Jesus will never put his feet on the foul 09:08 earth again. Not since He has gone back to heaven 09:11 and been completely glorified. 09:13 So the Bible tells us right here in verse 16 09:16 that the dead in Christ will raise. 09:19 What is the event that the dead in Christ raise? 09:23 Say louder. Second Coming of Jesus. 09:26 That's absolutely right. So our question was, 09:29 when do these resurrections take 09:31 place with the resurrection of the righteous, 09:34 with the resurrection of those that died in 09:36 Christ takes place at the Second Coming of Jesus. 09:42 Is that make sense Bill? Alright. 09:44 So you'll see here on the screen I simply 09:46 have a graphic. Just have a little line there 09:48 with an arrow pointing at it. It says this at the 09:51 Second Coming the righteous are raised. 09:54 So if you and I should away before Jesus 09:57 returns when will you and I want to be 09:59 resurrected? At the Second Coming, 10:02 when Jesus returns. So let's go to our 10:05 next question. What happens to the wicked 10:09 at the Second Coming of Jesus? What happens 10:13 to the wicked at the Second Coming of Jesus? 10:15 And Jessica, we're going to ask you to read for us. 10:18 Second Thessalonians chapter 1 verses 7 10:22 through 9 so we don't have to turn very for 10:25 it all, do we? Second Thessalonians chapter 1 10:28 verses 7 through 9. And to you who are troubled 10:33 rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be 10:37 revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, 10:40 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that 10:43 know not God, and that obey not the gospel 10:47 of our Lord Jesus Christ. Who shall be punished 10:50 with everlasting destruction from the 10:53 presence of the Lord, and from the glory of 10:55 his power? Okay now who is it according to 10:58 verse 9, it says, no verse 8 rather says 11:03 in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that 11:05 know not God, and that obey not the gospel 11:11 of our Lord Jesus Christ. Who is it that doesn't 11:13 obey God and doesn't obey the gospel of our 11:17 Lord Jesus Christ, who is that? It's the unrighteous 11:21 or the wicked. Now notice in verse 9, it says who 11:25 shall be punished, who is this talking about? 11:27 The wicked. The wicked will be punished with 11:30 everlasting destruction from the what? 11:32 From the presence of the Lord. Now when is it that 11:38 the Lord's presence is revealed? It's at the 11:42 Second Coming. So the very event where the 11:46 righteous are raised and the righteous living 11:50 go to heaven, the very event that very same 11:53 time is when the wicked are what? Destroyed, 11:57 that's when the wicked are slain. 11:59 Now Jeremiah an Old Testament prophet tells 12:02 us this in a much more vivid way. 12:04 So let's go to our next reference. 12:07 We're going to Jeremiah chapter 25, 12:11 reading verses 30 through 33. Jeremiah 25, 12:15 we'll ask Shalita to read this for us. 12:18 Jeremiah 25 verses 30 through to 33. Okay. 12:28 Therefore prophesy thou against them 12:30 all these words, and say unto them, 12:34 The Lord shall roar from on high, and utter 12:37 his voice from his holy habitation; he shall 12:41 mightily roar upon his habitation; 12:44 he shall give a shout. He shall give a what? 12:46 A shout. He shall give a what? A shout. 12:49 Now the Bible told us in First Thessalonians 4 12:52 verse 16 that the Lord himself shall descend 12:56 from heaven with a what? Shout. 13:00 So the event that is talked about here when 13:02 the Lord is shouting is the Second Coming of Jesus. 13:07 That's how we know this is the Second Coming 13:09 of Jesus because the Lord is shouting. 13:11 When is that the Lord shouted in 13:13 First Thessalonians 4? At this Second Coming. 13:16 So here, let's keep reading now, we know from the 13:18 context that this talking about the Second Coming 13:21 of Jesus. So let's keep reading. 13:24 He shall give a shout as they that tread the grapes, 13:28 against all the inhabitants of the earth. 13:31 A noise shall come even to the ends of the earth; 13:35 for the Lord hath a controversy with 13:37 the nations, he will plead with all flesh; 13:40 he will give them that are wicked to the sword, 13:42 saith the Lord. Okay stop right there again. 13:45 He shall give those that are wicked to the what? 13:48 To the sword. You remember in our last 13:50 Bible study. Our Bible study about the 13:52 Second Coming the very last reference that 13:55 we read was Revelation 19, is anybody remembered 13:58 the verse? It was verse 21. I'll read it for you 14:02 real quick here Revelation 19 verse 21, it says, 14:07 And the remnant were slain with the sword of 14:11 him that sat upon the horse, which sword 14:14 proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls 14:16 were filled with their flesh. Now who was 14:18 it that the birds ate? The wicked people. 14:23 So the sword kills what people the wicked people. 14:28 So over here in Jeremiah 25 the Lord is shouting 14:31 the wicked people being slain and what is it say 14:35 in verse 32 and 33? Thus saith the LORD of hosts, 14:40 Behold, evil shall go forth from nation to nation, 14:44 and a great whirlwind shall be raised up from 14:48 the coasts of the earth. And the slain of the Lord 14:51 shall be at that day from one end of the 14:54 earth even unto the other end of the earth. 14:57 Okay stop right there. Who is the slain of the 15:00 Lord on that day? Who are they? The wicked. 15:05 That's right. Now keep reading. 15:08 They shall not be lamented, neither 15:11 gathered, nor buried; they shall be dung upon 15:15 the ground. Okay so the wicked will not be 15:17 lamented what is that mean, to be lamented? 15:20 Cried over or mourn. They shall not be lamented 15:23 neither gathered nor buried they shall be dung 15:28 upon the ground. Why is it that the 15:31 wicked on this, at the Second Coming are not 15:35 lamented gathered or buried. There is nobody 15:41 here just notice on your screen there. 15:42 At the Second Coming of Jesus the righteous 15:46 are raised the wicked are slain. 15:49 There is nobody on the face of the earth to cry 15:53 for them there is no body to gather them together 15:57 and there is nobody to burry them. 16:00 So it's at the same event the same event the 16:05 righteous are resurrected and the wicked are what, 16:07 the wicked are slain now when you give 16:09 this Bible study, do exactly what you see 16:12 here on the screen. What we've started 16:14 is a chart, and this chart simply it's gonna 16:16 extend from one end of the screen to the other 16:18 end of the screen. Now we're just gonna add 16:20 things as we go through. But we've got to do 16:24 now is we're gonna to the book of Revelation 16:26 I believe that's our next reference is that right? 16:28 Now we're going to Revelation, 16:29 well let's ask this question. 16:30 What happens to Satan at the Second Coming 16:34 of Jesus? What happens to Satan at the Second 16:37 Coming of Jesus? Let's go to Revelation chapter 20. 16:41 Revelation chapter 20 verses 1, 2 and 3 and Bill 16:46 if you can read this for us, now some of you 16:48 may see Bill stand up during class, he's got 16:51 a hip that sort to gets tired on him. 16:53 So you may see him standing in the back 16:55 at some point that's alright he is still here 16:57 with us. Verses 1, 2, and 3 Bill. 16:59 And I saw an angel coming down from heaven, 17:02 having the key to the bottomless pit and a great 17:04 chain in his hand. He laid hold of the dragon, 17:08 that serpent of old who is the Devil, and Satan, 17:11 and bound him for a thousand years. 17:13 Okay stop right there Bill let me ask you 17:15 a question. What is the job of the devil right now? 17:18 To tempt us. To tempt us to deceive us, 17:22 that's right. To get us to sin right? 17:24 So here the devil that old serpent Satan is going 17:28 to be bound for how long according to verse 2. 17:30 Thousand years. For thousand years. 17:32 So Satan is bound, his job right now is to 17:35 tempt people, read verse 3. And He cast him into 17:38 the bottomless pit, and shut him up, 17:40 and set a seal on him so that he should deceive 17:43 the nations no more, till the thousand years 17:46 were finished. But after these things he must 17:48 be released for a little while. There's so much 17:50 in that verse 3, isn't that? That verse 3 says. 17:53 And cast him into the bottomless pit, 17:55 and shut him up, and set a seal on him that 17:57 he should deceive the nations no more. 18:00 So there comes a point in time where Satan is 18:04 no longer able to deceive people. 18:08 What point in time is that? When who is not alive? 18:13 When the people that will listen to Satan are no 18:16 longer alive, and when the people that chosen 18:19 not to listen to Satan are now off of this planet 18:22 they met the Lord in the air and now they're 18:24 in heaven. It is at that moment that Satan 18:29 is bound; notice this by his change of circumstance 18:35 when there is nobody to tempt. Notice that in 18:38 verse 3 it says that he should deceive the nations 18:44 no more. The point in the future when Satan cannot 18:50 deceive the nations anymore is when Satan 18:53 is bound. But also at the end of verse 3 notice 18:57 what it says. It says he should deceive the 19:00 nations no more till thousand years should 19:04 be fulfilled. And after that he must be loosed 19:08 a little season. So that thousand years begins 19:11 when there was no one to tempt. 19:12 So it begins at the second coming of Jesus. 19:14 It goes for a thousand years and at the end 19:17 of that thousand years Satan is going to be loosed 19:19 out of his prison, what does that mean? 19:23 There will be people there to tempt. 19:25 That's absolutely right. But the wicked were 19:28 slain at the second coming of Jesus. 19:30 We're gonna find out later on in this study that 19:32 the wicked are going to be resurrected and 19:34 that's how Satan gets out of the predicament that 19:37 he is in. So there it said simply that this angel 19:43 casts Him into a bottomless pit. 19:44 Now this has a connotation. 19:47 Some people will read this and they say wow 19:48 that must be a deep hole. But the word that 19:53 is used here by John the revelator. 19:55 When he writes in Revelation chapter 20 19:58 bottomless pit and Revelation chapter, 20:00 that was verse 1 and then in verse 3 20:02 bottomless pit. He is using the language from the 20:06 Septuagint out of Genesis chapter 1 20:10 and notice here on your screen you see 20:11 this graphic. The bottomless pit in Greek 20:14 is abussos. If you and I were to look in 20:17 Genesis chapter 1 verse 2 in the Septuagint 20:20 or the Greek translation of the Old Testament 20:23 we would notice in verse 2 that darkness was upon 20:26 the face of the deep. That word for deep in 20:30 the Septuagint or the Greek translation of the 20:32 Old Testament is abussos. The very same word that 20:36 is used in Revelation chapter 20 verse 1 and 20:39 Revelation chapter 20 verse 3. This is a 20:43 description of the earth after Jesus' 20:48 Second Coming. Now notice this on your screen. 20:51 Satan is bound by his change of circumstance 20:55 here on this desolate earth. 20:59 Now we're gonna show this in our next reference. 21:02 Let's go to our next reference this is 21:03 Jeremiah chapter 4, Jeremiah chapter 4 21:08 beginning in verse 23. Jeremiah chapter 4 21:12 and verse, Isaiah Jeremiah chapter 4 21:16 and verse 23 through 27 and Mrs. Gloria 21:24 if you could read this for us, I'm going to 21:25 interrupt you a little bit during this alright. 21:29 I beheld the earth, and indeed it was 21:33 without form, and void; and the heavens, 21:37 they had no light. Okay Mrs. Gloria, what does it 21:40 sound like? Something like very besotted. 21:45 It sounds like it wasn't prior to creation, 21:47 doesn't it? Yeah. So right here when we 21:50 start reading this we think through ourselves 21:52 oh this is just talking about creation but 21:54 keep reading. Remember the context is as important 21:58 as the verse you want to full information out of. 22:01 So keep reading give us the context Mrs. Gloria. 22:04 I beheld the mountains, and, indeed they trembled, 22:08 and all the hills moved back in forth. 22:11 I beheld, and indeed there was no man, 22:14 and all the birds of the heavens were fled. 22:17 Okay stop right there. So evidently there were 22:19 men and there were what? Birds but now even 22:23 the birds are gone. Keep reading. 22:26 I beheld, and indeed the fruitful man 22:30 was a wilderness, and all the cities were broken 22:34 down and at the presence of the Lord, 22:36 by his fierce anger. Okay stop right there. 22:40 All the cities were broken down by the what? 22:42 Presence of the Lord and when does the Lord 22:47 appear in all of his glory? At the Second Coming. 22:50 So even the here is the Second Coming. 22:52 The birds are gonna be gone there is no man left; 22:56 it's describing the condition of the earth 22:59 after the second coming of Jesus. 23:02 Then it said there in verse 26 the cities 23:07 there were broken down at the presence of the 23:08 Lord and by his fierce anger. 23:10 What's another word for anger? Wrath. 23:14 When is God's wrath poured out before the 23:16 Second Coming or after the Second Coming? 23:19 It's before the Second Coming and he comes 23:22 at the end of the wrath of God or the anger of 23:25 God being poured out. So we know that the context 23:28 of this passage is the second coming of Jesus. 23:32 Now keep reading that last text there for us, 23:35 the last reference verse 27. For thus hath the 23:38 Lord, the whole land shall be desolate; 23:42 yet will I not make a full end. Okay now I want 23:46 you to take that phrase yet will I not make a 23:48 full length. Mrs. Gloria I want you to just put it 23:50 on the desk right there in front of you, okay. 23:52 Just put that phrase down and we're gonna pick 23:54 that phrase up and we're gonna look at it 23:56 just a little bit. It's at the Second Coming 23:59 of Jesus that this earth becomes like an abussos. 24:05 Like without form and void just like 24:07 it was prior to creation, the cities are 24:09 broken down. It is a desolate place and 24:14 Satan is here suffering by thinking about 24:19 what's going to be his final end. 24:21 Notice what the, our graphic appear. 24:23 The next line. The Second Coming the righteous 24:26 are raised, at the Second Coming the 24:28 wicked are slain. At the Second Coming, 24:31 the Second Coming starts the thousand years are 24:34 the millennial period and Satan is bound to earth. 24:39 Is everybody clear so far? Is this clear to us? 24:43 Tom you got it. Okay. When you draw a chart 24:47 it helps people to see the events when they 24:50 are happening. Now when I'm giving this Bible 24:52 study in somebody's home I'll actually take 24:54 the references and I put the references 24:56 about this. I turn my paper not, may 24:58 I borrow this? I turn my paper not like this 25:01 when I'm taking the notes or while I'm giving 25:03 a study I turn it like this because I know 25:05 I'm gonna draw my chart across the center 25:07 part right here and then I'm gonna have second 25:10 coming appear with the text that show that 25:12 and then wicked being slain down here with 25:13 the text that show that. Then I've got my 25:15 thousand year line and then a line going down 25:17 that shows Satan being bound to this earth for 25:19 thousand years and I've got my text down there. 25:22 Because when you do that, that's gonna stick 25:24 in somebody's mind in a much more forceful way 25:28 then if they can't see it. So that's why you see 25:31 that graphic up there so you're taking notes 25:33 and then of course you have those graphics 25:35 on your server here and you can just get those 25:37 off of that. So it is at the Second of Coming 25:41 of Jesus that the earth is returned to the 25:45 condition that it was in without form and void 25:48 prior to creation. So Satan just down here in the 25:52 desolate world, it sounds like pretty miserable 25:54 place to be, right Bill? I'll tell you what that 25:56 when the Lord comes you don't hit worry anymore. 25:58 Praise God! Praise God, that's right. 26:00 Let's go to our next slide what are the righteous 26:03 doing during the Millennium? What are the 26:07 wicked doing? You tell me what are the wicked doing? 26:10 They're dead. The wicked are dead during the 26:12 Millennium or the thousand years what are the 26:14 righteous doing. How do we know that? Ha, ha, 26:19 well let's go to our next slide. You're absolutely 26:21 right Roberto. Let's go to Revelation 20 verses 6 26:26 and then verse 4. Notice the order that it's in, 26:28 we're gonna read verse 6 then we're going to 26:30 read verse 4 and you'll want to do that when 26:32 you give the studies as well. Revelation chapter 26:38 20 verse 6 and then verse 4 and Danielle 26:43 can you read this for us? Blessed and holy is he 26:48 that hath part in the first resurrection. 26:50 Okay hang on. Who is it that gets raised 26:53 in the first resurrection? The righteous. 26:55 Blessed in holy are the righteous. 26:57 Those that take part in the first resurrection, 26:59 keeping going. On such the second death hath 27:03 no power, but they shall be priests of God 27:06 and of Christ, and shall reign with him a 27:08 thousand years. Oh! How long would they reign 27:10 with them? Thousand years! A thousand years. 27:12 How long a Satan bound? Thousand years. 27:15 The very same time period that the righteous 27:18 live in reign with Christ Satan is bound. 27:22 That's very significant, isn't it? The very same 27:25 time period Satan is bound the righteous 27:28 live in reign with Christ in heaven. 27:30 Alright now go to verse 4. And I saw thrones, 27:36 and they sat upon them, and judgment was given 27:39 unto them. And I saw the souls of them that were 27:41 beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the 27:45 word of God, and which had not worshipped 27:47 the beast, neither his image, neither had 27:49 received his mark upon their foreheads, 27:51 or in their hands; and they lived and reigned 27:54 with Christ a thousand years. So the righteous 27:57 those that live in reign with Christ 28:00 for a thousand years are sitting on thrones. 28:03 Notice the first part of verse 4 said Revelation 28:07 20 verse 4 And I saw thrones, and they sat 28:10 upon them, and judgment was given unto them. 28:15 So what are the righteous doing on those thrones 28:19 for that thousand year period. They're judging. 28:22 My question is who are they judging? 28:26 Who are they judging? The wicked. 28:29 Let's go to First Corinthians chapter 6. 28:33 First Corinthians that's to the left from the 28:37 Book of Revelation, First Corinthians chapter 6 28:43 verse 2 and Tom can you read this for us. 28:46 First Corinthians 6 verse 2. Do ye not know that 28:51 the saints will judge the world? 28:53 And if the world will be judged by you, 28:55 are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? 28:58 Go ahead and read verse 3 as well Tom. 29:00 Do ye not know that we shall judge angels? 29:02 How much more things that pertain to this life? 29:06 Okay so we're gonna be judging the world and 29:09 we're gonna be judging what? Angels. 29:12 Are we're gonna be judging the wicked angels 29:14 or the good angels? The wicked angels. 29:17 We're gonna be judging the world, the righteous 29:19 world or the wicked world? The wicked world. 29:22 You and I are going to spend a thousand years 29:25 sitting on a throne with Christ having every 29:30 question answered as to why our mom isn't here, 29:35 or our grandma, or our papa, our grandpa. 29:40 Every question we have is going to be answered 29:45 because God is going to give us the opportunity 29:49 to look over all of those record books that have 29:52 been kept through out all of history past. 29:56 And God is going to let us look at those and then 30:00 we're going to be able to come to God 30:01 and we're going to be able to reason with him. 30:04 Isn't that what he said in Isaiah 1:18 come now 30:06 let us reason together, saith the Lord. 30:10 So God is going to allow us that one thousand 30:13 year period of reviewing the books. 30:18 Now what's gonna be in the books? 30:20 What's gonna be in those books. 30:22 Go to First Corinthians chapter 4 and verse 5. 30:28 First Corinthians chapter 4 and verse 5. 30:32 So we don't have to turn very far Mike, 30:35 if you wanna read this for us First Corinthians 30:37 chapter 4 and verse 5. Now I will interrupt you 30:40 several times here. Therefore judge nothing 30:43 before the time, until the Lord come. 30:46 Okay I'm interrupting you right there. 30:48 Therefore judge nothing before the what? 30:51 Before the time and then it describes the time 30:54 and that time is what? Until the Lord comes. 30:56 Until the Lord comes. So you and I are not to be 30:59 judging the world right now. 31:02 We're not to be judging the angels right now. 31:05 It says therefore judge nothing before the time 31:08 until the Lord comes. So what's the event when 31:13 the Lord comes that's almost redundant to ask 31:15 it that way but the Second Coming of Jesus 31:18 that's right. Now keep reading the rest of that 31:20 verse if you don't mind. Who both will bring to 31:23 light the hidden things of darkness, and will make 31:26 manifest the counsels of the hearts, and then 31:28 shall every man have praise of God. 31:30 Now we can't just skip over with that verse said. 31:34 That verse just said that every, it said it 31:40 will bring it will make manifest the counsels 31:44 of the heart, it will both, it will, who both 31:48 will bring to light the hidden things of darkness 31:51 and will make manifest the counsels of the heart. 31:54 It is during that thousand year period where the 31:59 saints sit with Christ an every evil thought, 32:05 every evil deed, every malicious thought that 32:12 screened through our mind toward somebody else. 32:15 If we have not ask forgiving us fault, 32:18 if we are not in the host of the redeemed 32:21 all of that will be written down for the 32:24 saints to see. I don't know about you but I'm 32:29 so grateful that God has promised me that 32:34 he would take my sins and throw them into the 32:36 depths of the sea. Jesus has promised that 32:39 he would take his blood and blood out 32:42 all of my sins. I want to be a saint of the 32:45 living God, because I don't want any of 32:48 you to know what I've done. Amen. 32:52 My friend you and I, you and I can make 32:56 our decision for Christ today. 32:58 Now notice even in this study we're not even 33:02 anywhere near the end of the study but 33:03 I'm already starting to make that appeal. 33:06 So when you give this study you want to make sure 33:08 that you begin to appeal early in the study so 33:11 if people will take small decisions all along the 33:14 way when it gets to end of your study and 33:16 they make, they will make, it will make the big 33:19 decision a lot easier. So Jesus is telling us 33:23 right here in this word that at his Second Coming 33:27 all of the wicked deeds of all of the wicked 33:30 people will be laid out for the righteous to say. 33:36 I'm not trying to scare anybody or terrify anyone. 33:39 But it is a dreadful thought to know that 33:43 if we're not in the Kingdom that we're going 33:47 to everything evil that we have ever done 33:49 it's going to be sin. Who knows? By our mother, 33:53 our grandma, our family, our friends. 33:59 But Jesus why isn't my husband here? 34:03 And Jesus just opens the books. 34:04 I can imagine that even at that point Jesus 34:08 will have tears in his eyes. And that's just 34:11 me imagining. He says well this, this is why, 34:16 let me show you. And you'll just want to turn 34:19 away from that and say I don't want to read it 34:21 and Jesus says but let me tell you. 34:23 You have to be clear on this because we're gonna 34:26 get to live together for eternity. 34:28 I don't want there to be any question in your mind 34:31 because I'm gonna wipe this out. 34:33 This record is going to begun and will never 34:36 remember it anymore. And so you and I will 34:40 sit with Jesus and he will answer our questions. 34:43 Let's go to our next reference. 34:45 The next reference we have is in Psalms 149. 34:48 And I'm excited about this reference because this 34:51 reference right here tells me that the Bible is 34:55 going to be the standard of the judgment of God. 34:59 The Bible is going to be the standard even during 35:02 that thousand year or that millennial time period. 35:06 So we're going to Psalm 149 and we'll ask 35:09 Mrs. Gloria to read this for us. 35:11 Psalm 149 and then verse, we begin in verse 4. 35:19 Psalm 149 verse 4. For the Lord taketh pleasure 35:27 in his people: he will beautify the humble 35:32 with salvation. Beautify. I'm sorry beautify. 35:35 Yeah. Let the saints be joyful in glory. 35:39 Okay stop right there. Mrs. Gloria where are 35:42 the saints. In glory. They're in glory. 35:45 Notice there in verse 4 it said the Lord taketh 35:49 pleasure in his people he will beautify the meek 35:51 or the humble with salvation. 35:53 When is it that we are changed in a moment 35:55 in the twinkling of an eye? When is that? 35:58 Second Coming of Jesus. So this is, this is after 36:03 the Second Coming of Jesus because now the Saints 36:05 are in glory. Keep reading there verse 5. 36:09 Let the saints be joyful in glory, then continue. 36:11 Let them sing aloud on their beds. 36:15 Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, 36:19 and a two-edged sword in their hand. 36:23 Mrs. Gloria what do they have in their hand? 36:25 Two edged sword. They have a two edged sword. 36:27 On the graphic you will notice on the screen, 36:29 on the graphic. Hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 36:31 and Ephesians chapter 6 and verse 17. 36:35 Hebrews 4:12 we won't take the time to read 36:37 it now. Hebrews 4:12 says that the Lord of God 36:40 is quick or alive and powerful. Sharper than 36:44 any two edged sword. Then if we read Ephesians 36:49 chapter 6 verse 17 we would see the Bible tell us 36:52 it would say the sword of the spirit which is the 36:56 word of God. So the saints are joyful in glory, 37:03 they've been beautified with salvation in 37:05 Psalm 149. They're in glory, they've been 37:08 beautified with salvation and they have a two 37:12 edged sword in their hand. Shalita what is 37:15 that they have in their hand? The Word of God. 37:20 The Word of God will be the standard 37:24 for the judgment. You and I will either be in 37:29 heaven holding the word of God looking 37:33 at the evil wicked deeds of men and comparing 37:36 what they did, what the Bible said they could have 37:38 or should have done? Will be up there doing 37:42 that or. We'll be judged by this book. 37:45 We'll be judged by this book. 37:48 We have a choice right now Shalita that 37:52 we can make our decision to be on the Lord 37:56 side today. So that we can make sure that 38:00 we're in heaven with the saints joyful in glory 38:05 in our beautiful glorified bodies. 38:08 We can make that choice today or we'll be 38:12 judged by this book during that thousand 38:15 year period. It's powerful isn't it? Can you keep 38:18 reading for us Mrs. Gloria. To execute vengeance 38:22 on the nations and punishments on the people; 38:26 to bind their Kings with chains, and their nobles 38:30 with fetters of iron; To execute them with the 38:34 written judgment. This honor have all his saints. 38:39 Praise ye the Lord. Amen. What is the 38:42 purpose of the saints having the two edged 38:47 sword or the word of God in their hand. 38:50 To execute the written judgment and where is 38:53 that written Tom? It's written in the word of God. 38:56 My friends we can either live by the book now 39:01 or be judged by the book later. 39:06 What decision do you want to make today? 39:10 Oh, you wanna live by the book, 39:12 because you wanna be in the city. 39:14 And I'll tell you why he wanna be in the city 39:16 in just a minute. We're gonna get there. 39:18 Let's turn now to Revelation chapter 20. 39:22 Revelation chapter 20 after our review. 39:27 I have a review slide up here so let's go ahead 39:28 and take a look at that. At the Second Coming 39:31 of Jesus what happens to the righteous? 39:33 They are raised at the Second Coming of Jesus 39:37 what happens to the wicked, they're slain. 39:39 And then that begins what time period. 39:42 The millennium now some people will say well 39:44 how do we know since the 70 weeks was a 39:47 prophetic time period. The 2300 days was a 39:50 prophetic time period how do we know that this 39:52 is not a prophetic time period. That's a good 39:55 question isn't it? Isn't that a good question? 39:58 You remember way back when we did our word 40:01 of God's study we went over John 14:29, 40:05 Jesus says I tell you things before they come 40:08 to pass so that when they do come to pass 40:12 you may what? Believe. So the person of a time 40:16 prophecy that contains prophetic time is so that 40:21 people can believe when it comes to pass right. 40:26 After the second coming of Jesus is there any 40:29 need for a prophetic time period. 40:32 There is no need for prophetic time period. 40:35 So the only, we know that this is a literal 40:38 thousand years, because everybody that has 40:41 believed is up in heaven. And they're there for 40:45 that thousand year period. 40:47 And something really interesting happens 40:51 at the end of that thousand year period. 40:52 Now we'll go to our next reference. 40:55 We're gonna go to our 12th reference, 40:59 Revelation 20 verse 4b that means the last half 41:04 of verse 4 to 5a or the first half of Revelation 41:10 chapter 20 verse 5. So we're going to Revelation 41:14 20 verse 4b and Mike can you read this for us 41:18 I'm almost there maybe somebody else is just 41:21 not turns there while I was talking like I did. 41:23 Okay. Revelation 20 verse 4b and 5a. 41:26 So just the very last part of verse 4. 41:29 I don't know where to start, alright and they 41:33 lived start out there. Okay. And they lived, 41:36 wait a minute, just a very last sentence. 41:39 Revelation 20. Yeah 4b. Just the last part of 41:46 verse 4. Now you had a different translation 41:50 than I do. Which had not worshipped the beast, 41:53 neither his image, neither had received his mark 41:55 upon their foreheads, or in their hands; 41:57 and they lived and reigned with Christ a 41:59 thousand years. See we have the same version. 42:01 I have King James Version. What do you have? 42:03 Yeah, King James. Alright praise the Lord. 42:06 And they lived and reigned with Christ a 42:08 thousand years. Who is this talking about? 42:10 Righteous. It's talking about the righteous. 42:12 Okay now read the first part of verse 5. 42:14 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the 42:17 thousand years were finished. So the rest of 42:22 the dead, so the righteous lived and reigned 42:24 with Christ for a thousand years then 42:26 it says the rest of the dead lived not again until 42:31 the thousand years are finished. 42:33 What does that mean? Pick up the microphone 42:38 and tell me in a loud Shalita. Somebody tell 42:40 me in a loud voice through the microphone, 42:42 what is that mean? The wicked that were dead 42:44 before his Second Coming won't be alive until 42:46 the end of Millennium. That's right what about 42:48 those that died at his second coming? 42:50 Them too right. So all of the wicked are dead 42:55 at the second coming of Jesus they die and 42:58 or were dead or are dead and then for a thousand 43:02 year period they're in the grave. 43:05 The Bible says in Revelation 20 verse 5 43:07 but the rest of the dead that would be the wicked 43:10 the rest of the dead lived not again until the 43:15 thousand years were finished. 43:19 So at the end of the thousand years what 43:22 will happen to the wicked that were dead? 43:25 They'll raise again. That's absolutely right. 43:28 We'll continue I want to go back to our chart here 43:31 so if you just look back at the chart the second, 43:34 it's at the Second Coming that the righteous 43:37 are raised, it's at the Second Coming that the 43:39 wicked are slain the thousand year millennial 43:43 period begins at the Second Coming of Jesus. 43:46 During that time period Satan is bound by his 43:51 change of circumstance. Remind me why is that 43:53 Satan was bound? There is nobody for him to tempt, 43:59 that's absolutely right. So Satan is bound 44:01 beginning with the second coming for a 44:03 thousand years now. Jessica pick up that 44:05 microphone and tell me what the righteous 44:07 are going to do for that thousand year period. 44:09 They're gonna be with Jesus in heaven judging. 44:13 Alright and what will they have in their hands? 44:15 The Bible. And what will they be judging? 44:18 The wicked. That's right. Very, very nice. 44:23 You knew that, you don't have to ask it like 44:24 a question. So the righteous lived and 44:27 reigned with Christ in heaven for the same time 44:29 period that Satan is bound. Then you go 44:31 to the very last part of this graphic it says 44:34 Satan is released by the rest of the dead 44:37 or the wicked being raised. Now when Satan 44:43 when the rest of the dead are raised what does 44:47 that give Satan the opportunity to do? Deceive. 44:50 Deceive. You remember back in Revelation 20 44:53 verse 1, 2 and 3 we read that Satan was bound 44:58 from deceiving and he could deceive the nations 45:01 no more. Until the thousand years were 45:06 finished that's right. Now Mrs. Gloria do you 45:08 remember what phrase you had sit on your 45:09 table there, what phrase did you have 45:12 sit in there? No madam. Anybody remember 45:15 what phrase she had on her table? 45:19 It was in the Jeremiah chapter 4 verse 27. 45:22 I will not, that's right, I will not yet make 45:24 a full in. So we still haven't come back 45:26 to that yet. I just want to make sure that 45:28 you ready to give it back to me when we're ready 45:29 to reference it okay. So you get ready. 45:31 We're gonna get back over there in just a minute. 45:33 So Satan is released by the rest of the dead 45:36 or the wicked being raised. 45:39 Our next reference there you see well it's a 45:42 question actually on the screen. 45:44 When does the resurrection of the wicked 45:47 take place? Answer that for me, at the end 45:51 of the millennium or after the thousand years 45:54 and what is there in. What is the end 45:59 of the wicked? And we have lots of references 46:03 here that we're going to read in Revelation 46:05 chapter 20 and just you know, if you guys 46:08 don't mind I'll read that because you know 46:09 it jumps around like crazy there. 46:11 But you pay close attention to it we're in 46:14 Revelation 20 verses 7, 8, and then 9a. 46:19 Revelation 20 verse 7, 8 and then the first part 46:24 of verse 9. Revelation 20 verse 7 says, 46:27 "and when the thousand years are expire", 46:30 what does that word expire mean? 46:32 Over, the end! Over, the end! When the 46:35 thousand years are expired, Satan shall be 46:38 loosed out of his prison. Now what was it that 46:43 bound Satan in his prison? There was no one to 46:46 tempt, his change of circumstance. 46:48 All of a sudden, his circumstances are 46:50 now changed and the change fall off. 46:56 Verse 8 and shall go out to what? 47:00 Deceive! Deceive! Jump back to verse 3. 47:03 "And cast him into the bottomless pit, 47:05 and shut him up, and set a seal on him, 47:06 that he should, deceive, deceive the nations 47:09 no more". Then over in verse 8 it says that 47:12 he will go out to do what? To deceive! 47:14 To deceive! So we see that indeed the very thing 47:18 that bound Satan at the beginning of the thousand 47:20 years that being that there is nobody to tempt, 47:23 at the end of the thousands years 47:25 or at the end of the millennium there are 47:27 people to tempt. The wicked dead have been 47:29 raised and so Satan is no longer bound. 47:33 Continue reading here. "And shall go out to 47:36 deceive the nations which are in the four 47:39 quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, 47:43 to gather them together to battle, the number 47:46 of whom is as the sand of the sea". 47:50 And for every Christian that is hearing this read 47:54 this should bring an emotion to our hearts, 47:57 because these people that are wicked are 48:01 numbered like the sand of the sea. 48:03 Have you been to the beach lately? 48:05 Have you seen how much sand is out there? 48:08 We complain about the amount of sand that ends 48:11 up in our floorboard of the car, when we are 48:14 going home. But we knew half of people that 48:18 whose number is as the sand of the sea 48:20 that are lost. This should give you and 48:23 I even greater push or motive to make sure that 48:30 everyone has the chance to hear about Jesus. 48:33 It says there in verse 8, "And shall go out to 48:37 deceive the nations which are in the four 48:39 quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, 48:41 to gather them together to battle: the number of 48:45 whom is as the sand of the sea". 48:48 Verse 9, "And they went up on the breadth 48:52 of the earth". Whose that they? The wicked! 48:54 The wicked! And they are on the surface of what? 48:58 The earth! The earth! So where would Satan bound? 49:01 The earth! On the earth! That's right. 49:03 "And compassed the camp of the saints about"! 49:08 So we are through to 9a. Now we're gonna go 49:11 to verse 11. "And I saw a great white throne, 49:17 and him that sat on it from whose face the earth 49:20 and the heaven fled away; and there was found 49:22 no place for them. And I saw the dead, small 49:27 and great, stand before the God, 49:29 and books were opened. And another book was 49:32 opened, which is the book of life and the dead 49:36 were judged out of those things which were 49:38 written in the books, according to their works. 49:41 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; 49:44 and death and hell delivered up the dead 49:47 which were in them; and they were judged, 49:49 every man according to their; what? Works! 49:52 Works! My friend don't ever let anybody tell 49:56 you that the works that you do as a Christian 49:59 are not important. You and I are certainly 50:02 saved by grace through faith. 50:05 It's not of ourselves, it is a gift of God 50:08 but we are judged by our works, judged 50:12 by our works. Don't let anyone ever tell you 50:15 friend that it doesn't matter what you as a 50:17 Christian act like or talk like or do or 50:20 the places you go because we are judged 50:22 by our works saved by grace through faith 50:25 but judged by our works. They are 50:29 continuing on, we were in verse, where 50:31 were we at? We were in verse 13 and there 50:34 every man was judged according to their works. 50:38 Now go back up to verse 9b or the second half. 50:43 "And fire came down from God out of heaven 50:47 and devoured them". Who do the fire devoured? 50:50 It devoured the wicked. And you know I have, 50:54 I have teenage boys and teenage boys are 50:57 notoriously good at eating. 50:59 You wait when your boy hits teenager whatever 51:02 he is eating now is gonna be quadrupled. 51:04 It's gonna be exponential. 51:07 And when my boy sits down to eat dinner, 51:09 he devours it. I don't even think he choose, 51:12 he is like a hound dog sometimes. 51:14 He doesn't even chew it. He just, ogles in there. 51:17 And when its gone, the plate is clean. 51:22 Nothing has left, and the Bible says that at 51:26 the end of the millennium when those righteous 51:30 people stand before God, but not the righteous 51:35 the wicked people stand before God, 51:36 the righteous stand with God, the wicked people 51:39 are standing before God they are trying 51:42 to take the city, sin convinces them they 51:44 can take it but they can't, and fire comes 51:47 down out of heaven from God and devours them. 51:52 Verse 13, "And the sea gave up the dead 51:56 which were in it, and death and hell delivered 51:58 up the dead which were in them; and they 52:00 were judged, every man according to their works 52:02 and death and hell were cast into the 52:04 lake of fire". This is the second death. 52:08 You see my friends everybody dies now. 52:10 The righteous person dies, the wicked 52:13 person dies, but only the wicked person dies 52:16 the second death. And you and I can avoid 52:19 that death by making a simple choice today, 52:22 by making the choice to love the truth of God. 52:27 Is that your desire? Yes! Oh praise Jesus! 52:31 I have here on the, let's read verse 15. 52:34 "And whosoever was not found written in the 52:36 book of life was cast into the lake of fire". 52:41 On your screen there you will see in our next 52:43 reference this graphic. At the second coming 52:48 the righteous raised, at the second coming 52:50 the wicked are slain, the thousand years 52:52 begins at the second coming of Jesus, 52:54 Satan is bound to the earth because there is 52:56 no one tempt, the righteous live and reign 52:58 with Christ in Heaven for thousand years, 53:00 at the end of the millennium Satan is 53:02 released by the rest of the dead with the 53:04 wicked being raised, the great white throne 53:07 judgment the wicked stand before God, 53:09 they are judged according to their works 53:12 and then fire comes down from God out of Heaven 53:15 and devours the wicked. But you remember what 53:19 Jesus said, there in back in Jeremiah 53:23 chapter 4 verse 27. He says, "yet will 53:25 I not make a full end". Now my friends God 53:28 is going to make a full end. He is going to make 53:33 a full end. The Bible tells us that righteous 53:36 will inherit the earth. Let's go to our next 53:40 reference there, Matthew chapter 5 verse 5, 53:43 and now since we are in the appeal I will be 53:45 the one that reads this. You know we've talked 53:47 about that in the past that when you are giving 53:50 the appeal you want to make sure that you are 53:52 the one that has the pathos in your voice 53:56 that you have all the mannerisms that 53:57 you want to go with those verses because 53:59 remember you are appealing to people on 54:02 behalf of God. So the Bible says here, 54:06 Matthew chapter 5 verse 5, blessed are 54:09 the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. 54:15 What earth? Are they going to, are the meek 54:18 those that are blessed, those that are beautified 54:21 with salvation, are they going to inherit this 54:23 old earth that's been broken down? No, no, no. 54:27 They are going to inherit a new heaven 54:30 and a new earth, and we see this in our next 54:34 reference up there. Let's go to Revelation 21. 54:40 I think I may have a mistake right there. 54:42 Let me just back up a little bit. 54:44 Let's go to second Peter chapter 3 verses 12 54:47 and 13; I just shot right pass that didn't I? 54:50 So we are going to second Peter before 54:52 we go to Revelation 21. So let's go to 54:55 second Peter. It's past Corinthians, 54:59 past Hebrews. Second Peter chapter 3 verses 55:03 12 and 13. "The meek will not inherit this 55:06 old dirty world. They are going to inherits 55:08 something much more grand than that". 55:10 Second Peter chapter 3 verse 12 and 13, 55:14 "Looking for and hasting unto the coming of 55:17 the day of God, wherein the heavens being 55:20 on fire shall be dissolved, and the 55:23 elements shall melt with fervent heat? 55:26 Nevertheless, we according to His 55:30 promise look for new heavens and a new earth, 55:34 wherein dwelleth righteousness". 55:37 My friend God has promised the meek, 55:41 the humble that they would inherit the earth 55:42 but He is not going to give them a sour gift. 55:45 He is going to give them a new heaven and 55:48 a new earth. Our next reference here is 55:53 Revelation 21 verses 1 through 5. 55:56 Revelation 21 verses 1 through 5, he says, 56:01 John says, And I saw a new heaven 56:02 and a new earth. For the first heaven 56:05 and the first earth were passed away; 56:07 and there was no more sea. 56:09 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, 56:12 coming down from heaven from God, 56:14 out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned 56:16 for her husband. And I heard a great voice 56:19 out of heaven, saying, "Behold, the tabernacle 56:21 of God is with men, and they shall be His people, 56:24 and God Himself shall be with them, 56:26 and be their God. And God shall wipe away 56:30 all tears from their eyes; and there shall 56:32 be no more death; neither sorrow nor 56:35 crying; neither shall there be any more 56:37 pain for former things have passed away. 56:40 And He that sat upon the throne said, 56:42 "Behold, I make all things what's the word? 56:45 New! Right for these words are true 56:50 and faithful. God is going to make all things, new. 56:56 Turn with me back to the Old Testament 56:58 book our last reference. Nahum chapter 1 verse 9. 57:02 God is going to make a full in. 57:06 So Nahum is to the right of Daniel, Amos, 57:09 Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Chapter 1 verse 9, 57:14 it says "What do you imagine against the LORD? 57:19 He will make an utter end: affliction shall not 57:22 rise up the second time". God would not allow sin 57:28 to ever reign again. You and I have a decision 57:32 today to choose to live by the book 57:35 or be judged by the book. 57:38 What decision will you make? |
Revised 2014-12-17