Participants: Scott Moore (Host)
Series Code: LOE
Program Code: LOE000013
00:01 Harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few.
00:03 Pray Ye therefore, the Lord of the harvest, 00:06 that He will, He will send forth laborers 00:09 into His harvest. 00:10 Also, I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 00:13 "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" 00:18 Then said, I... "Here am I, send me, send me". 00:23 Life on the Edge will enable you 00:25 to be an effective harvester for the Lord. 00:27 We now invite you into our classroom 00:30 to come, experience, Life. 00:44 We just want to welcome every one of you 00:46 back here to the Lay Institute for Evangelism. 00:49 We're glad that those of you at home 00:51 have decided to join us here in our classroom. 00:54 We are going over our ninth Bible study 00:57 in our series called, "Life on the Edge." 01:01 This series again is designed to able you 01:05 not only to learn the Bible study, 01:07 but also to learn how to give the Bible study. 01:11 We'll go now to our, 01:12 we'll get right into our Bible study. 01:14 On the graphic there you'll see 01:16 the title for our Bible study is the "Second Coming," 01:21 the Second Coming. 01:22 You can see that on the screen there. 01:23 You can see the code to mark this Bible study is SC. 01:28 The code is to mark it is as SC. 01:32 Just like all of the other Bible studies 01:34 that we've gone over this far, 01:36 this Bible study too has a purpose. 01:39 And the purpose of this Bible study 01:41 is to show that the Second Coming of Jesus 01:45 is literal, visible, audible and imminent. 01:50 The Second Coming of Jesus is literal. 01:53 It's going to happen. 01:54 It's audible. 01:55 You can be able to hear it. 01:56 It's visible. 01:57 You're gonna be able to see it. 01:58 It's imminent. 01:59 It is going to happen 02:02 and it is going to happen soon. 02:05 You'll also see up there 02:06 as all of our other Bible studies 02:09 this too is centered on Jesus Christ. 02:12 The center it for this, 02:14 "Jesus longs to come and take us home 02:16 to live with Him forever." 02:20 Jesus longs to come and take us home 02:22 to live with Him forever. 02:25 Before we jump into this Bible study, 02:28 what are we going to do? Pray. 02:29 We're going to pray. 02:30 That's our habit to pray. 02:32 So let's go ahead and bow our heads. 02:35 Father in Heaven, we do thank you 02:37 for the privilege of us being here, 02:42 of us being able to watch this program 02:44 and learn Lord not from me, but from your word. 02:48 We pray that as we go through this Bible study 02:50 that you'll open our hearts and our minds 02:54 so that we can love Your truth 02:57 and thereby be saved. 02:59 We pray this in the precious name of Jesus, amen. 03:05 Now this Bible study is put together 03:08 so that you can do it in two parts, if you want to. 03:12 So the first 12 references in this study 03:15 will be the first part of the Second Coming study 03:19 and then the last set of references 03:22 will be the second part. 03:24 So our goal during this hour 03:27 is to go through the first part of this Bible study. 03:30 At the end of this first part you can, 03:33 if there's no questions 03:35 and people have no objections 03:36 you can then go to your next Bible study, 03:39 which will be Bible study number 10. 03:42 The Bible study that comes right 03:43 after the Second Coming, 03:44 which if I'm not mistaken is the millennium. 03:47 So the first half of this, 03:49 if there is no questions people aren't confused 03:52 whatsoever you can say, praise the Lord 03:54 and then just go to the next, 03:56 and to go to study number 10. 03:58 If there are questions 04:00 that's what the second half of the study 04:02 is designed to answer. 04:04 So the first half we're gonna be talking 04:06 about the manner of Christ's return. 04:10 Then in the second half, 04:12 we're going to be talking about 04:14 some of the confusing aspects 04:17 of the some of the Second Coming texts. 04:21 There are some very wild theories out there 04:24 that are not Biblical, 04:25 that people claim are Biblical, 04:28 but we're gonna show the truth from God's word. 04:30 It is always better to start with the truth 04:33 and then to deal with the objections later 04:36 because you want to lay that foundation 04:38 that people can say, 04:39 hey, well, this is what the Bible said. 04:41 Now let me interpret what I thought 04:43 through what the Bible has already taught me. 04:46 And so that's what we're gonna do 04:48 in this series of studies. 04:50 You see here the first 12 references on the screen 04:54 are the first 12 references 04:55 in the first half of the study. 04:58 Then you'll see on the next screen, 05:00 you'll see that there is another 12 references 05:03 for that part of the Second Coming. 05:06 The first part deals with 05:07 the manner of Christ's return. 05:09 What happens when Jesus returns? 05:11 The second half in what we'll cover in our next program 05:16 will tell us 05:17 about "A thief in the night" concept. 05:20 It will tell us about the left behind, 05:23 one is taken the other one is left. 05:25 So we'll be talking very in depth about that 05:28 because we want to make sure that everyone is very clear 05:32 about what scripture does say 05:34 concerning the Second Coming of Jesus. 05:37 So we'll go now to our first text in this study. 05:41 We're gonna go to John Chapter 14, 05:44 John the 14th Chapter, so Matthew, 05:47 Mark, Luke, John, Chapter 14. 05:50 And we're gonna let Shalita start this off for us. 05:53 Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, the 14th Chapter, 05:57 the first three verses. 06:00 So if you could read that for us Shalita. 06:02 And I'm going to interrupt you, 06:03 you know, that's quite common when I'm teaching. 06:05 So I'll just interrupt you as you read. 06:11 "Let not your heart be troubled 06:13 you believe in God, believe also in Me. 06:16 In My Father's house are many mansions 06:18 if it were not so, I would have told you. 06:21 I go to prepare a place for you." 06:23 Okay, stop right there. 06:24 Jesus says, I go to prepare a place for you. 06:30 Now Shalita if Jesus is going to prepare a place for me, 06:34 if Jesus is going to prepare a place for you, 06:37 what do you suppose Jesus is going to do 06:38 at some point in the future? 06:41 He is gonna do what? Come back. 06:43 For what purpose? To take us, 06:44 where He is preparing? 06:46 To take us, where He is preparing a place for us? 06:48 If He is preparing a place for us, 06:49 it makes logical sense for us to even think 06:52 before we read verse 3 06:53 that Jesus is going to take us to that place. 06:56 Go ahead and keep reading. 06:58 "And if I go and prepare a place for you, 07:00 I will come again and receive you unto Myself 07:04 that where I am, there you may be also." 07:07 So Jesus gives us a promise 07:11 that He is going to prepare a place for us 07:14 and then He says in verse 3, 07:16 "And if I go and prepare a place for you, 07:21 I will come again and receive you unto Myself 07:26 that where I am, there you may be also." 07:30 So the promise here is that Jesus is going to comeback 07:36 and He is going to take us to heaven with Him. 07:41 Now for the early church, 07:44 we're gonna look at a reference that shows 07:45 that it was the hope 07:46 of the Second Coming of Jesus that changed 07:50 and transformed the hearts 07:52 and purified the hearts 07:55 of the early followers of Christ. 07:58 So Jesus gives us a promise here 08:00 in John Chapter 14, verses 1, 2, and 3. 08:02 He says, "Don't let your heart be troubled." 08:05 Then He says, "You believe in God believe also in Me." 08:07 And then He makes us a very solemn promise 08:10 that He will return and that He will take us 08:14 where He is preparing a place for us. 08:17 My question is Bill, are you ready to go where 08:21 Jesus is preparing a place for you? 08:23 Yeah. Praise the Lord. 08:25 Let's see what this hope 08:26 the hope of the Second Coming did for the early church. 08:31 Let's go to our second reference. 08:35 We're going to First John. 08:36 We were in John, 08:38 now we're going all way back 08:39 near to the Book of Revelation. 08:42 So we're in First John, 08:44 if you find the Revelation 08:45 you'll back up just a little bit there. 08:48 So here I'm in Revelation 08:49 and now I'm backing up past Jude, 08:52 Third John, Second John, 08:54 here I'm First John Chapter 3, 08:57 verses 2 and 3. 08:59 We're gonna let Danielle read that for us. 09:01 First John, Chapter 3 verses 2 and 3. 09:05 "Beloved, now we are the Sons of God 09:08 and it does not yet appear what we shall be, 09:12 but we know that when He shall appear, 09:14 we shall be like Him for we shall see Him as He is." 09:17 Okay, stop right there. 09:19 So John says here that when Jesus shall appear, 09:25 now the event where Jesus appears, 09:28 He appeared once that was His first coming. 09:31 The next time that Jesus is going to appear, 09:33 the event is called the Second Coming of Jesus. 09:38 That's the title for this study, Second Coming. 09:41 John says, we know that when He shall appear 09:44 we shall be like Him. 09:47 And when we get further into the study 09:49 we're gonna find out that we are going to be changed 09:52 into the likeness of Jesus Christ 09:54 at the Second Coming. 09:55 So this, the concept here or the time period 09:59 that we're talking about is the Second Coming of Jesus. 10:02 So you wanna keep reading that for us, Danielle. 10:05 "And every man that had this hope in Him 10:08 purified himself, even as He is pure." 10:11 Okay, So verse two said, 10:12 "We know that when He shall appear 10:15 we shall be like Him for we shall see Him as He is. 10:19 And every man that has this hope." 10:21 What hope is that? Second Coming. 10:24 The hope of the Second Coming, 10:25 the hope of being just like Jesus 10:28 this every man that have this hope in Him 10:31 purifies himself, even as He is pure. 10:37 So every man that has the hope 10:39 of the Second Coming in his heart, 10:42 He is purifying Himself, for what purpose? 10:45 To be ready when Jesus returns. 10:51 To be ready when Jesus returns. 10:54 So the first text that we went to, John 14:1-3 10:58 is where Jesus makes us a very solemn promise 11:01 that He will comeback. 11:03 Now when Jesus said, 11:05 I mean, you're given this Bible study you can, 11:06 you can bring out other aspects 11:08 and other points as well. 11:09 When Jesus said, let there be light, 11:11 what happened? 11:12 There was light. There was light. 11:14 When Jesus said let there be a firmament what happened? 11:17 There was a firmament. 11:18 When Jesus speaks things happen. 11:22 So Jesus made the promise that He would comeback. 11:26 Do you know what that means? 11:27 That He has to comeback, 11:29 because if He doesn't comeback then what is Jesus? 11:32 He is a liar, and Jesus can't lie, can He? 11:34 So Jesus makes the promise that He is going to comeback. 11:37 Then we went to John, 11:38 First John, Chapter 3 verses 2 and 3 11:41 to show that the hope of being like Jesus, 11:45 the hope that comes from Jesus actually going to, 11:49 the hope that we have that Jesus is going to comeback 11:52 is what purifies us. 11:54 Think about it for a moment. 11:56 If you knew for certain 11:58 that Jesus was coming back this afternoon, 12:02 would you live your life just a little bit different? 12:07 Many of us would, wouldn't we? Why? 12:12 Because we aren't ready, 12:14 that's why we would live a little bit differently 12:16 'cause we want to be ready because we're not ready. 12:19 So the hope of the Second Coming 12:21 actually gives us a motivation 12:24 for being ready for the Second Coming. 12:26 Does that make sense? 12:28 So that's why we went from John 14, 12:30 or to First John Chapter three. 12:33 Now we're gonna go to Hebrews Chapter 9, 12:35 and we're going to see that when Jesus comes, 12:38 He comes without any reference to sin 12:41 but for the sole purpose of Salvation. 12:44 It is not at the Second Coming 12:46 that Jesus deals with sin. 12:49 That's gonna come later. 12:50 And you're gonna find that out in our next program, 12:52 the program on the topic of the millennium. 12:56 So we're going now to Hebrews Chapter 9 and verse 28. 13:02 You see that on your graphic, 13:03 Hebrews Chapter 9 and verse 28, 13:07 and we're going to ask Mike, 13:09 might if he'll read this for us. 13:11 Hebrews, of course, is just a little bit 13:13 to the left from where we were. 13:16 Hebrews Chapter 9 and verse 28. 13:22 "So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many 13:26 and unto them that look for Him 13:28 shall He appear the Second Time 13:30 without sin unto salvation." 13:33 So the first part of that verse tells us 13:36 that Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many. 13:39 So Christ came the first time 13:41 for the purpose of doing, what? 13:43 Saving us from what? Sin. 13:46 He came the first time 13:47 for the purpose of bearing our sin. 13:52 Now we've got a class here that called the Sanctuary. 13:55 We're gonna be going over the sanctuary, 13:57 and we're gonna see, 13:58 how it is that Christ fulfilled 14:00 that aspect of bearing our sins 14:04 and then shedding His blood for us. 14:07 So the first time Christ came, 14:09 He came to bear the sin of many. 14:12 Then it says 14:13 "Unto them that look for Him shall He appear." 14:18 What that's word? Appear. 14:22 So Jesus, it's not gonna be anything 14:23 that we can't, what? 14:25 See, that's right. 14:27 "Unto them that look for Him 14:28 shall He appear the Second Time?" 14:32 What time? 14:34 The Second Time without sin unto, what? 14:39 Salvation, so when Jesus comes back the Second Time, 14:42 He is coming back not to deal with sin 14:45 but to take those people 14:47 off of this earth that have been saved by the sacrifice 14:52 He gave the first time He was here. 14:55 Do you see that? 14:57 Is that clear from scripture? All right. 14:59 So now we go, what we're going to do 15:01 is we're gonna shift gears just a little bit, 15:04 not, not too much, but just a little bit. 15:06 We are going to go to look at verses in scripture 15:09 that show that when Christ appears 15:12 we will actually be able to see Him. 15:15 We're gonna look at verses in scripture 15:16 that show that when Christ appears, 15:18 we will actually be able to see Him. 15:20 Now this may come as a shock to some of you at home 15:23 or maybe even some of you here in the classroom 15:25 that when Jesus comes back the Second Time 15:28 we will be able to see Him. 15:32 So we're gonna go to Acts Chapter 1. 15:35 Acts Chapter 1, 15:36 that's to the left from the Book of Hebrews. 15:38 So up there on the screen you see our next graphic, 15:41 Acts Chapter 1 verses 9-11. 15:46 Acts Chapter 1 verses 9-11. 15:48 Now while we are in Acts Chapter 1 verses 9-11, 15:51 you will want to take note that five times 15:55 words are used for the sense of sight, 16:00 five times word are used for the sense of sights. 16:04 So I'm just gonna get over there 16:05 to Acts Chapter 1 verses 9-11. 16:08 And we're gonna ask Bill to read this for us. 16:10 So Bill if you could read Acts Chapter 1 verses 9-11, 16:14 and I'm gonna interrupt you. 16:17 "Now when he had spoken these things, 16:19 while they watched." 16:20 While they did, what? While they watched. 16:21 That's number one, okay. 16:23 "He was taken up and a cloud received him 16:25 out of their sight." 16:26 Out of their, what? Sight. 16:28 Sight, so that's two. 16:29 Two words already we've seen 16:31 that to describe the sense of sight 16:34 are being able to see, keep going there. 16:36 "And while they looked." 16:37 Stop, while they did what? 16:38 Looked. They looked. 16:39 You anticipated that one very well, didn't you? 16:41 And while they looked, 16:43 so people are looking that's a third time 16:45 a word is used for the sense of sight, keep going. 16:48 "Steadfastly toward heaven as he went up, 16:50 behold, two men stood by them in white apparel. 16:53 Who said "Men of Galilee," "why do you stand gazing?" 16:57 Why do you stand, what? Gazing. 16:58 You're very good at this one. 16:59 You're just anticipating the whole thing, gazing. 17:01 So that's the fourth word that is used 17:04 for the sense of sight, keep going. 17:07 "Up into heaven the same Jesus, 17:09 who was taken up from you into heaven, 17:11 will also come in like manner as you saw." 17:14 "As you did, what? 17:15 Saw. Saw. 17:17 Him go into heaven." 17:19 Okay, so notice here. 17:21 Let there be absolutely no confusion in your mind, 17:25 five words in three verses 17:28 are used to describe the sense of sight 17:31 or been able to see something. 17:34 Let's just go ahead and review them very quickly. 17:37 And when he had spoken these things while they beheld." 17:41 That's one. 17:42 "He was taken up in cloud received him 17:44 out of their sight." 17:46 That's two. 17:48 "And while they looked." That's three. 17:51 "Steadfastly toward heaven as he went up, 17:53 behold, two men stood by them in white apparel 17:57 Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, 17:59 why stand ye." 18:01 "Gazing up into heaven?" 18:03 That's four. 18:04 This same Jesus, so it's not any other Jesus. 18:07 "This very same Jesus 18:09 which was taken up from you into heaven, 18:13 shall so come in like manner as you have seen," 18:17 that's number five, seen him go into heaven. 18:20 So make no mistake about it. 18:22 When Jesus comes back the Second Time, 18:25 the Bible tells us that we, that He is going to appear, 18:29 Hebrews 9:28, and that we will be able to, what? 18:33 What is this? See Him. 18:34 See him, that's right. 18:35 We will be able to see Him when He comes back. 18:39 You see the very same thing in the New Testament 18:44 Apocalyptic Book 18:45 or the New Testament Book of the Revelation. 18:49 Let's go to our fifth reference here, 18:52 Revelation Chapter 1 and verse 7, 18:55 we'll let Mrs. Gloria read this. 18:57 Revelation Chapter 1, 18:59 go ahead and grab that microphone, 19:00 Revelation Chapter 1 and verse 7. 19:04 And let me just go ahead and get there with you. 19:07 The First Chapter of Revelation, 19:09 the 7th verse and what does that saying. 19:12 "Behold, he is coming with the clouds, 19:15 and every eye will see him." 19:17 How many eyes? Every eye. 19:18 And he comes with what? Clouds. 19:21 The clouds, okay, keep reading. 19:23 "Even they who pierced him 19:25 and all tribes of the earth will mourn 19:29 because of him even so, Amen." 19:34 Now over there in the Book of Acts, 19:36 Acts Chapter 1 verses 9 through 11. 19:39 The Bible says 19:40 that what receive Jesus up out of their sight? 19:43 A cloud receive Jesus out of their sight. 19:46 Here in Revelation Chapter 1 verse 7, it says, 19:49 "Behold, He cometh with, what?" Clouds. 19:51 Clouds, and how many eye shall see Him. Every eye. 19:55 Every eye shall see him. 19:57 So every person that is alive 20:00 at the Second Coming of Jesus 20:02 will be able to, what? See Him. 20:04 See Him make no mistake, my friend. 20:06 When Jesus returns we will be able to see it. 20:10 He didn't return at some point in the past 20:14 because we didn't, what? 20:16 See it. See it. 20:18 So there is no secret coming of Jesus. 20:20 When Jesus comes back 20:22 He's coming back to take us home with Him 20:25 and we'll be able to see Him coming. 20:28 Now it's interesting, 20:30 that the Bible says that Jesus left with clouds 20:34 and He comes back with clouds. 20:37 I don't know, how many of you at home are using 20:39 a New King James Version Bible, 20:41 but if you are, right now you'll want to grab 20:44 just the King James Version Bible 20:47 because we're gonna show you 20:48 from the King James Version Bible what the clouds are. 20:53 Do you want to know what the clouds are? 20:54 Do you want to know what the clouds are, Tom? 20:56 This is exciting. This is exciting. 20:58 And let's go to be old, you see there on your screen. 21:01 We're gonna go to Psalm 104 verse 3, 21:04 then we're gonna go to Psalm 68:17. 21:07 These are just additional references 21:09 that I have put in my Bible 21:11 right there above the word cloud 21:13 in Revelation Chapter 1 verse 7, 21:15 that way I know that these verses 21:17 are going to describe to me 21:18 what those clouds are that Jesus is going to return in. 21:22 "Behold, he cometh with clouds 21:25 and every eye shall see him." 21:26 So Psalm 104 verse 3. 21:30 Who in here has the King James Version Bible? 21:33 Whose has the King James Version Bible? All right. 21:35 Shalita will be able to read that for us. 21:38 We're gonna go to Psalm 104 and verse 3. 21:43 Psalm 104 verse 3, 21:45 and I'd like to get there with you. 21:47 So I'll just keep talking a little bit here. 21:50 Psalm 104, that's in the Old Testament 21:53 to the left of Isaiah. 21:55 Here we are, I'm there, Psalm 104 verse 3. 22:00 You want to read that for us, Shalita? 22:02 "Who layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters 22:05 who maketh the clouds his chariot 22:08 who walketh upon the wings of the wind?" 22:11 Okay, so notice there in Psalm 104 verse 3 22:14 in the King James Version Bible, it says, 22:16 "Who makes the clouds His chariot.'' 22:20 So just put this mental picture in your mind. 22:23 Clouds equal what? 22:26 Chariots! Chariots. 22:28 So, what is it? What is it? 22:29 Now you're a math teacher, Mrs. Gloria? 22:31 Clouds, what? 22:33 Equal. Equal. 22:35 Chariots. Chariots. 22:37 Now let's go to Psalms 68 verse 17, 22:42 Psalms 68 verse 17, 22:44 and Mike you have King James Version, right? 22:46 And if you could read that for us, 22:47 I'd like to be there with you. 22:49 Psalm 68 and verse 17. 22:55 Psalm 68 verse 17. 22:59 "The chariots of God are twenty thousand, 23:01 even thousands of angels the Lord is among them, 23:04 as in Sinai, in the holy place." 23:07 So the Bible says here 23:09 that the chariots of God are what? Angels. 23:13 Angels, so let's just go back 23:15 to our equation math teacher. 23:17 We had clouds equaling what? 23:22 Chariots, and now chariots equal angels. 23:27 So clouds equal angels. 23:32 When Jesus left in Acts Chapter 1, 23:36 Jesus left in a cloud made up of angels. 23:41 That is how we can confidently say, 23:43 that those two men that stood by them in white apparel 23:47 that asked those questions, " Ye men of Galilee, 23:49 why stand ye Gazing up into heaven?" 23:51 This same Jesus which was taken up from you into heaven 23:55 shall so come in like manner as you have see Him go. 23:58 We can say without any hesitancy 24:01 that those two men that were in white apparel 24:04 had come out of that cloud that was made up of angels. 24:07 Those two men were actually angels, 24:11 delivering a message for Jesus. 24:16 Jesus was leaving His disciples here on this earth. 24:19 And He evidently left them here for a long time 24:22 because they're all dead, 24:25 and their children are dead, and their children are dead, 24:27 so and so forth until you and I are right here. 24:30 If Jesus coming was soon then even more so now, 24:36 you remember that study that Pastor Sizemore did for us 24:39 on the science of the times, 24:42 or how to know 24:43 that the Second Coming of Jesus is near? 24:46 Powerful study. 24:47 Those of you at home if you haven't seen that 24:49 you need to go to, 24:54 and just look for the links there on the media page 24:56 and then you too will be able to order the DVD, 24:59 the complete DVD set 25:01 and maybe that's what you already have. 25:02 You want go back to presentation number three 25:05 where we talked about signs of the times. 25:08 But Jesus here is taken up in a cloud, 25:13 Revelation 1:7 says that Jesus comes back in a cloud 25:19 and that cloud is made of angels. 25:21 My question is 25:23 how many angels are going to come with Jesus 25:27 when He comes back the Second Time? 25:30 Okay, now let's just imagine this. 25:32 You remember what happened in the Garden of Eden. 25:37 Not the Garden of Eden, sorry. 25:38 You remember what happened where Jesus tomb. 25:42 At Jesus tomb, one Gospel says one angel, 25:46 and another Gospel says two angels. 25:47 So at the most we're talking about 25:49 two angels that come down. 25:53 And what happens to all of those Roman soldiers there 25:56 at the tomb of Jesus. 25:59 They fell down like dead men. 26:01 What happened to the earth? 26:04 There was an earthquake. 26:06 Two angels come down from heaven 26:09 and who knows how fast angels can travel? 26:11 I have no clue. 26:12 All I know is that angels can travel very fast, 26:15 evidently fast enough to break a sound barrier 26:18 and cause an earthquake. 26:20 And so here we have these at most two angels coming down 26:24 and this whole Roman guard just falls over like dead men 26:30 and there is an earthquake and graves are open. 26:35 What, how many angels is Jesus going to come with 26:38 and what is that going to be like? 26:39 Let's go to our next reference, 26:42 Matthew Chapter 25 and verse 31. 26:47 Matthew, so we're turning to the right 26:49 from where we are in Psalms. 26:51 We're going to Matthew Chapter 25 and verse 31. 26:58 Matthew 25 and verse 31, what is it say there? 27:04 Tom, you want to read that for us, 27:05 Matthew 25 verse 31? 27:09 "When the Son of Man comes in His glory, 27:12 and all the holy angels with Him, 27:14 then He will sit on the throne of His glory." 27:17 Okay, so how many angels are coming with Jesus 27:20 when He comes? 27:21 All. All of the angels. 27:24 You want me to give you a little caveat here? 27:26 You want another verse? 27:27 It's not in the study that's pretty exciting. 27:29 You want one? Why not? 27:31 Where you're gonna go? Revelation. 27:33 We're gonna go to Revelation 8:1, 27:34 that's absolutely right. 27:35 So keep your finger there in Matthew. 27:37 But we're gonna go to Revelation 8:1, 27:38 this isn't part of your study here 27:40 but go to Revelation Chapter 8 verse 1. 27:43 Now, you know, the Bible tells us, 27:45 well let me just, let me just find that 27:47 for you in Revelation. 27:48 So this is just a caveat. 27:50 So this is just information it's not in your study. 27:53 In Revelation Chapter, I mean, just find this, 27:58 Revelation Chapter 8 verse 1. 28:03 It's where we're going to go. 28:05 But, all right. 28:07 We will just go there, Revelation Chapter 8 verse 1. 28:09 The Bible says, "And when he had opened the seventh seal, 28:16 there was silence in heaven 28:18 about the space of half an hour." 28:23 Now the Bible also tells us, is there are angels in heaven 28:27 that are continually saying Holy, Holy, Holy 28:31 is the Lord God Almighty, 28:33 which was and is and is to come. 28:37 Holy, Holy, Holy and it's not just this monotonous phrase 28:40 that they continue to say. 28:42 They actually mean what they're proclaiming. 28:46 And this goes on in heaven 24-hours a day 28:50 seven days a week, all of the time, 28:53 I say 24-hours a day very literally 28:55 'cause there is no night there. 28:57 You know that, right? 28:58 Twenty-four hours a day, this goes on Holy, Holy, Holy 29:03 is the Lord God Almighty, 29:04 which is and was and is to come. 29:08 But all of a sudden there is silence in heaven. 29:11 Why is there silence in heaven? 29:14 Nobody is there! Nobody is there. 29:16 There were... they are coming here 29:18 because Jesus comes with His glory 29:21 and He comes with all of the angels 29:24 and notice what it says in our next reference 29:28 which is Matthew Chapter 16 verse 27. 29:32 So you noted in the last reference 29:34 we were there 29:37 that Jesus came with all the Holy Angels with Him, 29:42 and He came with His own glory. 29:44 But now notice what it says in Matthew 16, 29:48 Matthew 16 verse 27. 29:52 Matthew 16 verse 27, we're gonna let, 29:55 now Jessica read this for us. 29:57 Matthew 16 verse 27. 30:02 "For I the Son of Man 30:04 will come in the glory of My Father with His angels, 30:08 and will judge all people according to their deeds." 30:12 So Jesus comes with His glory. 30:14 He comes with all of the angels, 30:17 and He comes with the Father's glory. 30:20 There is no one in heaven 30:23 at the Second Coming of Jesus. 30:25 All of heaven, even now is interested 30:31 in the salvation of men. 30:35 And when that glorious event takes place 30:39 where Jesus is going to come back and take us home, 30:43 all of heaven is empty. 30:47 Because every being is coming here to take us home. 30:54 Every being says, 30:55 Jesus I want get on this cloud with you, 30:58 never mind Jesus, I want to be part of the cloud. 31:02 And I want to carry you back to earth 31:05 so that you can get all of these people 31:08 that you have saved. 31:09 Oh, let me go with you. 31:11 And Jesus says... 31:14 we'd get to the trumpet part in a minute. 31:17 He says, all right guys, mount up. 31:20 You want to get my people go and get them 31:23 and Jesus comes back down here in a cloud 31:26 and oh it's going to be so vivid. 31:28 Do you realize that Jesus never touches this earth 31:31 at the Second Coming? He never does. 31:35 So if you ever, if you ever 31:37 before Jesus literally comes, 31:39 I mean, there maybe this glorious being 31:41 that comes out of heaven 31:42 and then starts walking on this earth. 31:44 But you know it's not Jesus. 31:45 We're gonna get there 31:46 because Jesus never touches this earth 31:48 at the Second Coming. 31:50 He never does. 31:51 So we've seen that Jesus comes with His glory. 31:54 He comes with all of the angels. 31:56 He comes with His Father's glory. 31:57 And if two angels cause an earthquake, 32:00 what do you think is going to happen to this world 32:03 when all of the angels traveling faster 32:06 than the speed of life... 32:11 it's gonna be amazing, isn't it? 32:14 Can you just imagine that? We can't. 32:16 We can't even fathom. 32:19 What it' going to be like for those 32:22 that are ready for the Second Coming of Jesus? 32:25 It's gonna be incredible and magnificent. 32:28 But for those who are not ready 32:30 it's gonna be a terrifying event. 32:33 It's gonna be event that we can see. 32:36 It's gonna be event, an event where all the angels come. 32:39 It's gonna be an event where God the Father comes. 32:42 It's gonna be an event where God, the Son comes. 32:44 It's gonna be an event where God the Holy Spirit comes. 32:47 All of heaven is coming to get us. 32:53 And you know, the Bible has told us 32:56 before that Enoch is in Heaven, 32:58 Moses is in Heaven, and who else was there? 33:03 Elijah! Elijah is there. 33:05 The Bible doesn't tell us 33:07 that they're back up in heaven and waiting. 33:09 My guess is that there are on the cloud too. 33:13 Don't let me fall. 33:15 Oh, isn't that gonna be exciting? 33:17 Jesus is going to come 33:20 and Jesus is going to take you home. 33:24 Are you ready to go home? 33:27 Are you ready to see Jesus coming in the cloud? 33:33 Let's go to our next reference. 33:34 Let's go now to Matthew Chapter 24 verses 26 and 27. 33:41 Matthew Chapter 24 verses 26 and 27. 33:46 And we're gonna let Roberto read this. 33:49 Matthew 24 verses 26 and 27. 33:56 "Therefore, if this say to you, 34:00 'Look, He is in the desert!' do not go out, 34:04 or 'Look, He is in the inner rooms!' 34:07 do not believe it. 34:10 For just as the lightning comes from the east 34:13 and flashes to the west, 34:15 so also will the coming of the Son of Man be." 34:19 So notice what the Bible just told us. 34:22 By the way Robert, you need to make sure that, 34:23 that when you're given that Bible study in your reading, 34:25 you've got a get eye contact. 34:27 I know you're focusing on the pronunciation 34:29 and we Praise the Lord for that. 34:30 But remember when you're giving the Bible study 34:32 you have to maintain eye contact with the people 34:34 that you're reading to, 34:36 so that you know that they're following along. 34:38 If they're not following along 34:40 then you ask the presenter if you've been looking up, 34:43 you can say for as what shines from east to the west. 34:46 They'd be like... lightening. 34:50 So then they're right back there with you. 34:52 This is just a way to keep your audience 34:54 there with you while you're giving the study. 34:56 So notice what he said in verse 26, 34:59 "Wherefore if they shall say unto you, 35:01 Behold, he is in the desert." 35:03 What is the command of Jesus? 35:05 Do not go. Don't go my friends. 35:12 When Jesus comes back the Second Time 35:15 nobody is going to have to tell you 35:18 He is in the desert. 35:20 Because when He comes back how many eyes will see Him? 35:23 Every eye. Every eye. 35:25 So do not make a decision right now, 35:29 do not make a decision. 35:30 Forget the do not part, 35:31 make a decision right now 35:34 not to follow somebody when they say, 35:38 Jesus is out in this particular place, 35:40 Jesus is over here, Jesus is over there, 35:43 no, no, no, 35:44 Jesus, when He comes back will be seen by every eye. 35:48 So if somebody says, 35:49 He's in a secret chamber or somewhere. 35:50 You don't need to go that secret chamber. 35:52 You need to go to the word of God. 35:56 You don't need to go, 35:57 what's the next thing it says, 35:58 He is in the secret chamber believe it not, 36:00 He is in the desert, "go not forth," don't go. 36:07 You want to know why He shouldn't go? 36:10 Because if you do go, who are you disobeying? 36:15 Jesus, if we disobey Jesus, are we on safe ground? 36:21 We are not. 36:23 So if we disobey Jesus and we go, 36:26 we will be deceived. 36:28 We will literally believe that 36:30 that being in the desert, 36:32 or that being or person in a secret chamber is Jesus. 36:36 We will believe it 36:37 because we've rejected the word of the Lord 36:40 and we have gone to satisfy our curiosity. 36:44 You know, there is a saying curiosity did what? 36:47 Killed the cat. Killed the cat. 36:48 Don't be a cat. 36:51 Be a human being that trusts in the divine word of God. 36:56 He said, don't go, you don't go. 36:59 He said, don't believe it, you don't believe it. 37:02 And then He follows that up in verse 26, 37:06 "For as the lightening cometh out of the east, 37:10 and shineth even on to the west 37:13 so shall also the coming of the Son of men be." 37:15 Have you ever been in a lightening storm? 37:18 You ever been in one? 37:19 I mean growing up in Montgomery, Alabama, 37:22 you know, it's right there 37:23 where all the tornadoes come through. 37:25 I remember standing in the front portion, 37:26 my dad and I and my brother watching the tornado 37:28 about three blocks away. 37:30 And then finally dad said, 37:31 alright we got to go in the house. 37:32 But there is this lightening, flashing, 37:35 the rains falling, 37:37 and we would go in the house into the bathroom 37:40 that was in the middle of the house. 37:42 We would shut the door. 37:44 Mom had taken all her candelabras off the walls. 37:46 So if something happen, 37:47 we wouldn't get hit on the head with candelabra. 37:50 But even in that room, the door closed. 37:54 When the lightening would flash 37:57 we could see the lightening 37:58 coming in underneath the door. 38:00 I could close my eyes in those thunderstorms 38:03 and still see the lightening. 38:06 When Jesus says that every one of us will see Him come, 38:11 He literally means we will see Him come. 38:18 Are you ready to see the coming of Jesus? 38:20 Ah, man I'm so ready to see the coming of Jesus. 38:23 There will be some people that are not very happy 38:27 that Jesus has returned. 38:30 You know, there will be two types of prayer meeting 38:33 going on at the Second Coming of Jesus. 38:36 Some people will be looking up and saying, 38:38 Lord, this is our God we have waited for Him. 38:41 And some people will look at the rocks 38:43 and say, hey, follow me. 38:46 This is miserable for me. 38:48 I pray that you and I are in that 38:50 first group of people 38:52 Let's go to Revelation, go to Revelation Chapter 6, 38:55 and we'll see the Bible describe this. 38:59 Our next reference, the ninth reference, 39:01 Revelation Chapter 6, 39:05 we are going to read verses 14-17. 39:10 Revelation Chapter 6 verses 14-17, 39:14 and we'll go ahead and let Mike read this. 39:16 Revelation 6 14-17. 39:23 "And the heaven departed as a scroll 39:25 when it is rolled together 39:27 and every mountain and island 39:28 were moved out of their places. 39:30 And the kings of the earth, 39:32 and the great men, and the rich men, 39:34 and the chief captains, and the mighty men, 39:36 and every bondman, and every free man, 39:39 hid themselves in the dens 39:41 and in the rocks of the mountains. 39:43 And said to the mountains nd rocks fall on us 39:46 and hide us from the face him that sit is on the throne, 39:49 and from the wrath of the lamb." 39:52 You ever seen an angry lamb? 39:53 The very lamb of God 40:00 that was slain from the foundation of the world, 40:02 Jesus Christ is going to comeback, 40:06 and for those of us that are not ready, 40:10 that glorious Second Coming 40:13 is gonna be terrifying for us. 40:16 Notice what it said there in verse 14, 40:18 "And the heaven departed as a scroll 40:22 when it is rolled together." 40:26 When you imagine, it's not a scroll unrolling. 40:30 It's as if the two ends of heaven are just rolling up. 40:36 And then we're exposed to all of the elementss 40:38 in that vacuum called Outer Space. 40:42 It says there in every mountain and island 40:46 were moved out of their places. 40:51 When Jesus comes on the cloud of angels, 40:55 that earthquake is not just going to open graves. 41:01 It's gonna disintegrate islands. 41:04 It's going to flatten mountains. 41:08 It's gonna be an event so magnificent 41:10 that we can't help but to see it. 41:14 For some people that see it 41:16 they're gonna be praying to the rocks there, 41:18 isn't that what it says? 41:19 Verse 16, "And said to the mountains and rocks, 41:23 Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him 41:27 that sitteth on the throne, 41:29 and from the wrath of the lamb." 41:35 It's heavy, isn't? 41:38 There will be people 41:40 that are not ready for the Second Coming of Jesus. 41:43 But you and I can choose to be ready, can't we? 41:47 Is that the choice you want to make? 41:49 Is that the choice that you want to make? 41:51 Would you like to be ready 41:52 for the Second Coming of Jesus? 41:56 Let's keep reading here. 41:58 So when Jesus comes back in Revelation 6:14-17. 42:03 Do you think it's going to be a quite thing 42:05 when the mountains are leveled? 42:08 You think it's gonna be a quite thing 42:10 when an island disappears. 42:13 You think it's gonna be a quite thing 42:14 when people are praying for the rocks to fall on them. 42:18 Absolutely not. 42:19 We're gonna go to Daniel, 42:20 and Daniel is gonna read for us our 10th reference 42:23 which is Psalm 50 verse 3. 42:28 Psalm 50, so we are going to the Old Testament. 42:31 The Old Testament, Psalm 50 and verse 3. 42:39 So we're just going all the way 42:40 back to the Old Testament, Book of Psalms, 42:42 we're going to the 50th Psalm and verse 3, 42:45 notice what it says there she reads. 42:49 "Our God shall come, and shall not keep silence 42:52 A fire shall devour before Him, 42:54 And it shall be very tempestuous 42:56 around about Him." 42:58 So when our God comes 42:59 it's going to be a very quiet event, isn't it? 43:03 No, why not? Why it isn't going to be quiet? 43:09 'Cause the Bible said it's not gonna be quiet. 43:11 You remember this? We just read. 43:14 He says for whenever God shall come, 43:16 or our God shall come and shall not keep silence. 43:23 So not only is it rocks gonna be falling 43:26 all of their place, island disappearing, 43:28 but God's not even going to be silent when He comes. 43:32 You know, I'm sure it won't be there 43:34 all the while the rest will hoop 43:36 when they were out there ran, woo, woo, running out, 43:39 but God's gonna be saying something 43:41 when He comes, isn't He? He sure is. 43:44 He's gonna be blowing on a trumpet. 43:47 And that trumpet is gonna be so loud 43:48 when that earthquake happens people are gonna pop up 43:50 out of the graves like, 43:52 like daisies in your front lone or something, 43:55 I mean, it's just gonna be incredible. 43:58 When God comes it's not gonna be quiet. 44:02 It's not gonna be something we can't see. 44:04 When God comes we will be able to see it, 44:07 we will be able to hear it. 44:10 We will even be able to feel it. Go with me. 44:14 Now to 1st Thessalonians Chapter 4. 44:17 First Thessalonians Chapter 4 verse 16, 17, and 18. 44:24 First Thessalonians Chapter 4 verse 16, 17 and 18. 44:29 We're gonna ask Bill to read this for us. 44:32 First Thessalonians, 44:33 now 1st Thessalonians is in the T section of your Bibles. 44:36 So make sure you go to the T section, 44:38 which is in the New Testament. 44:40 The T section is in alphabetical order, 44:43 so as long as you find one of the Ts in the New Testament, 44:45 you can do some deductive reason and figure out 44:47 whether you need to go to left or the right. 44:49 So in 1st Thessalonians Chapter 4 verse 16. 44:55 "For the Lord Himself 44:56 will descend from heaven with a shout." 44:57 With the what? With the shout. 44:59 With the what? With the shout. 45:01 With the what, Bill, come on. 45:04 With the shout, shout. 45:06 Bill, for heaven sakes, will with what? Shout. 45:11 Oh, very nice, I thought maybe 45:13 I think give that microphone to Tom for a minute. 45:16 For the Lord Himself shall descent from heaven 45:17 with a... Shout! Is that sound quiet? 45:21 No... Absolutely not, keep reading. 45:25 Okay, "With the voice of an archangel, 45:27 and with the trumpet of God." 45:28 With the what of God? The trumpet. 45:31 The trumpet of God! 45:33 Have you ever heard a quiet trumpet? 45:35 No. No. 45:37 Have you ever heard, 45:39 well don't mind just keeping going. 45:41 "And the dead in Christ will rise first." 45:43 That sound I know. 45:45 I'm interrupting you a lot. 45:46 You forgiven me? 45:47 Of course. Thank you. 45:49 The sound of that trumpet, the shout of God, 45:54 because listen there it says, for the Lord Himself 45:56 shall descent from heaven with a shout. 45:59 So who is gonna shout? 46:01 The Lord is. 46:02 "With the voice of the archangel, 46:04 and with the, what?" Trumpet of God. 46:08 So when God descents from heaven, 46:10 He is coming and He is not going to keep, what? Silence. 46:14 Silence, it's like I'm preaching now 46:15 but I've gotten to a point in this Bible study 46:17 where I feel like I need to preach. 46:18 Preach. Preach, He said. 46:22 The Lord is going to descend from heaven, 46:23 so what's the event? Second Coming. 46:26 Second Coming, that's absolutely right. 46:28 "He descends with a shout the voice of archangel 46:31 with a trump of God, 46:32 and the voice of the archangel, 46:33 the shout and the trumpet are so loud 46:39 that dead people wake up. 46:41 What dead people wake up at the Second Coming? 46:44 Dead in Christ. 46:45 The dead in Christ, that means, 46:46 what did you say, Shalita, that means the... 46:49 The righteous, that's absolutely right. 46:51 So at the Second Coming of Jesus 46:53 righteous people begin to...pop up. 46:57 Can you just imagine? Oh, my grandma. 47:01 Her name was Ruby. 47:02 She has this, she had this beautiful ruby red hair 47:07 and she is buried in Alabama. 47:08 Now in Alabama all they have it there is red clay. 47:11 So I can imagine when my grandmother comes up 47:13 out of that grave at the Second Coming of Jesus 47:15 she is gonna do this. 47:19 You know, just that waving hair thing flowing. 47:21 All this red dirt is going to be flying out. 47:24 She is gonna look up and she is gonna see Jesus. Amen. 47:27 And maybe you've lost some money that's special to you. 47:31 And you're just waiting, longing to see them again. 47:34 Maybe you've never even thought 47:35 you would be able to see them again. 47:38 But through this Life On The Edge series 47:40 you've realized that Jesus is a God that can be trusted. 47:46 He is a God that is going to fulfill His promise 47:48 to come back to this earth, 47:51 and He take us to heaven with Him, 47:53 where you and I will see those of our loved ones 47:55 who have died in Christ. 47:58 And where is it, where is it Bill, 48:00 that we are going to meet Jesus when this happens? 48:03 In the air. Prove it to me. 48:05 Okay, I'll keep reading then... 48:06 What verse you're gonna read? Verse 17. 48:09 All right, read verse 17. 48:10 All right, it says, "Then we who are alive and remain 48:13 shall be caught up together with them in the clouds 48:17 to meet the Lord in the air, 48:18 and thus we shall always be with the Lord." 48:20 Okay, now remember very seriously. 48:23 Jesus told us in Matthew that if somebody tells you 48:27 that He is in a secret chamber, don't believe it. 48:29 If somebody tells you He is in the desert, 48:31 don't go there. 48:33 This is the verse I told you where we're gonna get to, 48:35 1st Thessalonians 4 verse 17. 48:38 It says, "Then we which are alive and remain 48:42 shall be caught up together with them in the," what? 48:46 Clouds. Clouds. 48:47 And the clouds are made up of? 48:49 Angels. Angels. 48:50 How many angels. All... 48:51 All, you can't count them. 48:53 I mean there is a lot and that's for sure. 48:55 "Then we which are alive and remain 48:57 shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, 49:00 so we will meet Jesus in the cloud 49:03 that is made up of... Angel, so prepare yourself. 49:07 You know, earlier we were talking and we said, 49:09 you know, what's gonna happened to those people 49:11 that are afraid of heights at the Second Coming 49:13 because all of a sudden they're just gonna 49:16 go up to the cloud. 49:17 Because Jesus isn't gonna be on this earth, is He? 49:19 Not at the Second Coming. 49:22 You know, what's gonna happen to those people 49:24 that are scared of heights? 49:26 They will look down, 49:27 and they shall keep their eyes right on Jesus. 49:29 But you're right. 49:31 They won't be scare of heights anymore 49:32 because they will be with Jesus. 49:34 "Perfect Love Cast Out All Fear." 49:38 Doesn't it? So he says there, 49:40 "Then we which our alive and remain 49:42 shall be caught up together with them in the clouds 49:44 to meet the Lord in the air 49:47 and so shall we ever be with the Lord." 49:54 Jesus Christ promised us that He would comeback, 50:01 that He was gonna go to heaven, 50:03 He was going to prepare a place for us. 50:07 And then He would comeback 50:08 and He would say, Shalita, give me shout 50:11 and come on let's go home. 50:17 Jesus promised that He will comeback and take us home. 50:20 Jesus promised that He will comeback and take you home. 50:25 The only thing that would keep us from being there 50:29 is making a choice to reject our Savior, to reject Jesus, 50:36 to not allow Him to fulfill His promise in our life. 50:43 Today! Won't you say to Jesus today, 50:48 I want to be ready? 50:51 Jesus, I want to be able to look up and lo this is my God. 50:56 Is that what you want to do? 50:58 I see, Shalita just shaking her head. 51:00 It's about the fall off. She is so excited. 51:04 Jesus is going to come from heaven with a shout not quiet. 51:08 So what we've seen already? 51:10 Jesus promised us to comeback. 51:12 When He comes back every eye will what? 51:15 See him. See Him. Every ear will... 51:16 Hear him. Hear him. 51:18 The wicked are gonna be praying to the rocks to do what? 51:22 Fall. Fall on them, the wrath of the lamb. 51:24 They can't stand the pure love of Jesus. 51:27 While the righteous are looking at Tom, 51:29 we're gonna meet Him. 51:30 And the Lord is gonna have a guitar for us 51:32 in heaven or something. 51:34 And then we're gonna be able to hit every notes. 51:36 I mean it's just gonna be incredible, maybe to be a harp. 51:40 Probably a harp, but we won't be disappointed. 51:44 Let's go now to our next reference. 51:46 So we've had a lot of fun here in Thessalonians, haven't we? 51:49 Because we're excited without Jesus is coming back 51:51 and you're excited about Jesus coming back. 51:53 And when you give this Bible study to people, 51:55 when you feel that excitement, 51:57 let us show because Jesus is coming back. 52:00 And you don't need a hoop and holler and jump around, 52:01 but it's exciting to know that 52:03 Jesus is going to take us home, isn't it? 52:05 Are you ready for Him to take you home? If not, why not? 52:11 Our next reference 1st Corinthians 15:51-53. 52:17 And we will go ahead and let's, 52:18 we'll let Jessica read this for us. 52:20 First Corinthians 15, so we're in Thessalonians. 52:24 So we're just gonna turn to the left in our Bibles 52:28 and we're gonna go to 1st Corinthians 15, 52:32 we will begin reading in verse 51. 52:37 "But let me tell you a wonderful secret God has revealed to us. 52:42 Not all of us will die, but we will all be transformed. 52:46 It will happen in a moment, in the blinking of an eye, 52:49 when the last trumpet is blown. 52:52 For when the trumpet sounds, 52:54 the Christians who have died will be raised with transport, 52:57 transformed bodies. 52:59 And then we who are living will be transformed 53:03 so that we will never die. 53:06 For our perishable earthly bodies must be transformed 53:09 into heavenly bodies that will never die." 53:13 Isn't that powerful? God says there, 53:16 "Behold, I'll show you a mystery. 53:20 We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be what?" 53:23 Changed. Changed. 53:25 Now this Bible studies on the Second Coming. 53:27 The next Bible study is on the millennium. 53:30 The Bible study after that is on the state, 53:33 the destruction of the wicked and then the Bible study after 53:35 that is on what happens when you die. 53:39 The Bible says here in verse 51, 53:41 "I show you a mystery, We shall not all sleep or die, 53:45 but we shall all be what's the word?" 53:47 Changed. Changed. 53:48 There you go Shalita. 53:49 If you are scared of heights, 53:50 are you scared of heights, are you? 53:52 Since we're scared of heights, we're gonna be changed. 53:56 And we're not gonna be scared of heights anymore. 53:59 It says that we shall all be changed in a moment 54:03 in the twinkling of an eye. 54:08 Then it says, "At the last trump." 54:13 At the last, what? Trump. 54:15 Trump! This is what links this verse with Thessalonians 54:21 who's trying to get to there 54:22 where you'd turn in your Bibles to Thessalonians 4. 54:25 "For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven 54:27 with a shout with the voice of the archangel 54:29 and with the trump of God." 54:32 So in a moment in the twinkling of an eye 54:36 at the last trump for the trumpet will sound 54:42 and the dead shall be raised," what? 54:45 Incorruptible. Incorruptible! 54:49 You know, my wife and I went walking the other day 54:51 and my knee has been bothering me a little bit since then. 54:54 And, you know, what's gonna happen in Second Coming? 54:57 My knee is not going to bother me. 54:59 My grandpa went to the doctor one day 55:00 and the doctor said because his knee was hurt, 55:03 And the doctor said, well Tom, you're just getting old. 55:05 And my grandpa says, well let me tell you something, 55:08 my other knee is just as old as this one and it don't hurt. 55:11 When we get to heaven everything is going to work. 55:13 We will be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye. 55:16 At the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound 55:19 and the dead shall be raised incorruptible 55:21 and we speaking of those in your life shall be changed. 55:25 "For this corruptible must put on incorruption 55:29 and this mortal must put on immortality." 55:34 This verse right here tells us in the plainest of language 55:38 that not one man right now has immortality. 55:43 When is it Bill that you and I get immortality? 55:47 Second Coming. At the Second Coming! 55:50 When the Lord shouts, 55:52 when the voice of the archangel goes out, 55:54 when the trumpet is blown, 55:55 when the dead in Christ are raised incorruptible 55:58 then you and I get immortality. 56:02 Are you ready for that? 56:04 Are you really prepared to live forever in a place 56:08 where there is no sin? 56:10 In a place where there is no suffering? 56:12 You know, I've often thought, 56:13 when you fall down in heaven, 56:16 do your knees get skinned up? 56:18 No. And you'll fall. 56:20 It's just unimaginable, isn't it? 56:23 But Jesus is going to come, and He has promised us that 56:27 He is going to come back to this earth. 56:29 He's going to take us off of this earth. 56:32 He is going to take us up to heaven, 56:34 and we get to be with the Lord forever. 56:38 You just remember my friend, 56:40 remember that Jesus will never touch 56:43 the ground at the Second Coming. 56:45 Do not be deceived. God has warned us. 56:48 Jesus is not going to come in a secret manner 56:51 as the Bible has shown us today. 56:53 Jesus is going to come in a manner that can be seen, 56:58 in a manner that can be heard, 57:01 in manner that can even be felt. 57:04 The question is, are you ready for Jesus to come? 57:11 Are you read for Jesus to come? 57:13 Are you ready to be changed? 57:15 Are you ready to see your loved ones that have dead in Christ? 57:21 I can't wait to wrap my arms around my nanny, 57:24 my grandma, my papa, my two cousins, my three cousins. 57:31 My friend Jesus is coming back, 57:34 and He is going to take you home, 57:36 and it's your choice to be ready for Him. |
Revised 2014-12-17