Life On the Edge

Law Of God Pt. 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Scott Moore (Host)


Series Code: LOE

Program Code: LOE000010

00:01 The harvest truly is plenteous but the laborers are few.
00:03 Pray ye, therefore, the Lord of the harvest
00:06 that He will... He will send forth laborers into His harvest.
00:10 Also, I heard the voice of the Lord say:
00:13 "Who shall I send? "
00:15 "And who will go for us? "
00:17 Then said I: "Here am I, send me... send me. "
00:23 Life on the Edge will enable you to be an effective harvester
00:26 for the Lord. We now invite you into our classroom
00:30 to come experience LIFE.
00:43 We'd like to welcome you back
00:45 to the Lay Institute for Evangelism.
00:47 We're located here on the campus of Pine Lake Retreat
00:50 in Central Florida.
00:52 We'd also like to welcome those
00:53 of you that are at home.
00:54 and that are watching
00:55 the Lay Institute for Evangelism
00:57 whether you're on a DVD,
00:58 you may be on the Internet.
00:59 You may be on one of the
01:01 networks, but we're just glad that you're here with us.
01:03 We're going to be studying God's law today.
01:06 Does God expect His people to pay any attention
01:09 to the law that He set out back in the Old Testament?
01:12 And that's going to be our focus today as we study.
01:15 But it's going to be centered - that focus on the law -
01:18 is going to be centered around Christ.
01:20 So we're going to go now to our screen,
01:22 and if you'll notice the title of this study
01:25 is The Law of God. Now what's our code here?
01:28 Our code is LG. So when you're marking this in your Bibles
01:31 you simply use the code LG.
01:34 Just like in all of our other studies, this study too
01:38 has a purpose. And the purpose of this study is:
01:52 Remember that the keeping of God's law is not in order
01:56 to be saved. The keeping of God's law
01:59 is an expression of our love for our Creator.
02:04 Our love for our Redeemer.
02:06 Our love for our High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary.
02:10 Our love for our soon-coming King.
02:12 The keeping of God's law is a simple expression
02:17 of your love for Jesus.
02:20 And so that's what we're going to talk about today.
02:22 Each one of our studies, again, are centered on Jesus.
02:26 And I need four volunteers.
02:28 Before we go to our graphic...
02:29 Maybe we've already been there
02:30 and you got a quick glimpse of it.
02:32 But I need four people to volunteer
02:33 very quickly. All right, I've got three there
02:36 and then why don't you come up here.
02:37 And I just need you to stand right here.
02:39 Just go ahead and stand right here and I'm going to
02:41 label each one of you.
02:43 And so you are going to be the law.
02:48 OK, you're the law.
02:50 And you are going to be sin.
02:52 I'm sorry, Vanessa, but you... OK. All right.
02:56 Just for the... This is just for the sake of the illustration.
02:58 You're going to be grace, Tim.
03:00 And you are going to be Jesus. That's absolutely right.
03:05 So you have heard people say
03:07 that God's law has been done away with.
03:10 Have you ever heard people say that?
03:12 I've heard people say that in my ministry over and over
03:15 again. So what we're going to do is we're just going to go ahead
03:18 and we're going to tell the law to sit down.
03:21 Because the law has been done away with according to some
03:24 people. Now if we do away with God's law,
03:28 the Bible tells us that sin is the transgression
03:32 or the breaking or the living contrary to God's law.
03:36 So if we don't have the law any more, then
03:38 we don't have sin. OK, so sin, you may have a seat.
03:42 The Bible tells us that Jesus was full of grace and truth.
03:48 We're going to learn in our study today
03:50 that God's grace is the same thing or synonymous
03:56 with God's power.
03:58 Grace is God's power that teaches us to overcome sin.
04:02 But remember, if we've done away with the law
04:05 then we no longer have what? Sin.
04:08 And if we don't have sin we don't need grace...
04:11 which is the power of God to overcome sin.
04:13 So grace, you can have a seat. Thank you very much.
04:15 Now the Bible says that the law, the transgression of the law,
04:20 is sin. And we would need power to overcome sin
04:24 or we would need grace to overcome sin, but...
04:26 but we don't have grace any more so we don't then need the Author
04:30 of grace which is Jesus.
04:33 So Jesus, you can get out of our lives as well.
04:35 Now see, are you comfortable... Are any of you comfortable
04:38 getting rid of Jesus?
04:41 OK, so if... Why aren't you comfortable
04:44 getting rid of Jesus?
04:46 Because He is our Savior.
04:48 We need Jesus to save us.
04:50 Jesus is going to save us by giving us grace
04:54 or power to overcome sin which is defined in scripture
04:59 as the transgression of God's law.
05:02 So now let's go to our Center It on the screen here.
05:06 It says:
05:29 I don't know about you, but I'm very uncomfortable
05:32 being without Jesus
05:35 because I need His power to overcome my own struggle
05:39 where my flesh wants to live differently than what God
05:42 has prescribed for me in His Word.
05:45 Our next graphic here shows
05:48 all of the texts that we are using in The Law of God study.
05:53 These are the texts again. Those of you that are at home -
05:55 those of you that are here in the classroom, you have heard
05:58 this before - but those of you that are at home
05:59 these are the texts that you are going to write
06:01 in the front or the back of your Bible
06:03 so that you can reference them
06:04 as you're giving your Bible study.
06:06 So you can see those there, and these texts are
06:09 divided into four different groups.
06:11 The first group is, of course, about Jesus.
06:14 Then grace, then sin... and then the law.
06:18 I also have these on another graphic for you
06:20 so that you can see those texts just a little bit better.
06:23 And all of these texts that you're looking at here:
06:25 you see Jesus, you see grace, and then you see
06:27 sin and the law. All of these texts will be
06:30 on our screen as we go through our study.
06:33 We're going to look at a concept.
06:36 Prior to our study today on your screen you will notice
06:40 that I have antichrist on the one side of your screen
06:43 and Jesus Christ on the other side of your screen.
06:45 Pastor Sizemore did two presentations previous to this
06:50 one on the antichrist power.
06:53 You remember those presentations on the antichrist power.
06:56 And one of the verses that he focused on in those studies
06:59 was Daniel chapter 7 verse 25.
07:02 So let's turn in our Bibles to Daniel chapter 7
07:08 and verse 25. So you're simply going to the Old Testament
07:12 book of Daniel. Right after Ezekiel you have Daniel
07:16 chapter 7 and verse 25.
07:20 Daniel chapter 7 and verse 25.
07:23 The Word of God says this... Daniel 7:25.
07:27 Make sure those of you at home you're getting your Bibles,
07:29 you're reading this with us.
07:30 Speaking of the antichrist in Daniel 7:25
07:35 God's Word says: "And he shall speak pompous words
07:38 against the Most High,
07:41 shall persecute the saints of the Most High,
07:44 and shall intend to change
07:47 times and laws.
07:51 Then the saints shall be given into his hand for a time,
07:53 and times, and half a time. "
07:55 So the antichrist power wants to do what?
07:59 He wants to do two things: he wants to change God's time
08:03 and he wants to change God's law.
08:06 That's right. Now let's go to Matthew chapter 5 verse 17.
08:11 This is a text that we are going to use in our study today.
08:15 But we're doing just a little bit of pre-work
08:18 prior to getting to that study so that we can understand
08:21 God's law in light of antichrist and Jesus Christ.
08:25 So we're going to Matthew chapter 5 verse 17.
08:27 I actually have this on a graphic here.
08:30 Matthew chapter 5 verse 17 Jesus says:
08:53 So just go right back to our screen there.
08:56 The antichrist wants to change God's law;
08:59 Jesus Christ says the law will not change.
09:02 Is that concept clear?
09:04 So any interpretation of scripture
09:08 that seeks to change God's law
09:12 is a product of who? Antichrist.
09:15 Let me re... Let me re-state that.
09:18 Any interpretation of scripture
09:21 that seeks to change God's Ten Commandment moral law
09:26 is a product of antichrist.
09:30 If... if God was going to change His own law,
09:34 then antichrist wouldn't even care, would he?
09:36 Because, you know, let God just be wishy-washy
09:38 and change His law. But no! God is the same yesterday,
09:41 today, and forever. God in Malachi 3:6 He says He
09:44 WILL NOT change.
09:46 So God's law is just as eternal as God Himself.
09:50 Antichrist wants to flip that law upside down -
09:53 change a little bit of it - so that we are deceived
09:55 and we are worshiping antichrist.
09:57 But Jesus Christ says that His law is not going to change.
10:01 So keep that in mind. After we finish our study today
10:06 probably in another one of our programs -
10:08 I don't know if we'll get to it in this one -
10:10 if we don't, you want to remember this.
10:12 We are going to be studying the difficult passages
10:16 in the scripture or the interesting passages
10:19 in the scripture that talk about God's law.
10:21 And some of those are being twisted or wrested
10:25 to Christians' destruction.
10:27 You know, Peter even... Peter when he was talking about
10:30 some of Paul's writings... Peter said that some of the things
10:33 that Paul said were difficult to understand.
10:36 And so we... we ourselves can expect that we're going to
10:39 have to study deeper in order to understand those verses.
10:43 Well you remember when we were talking we said we had
10:45 law then we had sin then we had grace
10:48 then we had who? Jesus. And that's exactly what our next
10:51 graphic says, isn't it? Jesus.
10:53 What we are going to do now is we are going to study
10:55 about Jesus... the first part of our four parts here.
11:00 And we're going to turn in our Bibles
11:03 to our first Law of God text.
11:06 And that's going to be Acts chapter 4 verses 10 through 12.
11:10 You'll mark that in your Bible with the code 1LG.
11:13 Put that in a circle... draw the line.
11:16 And since we haven't been anywhere yet
11:17 you don't write anything above the line.
11:19 But Matthew 1:21 is where we will be going next.
11:22 So we're opening our Bibles - opening now our Bibles -
11:25 to Acts chapter 4 verses 10 through 12.
11:29 Now Mike is going to read that for us, if he will.
11:32 And we are... the reason that we are reading starting in verse 10
11:36 is because that gives us the name that verse 12
11:40 talks about. So we are in Acts chapter 4
11:43 and verse 10.
11:48 And most of us are there. Robert is almost there,
11:53 so why don't we go ahead and read now.
11:55 "Be it known unto you all and to all the people of Israel
11:58 that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
12:01 whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead,
12:04 even by Him doth this man stand here before you whole.
12:08 This is the stone which was set at naught of you builders
12:11 which is become the head of the corner.
12:13 Neither is there salvation in any other
12:16 for there is none other name under heaven given among men
12:19 whereby we must be saved. "
12:21 So scripture here tells us -
12:23 the reason we read verses 10 through 12:
12:25 we start in verse 10 to get the name of Jesus.
12:28 And then verse 12 told us that there is no other name
12:32 under heaven given among men
12:35 by which we must be... what's the word?
12:37 Saved.
12:38 So there's only one name
12:41 under heaven given to us
12:43 that we can be saved by
12:44 and that is the name of Jesus Christ.
12:47 That's absolutely right.
12:49 Well, Jesus came to save us.
12:52 What did Jesus come to save us from?
12:57 Sin. Can you give me a Bible reference for that?
13:01 Can you give me a Bible reference for that?
13:03 What did Jesus come to save us from?
13:05 Well if you would... remembered on the screen there
13:08 our next reference was what? Matthew 1:21.
13:11 So that's exactly where we're going now.
13:13 The Law of God study second text is Matthew 1:21.
13:17 We're going to Matthew 1:21 so that we can understand
13:22 what is it that God came to save us... or that
13:26 Jesus came to save us from.
13:28 And can you read Matthew 1:21 for us, Darlene?
13:31 "And she will bring forth a son, and ye shall call
13:34 His name Jesus for He shall save His people
13:37 from their sins. "
13:39 Now Darlene did an incredible job there, didn't she,
13:41 of making sure she was making eye contact with her audience.
13:44 Those of you at home saw that.
13:46 Those that were here in the classroom just saw her
13:47 looking at a camera... but she was looking at you.
13:50 And when you give these Bible studies you want to make sure
13:52 that you are looking at the people that you are
13:54 giving these Bible studies to.
13:56 You need to make sure that that eye contact is consistent,
13:59 and you can do that if you practice.
14:02 So get your Bible out. After this program is over
14:06 go stand in front of a mirror and read to yourself.
14:09 Put your finger there so you don't lose your place
14:11 and just read. And look ahead while you're reading
14:14 so that you can give some eye contact while you're talking.
14:17 The point of Matthew chapter 1 and verse 21
14:20 was to show us that we are going to be saved from what?
14:24 Sin. "And His name shall be called Jesus
14:29 for He shall save His people from their sins. "
14:33 So we started out in Acts chapter 4.
14:36 We found out that Jesus is the only name that we can be
14:40 saved by. What is it that we need to be saved from?
14:43 We went to Matthew 1:21 and we found out that
14:45 Jesus came to save us from our sins. That's absolutely right.
14:49 Now what is it that Jesus brings into our lives...
14:54 what is it that Jesus brings into our lives
14:57 when we accept Him?
14:58 What is it that Jesus brings into our lives
15:01 when we accept Him? And for this answer
15:03 we're going to go to our third text in this study.
15:07 And that third text is I Corinthians chapter 1
15:11 and verse 24. I Corinthians chapter 1
15:15 and verse 24. And we'll go ahead and let Shelleta
15:18 read this for us as soon as we are all there.
15:20 I still hear some... some pages turning.
15:23 Now the reason that we wait for those of you at home...
15:25 the reason we wait until everyone gets to that reference
15:29 is so they can see it from their Bible.
15:31 Many people have a Bible that maybe Grandma gave them
15:34 or Great-grandma and it's special to them.
15:36 And that's... many people say "You know, that's the only Bible
15:39 I'm going to use. " And so when you're giving
15:41 these Bible studies, allow people to find it
15:43 in their own Bibles. So Shelleta can you read that for us?
15:46 "For unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks,
15:50 Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. "
15:53 OK. So we ask Jesus Christ to come into our lives
15:58 and what does Jesus bring into our lives?
16:01 There's two things listed there in that text.
16:03 He brings power and He brings wisdom.
16:07 Have you ever gotten yourself into one of those situations
16:09 where you like uh-uh-uh-uh, I just don't know what to do?
16:11 I mean, if I go this way it just seems like it's a bad choice.
16:14 If I go this way, it's just a bad choice.
16:15 I should have never made the first bad choice
16:17 to get me where I was.
16:18 You've been in those situations.
16:20 Well Christ brings to us His power
16:24 and His wisdom so we don't have to get that uh-uh-uh-uh look.
16:29 We can just rely on Christ, can't we?
16:33 Now have you ever heard anyone say: "You know,
16:35 when... my life just got so bad I just hit rock bottom
16:40 and the only place I could look was up. "
16:42 Have you ever heard anybody say that?
16:44 Well I have a theory on what rock bottom is.
16:46 You want to hear that theory?
16:47 The theory about rock bottom is this:
16:50 in I Corinthians chapter 10 verse 4
16:53 it says that Christ is the Rock.
16:57 So I think when we hit rock bottom
16:59 we don't really hit a literal rock, we hit THE ROCK.
17:03 And of course when you smash into something
17:06 and it then enshrouds you and you open your eyes,
17:08 all you can see is Jesus.
17:10 So when we hit rock bottom we need that power of God.
17:14 And literally when we hit rock bottom we are hitting THE ROCK,
17:17 Jesus Christ. And He just wraps His arms around us.
17:20 It doesn't matter what struggle we have.
17:22 Doesn't matter what sin turns our world over
17:25 day after day... Jesus is there to give us His power.
17:31 Now the next reference that we are going to go to
17:34 talks about God's power - talks about God's grace
17:40 being given to us. You remember Jesus is the Author of grace.
17:43 If we went to John chapter 1 verse 14
17:46 John chapter 1... I'll just quote it for you.
17:48 John chapter 1 verse 14 says:
17:50 "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. "
17:53 And that Word, of course, is Jesus.
17:56 "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us
17:58 and we beheld His glory,
18:01 the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,
18:04 full of" what? "Grace and truth. "
18:09 So Jesus was full of grace.
18:13 When we accept Jesus into our lives
18:15 I Corinthians 1:24 told us
18:17 that we get the power of God and we get the wisdom of God.
18:22 And this would be a good point for us to remember:
18:24 that maybe some of us when we're marking our Bibles
18:28 or when we're memorizing the scripture here
18:30 at Lay Institute for Evangelism for our quiz -
18:33 which I forgot to give you yesterday
18:35 which we'll probably do this afternoon -
18:37 when we're memorizing it's good for us to remember
18:41 that it's easier for us to memorize things
18:43 with the power of God and the wisdom of God.
18:47 If we ask Jesus to come into us, you know, the Bible describes
18:50 God's power in a slightly different way
18:52 in our next reference. On your screen you will see there
18:55 that our fourth Law of God text or reference
18:59 is I Peter 1:13.
19:01 So when you're marking this you're in I Peter 1:13
19:05 you put 4LG to indicate that you're in the fourth text.
19:08 You draw that line. Above the line we just came from
19:11 Where did we come from?
19:12 Where did we come from? I Corinthians 1:24.
19:16 And then the reference we are going to go to is what?
19:18 Ephesians 2:8. That's absolutely right.
19:21 So Anita, can you go ahead and read for us
19:23 I Peter chapter 1 and verse 13.
19:27 "Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind.
19:32 Be sober and hope to the end for the grace that is to be
19:36 brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. "
19:40 Thank you. So when we accept Jesus...
19:43 when we accept Jesus into our lives we receive His power
19:48 and His wisdom. Now the Bible said there in I Peter 1:13
19:52 that grace is given to us at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
19:57 When Jesus becomes real to you,
20:00 He who is full of grace brings that grace into your life
20:04 and you receive His power.
20:07 Now the next three references...
20:10 We're going to go three references and we're going to
20:13 read those in rapid succession.
20:15 And as those graphics go by on your screen
20:19 you'll see that they go pretty quick
20:21 'cause we're just going to go from one graphic to the next.
20:23 But then on the last graphic there on these three texts
20:26 we are going to parallel three principles that we find
20:32 in each one of these verses.
20:34 We're going to parallel three principles that we find
20:37 in each one of these verses.
20:38 So our next reference is Ephesians chapter 2 verse 8.
20:42 You see that on your screen... well, you probably don't
20:46 because we're going to skip what's there and we're going to
20:49 Ephesians chapter 2 and verse 8.
20:53 We had already done our review so it wasn't necessary for us
20:56 to... to use that graphic there.
20:58 So let's go to Ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 there, Dosung,
21:01 and we're going to see three principles here
21:03 and you tell me what those principles are after you read it
21:05 all right? "For by grace are ye saved through faith
21:10 and that not of yourselves... it is the gift of God. "
21:15 OK, so we... Dosung, we see three principles in there.
21:18 What do we see? The Bible says
21:20 "For you have been... " For by what? Grace
21:23 you have been saved through faith.
21:27 So those are the three principles that we're pulling
21:29 out of this text. For by grace
21:32 you have been saved through faith.
21:36 So I'll just say that again. Maybe you can get a mental
21:37 picture if I move back and forth here.
21:39 For by grace you have been saved through faith.
21:45 That's right. Now we'll go to our next slide
21:47 which is I Peter chapter 1 verses 3 through 5.
21:52 Now we're starting in verse 3 so that we can get the context
21:56 that leads us up to verse 5.
21:59 Just this week when I was doing prayer meeting
22:02 I was at the Lady Lake Seventh-day Adventist church
22:04 in Lady Lake, Florida.
22:05 And there was a lady that was reading the passage
22:09 that I asked her to read but she just kept reading.
22:12 She just kept reading right after the passage that
22:15 I had asked for her to read.
22:17 And... and I said: "OK, that's enough. "
22:18 And she says: "No, no, no, no, no. I want to get the context
22:21 of what I'm reading. " And so we were very gracious
22:24 and we let her finish what she needed to do there.
22:27 But so we're starting in I Peter chapter 1 verse 3,
22:30 Robert, because we want to get the context
22:33 of what it says in verse 5. So if you'll give me just
22:36 two shakes of a lamb's tail -
22:39 I'm not exactly sure how long that is,
22:41 but I'd like to get there with us - so I Peter chapter 1
22:44 beginning in verse 3.
22:46 And if you could read that for us, Robert?
22:51 "His divine power has given to us all things
22:56 that pertain to light and godliness
23:02 through the knowledge of Him who called us
23:04 by the glory of virtue
23:09 which has been given to us exceedingly great and precious
23:15 promise. " OK, now, something has just occurred to me:
23:18 that we are in II Peter according to your Bible
23:21 but we need to read I Peter. You were reading II Peter
23:25 chapter 1 verses 3 through 5.
23:27 We need to read I Peter chapter 1 verses 3 through 5.
23:30 OK. So everybody, maybe you at home were doing the same thing
23:34 and you got into the wrong verse so go ahead and flip back over
23:36 to the left and we'll be there right now.
23:38 Go ahead, Robert. "Blessed be the God and Father
23:41 of our Lord Jesus Christ
23:44 who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again
23:50 to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ
23:54 from the dead to an inheritance
23:59 incorruptible and undefiled
24:02 that does not fade away - reserved in heaven for you
24:07 who are kept by the power of God through faith
24:12 for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. "
24:18 Very nice. Now remember, Robert, when you're reading
24:21 you want to - I know that you are struggling with the
24:23 pronunciation of the words there and that's all right
24:25 because we're all learning here - but you remember that you
24:28 want to maintain that eye contact when you're...
24:31 when you're reading. And so maybe some of you at home
24:33 were able to see... hey, this guy isn't making eye contact
24:36 as much as he should. And if that's what you were saying
24:38 that's good... because you were paying attention.
24:40 And of course Robert... he knows he's got to look at that camera
24:43 but he's just struggling a little bit
24:45 with the pronunciation of the words.
24:47 But let's look at verse 5 again.
24:49 Verse 5 says: "Who are kept
24:52 by the power of God through faith
24:56 for salvation ready to be revealed
25:01 in the last time. " So the scripture says there that
25:04 those people that are ready for the second coming of Christ
25:07 are kept by what? The power of God
25:11 unto salvation by their faith.
25:15 Now if you remember back in Ephesians
25:18 chapter 2 verse 8 we said we are saved by
25:21 grace through... oh, oh, hang on a second...
25:25 We are saved by grace
25:28 through faith. Feel like I'm in an exercise program here.
25:31 Isn't that cool? And then we just read
25:34 in I Peter chapter 1 and verse 5
25:37 "Who are kept by the... " what? "Power of God"
25:41 then what does it say? Through what?
25:43 "faith for salvation. " That's right.
25:48 So we see this parallel here between faith and...
25:52 well, faith... the same word was used...
25:54 then salvation and saved was used
25:57 and then grace and the power of God were used.
26:00 So we're seeing here that grace is the power of God
26:05 that saves us through our faith. That's absolutely right.
26:10 So we'll go to our third reference
26:12 where we're going to get these same principles
26:14 that Dosung began to bring out when we started this
26:18 in Ephesians 2:8.
26:19 So on your screen you'll notice that we are in the seventh
26:22 Law of God text. This is Romans 1:16.
26:25 You will mark 7LG. Put a circle around that turkey.
26:28 On the top of that line you're going to write I Peter 1:3-5.
26:32 That's just where we came from. Underneath that line
26:34 you write Titus 2:11,12.
26:37 And then in our next graphic
26:39 we are going to just recap everything we've done.
26:42 So Ryan, this is you. And we are in Romans chapter 1.
26:46 Romans is in the Old or New Testament?
26:48 It's in the New Testament. Now why don't we do this:
26:51 Ryan, why don't you help me find this verse.
26:54 Let's just pretend that I have no clue where Romans is.
26:58 Help me find it.
26:59 In the New Testament it's past Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
27:03 OK, so New Testament.
27:05 It's going to be past Matthew, Mark, Luke, John,
27:09 Acts and then Romans... Acts and then Romans, OK.
27:13 I'm still in Acts here. Acts is a pretty long book, isn't it?
27:17 All right, I'm there. All right, so
27:20 what verse are we going to be at here, Ryan? Sixteen.
27:23 Verse 16. So remember that when you're giving this Bible study
27:25 you may need to help people get to that reference.
27:28 So go ahead and read that for us, would you.
27:30 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ
27:32 for it is the power of God unto salvation
27:35 to everyone that believeth...
27:37 to the Jew first and also to the Greek. "
27:40 Very good eye contact there on the last part, Ryan.
27:43 So what we see here, it says: "For I am not ashamed
27:46 of the" what? "gospel of Christ for it is
27:49 the power of God unto" what?
27:53 salvation "salvation for everyone who believes. "
27:58 So over here in this area of our classroom was faith.
28:04 Right here was salvation or saved, and over here
28:07 we had two things: we had grace and the power of God.
28:11 Grace is the power of God
28:15 that helps us overcome through faith.
28:20 Now we've got this all on the screen here.
28:24 Grace... Ephesians chapter 2 verse 8... we're studying grace
28:29 Ephesians 2 verse 8 says: "For by grace you have been
28:31 saved through faith. " I Peter 1:3-5 says:
28:36 "Who are kept by the power of God unto salvation
28:40 through" what was it? "faith. " That's right.
28:42 And then Romans 1:16: "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ
28:45 for it is the power of God unto salvation
28:50 to those that believe... to the Jew first
28:52 and then also to the" gentiles or the "Greek. "
28:55 So you see there grace is the power of God
28:58 that saves those who believe.
29:03 Is that concept clear?
29:06 You've got three texts where you are simply paralleling
29:10 grace with the power of God
29:12 and then saved in salvation
29:14 and then faith or belief.
29:16 The three principles are in every one of those references
29:20 showing us that grace is the power of God
29:26 that saves those who believe.
29:30 Grace is the power of God that saves
29:34 those who believe.
29:38 Now on your screen there you see that we are going now to
29:42 Titus chapter 2 verses 11,12.
29:46 So let's go there. Titus chapter 2
29:49 verses 11 and 12.
29:53 And Titus is in the T section of the New Testament.
29:57 Titus is in the T section of the New Testament.
30:01 And the T section is in what? We've learned this here.
30:05 The T section is in alphabetical order, that's absolutely right.
30:09 And we're in Titus chapter 2 verse 11.
30:14 And, Tom, this is going to be you.
30:16 "For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared
30:21 to all men teaching us that denying ungodliness
30:26 and worldly lusts we should live soberly,
30:30 righteously, and godly in the present age. "
30:33 So grace... grace has appeared to how many people?
30:39 All people. The Bible says there
30:42 "For the grace of God that brings salvation
30:46 has appeared to all men. " What does grace bring to us?
30:51 Salvation. And how many people did it appear to?
30:54 All men... that's right.
30:56 "For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared
30:58 to all men teaching us. "
31:01 What does the teaching? Grace.
31:06 "Teaching us that denying ungodliness
31:11 and worldly lusts... "
31:13 What is ungodliness and worldly lusts?
31:16 Sin. That's absolutely right.
31:18 "Teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts
31:24 we should live soberly, righteously,
31:29 and godly in the present age. "
31:33 Now your version, Tom, said "in this present world"
31:37 isn't that right? Is that what your version said?
31:39 No, it says present age as well. Does somebody have
31:41 the old King James version? What does that say?
31:44 "In this present world. "
31:47 So God supplies Jesus who is full of grace.
31:53 Jesus who is full of grace supplies us
31:57 with His power so that we can learn
32:01 because the Bible says that grace "teaches us, "
32:04 doesn't it? That means it is a learning process.
32:08 It's a learning process. We call that sanctification, don't we?
32:12 We call that sanctification.
32:14 That's the process of a lifetime.
32:16 Grace that has appeared to all men
32:20 that brings us salvation teaches us
32:24 to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts.
32:30 Have you ever thought to yourself: "Man,
32:33 I'm sick of struggling with this thing.
32:36 I'm tired of struggling with this issue in my life.
32:39 I want to get freedom from this issue that is in my life. "
32:44 The Bible says in I Corinthians 15:57
32:47 that we can have victory through Jesus Christ.
32:51 We can have victory through Jesus Christ.
32:54 So grace teaches us two things: to deny ungodliness
32:59 and worldly lusts.
33:00 Now when you are giving this Bible study to someone
33:03 you want to be very interactive with that person.
33:07 Be very interactive with that person.
33:09 So when you're reading there in Titus chapter 2
33:12 it says: "for the grace of God that brings salvation"
33:15 you would ask that person:
33:17 "What is it that brings salvation? "
33:19 And the answer would be? Grace, that's right.
33:22 The grace of God. "For the grace of God that brings salvation
33:25 has appeared to all men. "
33:27 And so you would simply say, Bill:
33:28 "How many men did the grace of God appear to? "
33:31 All men. That's absolutely right.
33:33 "Teaching us... " And just like I asked you
33:37 when you're giving this Bible study, you ask this person
33:39 that you're studying with: "What is doing the teaching? "
33:45 The grace of God. That's absolutely right.
33:47 It is the grace of God that is doing the teaching
33:50 and it is teaching us to do two things. What?
33:53 Or to not do two things.
33:56 It's teaching us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts
34:00 and it is teaching us to do what?
34:03 Live soberly, righteously, and godly... when?
34:07 In this present age.
34:09 Are you sure that doesn't mean at the second coming?
34:15 What makes you so sure, Mike?
34:17 Because it says "in this present world. "
34:21 That's absolutely right.
34:22 Don't ever let anyone tell you, my friends,
34:25 that God cannot give you the power
34:27 to overcome your struggles.
34:29 You may be struggling with some- thing in your life right now.
34:33 Notice this. This text isn't in our Bible study, but
34:36 let's go to it anyway. Let's go to Philippians chapter 4...
34:39 Philippians chapter 4. So we are in Timothy...
34:43 I'll help us all find it. We'll turn to the left
34:46 from Timothy. So we're going to
34:48 turn to the left to the book of
34:49 Philippians.
34:51 Philippians chapter 4
34:52 and verse 19.
34:54 Not 19 but verse 13.
34:57 Philippians chapter 4 verse 13.
34:59 For the person that is struggling with the sin
35:02 in their life... for the person that just doesn't feel like
35:07 they can overcome even though they have Jesus
35:10 who is the power of God in their life...
35:13 this is what the Bible says in Philippians chapter 4
35:17 and verse 13. It says:
35:20 "I can do all things through Christ
35:24 who strengthens me. "
35:26 How many things can you do
35:28 through Christ that gives you strength?
35:30 That's right. You can do ALL THINGS through Christ.
35:33 How is it that you can do all things through Christ?
35:36 You can do all things through Christ because of what, Mike?
35:40 Because He's the One that gives us strength.
35:42 So when we ask Jesus into our lives, what does He bring
35:45 with Him? He brings power. See... we'll that's not too big.
35:48 But He brings power, doesn't He?
35:51 And we need that power.
35:53 One of our cameramen is over there flexing
35:54 and I think that's hilarious because I beat him...
35:57 I beat him in arm wrestling the other day.
35:59 Yeah! So when... if any of us are struggling
36:04 with something in our life, my friends, we need Jesus
36:09 don't we. Because Jesus brings with Him grace
36:14 or POWER. That's absolutely right.
36:18 The power... not just any power. That's right, Mike.
36:22 He brings the power of God.
36:25 So Titus tells us that the grace of God is going to help us
36:31 overcome. Now when you're giving this Bible study
36:33 you need to help people overcome.
36:35 At this point, Robert, somebody may be saying to you
36:38 "But Robert, you don't know what's going on in my life. "
36:41 And it's... people will say that to you.
36:45 And you say: "You know, it doesn't matter
36:47 whether I know what's going on in your life or not
36:49 Jesus knows what's going on in your life.
36:53 and Jesus will help you overcome it.
36:55 Let's look at one more promise.
36:57 You want to see one more promise to help us overcome?
37:00 You want to see one more? All right, let's do that then.
37:02 And again, this isn't in your study so just take this
37:04 for what it's worth... which is a lot when you're struggling
37:07 with something. Let's go to Matthew chapter 19.
37:12 Matthew. Going to Matthew chapter 19
37:18 and verse 26.
37:23 Jesus has just finished talking to the disciples here
37:26 in Matthew chapter 19. Well, let's read verse 23 as well.
37:30 Matthew chapter 19 verse 23
37:32 and you guys at home see if I give you some good eye contact
37:34 on this, all right? Now you in class,
37:37 you can be the judge as well.
37:38 "Then Jesus said to His disciples:
37:40 'assuredly I say to you that it is hard for a rich man
37:45 to enter the kingdom of heaven.
37:47 And again I say to you it is easier
37:50 for a camel to go through the eye of a needle
37:53 than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. ' "
37:57 So Jesus here is talking about salvation, isn't He?
38:01 Specifically He's talking... in this, when He's speaking here
38:04 to the disciples, to His followers...
38:06 He's specifically talking about a rich man and how difficult
38:09 it is. And you know, I'm not rich
38:13 so I don't know what makes the struggle different
38:16 unless you just are so comfortable that you don't
38:18 feel that you have a need. But Jesus says here it's hard
38:22 for this rich person to be saved.
38:23 But notice what His disciples said in verse 25.
38:26 "His disciples when they heard it they were greatly astonished
38:30 saying: 'Who then can be saved? ' "
38:35 "Who then can be saved? "
38:36 And you and I could ask the same question.
38:38 We could ask: "How is it that I can be saved
38:42 because I know how dreadfully sinful I am. "
38:45 And here's the promise, verse 26:
38:48 "But Jesus looked at them and said to them:
38:51 'With men this is impossible. ' "
38:55 But then what does He say?
38:57 "But with God all things are possible. "
39:04 Is it too impossible for those of us
39:09 that have accepted Jesus to overcome what we are struggling
39:14 with in our life?
39:15 Now these are promises that you want to write down.
39:18 You will use these promises time and time again.
39:23 If any of you ever went visiting with me - and you will
39:26 be able to do that by the grace of God -
39:28 during Pastor Sizemore's evangelistic meetings
39:30 beginning on November the 7th at the Leesburg Church...
39:33 If you go visiting with us,
39:36 you will hear us use many of the same texts
39:40 over and over again. And the reason that we do that...
39:44 well, not only because we're familiar with them but they're
39:47 very, very potent texts.
39:50 They really give that person that you're studying with hope.
39:53 They give that person that's coming to your
39:54 evangelistic meeting hope because God will give us
39:58 the strength to overcome.
40:01 Any questions on our study so far?
40:04 We've gone over Jesus.
40:06 Jesus is the power of God.
40:10 Jesus is full of grace.
40:12 Jesus is the One that can help us overcome,
40:15 and He gives us that grace - which is His power -
40:19 to overcome. Any questions on what we've covered so far?
40:23 All right. Everybody seems pretty clear about that.
40:25 Let's go to our... let's go to our next slide.
40:28 Our next slide - our next reference that we are going to
40:32 go to is I John chapter 3 and verse 4.
40:36 Because we're teaching here, we're in a learning...
40:39 a learning arena, the people that are taking the video
40:43 are right now going to have to jump several slides forward
40:47 in their presentation. So what we're going to do is
40:50 we're going to go to I John chapter 3 verse 4.
40:52 We are going to begin to look at sin.
40:55 We're going to look at sin. I John chapter 3 and verse 4.
41:01 So let's go there. I John chapter 3...
41:04 Can anybody help me find I John?
41:06 Can somebody help me find I John?
41:08 Where's your microphone at? Where's that microphone at?
41:10 OK. Mrs. Gloria, help me find I John.
41:13 How do I get there? Well this is the second...
41:16 Hold that just a little closer to your mouth. There you are!
41:18 OK. We were just in Philippians. Go to the right.
41:20 OK, I'm turning to the right from Philippians.
41:23 And then we have...
41:28 the Peters and then the Johns.
41:30 I've gotten to Revelation. Where do I need to go now?
41:32 Go back. Yeah, go left to... Got to go left
41:35 from Revelation. Closer to Revelation or closer to John
41:37 where we were? Closer to Revelation.
41:41 Closer to Revelation.
41:43 OK. And, oh, I see III John so I guess it's probably - yes -
41:47 to the left of that. It's I John.
41:49 All right. I John chapter 3 and what verse are we going to?
41:54 Verse 4. Verse 4. OK, can you read that for us?
41:59 Verse 4: "Whoever commits sin
42:04 also commits lawlessness and sin is lawlessness. "
42:10 OK. So what we've done so far in our study
42:13 we talked about Jesus.
42:14 We talked about grace and what grace can do for us.
42:18 And now we've made a transition over to here and we're talking
42:20 about what? We're talking about sin.
42:24 Now there are three definitions of sin in scripture
42:28 that I'm aware of. Now you may know more
42:31 and if so just blurt those out and we'll talk about them.
42:34 But the Bible says in James 4:17
42:37 It says: "If any man knows to do good and does it not,
42:42 to him it is sin. "
42:44 Then in Romans, I believe it's Romans chapter 14,
42:47 in the very last verse, and I hope I'm quoting the Bible
42:52 correctly here. It's in the last verse of Romans 14.
42:54 It says: "For whatsoever is not of faith is sin. "
43:00 And then the third definition is the definition that we see
43:03 right here. The Bible tells us that sin
43:08 is the transgression of God's law.
43:13 Sin is the transgression of God's law.
43:17 Now, Mrs. Gloria, your version said that sin is lawlessness.
43:22 Sin is living your life without regard
43:26 to the law of God.
43:28 So there's a logical question
43:31 that we will want to ask ourselves.
43:33 And that logical question is this:
43:35 If sin - over here - if sin
43:39 is the transgression of God's law,
43:44 then exactly which law are we talking about?
43:49 Well in I John it didn't say God's law. It just said
43:51 "sin is the transgression of the law. "
43:53 And because we are thinking Bible students,
43:56 because we want Biblical answers to our questions,
43:59 we're going to ask this question: what law
44:02 is John talking about when he says "sin is the transgression
44:07 of God's law? "
44:10 So in order to get that we are going to go to our -
44:13 I believe it would be our tenth text -
44:17 And our tenth text - we'll have that graphic up on the screen
44:20 for you in just a moment - our tenth text
44:22 is Romans chapter 7 verse 7.
44:26 And I'm going to ask my cameraman that's getting that
44:28 shot of people's faces to just move out of the way so I can
44:31 catch my computer up to where I need to be.
44:34 So he's just going to move around a little bit
44:37 and those of you at home you just enjoy being at class
44:39 with us here. We're glad you're here with us.
44:41 And Jessica is going to read for us Romans chapter 7
44:45 verse 7.
44:49 Romans chapter 7 verse 7.
44:54 Very nice. And you want to read that for us now?
44:57 Now go ahead and pick that Bible up off of your...
45:00 off of your table there. And you're going to give the
45:02 cameraman some eye contact. So you look right here
45:05 into this camera and you're going to be looking at people
45:07 at home. And they're going to be judging whether or not
45:09 you've got that eye contact that engages them in that study.
45:13 "Well then, am I suggesting that the law of God is evil?
45:18 Of course not. The law is not sinful
45:22 but it was the law that showed me my sin.
45:26 I would never have known that coveting is wrong
45:29 if the law had not said 'do not covet. ' "
45:33 OK, so in Romans chapter 7 verse 7
45:37 it... Paul says: "I would not have known sin
45:41 but by the law. " And I was busy moving my slides
45:45 here, so I'm just going to get here. Romans 7 verse 7.
45:48 "What shall we say then? Is the law sin? "
45:52 What is Paul's answer according to this verse?
45:56 Is the law sin?
45:58 God forbid. Certainly not. Bill hollered out "No! "
46:03 Yes, Bill. Good for you, brother.
46:05 What shall we say then? Is the
46:07 law sin? Certainly not!
46:10 On the contrary,
46:13 I would not have known sin
46:16 except through the what? Through the law.
46:20 Well we still haven't answered what law yet, have we,
46:23 in this verse. So just keep reading
46:25 because the reason we're going to this verse is to show the law
46:29 that if we transgress we sin.
46:34 It says there: "For I would not have known covetousness
46:39 unless the law had said 'you shall not covet. ' "
46:46 "I would not have known sin except the law had said
46:49 'you shall not covet. ' " So which law...
46:52 Mrs. Gloria, tell me: which law is it that says
46:57 "You shall not covet? "
46:59 The Ten Commandments. It was the Ten Commandment law,
47:04 isn't it? It's the Ten Commandment law that says
47:07 "You shall not covet. "
47:08 So Paul says that we can know the definition of transgression
47:12 or of breaking the law... We can know the definition of
47:15 the law simply by finding the law that says
47:19 "Thou shalt not covet. "
47:20 And because Mrs. Gloria has been studying the Bible for years
47:23 she knows that the law that says "Thou shalt not covet"
47:26 is the Ten Commandment moral law of God.
47:30 Would you like to look at that law?
47:31 You want to look at that law?
47:33 Shelleta said: "Yes! " I like all those S's there.
47:36 We'll get there, but not right now.
47:38 We're going to look at it, but not right now.
47:41 Go... you still have the microphone there.
47:43 Read for us verse 12: Romans chapter 7 verse 12
47:46 because we have two texts here. We want to firmly establish
47:51 that the law is not sin.
47:53 Paul has already said: "Certainly not! "
47:55 What does he say in verse 12 there, Jessica?
47:59 "But still the law itself is holy and right and good. "
48:04 So the law is what? It is holy;
48:07 it is right; and it is good.
48:11 Isn't that amazing that Jesus is
48:14 holy, He is righteous, and He is the only good Man
48:20 that ever walked on the face of this planet.
48:22 Romans chapter 3 tells us that none of us are good.
48:25 But of course Jesus - who never sinned - is good.
48:30 So the law reflects the character of Christ then,
48:32 doesn't it? Isn't that cool?
48:34 So what then is it? We know what sin is now.
48:38 We know that sin is the transgression or the living
48:42 our life apart from God's law.
48:45 What is it that sin does
48:49 to our relationship with Jesus?
48:54 Separates us. Now I hear you say separate us, but
48:57 because we are studying the Bible with people
49:00 You may be studying the Bible with people that have been
49:02 studying for years and you say
49:04 "What does sin do to our relationship with God? "
49:06 and just like here at the Lay Institute for Evangelism
49:08 you guys said: "separates us. "
49:11 But do you know a reference that tells us that?
49:14 Isaiah 59. Well look there: it's our next reference
49:19 on our slide, isn't it? All right, the 11th Law of God text
49:23 is Isaiah 59 verses 1 and 2.
49:27 So I'll just go ahead and get there and then Vanessa,
49:30 you can read that for us.
49:32 Isaiah... Why don't you help me find Isaiah. Do that for us.
49:35 Help me find Isaiah.
49:36 Where do I go to find Isaiah?
49:39 Middle of the Bible. OK, let's see... middle of the Bible.
49:43 I'm in Proverbs.
49:45 OK. Do I go to the left or the right from Proverbs?
49:48 I go to the right. Why don't you grab that microphone
49:50 and put that up there so the people at home can...
49:53 can be helped as well.
49:54 So we're going to the left or right from Proverbs?
49:57 To the right. And which reference am I going to?
50:00 Isaiah 59. Isaiah 59.
50:04 Now when you're giving Bible studies...
50:06 Let's suppose you're giving Bible studies to a...
50:08 a mother that has two toddlers.
50:11 I don't know if you've ever been in a home that has
50:13 two toddlers all at one. But for the person that doesn't
50:17 have kids they may go into that home and they may think
50:19 "Oh, this is useless. "
50:21 "How in the world am I going to give a Bible study
50:23 in this environment? "
50:24 Well you need to get past that if you don't have kids.
50:26 You know we had some people at our house last night
50:28 and they said: "Oh, man, your kids are just going crazy
50:31 in the house. " And I was thinking: "You know,
50:33 I didn't know they were going crazy. "
50:34 I mean they were a little loud but for me... You know,
50:37 parents can tune things out. So if you're giving this Bible
50:39 study to a parent that has a couple of kids in there,
50:42 that parent... understand that parent has the ability to
50:45 tune their kids out to a certain degree
50:47 until the yells that their kids are giving get to a certain
50:49 decibel and then you know the kid is hurt. Isn't that right?
50:51 That's exactly right.
50:53 And so if you're giving this text to a mother that's
50:56 taking care of a couple of kids at the same time you're giving
50:58 the Bible study, you'll need to make sure, Vanessa,
51:01 that you are repeating those texts. Repeat those texts.
51:04 So where are we going again, Vanessa. Where are we going?
51:07 Isaiah 59. Isaiah 59.
51:09 And, oh, I'm sorry. What reference is that again?
51:12 Verses 1 and 2. Verses 1... OK.
51:14 Good job, Vanessa. You passed!
51:16 You're passed... you've passed. All right.
51:18 Let's read that. OK. "Behold, the Lord's hand is
51:22 not shortened that it cannot save
51:25 neither His ear heavy that it cannot hear. "
51:28 OK, stop right there.
51:30 Let's not read verse 2 quite yet.
51:32 You remember in the first week here we discussed
51:36 three questions that we needed to ask
51:39 when we are reading verses.
51:41 Do you remember what those three questions were?
51:44 What? Why? So what?
51:49 What? Why? and So what?
51:51 So this text right here if we ask the question
51:54 "What did this text say? "
51:56 what would this text show us?
51:58 Vanessa, what would this text show us?
52:01 There's two things there.
52:03 All you've got to do is read it again.
52:04 Just look at it right now and read it again
52:07 and then you'll see the first one. Start reading.
52:09 Out loud? Out loud. Yeah, that's right.
52:11 We can't hear you if you don't read out loud.
52:14 "Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened
52:17 that He cannot save... "
52:19 OK. What's the first thing we learned right there, Vanessa?
52:22 That His hand is not shortened.
52:24 That it what? "Behold, the Lord's hand is
52:28 not shortened that He cannot save. " Save us.
52:32 So the Lord does not have an arm that is too short to reach down
52:35 and grab anyone.
52:37 No matter how far we have gone God's hand is not too short
52:41 to reach to where we are and to pick us up.
52:45 And then what does it say?
52:46 What's the second thing that we learned in that text?
52:48 We're asking what. What's the second thing we learned
52:51 in that text? Go ahead and read it.
52:54 Just read the rest of the text.
52:56 On verses 1 or 2? Verse 1. Read the rest of verse 1.
53:00 You're right, you're right. Sorry. I could be more clear.
53:02 "Neither His ear heavy that it cannot hear. "
53:06 OK. So is God's ear too heavy
53:09 that God cannot hear us when we cry out to Him?
53:13 No. You remember in Philippians 4:13,
53:16 the text we read earlier, it said: "I can do all things
53:19 through Christ that strengthens me. "
53:21 Then we were in Matthew 19:26. He says: "With men this is
53:24 impossible but with God all things are possible. "
53:29 So God's hand is not too short that He can't reach out
53:32 and get you where you are
53:33 when you call to Him and pull you out of it.
53:36 "Nor is His ear too heavy. "
53:39 You know, we're here in Florida
53:41 and those of you that are in Florida watching
53:43 you'll have to forgive me for this... "But neither is His
53:46 hearing aid too dull to hear what you are saying. "
53:52 When that person cries out for God to save him
53:55 God will save him.
53:57 But if we live our live rebelliously against God
54:03 we'll get to a point where sin doesn't even seem sinful
54:06 any more. And if sin doesn't seem sinful, then we're
54:09 not going to ask forgiveness for it.
54:11 Read verse 2 for us, Vanessa. You were doing a great job.
54:14 You're doing a great job.
54:16 "But your iniquities have separated between you
54:20 and your God and your sins have hid His face from you
54:24 that He will not hear. "
54:27 So what does our iniquity or our sin do
54:31 with our relationship to God?
54:33 It separates us. Now we have Biblical reference
54:37 for what we said just a moment ago.
54:40 It says there: "Your iniquities have separated you
54:45 from God. " "Your iniquities have separated you from God
54:50 and your sins have hidden His face from you
54:54 so that He will not hear. "
55:00 I don't know for you, but for me
55:05 I don't want to get to the point where God will not hear me.
55:10 I want to stay so far away from sin
55:14 that I'm just sandwiched up against the rock
55:16 that I slammed into when I was converted.
55:18 I want to be as far away from that sin as I can possibly get.
55:24 So this is what we've learned so far in our Bible study.
55:28 We have learned that Jesus is the source
55:33 or the Author of what? Grace.
55:37 Say it loud. He's the Author of... grace.
55:40 That's right. And grace is the power of God
55:44 that helps us overcome sin. That's right.
55:48 And on the screen you'll see here
55:50 we went to I John 3:4 to show that sin is the transgression
55:54 of the law. We went to Romans 7:7,12
55:58 to show that the law of God is the very law that said
56:01 "Thou shalt not... " Say it loud. "Covet. " That's right.
56:06 Then we went to Isaiah 59:1,2 to show that sin
56:09 separates us from God.
56:13 Sin separates us from God.
56:19 We have decided in this study so far that we are not
56:24 willing to be separated from God.
56:28 Since sin is what separates us
56:32 from God and we don't want to be separated from God
56:37 then what is it that we need? Grace.
56:41 That's right, Mike. We need grace which is the
56:45 power of God to overcome sin.
56:48 Which means that we still need the Author of grace
56:52 who is Jesus because the Bible said in John 1:14
56:57 that "the Word became flesh and dwelt among us
57:00 and we beheld His glory,
57:02 the glory as of the only
57:04 begotten of the Father
57:06 full of grace and truth. "
57:11 Now for those of you that are in this room,
57:13 for those of you that are at home,
57:16 the study's not over.
57:17 We have more to cover in this study.
57:20 But at this particular moment take some time to reflect
57:24 on your life. Are you struggling with things
57:30 in your life and do you need the power of God?
57:36 I believe we do,
57:38 and we'll finish this study in our next program.


Revised 2014-12-17