Life On the Edge

Antichrist 2 -pt. 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Phillip Sizemore (Host)


Series Code: LOE

Program Code: LOE000009

00:01 The harvest truly is plenteous but the laborers are few.
00:04 Pray ye, therefore, the Lord of the harvest
00:06 that He will... He will send forth laborers into His harvest.
00:10 Also, I heard the voice of the Lord saying
00:13 "Who shall I send? "
00:15 "And who will go for us? "
00:18 Then said I: "Here am I, send me... send me. "
00:23 Life on the Edge will enable you to be an effective harvester
00:26 for the Lord. We now invite you into our classroom
00:30 to come experience LIFE.
00:43 Welcome again to Life on the Edge:
00:45 the interactive Bible study course where we not only
00:47 learn like... have Bible studies with one another
00:50 and hear about Bible studies
00:52 but we actually learn how to
00:53 give them to other people.
00:55 Now does everybody here feel like they could probably give
00:56 at least one of the studies they've learned to somebody
00:58 else? Let me see somebody shake their head yes.
01:00 Yeah. Even if you don't think so shake your head yes
01:01 for the cameras, OK?
01:03 Yes. So everybody fells they could probably give
01:04 some of these studies and hopefully by the end
01:07 because you know what we do at Life on the Edge here
01:08 for the people who actually come to the course here at LIFE?
01:11 Now you're going to love this because it's going to make
01:12 everybody at home want to come to LIFE.
01:14 Are you ready for this?
01:15 At the end of the course you actually have to give
01:18 some of the studies to one another.
01:19 Yeah. And then when we go out on outreach and things like that
01:22 you'll have your Bible with you and knock on the door
01:24 and somebody will come to the door and you'll say: "Hey, "
01:25 you know, do the survey with them and say:
01:27 "Would you like to have a Bible study? " They'll say:
01:29 "Yeah, when can we have it? "
01:30 You say: "Well, next week. " And then you think: " I can go
01:32 home next week and prepare and I'll be ready to come back. "
01:34 And they said: "Well you know... can we have it now? "
01:36 And you say: "Yes, I'm ready. " And you get your Bible
01:37 out. Your Bible's all marked and ready to go
01:40 and you can sit down and you can have that Word of God study
01:41 with them. And then they'll say: "Wow, does Darlene
01:44 really know her Bible. "
01:45 And what they really don't know is you've got your Bible
01:47 all marked up with your texts
01:48 so it looks like you know your Bible.
01:49 You're reading your Bible but actually you're looking
01:51 at the next text you have to go to.
01:52 It'd be nice, wouldn't it?
01:54 And so that's what we're going to be doing.
01:55 You know, I could tell you a story. I think I might have
01:56 a little time. Can I tell a story?
01:58 Whenever I was... I went to ARISE.
02:01 You know, up in Michigan... the school of evangelism up there.
02:03 I don't recommend going... No, I'm just kidding,
02:04 you can go there. But come to LIFE, all right?
02:08 But I went to ARISE. That's where I got most of the training
02:11 and stuff at. And we have been doing just their version
02:15 of the Bible studies, right? Learning to do the Bible studies
02:17 and put them in the Bible.
02:19 And my third or fourth day on outreach...
02:22 I went on outreach with this girl and she said: "Don't you
02:25 ever ask me to do anything when we get in the house.
02:28 You can do all the talking. I'm just here with you
02:30 'cause I gotta go... it's part of the school.
02:31 And I said: "OK, no problem. I like to talk to people.
02:34 Fine. You know, you're going to miss all the fun, right? "
02:36 And so, umm, outreach is just where you just go out
02:39 knocking on doors, you know. Doing surveys
02:40 trying to get the Bible studies. And so they put me in this area
02:44 of town and every one of the homes are like these massive
02:47 big houses. And I think: "Where are the trailer parks? "
02:50 You know, but it's a massive house and I've got to go there.
02:52 I love trailer parks!
02:54 Even myself. You know, I used to live in a double wide
02:57 and stuff all the time. and I still long for that
02:58 because it seems like those people were different.
03:00 You know, they're more open and friendly... things like that.
03:02 Seems like those people that have more money
03:03 they're like really busy...
03:04 they've got more important things to do.
03:06 Tends to be that way. Not always.
03:07 And so I'm kind of dreading this.
03:09 So every doorbell I ring doesn't go ding-dong.
03:12 You know how doorbells do that? They play like a tune.
03:15 You know you're in a wealthy neighborhood when they're
03:16 playing tunes on all the doorbells.
03:18 And so I go to this house this one particular evening
03:21 right before dark and this guy answered the door.
03:23 He's a really tall guy. Nice looking distinguished fellow.
03:26 Italian. You can just tell he's an Italian guy, you know.
03:29 And he comes to the door and I start off with my
03:32 "You know, I'm Phillip. I'm with ARISE
03:34 and we're doing like a community religious survey. "
03:37 And I go... my little thing there. And I said:
03:39 "Um, would you be interested in taking a survey? "
03:40 He said: "Sure. " And I said: "Well, you know
03:42 the first question is: Do you believe there's a God? "
03:44 He said: "Yeah. " And as we go through the survey
03:46 I can tell he has a spiritual interest.
03:48 And then he begins to tell me a little bit about how his wife
03:50 had just died of breast cancer the year before
03:52 and he was just like... he was just crushed. And this,
03:55 crushed, you know, at this time. It had been not that long ago.
03:58 So at the end of the survey I get to the end
04:00 and the last question is: Would you be interested
04:02 in having a Bible study?
04:03 "No, I don't think I'm really interested in that
04:05 but thanks so much. " And I said: "Listen, can I have
04:06 a word of prayer with you before I go? "
04:08 He said: "Sure. "
04:10 And so there on his doorstep as I'm praying in my mind...
04:13 and I'm praying out loud in my mind I'm thinking: "Lord,
04:15 I recognize that this guy... he's really interested
04:18 in the scriptures. Please do something here. "
04:20 And here's what happened... very interesting.
04:22 At the end of the prayer he said:
04:25 "Can we have that Bible study now? "
04:27 And of course I said: "No, I'm not ready. " Right?
04:29 We had just finished marking the first study in the Word of God.
04:32 I had just finished marking it, and I said...
04:34 Normally on outreach I had not been taking my Bible with me
04:37 but I happened to have it with me this day.
04:39 It's like the Lord impressed me to do that. So I had my Bible
04:41 and I said "Sure, I'll do that. "
04:43 And so we go into this house and right away I realize
04:45 I've got to take my shoes off... it's plush white carpet.
04:47 White carpet, plush. And I go: "Man... "
04:50 Take my shoes off and go and we sit down.
04:51 My outreach partner who said: "Don't ever ask me to
04:54 say anything" was sitting there next to me
04:55 and he was sitting over here. And all her job was to take
04:58 notes for the study. We're doing the Bible study
05:00 like what you're learning here at Life on the Edge.
05:02 Same kind of thing.
05:03 I go to the Word of God study, the Daniel 2 study,
05:06 and long story short at the end of it
05:09 the guy said: "Man, I've never heard anything like this.
05:12 I've never even opened my Bible up to the Old Testament. "
05:15 He said: "But it makes sense. I love this! "
05:17 He said: "I've got a brother that's an atheist.
05:19 Can you share this study with him? "
05:20 I said: "Sure I can. " I'm really nervous. This is like
05:22 the first full on with no notes Bible study I've ever given
05:25 with just my Bible, right.
05:27 And it's like the Spirit of God was just there and just blessed.
05:29 And at the end of it it was so powerful, so solemn,
05:31 the girl that said: "Never ask me to do anything"
05:33 was sitting there next to me. It's like the Spirit of God
05:34 came upon her and she said:
05:36 "I would like to have a prayer for us. Would that be OK? "
05:39 "Go right ahead... " you know.
05:42 So she offered this beautiful prayer and the guy
05:43 he... like you can tell it's a very somber moment.
05:45 And as we say our goodbyes and stuff, we'll see you tomorrow
05:48 for the next study. And he says:
05:50 "Can you pray for me just one more time before you leave?
05:53 And particularly pray about me and my situation
05:55 you know with my wife and everything. That I'll get over
05:57 this and that kind of stuff, you know? "
05:58 And I said: "Yeah, we can have that prayer. "
06:00 So, you know, I knelt down there in his living room again
06:01 and I offered a prayer for him and he's like teary-eyed
06:03 at the end of it. That guy came to every... I mean, he's like
06:06 study after study after study after study.
06:08 He never missed any of them. Went through the whole
06:10 evangelistic meetings there that David Asscherick put on.
06:12 He bought the DVDs of the whole series and everything like that.
06:14 So you know we don't know what the final part of the story is.
06:18 I ended up leaving but... you know, as far as I know
06:20 he hasn't ever made a full commitment yet.
06:21 But you understand that with these studies
06:24 you're actually going to be able to go to somebody's house
06:26 or anywhere you're at and if they say:
06:28 "I would like to have a Bible study, "
06:29 you're going to be able to pick up your Bible
06:31 and say: "OK. " Let's go to the front here
06:34 and say: "My first text... " Umm, we're going to the Word
06:37 of God. My first text? That'll be II Timothy 3 verse 15.
06:40 Let's go there. " And you're going to be able to help me
06:42 go through it and you're going to go through a study.
06:43 And the Spirit of God's going to be on you
06:45 and you're to see souls won to the kingdom because of
06:46 what you're doing here. Isn't that powerful? Amen!
06:49 And so we've already discovered here
06:51 at the first part of this; we've been going through the study.
06:53 We did antichrist part II... part I... already.
06:57 Now we're going to do antichrist part II part II.
07:00 And so as we go through this now
07:03 we're going to go through this next Bible study
07:05 we're going to actually identify who the antichrist is.
07:08 Now just for a quick review of what we've looked at already
07:11 you remember that the antichrist of part II, the first part
07:15 we looked at... We first off started looking at what?
07:17 It was the names of the antichrist.
07:19 Remember what those names were? Does anybody remember them?
07:21 It was antichrist; it was the man of sin;
07:24 son of perdition; and then... Does anybody know the other one?
07:27 The sea beast first. It was the sea beast, right?
07:30 The sea beast in Revelation chapter 13.
07:32 And then we went to the little horn in Daniel chapter 7.
07:34 I said: "Oh, yeah, that's the antichrist too. "
07:36 But I haven't proven that yet.
07:37 That's where we left off at kind of right there.
07:40 We've done the names of it and then we said:
07:41 "You know what, though, before the antichrist comes to power
07:44 God gave us a list of kingdoms that were going to rule.
07:47 And He does it through a vision that Daniel has
07:48 in Daniel chapter 7.
07:50 And so in the first part of Daniel chapter 7 we talk about
07:52 the vision and what the winds represent:
07:54 strife and commotion. The waters represent
07:56 um, um, um, people... multitudes of people.
07:59 And then you had the beast represent kings or kingdoms.
08:02 Remember we covered that part in the first part of the study.
08:04 And then we looked at these beasts themselves.
08:06 We had the first that was a lion.
08:07 And who did this lion represent with eagle's wings?
08:09 Babylon. That's exactly right.
08:11 And then the next kingdom that came to rise:
08:13 It was this... it was this, um, this bear.
08:16 The bear was raised up on one side, right?
08:18 And one side showing imbalance of power.
08:20 And this was the kingdom of who? Medo-Persia.
08:22 And we know through history that Medo-Persias took over from
08:24 Greece. And tell me this: who was the stronger
08:27 out of the two kingdoms that came together,
08:29 the Medes and Persians. Who was stronger?
08:30 The Persians. See, I knew you'd remember that.
08:32 And how do we remember that?
08:33 Because they had the Persian Gulf. That's exactly right.
08:35 That's our memory aid. And then we had the next kingdom
08:38 that rose up, and this was one like a leopard.
08:39 And this leopard... we understand that a leopard
08:41 with wings is something moving very fast.
08:43 And it has four heads. And so a leopard moving very fast
08:45 with wings represents the kingdom of Greece, right?
08:48 The kingdom of Greece, and it's first king was who?
08:50 Alexander the Great. That's exactly right.
08:52 He wanted to conquer the world by the... and he did, actually,
08:55 Started at how old? Sixteen.
08:57 And ended it by the time he was... by the time he was how
08:59 old? When did he finish up conquering the world basically?
09:02 Thirty-three. You guys are so good!
09:04 Paying close attention. That's exactly right.
09:05 At 33 he had conquered the world. He got so sad
09:08 because there was nobody left to kill, nobody left to conquer.
09:10 He couldn't conquer his passions.
09:12 Ended up drinking himself to death basically is what happened
09:13 with him. But he said: "You know what? I want the strongest
09:16 to rule after me. " And his four generals just said that
09:18 that they though they was all the strongest
09:19 and they split his kingdom up into four heads
09:21 just like the Bible said would happen.
09:23 And then after that, though, after Greece
09:25 another kingdom came to power. And when Daniel was writing this
09:29 he didn't have any... any animal in the kingdom
09:32 that God has created with all of His animals...
09:34 he didn't have anything he could even compare this one to.
09:37 And so he just said: "This beast that I saw"
09:39 in verse 7- this 4th beast - was "dreadful and terrible
09:42 with great iron teeth. " And who did this beast
09:45 with the great iron teeth... who did he represent?
09:47 Who was... who was that beast?
09:49 Rome. That's exactly right. It was the Roman Empire.
09:51 But now it says something very interesting
09:55 because after the Roman Empire had come on the scene
09:58 the Bible tells us - just like in Daniel chapter 2-
10:02 Daniel chapter 2 remember it went down and the kingdom was
10:04 divided... Rome actually became divided
10:06 into the feet of iron and clay.
10:07 Just like in the same way it talks about this kingdom
10:10 being divided. It gives it in different symbolism
10:13 but still the same. He is divided. Let's look at this now
10:15 how Rome actually ends up becoming divided.
10:19 Daniel chapter 7 verse 8 first of all.
10:21 Let me read this back to verse 7 one more time.
10:25 "After this I saw in the night vision and behold
10:27 a fourth beast - dreadful and terrible -
10:29 strong exceedingly. It had great iron teeth.
10:31 It devoured and broke in pieces and stamped the residue
10:34 with the feet of it. And it was diverse or different from the
10:37 other beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns. "
10:40 So it actually ends up - you know -
10:42 after it comes down to the point this beast is there
10:46 and he looks at this beast, this beast ends up having 10 horns.
10:48 And we're going to find out that these ten horns
10:51 represents powers or kingdoms themselves or kings.
10:56 So we find that this beast power actually divided up
10:59 into 10 kings or kingdoms. Are you following me?
11:01 Now we're going to look at that as we go on now.
11:03 We're in Daniel chapter 7 verse 8 and verse 24.
11:06 And Danielle is going to read that for us over here.
11:08 Danielle. Daniel chapter 7 verse 8 and verse 24.
11:12 It's on the slide as well up there.
11:16 "I considered the horns and behold there came up among them
11:19 another little horn before whom there were 3 of the first horns
11:23 plucked up by the roots.
11:25 And behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of a man
11:29 and a mouth speaking great things.
11:31 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings
11:35 that shall arise. And another shall rise after them
11:38 and he shall be diverse from the first.
11:41 And he shall subdue 3 kings. "
11:43 OK. What we're doing right now is we're going to be going over
11:46 the identifying characteristics of this little horn.
11:49 Like how does God give us the ability to identify this
11:51 little horn. She has just read like seven of them
11:54 through that right there. And you probably didn't even
11:56 pick up all of them, did you?
11:57 So we're going to go... What we're going to do now
11:59 is we're going to go over those ten identifying characteristics
12:01 like the description that the
12:02 that the Bible gives us here.
12:03 And then we're not going to tell you who it is yet
12:05 but by the end of the study
12:06 we're going to reveal exactly
12:08 who this little horn power is.
12:09 Who this character is from the Bible.
12:11 So we've got to have all the definitions of everything
12:13 from the scriptures. Because if it's not from the Bible
12:16 it does us no good, does it?
12:17 So let us back up just a little bit here
12:19 and we're going to go with the slide, actually,
12:21 of this little horn power. First of all, we know that
12:23 it's a little kingdom. How do we know that?
12:25 Danielle just read it.
12:26 Danielle, we're going to look at it again here
12:28 in Daniel chapter 7 and verse 8.
12:29 He said: "I considered the horns and, behold, there came up
12:32 among them another... " What?
12:34 "Little horn. " So this horn is little
12:37 as compared to what? The other horns.
12:40 It must be little compared to the other horns.
12:41 So it's a little king or a little kingdom.
12:43 Now how do we know that a horn represents a king
12:46 or a kingdom? We read that in verse 24.
12:49 Verse 24 says: "The ten horns out of that kingdom are
12:52 ten kings. " So we've got this... the Roman Empire.
12:56 We know the non-descript beast being Rome. And we know that
12:58 Rome was divided and we have here these ten kings
13:00 that it was divided into. Are you following me?
13:02 But out of those is going to come up one little horn.
13:05 So it's going to be a little power or a little kingdom
13:08 as compared to the rest of them.
13:11 So that's the first thing we're going to look at.
13:13 This little horn - and that's the first identifying
13:15 characteristic - if you want to jot it down there, #1-
13:18 this little horn is going to be a little kingdom.
13:20 All right. It's going to be little compared to the rest.
13:23 Now, let us go to the next identifying characteristic.
13:25 It's still found in Daniel chapter 7...
13:27 Daniel chapter 7 and verse 8 again.
13:29 It's going to come up among divided Rome.
13:32 It's going to come up among the divided...
13:34 How do we know it's going to come up among divided Rome?
13:35 Well it just says there. Now you look back in verse 7
13:38 it says this thing had ten horns.
13:40 "And I considered the horns and, behold, there came up
13:42 among them a little horn. "
13:45 So we're going to have Rome divided into the 10 kingdoms,
13:47 right? And among those ten... among those ten are going to
13:50 come up a little one. And let me tell you what you've just done
13:52 just now. There's books in Christian book stores
13:54 in places around the world right now
13:56 that says like this antichrist. Oh, it must be Russia.
14:00 But now think about it.
14:01 Where was Rome... where was Rome located
14:04 and where was it divided? What do we call it today?
14:05 Modern-day Europe, right? That's the Roman Empire
14:08 all divided up in what we call modern-day Europe.
14:10 Is Russia in the middle or part of... among modern-day Europe?
14:14 No. Like right now I'm standing here. I'm not really
14:17 among you, I'm up here in front of you, all right.
14:18 Is that where I'm at? Right?
14:20 But now if I step out here... I don't know how far I can get
14:21 out here before I get out of line of the camera, but
14:22 let's suppose I step out here and I lean over like this
14:24 and really come to Shelleta and Gloria here.
14:27 Am I among you guys now?
14:29 I'm right there among you, aren't I?
14:31 Do you follow that? So what he's saying here
14:33 in Daniel chapter 7 is this little horn -
14:35 this little horn power that rises up - is going to have to
14:36 come up among the divisions of the Roman Empire
14:39 or what we call modern-day Europe.
14:42 The two identifying characteristics so far?
14:44 You know what we've just done right now?
14:46 This was two identifying characteristics so we narrowed
14:48 it down a little bit.
14:49 You know what God is doing with this?
14:51 The way He does this with these ten identifying characteristics?
14:54 Right now I'm thinking about somebody in this room.
14:55 OK, I'm thinking of somebody in this room.
14:57 This person I'm thinking of is about my height.
15:01 Now does that narrow it down a little bit?
15:03 Oh, yeah. For sure it throws out Mike Mudd.
15:05 It throws out Robert there, right? Darlene... she's out.
15:08 Gloria's out. I mean quite a few of you are out
15:11 of that one, right? Shelleta's out of it.
15:13 Now this person I'm thinking of is a male.
15:16 It's a guy. He's about my height and he's a guy.
15:18 Does that narrow it down a little bit more?
15:20 Yes. Now the person I'm thinking of is wearing
15:22 a green shirt. Now it still narrows it down, doesn't it?
15:26 I mean there's like two guys in here about my height
15:28 wearing a green shirt, right?
15:30 We have Ken here and Bill back here.
15:31 See, both of those kind of... I even have a green shirt on.
15:34 We all called each other today before we came in. That's right.
15:37 Now the person I'm thinking of is also wearing blue jeans.
15:39 Does that narrow it down some more?
15:41 Nope... they're both wearing blue jeans.
15:42 OK. The person I'm thinking of has his hair cut really short.
15:47 We've narrowed it down still to these two, haven't we?
15:49 Isn't this amazing how this is working? OK.
15:51 Now the person I'm thinking of... the person I'm thinking of
15:54 is much younger than me.
15:56 Does that help?
15:58 OK. The person I'm thinking of has on white tennis shoes,
16:01 right? Or gray tennis shoes, I guess.
16:05 Are you following what we're doing here?
16:06 By a process of telling... describing the person
16:09 I'm thinking of, by just making that description,
16:11 it narrows down who I'm thinking of
16:13 that where even if I don't say who it is
16:15 we all know. Are you following that?
16:18 What God does here with these ten identifying characteristics
16:20 is like well there's some people, there's some times
16:22 you can go look and say: "OK, there's little kingdoms
16:24 around the world, right?
16:25 Isn't like, like... isn't there like a place called Tanzania?
16:29 Isn't that a little tiny place? Right?
16:31 Well maybe that's what he's talking about
16:33 because it's small. So that's identifying characteristics.
16:35 So we have to have more to understand it, don't we?
16:37 But now as we look we see this little horn power
16:39 comes up among the other horns.
16:42 Well that narrows it down a little more, doesn't it?
16:43 So we're looking for a power to come up where?
16:46 Somewhere in what we call Europe today, right?
16:48 So that's where Rome was divided.
16:50 Are you following me? Now as we go through this
16:52 many of you - maybe some of you sitting at home
16:53 as well, maybe some of you sitting there - will say
16:55 "Well I know who it is before you even tell us who it is. "
16:57 And you'll know that if you're just like into history
16:59 and you understand what went through history.
17:01 As it narrows down you're going to say:
17:02 "that's a no brainer. "
17:04 And so... because sometimes as you reveal the antichrist power
17:08 some people feel offended like "Oh, how dare they say that? "
17:11 But if it's from the Word of God
17:13 and the Word of God is doing the offending
17:15 let it offend.
17:17 Yeah. I don't want to say anything that
17:18 purposely offends anybody.
17:20 But if this is what the Word of God gives,
17:22 God does not want us to be deceived.
17:24 And so we're going into the 3rd identifying characteristic
17:27 right now. We know that it's a little horn.
17:28 It comes up among the divided Roman Empire.
17:30 And here's the third identifying characteristic:
17:33 it comes up after Rome is divided.
17:35 Now obviously, if it has to come up...
17:37 obviously it has to come up after Rome was divided
17:40 because it comes up among the ten divisions
17:42 of the Roman Empire, right?
17:44 So it has to be after they're divided before it comes up.
17:46 Now here's something that's very fascinating to me
17:47 you may have never connected together before.
17:49 You had in history Babylon,
17:53 Medo-Persia, Greece,
17:55 Rome. Rome is divided and according to Daniel chapter 7
18:00 the little horn comes to power after Rome is divided
18:01 you've just given somewhat of a timeline
18:03 of when it has to come on the scene.
18:06 In other words, could the antichrist power
18:08 be a little horn or something that comes out of, out of...
18:11 say the little power arises out of the levered empire of Greece
18:15 could it be between Greece and Rome that this little...
18:16 that this antichrist comes to power?
18:18 No, it can't be, can it?
18:20 It does have some interesting statement - especially when
18:21 you get to Daniel chapter 8.
18:23 Now when God is giving us any more details
18:27 because some people say the antichrist power,
18:28 the little horn power in Daniel chapter 8, is actually some
18:31 fellow by the name of Antiochus Epiphanes
18:32 who came out of the Grecian empire.
18:35 But according to Daniel 7... remember, it all has to
18:38 fit the timeline. Are you following me?
18:40 It all has to fit the timeline.
18:41 So if the timeline says it's Babylon, Medo-Persia,
18:43 Greece, Rome then the antichrist after the divisions of Rome,
18:46 then it can't fit Antiochus Epiphanes because we know
18:48 that Rome was divided finally in 476 AD.
18:51 So it has to rise up sometime after 476 AD.
18:55 Are you following that?
18:57 Very interesting, isn't it?
18:59 We have just narrowed down something just now
19:01 with three of the identifying characteristics.
19:03 That it has to be some time after Jesus was on this earth.
19:07 Some time after the disciples.
19:08 Some time after 476 AD.
19:11 Are you following that? Now, what we're going to do
19:14 when we go back and we identify the antichrist
19:15 I will show you exactly what happened in 476 AD.
19:18 OK? We'll describe that then when we reveal the antichrist.
19:21 But we just know that... just for the sake of...
19:23 just for the sake of it right now Rome was essentially divided
19:26 in 476 AD. I guess I can read you a little statement.
19:28 Listen to this: Rome was divided in 476 AD
19:32 when Odoacer, king of Heruli, deposed Romulus Augustus
19:35 the last western Roman emperor in 476 AD,
19:38 the fragmentation of the Roman Empire then was complete.
19:41 Now you can find that in history books.
19:43 You might not want to look too much on the Internet
19:45 because they try to distort things now because
19:47 whenever the antichrist is revealed
19:49 and you don't want to be called antichrist,
19:52 you're going to do things to try to change or manipulate
19:54 history so the finger's off you.
19:56 You know, I'm tempted to go on with that...
19:58 but I can't right now.
20:00 So let's go on to the next one.
20:02 The little horn also plucks up or destroys
20:06 three of the horns. Now what's a horn represent?
20:09 And so this is going to pluck up or destroy three horns
20:12 or three kingdoms or kings that have come to power.
20:15 So out of the ten - those ten divisions -
20:17 three of them are going to get uprooted
20:18 according to the scriptures. Let us read from the scriptures
20:20 and see why it says that. We're still in Daniel
20:21 chapter 7 and verse 8. Look what it says:
20:24 "I considered the horns. Behold there came up among them" -
20:26 remember among them means it comes up in the Roman Empire
20:29 there or what we call Europe today -
20:32 "the little horn" - it's going to be a little kingdom -
20:34 "before whom there were three plucked up by the roots. "
20:38 There were three horns or three kingdoms
20:41 that were destroyed. If you pluck a horn out of an animal
20:44 does that horn continue to live?
20:45 Some scientists will say: "Oh, yeah, it lives for so long
20:47 afterwards. " No, no. You're destroying it, right?
20:49 And so it plucks up three as it comes to power.
20:52 Plucks them up by the roots.
20:54 And so that's the next identifying characteristic
20:56 is as this horn comes to power
20:57 three kingdoms are going to be taken out.
20:59 Is everybody OK with that one?
21:01 Four identifying characteristics we've gone through now.
21:03 How many? Four.
21:05 With those four - I could actually with just those four -
21:07 prove you know who the antichrist power is
21:09 in using that. But we want to get all ten in here because
21:11 God does not want to leave us with any shadow of a doubt.
21:13 He wants us to be absolutely sure.
21:15 Isn't that good to serve a God like that.
21:18 He just leaves no room to guess or to try to speculate.
21:22 Now the little horn also on the next slide here...
21:24 We're still in Daniel chapter 7
21:26 verses 8 and 24. Still in the same text
21:28 but here is the identifying characteristic:
21:29 the little horn will be different from the other
21:32 kingdoms. It'll be different. This antichrist power -
21:34 or the little horn part - will be different.
21:36 And different how is the question. We'll answer that
21:39 as we identify this antichrist power.
21:41 And you find it talking about that in verse 24 when it says:
21:45 "And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings
21:48 that shall arise, and another shall arise after them
21:51 and he shall be different" - or diverse as it says
21:54 in the King James - "from the first and he'll subdue
21:56 three kings. " So there you have it again
21:57 that whenever he comes to power he destroys three kings.
22:00 And he's going to be different from any other kingdom.
22:02 How is he different? You'll find out.
22:04 So he's going to be different from the other kingdoms.
22:06 Now let's go to the next one. Still on the same text
22:09 but this little horn is going to have a prominent man
22:12 at the head speaking.
22:14 A prominent man at the head speaking.
22:16 You can find that again in Daniel chapter 7
22:18 and you'll find it in verse 8.
22:20 Toward the latter part of that it says: "Behold, in this horn
22:24 were eyes like the eyes of a man
22:26 and a mouth that spoke great things. "
22:28 A mouth speaking great things.
22:30 And these great things that he is speaking
22:33 according to the rest of... the context of the text...
22:35 is blasphemous things.
22:38 And that's the next identifying characteristic when you
22:40 look at it on the screen there: it commits blasphemy.
22:42 Now we will define what blasphemy is.
22:45 You know what, I think we can go ahead. No, we won't do that.
22:47 right now. We'll do that right after we identify
22:49 the antichrist. I'm going to keep up... keep on track here,
22:52 keep everybody on the same page. We're just doing the identifying
22:55 marks right now. But how do we know it's blasphemy?
22:57 Where else? What's another name for the antichrist?
23:01 Man of sin. Son of perdition.
23:03 What's another name? The sea beast.
23:05 Go with me to Revelation chapter 13.
23:06 Let's look at something about this sea beast:
23:08 Revelation 13:5. It's very interesting. If we had the
23:11 time to do this study along with Revelation chapter 13
23:14 showing this antichrist, you're going to find the parallels
23:16 are just amazing. And here's one of them right here.
23:18 I want you to see this: Revelation chapter 13...
23:20 look at the parallel.
23:21 Now we find in Daniel chapter 7 that the mouth...
23:24 this horn is going to have a mouth speaking great things.
23:27 He's going to be speaking things that are going to be
23:29 blasphemous things.
23:30 Actually in verse 25 it says:
23:31 "He speaks great words against the Most High. "
23:33 Daniel 7:25. He says:
23:34 "He speaks great words against the Most High. "
23:36 Speaking of the little horn... says blasphemous things.
23:38 But look at... look at Revelation.
23:40 This antichrist power in Revelation - the sea beast,
23:43 rather, in Revelation chapter 13-
23:45 look what he says in verse 5:
23:47 "And it was given unto him a mouth speaking great things. "
23:50 Just like you find in Daniel, right?
23:52 He's going to speak great things and what?
23:55 "Blasphemies and power was given unto him
23:58 to continue forty-two months. "
23:59 And so in that... if you study Revelation 13
24:03 along with Daniel chapter 7 you're going to find that the
24:05 one in Daniel chapter 7 also lasts for forty-two months
24:09 or three and a half years and that he also speaks
24:11 things against God and speaks blasphemies
24:14 just like the antichrist power does in Revelation 13.
24:17 Why does God keep doing this?
24:18 Because He doesn't want us to be deceived.
24:20 He gives it to you again and again.
24:22 Have you ever noticed like the Bible will say something
24:25 like "the angels say holy, holy, holy. "
24:27 Wasn't one time sufficient?
24:29 You know, God repeats Himself many times
24:31 and many ways in the Bible and the reason He does that
24:33 is because He wants us to understand how holy God is.
24:36 Right? The repetition things are put there for us
24:39 because God knows how hard-headed we are.
24:41 Everybody here is trying to memorize texts right now,
24:43 aren't you? You read it one time
24:45 you've got it memorized, don't you?
24:46 Right? Nobody? It must just be me then.
24:49 No! I don't either. I've got to go over it
24:51 and over it and over it again till finally
24:53 you know what happens? It sticks there.
24:54 And so when God - when He reveals these things
24:56 from the Bible - the reason He does it this way
24:58 is because He knows how we are. He created us.
25:01 He should know how we are, right? He created us.
25:02 And so He keeps repeating Himself and repeating Himself
25:05 until finally we all get it
25:07 because He doesn't want us to be deceived.
25:09 So Revelation - the book of Revelation - is like the sister
25:13 to Daniel. You know, those two books are brothers and sisters
25:16 kind of... they're like twins.
25:17 Twin brothers... you could put it that way, might be better.
25:20 Or we'll say twin sisters. When neutral...
25:23 gender neutral... politically correct. No, that's not me.
25:27 OK. But anyway we find this here that Revelation 13
25:32 and basically all of Revelation but Revelation 13
25:35 and Daniel 7 complement each other.
25:37 They're talking about the same character.
25:38 They're talking about the antichrist.
25:40 And so we're looking at this here and we know that he
25:42 commits blasphemy. That was the next one.
25:44 Now look at the next slide. We've already kind of
25:45 given it to you, I think, already.
25:47 Oh, it's a persecuting power.
25:49 The same thing in Revelation 13.
25:51 Remember, he makes war with the woman? Right?
25:53 But what do you find here? The persecuting power in
25:56 Daniel chapter 7... and somebody read verse 21
25:59 and verse 25. Daniel 7:21 and 25.
26:03 And I believe... Let me see... Look at my notes here and see
26:07 who's got that one. Daniel 7:21 and 25.
26:09 Does Song, you have that one? So I'll give you just a minute
26:12 to get the microphone over there.
26:13 Um, we do some things just off the fly here, and I must
26:16 have missed somebody's reading. Is that what happened?
26:18 Yes. Well they'll forgive me at home.
26:20 So he's going to read Daniel 7 verse 21 and 25.
26:25 "I beheld and the same horn made war with the saints
26:28 and prevailed against them. "
26:30 And verse 25: "And he shall speak great words
26:34 against the Most High and shall wear out the saints
26:36 of the Most High and think to change times and laws.
26:40 And they shall be given into his hand
26:43 until a time and times and a dividing of time. "
26:47 OK, so what we read right here was this antichrist power
26:50 right here... he's going to come and he's going to
26:53 persecute the saints of God. You read that in verse 21.
26:55 "I beheld and the same horn made war with the saints
26:58 and prevailed against them" just like you read there.
26:59 Right? So he's going to be warring against the saints.
27:02 Now if you're making war with the saints, what would you call
27:03 that? Persecuting, right? Persecuting God's saints.
27:07 And so one of the identifying characteristics here
27:09 was he's going to be persecuting God's saints.
27:10 And the next identifying characteristic
27:13 that we're looking at is he'll think to change times and laws.
27:16 And he read that right there in verse 25.
27:18 He read that this antichrist power: "He shall speak great
27:20 words against the Most High" or as we've already looked at
27:22 he'll be committing blasphemy.
27:24 And he'll think to... "And he'll wear out the
27:26 saints of the Most High" which is persecuting.
27:29 Like I go to my kids, right?
27:30 And if they're acting up I'm going to say:
27:31 "Son, I'm going to wear you out. "
27:33 What am I talking about?
27:34 I'm going to... Yeah, Mark, that's right.
27:37 But what am I going to do to him, right?
27:38 I'm going to give him what for. No, I don't really do that.
27:40 Usually he usually behaves. But if I say "I'm going to
27:42 wear you out, " what's my threat?
27:44 Isn't it interesting in the old King James here
27:46 the way it's worded: "He wore out the saints
27:48 of the Most High. " What's he doing with them?
27:49 He's whipping 'em. That's what they say in Kentucky.
27:52 I don't know what you say everywhere else.
27:54 I'll get a letter for that one too.
27:55 So he's wearing out the saints of the Most High.
27:57 And he'll "think to change times and laws. "
28:01 Now this is a very fascinating statement.
28:03 You've got to stop and put a little thought into this.
28:04 Let me ask the question this way:
28:07 Can the United States government change the laws
28:11 of the United States?
28:12 Sure they can!
28:14 Can... can the European countries in Europe...
28:17 can they change the laws of Europe?
28:18 Right. Can the United States government change God's law?
28:22 But could they think to change God's law?
28:25 So you understand what Daniel is saying here.
28:27 In other words when it says,
28:29 when it reads in Daniel "He'll think he can change
28:31 times and laws" what it's actually saying
28:33 is he'll think to change God's law.
28:35 It has to be God's law because a nation can change their laws.
28:38 Are you following what I'm saying?
28:40 Some people will say: "How do you know they're talking about
28:42 God's law? " It has to be.
28:44 Can the United States change the laws of - say -
28:48 um, of Europe?
28:50 Yes... if they conquer them.
28:52 Yes... she says "no. " If they conquer them, right?
28:55 So if we want to go change the laws in Europe
28:57 what must we first do?
28:58 Conquer them. If you want to change God's law,
29:00 what must you do? Sorry, you can't conquer God.
29:03 You know, you're not going to conquer Him.
29:05 But we can think to do it, can't we?
29:06 I mean I can make up a new law.
29:08 And I can say: "You know what?
29:11 Covet all you want to covet. " And that's my new church
29:13 is do all the coveting you want to do.
29:14 Can I say that?
29:16 Does that change God's law?
29:17 Look, if I really believe that I can do that
29:21 does that make me think I change God's law?
29:23 So you follow this here:
29:25 when this identifying characteristic here
29:26 we're looking at in Daniel 7:25
29:28 when it says "he thinks to change times and laws, "
29:30 do you understand that it has to be talking about God's law?
29:33 Perfect, isn't it? Isn't it powerful when you start
29:35 thinking the Bible through a little bit
29:37 how it changes the way you view it?
29:39 And the next characteristic we're going to look at
29:41 on the slide here... the next characteristic
29:43 after the little horn thinks to change times and laws
29:45 it says he's going to rule for 1260 days or years.
29:49 You say now wait, wait. Hold on! Where's that in the text?
29:52 Let me show you.
29:54 It's very interesting here. In Daniel chapter 7 verse 25
29:57 it says: "And the saints will be given into his hand
30:00 until a time and times and a dividing of time. "
30:05 Now... and people read that and they say:
30:06 "Well, what's that mean? What's a time? What's a time
30:08 and what's a dividing of time?
30:10 And I'm going to tell you straight up first
30:11 and then I'll prove it to you that a time is a year,
30:14 times is two years,
30:16 and a dividing of time is a half a year.
30:19 How do you know that?
30:21 And also we're going to show that from... in the Bible
30:23 when you're talking about prophetically speaking
30:26 or speaking in terms of symbolism
30:29 that a day is equal to a year in Bible prophecy.
30:31 Now I've made this outrageous statement and you people are
30:34 looking at me like "Sure it does. "
30:36 "I've heard that before but I've heard my pastor
30:38 and others say that's not true any more. "
30:40 You know, that kind of thing.
30:41 I think I can prove it to you from the Bible.
30:42 We're going to do that right now as we go through this.
30:44 I want you to notice something.
30:46 In Daniel chapter 7 verse 25
30:48 we're going to have it on the screen in just a moment here
30:50 Daniel 7:25. It says:
30:51 "He shall speak great words against the Most High,
30:53 wear out the saints of the Most High,
30:55 and think to change" what's that word?
30:56 "times and laws. " OK?
30:59 That word times right there... the Hebrew word
31:03 there when you look it up, and I'm not going to even come close
31:05 to trying to pronounce this, but it's a Hebrew reference,
31:08 you know, in like the concordance of Strong's
31:10 #2166- the Hebrew -
31:12 and here's how you... There's the word right there,
31:14 and it literally means a season or a time.
31:17 Like a period of time or a season.
31:20 That's what it means: "He'll think to change seasons. "
31:22 Now I think it's fascinating when we get into actually
31:25 identifying what he actually thinks to change
31:26 as far as the time part goes.
31:28 You know, it's like... In other words, a season
31:30 is like you know you might have a month or four months
31:34 and that's a season, you know. You may have a week
31:36 you know, like one week, and two weeks, three weeks, four weeks.
31:39 And what do those four seasons represent?
31:40 A month. You follow me? Like the fourth period of time.
31:44 And so that's the word in verse 25 when it says
31:47 "he'll think to wear out the saints of the Most High
31:49 and think to change times and laws. "
31:51 The word times is that first word.
31:52 But now it goes on... it says:
31:54 "And they'll be given into his hand for a time,
31:56 and times and a dividing of time. "
31:57 Very fascinating because the word there
31:59 is a different word. It's translated exactly the same way
32:02 as time in the Bible - times in the Bible -
32:04 translated the same way but it's a different word.
32:06 The word is a Hebrew word. It's 5732 in the concordance
32:09 when you look up the word, and there's how you -
32:11 if you can pronounce that help yourself -
32:13 but it says a set time, technically a year.
32:17 When you look up the definition of that word it's technically
32:19 a year. Like the Hebrew word there means a year.
32:21 And I like to ask people too also in Daniel chapter 4
32:25 you ask people the question. You say:
32:27 How long did Nebuchadnezzar go crazy?
32:29 How long was he crazy in Daniel 4?
32:31 Everybody knows it was 7 years, don't they?
32:33 The Bible doesn't say that.
32:35 The Bible says he was out there for seven times passed over him.
32:38 Seven times passed over him.
32:41 And when it... And you know what is very fascinating?
32:43 When you look at that word in Daniel chapter 4
32:45 the Word says "seven times passed over him. "
32:47 Guess which word it is they are using there.
32:48 Is it 2166 or 5732?
32:51 5732. You got it exactly right.
32:53 So God knows what He's doing and when Daniel was writing this
32:55 he's writing the words and the people reading in his day
32:57 would have know he meant a year.
32:59 Are you following that?
33:01 So when it says he'll rule for a time,
33:03 which is one; times which is two;
33:06 and a dividing of times which is a half
33:08 what is that total? Three and a half years.
33:11 Isn't that fascinating? You know that's the most prevalent
33:13 time prophecy in all the Bible?
33:15 Prevalent: I mean it's in there seven times.
33:16 Like four times in Daniel... three in Revelation.
33:18 It's listed as time, times, and dividing of time.
33:20 It's listed as 42 months.
33:22 1,260 days
33:24 and three and a half years.
33:25 But it's in there seven times referenced
33:27 in both when you go from Daniel to Revelation.
33:29 You think God wanted us to understand what's going on here
33:31 with the antichrist?
33:32 You think He wants us to understand the timeline
33:34 of this prophecy? And it says
33:36 that this antichrist power...
33:37 It says in Daniel chapter 7 verse 25
33:40 that he would rule unto a time and times and a dividing of time
33:43 or 3-1/2 prophetic years.
33:45 Now if you take 3-1/2-
33:47 and they had 360 days in a year in their day, right? -
33:50 you come up to 1,260 days in 3-1/2 years.
33:54 Remember Revelation chapter 13?
33:56 The antichrist rules for how long?
33:58 Forty-two months.
33:59 Remember that in Revelation 13? It says he ruled for
34:01 forty-two months.
34:02 That is also 1,260 days.
34:04 What happened at the end of the forty-two months
34:06 in Revelation chapter 13? If you read that in your Bible
34:09 at home or whatever? He receives a deadly wound
34:12 at the end of the 1,260 days or years
34:16 and then the deadly wound is healed.
34:18 Now you're going to ask... The question is going to come up:
34:20 How do you know that a day equals a year in Bible prophecy?
34:24 That's on our next slide right here.
34:26 Here's the text references.
34:27 Now some of the simple ones... You guys might want to start
34:29 looking up Ezra 7:7. Who would like to do that text?
34:32 Because I've got some talking to do and then we're going to
34:33 have that person read Ezra. Mike will do that.
34:35 Mike will read Ezra 7:7 in just a minute.
34:37 Give him the microphone over there... to Michael
34:40 for the... Ezra 7:7. It's laying right here.
34:43 In the back. But it's interesting here...
34:46 We have... we normally have the references of Ezra 7:7
34:49 a day for a year. Numbers 13:34.
34:51 But if I could show you in the Bible
34:53 where Jesus himself uses a day for a year in Bible prophecy
34:56 would you be willing to use it then?
34:57 'Cause some people say: "I reject that whole thing.
35:00 That's an Old Testament thing; I don't want to hear that. "
35:02 And so... But if I could show you where Jesus uses it
35:04 would that be good enough?
35:05 That's what we're going to do. So a day is equal to a year
35:07 in Bible prophecy. We know that the antichrist power
35:09 ruled for 1,260 days according to what we looked at
35:11 in the Bible. That's what it says.
35:13 Oh, by the way. Let me just stop here for a second.
35:16 Take a deep breath.
35:17 I know I'm going fast... a lot to cover.
35:20 The next verse says: "But the judgment shall sit
35:24 and they shall take away his dominion
35:26 and consume it till the end and destroy it.
35:27 And the kingdom and his dominion and the greatness of his kingdom
35:30 under the whole heaven shall be given to the saints
35:32 of the Most High. " So after these 1,260 years -
35:35 sometime after that - the judgment will begin.
35:38 Do you see that there?
35:40 Fascinating statement. Now we're going to cover this
35:42 on the judgment part II.
35:43 But you know what's interesting there:
35:45 it says there that the judgment begins after the antichrist
35:48 power rules for 1,260 days. Some time after that.
35:50 And then guess what happens after the judgment
35:53 according to the text? Glory! We go home.
35:56 That's good news, isn't it?
35:58 And now we're going to go to the next part we're going to be
36:00 looking at. Mike's actually going to be reading that for us.
36:01 And it's found in the book of Ezekiel chapter 4 and verse 6.
36:05 Michael's going to be reading to us Ezekiel 4 and verse 6.
36:08 We're going to be finding out that a day in Bible prophecy
36:11 is equivalent to being a year in literal time.
36:13 And we're going to use the Bible to show it.
36:14 Like when we're talking prophetically - we're talking
36:16 symbolically - a day is a year in Bible prophecy.
36:19 Mike go ahead and read to us Ezekiel chapter 4 and verse 6.
36:23 "And when thou has accomplished them, lie again on thy right
36:25 side. And thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah
36:29 for 40 days. Behold I have given thee a day for a year. "
36:34 All right. So symbolically speaking here it says
36:35 OK. Now you're going to turn back over.
36:37 You're going to lay on your right side. He puts his hand
36:38 on him. Whatever all these little things they do
36:39 there in the Bible. But he says for every day this took place -
36:42 every day that happened - I'm going to give you a year.
36:44 So you're going to bear the iniquity every day for a year.
36:47 And you know what he's talking about there in context, right?
36:50 The context of that? If I'm not mistaken, it's when
36:52 the children of Israel when to spy out the land for 40...
36:54 No, that was in Numbers. That's our next one we're going
36:56 get: Numbers 14. Ezekiel 4:6: I'm not 100% sure on that one.
36:59 so I'll just let that one go. But he says for each day
37:01 you have a year. Each day is a year.
37:03 But now Tom is going to read for us Numbers chapter 14.
37:06 Tom is reading Numbers 14 and verse 34.
37:08 And you're going to find out there... after the children
37:10 of Israel they got right up to the Promised Land
37:11 and were getting ready to go into the Promised Land -
37:13 God's getting ready to deliver His people -
37:15 and they go out and they spy it out and they said:
37:17 "You know what? Too much; we can't go there. "
37:19 And they had spied it out for 40 days.
37:21 And so God says: "OK, for the 40 days that you spied it out
37:24 I'm going to give you a year in the wilderness. "
37:27 Go ahead and read it for us, Tom. Let's find out how it goes.
37:28 "According to the number of the days
37:31 in which you spied out the land - 40 days -
37:34 for each day ye shall bear your guilt one year...
37:37 namely: 40 years. " Namely 40 years.
37:40 Perfect. I'm sorry, I stopped him a little bit early there.
37:42 So the Bible teaches here that also when the children of Israel
37:45 they were getting ready to go to the Promised Land
37:47 and they rebelled... they didn't follow God...
37:49 it cost them an extra 40 years.
37:51 But the way God used to determine that
37:52 was for each day He'd give them a year.
37:54 So every day you literally spent there
37:57 symbolically, now you've got to go a year out
37:59 before you get to go back.
38:01 But now most people say: "Those are pretty weak statements. "
38:03 Now outside of just that we know for a fact
38:06 that this 3-1/2 year time frame has to be referring to
38:09 a literal day for a year - otherwise it doesn't fit
38:11 the context of the rest of the prophecy we're looking at.
38:15 But outside of that, if I could show you where Jesus
38:17 Himself used when He's talking symbolically or talking
38:20 prophetically He uses a day for a year,
38:23 would you buy it then?
38:24 I would. It's good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for...
38:27 me, right? And so let's look at the next text.
38:29 Luke chapter 13 verse 31.
38:31 Luke 13 starting in verse 31...
38:33 I'm going to read through this real quick.
38:36 Jesus is here and He's been teaching them things and John
38:39 the Baptist's done had his head removed and things like that
38:41 have been going on. And it says in verse 31:
38:43 "The same day there came certain of the Pharisees
38:45 saying unto Him: 'You'd better get out and depart
38:48 for Herod's going to kill you. ' "
38:50 And I love Jesus' response.
38:51 You know He's talking prophetically here.
38:52 You want to know why? Because He uses symbolism.
38:55 Look at the symbolism He uses.
38:56 "And He said unto them:
38:57 'Go tell that old fox' " - I kind of paraphrased it
39:00 a little bit. He said: "Go tell that fox" - speaking of?
39:03 Herod. So He's like: "You go tell that fox... "
39:06 Is Herod really a fox? Literally? I mean, like he's a
39:08 dog with a tail and the little red coat, right?
39:10 No, he's not. So Jesus is speaking symbolically right here
39:12 right. "Go tell that fox behold I cast out devils
39:15 and do cures today and tomorrow
39:18 and the third day I'll be perfected. "
39:19 Now what's He talking about there? Now did Jesus' ministry
39:21 from this time forward did it last 3-1/2 more days?
39:24 No, it lasted... I mean the rest of that day
39:27 and the next day and the following day then He died?
39:28 Is that how it lasted?
39:29 Jesus' ministry lasted 3-1/2 years.
39:31 And let's look at this. When you kind of look at things
39:33 and you follow it through it looks like He's about at the end
39:35 almost to the second year of His ministry.
39:37 Like a year and 3/4 or whatever into His ministry.
39:40 And He makes this statement: "I'm going to do cures
39:42 and cast out devils the rest of this day,
39:44 this year, then the next day,
39:47 next year, and then the third day I'll be perfected,
39:50 the year following. "
39:51 So His ministry lasted 3-1/2 years, so into the
39:53 fourth year I'll be perfected. What He's talking about
39:55 "being perfected? " He doesn't leave you to doubt
39:57 because look at the next verse:
39:58 "Nevertheless I must walk today and tomorrow
40:02 and the day following for it cannot be that a prophet
40:05 perish outside of Jerusalem. "
40:06 What's the context of what He's talking about?
40:08 His death, burial, and resurrection.
40:09 And so His ministry from this point forward
40:11 didn't just last two more days and that was it: He was dead.
40:14 But it was the rest of that year and the next year
40:16 and the next year He was perfected: He went to the cross.
40:19 So He Himself used a day for a year in Bible prophecy.
40:21 So if Jesus can use it, I feel pretty comfortable using that
40:24 as well and it fits with the rest of it.
40:25 Let's look at the next identifying characteristic here.
40:27 We've got to hurry along through these a little bit.
40:29 Oh, that's it. That's all ten of them.
40:30 So let's look on the screen here. We have
40:32 antichrist part 2 and we have ten identifying characteristics.
40:35 It's a little horn or little kingdom.
40:37 It comes up among the other horns or after they're divided.
40:39 It comes up among them, rather.
40:42 Then it comes up after they're divided in 476 AD.
40:44 It plucks up three as it comes to power.
40:46 It's different from the others.
40:48 It's a prominent man speaking at the head.
40:50 It commits blasphemy.
40:51 It's a persecuting power.
40:53 It thinks to change times and laws.
40:55 And it rules for 1,260 years.
40:58 Day for a year in Bible prophecy 1,260 days.
41:00 Now the question is now:
41:02 who is the scoundrel?
41:05 Or who is the antichrist as the Bible refers to?
41:08 Who fits all of these characteristics?
41:10 And the truth is only one fits.
41:12 Only one power fits throughout all history
41:15 and that power would be the Roman Catholic church/state
41:17 combination.
41:19 Now some people are saying: "Ooh I can't believe he actually
41:22 said that. " Let's just be... let's be reasonable here
41:24 and with a cool head identify this.
41:27 Now I want to make a statement:
41:28 I'm an American citizen.
41:30 Now sometimes the government of the United States
41:33 does things that I don't really agree with.
41:35 Right? And they do things that are sometimes flatly wrong.
41:38 I mean all nations... leaders at times do things wrong,
41:41 don't they? I mean, right? But does that make the people
41:43 of that state or that government really bad people?
41:46 No. No, it doesn't make them bad people or anything like that.
41:49 So when we're identifying this antichrist power here -
41:52 the Roman Catholic church - we're talking about the system
41:55 and not the people. You follow me, right?
41:57 I'm not going to make any more apologies for that or anything
41:59 like that from thereon. But I do want people
42:01 to understand that I'm not attacking anybody.
42:04 God loves all people, and if I'm a follower of God
42:06 I must love all people too.
42:08 I just vehemently disagree with institutions
42:10 and things that disagree with what God says.
42:13 You understand this, right?
42:15 And so this is like shocking to some people.
42:17 But the Word of God has always been shocking to people...
42:20 the truth of God's Word has, you know.
42:22 The fantasy fairy tales that put the antichrist power
42:24 some future character long into the future
42:26 and it doesn't really fit anybody
42:28 is a lot more satisfying for people to chew on
42:30 'cause it doesn't have that taste in the mouth
42:32 of like "Oh, this is uncomfortable. "
42:34 So let us look at this and see.
42:36 Does it fit all ten of the characteristics?
42:38 If it does, then I'm willing to go for it.
42:40 If it doesn't, then we're looking for the wrong guy.
42:42 And let's see if it works out as we start plugging these in.
42:45 First of all, the first characteristic we looked at
42:46 here is we discovered it was going to be a little horn
42:49 or a little kingdom, right?
42:51 Now, the references and things that I give right here
42:53 through this are just little sections of a much larger
42:57 group of studies. Like I can prove
42:59 from different encyclopedias, different books,
43:01 that the Vatican definitely fits the little horn thing.
43:03 But I'm just going to give one reference.
43:05 Are you following that? I'm not going to give
43:06 all the references, I'm just going to give one.
43:08 So Daniel 8... 7:8 rather... Daniel 7:8 and 7:24 says
43:12 it's a little kingdom or the little horn.
43:14 Well, look at this description here.
43:16 This is from the nationencyclopedia. com.
43:19 You can go to any encyclopedia and find the same thing.
43:21 It was just convenient for me to find this one.
43:23 But it says this: "Located within Rome
43:25 Vatican City - we're on a slide right now - Vatican City...
43:41 So basically it's about 0.17 square miles
43:44 as it lays out as a kingdom or a nation.
43:46 And it's actually, you know, they have a seat
43:48 at the United Nations. They're a permanent member
43:50 of the United Nations as an overseer and everything
43:51 like that. Now think about this:
43:53 they're a church. How many other churches do you know
43:56 right now that go to the United Nations and have
43:58 a permanent place there at the United Nations?
44:00 Any other church? No, not the members of my church.
44:04 Not the leaders of my church.
44:05 And so when we look at this on the screen it says it's the
44:07 smallest one in Europe and, as a matter of fact, the world.
44:10 Does it fit the description of a small kingdom?
44:13 Does it? Sure it does. So the first one: check it off.
44:16 Done. It's a small one.
44:18 Let's go to the next identifying characteristic
44:19 and see if it fits it
44:21 simply plugging in what the Bible has given us.
44:23 It says it comes up among divided Rome.
44:26 Remember we looked at that already.
44:27 After Rome was divided, and we know that Rome was divided
44:30 in what time frame? In 476 AD, right.
44:34 And it's going to come up among them.
44:37 And you look at that. Right now if you look at a map of Europe,
44:39 you have Europe up there and you see the little boot
44:42 coming down of Italy coming around like this.
44:43 It's almost like when you look where Rome is -
44:45 the Vatican actually is -
44:46 where that place is at... their headquarters there...
44:49 the smallest nation in the world
44:50 it's almost in the center of that map
44:52 of the Roman Empire. It says it would come up among them.
44:55 So does it fit the identifying characteristic
44:58 of coming up among them?
45:00 Absolutely. Are you understand what we're
45:02 going through now? When you give these studies
45:03 like you're giving this study or you're giving it at home
45:05 and you're going through this, this is one of those studies
45:07 where you won't be able to just have only your Bible.
45:09 You'll have to have like printed out
45:11 giving the identifying characteristics.
45:12 So you can get them printed on
45:13 the study guides that we have
45:15 on the Internet or you guys will
45:17 have yourself. But these... these right here...
45:18 when you get a little deeper into this...
45:19 And some people might say: "Well I really don't believe it! "
45:21 Challenge them to go and go to the library,
45:24 find books in your library, and look it up.
45:25 Don't challenge them to go on the Internet
45:27 because things are changed there all the time
45:28 and people put what they want on there instead of what
45:31 the truth is. But if they want to go to the Internet
45:33 and investigate it, if you'll investigate it enough
45:34 you can find the truth underneath all the garbage.
45:36 But if you go just to a library and get books
45:39 you'll find that exactly what we're saying is true.
45:41 And so now let's go to the next one.
45:42 The next identifying characteristic - we've already
45:44 kind of said it - I got a little ahead of myself.
45:46 But it comes up after Rome is divided in 476 AD.
45:49 And we read about that already a little earlier
45:51 when we were going over the study giving the ten
45:53 identifying characteristics where we read that
45:57 Rome was divided in 476 AD
46:00 when Odoacer, king of the Heruli
46:02 deposed Romulus Augustus. As a matter of fact,
46:04 I think it's going to be on the screen there.
46:06 Rome... there it is...
46:18 And we're going to be looking at the details of that
46:20 in just a minute. So we found out that it comes up
46:22 after Rome was divided. Rome was divided in 476 AD
46:25 and the papacy came to power in 538 AD.
46:27 Is that after? Yes. Yes, it's absolutely after.
46:30 Let's go to the next identifying characteristic.
46:32 It plucks up or destroys three as it comes to power.
46:36 It plucks up or destroys three as it comes to power.
46:38 You find that on the screen there:
46:40 plucks up or destroys three. And we read that already
46:42 in the text when we were going over Daniel chapter 7
46:44 and we were giving the ten characteristics.
46:46 Does it fit? Here's an interesting statement.
46:49 It's a long read here, so follow me on the screen.
47:42 The Ostrogoths were... thus Justinian's decree
47:44 went into effect making the Bishop of Rome supreme.
47:46 Now if you want to find out this information - where I got it -
47:48 notice the time you have to go back and look at it.
47:50 History of the Christian Church volume llI by Philip Chapp
47:53 1819-1893.
47:55 He's a German-American theologian
47:58 and a church historian.
47:59 You know why you usually have to go back that far to find things?
48:02 Because history has changed.
48:04 Not actually the events but the recording of the events
48:07 have changed. Are you following me?
48:08 So not that the event has changed but the recording
48:11 of the events have change and you've got to be careful
48:12 to make sure that you're reading from the right sources
48:15 or you can be - again - deceived.
48:17 It's going to be different than the other kingdoms.
48:18 Well how in the world is it different than the other
48:20 kingdom? Let us go on and find out.
48:22 This Bishop of Rome - this is from Alexander Clarence Flick
48:25 The Rise of the Medieval Church page 168.
48:43 What it's saying here is that the Roman leaders now -
48:46 or the papacy - everybody just assumed that OK, that's where
48:49 it's going to, right? Now it's the papacy and not
48:51 the Roman leaders any more. They still have the same
48:54 sense of glory, and every social prejudice favored the evolution
48:58 of the great city into the ecclesiastical capital.
49:00 Civil as well as religious disputes were referred to
49:03 the successor of Peter for settlement.
49:05 Alexander Clarence Flick.
49:07 So basically what he's saying there as he's writing that
49:09 is we used to go and we would see the Caesars
49:11 and we would get help from them when we had an issue.
49:13 But now we go to the Pope because that's just...
49:15 he's in the place of the Caesars.
49:17 So it says it's different than the other kingdoms.
49:18 How is it different? It's not just a political government now
49:21 it's also a spiritual government. It's both.
49:25 And so we find that there: the successor of Peter
49:27 for settlement. They're giving it both spiritual and political.
49:30 That's different than the other kingdoms.
49:31 Then it says it would have a prominent man at the head
49:33 speaking, and we find that to be exactly the truth.
49:35 Who is that? The Pope.
49:37 Prominent man at the head speaking.
49:39 That's what the Bible describes it as.
49:40 Let's go to the next identifying characteristic.
49:42 The little horn would commit blasphemy.
49:45 Now I almost hate to even have to bring this part up,
49:47 but it is true. It's from the Bible, and we've
49:48 got to follow it. Mark chapter 2 and verse 7
49:51 you find a story. In Mark chapter 2 and verse 7
49:53 where this guy - he's a quadriplegic -
49:55 he's on his mat and he can't get healed.
49:57 So his friends carry him to the house,
49:59 and in Mark chapter 2 they carry him to the house.
50:01 They tear the tiles off the top; they let him down
50:03 through the house roof so Jesus could see him.
50:05 And as he lays down there in front of Jesus, Jesus said:
50:07 "Son, be of good cheer. Your sins are forgiven. "
50:09 And the Bible says that those scribes and Pharisees
50:11 looking around. They was like "Oh, how could He do that?
50:13 Who does He think He is?
50:14 Who can forgive sins but God only?
50:16 This man commits blasphemy. "
50:18 OK? That's what they say within themselves.
50:20 And Jesus is going to show them that He really is God.
50:22 The Bible says: "And Him, knowing their thoughts, says:
50:25 'Which is easier? To tell a man to get up and walk
50:27 or tell him he's forgiven of his sins?
50:28 But that they may know that I am God'
50:30 I'm paraphrasing - He told the man: 'Get up and walk. ' "
50:33 And he did! So Jesus showed them that,
50:36 you know, it's not blasphemy for Me to forgive a man's sins
50:38 because "I am God. "
50:40 But if I tell all you people right now: "Hey, you've got to
50:43 come to me to me to get forgiveness from your sins, "
50:44 is that blasphemy? Sure it is!
50:47 Why is it blasphemy?
50:48 Because I'm claiming the position or the
50:50 prerogative of God. Do you follow that?
50:52 So if I claim to be in the place of God, you've got to
50:53 me for forgiveness of sins, that's blasphemy.
50:55 So they had it wrong by calling Jesus a blasphemer
50:58 but they had it right in admitting that blasphemy
51:01 is - because you're trying to claim to be able to forgive
51:03 sins - as only being a man. The other one is found -
51:05 and here we go, let me... let me show you this here -
51:07 page 27 on dignities and duties of the priest.
51:19 So they say: "Hey, we forgive. "
51:20 This is from the writings of the Catholic church.
51:22 "We forgive sins and God has to go by what we say. "
51:25 Brothers and sisters, by every definition that is blasphemy.
51:27 John chapter 10 verses 30 through 33.
51:30 They were getting ready to throw rocks at Jesus
51:31 and kill Him and stone Him. He said:
51:32 "What are you going to kill Me for? For what good work
51:34 are you going to stone Me? "
51:36 They said: "Not for a good work but because You,
51:38 being a mere man, make yourself God which is blasphemy"
51:42 they said. Were they right in that?
51:44 A man claiming to be God is blasphemy. Was that correct?
51:47 Yeah. But were they right in calling Jesus a blasphemer?
51:50 No, because He was God.
51:51 But now if I say I'm god and you've got to come to me
51:54 is that blasphemy? Yeah, you'd all go off in droves,
51:57 wouldn't you? Like you'd think people would stay away
52:00 from that en masse. That's a little pun there, OK?
52:04 But anyway... But that's what goes on right now
52:06 with the actual thing. One guy claiming to be god
52:09 and everybody... billions of people follow that.
52:10 Right? That doesn't make sense to me.
52:12 Pope Leo the 13th... actually the 12th I guess it was...
52:15 I thought it was the 13th... anyway,
52:17 "We hold upon this earth the place of Almighty God. "
52:20 Brothers and sisters, that's blasphemy.
52:21 So we're going through the identifying characteristics.
52:24 Everything fits hand in glove.
52:25 It's a persecuting power. Have you guys ever heard of the
52:28 Dark Ages? You know why the Dark Ages
52:30 are called the Dark Ages?
52:31 Because "thy Word is a light unto my path and a lamp
52:33 unto my feet, " right? And during the Dark Ages
52:35 if you owned a Bible like I own this Bible right here
52:37 I could be killed for this
52:39 because they said: "Look, you can't have a Bible.
52:41 You've got to give it to us and we'll tell you what it means. "
52:43 And people said: "No, I can't go with that. "
52:44 And they said: "If you won't, we're going to persecute you. "
52:45 And today you can go to Europe - some of the churches there
52:48 in Europe - they'll take you down on a tour down underneath
52:50 the church there and show you the torture chamber
52:52 and things like that where they put heretics.
52:53 Right? "If you go to my church I'll show you the torture
52:55 chamber underneath. " I'll bet you don't come back next week.
52:58 But today it's a money-making thing, right?
53:00 The History of the Rise of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe
53:07 volume 2 page 32.
53:17 If you doubt it, go read the book Fox's Book of Martyrs.
53:19 Boy, I wish I had some time. I'm running a little short
53:21 on time but I wish I had time. I'm going to tell you anyway.
53:24 There's a friend I have. He says: "I'm not a Protestant. "
53:26 He's a Pentecostal. He said: "I'm not a Protestant. "
53:28 I said: "You're not? " I said...
53:30 He said: "I'm not protesting anything. "
53:31 I said: "Have you ever read Fox's Book of Martyrs? "
53:33 He says: "No. " I said: "You need to read it. "
53:35 About two weeks later he comes back. He said:
53:36 "I read that book. " I said: "You did? What do you think? "
53:38 He said: "I'm a Protestant. "
53:39 Because the truth of history is still there.
53:42 The thing is, we've forgotten what the history has revealed.
53:45 It was definitely a persecuting power.
53:47 It will think to change times and laws.
53:49 Now we went over this already. Can we change God's law?
53:51 Can we think to?
53:52 I'm going to show you something now that's very fascinating.
53:54 Does this power think to change God's law?
53:56 Well let us find out. Let us go to the screen here
53:58 and find out. "The Pope is of such great authority and power
54:01 that he is able to modify, declare, or interpret
54:03 even divine law. The Pope can modify divine law
54:06 since his power is not of man but of God
54:08 and he acts as the vice regent of God upon earth. "
54:12 And that's from their own writings. I'm not going to even
54:14 try to pronounce that. Article 2 volume 5.
54:16 So from their own writings they say: "Yeah, we can change
54:18 divine law. " Can man change God's law?
54:20 No! Does it fit? Hand in glove.
54:22 Let me show you this from the Catechism,
54:23 verses from the Bible:
54:25 On the left side there you find the Ten Commandments
54:27 as you find them in the scriptures.
54:29 "Thou shalt not have any gods before Me. "
54:30 "Don't make any graven image. " Abbreviated, of course.
54:33 But now I want you to... when you get to the second one
54:35 notice what it says on the left side.
54:36 "Thou shalt not make any graven images. "
54:38 Look at the right side.
54:39 "Thou shalt not take God's name in vain. "
54:40 Is there something missing there?
54:41 Yeah, there is. And that's the one you find in the Catechism.
54:44 You go to the Catholic Catechism it'll give you
54:45 the Ten Commandments in a different order.
54:47 And so what you find here
54:49 is they think they've changed God's law.
54:51 In order to keep the ten they split the 10th one there.
54:54 "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife. "
54:55 "Thou shalt not covet your...
54:59 neighbor's stuff. " Actually they left the last part
55:01 off there. But in the Bible it's only one commandment.
55:04 Commandment #10: "Thou shalt not covet. "
55:06 So it thinks it's changed God's law.
55:08 And in time we're going to cover that on another subject.
55:10 You have to stay with us. Now let's continue on.
55:12 The little horn would rule for 1,260 days or years.
55:16 1,260 years is how long it would rule, OK?
55:19 Let's find out if it fits.
55:21 Now we went over this already. Remember technically what the
55:24 word means... time, times, and dividing of time... means
55:26 technically a year. We figured out a day for a year
55:28 in Bible prophecy. We've already looked at that.
55:29 Remember that? Now, does this power fit?
55:33 Now I love this. We're going to have to close with this
55:35 right here but listen to what is going on here.
55:36 This guy. He's a Methodist minister
55:39 and he's writing in the year 1798 AD.
55:42 David Simpson is his name.
55:43 Now remember the papacy rose to power in 538 AD.
55:46 That's the time frame that it rose to power.
55:47 We looked at that already.
55:49 And David Simpson - this Methodist minister - writing
55:51 in Cambridge at St. John's College in 1798 AD -
55:54 writes this: "Is it not extremely remarkable
55:56 and a powerful confirmation of the truth of scripture
55:59 of prophecy that just 1,260 years ago
56:01 to the present 1798 AD in the very beginning of the year
56:04 538 AD Belisarius put an end to the empire of the Goths
56:07 at Rome leaving no power there but the bishop of
56:09 that metropolis. Read these things in the prophetic
56:12 scriptures. And I say again:
56:14 deny the truth of divine
56:15 revelation if you can.
56:17 Open your eyes and behold.
56:18 These things are being accomplished in the face
56:20 of the whole world. These things are not done in a corner. "
56:22 What he's saying here - he's living in 1798 AD -
56:24 he sees Napoleon's general Berthier goes in.
56:27 He takes the pope off of his seat.
56:29 He basically does away with the pope
56:31 and his headship and he says: "you're no longer in charge.
56:33 You're not in charge any more. "
56:34 And when he does that, this guy living in 1798 AD says:
56:37 "Wow! 538 AD they come to power.
56:40 1798 AD - exactly 1,260 years later -
56:43 he is no longer in power. "
56:45 It fits the Bible prophecy exactly hand in glove.
56:48 This guy recognizes it. Today?
56:50 Many people in that very denomination have no idea
56:52 what you're talking about because the Bible says
56:54 that Protestants also will be turning away from the truth.
56:56 And this is what's going on now. This guy recognized it
56:59 in his day and it fits hand in glove.
57:01 Does he fit all identifying characteristics? Absolutely!
57:04 And our closing text that we're going to be looking at
57:06 is Joshua chapter 24 verse 15.
57:08 Joshua 24:15. It simply says this:
57:10 It says: "If it seems evil to you to serve the Lord,
57:13 then choose you this day whom you will serve:
57:15 either the god that your fathers served on the other side
57:18 of the flood or the Amorites in the land where you dwell.
57:21 As for me and my house, we're going to serve the Lord. "
57:23 That has to be our desire.
57:25 So what we're looking at now... we've just finished up
57:28 Antichrist part 2. And this study - the whole study -
57:30 you can go find it on the Internet, on line.
57:33 It will be aired different places. You can get a DVD.
57:35 And so if you would like to be able to see this study,
57:37 maybe slow it down a little bit. I know we rushed through
57:39 the last part obeying the clock.
57:42 But if you would like to see it all you can to go
57:43 www. comeexperiencelife. com


Revised 2014-12-17