The harvest truly is plenteous, 00:00:01.98\00:00:02.95 but the laborers are few. 00:00:02.96\00:00:03.93 Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, 00:00:03.95\00:00:06.35 that He will send forth laborers into His 00:00:06.36\00:00:09.86 harvest. Also I heard the voice of the 00:00:09.87\00:00:12.23 Lord saying whom shall I send? 00:00:12.24\00:00:14.61 And who will go for us? Then said I, 00:00:15.26\00:00:19.17 Here am I, send me, send me. 00:00:19.53\00:00:22.78 Life On The Edge will enable you to be an 00:00:23.62\00:00:25.58 effective harvest of the Lord. 00:00:25.59\00:00:27.32 We now invite you into our 00:00:27.87\00:00:29.44 classroom to come experience life. 00:00:29.45\00:00:33.85 Welcome back to Life On The Edge, 00:00:43.35\00:00:44.79 it's a interactive Bible study course right 00:00:45.24\00:00:46.94 here that we are having in beautiful Groveland, 00:00:46.95\00:00:49.21 Florida. Now everyday here in Groveland, 00:00:49.22\00:00:51.26 Florida, we have, everybody thinks of 00:00:51.27\00:00:53.24 Florida, what do you think of when you think 00:00:53.25\00:00:54.28 of Florida? Sunshine, but down here what 00:00:54.29\00:00:56.74 do we have everyday? Liquid sunshine that's 00:00:56.75\00:00:59.17 right rains, it rains almost every afternoon, 00:00:59.18\00:01:01.14 but it's okay because we're here with the 00:01:01.15\00:01:02.81 spirit of God being rain down on our hearts 00:01:02.82\00:01:04.53 as we are learning how to study the Bible 00:01:04.54\00:01:06.01 together or learning how to give Bible studies 00:01:06.02\00:01:08.02 to other people and learning how to win souls 00:01:08.03\00:01:10.23 for the kingdom of God, amen. 00:01:10.24\00:01:11.42 The Bible says it's through the foolishness of 00:01:11.74\00:01:13.42 preaching, in other words its through the 00:01:13.43\00:01:14.95 simplicity of just giving the word of God to 00:01:14.96\00:01:16.90 people that, that the people become safe, 00:01:16.91\00:01:18.54 the people that comes to know Lord Jesus and 00:01:18.55\00:01:20.15 become safe. And so we are learning here 00:01:20.16\00:01:22.25 through our Bible study course here is how to 00:01:22.49\00:01:24.49 share the word of God with other people, 00:01:24.50\00:01:26.05 so they too can be ready for the coming of 00:01:26.06\00:01:27.98 Jesus and be saved. Now you all remember as we, 00:01:27.99\00:01:31.12 as we've been going through study after study 00:01:31.31\00:01:33.01 here at Life and the name of the study of course 00:01:33.02\00:01:36.23 here is Life on the Edge. As we will be going 00:01:36.24\00:01:37.93 through course after course learning we learned 00:01:37.94\00:01:40.74 yesterday about the Antichrist part one. 00:01:40.75\00:01:43.21 It was the first part of the Antichrist study, 00:01:43.45\00:01:45.69 and as we study that we are going through 00:01:46.11\00:01:48.28 that we learned that as opposed to what 00:01:48.29\00:01:50.56 popular Christianity often times teach us 00:01:50.76\00:01:52.57 today, most people when they think of the 00:01:52.58\00:01:54.18 Antichrist they think of this violent oppose to 00:01:54.19\00:01:56.23 Jesus Christ and everybody going to be 00:01:56.24\00:01:57.93 obviously saying, Oh yeah, that's definitely 00:01:57.94\00:02:00.14 not Jesus, that's the Antichrist don't follow him 00:02:00.15\00:02:02.91 everybody kind of has a mindset that it's not 00:02:02.92\00:02:04.62 a deception. But Jesus Himself said remember 00:02:04.63\00:02:07.02 Mathew 24 Jesus speaking in Matthew 24 in 00:02:07.03\00:02:09.44 verse 24, He says Himself, If it was possible 00:02:09.45\00:02:12.98 in the last days even the very elect will be 00:02:13.45\00:02:15.56 deceived, and you think the very elect that's 00:02:15.57\00:02:17.57 the people looks like studying their Bibles 00:02:17.58\00:02:19.01 standing up giving Bible lectures and that 00:02:19.02\00:02:20.65 kind of think right. He says even those people 00:02:20.66\00:02:22.88 will almost be deceived, it's gonna be very 00:02:23.16\00:02:25.65 deceptive and you think about the most, 00:02:25.66\00:02:27.86 most of today what's put out there today 00:02:27.87\00:02:30.22 about the Antichrist and the last days and things 00:02:30.25\00:02:32.50 like that, nothing is really very deceptive, 00:02:32.51\00:02:34.11 in it. Remember we learned that yesterday, 00:02:34.12\00:02:36.51 then we found out as we went through, 00:02:36.94\00:02:38.26 as we study through this, this Antichrist part one 00:02:38.72\00:02:41.78 yesterday we ask the question we had the 00:02:41.79\00:02:44.20 question come up, what is it? What is it that 00:02:44.21\00:02:47.71 we need to learn about this Antichrist? 00:02:47.72\00:02:50.18 You know everybody thinks its obviously openly 00:02:50.51\00:02:52.50 rebelling against Christ, when actually what is 00:02:52.85\00:02:54.79 it? It's something different, it's something 00:02:54.80\00:02:55.97 else we are looking for and what is that we 00:02:55.98\00:02:57.31 learned yesterday as we studied Antichrist in part 00:02:57.32\00:02:59.53 one, yes Tim. We have learned that for every 00:02:59.54\00:03:03.29 thing that God has created the devil has been 00:03:03.30\00:03:05.15 a counterfeit, and so we have to be really 00:03:05.16\00:03:07.40 careful that they were being really vigilant and 00:03:07.41\00:03:10.53 not following after something that is false. 00:03:10.54\00:03:12.10 That's exactly right, we have to pay close 00:03:12.11\00:03:14.26 attention and make sure that we understand 00:03:14.27\00:03:17.18 the truth of God's word because the, 00:03:17.19\00:03:19.43 because the counterfeit is going to be so close 00:03:19.44\00:03:21.21 to the original that there's going to be even, 00:03:21.22\00:03:23.23 if it possible very elect to be deceived and this 00:03:23.24\00:03:25.23 Antichrist power is not going to be the violent 00:03:25.24\00:03:26.87 opposer, but its going to be a certain imposter. 00:03:26.88\00:03:29.21 It's going to be very close to the original to 00:03:29.62\00:03:31.07 the real thing and some people will say, 00:03:31.08\00:03:33.33 Tim or everybody here I guess, some people 00:03:34.05\00:03:35.68 say thinks like I had this happen so many times, 00:03:35.69\00:03:37.86 when I get ready to preach a sermon or to 00:03:38.18\00:03:40.06 give a study on the Antichrist I've heard 00:03:40.07\00:03:41.81 people say you know what I love Jesus, 00:03:41.82\00:03:43.79 and it really doesn't matter if I understand who 00:03:44.53\00:03:46.22 the Antichrist is or any of these things because 00:03:46.23\00:03:48.19 I love Jesus, right, you've heard those kind 00:03:48.53\00:03:50.24 of thoughts maybe you had them yourselves, 00:03:50.25\00:03:51.76 but I got a couple of things, a couple of issues 00:03:52.20\00:03:53.99 with that you might say, why does God reveal 00:03:54.00\00:03:56.13 to us in the word of God, the Antichrist if he 00:03:56.14\00:03:57.82 doesn't want us to know it. And there are some 00:03:57.83\00:03:59.96 examples in the Bible what God has done and 00:03:59.97\00:04:02.47 to show us that He does wants to know 00:04:02.48\00:04:04.16 these things for instance, you think of His 00:04:04.17\00:04:07.27 disciples, the Apostles the twelve you know 00:04:07.28\00:04:08.89 that His twelve disciples are following Him 00:04:08.90\00:04:10.73 around that they love Him? They absolutely 00:04:10.74\00:04:13.22 love Jesus, without a doubt they loved Him. 00:04:13.23\00:04:15.27 So why is it Jesus in Mark chapter 8, 00:04:15.56\00:04:17.53 Mark chapter 9, Mark chapter10 and then Mark 00:04:17.54\00:04:19.25 chapter14, why does He go through all those 00:04:19.26\00:04:21.25 places and tell them exactly what was going 00:04:21.26\00:04:22.94 to happen to Him? He said you know what, 00:04:22.95\00:04:24.62 I'm gonna be betrayed to the gentiles or the 00:04:24.80\00:04:27.81 actually the chief priest describes, and they 00:04:27.82\00:04:29.21 are gonna hand me over to the gentiles, 00:04:29.22\00:04:30.65 and the gentiles are going to take me, 00:04:31.41\00:04:32.38 they gonna beat me up, they gonna spit on me, 00:04:32.39\00:04:33.77 they gonna crucify me, but the third day I'll 00:04:34.36\00:04:35.71 arise again. Why does He tell them those things 00:04:35.72\00:04:37.77 about all these bad things that are gonna happen 00:04:37.78\00:04:39.12 to Him if they loved Him? They didn't really 00:04:39.13\00:04:41.18 need to know that, didn't they? I mean couldn't 00:04:41.19\00:04:43.35 they be saved without knowing those things, 00:04:43.36\00:04:45.01 that's the argument that the lot people have it 00:04:46.17\00:04:47.68 doesn't matter, all can be saved without knowing 00:04:47.69\00:04:49.33 these things, but the reason Jesus was revealing 00:04:49.34\00:04:51.57 to them, what was gonna happen to Him and 00:04:51.58\00:04:53.99 because He did not wanted to become 00:04:54.00\00:04:55.09 discouraged. Can you imagine the difference, 00:04:55.10\00:04:57.09 how different the Bible would be written, 00:04:57.10\00:04:58.61 the history or the scriptures be written, 00:04:59.14\00:05:01.08 if it said something like this. The disciples after 00:05:01.47\00:05:03.53 they heard Jesus tell Him exactly what was 00:05:03.54\00:05:05.26 gonna happen to Him, right. Then they listen 00:05:05.27\00:05:07.78 what He said and whenever they took Him 00:05:07.79\00:05:09.97 and He is betrayed and he was beaten up and 00:05:10.55\00:05:12.22 He spit on, He is crucified, instead of 00:05:12.23\00:05:14.01 Peter denying Him as Lord said praise the Lord it's 00:05:14.02\00:05:16.66 exactly what He said was going to happen, 00:05:16.67\00:05:18.20 can you imagine if that would have been the 00:05:18.30\00:05:19.72 story in the Bible and after He been in the 00:05:19.73\00:05:22.17 grave for three days, the disciples were all 00:05:22.18\00:05:23.98 gathered around the tomb and there was the 00:05:23.99\00:05:25.33 Mary the first one come to the tomb, 00:05:25.54\00:05:26.73 it was the disciples because they believed 00:05:26.74\00:05:28.52 exactly what Jesus had told them, they would 00:05:28.53\00:05:30.49 not have become discouraged and 00:05:30.50\00:05:32.04 disheartened, are you following that? 00:05:32.05\00:05:34.50 So Jesus tells them these things because He 00:05:34.98\00:05:36.65 doesn't want them to become discouraged and 00:05:36.66\00:05:37.91 disheartened, and the reason He gives us 00:05:37.92\00:05:39.70 that the identity of the Antichrist and He gives 00:05:39.71\00:05:41.95 these things even now is because He doesn't 00:05:41.96\00:05:43.96 want you and me to become discouraged or 00:05:43.97\00:05:46.76 disheartened. When you see these things 00:05:46.77\00:05:48.72 taken place then you know, oh this is exactly 00:05:48.87\00:05:52.01 what God said would happen, praise the Lord 00:05:52.02\00:05:53.72 we are close to His coming, amen. 00:05:53.73\00:05:55.27 And so He identifies the Antichrist from the 00:05:55.45\00:05:57.51 scriptures the reason that God gives us this 00:05:57.52\00:05:59.45 is so that you and I will not become 00:05:59.71\00:06:01.82 discouraged or disheartened, so can you 00:06:01.83\00:06:03.27 imagine the love of God, God could have said 00:06:03.28\00:06:05.98 you know what He could have took about a 00:06:05.99\00:06:07.21 bunch of stuff here and just take this Bible 00:06:07.22\00:06:09.00 and just throw this part of inside, you know 00:06:09.01\00:06:10.56 what they don't really need to be saved, 00:06:10.57\00:06:12.44 but He putted in there, so that you and I 00:06:13.54\00:06:14.93 can be encouraged, this things in the Bible is 00:06:14.94\00:06:17.55 put there just so you and I can, can hang 00:06:17.56\00:06:19.12 on and say you know what, this is what God 00:06:19.13\00:06:20.61 said, I can trust him, I can believe Him. 00:06:20.62\00:06:22.37 And it's the same with the identity of the 00:06:23.17\00:06:24.99 Antichrist and these things even though its 00:06:25.00\00:06:26.81 when we show this identity that some of the 00:06:27.53\00:06:29.09 scriptures, it's kind of difficult for some 00:06:29.10\00:06:31.46 people and they say you know it sounds 00:06:31.47\00:06:32.99 hard and these kind of things, but God 00:06:33.12\00:06:35.06 reveals it, so your and I can be ready, 00:06:35.07\00:06:37.37 so that's the purpose and now we are 00:06:38.14\00:06:39.66 getting into the purpose of the study, 00:06:39.67\00:06:40.88 we will have that up on the slide here, 00:06:40.89\00:06:42.07 what is the purpose of the study the Antichrist 00:06:42.27\00:06:44.04 part two, and you see down the screen here 00:06:44.05\00:06:46.05 is to identify the Antichrist. The simple 00:06:46.06\00:06:48.55 reason is to, so we can identify who this 00:06:48.56\00:06:50.75 scoundrel is, scoundrel word everywhere, 00:06:50.76\00:06:53.48 yeah I guess it is, scoundrel, right that 00:06:54.51\00:06:56.33 maybe it just like tacky thing, but then we're gonna 00:06:56.34\00:06:59.85 identify who this guy is and the reason God 00:06:59.86\00:07:01.95 gives it from the scriptures, the reason we 00:07:02.07\00:07:03.61 have this identity of the Antichrist, 00:07:03.62\00:07:05.31 is that so you and I will know, that's the 00:07:06.08\00:07:08.20 purpose, the purpose of the study. 00:07:08.21\00:07:09.62 And then we have another slide here we put 00:07:10.16\00:07:11.25 up the center it, like we do it with every study, 00:07:11.26\00:07:12.71 what's the center of it? Simply God wants us 00:07:12.72\00:07:14.70 to know. God wants us to know that's the 00:07:14.71\00:07:17.17 center of the study, God wants you and I 00:07:17.18\00:07:19.97 not to become discouraged, not to 00:07:20.38\00:07:22.22 become deceived, and not to become, 00:07:22.23\00:07:23.99 oh man, you have something happened, 00:07:24.21\00:07:27.02 it was a total surprise in your life and it's 00:07:27.03\00:07:29.04 like took the, took the like rug up on your feet, 00:07:29.05\00:07:31.45 you fell on your face, did that happen in your 00:07:31.46\00:07:32.82 life, it just wasn't, totally was not expecting 00:07:32.83\00:07:34.83 it, how harsh that was you know and it 00:07:34.84\00:07:37.27 doesn't help soften the blow if you kind of 00:07:37.28\00:07:38.88 have it like ahead of time you're expecting it, 00:07:38.89\00:07:40.68 I'll give you a good example of this, 00:07:40.98\00:07:42.12 this may help lead into the study a little more 00:07:42.13\00:07:43.86 here too. Many people when they start 00:07:43.87\00:07:46.80 getting a lot older, they start expecting and 00:07:46.81\00:07:49.80 they start making arrangements for their 00:07:49.81\00:07:51.64 parents to be dying off, don't they? 00:07:51.65\00:07:53.23 You know they start preparing themselves, 00:07:53.82\00:07:55.09 you know mom and dad getting up there in 00:07:55.10\00:07:56.38 age, they are in eighties and nineties and 00:07:56.39\00:07:58.47 they start mentally, they start preparing for 00:07:58.48\00:07:59.92 their death, mentally you know people do 00:07:59.93\00:08:02.21 that way right, it's hard when any body dies, 00:08:02.22\00:08:04.36 amen. I mean it's hard to loose any body, 00:08:04.37\00:08:06.22 isn't it? But when they lived to a rippled age 00:08:06.23\00:08:09.01 and right with the Lord and this kind of things, 00:08:09.02\00:08:10.77 and then came along some day and some one 00:08:10.92\00:08:12.05 says hey you know get the phone call saying 00:08:12.06\00:08:14.15 your mom died, last night oh man that's so 00:08:14.66\00:08:17.66 bad, but he was expecting it, because she 00:08:17.67\00:08:20.32 was getting up in years and their health was 00:08:20.33\00:08:21.76 felling in and it was almost easier to see that 00:08:21.77\00:08:24.09 they were being laid to sleep and they have 00:08:24.10\00:08:25.66 to linger on right, so let me tell you something, 00:08:25.67\00:08:27.56 when I was only twenty, twenty about 00:08:29.60\00:08:35.17 twenty four I guess, it was in 2000 or it was 00:08:35.18\00:08:38.47 in the year 1999 whatever old I was then 00:08:38.48\00:08:40.95 its hard to keep up with time when you get 00:08:42.02\00:08:43.00 old like me, I got a phone call one day when 00:08:43.01\00:08:46.27 I got home, I was at home by seven I get a 00:08:46.28\00:08:47.40 phone call it's my mom, Philip, your dad died 00:08:47.41\00:08:50.82 today 51-years-old, man my ears start 00:08:50.83\00:08:55.56 ringing, the rugs jagged up on my feet 00:08:55.57\00:08:57.49 and you know why? The main reason was, 00:08:57.98\00:09:00.58 I did not expect it, it was farthest thing from 00:09:00.82\00:09:03.13 my mind, you know, I was like, I been, 00:09:03.14\00:09:05.17 I been like, this just weekend before, 00:09:05.18\00:09:06.86 I have seen my dad and we have being doing 00:09:06.87\00:09:08.58 things and we go flying together, we go fishing 00:09:08.59\00:09:10.46 together, these kind of things going on. 00:09:10.47\00:09:11.79 When you get a phone call that you don't 00:09:12.01\00:09:12.98 expect this, oh, it was just heart attack 00:09:12.99\00:09:15.66 wasn't it, and so in the same way, 00:09:15.67\00:09:17.83 in the similar way when we look at the study 00:09:17.84\00:09:19.25 on Antichrist, when all of a sudden if you 00:09:19.26\00:09:22.51 don't understand what the Bible is teaching 00:09:22.52\00:09:23.85 on any subject, and then you are not here 00:09:23.86\00:09:26.17 with the face of the truth, but if you are hit 00:09:26.18\00:09:27.53 with it in reality, life is like been played out 00:09:27.54\00:09:30.01 and your soul taken back in surprise, 00:09:30.02\00:09:31.49 it's harder to expect, isn't it? 00:09:31.68\00:09:32.94 The love of God is revealed here in revealing 00:09:33.71\00:09:35.61 the Antichrist, not only does one has to be 00:09:35.62\00:09:38.44 deceived, but he doesn't want you to be hurt 00:09:38.63\00:09:41.61 and perplexed and maybe give up in despair, 00:09:42.47\00:09:46.07 because things are happening you didn't 00:09:46.80\00:09:47.94 expect, are you following that? 00:09:47.95\00:09:50.24 Was that analogy okay? You know the story 00:09:50.51\00:09:52.78 parallel pretty good, does it make sense in 00:09:52.79\00:09:54.08 your mind? Alright, well let us go on as 00:09:54.09\00:09:56.14 we are going to open up the study here, 00:09:56.15\00:09:57.45 but before we do, we're gonna have a word 00:09:57.46\00:09:59.76 of pray, you know, the Bible says spiritual 00:09:59.77\00:10:01.34 things are spiritually discerned, 00:10:01.35\00:10:03.37 and so for us to understand, 00:10:03.65\00:10:05.18 what God is telling us here to the study it's 00:10:05.73\00:10:08.00 very important, that our minds are clear, 00:10:08.01\00:10:10.22 our hearts are right with God, so let us 00:10:10.23\00:10:11.59 spend some time now, and pray and 00:10:11.60\00:10:13.24 asking God to guide us to the study. 00:10:13.25\00:10:14.80 Father in heaven, you have given us another 00:10:16.94\00:10:19.88 day of life, here at Life, and I want to thank 00:10:19.89\00:10:22.80 you for it. I want to thank you for this time, 00:10:22.81\00:10:25.18 we get to spend each day in studying your word. 00:10:25.19\00:10:27.18 And Lord today as we study the first part of 00:10:28.31\00:10:30.52 this Antichrist studying part two, 00:10:30.53\00:10:32.99 the first part of part two Lord as we study 00:10:35.20\00:10:36.77 this, I pray that you will give us understanding, 00:10:36.78\00:10:39.42 you'll give each one of us clear minds, 00:10:39.43\00:10:40.73 you help us to be awake and alert, 00:10:40.74\00:10:42.28 and I pray for those who are listening, 00:10:43.33\00:10:45.06 watching or listening either on internet, 00:10:45.27\00:10:46.97 on television, on DVD, that even right now 00:10:46.98\00:10:50.14 you'll be touching their hearts Lord. 00:10:50.15\00:10:51.55 You come especially close to them with your 00:10:52.05\00:10:53.34 spirit and then our minds will be opened to 00:10:53.35\00:10:55.77 what the spirit is teaching us, 00:10:55.78\00:10:57.18 we ask this in Jesus name, amen. 00:10:57.95\00:11:00.12 Okay the Antichrist part two, part one, 00:11:00.94\00:11:03.90 we are gonna split part two up in two parts, 00:11:04.90\00:11:06.27 you understand that right? And we're gonna 00:11:06.28\00:11:08.29 get right into it, first of all we're gonna look at 00:11:08.30\00:11:09.97 all the texts that are listed in the study, 00:11:09.98\00:11:12.43 We are going to put them on the screen, 00:11:12.44\00:11:13.61 so you can write them down, there's 00:11:14.22\00:11:15.32 thirteen of them, actually there is a few 00:11:15.33\00:11:17.05 more than that, if you notice here that you 00:11:17.06\00:11:18.84 see I got written out them in parenthesis 00:11:18.85\00:11:20.27 here Mark chapter 2, seven John 10 and 00:11:20.28\00:11:22.27 there's a couple of other places, where we 00:11:22.86\00:11:23.83 will have a couple of extra texts put in there, 00:11:23.84\00:11:26.27 and actually for those here and maybe for 00:11:27.03\00:11:29.94 people at home, some of the text I gave out 00:11:29.95\00:11:32.75 might not be in the notes that you can 00:11:32.76\00:11:34.05 download on the internet or you actually have 00:11:34.06\00:11:36.23 right now, so you may have to get that 00:11:36.24\00:11:37.48 pencil out, I know it's very difficult with me, 00:11:37.49\00:11:39.58 I will do it with my left hand and you may have 00:11:39.59\00:11:41.44 to take if you want to get all the text. 00:11:41.45\00:11:42.81 You may have to take actually write them 00:11:42.82\00:11:43.93 down yourself. Now for the people at home 00:11:43.94\00:11:46.21 I don't know by the time this actually gets 00:11:46.22\00:11:48.24 out there and we put the studies on the 00:11:48.25\00:11:49.91 Internet and we may have those extra text 00:11:49.92\00:11:51.10 on it, but in case we don't have your pencil 00:11:51.11\00:11:53.10 ready, We've got all these people with here 00:11:53.11\00:11:54.72 with pens and pencils in their hands, 00:11:54.73\00:11:55.89 and computers in front of them and nobody 00:11:55.90\00:11:58.48 has to take notes, because we've given 00:11:58.49\00:11:59.58 everything or spoon fed aren't we? 00:11:59.59\00:12:01.49 So you may have to take some notes today, 00:12:02.14\00:12:03.84 but any way Antichrist part two, part one and 00:12:03.85\00:12:06.56 the text we are going to is going to be 00:12:06.57\00:12:08.05 diveded up actually in different parts, 00:12:08.06\00:12:09.61 if you look on the screen, it's divided up, 00:12:09.62\00:12:11.49 the first four texts that we look at are going 00:12:11.73\00:12:14.07 to be the names of the Antichrist. 00:12:14.08\00:12:15.64 It's very interesting people you hear like 00:12:15.89\00:12:17.62 movies are being made about the Antichrist 00:12:17.63\00:12:19.22 and all these people talking about the 00:12:19.23\00:12:20.20 Antichrist and the name that actually term 00:12:20.21\00:12:22.50 Antichrist is barely almost never used 00:12:22.51\00:12:24.90 in the Bible, it's only in there like, it's in there 00:12:24.91\00:12:26.73 four times in all the Bible, four times in the 00:12:26.74\00:12:29.47 singular form one time in the plural form, 00:12:29.48\00:12:31.66 so you have five times the term Antichrist or 00:12:31.75\00:12:33.71 Antichrists are in the Bible, and they are all 00:12:34.08\00:12:36.40 found in the little books of 1st and 2nd John, 00:12:36.41\00:12:38.73 you don't find it any where else in the Bible 00:12:39.48\00:12:40.93 that's actually termed Antichrist but He has 00:12:40.94\00:12:42.43 different names, different names that he 00:12:42.44\00:12:44.85 is called by in the Bible referring to the same 00:12:44.86\00:12:47.36 character, we're gonna be looking at those 00:12:47.37\00:12:48.68 as well. And then after getting looking at that, 00:12:48.69\00:12:50.68 we're gonna particularly focus in on 00:12:51.48\00:12:53.72 events in this earth's history leading up to 00:12:55.11\00:12:57.35 the Antichrist getting here, like you know 00:12:57.36\00:12:59.53 He doesn't, He has not always been on this 00:12:59.54\00:13:01.22 earth, you know, you are following what I'm 00:13:01.23\00:13:02.20 saying that, that the power of the Antichrist, 00:13:02.21\00:13:03.89 power of the, I can't use all the names, 00:13:03.90\00:13:06.76 or there is little horn in Daniel 8, 00:13:06.77\00:13:08.28 Daniels 7 we are going to be looking at that 00:13:08.29\00:13:09.83 as we go through the study today, 00:13:10.17\00:13:11.25 but these terms that we use all the events 00:13:11.52\00:13:14.11 through this earth's history leading up to the 00:13:14.12\00:13:16.75 Antichrist coming on the scene, are you 00:13:16.76\00:13:18.77 following what we are talking about? 00:13:18.78\00:13:19.75 So the second part here starting in Daniel 00:13:19.76\00:13:21.09 chapter 7, 1 to 3 and all the way down to 00:13:21.10\00:13:23.40 the Daniel 7:7 is the list through history of 00:13:23.41\00:13:26.88 the Antichrist, the things that have happened 00:13:26.89\00:13:29.23 prior to the Antichrist coming to power, 00:13:29.24\00:13:30.87 and we will be looking at that, and we kind 00:13:31.46\00:13:32.71 of finish off there, well we won't finfish off 00:13:32.72\00:13:35.07 there today, because what we're gonna get 00:13:35.08\00:13:36.10 into after that is the identity of the Antichrist. 00:13:36.11\00:13:39.46 We are not actually going to identify Him. 00:13:39.79\00:13:41.76 I say what, you know, what we are going to 00:13:43.20\00:13:44.42 do is give the characteristics that what 00:13:44.43\00:13:46.47 the God has to identify the Antichrist with that's 00:13:46.48\00:13:49.31 gonna be in the last part of the identity of the 00:13:49.32\00:13:51.33 Antichrist. Then we're gonna, we're gonna, 00:13:51.34\00:13:53.10 actually go through there and give all that 00:13:53.11\00:13:54.51 ten identifying characteristics you find 00:13:54.52\00:13:56.40 in Daniel chapter 7 that identifies this, this 00:13:56.41\00:13:59.02 character right. And then we're gonna say, 00:13:59.03\00:14:01.33 who in the world, what power, what force on 00:14:02.08\00:14:05.17 this earth, this planet, the Antichrist has to 00:14:05.18\00:14:06.76 be on this planet right? What power through 00:14:06.77\00:14:10.58 history identifies with this if it's all ten of 00:14:10.59\00:14:14.10 the characteristics, so that's how we go to 00:14:14.11\00:14:15.83 the study, does it make sense? It has like 00:14:15.84\00:14:17.72 three parts you know the names of the 00:14:17.95\00:14:19.67 Antichrist, prior to Antichrist, and then 00:14:19.68\00:14:21.70 identifying the Antichrist, so after we 00:14:21.71\00:14:23.54 give this list of all the ten characteristics, 00:14:23.55\00:14:25.49 tomorrow or on the next study we do we're 00:14:26.05\00:14:29.86 gonna actually plug these ten characteristics 00:14:29.87\00:14:31.53 in and see if it fits the Antichrist who revealed 00:14:31.54\00:14:37.10 this, so the suspense is killing you isn't it? 00:14:37.11\00:14:39.47 Yeah, me too. Alright now let's go on now 00:14:40.93\00:14:42.93 to start the study off, we are gonna go to 00:14:43.33\00:14:45.10 1 John chapter 2, 1 John chapter 2, 00:14:45.35\00:14:47.99 verse 18-22 and we're gonna look at first 00:14:48.00\00:14:50.43 name of the Antichrist and you know what 00:14:50.44\00:14:51.80 name is? Antichrist, Anita has that one, 00:14:51.81\00:14:56.86 so go out of head, 1 John chapter 2 and 00:14:57.46\00:15:00.06 you gonna read verse 18-22 and give just 00:15:00.07\00:15:02.29 a moment everybody to get there, 00:15:02.30\00:15:03.48 even me, 1 John chapter 2, it's the book if 00:15:03.49\00:15:09.05 you go to Revelation, you know, you back 00:15:09.06\00:15:10.29 up and you got, you got Jude and 3 John, 00:15:10.30\00:15:12.42 2 John and 1 John, so if you are at home and 00:15:12.43\00:15:14.89 can't find a way around in the Bible too, 00:15:14.90\00:15:16.20 well you can start Revelation and just back 00:15:16.21\00:15:17.74 up from there, everybody can find 00:15:17.75\00:15:19.34 Revelation, it's the last book of the Bible, 00:15:19.35\00:15:20.90 and so we are going to John, 00:15:21.26\00:15:22.40 1 John rather, 1 John chapter 1:18-22 and 00:15:22.61\00:15:25.74 Anita is going to read that for us. 00:15:25.75\00:15:26.97 Little children, it's the last time and as if 00:15:28.04\00:15:31.51 you have heard that any Christ shall come 00:15:31.52\00:15:33.30 even now are there many any Christs 00:15:33.45\00:15:36.29 whereby we know that it is the last time, 00:15:36.83\00:15:39.25 they went out from us but they were not 00:15:40.11\00:15:42.90 of us, for if they had been of us, they have no 00:15:43.04\00:15:45.78 doubt have continued with us, but they went 00:15:45.79\00:15:48.79 out, that they might be made manifest that 00:15:48.83\00:15:51.59 they were not all of us, but He have an 00:15:51.60\00:15:54.39 unction from the holy one and He know all 00:15:54.40\00:15:57.12 things, I have not written unto you because 00:15:57.13\00:16:00.11 He know not the truth, but because He know 00:16:00.12\00:16:03.26 it and that no lie is of the truth. 00:16:03.27\00:16:05.90 Who is the liar that He did deny it that Jesus 00:16:06.56\00:16:09.94 is the Christ. He is an Antichrist that 00:16:10.01\00:16:13.56 deny it the Father and the son. 00:16:13.57\00:16:15.68 Very good Anita as you, as you are reading 00:16:15.84\00:16:17.43 through, did you notice, did you notice how 00:16:17.44\00:16:18.68 she was looking up, actually she was looking 00:16:18.69\00:16:20.49 around to the people at home as well letting 00:16:20.50\00:16:21.81 them know that they were the part of the 00:16:21.82\00:16:23.45 study that we are having here right? 00:16:23.46\00:16:24.67 But they are looking up and keeping eye 00:16:25.02\00:16:26.56 contact with the people, it keeps people engaged 00:16:26.57\00:16:28.12 right? Like everybody here in the class, 00:16:28.13\00:16:30.71 if they decided they want to go to sleep, 00:16:31.05\00:16:32.37 I'll be looking at you and you know that I'm 00:16:32.63\00:16:34.44 going to be looking at you, you know, 00:16:34.45\00:16:35.42 you can't get away from this class, 00:16:35.43\00:16:36.40 right you sleep, I'm going to, I'm going to make 00:16:36.41\00:16:37.60 an eye contact with you, and I might even, 00:16:37.61\00:16:39.74 I might even call you up and put on TV, 00:16:39.75\00:16:41.24 so you want to be careful not to sleep in 00:16:42.28\00:16:43.50 class right? Anita as she was reading that 00:16:43.51\00:16:45.53 though the Antichrist, it says, this where you 00:16:45.54\00:16:47.49 find in the scriptures this is the first like 00:16:47.50\00:16:49.16 three times you find the term Antichrist right? 00:16:49.17\00:16:51.08 And it says little children for the last time 00:16:51.26\00:16:53.18 as you have heard that Antichrist shall come. 00:16:53.19\00:16:55.08 In other word, what he is doing right now, 00:16:55.09\00:16:56.95 John writing here, it says, as you heard the 00:16:57.94\00:16:59.57 Antichrist shall come, in other word he is 00:16:59.58\00:17:01.23 still putting off in a future day, but he says 00:17:01.24\00:17:03.28 you know what it says, even now like the 00:17:03.29\00:17:05.62 spirit of the Antichrist is working, look what 00:17:05.63\00:17:08.01 he says even now there are many Antichrists 00:17:08.02\00:17:10.57 where by we know it's the last time, 00:17:10.87\00:17:12.46 so it says, even though the Antichrist is 00:17:12.47\00:17:13.97 going to come, you have heard, 00:17:13.98\00:17:15.56 he shall come, even now that Spirit is working 00:17:15.78\00:17:18.36 and it's very interesting, because when he 00:17:19.23\00:17:20.58 talks about these Antichrist. Remember 00:17:20.59\00:17:22.89 most people when they think of Antichrist, 00:17:22.90\00:17:24.24 they think of some exterior thing violently 00:17:24.83\00:17:29.64 opposing God's church and violently opposing 00:17:29.65\00:17:32.54 Jesus Christ and putting themselves and 00:17:32.55\00:17:34.03 saying, you know, I'm Jesus worship me 00:17:34.04\00:17:35.71 that's what we think of isn't it? But look out 00:17:35.72\00:17:38.00 this description is, he says even now there 00:17:38.01\00:17:39.92 are many Antichrists whereby we know its 00:17:39.93\00:17:41.18 last time, and then in verse 19 he says 00:17:41.19\00:17:42.84 something I think its very fascinating. 00:17:42.85\00:17:44.42 They went out from us, who went out from 00:17:45.48\00:17:47.40 them? The Antichrist, so according to the 00:17:47.41\00:17:50.47 John when he is writing in his days speaking 00:17:50.48\00:17:52.04 of the spirit of Antichrist, you know in 00:17:52.05\00:17:54.33 generally he said this Antichrist out there 00:17:54.34\00:17:56.02 right now, but there is only one Antichrist, 00:17:56.03\00:17:57.96 do you understand the difference there 00:17:57.97\00:17:58.94 right? But what are these Antichrists, 00:17:58.95\00:18:01.07 these opposers to Christ, where do they 00:18:01.56\00:18:02.80 come from? Church. They came from the 00:18:02.81\00:18:04.65 church, he says they came from us, 00:18:04.66\00:18:05.85 but you know what he says, they weren't 00:18:05.86\00:18:07.29 really with us, because have they have been, 00:18:07.30\00:18:09.73 they would have stayed, that's what he 00:18:09.74\00:18:11.44 says, for if they had been of us, they have 00:18:11.45\00:18:12.88 no doubt have continued with us, 00:18:12.89\00:18:14.46 but they went out, that maybe, maybe 00:18:14.92\00:18:17.62 manifest but they were not really or not all 00:18:17.63\00:18:19.67 of us, so you follow what's going on here 00:18:19.68\00:18:21.58 with this, Paul, John here is making a 00:18:21.59\00:18:23.18 description of the Antichrist and he says, 00:18:23.19\00:18:25.42 it's very similar, you know, you have heard 00:18:25.70\00:18:27.04 the Antichrist will come, now how do they 00:18:27.05\00:18:28.19 hear the Antichrist would come? 00:18:28.20\00:18:29.20 How do they hear that? Obliviously, John 00:18:29.21\00:18:31.40 speaking about something, he has preached 00:18:31.41\00:18:32.58 to them, right? How could they have heard 00:18:32.59\00:18:35.00 about him, when somebody had preached 00:18:35.01\00:18:36.08 to that to them right? He says he is gonna 00:18:36.09\00:18:37.68 come, but you know what he said, it's a 00:18:37.69\00:18:39.02 kind of going on now, because these people, 00:18:39.03\00:18:41.69 these people had when they were there in the 00:18:42.15\00:18:43.29 church have now left the church, 00:18:43.30\00:18:45.66 they left us, they weren't really of us. 00:18:46.72\00:18:48.68 Have you ever noticed, most of the time when 00:18:49.32\00:18:53.12 someone apostasies, when someone, 00:18:53.13\00:18:55.46 someone like leaves the church, they don't 00:18:55.47\00:18:57.45 go alone, you know, it's like people aren't 00:18:57.46\00:19:01.11 satisfied to be lost all by themselves, 00:19:01.12\00:19:02.73 they got to take all that came with them, 00:19:02.74\00:19:03.91 right? And I have noticed that, and it's across 00:19:04.06\00:19:06.69 the board, you know, you know it may talk 00:19:06.70\00:19:09.02 about the nominations and it's across the 00:19:09.03\00:19:10.85 board, any denominations like people 00:19:10.86\00:19:12.21 aren't just satisfy to walk out and just be lost 00:19:12.22\00:19:15.64 by themselves, they try to take you with 00:19:15.65\00:19:17.51 them and John is warning the people in his 00:19:17.52\00:19:18.96 days and said you know what? This is the 00:19:18.97\00:19:20.44 way the Antichrist works. He does, he is 00:19:20.45\00:19:23.57 not going to come as a violent opposer and 00:19:23.58\00:19:25.79 everybody is going to say, oh yes stay away 00:19:25.80\00:19:27.09 from that guy, he is a terror, you know 00:19:27.10\00:19:28.58 terrorism in Mathew 13 right, stay away from 00:19:29.06\00:19:31.08 him, he's obviously a deceiver. No, these 00:19:31.09\00:19:33.45 guys came in the church they were part 00:19:33.46\00:19:35.21 of them, but they use that and then they 00:19:35.22\00:19:36.98 left and took obviously people with them. 00:19:36.99\00:19:38.84 Now John, basically speaking here this 00:19:39.84\00:19:42.19 Antichrist power, the Antichrist were in his 00:19:42.20\00:19:43.89 day they came within the church, when Paul, 00:19:43.90\00:19:47.15 and our next text we are gonna be turning to, 00:19:47.16\00:19:48.60 when Paul talks about the Antichrist in the 00:19:48.61\00:19:50.34 very last days he, he refers to the Antichrist 00:19:50.35\00:19:52.45 under different term, We're gonna looking at 00:19:52.90\00:19:54.91 that on our next slide here, he refers to him 00:19:54.92\00:19:56.64 under different term and you look here it's 00:19:56.65\00:19:58.52 in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 3, 00:19:58.53\00:20:00.59 and he refers to him as the man of sin or the 00:20:00.85\00:20:02.61 son of perdition, and so someone, who's 00:20:02.62\00:20:05.31 gonna read, Darlene, Darlene you have 2 00:20:05.32\00:20:08.37 Thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 3, 00:20:08.38\00:20:10.75 and go ahead and read that one and, and as 00:20:10.76\00:20:13.12 you read it as you read 2 Thessalonians 2-3, 00:20:13.13\00:20:15.39 emphasis those words, it says men of sin and 00:20:15.64\00:20:17.78 son of perdition, okay do that. Let no one 00:20:17.79\00:20:21.86 deceive you by any means, for that day will 00:20:21.87\00:20:24.92 not come unless the falling away come first, 00:20:24.93\00:20:28.27 and the man of sin is revealed, the son of 00:20:29.04\00:20:32.87 perdition. So Paul writing here now, 00:20:32.88\00:20:35.45 we looked first that John talks about the 00:20:35.46\00:20:37.06 Antichrist in his day, they came within the 00:20:37.07\00:20:38.92 church, Paul says here, and look what he says, 00:20:38.93\00:20:40.67 now you have covered this already, 00:20:40.68\00:20:41.85 I think in the, in the part of this in the Great 00:20:41.86\00:20:43.77 Controversy study or the, what was the other 00:20:43.78\00:20:47.28 study that the pastor Scott did that, 00:20:47.29\00:20:49.33 where you covered this whole thing about 00:20:49.52\00:20:50.77 the man of sin, the son of perdition, does 00:20:50.98\00:20:52.32 anybody remember what study that was? 00:20:52.33\00:20:53.55 The Great Controversy study okay, I was right 00:20:55.05\00:20:56.45 with that then alright, you notice here and 00:20:56.46\00:20:58.16 we are going to cover that again alright now, 00:20:58.17\00:20:59.36 but I might put a little different twist on it 00:20:59.37\00:21:00.86 but it says don't be deceived by any means 00:21:00.99\00:21:03.34 about what, what's he talking about hereby 00:21:03.35\00:21:04.76 being deceived by? The second coming of 00:21:04.77\00:21:06.76 Christ, if you look at the context just above 00:21:06.77\00:21:08.35 that he says, the second coming of Christ as 00:21:08.36\00:21:10.67 he says don't be deceived about that for 00:21:10.68\00:21:12.78 that day the second coming of Christ will not 00:21:12.79\00:21:14.33 come except, there comes a falling away 00:21:14.34\00:21:16.70 first. Now in order for something to fall away, 00:21:16.71\00:21:19.06 it must first be connected, right? You 00:21:19.07\00:21:21.75 can't fall away from some one unless you are 00:21:21.76\00:21:22.89 connected, and actual word there used in 00:21:22.90\00:21:25.69 the Greeks like Apostasia. Now someone 00:21:25.70\00:21:27.72 is going to write me a letter over that, 00:21:27.73\00:21:28.70 so that's how you say that, that's I say that 00:21:28.71\00:21:30.46 word, but that's okay just write me the letter, 00:21:30.47\00:21:31.75 and you get the idea, it means, it means like 00:21:32.91\00:21:34.76 to be divorced from or it means, it means 00:21:34.77\00:21:37.03 to be just taken away, you know, you are 00:21:37.04\00:21:39.21 once connected, and then you are divorced 00:21:39.22\00:21:40.84 or your are once the member of the church, 00:21:40.85\00:21:42.09 you are no longer the member of the church 00:21:42.10\00:21:43.20 and in Paul speaking not just of a general like 00:21:43.45\00:21:45.66 one person leaving the church. He said it's 00:21:45.67\00:21:47.57 going to be big falling away. In other words 00:21:47.58\00:21:49.84 it's going to be a big apostasy is gonna take 00:21:49.85\00:21:52.53 place, so before Jesus comes, before the day 00:21:52.54\00:21:55.06 Lord comes this big apostasy is going to 00:21:55.07\00:21:57.01 take place and look what he says, 00:21:57.02\00:21:58.15 the son of man, or that the man of the sin 00:21:58.78\00:22:01.20 rather be revealed the son of perdition. 00:22:01.21\00:22:02.93 He says there is going to be an apostasy and 00:22:02.94\00:22:05.20 as a result of that, the son of perdition is 00:22:05.49\00:22:08.51 going to be revealed, this man of sin who 00:22:08.52\00:22:11.04 we call the Antichrist right? So it's 00:22:11.05\00:22:13.77 another name for Antichrist, we are looking 00:22:13.78\00:22:15.31 at here, another name of Antichrist, 00:22:15.32\00:22:16.73 first of all it's a man of sin, son of perdition 00:22:16.74\00:22:19.13 or Antichrist, it's all referring to the same 00:22:19.14\00:22:20.93 character, and where does this guy come 00:22:20.94\00:22:22.41 from? Within the church, now it's very 00:22:22.42\00:22:24.94 interesting, one of the terms he uses here, 00:22:24.95\00:22:26.91 is the son of perdition. Now there is one other 00:22:27.05\00:22:29.36 place in all the Bible, that you'll find the term 00:22:29.37\00:22:31.17 son of perdition and you know who he is 00:22:31.18\00:22:32.61 referring to? Judas Iscariot, you got that 00:22:32.62\00:22:35.42 exactly right, Judas Iscariot is found in John 00:22:35.43\00:22:37.22 chapter 17 and verse 12, when Jesus says, 00:22:37.23\00:22:39.48 you know, I have kept all you gave me Lord, 00:22:39.49\00:22:41.21 speaking to his father, he is praying in John 17, 00:22:41.68\00:22:43.59 I have kept all that you have given to me 00:22:43.60\00:22:44.93 except one, the son of perdition, you know, 00:22:44.94\00:22:48.83 and he is referring to Judas Iscariot there, 00:22:49.10\00:22:50.45 you read all through the chapters obviously 00:22:50.46\00:22:51.84 he is referring to Judas Iscariot, 00:22:51.85\00:22:52.82 so it's fascinating. Let me ask you, 00:22:52.83\00:22:54.37 was Judas a violent opposer to Christ from 00:22:55.21\00:22:57.63 outside his realm outside his church? 00:22:57.64\00:22:59.62 No he was actually a sort of very much an 00:23:00.18\00:23:02.59 imposter; even the disciples themselves did 00:23:02.60\00:23:05.17 not realize that Judas would be betraying 00:23:05.18\00:23:07.17 Christ. It was much later that they figured 00:23:07.18\00:23:09.54 out like after everything took place, 00:23:09.55\00:23:11.25 then they looked back and said oh, 00:23:11.26\00:23:12.48 he was the one who betrayed him, 00:23:12.91\00:23:14.20 that's what exactly what Jesus said what 00:23:14.33\00:23:15.45 happened to him, he said he betrayed just 00:23:15.46\00:23:16.85 like that he said, but they didn't get it at 00:23:16.86\00:23:18.29 that time, and so he was so good in his 00:23:18.30\00:23:20.73 deception, this Antichrist, this form of Antichrist 00:23:20.74\00:23:24.12 Judas Iscariot was so good in deception, 00:23:24.13\00:23:26.19 that the disciples the closest people of Jesus 00:23:27.25\00:23:29.66 in the church didn't get it, you understand why 00:23:29.67\00:23:32.99 Jesus so much warns, that this last day 00:23:33.00\00:23:34.92 deceptions will be very strong. Do you 00:23:34.93\00:23:36.44 understand a little bit more now, 00:23:36.45\00:23:37.43 I mean we think about that when we do the 00:23:37.44\00:23:38.41 study on Antichrist part one that we did. 00:23:38.42\00:23:40.13 Can you understand why we spend so much 00:23:40.36\00:23:42.00 time emphasizing that for every truth God has, 00:23:42.01\00:23:44.50 the devil has the counterfeit, because all 00:23:44.51\00:23:46.82 through it's been that way. And Jesus does 00:23:46.83\00:23:48.97 not want His disciples to be deceived about 00:23:48.98\00:23:50.65 that, He actually told them, I'm going to be 00:23:50.66\00:23:52.52 betrayed, they didn't have to be deceived 00:23:52.94\00:23:55.01 about that you know, even when Judas come, 00:23:55.02\00:23:56.81 Judas did he betray me with the kiss? 00:23:56.82\00:23:58.60 You know but they were not getting it because 00:23:59.17\00:24:02.48 it didn't fit what they wanted to happen. 00:24:02.49\00:24:03.99 And so as we find here Paul again says, 00:24:04.65\00:24:06.73 this man of sin, the Antichrist power son of 00:24:06.97\00:24:08.76 perdition is going to come from within the church 00:24:08.77\00:24:10.71 and it's going to look just like the real thing. 00:24:10.89\00:24:12.55 It's going to be very deceptive, are you 00:24:13.61\00:24:16.02 following this? Is it making any sense, good? 00:24:16.03\00:24:18.22 Alright, now let's go on now to the next 00:24:18.54\00:24:19.85 text and Shalita is going to be reading our 00:24:19.86\00:24:21.38 next text, and start in Revelation 13, 00:24:21.39\00:24:23.13 this is actually the third name of the Antichrist, 00:24:23.14\00:24:26.98 and it's going to be, here we go the beast, 00:24:27.64\00:24:31.23 so the third the name of the Antichrist that 00:24:31.87\00:24:33.17 we were looking at here or the fourth name 00:24:33.18\00:24:34.62 because we have the Antichrist, the man 00:24:34.63\00:24:36.29 of sin, son of perdition and now we are 00:24:36.30\00:24:37.47 looking at Revelation chapter 13 verses 00:24:37.48\00:24:39.56 1-3 the beast and Shalita you gonna read 00:24:39.57\00:24:43.40 that for us. And I stood up on the sand of 00:24:43.41\00:24:46.99 the sea and saw a beast arise up out of 00:24:47.00\00:24:49.85 the sea. Okay, the sea beasts exactly, 00:24:49.86\00:24:51.59 go ahead, I'm sorry. Having seven heads 00:24:51.60\00:24:53.65 and ten horns and up on his horns ten crowns 00:24:53.74\00:24:57.06 and up on his heads the name of Blasphemy. 00:24:57.37\00:25:00.28 And the beast which I saw was liken to a 00:25:00.77\00:25:03.03 leopard and his feet were as the feet 00:25:03.12\00:25:05.91 of a bear. And his mouth as a mouth of a 00:25:05.92\00:25:09.09 lion and the dragon gave him his power 00:25:09.10\00:25:12.38 and his seat and great authority, and I saw 00:25:12.71\00:25:15.67 one of his heads as if it were wounded unto 00:25:15.68\00:25:17.84 death and his deadly wound was healed 00:25:17.85\00:25:21.25 and all the world wondered after the beast. 00:25:21.67\00:25:23.76 So we have this another term we have for 00:25:23.77\00:25:25.58 the Antichrist and we gonna have a study 00:25:25.59\00:25:27.09 later on that reveals, I mean it talks about 00:25:27.10\00:25:29.23 the Revelation 13 there in more detail 00:25:29.24\00:25:31.14 obviously we will cover that later, 00:25:31.15\00:25:32.41 but this is another description of the 00:25:32.50\00:25:34.19 Antichrist and we are going to be referring 00:25:34.20\00:25:35.91 some time in the study today, we have 00:25:35.92\00:25:37.16 already referred back to Revelation 13 at 00:25:37.17\00:25:38.62 some point there from Daniel chapter 7, 00:25:38.63\00:25:40.33 but it's interesting there that this Antichrist 00:25:40.63\00:25:42.71 power that we are talking about here its 00:25:42.72\00:25:44.60 given in symbolism here and it's called the 00:25:44.61\00:25:46.60 sea beast. Right, so you find, you find that 00:25:47.13\00:25:50.00 the Antichrist is both Antichrist, 00:25:50.01\00:25:51.83 the man of sin, the son of perdition and also 00:25:52.18\00:25:54.32 the sea beast, but you know he has another 00:25:54.33\00:25:56.02 name, there is another name for this Antichrist 00:25:56.03\00:25:58.86 power and this is the one we're going to be 00:25:58.87\00:25:59.88 studying particularly it is found in Daniel 00:25:59.89\00:26:01.86 chapter 7. If you open your Bibles in Daniel 00:26:01.87\00:26:04.19 chapter 7, I put the slide up the screen now 00:26:04.20\00:26:05.94 for his last name of the Antichrist, 00:26:05.95\00:26:07.67 Daniel chapter 7 in verse 8 he's called, 00:26:07.89\00:26:10.47 somebody read and then we will reveal the 00:26:10.49\00:26:11.75 name that's probably already on the screen 00:26:11.76\00:26:13.07 anyway for those people at home but it's the 00:26:13.08\00:26:14.66 Little Horn, The Little Horn power in Daniel 00:26:14.67\00:26:17.51 chapter 7, and by the way if you can't find 00:26:17.52\00:26:19.93 Daniel chapter 7 get like right in the middle 00:26:19.94\00:26:22.20 of your Bible, if you get to Ezekiel, the next 00:26:22.21\00:26:24.08 book if you find the little prophet like Hosea, 00:26:24.09\00:26:26.24 Amos, Obadiah, those books there back up 00:26:27.98\00:26:30.71 just a little bit to the left in you Bible and 00:26:30.72\00:26:32.67 you will find, you get to the Psalms, 00:26:32.68\00:26:34.28 Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song Of Solomon, 00:26:34.29\00:26:36.05 Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, 00:26:36.06\00:26:37.93 then you get to book of Daniel, so if you are 00:26:38.06\00:26:39.63 some where in the Bible and you found one 00:26:39.64\00:26:40.71 of those books and you are looking for the 00:26:40.72\00:26:42.19 book of Daniel, I'm just trying to give you time 00:26:42.20\00:26:43.72 to find it. We are going to Daniel chapter 7 00:26:43.73\00:26:46.00 and we're going to be part there pretty 00:26:46.59\00:26:47.81 much the rest of the study, very well that 00:26:47.82\00:26:51.67 we will be outside the book Daniel here as we 00:26:51.68\00:26:53.60 reveal this Antichrist power, and so we're 00:26:53.61\00:26:56.36 gonna have Daniel chapter 7 and verse 8 00:26:56.37\00:26:58.37 read by Bill right now, Bill is going to read 00:26:58.50\00:26:59.98 Daniel chapter 7 and verse 8 00:26:59.99\00:27:01.21 back there, go ahead Bill. 00:27:01.22\00:27:02.72 I was considering the horns, and there was 00:27:03.39\00:27:05.49 another horn, a little one, coming up among 00:27:05.50\00:27:08.17 them, before whom three of the first horns 00:27:08.18\00:27:11.89 were plucked out by the roots. And there, 00:27:11.90\00:27:15.15 in this horn, were eyes like the eyes of a 00:27:15.16\00:27:17.57 man, and a mouth speaking pompous words. 00:27:17.58\00:27:19.79 As he has read that right now just now Bill 00:27:20.76\00:27:22.40 thank you so much, you read that Daniel 00:27:22.41\00:27:23.79 Chapter 7 verse 8, he said that he considered 00:27:23.80\00:27:25.48 the horns and then his horns came up and 00:27:25.49\00:27:27.49 his little horn came up later. Now what we're 00:27:27.50\00:27:29.58 gonna show from Bible as the Bible 00:27:29.59\00:27:31.59 describes for us we're gonna show in this study, 00:27:31.60\00:27:33.92 in this Bible study, that this little horn is what 00:27:33.98\00:27:36.31 the Bible refers to is Antichrist, the man 00:27:36.32\00:27:38.25 of sin, the son of perdition and the beast, 00:27:38.26\00:27:40.33 the first beast of Revelation chapter 13. 00:27:40.34\00:27:42.09 Then we're gonna show that from the 00:27:42.36\00:27:43.33 Bible through the study that's the idea 00:27:43.34\00:27:45.27 through what we're gonna be doing from here on 00:27:45.28\00:27:46.93 now. Now before the Antichrist come 00:27:46.94\00:27:49.30 remember we have this divided up at the 00:27:49.31\00:27:51.01 beginning of the study, we show that it was 00:27:51.02\00:27:52.17 divided up and the first thing was going 00:27:52.18\00:27:54.01 to cover was what? The names of the 00:27:54.02\00:27:55.44 Antichrist remember that and we covered 00:27:55.45\00:27:57.13 that has that been pretty clear the names. 00:27:57.14\00:27:58.61 Now we're gonna cover the next part is 00:27:59.01\00:28:00.46 what's happening prior to the Antichrist 00:28:00.47\00:28:02.88 coming upon the scene. In other words it's 00:28:02.89\00:28:05.01 going to give us time in history little bit to 00:28:05.02\00:28:06.65 whom we would be looking for this Antichrist 00:28:06.66\00:28:08.13 power to rise up. Now I think this is powerful 00:28:08.14\00:28:10.27 we get to study this more when we get to 00:28:10.83\00:28:12.89 that study on the judgment part two of the 00:28:12.90\00:28:15.16 judgment and I looked at the scheduled and 00:28:15.17\00:28:16.83 I have the privilege of doing that study so 00:28:16.84\00:28:18.20 I don't want to steal my thunder too much 00:28:18.21\00:28:19.65 right now, but it's very interesting in Daniel 00:28:19.66\00:28:21.66 chapter 7, I'm gonna go and hit this a little 00:28:21.67\00:28:23.18 bit, because people have short term memory loss, 00:28:23.19\00:28:25.59 you know don't forget about it by the time 00:28:25.60\00:28:26.60 we go over again, but its interesting because in 00:28:26.61\00:28:28.68 Daniel chapter 7 it gives, it gives these 00:28:28.69\00:28:30.31 world power, it goes just like Daniel 2, 00:28:30.32\00:28:32.95 there is Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome and 00:28:32.96\00:28:35.34 then has the, Romans are divided, then this 00:28:35.35\00:28:37.27 little horn power comes to power and the 00:28:37.28\00:28:39.15 next thing it talks about in Daniel 7 is 00:28:39.16\00:28:40.71 judgment scene and then the second coming 00:28:40.72\00:28:43.11 of Christ. So, it kind of give you an outline a 00:28:43.12\00:28:46.00 time outline of Jesus kind of coming after 00:28:46.01\00:28:49.36 the Antichrist through the study. So, once 00:28:49.37\00:28:51.59 again it proves that what we'll be able to 00:28:51.60\00:28:53.56 prove through the study is what the same 00:28:53.57\00:28:55.38 thing that we find in the New Testament that 00:28:55.39\00:28:56.88 in the New Testament and the Old Testament 00:28:56.89\00:28:58.89 agree. The New Testament and the Old 00:28:58.90\00:29:01.17 Testament agree that what the order events 00:29:01.18\00:29:04.02 has the Antichrist coming before Jesus 00:29:04.03\00:29:06.17 Christ comes. Now I remember we talked about 00:29:06.18\00:29:08.48 that there is a deception in the last days right? 00:29:09.00\00:29:10.72 The Bible talks about every truth that God 00:29:10.92\00:29:12.54 has, the devil has the counterfeit, 00:29:12.55\00:29:14.45 well you know what the counterfeit is today. 00:29:14.73\00:29:15.96 The counterfeit today is believed by much of 00:29:16.85\00:29:18.61 Christianity that first Jesus comes and then 00:29:18.62\00:29:21.66 the Antichrist power comes in, comes in to 00:29:21.67\00:29:23.97 play, but you have this timeline to look at 00:29:23.98\00:29:26.27 Daniel 7, again Daniel 8 and Daniel 9 and then 00:29:26.28\00:29:30.50 you find that in the New Testament and Paul 00:29:30.51\00:29:32.50 there in 2nd Thessalonians, they 00:29:32.51\00:29:33.98 all said, no, no, no, first the Antichrist is gonna 00:29:33.99\00:29:37.27 be revealed and then Jesus will come, 00:29:37.28\00:29:39.17 not the other way around, but just because 00:29:39.34\00:29:42.19 of the multitude of the Christians, multitude 00:29:42.20\00:29:43.54 of people believe it to be the other way is 00:29:43.55\00:29:45.46 that make it true? If I read my Bible correctly 00:29:45.47\00:29:47.86 Jesus said that there is broad road that many 00:29:47.87\00:29:49.93 people are going to be following is going to 00:29:49.94\00:29:51.27 lead to destruction and at a very narrow 00:29:51.28\00:29:52.96 road that if you are going to be on it's going 00:29:52.97\00:29:54.42 to eternal life, so are we safe to follow the 00:29:54.43\00:29:56.49 multitudes, no Moses says, Moses says back 00:29:56.50\00:30:00.25 in I think its in Deuteronomy where he 00:30:00.26\00:30:01.63 says don't follow multitude and do evil and 00:30:01.64\00:30:04.58 evil is any time is out side the word of God, 00:30:04.59\00:30:06.32 you know, then we know that the sin is 00:30:06.62\00:30:08.15 defined by the transgression law, but has 00:30:08.16\00:30:09.60 the another definition too, you know what it 00:30:09.61\00:30:10.84 is? To know to do good and do not do to 00:30:10.85\00:30:13.42 that a sin and that's found in James chapter 00:30:13.43\00:30:15.85 4 verse 17. Okay, now we're gonna start looking 00:30:15.86\00:30:18.61 now at the characteristic, the things 00:30:18.62\00:30:20.99 that are going to be taking place on this 00:30:21.00\00:30:22.18 earth prior to the Antichrist coming on the 00:30:22.19\00:30:24.87 scene. In the next text we're gonna be reading, 00:30:24.88\00:30:26.98 it's found in Daniel chapter 7 and we're gonna 00:30:26.99\00:30:28.89 read verse 1-3, Daniel 7:1-3. Now I wanna 00:30:28.90\00:30:31.60 pause here for a second and look at the 00:30:31.80\00:30:33.44 slide, for those people who are marking their 00:30:33.45\00:30:35.38 Bibles here and at home, I know that some 00:30:35.39\00:30:37.45 people just kind of tune in certain times and 00:30:37.46\00:30:39.73 they haven't seen prior to this, but when 00:30:39.74\00:30:41.84 you're at Daniel chapter 7 verse 1-3, 00:30:41.85\00:30:44.10 from there you are right 5AC to because we 00:30:44.66\00:30:46.49 are on the fifth text on that Antichrist part 00:30:46.50\00:30:49.62 2 study and then you see this line here your 00:30:49.63\00:30:52.16 right that have 5AC to have a circle then 00:30:52.17\00:30:54.33 a line coming out from it, on the top of the 00:30:54.34\00:30:56.40 line Daniel chapter 7 and verse 8 that's the 00:30:56.41\00:30:59.00 text that what? You came from it, it just 00:30:59.01\00:31:01.54 right there above it doesn't it? Right, and in 00:31:01.55\00:31:03.03 Daniel chapter seven verse 4 is the text going 00:31:03.04\00:31:04.87 to next, but now this study is gonna be 00:31:04.88\00:31:06.45 marked it's a little different in your Bible, 00:31:06.46\00:31:07.76 okay then the rest of them and this is why, 00:31:08.64\00:31:10.72 because we go from Daniel 7:1-3, 00:31:11.02\00:31:12.87 to Daniel 7:4, then Daniel 7:5, Daniel 7:6, 00:31:13.05\00:31:16.27 Daniel 7:7, Daniel 7:8. Now you don't have to 00:31:16.28\00:31:19.22 go each one of those right ok this is Daniel 00:31:19.23\00:31:20.97 7:5 6 7 8, the easy way of doing this since 00:31:20.98\00:31:23.67 you know you just gonna be going through, 00:31:23.68\00:31:25.19 is like straight through, you can mark 00:31:25.20\00:31:27.64 like that it if you want no problem, 00:31:27.65\00:31:28.88 but you are gonna run out of space maybe 00:31:29.06\00:31:30.67 unless your Bible is big enough and you write 00:31:30.68\00:31:31.87 small enough, but what I do is I take color 00:31:31.88\00:31:33.89 pencils, and what we are learning here is 00:31:33.90\00:31:36.30 just learning how to give a study and give 00:31:36.31\00:31:38.12 an intelligence study of the truth of God's 00:31:38.13\00:31:39.90 word, take color pencils and I like take that 00:31:39.91\00:31:42.44 and on verse 4 I'll color with one pencil and 00:31:42.45\00:31:44.91 then verse 5 I'll color with a different pencil, 00:31:44.92\00:31:46.50 and it just tells me I'm going through there, 00:31:46.77\00:31:48.14 okay I'm just reading this one verse, 00:31:48.32\00:31:49.78 then this one verse and eventually after just 00:31:50.06\00:31:52.23 a few times you have given a study, 00:31:52.24\00:31:53.27 you know, you don't do that anyway. 00:31:53.28\00:31:54.47 Are you following that? Is there any problem 00:31:54.85\00:31:56.82 with this? Since you are going from text to 00:31:56.83\00:31:58.44 another and then straight in a row there is 00:31:58.45\00:31:59.87 no sense in marking your five, six, seven, 00:31:59.88\00:32:01.77 eight, but if you want to by all means do it, 00:32:01.78\00:32:04.62 it just takes a little more space and so since 00:32:05.28\00:32:07.20 we are going straight through this study and 00:32:07.21\00:32:08.56 it's identity, we're just gonna read the text, 00:32:08.57\00:32:10.28 pause, give a description and read the next 00:32:10.52\00:32:12.55 text, alright. Everybody okay with doing at that 00:32:12.56\00:32:15.71 way? Yeah so some of the studies are 00:32:17.11\00:32:18.08 marked just a little bit different, and this is 00:32:18.09\00:32:19.06 one of them, so let's go to it now. 00:32:19.07\00:32:20.50 Daniel chapter 7 verse 1-3, 00:32:21.63\00:32:23.26 Jessica, go ahead sister. 00:32:23.27\00:32:24.50 Earlier during the first year of king 00:32:25.82\00:32:28.10 Belshazzar's Reign in Babylon, 00:32:28.11\00:32:30.20 Daniel had a dream and saw visions as 00:32:30.76\00:32:33.09 he lay in his bed. He wrote the dream down 00:32:33.10\00:32:36.53 and this is what he saw and made vision 00:32:36.58\00:32:39.89 that night I Daniel saw great storm turning 00:32:39.90\00:32:43.25 the surface of a great sea with strong winds 00:32:43.26\00:32:47.05 blowing with every direction then for a 00:32:47.06\00:32:51.08 huge beast came up out of the water 00:32:51.09\00:32:53.10 each different from the others. 00:32:53.47\00:32:55.36 Alright so what we are finding here is Daniel 00:32:56.00\00:32:58.75 is having what, it's some kind of a dream, 00:32:58.76\00:33:00.56 right? You read that and he says he is having 00:33:00.57\00:33:03.65 a dream. Now when you have a dream, 00:33:03.66\00:33:05.44 even today Jessica when some one has a 00:33:05.74\00:33:07.47 dream, you ever had somebody come to you 00:33:07.48\00:33:09.03 and said you know I have this dream, 00:33:09.04\00:33:10.80 but I was like falling out of an airplane and 00:33:11.23\00:33:13.55 this helicopter came underneath me and 00:33:13.56\00:33:14.89 caught me and then I fell off the helicopter 00:33:14.90\00:33:17.38 I fell on this way and some thing like that, 00:33:17.39\00:33:18.93 you right, are you following what I'm saying 00:33:18.94\00:33:19.91 right before I hit the ground I woke up, 00:33:20.00\00:33:21.37 what do you think that means? Have anybody 00:33:21.53\00:33:23.34 do that to you? Like what do you think that 00:33:23.35\00:33:24.95 dream means? Well I think you ate too much 00:33:24.96\00:33:26.85 pizza, you know, you shouldn't eat so like 00:33:26.86\00:33:29.46 before you go to bed so that's what I think 00:33:29.47\00:33:30.44 the dream means, but you know it wasn't 00:33:30.45\00:33:32.32 always, it hasn't always the case of many 00:33:32.33\00:33:33.90 people even today dreams mean something 00:33:33.91\00:33:35.91 and so but now in Daniel case here his dream 00:33:36.66\00:33:38.80 actually did mean something because it was 00:33:38.81\00:33:40.22 from God. God was giving him this dream with his 00:33:40.23\00:33:42.90 vision and it did mean something now 00:33:42.91\00:33:44.27 whenever you ask what do you think dream 00:33:45.37\00:33:46.64 means you know, what you actually saying, 00:33:46.65\00:33:47.86 what do you think these symbols are in this 00:33:48.26\00:33:50.08 dream? Most people with that, you don't even 00:33:50.09\00:33:52.16 have much Bible scholarly work and studying 00:33:52.17\00:33:54.18 to realize when it's a dream in the Bible or a 00:33:54.19\00:33:56.16 vision, then it's symbolically, it speaking 00:33:56.17\00:33:58.51 of symbols, okay. And so we know that this 00:33:58.52\00:34:01.42 is going to be symbols then we find out that 00:34:01.43\00:34:02.99 it is actually just as we go through the study 00:34:03.00\00:34:04.78 because when he starts describing the 00:34:04.79\00:34:06.85 things happening in the dreams, he tells what 00:34:06.86\00:34:08.66 the symbols mean, but now the first part 00:34:08.67\00:34:10.84 the first three verses, he doesn't actually give 00:34:10.85\00:34:12.75 the description of what those symbols mean? 00:34:12.76\00:34:14.26 So we're gonna have to like get our fingers just 00:34:14.97\00:34:16.41 a little bit dirty and find out from Bible what 00:34:16.42\00:34:19.33 these symbols mean, this first few symbols and 00:34:19.34\00:34:21.05 then the rest of them like the beasts, 00:34:21.06\00:34:22.29 the horns and those kind of things we found 00:34:22.30\00:34:24.06 out what those symbols mean right from the 00:34:24.07\00:34:25.56 Bible, so if the beast is the symbol, and the 00:34:25.57\00:34:28.89 horns are the symbol and Daniel tells us 00:34:28.90\00:34:30.28 what they mean, but the wind, what about 00:34:30.29\00:34:33.34 the wind and the waters and those kind of 00:34:33.35\00:34:35.44 things, how do we know what those things 00:34:35.45\00:34:37.13 represents if Daniel doesn't tell us. 00:34:37.14\00:34:38.54 You know what you can do? You can 00:34:38.55\00:34:40.28 look other places in the Bible when the similar 00:34:40.29\00:34:42.09 things are taking place to understand it. 00:34:42.10\00:34:43.69 Now here's one of those times you may wanna 00:34:44.08\00:34:45.51 get your pencil out and be ready because as 00:34:45.52\00:34:48.24 we go to our next slide here on the screen, 00:34:48.25\00:34:49.81 I wanna just give you the definition of wind, 00:34:50.06\00:34:51.93 according to Bible prophecy, wind, when 00:34:51.94\00:34:54.98 you think of wind and symbolically speaking, 00:34:54.99\00:34:57.15 it represents strife or war, and you find it, 00:34:57.36\00:34:59.97 the text reference there showing there in 00:34:59.98\00:35:01.22 Jeremiah chapter 49 verses 36 and 37, 00:35:01.23\00:35:04.19 and we will go there in just a moment, 00:35:04.20\00:35:05.57 but I wanna give you a few more verses to 00:35:05.58\00:35:07.39 help do that as well and it's not going to be 00:35:07.40\00:35:09.37 on screen, you should write it down if you want 00:35:09.38\00:35:10.83 them and I tell you what I do, in this study 00:35:10.84\00:35:12.97 when I'm giving this, most of the time as 00:35:13.73\00:35:16.19 you are writing there. I'll just tell you this, 00:35:16.20\00:35:17.29 most of the time when I'm giving the study 00:35:17.30\00:35:18.66 to someone in a Bible study setting and I 00:35:18.67\00:35:20.74 said hey you know what according to Jeremiah, 00:35:20.75\00:35:22.70 chapter 49 verse 36 and 37, wind represents 00:35:22.71\00:35:26.24 strife and commotion when you speaking 00:35:26.25\00:35:27.66 symbolically, they say oh, really okay, 00:35:28.18\00:35:29.99 if they are like that, I don't have to go and 00:35:30.30\00:35:32.07 prove that, but in case they want to turn 00:35:32.08\00:35:34.36 there we can go and prove that it, okay. 00:35:34.37\00:35:35.59 You don't have to prove every single thing 00:35:35.60\00:35:37.44 as long as you can prove every single thing. 00:35:38.42\00:35:40.04 Are you following that? And so, and so what 00:35:40.94\00:35:43.18 I do here in my Bible instead of saying okay, 00:35:43.19\00:35:45.03 after I read Daniel 7:1-3, about the wind 00:35:45.69\00:35:47.95 then my next text is Jeremiah 49:36-37. 00:35:48.18\00:35:50.97 I don't do that way, what I do is, is in the 00:35:50.98\00:35:53.40 very top part of my margin of my Bible, 00:35:53.41\00:35:54.86 very top up here, you see written little small 00:35:55.49\00:35:57.29 there, I just wrote a little winds equals, 00:35:57.30\00:35:59.81 and then I didn't write wind equals strife 00:35:59.82\00:36:01.77 commotion war, I just wrote winds equals 00:36:01.78\00:36:03.73 Jeremiah 49:36-37, Jeremiah, and I then 00:36:03.98\00:36:07.64 I didn't write Jeremiah again, I just wrote 00:36:07.65\00:36:09.34 that again chapter 25 verse 31 to 33, 00:36:12.01\00:36:12.98 so Jeremiah chapter 25 verse 31-33, 00:36:12.99\00:36:15.29 you find the same thing that the war 00:36:15.30\00:36:17.25 represents strife commotion and winds 00:36:17.26\00:36:19.21 rather winds represents war strife and 00:36:19.38\00:36:21.78 commotion, and then here chapter 4 verse 11-33 00:36:21.79\00:36:26.19 still on the same book of Jeremiah, so Jeremiah 00:36:26.20\00:36:29.52 chapter 49, 36 and 37, Jeremiah chapter 25, 00:36:29.53\00:36:33.84 31-33 and Jeremiah chapter 4, 11-13, 00:36:33.85\00:36:38.12 everybody get those. Okay, and for those of you 00:36:39.51\00:36:42.57 are at home, we will probably have those 00:36:42.58\00:36:44.36 also it will be on the study guides by the time 00:36:44.37\00:36:46.11 we upload on the internet, so you will be 00:36:46.12\00:36:47.53 able to get there and just download should 00:36:47.54\00:36:48.97 it ought be there, but if it's not there well 00:36:48.98\00:36:50.91 you got it now just go and get your pens 00:36:50.92\00:36:52.38 and write it down, so Jeremiah 49, 36-37 00:36:52.39\00:36:55.96 Jeremiah 25: 31-33 and then 4:11-13 and there is 00:36:56.39\00:36:59.60 one more, it's found in the book of Zechariah, 00:36:59.61\00:37:01.45 there's no book Zechariah, yeah, 00:37:01.91\00:37:03.01 it's in the Bible. Zechariah, Zechariah 00:37:03.02\00:37:05.55 actually Zechariah chapter 7 verse14, 00:37:05.56\00:37:10.26 Zechariah chapter 7 verse 14, any of those 00:37:11.18\00:37:13.37 texts you can kind of use as, as an idea to 00:37:13.38\00:37:15.38 get the idea that when you see winds and strife, 00:37:15.39\00:37:17.26 winds in the Bible is talking about strife 00:37:17.63\00:37:19.10 commotion and war, okay so we're gonna start 00:37:19.11\00:37:21.31 plugging in these Bible symbols as we go, 00:37:21.32\00:37:23.42 and so Daniel chapter 7, verse 1-3, 00:37:23.88\00:37:26.88 we read that Daniel sees these winds blowing 00:37:26.89\00:37:29.59 up on the great sea, but what these winds 00:37:29.60\00:37:31.36 represent? well, let's look in the Jeremiah, 00:37:31.37\00:37:34.10 really quick, Jeremiah chapter 49, 00:37:34.11\00:37:35.54 it's to the left in your Bible, you are in Daniel, 00:37:35.55\00:37:37.23 keep your place mark there in Daniel, 00:37:37.49\00:37:38.97 that way you're gonna be there whenever you 00:37:39.53\00:37:40.79 get back, right? And you are going go back 00:37:40.80\00:37:42.76 to Jeremiah and we gonna look at the 49 00:37:42.77\00:37:44.96 chapter. Isaiah, Jeremiah, chapter 49 and 00:37:44.97\00:37:50.78 we're gonna give example something going 00:37:50.79\00:37:52.13 on there and the prophet is speaking, 00:37:52.14\00:37:53.70 the prophet Jeremiah and he starts talking about 00:37:53.71\00:37:55.73 winds representing you know like strife, 00:37:55.74\00:37:57.73 commotion war conquering actually what it is. 00:37:58.23\00:38:00.51 Got to get there myself, Jeremiah, the 49 00:38:01.05\00:38:06.23 chapter starting in verse 36, he is speaking, 00:38:06.24\00:38:08.92 the prophet here Jeremiah is speaking, 00:38:08.93\00:38:10.06 he says up on Ileum will I bring the four 00:38:10.07\00:38:12.43 winds of the four quarters of heaven, 00:38:12.44\00:38:14.10 so up on Ileum I'm going to bring the four 00:38:14.79\00:38:16.44 winds and the four quarters of the heaven, 00:38:16.45\00:38:17.75 so these winds are going to be coming from 00:38:18.16\00:38:19.66 all directions, are you following this? 00:38:19.67\00:38:20.98 And will scatter them towards all those winds, 00:38:22.24\00:38:24.75 in other words in heaven that will be scattered 00:38:24.76\00:38:26.13 towards all those winds. There shall be no 00:38:26.14\00:38:28.19 nation whether the out cast of Ileum, 00:38:28.20\00:38:30.25 shall not come, so the winds are gonna cause 00:38:31.72\00:38:34.03 the everything the whole nation is going to 00:38:34.04\00:38:35.01 be scattered are you following the mindset 00:38:35.02\00:38:36.32 there, now you think that would actually do 00:38:36.33\00:38:38.39 with tornado, no let us find out, he tells us 00:38:38.40\00:38:41.88 exactly what he's going to do with, 00:38:41.89\00:38:42.94 for our cause Ileum to be dismay before their 00:38:43.27\00:38:45.28 enemies, and before them shall, and before 00:38:45.29\00:38:48.92 them that seek their life and I'll bring evil 00:38:48.93\00:38:51.76 upon them. Even my fierce anger said Lord, 00:38:51.77\00:38:55.25 I will sin the sword or a war or a battling, 00:38:55.26\00:38:57.96 I'll sin the sword after them till I have consumed 00:38:57.97\00:39:00.38 them, so are you following which is one 00:39:00.39\00:39:02.61 example there Jeremiah says I'm going to bring 00:39:02.62\00:39:04.47 these winds upon the people, they are going 00:39:04.48\00:39:06.16 to be scattered everywhere, but he is not 00:39:06.17\00:39:08.15 talking about the hurricanes, it's going, it's 00:39:08.16\00:39:09.69 turning in the Atlantic right now as a matter 00:39:09.70\00:39:11.46 of fact its way toward ford have you seen 00:39:11.47\00:39:12.80 that, yeah, we may have to call classes short 00:39:12.81\00:39:14.94 for a minute, but they, they say yeah there 00:39:14.95\00:39:16.08 is a hurricane out there and is turning up 00:39:16.09\00:39:17.37 this way, it started last night. He is not talking 00:39:17.38\00:39:20.59 about hurricane coming and scattered them, 00:39:20.60\00:39:21.93 right? He is talking about an actual war, 00:39:21.94\00:39:24.01 he is gonna use, he use a symbolism of the 00:39:24.02\00:39:26.38 winds coming and scattering them, are you 00:39:26.39\00:39:28.92 following this? So wind, strife, commotion, 00:39:28.93\00:39:30.44 war that's one example, now you get them 00:39:30.73\00:39:32.19 more, you can get them other texts and keep 00:39:32.20\00:39:33.61 studying them deeper but that's just one 00:39:33.62\00:39:35.15 example. And so from there also after we look 00:39:35.16\00:39:38.27 at the wind, we look at the next slide that 00:39:38.28\00:39:39.74 will be on our screen, you also have the waters, 00:39:39.75\00:39:41.91 he says, and the water represents populated 00:39:42.28\00:39:44.57 area because when you read in Daniel chapter 00:39:44.58\00:39:46.32 7, where she just read for us, Daniel chapter 7 00:39:46.33\00:39:48.90 verse 3 says, great beast coming up out of 00:39:48.91\00:39:50.87 the sea, now what's the sea? It's a water, 00:39:50.88\00:39:54.25 representing what does water represent? 00:39:54.45\00:39:56.23 Very interesting, if you go to the Book of 00:39:56.47\00:39:58.95 Revelation chapter 17 and verse 15, 00:39:59.13\00:40:01.16 Revelation chapter 17 verse 15, we can actually 00:40:01.60\00:40:04.35 find, water is that waters represent speaking 00:40:04.42\00:40:09.12 biblically in a Bible prophecy and symbolism, 00:40:09.13\00:40:11.17 you know Revelation 17 is speaking symbolically, 00:40:11.37\00:40:13.75 you know for sure right? Revelation chapter 17 00:40:14.12\00:40:16.73 and verse 15, it says this, and he said on to me 00:40:17.26\00:40:20.06 the waters which you saw were the horse sits 00:40:20.42\00:40:23.11 are the people's and multitudes and nations 00:40:23.36\00:40:26.46 and tongues, so what are the water 00:40:26.83\00:40:28.71 representing in Revelation 17? People, 00:40:28.72\00:40:31.36 multitudes, nations and tongues, right, 00:40:31.37\00:40:33.08 so what he suppose the water represents 00:40:33.28\00:40:34.73 when Daniel sees these winds blowing upon 00:40:34.74\00:40:36.30 the waters, highly populated area, multitudes 00:40:36.31\00:40:39.27 of people, nations and tongues, now, now that 00:40:39.28\00:40:41.76 you kind a picture of what the vision is 00:40:41.77\00:40:43.39 representing right, you are getting an 00:40:43.40\00:40:44.47 understanding of this? So what Daniel sees 00:40:44.48\00:40:46.77 he sees this water out there and he sees, 00:40:46.78\00:40:48.69 he sees the wind blowing and frolicking around, 00:40:48.84\00:40:51.15 and the water being turned up and you know 00:40:51.16\00:40:52.21 what pops up out of that water? 00:40:52.22\00:40:53.46 Strange can you imagine having a dream like this? 00:40:54.57\00:40:56.13 I'll, I'll not be able to go back to sleep for 00:40:56.14\00:40:57.91 a week. The next slide we look at here on the 00:40:57.92\00:40:59.66 screen it says the beast are equal to kings or 00:40:59.67\00:41:02.72 kingdoms and you find that Daniel actually 00:41:02.73\00:41:05.02 himself gives you the answer to those Bible 00:41:05.03\00:41:07.20 symbols himself, and you find that in Daniel 00:41:07.21\00:41:09.23 chapter 7 verse 17, 23, how do we know 00:41:09.24\00:41:11.74 that the winds are symbolic? How do we know 00:41:11.75\00:41:14.17 that the water is symbolic? Because the rest 00:41:14.18\00:41:16.08 of it is symbolic look at the Daniel chapter 7 00:41:16.09\00:41:17.96 and verse 17, these great beasts, oh, who is 00:41:17.97\00:41:21.24 reading that one by the way, am I still reading 00:41:21.25\00:41:22.46 that one, yeah that's me, these great beasts 00:41:22.47\00:41:25.13 which are four are four kings which shall rise 00:41:25.17\00:41:28.47 out of here, so who are the great beasts? 00:41:28.48\00:41:29.91 Kings which rise out of earth, or, or if you go 00:41:30.88\00:41:33.31 on to the next verse, verse twenty three, 00:41:33.32\00:41:34.89 the next one we have here, it says, thus he 00:41:34.90\00:41:36.75 said, the fourth beast shall be the fourth 00:41:36.76\00:41:39.56 kingdom, which shall be come up on the earth, 00:41:39.57\00:41:41.87 so now when he ask you, if the fourth beast 00:41:42.09\00:41:44.30 is the fourth kingdom, what you suppose the 00:41:44.31\00:41:46.48 third beast is? Oh, very good how about the 00:41:46.49\00:41:49.42 second beast? The second kingdom exactly 00:41:49.43\00:41:51.60 right, so if we can like by this like simple 00:41:51.61\00:41:54.48 reasoning realize Daniel said that the fourth 00:41:54.49\00:41:56.21 beast is the fourth kingdom, the second beast 00:41:56.22\00:41:58.04 must be the second kingdom, the third beast 00:41:58.05\00:42:00.47 must be the third, the first must be the 00:42:00.48\00:42:01.73 first kingdom, right? Isn't it interesting because 00:42:01.74\00:42:04.41 we have studied Daniel chapter 2 haven't we? 00:42:04.42\00:42:06.07 Everybody been through Daniel chapter two 00:42:06.37\00:42:07.71 right? And in Daniel chapter 2 how many 00:42:07.72\00:42:09.72 kingdoms rose up in Daniel 2 started with what 00:42:09.80\00:42:11.80 kingdom, Babylon and then it went to Medo 00:42:11.81\00:42:15.24 and then to Greece and the legs of iron were 00:42:15.25\00:42:18.92 Rome and then what happened to Rome? 00:42:18.93\00:42:20.64 Divided, it was divided, actually we realize there 00:42:21.22\00:42:23.06 in that image, the Rome goes all the way down 00:42:23.07\00:42:25.22 in the feet, because the iron is still in the 00:42:25.23\00:42:26.69 feet, isn't? And it's actually so it's Rome is 00:42:26.70\00:42:28.72 divided up underneath the feet, but then what 00:42:28.73\00:42:30.88 happens? The storm comes representing Jesus 00:42:30.89\00:42:34.37 and destroys that image, so we had how 00:42:34.38\00:42:36.01 many kingdoms in Daniel chapter, 00:42:36.02\00:42:37.75 Daniel chapter 2, four Babylon, Medo Persia, 00:42:38.45\00:42:40.40 Greece, Rome, its very interesting here, 00:42:40.41\00:42:42.07 how many beasts rise up here? Four Babylon, 00:42:42.26\00:42:45.46 Medo Persia, Greece and Rome, what God 00:42:45.47\00:42:46.94 does though, because he doesn't want you 00:42:46.95\00:42:48.29 being deceived, he expounds on this again, 00:42:48.30\00:42:50.87 he gives the same thing once again but he 00:42:50.88\00:42:52.76 enlarges on so we can be sure that you 00:42:52.77\00:42:55.26 get it, you know people learn all different 00:42:55.27\00:42:57.01 ways don't they? Me, if I can, if I can watch 00:42:57.02\00:42:59.59 it on television, because this is the way I 00:42:59.60\00:43:00.99 raise I guess, I can remember it, but if I 00:43:01.00\00:43:03.01 read it, oh, I got to read it again and again 00:43:03.02\00:43:04.96 and again, I just had a harder time 00:43:04.97\00:43:06.12 understanding it that way, so what God 00:43:06.13\00:43:08.10 does, and He knows how everybody learns 00:43:08.11\00:43:09.52 all different ways, and so what he wants to 00:43:09.53\00:43:11.96 do with us, as he takes us to the same time 00:43:11.97\00:43:14.18 line of events again, but He adds more detail, 00:43:14.19\00:43:16.44 so we can make sure that you are not 00:43:16.45\00:43:18.19 deceived by this Antichrist. And so we are 00:43:18.20\00:43:21.18 going down to and look at those kingdoms now, 00:43:21.19\00:43:22.91 those kingdoms though, the four great 00:43:22.92\00:43:24.52 kingdoms that arise up, we know who they 00:43:24.53\00:43:25.85 are but let's look at the description that God 00:43:25.86\00:43:27.43 gives us, and we're gonna find the first part 00:43:27.44\00:43:29.11 of the description, Mike, Mike back there is 00:43:29.12\00:43:30.62 going to read that for us, and he is going 00:43:30.63\00:43:31.87 to read Daniel chapter 7 and verse 4, 00:43:31.88\00:43:33.80 it going to be on screen there, Daniel 7 00:43:33.81\00:43:35.29 verse 4. Now Mike is going to read it for us, 00:43:35.30\00:43:37.84 are you there and ready to go? 00:43:37.90\00:43:38.87 Yeah. Alright, Daniel 7:4. 00:43:38.96\00:43:40.48 The first was like a lion and had eagle's wings, 00:43:41.53\00:43:44.13 I beheld till the wings there were plucked and 00:43:44.57\00:43:46.86 it was lifted up from the earth, and made 00:43:46.87\00:43:49.04 stand up on the feet as a man, 00:43:49.05\00:43:50.87 and a man's heart was given to it. 00:43:51.01\00:43:52.53 Alright so this symbolism here of this 00:43:53.48\00:43:57.23 first kingdom, now I already kind of given you, 00:43:57.24\00:43:59.59 given the punch line there you know, the first 00:43:59.60\00:44:01.06 kingdom we already stated represents Babylon. 00:44:01.07\00:44:02.98 Now if you remember back in Daniel chapter 2, 00:44:02.99\00:44:05.13 God doesn't tell us in Daniel chapter 2, 00:44:05.76\00:44:07.63 who the chest and arms of silver represent, 00:44:08.17\00:44:09.71 He doesn't tells us in Daniel chapter two what 00:44:10.23\00:44:11.56 the, what the belly and thigh brass represents, 00:44:11.57\00:44:13.39 he doesn't even tell us what the legs represent? 00:44:13.59\00:44:15.16 But he does tells what the head of the gold 00:44:15.29\00:44:17.63 represents, in Daniel 2 what he say it 00:44:17.64\00:44:19.22 represents, he says hey, go king you are 00:44:19.23\00:44:21.84 the head of the gold Babylon, Babylon 00:44:21.85\00:44:23.39 the head of the gold right? Here he doesn't 00:44:23.63\00:44:25.52 actually tell us, what this wing in line 00:44:25.53\00:44:28.14 represents, but we know that it's Babylon, 00:44:28.15\00:44:30.98 because again it's parallel in the first 00:44:30.99\00:44:32.77 kingdom, but also the description that he gives 00:44:32.78\00:44:35.11 and the description he gives over the next 00:44:35.17\00:44:36.93 kingdoms tells us who that first one is? 00:44:36.94\00:44:39.04 In other words he gives the real clear 00:44:39.35\00:44:40.40 description actually of the second who is the 00:44:40.41\00:44:42.42 bear and then the third one there that's the 00:44:42.43\00:44:44.77 leopard and tells us almost exactly who that 00:44:44.78\00:44:46.33 is, and so w can look at that and so who ruled 00:44:46.34\00:44:49.00 before the bear before Medo Persia, Babylon did, 00:44:49.28\00:44:51.96 are you following that, so God doesn't want us 00:44:51.97\00:44:53.36 to us to be, to be mistaken and start 00:44:53.37\00:44:54.80 thinking, oh, bear must be Russia, right it's 00:44:54.81\00:44:58.55 the Russian bear, and then, then it's next no, 00:44:58.56\00:45:01.53 God, God has a order, He's gonna keep things 00:45:01.54\00:45:03.66 in order right? And so he gives us 00:45:03.67\00:45:05.37 the description, so don't be deceived. 00:45:05.38\00:45:06.73 Now here's what fascinating, it says that 00:45:06.74\00:45:08.75 first one is like a lion and had eagles wings, 00:45:08.76\00:45:12.48 now I don't have with me right now all my 00:45:13.33\00:45:15.01 slides but you gonna find this in National 00:45:15.02\00:45:16.77 Geographic, got a thing not too long ago, 00:45:16.78\00:45:18.69 it's been some time back and I got the magazine, 00:45:18.70\00:45:20.53 and I scanned in the picture and it shows a 00:45:20.87\00:45:23.99 picture of the Ishtar Gate, you know where 00:45:24.00\00:45:26.44 Babylon is, does anyone know where Babylon is? 00:45:26.45\00:45:28.16 It's in Iraq; it's in that area, right? And he was 00:45:29.28\00:45:30.88 dong excavating step over there and have that 00:45:30.89\00:45:33.15 big Ishtar Gate put up there and the picture 00:45:33.16\00:45:35.74 of that Ishtar Gate is like a blue big rock, 00:45:35.75\00:45:38.43 stone gate and only the outside of the picture 00:45:38.93\00:45:40.91 symbolizing the kingdom of Babylon right there 00:45:41.32\00:45:43.22 in the day was a lion with eagle's wings, 00:45:43.23\00:45:45.37 and so I got a picture of that they had 00:45:45.73\00:45:46.82 National Geographic, and I use them on my 00:45:46.83\00:45:48.10 slides and think sometime like that when I'm 00:45:48.11\00:45:49.79 preaching Evangelistic meetings. You know I've 00:45:49.80\00:45:51.38 realized that most of you when you are given 00:45:51.39\00:45:52.49 a Bible study you don't have the slides that 00:45:52.50\00:45:54.21 be able to give them, all the slides right? 00:45:54.22\00:45:57.29 So you have to build the few things of your 00:45:57.47\00:45:58.77 heads, so you can tell hey you know it's 00:45:58.78\00:45:59.95 a National Geographic, I can show to you some 00:45:59.96\00:46:01.64 time that kind of a thing, so we know that 00:46:01.65\00:46:05.52 represents Babylon this lion with eagle's wings, 00:46:05.53\00:46:07.62 it also interesting that it says that the wings 00:46:07.63\00:46:09.91 were plucked off, it was lifted up from the earth 00:46:09.92\00:46:11.88 that made to stand up on the feet like a man 00:46:11.89\00:46:13.63 and a man's heart was given to him, 00:46:13.80\00:46:15.05 and you know many scholars and I believe this 00:46:16.25\00:46:18.14 too, and this fits perfectly the first king of 00:46:18.15\00:46:19.59 Babylon was, Nebuchadnezzar's that's 00:46:19.60\00:46:22.38 exactly right, and Nebuchadnezzar's got real 00:46:22.39\00:46:25.10 proud and arrogant, and he was like a beast, 00:46:25.11\00:46:26.98 I mean there he was conquering everywhere, 00:46:26.99\00:46:28.26 but all the sudden you know what happened 00:46:28.27\00:46:29.76 to him, he actually turned into a beast, 00:46:29.77\00:46:31.90 Daniel chapter 4, he went out and ate the 00:46:32.14\00:46:33.75 grass in the field and everything like that for 00:46:33.76\00:46:35.06 how long? Seven years at the end of seven 00:46:35.07\00:46:37.38 years he's converted, or you may say man's 00:46:37.39\00:46:40.53 heart was given to him, he went through 00:46:40.54\00:46:41.97 conversion so does this one fit Babylon pretty 00:46:41.98\00:46:43.95 good? Absolutely, but now look at the next one 00:46:43.96\00:46:46.38 we're gonna go to the next one here in 00:46:46.45\00:46:47.81 chapter 7 and verse 5, Daniel 7:5 00:46:47.82\00:46:50.60 Medo Persia, we're gonna look at the Medo Persian 00:46:50.81\00:46:52.78 empire in Daniel chapter 7 and verse 5, 00:46:52.79\00:46:54.85 I want to tell you who that represents but 00:46:55.10\00:46:56.39 let's us read it first and that gonna be read by Tom. 00:46:56.40\00:46:58.61 And suddenly another beast a second like 00:47:00.70\00:47:03.83 a bear, he was raised up on one side and 00:47:03.84\00:47:07.95 had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth 00:47:07.96\00:47:10.99 and they said thus to it, rise devour much flesh. 00:47:11.97\00:47:16.38 Interesting the second beast that comes up 00:47:16.80\00:47:18.54 according to, according to timeline we had 00:47:18.80\00:47:20.51 in Daniel 2 was a Medo Persian empire. 00:47:20.52\00:47:22.60 Now this bear was raised up on one side, 00:47:23.06\00:47:25.63 it shows imbalance of power and you know 00:47:26.75\00:47:28.10 when you get the Daniel chapter 8, 00:47:28.11\00:47:29.50 Daniel chapter 8, let's just look at it real 00:47:30.36\00:47:32.27 quick we can, we can jump over there, 00:47:32.28\00:47:33.43 can't do that, do we have time? Yeah, 00:47:33.44\00:47:34.97 I think we have time, let's then just jump 00:47:34.98\00:47:36.14 to Daniel chapter 8 just here let me show 00:47:36.15\00:47:37.40 you some thing, Daniel 8 and verse 3 it says 00:47:37.41\00:47:40.80 I lifted up my eyes and saw behold there 00:47:40.81\00:47:42.67 stood before the river a ram which had 00:47:42.68\00:47:44.60 two horns and one was higher than the other, 00:47:44.61\00:47:46.28 you know that the bear was raised up on 00:47:46.73\00:47:47.70 one side, so this ram one horn was higher 00:47:47.71\00:47:49.91 than the other, he's actually given this 00:47:49.92\00:47:50.89 symbolism again and look what it says, 00:47:51.32\00:47:52.97 this ram that raised, that has one horn 00:47:54.37\00:47:56.33 higher than other, it says one was higher 00:47:56.34\00:47:58.98 than other and the other came up last and 00:47:58.99\00:48:00.84 then the ram pushed west ward, north ward 00:48:00.85\00:48:02.42 and south ward three directions, 00:48:02.43\00:48:03.61 it conquers in three directions, okay, 00:48:03.62\00:48:05.31 this bear you just read about, it's raised up 00:48:06.13\00:48:07.97 on one side and it has three ribs in his mouth, 00:48:07.98\00:48:10.49 now if, if a rib is in some things mouth, 00:48:10.85\00:48:12.76 what's automatically told you has happened? 00:48:13.81\00:48:15.08 Somebody has died right so you have this 00:48:16.03\00:48:17.76 ram and then in Daniel 8 he conquers in 00:48:17.77\00:48:19.41 three directions and has one horn higher 00:48:19.42\00:48:20.94 than other who is this ram? Daniel 8:20, 00:48:20.95\00:48:23.89 the ram which you saw having the two horns 00:48:24.26\00:48:26.48 are the kings of the Medes and the Persians, 00:48:26.49\00:48:28.12 so it doesn't lead you a question like I wonder 00:48:28.73\00:48:30.29 who this is? It tells you exactly who it is, 00:48:30.30\00:48:32.08 you get it from the Bible, you find the answer 00:48:32.09\00:48:34.03 from the scriptures, is that clear? 00:48:34.04\00:48:35.21 And so think about this bear, raise upon on one 00:48:35.51\00:48:37.41 side, showing imbalance of power, which 00:48:37.42\00:48:39.63 was stronger the Medes or the Persians, 00:48:39.64\00:48:41.29 the Persians, I mean tell you how you never 00:48:42.12\00:48:43.55 forget that, if any body ever ask you any 00:48:43.56\00:48:45.71 time in history you know what these two 00:48:45.72\00:48:46.76 people said at to the loudest because they 00:48:46.77\00:48:48.84 go down to my church down little one they 00:48:48.85\00:48:49.96 know the memory I give for them, right? 00:48:49.97\00:48:51.78 And it is similar like this, the Persians they 00:48:52.74\00:48:55.70 were the stronger and how you know that 00:48:55.71\00:48:56.84 we have a Persian golf today don't we? 00:48:56.85\00:48:58.37 We have a Mede in anything? No and so you 00:48:58.67\00:49:01.14 can remember, actually remember that don't 00:49:01.15\00:49:02.24 remember that you never forget from now on 00:49:02.25\00:49:03.68 you never forget, and I said who was the 00:49:03.69\00:49:05.22 strongest, you say Persia, right? 00:49:05.23\00:49:06.88 Because you have a Persian golf that's how 00:49:07.04\00:49:08.39 you remember, and so they were stronger, 00:49:08.40\00:49:10.27 they come up they were stronger but then 00:49:10.49\00:49:11.83 it says it had three ribs in its mouth, 00:49:11.84\00:49:13.77 it is interesting then when they conquered 00:49:14.01\00:49:16.04 to become that they had three major campaigns 00:49:16.05\00:49:18.03 then became the war ruling power the Nero 00:49:18.04\00:49:19.80 Persians did, you know what the these three 00:49:19.81\00:49:20.86 major campaigns were? Well, they went out 00:49:20.87\00:49:23.33 to the west and conquered Babylon and 00:49:23.34\00:49:25.45 then they went out to the north and 00:49:25.85\00:49:26.94 conquered Libya and they went to south and 00:49:26.95\00:49:29.19 they conquered Egypt, they conquered in three 00:49:29.20\00:49:31.18 directions, they conquered Babylon, Libya 00:49:31.19\00:49:32.72 and Egypt, those three major campaigns and 00:49:32.73\00:49:34.60 had three ribs in his mouth, you see what God's 00:49:34.61\00:49:36.17 doing here? God doesn't want you and I to 00:49:36.18\00:49:38.48 be deceived, I wonder what this presents, 00:49:38.49\00:49:40.11 He makes it very clear, He tells us exactly 00:49:40.22\00:49:43.42 what it represents and now let's go the next 00:49:43.43\00:49:45.10 one here, we just finished up with that with 00:49:45.11\00:49:46.80 Medo Persia now we will be looking at the 00:49:46.81\00:49:48.30 next kingdom and that's in verse 6, 00:49:48.31\00:49:50.16 the next kingdom that we're gonna be looking 00:49:50.17\00:49:51.30 at is Greece, I'm way behind my slides here 00:49:51.31\00:49:56.97 with you guys but the guys in the truck is 00:49:56.98\00:49:59.43 putting the slides on the screen, they are 00:49:59.44\00:50:00.51 getting it right for me, alright here we go, 00:50:00.52\00:50:03.24 we are in Greece Daniel chapter 7 and verse 6 00:50:03.88\00:50:06.89 we are gonna be looking at the next kingdom, 00:50:06.94\00:50:08.30 just like in Daniel 2, and now we are looking in 00:50:08.44\00:50:10.55 Daniel 7, the same order of events, 00:50:10.56\00:50:12.40 Tim I believe you have that one, 00:50:12.60\00:50:13.83 Daniel chapter 7 and verse 6. 00:50:14.12\00:50:15.79 After this I beheld and lo, another, 00:50:17.22\00:50:19.39 like a leopard, which had a upon a back, 00:50:19.54\00:50:21.50 on the back four wings of a fowl, the beast 00:50:22.32\00:50:25.34 had also four heads; and dominion was given to it. 00:50:25.35\00:50:28.28 Very interesting now so we know that through 00:50:28.76\00:50:31.21 history that the king that conquered Medo-Persia 00:50:31.22\00:50:33.86 was Greece, but now look what's going on here, 00:50:33.87\00:50:36.35 I beheld and lo another one like a leopard now 00:50:36.36\00:50:38.04 when you think of a leopard, what do you think 00:50:38.05\00:50:39.43 of? Speed, super fast right? What do you think 00:50:39.44\00:50:42.74 of a leopard that has wings? Like I'm not 00:50:42.75\00:50:45.07 going outside, our little pet alligator we have 00:50:45.08\00:50:47.08 right here we have at the Life building is 00:50:47.09\00:50:48.88 the one thing, you know little four feet 00:50:48.89\00:50:49.86 alligator we have out there but I'm not afraid 00:50:49.87\00:50:51.68 to go outside with him but if he had wings 00:50:51.69\00:50:53.48 and it was eight feet long, I would be 00:50:53.63\00:50:55.31 hesitant wouldn't you? Like so when you 00:50:55.32\00:50:57.00 think of this thing not only does it have two 00:50:57.01\00:50:58.85 wings but has four wings representing 00:50:58.86\00:51:01.40 extremely fast a leopard with four wings, 00:51:01.41\00:51:03.62 right, that's very fast and very scary to 00:51:04.47\00:51:06.49 out side, doesn't it? And so the next kingdom 00:51:06.50\00:51:09.81 that we know took over historically was Greece. 00:51:09.82\00:51:12.83 Now who was the first king of Greece there, 00:51:12.84\00:51:14.61 the one that took over, Alexander the Great, 00:51:14.62\00:51:17.57 now it fascinating, I like reading about him 00:51:17.58\00:51:19.65 a little bit, he had a really good daddy, 00:51:19.66\00:51:21.13 I know his daddy was really good because 00:51:21.14\00:51:22.37 his name was Phillip and I know that any 00:51:22.38\00:51:24.84 by name Phillip must be pretty good guy and 00:51:24.85\00:51:27.05 so and he trained his son up in war and 00:51:27.06\00:51:28.96 battle, had a very good professor teaching how 00:51:28.97\00:51:31.01 to go fight wars and things like that and at 00:51:31.02\00:51:32.65 sixteen years old not a like myself, 00:51:32.66\00:51:34.57 Alexander the Great says, you know I want 00:51:34.58\00:51:35.77 to conquer the world, I felt, I felt but he 00:51:35.78\00:51:38.27 didn't, by the time he was like thirty three 00:51:38.28\00:51:40.28 years old he was weeping because there 00:51:40.29\00:51:42.24 was no body left to kill, his generals said 00:51:42.25\00:51:44.63 that we don't want to go any further, 00:51:44.64\00:51:45.62 but he said had enough, you know we have 00:51:45.63\00:51:47.44 killed enough and so he goes back and 00:51:47.45\00:51:49.66 historically we don't know all the facts are 00:51:49.67\00:51:52.05 always they get the farther we get to this 00:51:52.06\00:51:53.98 side of history the more the distorted facts 00:51:53.99\00:51:55.66 become right? But the tradition or the 00:51:55.67\00:51:59.18 historical thing they put about him was after 00:51:59.19\00:52:01.47 he was just tore up because there is nobody 00:52:01.48\00:52:02.97 left to kill no body left to conquer at thirty 00:52:02.98\00:52:04.74 three years old, now I'm thirty seven now 00:52:04.75\00:52:07.40 and I haven't still conquered the world but 00:52:07.66\00:52:09.31 I'm trying, trying but I don't think that this 00:52:09.32\00:52:11.05 is going to happen in this life time but he did 00:52:11.06\00:52:13.26 it at thirty three and so he's there and one of 00:52:13.27\00:52:16.26 things is that he drank himself to death, 00:52:16.27\00:52:18.08 you know he just started drinking, he had a 00:52:19.04\00:52:21.80 fever or alcoholic poison or something he 00:52:21.81\00:52:23.59 died at thirty three, now that is the very quick 00:52:23.60\00:52:26.40 time to be conquering the world, just start 00:52:26.41\00:52:28.60 at sixteen and done by thirty three that's very 00:52:28.61\00:52:30.64 fast so you understand what the leopard 00:52:30.65\00:52:32.12 with the four wings is a representation of 00:52:32.38\00:52:35.27 the kingdom of Greece going quickly, but here 00:52:35.28\00:52:38.92 some thing is interesting, this things had 00:52:38.93\00:52:40.47 four heads, four heads, you know when 00:52:40.48\00:52:42.77 Alexander the Great was dying historically 00:52:42.78\00:52:44.46 they said he was laying down in his death bed 00:52:44.47\00:52:45.80 dying in his, and he had a little boy that wasn't 00:52:45.81\00:52:47.60 old enough to start ruling yet and his wife is 00:52:47.61\00:52:50.59 there and says who do you want to rule in 00:52:50.60\00:52:51.87 your place, and they say you know his dying 00:52:51.88\00:52:53.85 words were they think his dying words were 00:52:53.86\00:52:55.29 the strongest and so can be four generals, 00:52:55.61\00:52:58.78 he said okay, I'm going to rule, no I'm going 00:52:58.79\00:53:00.48 to rule, I'm going, I'm stronger than you and 00:53:00.56\00:53:01.82 they started fighting and the kingdom actually 00:53:01.83\00:53:03.13 gets divided into, the four king, among the four 00:53:03.14\00:53:05.78 generals, just like the prophecy says, 00:53:05.79\00:53:07.92 you understand what God's doing it, 00:53:07.93\00:53:09.30 He's giving us detail so we won't mistake 00:53:09.58\00:53:11.70 on who He's talking about, are you following 00:53:11.71\00:53:14.22 that is every body on the same page with that? 00:53:14.23\00:53:15.85 Alright so now from there, we are gonna on 00:53:16.42\00:53:18.18 to the next one because after this one, 00:53:18.19\00:53:20.04 He doesn't have the zoology name in order 00:53:20.41\00:53:23.16 to give this to next beast, this way he doesn't 00:53:23.17\00:53:25.31 have the scriptures, he just say like this thing 00:53:25.32\00:53:27.34 or that thing, he just says, I can't describe it. 00:53:27.35\00:53:29.00 Daniel chapter 7 and verse 7, Vanessa is 00:53:29.96\00:53:32.07 going to read for us, and go ahead Vanessa. 00:53:32.08\00:53:33.92 After this I saw the night visions and behold 00:53:35.16\00:53:38.63 the fourth beast dreadful and terrible and 00:53:38.64\00:53:42.12 strong exceedingly strong; and it had great 00:53:42.13\00:53:44.60 iron teeth; it devoured and break in pieces, 00:53:44.61\00:53:48.48 and stamped the residue with its feet of it. 00:53:48.77\00:53:51.33 And it was different from all the beasts 00:53:51.34\00:53:53.77 that were before it; and it had ten horns. 00:53:53.78\00:53:56.86 Oh I love the description there, I mean he 00:53:56.87\00:53:58.94 leaves us no room to doubt, okay who was 00:53:58.95\00:54:00.95 the next kingdom that rose up after Greece? 00:54:00.96\00:54:03.30 Rome. Rome and you know that Rome in Daniel 00:54:03.79\00:54:05.37 chapter 2 was eventually then what? 00:54:05.38\00:54:07.20 Divided, now if you had two feet on your, 00:54:07.63\00:54:09.62 normal person with two feet right? 00:54:09.84\00:54:11.36 I know my kids were first born Kayla I messed 00:54:11.37\00:54:13.93 with my wife and I said Oh honey looks she 00:54:13.94\00:54:15.62 only has four toes on one foot, it's like oh no, 00:54:15.63\00:54:17.62 no, no let me see and I'm not just kidding, right 00:54:17.63\00:54:19.11 she has five on each foot but no people with 00:54:19.12\00:54:21.52 normal feet are they have five toes on each and 00:54:21.53\00:54:23.60 that would mean they would have like the 00:54:23.90\00:54:24.98 symbols of ten divisions right? Well look here 00:54:24.99\00:54:27.03 what he says right here on next beast is the 00:54:27.04\00:54:28.70 non descript beast is one with iron teeth, 00:54:28.71\00:54:31.09 is like the other beast that Daniel to had the 00:54:31.10\00:54:33.01 legs were made out of iron this right this beast 00:54:33.28\00:54:35.58 has iron teeth and it also has ten horns. 00:54:35.59\00:54:38.50 In other word it's divided up in to ten horns, 00:54:38.73\00:54:40.92 and after these ten horns are divided, 00:54:42.11\00:54:44.36 we find here that exactly what happened to Rome. 00:54:44.87\00:54:47.09 Now I know some people out here today even 00:54:47.25\00:54:48.75 right now on the internet and all kind of things 00:54:48.76\00:54:50.39 out there by the way, I have noticed on the 00:54:50.40\00:54:52.47 internet that when I look at like history, 00:54:52.48\00:54:55.51 looking through like reading about this in 00:54:55.52\00:54:56.92 history and things like that I will find 00:54:56.93\00:54:59.31 descriptions like in dates and things like that 00:54:59.82\00:55:01.76 in old history books match perfectly with what 00:55:01.90\00:55:03.88 we are going here but if you go on to internet 00:55:03.89\00:55:05.66 and you are typing trying to find this thing and 00:55:05.94\00:55:07.88 it's like nothing matches they have all kinds of 00:55:07.89\00:55:09.53 different dates and things like ah we refer to 00:55:09.54\00:55:11.31 this we refer to that and I think I'm discovering 00:55:11.32\00:55:13.29 something, the devil knows that through 00:55:13.30\00:55:16.66 these prophecy, it reveals his and what he's 00:55:16.67\00:55:18.87 doing and who the Antichrist is and he's 00:55:18.88\00:55:21.45 trying to deceive people, you know a lot of 00:55:21.46\00:55:23.03 time when you study the study right here, 00:55:23.04\00:55:24.52 you can go to the internet and find the 00:55:24.71\00:55:25.98 stuff they have out there because any body 00:55:25.99\00:55:27.50 can put anything on the internet, are you 00:55:27.51\00:55:28.60 aware of that? Did you know that not everything 00:55:28.61\00:55:30.40 on the internet was true? Is that new revelation 00:55:30.41\00:55:32.20 anybody? That anybody can put something and 00:55:32.21\00:55:34.26 you Google and find it and so what you are 00:55:34.27\00:55:37.47 doing when you try to research that stuff 00:55:37.48\00:55:38.92 then you say oh, you know Babylon ruled 00:55:38.93\00:55:40.57 from 605 to 539 and then Medo-Persia ruled 00:55:40.58\00:55:43.88 from 539 to 331 and then Greece was 331 to 168, 00:55:43.89\00:55:48.50 Rome lasted from 168 and it was finally divided 00:55:48.76\00:55:50.94 up in 476, okay, those were the days we go 00:55:50.95\00:55:54.02 through them again on the next study 00:55:54.03\00:55:55.11 because we're gonna have this a little more time 00:55:55.48\00:55:57.58 here on this time and we then we pick it up 00:55:57.59\00:55:58.77 the next time and so we say those dating and 00:55:58.78\00:56:01.27 we say that then some body say oh really 00:56:01.28\00:56:03.03 and then go out and goggle it and you'll find 00:56:03.15\00:56:04.89 all those dates and they just be year two off 00:56:04.90\00:56:06.61 here and year two off there and you know what 00:56:06.62\00:56:09.11 it does that right? Because it is really a year 00:56:09.12\00:56:11.37 or two off the exact time what prophecy says 00:56:11.38\00:56:13.48 God gives in the Bible will not be true will not 00:56:13.49\00:56:15.48 fit, so you have like basically what a person 00:56:15.49\00:56:18.00 who has nine characteristics which fits 00:56:18.01\00:56:19.93 Antichrist exactly but this day doesn't fit 00:56:19.94\00:56:21.87 because I read on the internet but if you go 00:56:21.88\00:56:24.21 the old books, history books and things like 00:56:24.22\00:56:26.39 that you will find that people that was living 00:56:26.40\00:56:27.65 closer to the time agrees with what we are 00:56:27.66\00:56:29.48 talking about, so its very dangerous thing 00:56:29.49\00:56:32.06 just to try to get your self off the hook and say 00:56:32.07\00:56:33.83 well I don't wanna believe this so I'm going 00:56:33.84\00:56:36.20 go and find something else on the internet 00:56:36.21\00:56:37.54 that makes my conscious still clear, you can't 00:56:37.55\00:56:40.29 be doing that and so when we look here at 00:56:40.30\00:56:41.79 Rome being this last kingdom here and it's 00:56:41.80\00:56:43.82 divided up into ten, the original ten, 00:56:43.83\00:56:45.89 and its not in ten any more, some people 00:56:45.90\00:56:47.68 looking at that say no, no, Rome weren't in 00:56:47.69\00:56:48.97 ten kingdoms and specifically speaking of 00:56:48.98\00:56:51.30 the word western part of the Roman empire 00:56:51.31\00:56:52.61 and that kind of a thing that's where the 00:56:52.62\00:56:53.59 Antichrist come from that part of the Roman 00:56:53.60\00:56:54.99 empire and so we finish up here with the last 00:56:55.00\00:56:58.49 part, with this fourth kingdom Rome being 00:56:58.50\00:57:00.84 divided up in to the ten. When we come back 00:57:00.85\00:57:03.35 on the next study we gonna be looking what 00:57:03.36\00:57:06.04 these ten divisions and what these ten divisions 00:57:06.05\00:57:07.69 are and then we're gonna find out that this 00:57:07.70\00:57:09.65 little horn comes up among those ten divisions 00:57:09.66\00:57:11.56 then we're gonna identify who that little horn is. 00:57:11.57\00:57:13.79 We're gonna get the ten identifying 00:57:14.24\00:57:15.40 characteristics of the little horn and then we're 00:57:15.41\00:57:17.85 gonna open up after that and go back and see 00:57:17.86\00:57:20.75 and we're gonna plug in who the Antichrist is, 00:57:20.76\00:57:22.35 I'm just going to reveal, I'm just come right 00:57:22.36\00:57:23.63 out and say it, and then we're gonna see if that 00:57:23.64\00:57:26.53 power fits all the description of the 00:57:27.06\00:57:29.58 Antichrist, does that make sense to every 00:57:29.59\00:57:31.49 body, pretty clear, okay, so the next time we 00:57:31.50\00:57:34.03 come back here just a little bit on the next 00:57:34.04\00:57:36.71 study we're gonna be looking at the Antichrist 00:57:36.72\00:57:38.34 part two and we're gonna find out who that's 00:57:38.35\00:57:41.54 character is, so everybody be more than 00:57:41.55\00:57:43.78 welcome to come back for that. 00:57:44.28\00:57:45.25