Life On the Edge

Great Controversy Pt. 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Scott Moore (Host)


Series Code: LOE

Program Code: LOE000005

00:01 Harvest truly is plenteous,
00:03 but the laborers are few.
00:04 Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest,
00:06 that he will send forth laborers into his harvest.
00:10 Also, I heard the voice of the Lord saying,
00:13 "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?"
00:17 Then said I, "Here am I. Send me, Send me!"
00:23 Life on the Edge will enable you to be
00:25 infected harvest before the Lord.
00:27 We now invite you into our
00:29 classroom to come, experience life.
00:43 Again we just like to welcome everyone
00:45 that is here in our classroom,
00:47 we'd like to welcome those of you that
00:48 are at home who are joining us in the
00:50 classroom here at the
00:51 Lay Institute for Evangelism.
00:54 We are going over the second half of
00:56 the Bible study called the great controversy.
00:59 The second half of the Bible study called
01:01 the great controversy and if you go to your
01:03 graphic there on the screen you will see
01:05 that the code for marking this Bible study is what?
01:08 GC. GC, that's absolutely right.
01:10 You will also note that the purpose
01:13 of this Bible studying is to show that there
01:15 is a cosmic conflict between God and Satan.
01:20 And in the first half of this Bible study
01:22 we discussed that everyone of us have
01:25 felt that battle that goes on where God
01:28 is struggling, not God isn't struggling
01:31 but God is wooing us to do what is right,
01:34 while Satan on the other hand is pulling us,
01:38 carssing us, deceiving us,
01:40 conning us and trying to get us to do
01:43 what is wrong. But God's motivation
01:45 for getting us to do what is right is love.
01:48 And our motivation for being victorious
01:52 in this cosmic conflict between God
01:55 and Satan is our love for God the Father
01:58 and his Son and the Holy Spirit.
02:00 Each one of our studies are centered
02:04 on Jesus Christ and the center for this
02:06 study is, God is a God of justice
02:10 who desires the service of genuine love
02:14 and genuine loyalty. We can win the battle
02:17 with evil through his son Jesus Christ.
02:21 We can win the battle with evil through who?
02:24 Jesus Christ, through Jesus Christ.
02:26 And that's what we are gonna get to
02:27 in the second half of this study.
02:29 You will also see there on the screen
02:31 all the references that we are going
02:32 to use in this great controversy study.
02:35 There are 15 of them and those 15 references
02:38 are divided into three different groups.
02:40 The first group is the source of evil,
02:43 the second group is the thrust of evil
02:46 or what gives evil its motivation and the
02:48 third section is the cosmic battle over you,
02:52 the cosmic battle over you.
02:55 In our first Bible study, the first
02:59 half of this Bible study we discussed
03:01 very thoroughly the source of evil,
03:04 and where did we learn that evil came from?
03:06 Devil. The devil. The devil came from where?
03:09 Originally he was in heaven and how did
03:14 he get into heaven? He was created.
03:16 Who created him? God.
03:18 And how did God created him? Good.
03:20 Good or perfect, that's right.
03:23 Now we're going to go into the part
03:25 of this Bible study called the Thrust of Evil.
03:28 So you see there on your screen the
03:30 Thrust of Evil. We are going to go and
03:33 we are going to see in scripture
03:35 what is it that gives evil its motivation?
03:39 Why does evil act the way that it acts?
03:43 And so you will see the graphic there
03:44 on our screen, we're going to Isaiah.
03:47 We're in Isaiah 14, we are now going to
03:50 Second Thessalonians chapter 2 verses 1-4,
03:53 so our seventh great controversy text,
03:56 you see we just changed that again,
03:58 Second Thessalonians chapter 2 verses 1-4.
04:02 Now Elita, I'm brand new at studying the Bible,
04:06 brand new at studying the Bible,
04:07 my Bible is closed how you are going
04:09 to help me get to Second Thessalonians.
04:12 Pick up their Microphone and
04:14 help me understand how am I going to
04:16 get to Second Thessalonians,
04:18 give me some of those Bible working
04:20 clues to get there, but you have to pick
04:23 that mic upwards, it's just not going
04:24 to be helpful for those at home.
04:26 Elita said she doesn't want to do that evidently.
04:29 Well that's alright we'll wait for her to get
04:32 that microphone and then she'll help us
04:34 get there. She is laughing too much
04:36 we'll just do it. So, I'm brand new at
04:39 studying the Bible, I'm brand new at studying
04:41 the Bible, how do I find Second Thessalonians?
04:44 Well, you're going to go to the New Testament.
04:47 Now is the New Testament in the
04:49 front of my Bible or the back half of my Bible?
04:51 Back half. The back half, that's right.
04:53 And when I get to the back half of my Bible
04:55 there are several landmarks.
04:57 The first landmarks are the four Gospels,
04:59 aren't they? Matthew, Mark, Luke, John.
05:01 Almost everyone in Christendom knows
05:03 that the first four books of the
05:04 New Testament are Matthew, Mark, Luke
05:06 and John. Then we're gonna go through
05:08 a section called General Electric power
05:11 company or go eat popcorn, or George
05:14 eats popcorn. And it stands for Galatians,
05:17 Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians.
05:22 Then we're gonna come to a section of the
05:24 New Testament called the T section.
05:27 And in the T section you will note,
05:29 in your English Bibles it doesn't work in all
05:31 languages but in your English Bibles
05:33 the T section is in alphabetical order.
05:37 So we've gone pass the first landmark,
05:39 Matthew, Mark, Luke, John.
05:41 We're continuing to the right in the
05:42 New Testament we go past General
05:45 Electric power company or Galatians, Ephesians,
05:48 Philippians, Colossians and we come to the
05:50 T section. And I'm here in Timothy and
05:54 because we know that the T section
05:56 is in alphabetical order what direction am I
05:58 going to turn, left. I'm gonna turn to the left
06:01 that's right and so we're going to
06:02 Second Thessalonians chapter 2 verses 1-4
06:09 and Elita, if you could read that for us.
06:12 Second Thessalonians chapter 2 verses 1-4,
06:17 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the
06:20 coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by
06:23 our gathering together unto him.
06:26 That ye be not shaken in mind, or be troubled,
06:30 neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter
06:34 as from us, as that the day of Christ
06:36 is at hand. Let no man deceive you
06:39 by any means: for that day shall not come,
06:42 except there come a falling away first,
06:46 and that man of sin be revealed,
06:48 the son of perdition. Okay, stop right there
06:50 Elita. The Bible only calls one other figure
06:54 in scripture, the son of perdition is only used
06:57 one other time and that is used to
06:59 describe Judas, Judas Iscariot the Betrayer
07:02 of Christ. Now was Judas Iscariot a
07:06 violent opposer of Jesus, Elita? Yes.
07:08 Was he a violent opposer of Jesus? No,
07:11 no he was a subtle imposter that brought
07:13 the evil people to arrest Jesus, right?
07:16 He was used, and so the Bible here is
07:19 talking about a figure that is used by the
07:23 devil to get something and what does
07:26 he want there in verse 4, the son of perdition,
07:29 the man of sin which is also called
07:31 the anti-Christ. Pastor Sizemore
07:33 is going to do a study for us in the future
07:35 on the Anti-Christ power out of
07:37 Daniel chapter 7 and so the anti-Christ
07:40 and man of sin, the son of perdition who does
07:42 what Elita? Who opposeth and exalteth
07:45 himself above all that is called God,
07:48 or that is worshiped; so that he as God
07:51 sitteth in the temple of God, showing
07:53 himself that he is God. Now this type of
07:56 language Tom, this type of language
07:58 right here should just, it should cause
08:00 our spiritual antennas to jump up
08:02 because we already read about a figure
08:05 that opposes God and wants to exalt
08:08 himself above the place that is at,
08:10 and what figure is that? Satan.
08:12 That's Satan, that's absolutely right.
08:13 We discovered that in Isaiah and in
08:15 Ezekiel didn't we, in the first half of this study.
08:18 So this figure here this anti-Christ power,
08:22 this man of sin, this son of perdition
08:25 who opposes and exalts himself above all
08:28 that is called God, or that is what's the word,
08:31 worshiped, worshiped. This anti-Christ power
08:36 wants to get worship and who is,
08:40 who is behind the anti-Christ power?
08:42 That's Satan. So Satan gets worship,
08:45 that's what he wants, that's the motivation
08:48 behind evil, is power or worship,
08:54 does that make sense there in this context.
08:57 Because this, this anti-Christ figure that
09:00 gets its power from Satan he opposes God,
09:04 exalts himself above God, above all that is
09:09 called God, or that is worshiped, worshiped.
09:12 And so this power is Satan, we are going
09:15 to read a little bit more about this
09:16 anti-Christ power in our next reference.
09:19 We are in Second Thessalonians chapter 2
09:22 and we are gonna go you see there
09:23 on the graphic on your screen, we are gonna
09:25 go to Revelation the 13th chapter, Revelation 13,
09:29 we'll begin reading in verse 1.
09:32 And this will describe to us again the
09:35 anti-Christ power and we're gonna go
09:37 ahead let Vanessa read this for us,
09:39 Revelation chapter 13 beginning in verse 1,
09:46 Revelation 13, Vanessa, beginning in verse 1
09:48 and go through verse 4. And I stood upon
09:54 the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise
09:57 up out of the sea, having seven heads
10:00 and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns,
10:05 and upon his heads the name of blasphemy,
10:09 blasphemy, blasphemy, that's right, forgive me.
10:13 And the beast which I saw was like
10:16 unto a leopard, and his feet were as the
10:19 feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth
10:24 of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power,
10:28 and his seat, and great authority.
10:31 Okay so stop right there Vanessa,
10:33 notice that the scripture says there
10:35 in Revelation 13 and verse 2, the dragon
10:40 gave him his power, his seat and great
10:43 authority. And, remember there
10:45 on the graphic that maybe back on
10:47 your screen right now, we have there
10:48 beside Revelation 13:1-4, we have
10:51 Revelation 12:9. This is where you take
10:54 Revelation 12:9 and you write that
10:56 reference above the word dragon.
10:58 Write that reference above the word dragon
11:02 and so we're gonna go over to Revelation 12
11:04 verse 9 and since Danielle is sitting
11:07 right beside Vanessa, why don't we just go
11:08 and let Danielle read Revelation 12:9
11:11 for us then we'll go back to Vanessa
11:13 to finish the earlier passage.
11:15 And the great dragon was cast out,
11:18 that old serpent called the Devil and Satan,
11:21 which deceiveth the whole world:
11:22 he was cast out into the earth, and
11:24 his angels were cast out with him.
11:26 Okay so who was the dragon according
11:28 to this reference? The devil. The devil
11:30 and Satan, so the devil, Satan gives
11:34 his power, his seat and his great authority
11:38 to this beast and we'll learn later
11:40 on in Bible prophesy that a beast is
11:42 representative of a nation or a country.
11:45 And so here it says Revelation 13 verse 2
11:51 that the dragon, Satan gives this beast
11:54 or this country or this nation, this
11:55 anti-Christ power, the dragon gives him
11:58 or the devil gives him his seat, his power
12:01 and his authority. Keep reading Vanessa,
12:05 we will read there in verse 3.
12:09 And I saw one of his heads as it were
12:13 wounded to death; and his deadly wound
12:16 was healed: and all the world wondered
12:19 after the beast. And they worshiped the
12:23 dragon which gave power unto the beast:
12:26 and they worshiped the beast, saying,
12:28 who is like unto the beast? Who is able
12:33 to make war with him? So verse 4 tells us
12:37 that they worshiped the dragon,
12:39 who is the dragon? Satan, Satan.
12:42 They worshiped who? Satan, Satan.
12:46 If Satan came to you Laura,
12:49 if Satan came to you and said hi my name
12:51 is Satan and he had this red pitchfork
12:54 you know the typical Halloween guard,
12:55 and this little tail coming out of the back,
12:57 and says, hi I'm Satan, worship me.
12:59 Would you worship him? No. No.
13:01 But if Satan was a subtle imposter and
13:05 he presented himself with a religious front
13:08 that looked very glorifying to God,
13:12 you might be deceived and fall
13:14 for it wouldn't you? Here the Bible says
13:17 that the dragon Satan gets worshiped,
13:22 he gets worshiped when, notice verse 4,
13:24 it says they worship the beast, so by
13:29 worshiping the country, or the nation,
13:31 or the power that Satan gives his authority to,
13:35 then Satan gets worship. That's what, that's the
13:40 motivation for evil. The motivation for evil,
13:44 you remember we were in Second Thessalonians
13:45 2:1-4 and we saw that this anti-Christ power,
13:49 this man of sin, the son of perdition,
13:52 exalts himself above all that is called God,
13:55 above all that is worshiped and
13:56 he puts himself in the place of God and
14:00 shows himself that he is God.
14:01 But can anybody else be God other than God.
14:05 No. Of course not. So this anti-Christ power
14:08 is a subtle imposter of the true thing.
14:12 And then we are here in Revelation 13:1-4
14:16 and we see that the dragon or the devil
14:19 gets worship through this entity called the
14:22 anti-Christ power. Is everybody on the
14:24 same page? You feel like you could explain
14:26 Second Thessalonians 2:1-4, and then
14:29 Revelation 13:1-4, could you explain that.
14:32 Some people are shaking their head yes,
14:34 other people just starring at me like
14:35 did you really ask me that question?
14:37 It's true, I did ask you that question.
14:39 The anti-Christ's power is his motivation
14:44 for doing what he does, so that he
14:47 can be worshiped. And we're gonna
14:50 notice the worship texts that are associated
14:53 with the anti-Christ power in Revelation 13
14:56 and in Revelation 14. So we're just gonna
14:59 notice the worship text, just like we noticed
15:02 the good texts in our previous program
15:06 when we talked about Genesis chapter 1
15:08 or in the first half of this study, so you'll
15:11 notice there on your screen,
15:12 we are now going to our Ninth great
15:15 controversy text, this is in Revelation 13
15:19 and we'll read verses 4 again then 8,12,15
15:23 then we'll go to chapter 14 verses 9 and 11.
15:26 And you'll notice on the screen that
15:27 we are going to note the worship texts.
15:31 All of these texts when it's associated
15:34 with worship here, all of those worship
15:36 words are associated with the beast.
15:38 So we're in Revelation 13, we're gonna
15:40 begin here in verse 4 and Solita,
15:43 if you could read that for us,
15:45 And they worshiped the dragon which
15:48 gave power unto the beast: and they
15:50 worshiped the beast saying, who is like
15:53 unto the beast? Who is able to make war
15:55 with him? Okay verse 8, And all that dwell
16:00 upon the earth shall worship him,
16:02 whose names are not written in the book
16:04 of life of the Lamb slain from the
16:07 foundation of the world. And verse 12,
16:10 And he exerciseth all the power of the
16:14 first beast before him, and causeth the earth
16:17 and them which dwell therein to worship
16:20 the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
16:23 Isn't that amazing? This anti-Christ power,
16:26 the devil wants worship so desperately
16:29 that he will even force people to worship him.
16:33 Will God do that? No. Not in the least.
16:36 Keep reading there let's go to verse 15,
16:39 Revelation 13 and verse 15,
16:43 And he had power to give life unto the
16:45 image of the beast, that the image of
16:47 the beast should both speak,
16:49 and cause that as many as would not
16:52 worship the image of the beast should be killed.
16:55 So this the devil wants worship so
16:57 desperately that he is willing to kill people
17:01 that refused to worship him and
17:02 we are not done, we are gonna keep reading,
17:04 you are gonna go to Revelation 14
17:05 and verse 9, Revelation 14 verse 9.
17:09 we are ready, And the third angel followed
17:14 them, saying with a loud voice,
17:16 If any man worship the beast and his image,
17:19 and receive his mark in his forehead,
17:21 or in his hand, The same shall drink
17:23 of the wine of the wrath of God,
17:25 which is poured out without mixture into
17:27 the cup of his indignation;
17:29 and he shall be tormented with fire
17:31 and brimstone in the presence of the
17:34 holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb.
17:37 I what did you notice there when Solita
17:40 first began to read. And I told that
17:42 we were ready she was listening
17:44 because there were so people in the
17:45 classroom that were turning the pages
17:47 of their Bible to get to the reference.
17:49 You as a Bible instructor, you will
17:52 want to remember that you too want to
17:55 make sure that everybody you're
17:56 giving the Bible study to is in that reference
17:59 prior to reading this. So I appreciate that
18:01 about what you just did there Solita you looked
18:03 around, you noticed some pages were
18:04 still turning, you were like I'm not gonna
18:06 read until then and you didn't do that,
18:08 you did very good there. And so now
18:10 go to Revelation 14 verse 11.
18:13 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth
18:16 up for ever and ever, and they have no
18:18 rest day nor night, who worship the beast
18:21 and his image, and whosoever receiveth
18:24 the mark of his name.
18:26 So Solita, what is it that the anti-Christ
18:29 power wants? Worship. He wants worship.
18:33 How bad does he want worship?
18:34 He will kill those that don't worship him?
18:36 He wants worship so desperately
18:38 that he will kill those that don't worship him.
18:40 Who alone Mike deserves our worship?
18:43 God. God alone deserves our worship.
18:46 We are going to see that the devil
18:48 was so pompous and arrogant that
18:50 he would even ask the son of God to
18:54 worship him. He would even ask the
18:56 son of God to worship him, on your screen
18:58 there you will notice that we're gonna
19:00 go to the tenth text in the great
19:02 controversy study and that is Matthew
19:04 chapter 4 and verse 9. Matthew of course
19:08 is to the left from the book of Revelation.
19:11 Matthew chapter 4 and verse 9.
19:15 Matthew chapter 4 verse 9 and we're gonna
19:18 go over to Miss Laura and she'll read that
19:21 for us, Matthew chapter 4 and verse,
19:25 why don't you read 8, 9 and 10 for us?
19:30 8, 9 and 10. Again, the devil taketh him
19:35 up into an exceeding high mountain,
19:37 and showeth him all the kingdoms of the world,
19:40 and the glory of them; And he saith unto him,
19:43 All these things will I give thee,
19:45 if thou wilt fall down and worship me.
19:49 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence,
19:53 Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship
19:55 the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
20:00 So here we see Jesus being tempted
20:03 in the wilderness, he's been out there 40 days,
20:06 Satan takes him out to a high mountain
20:08 shows him all the glory of the earth.
20:10 Doesn't show him the destruction that
20:12 Satan had caused, that belonged to Satan,
20:14 just the glory of the earth and he tells
20:17 Jesus that he will give it to him if Jesus
20:19 would do. If he will just fall down and
20:22 worship him. How pompous, notice
20:27 that the created being is asking the
20:30 creator to worship him. This anti-Christ power,
20:38 this power that gets its own power from
20:41 Satan is that the only way that Satan
20:45 can get worship. And so Satan works through
20:48 an earthly entity that looks Christian.
20:51 That portraits itself as Christian and
20:57 when people worship that entity they're
20:59 worshiping who? Satan himself.
21:02 But the only way that Satan can get
21:05 that worship, the only way he can get
21:07 that worship is if he deceives us.
21:10 Because nobody is gonna go to Satan
21:13 and just worship him because he has a
21:15 pitchfork and of course we know that,
21:17 that Lucifer himself did not have a pitchfork
21:20 when he left heaven, nor does he have a
21:22 pitchfork now. And we'll get into a study
21:24 on hell in the future in our topics.
21:27 Our 11th text, you will notice on your screen,
21:29 well let's back up to that graphic on the
21:32 10th text, you will notice there that
21:35 underneath Revelation 13:4, 8, 12, 15 and then
21:38 14:9 and 11. It says Genesis 1 and 2 and
21:44 Revelation 21 and 22. You remember this,
21:49 in Genesis chapter 1 and 2, we had a perfect
21:54 God in face to face communication with
21:58 the perfect people. Remember that,
22:00 what happens in Genesis 3? Adam and Even sin.
22:04 Sin comes to this earth right?
22:06 Then we get to Revelation 21 and 22
22:10 and you see God in face to face communication
22:14 with a perfect people. So everything in
22:19 between Genesis 2 and Revelation 21
22:22 or from Genesis 3 to Revelation 20 is God
22:27 bringing his people back into face to face
22:32 communication with him. That's what going there.
22:36 In face to face communication with
22:39 his people. Now we're going to see that
22:42 Satan wants that to end.
22:46 Satan wants that to be over and we're
22:48 gonna go to our next reference,
22:50 we're going to go, we are going to go
22:53 to First Peter chapter 5 and verse 8.
22:56 So let's turn there, First Peter chapter 5
22:58 and verse 8, we'll go to Tom for this,
23:01 Tom if you could read First Peter chapter 5
23:03 verse 8 and we've got that graphic up
23:05 there I'm sure you've seen it, we needed
23:08 to do a review but we could certainly
23:10 come back to that in a moment.
23:11 What we're gonna focus on now is the
23:12 cosmic battle that is going on over you.
23:17 The cosmic battle that's going on over
23:18 you we were in Matthew 4:9, now we're going to
23:20 First Peter 5 and verse 8. So Tom if you could
23:23 read that for us, First Peter chapter 5
23:26 and verse 8, Be sober, be vigilant;
23:30 because your adversary the devil,
23:33 walks about like a roaring lion devouring
23:37 whom he may will. So the Bible says there
23:40 in Second Peter, is it First Peter
23:41 or Second Peter? First Peter, First Peter.
23:43 Alright. The Bible tells us that Satan walks
23:49 about like a roaring lion seeking to do what,
23:55 seeking to devour us. So who is that needs
24:02 to look out for the devil? It's us, we do,
24:05 everybody. The Bible tells us that Satan
24:09 wants to devour us. God wants to recreate us.
24:14 God wants to make us new but Satan wants
24:17 to destroy us, have you ever been to the
24:18 zoo and you see that lion that's behind the,
24:21 behind the cage there and he's just walk
24:22 and he's pacing and never takes his eyes
24:24 off of you. it doesn't matter which way
24:26 is body turns it's eyes are right there on you,
24:28 have you been there and seen that.
24:30 You know as a, as a young and immature
24:33 child that I used to taunt that lion
24:35 and I'm so glad that that lion did not get out.
24:38 The only thing that protects us from
24:42 that lion that wants to devour us is a
24:44 fence named Jesus Christ. Amen.
24:48 We're going to learn very soon here
24:51 in this studying that Jesus is our only
24:55 defense against this enemy called Satan.
25:00 And so let's go now to our next reference,
25:03 Revelation chapter 12 verses 7-9
25:06 and you will see that there are on your screen.
25:08 Revelation chapter 12 verses 7-9
25:12 and we'll ask Mrs. Gloria to read this for us,
25:15 Revelation chapter 12 verses 7-9
25:21 and we're gonna see how this,
25:23 what caused this Lucifer to fall from heaven.
25:26 We know that it was sin was found in him
25:29 but how did he actually get out of heaven,
25:31 what happened and what does the Bible
25:33 tell us right here. And war broke out
25:37 in heaven: Michael and his angels fought
25:41 with the dragon; and the dragon and
25:44 his angels fought. But they did not prevail
25:47 nor was a place found for them
25:50 in the heaven any longer.
25:52 So the great dragon was cast out,
25:56 that serpent of old, called the Devil
25:59 and Satan, who deceives the whole
26:03 world: he was cast to the earth,
26:06 and his angels were cast out with him.
26:08 The devil deceives the whole world,
26:12 pick up on that clue there, he deceives
26:15 the whole world. Now First Peter chapter 5
26:17 verse 8 told us what, told us the devil
26:20 wanted to devour us. Is he literally going to
26:23 come eat you up? No. No, no, no.
26:26 He is going to deceive you so that
26:29 you miss out on eternity.
26:31 It's alright to be sincere but if we're sincerely
26:35 wrong does that help us? No.
26:37 Not in the least. It's alright to be sincere
26:40 but it's not alright to be sincerely wrong.
26:42 Now the first part of that there in verse 7 says,
26:45 a war broke out in heaven Michael and
26:47 his angels fought with the dragon.
26:49 So here we have the forces of evil fighting
26:54 with the forces of good, don't we?
26:56 So we have the forces of evil fighting
26:59 with the forces of good. Now because Satan
27:02 could not get to Jesus who is it that
27:07 he's after right now. He is after us right now,
27:11 that's absolutely right. the only way
27:13 if somebody can not get to me,
27:16 the only way to really get to me
27:18 is to mess with my children.
27:20 If what they do to me it doesn't really
27:23 affect me or get me mad the way they
27:26 want me to be mad the only thing they
27:29 can do to get to me is to get my children
27:32 and then I become like a momma bear,
27:34 and I let loose you know.
27:38 The only way that Satan can get Jesus
27:44 or bothered Jesus is to mess with Jesus' children.
27:51 That's the only way, that's the only way.
27:55 But the only way that you and I can have
27:59 victory over evil in this world is through Jesus.
28:06 Satan can only get to Jesus through us,
28:11 the only way we can stay away from
28:13 Satan is through Jesus, so what is that
28:16 we need, we need Jesus. Jesus is that
28:19 fence that separates us from that lion
28:22 that wants to devour us, you've got the
28:24 concept there, right. War breaks out in heaven,
28:27 Satan is down here on this earth,
28:29 he wants to devour us, he wants to destroy us,
28:32 he wants to take away our opportunity
28:34 for eternal life and you my friend are
28:37 the only one, you are the only person
28:40 in this world that can make the choice
28:42 to stay on the side of Jesus Christ from
28:45 now throughout all of eternity.
28:48 Jesus is the answer to us being victorious
28:54 in this world. Jesus is the answer to us
28:58 being victorious in this world.
29:01 Let's go to our next reference you'll
29:02 see it there, First Corinthians 15:57
29:06 is going to tell you exactly what we just
29:09 told you, that we have victory through
29:14 Jesus Christ. First Corinthians chapter 15,
29:19 so we're turning to the left from where we were,
29:21 if you get to Romans, you need to go back
29:23 to the right a little bit, First Corinthians
29:25 chapter 15 and verse 57, First Corinthians
29:31 chapter 15 and verse 57, and Roberto,
29:34 if you could read that for us.
29:39 But thanks be to God, who gave us the
29:44 victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
29:47 So how is it Roberto that you and
29:49 I can have victory. How is it?
29:53 Through Jesus Christ. Through Jesus Christ,
29:55 there's no other way. If you and I are
29:59 struggling against the forces of evil,
30:02 the only safe place for us to go,
30:05 now when you're giving this Bible study
30:07 you need to show that the pathos,
30:10 the empathy that you feel toward
30:12 that person that is a lost sinner,
30:14 that has been given in to Satan time
30:16 after time after time, you right now in this
30:20 appeal section of this study, you are
30:23 revealing to that person that he's so
30:26 overcome by Satan that there is a way
30:30 to escape. You don't know how often
30:33 in our ministry here at Life that people
30:37 tell us that they just didn't think they could
30:40 make it anymore. And then somebody knocked
30:43 on their door, somebody thought they just
30:45 couldn't make it anymore but then
30:46 they were introduced to Jesus.
30:48 Jesus is the only way that we can overcome
30:55 what we're struggling with. Now Solita the
30:59 amazing thing about teaching classes
31:01 like this, is that when you teach classes
31:05 like this the spirit of God reaches
31:08 people's hearts. So we're not only learning
31:11 how to give a Bible study but God is actually
31:14 speaking to us right now and maybe God is
31:17 speaking to you. Maybe God right now is telling
31:21 you that you know longer have to
31:23 struggle with what you've been going
31:26 through. It doesn't matter what the
31:28 struggle is, Jesus will give you the victory.
31:33 Our next reference is going to flush
31:36 this out in a much greater detail,
31:38 let's go to our next reference there
31:41 First Corinthians chapter 1 and verse 24,
31:46 how is it that we can overcome evil with
31:51 Jesus in our lives and we are gonna
31:54 go to Elita. Elita if you will read that for us,
31:58 First Corinthians chapter 1 and
32:00 verse 24 and I too am going to go there,
32:03 so we were in the end of Corinthians
32:05 we're just gonna go to the beginning now.
32:07 First Corinthians 1 and verse 24 and then
32:10 Bill you can read for us the next reference
32:12 that we go to alright. But unto them which
32:16 are called, both Jews and Greeks,
32:19 Christ the power of God, in the wisdom of God.
32:23 And that's right. The Bible tells us
32:25 that the only way that you and I can have
32:28 victory is through who? Jesus, Jesus and then
32:32 it told us that Jesus Christ is the power
32:35 of God and the wisdom of God.
32:39 So Jesus is not only the only way that
32:41 we can have victory, He is the power of
32:44 God in our lives and He is the wisdom
32:47 of God in our lives. You and I have heard over
32:51 and over again how people will say to us,
32:53 I just hit rock bottom and I had nowhere
32:56 else to go. I have a theory on that and
33:00 this is my theory. We don't really hit
33:01 rock bottom, we actually hit the rock.
33:05 And when we hit the rock, we hit the only
33:09 one that can save us from what's going
33:12 on in our lives. You and I hit the rock,
33:15 and the rock is who? Jesus, is Jesus.
33:18 And when we hit the rock, the rock
33:21 gives us power, power that's right
33:25 and he gives us wisdom, quite
33:27 laughing Mike, Mike's over here,
33:28 he's got like a six pack, I'm just hiding
33:29 my six pack anyway. So God gives us power
33:34 and he gives us wisdom. It's very important for
33:39 us to understand that, there is only one way
33:42 to overcome and to win in this battle,
33:46 this cosmic battle with evil and that way
33:50 is through Jesus Christ. We can go to the doctor
33:55 and get medicine, we can go to the psychologist
33:58 and have somebody listen to us,
34:00 and those things may all be well and good.
34:03 But the only way for us my friend to have
34:05 victory is in Jesus Christ, because
34:10 he is the power and the wisdom of God.
34:14 I want you to turn to a reference
34:16 that's not in this study today.
34:18 Let's go to John chapter 16, John chapter 16
34:21 verse 33. John the 16th chapter
34:25 and the 33rd verse. So John chapter 16
34:29 verse 33 and we'll go ahead and we will
34:34 let Bill read this, John chapter 16 and Bill,
34:38 verse 33. What does Jesus say there?
34:43 These things I have spoken unto you,
34:46 that you and I might have peace.
34:48 In the world you will have tribulation:
34:50 but be of good cheer; I have overcome
34:53 the world. So just because Jesus is in
34:56 our life does that mean that everything
34:57 is going to be hunky-dory all the time.
34:59 No, no, no. Jesus said these things have
35:02 I spoken to you that in me you may have what,
35:05 peace, peace. So in Jesus we get power,
35:09 we get wisdom, we get peace.
35:13 And then he says, in the world you will
35:16 have what tribulation, tribulation,
35:17 does that sound peaceful? No,
35:19 but if we have Jesus will it be peaceful?
35:22 Yes. That's absolutely right.
35:23 You know I've been reading a book lately
35:25 on the fruit of this spirit. And when
35:28 we talk about love and joy and patience,
35:32 that word joy, that word joy is something
35:36 that transcends or goes beyond our circumstances.
35:40 And that's what Jesus is talking about there
35:43 when he's talking about peace; he's talking
35:44 about something that goes beyond our
35:46 circumstances. So it may still be that
35:49 our life feels like it's falling apart.
35:51 But Jesus says that we will have peace
35:55 even amongst the tribulation we will
35:59 have peace and it goes on to say there,
36:01 but be of good cheer; I have overcome
36:05 the world. What did Jesus overcome?
36:09 World. He overcame the world.
36:12 So Jesus overcame for you and Jesus
36:16 overcame for me. Now when you're given
36:18 this Bible study, when you get to this
36:21 point in the appeal it's very important
36:24 that you're making that very strong
36:26 eye contact with the person that
36:28 you're studying with. You are sitting there
36:32 as the representative of Jesus in that home
36:35 breaking the bread of life to the people
36:37 that you're given the study to.
36:39 And it's very important that you will connect
36:42 with that person and if you notice even
36:44 during the appeal here that my voice
36:46 got a little different, it got softer,
36:49 it got more inviting, I'm trying to and
36:55 you know I'm not acting or anything,
36:56 that's just the way it happens when
36:58 I give a Bible study, because when I
37:00 get to the appeal I'm trying, I've already
37:02 informed the intellect and now what
37:04 I'm trying to do is I'm trying to get
37:05 to the heart. And Jesus says that we're
37:08 gonna have tribulation, but then he says,
37:10 but be of good cheer, I've overcome the world.
37:15 Now who is in the world? The devil,
37:17 that's specifically who He is talking about
37:19 isn't it? I have overcome the world,
37:22 you live in the world the devil was cast out
37:25 to the world, you were there in the world
37:27 but be of good cheer, even though you're
37:28 going to have tribulation Jesus says
37:30 I have overcome the world.
37:33 And so now we're gonna go to our last reference.
37:37 Our last reference is First John chapter
37:40 4 verse 4, First John chapter 4 and verse 4,
37:45 you will now see that on the screen there,
37:47 it's our 15th great controversy text and
37:50 First John is of course in the New Testament,
37:52 First John chapter 4 and verse 4
37:55 and we are gonna over to Caitlin and
37:57 Caitlin is going to read that for us.
37:59 You are a God of little children and have
38:02 overcome them: because he who
38:04 is in you is greater than he who is in the world.
38:07 So, Caitlin, the Bible tells us the greater is
38:11 he that is in us than he that is where?
38:13 In the world. In the world.
38:14 So Caitlin where is that we want Jesus?
38:16 In us. In us. Then we'll have what, victory,
38:21 over what? The world. Over the world.
38:24 So you're giving this Bible study to someone
38:26 that has been just very burdened with
38:30 struggles maybe they have an addiction
38:32 to drugs, maybe that person has an
38:35 addiction to pornography,
38:36 maybe that person has an addiction
38:38 to something that they know is not right
38:41 and maybe even that person is one of us.
38:43 What do you do when that person
38:47 who feels like they have no hope?
38:49 Hears this Bible study and they know
38:52 that Jesus can help them; they know
38:54 Jesus can help them because you've just
38:56 shown them that Jesus can help them.
38:58 But they've never ever talked to Jesus before.
39:03 Or maybe they did when they were going
39:05 to Sunday school or Sabbath school
39:08 so many years ago but what do they do now?
39:10 Some people will tell me, pastor you have
39:14 no idea what I've done and what I've
39:18 been through. Let's go a text, this is,
39:22 this is when that person starts to give
39:25 you those excuses, they've been struggling
39:28 with sin, they've been struggling
39:30 with an addiction, they've been struggling,
39:32 they've been given in more to the devil
39:35 then they have to Jesus Christ, they're
39:37 in despair and so what we're doing now is
39:39 we're looking at references that
39:40 will give that individual hope,
39:44 what are we hoping to give that person?
39:45 Hope. Let's go to First John chapter 1
39:49 verse 9 and we'll have Krista read that for us,
39:53 First John is back near the Book of Revelation.
39:56 So if you find the book of Revelation
39:58 then you just back up a little bit to the
40:00 left and we are going to First John chapter 1
40:02 verse 9, and Krista, if you could read that
40:04 for us. He who says that he is the light
40:09 and hates his brother and the darkness.
40:11 Okay now is that John chapter 1 or
40:13 First John? We're gonna to First John chapter
40:19 1 verse 9, that was a great verse,
40:21 we like that verse but we need verse 9,
40:24 If we confess our sins, he is faithful
40:28 and just to forgive us and our sins,
40:32 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
40:36 So the Bible tells us that if we confess
40:41 our sins, so I'm talking to the person
40:44 that I am giving the Bible study to.
40:46 They have just read that, I let them read it,
40:49 because they need to hear the voice
40:51 of God speaking to them.
40:53 And so God says to that person,
40:56 if you confess your sins, I'm faithful
41:00 and just to forgive you of your sins
41:02 and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness.
41:06 God is the one that's faithful isn't he?
41:09 God is the one that will deliver us.
41:13 So who is that we need to depend on?
41:17 God, Jesus. Who is that we confess to?
41:20 Jesus. It's Jesus. But you have no clue,
41:25 you just don't know what I've done,
41:27 you hear that over and over again.
41:29 You don't know what I'm struggling with,
41:30 go to Philippians 4:13, maybe this verse
41:33 right here's for you. Philippians,
41:36 so we're in First John, we're going to turn
41:37 to the left again, we're gonna go to
41:41 Philippians chapter 4 and verse 13,
41:44 Philippians chapter 4 and verse 13.
41:47 Let me read this for us, Philippians
41:49 chapter 4 and verse 13, the Bible says here
41:54 and I see some of us are still turning
41:57 their Philippians that's in, that's after
42:00 Corinthians, then you have Galatians,
42:02 Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians then you
42:05 get to the T section. So here we are,
42:07 we're in Philippians chapter 4 and verse 13.
42:10 And God says, I can do all things through
42:15 Christ who strengthens me.
42:20 Satan is not going to win the battle
42:23 in your life. Because you're going to ask
42:27 Jesus to come into your life and Jesus
42:30 is going to give you the power to overcome
42:32 every struggle that you have, everyone
42:36 of them. Jesus says that you can do all
42:39 things through him because he is going
42:41 to give you what? Strength, he's going
42:43 to give you power, power.
42:46 He is going to give you wisdom;
42:48 he is going to give you victory, isn't he? Amen.
42:51 Isn't that power? My friend you don't have
42:54 to struggle anymore, you can let it go,
42:56 you can give it to Jesus and Jesus will
42:59 take it all. Because greater is he that
43:02 is in you, then he that is in the world.
43:07 But you'll just have no clue when you study
43:12 the Bible with people they'll be over and
43:14 over and over again. And you remember
43:16 last week in the cycle of evangelism
43:19 we learned that when somebody gives us
43:22 an excuse, we don't argue with that person,
43:26 we don't argue with them, we don't banter
43:28 back and forth with them, we persuade
43:30 them with the word of God.
43:32 So that person again says, you just don't
43:35 know what I've gone through,
43:37 you don't know, you'll just have know clue
43:40 and so we just go to another Bible verse,
43:42 let's go to Matthew chapter 19 and these
43:44 are not in your notes. So, you're gonna wanna
43:46 make sure that you are writing down,
43:48 Matthew chapter 9 and verse 26.
43:55 Matthew chapter 9 and verse 26,
44:00 and let's go ahead and let, who's gonna
44:02 read that one, let's go ahead let Bill, Bill,
44:04 can you read that for us, Matthew
44:06 chapter 19 and verse 26.
44:11 But Jesus looked at them, and said to them,
44:14 with men this is impossible; but with
44:16 God all things are possible.
44:18 So with men these things are what?
44:21 Impossible, but with God how much is possible.
44:25 All. All things. Even overcoming sin,
44:30 even letting go of an addiction,
44:33 even letting go of something where
44:36 we hurt our own selves by doing.
44:38 Jesus promises to give us victory,
44:43 do you want that victory? Yes.
44:47 Are you willing to believe that God
44:50 will you give that victory. You know
44:53 there's an old hymn that says,
44:54 faith is the victory, faith is the victory,
44:59 sing Solita you know this, oh glorious
45:02 victory that overcomes the world.
45:08 So our faith, the Bible says what is that,
45:10 it's Ephesians 2:8, it says we are saved
45:13 by grace through faith. And who is that our
45:18 faith needs to be in? Jesus.
45:20 Our faith needs to be in Jesus Christ.
45:22 Well. Once that person eventually
45:26 stops giving you excuses as to why
45:30 they've been so bad or that,
45:32 done so many bad things that God
45:35 can't forgive them and you will overcome
45:37 those excuses with scripture,
45:39 you will overcome the next excuse with
45:41 scripture, you overcome the next
45:43 excuse with scripture. Eventually that person
45:46 is going to say to you, it doesn't matter
45:48 what I say, God always has something
45:50 to say that what I'm going to say
45:51 and that's the point you wanna bring people to.
45:54 You want them to understand that it is
45:56 God that is speaking to them through his word.
46:00 And those of you that at home,
46:02 you need to understand that
46:03 when you give a Bible study,
46:04 you are giving a Bible study to people,
46:06 you're introducing people to Jesus Christ
46:09 through his word. And you don't argue
46:12 with that person you just continually
46:14 go to the Bible and you overcome every
46:17 excuse that person has with the word of God.
46:20 We call that overcoming excuses with scripture.
46:23 Well some people after this Bible study
46:26 some people say well you know didn't God
46:29 create evil? Even after you go through a
46:32 Bible study like this somebody will say
46:34 well didn't God create evil and what's the
46:36 answer? No. The answer is no.
46:39 What Bible reference would you give,
46:41 anybody at any table pick up a microphone,
46:43 what Bible reference would you give to
46:46 remind that person that God did
46:49 not create the evil. What Bible reference
46:52 would you give them, somebody?
46:53 Well you got, you need a microphone.
46:56 Somebody tell me what reference
46:57 would you give them? Just pick that thing,
46:59 it won't bite you. Genesis 1. Genesis,
47:03 and what did Genesis chapter 1 say.
47:05 That God created, when God created it was good.
47:09 That's right. So didn't God created evil
47:12 though, no. But where in the world did evil
47:16 come from? Matthew, say it loud enough.
47:21 Matthew, I think it was 13, no it wasn't 13,
47:25 it was 13, okay. Yes. So you see even after
47:29 you give these Bible studies, people will
47:31 still have questions, what do you mean
47:33 the devil doesn't have a pitchfork
47:35 and he's not red with two horns on his head,
47:36 what do you mean by that?
47:37 Well, the devil would never get the worship
47:40 that he wanted if that's why he came
47:41 to people would he. So when you have
47:44 those people, those people they will say,
47:46 they will say but didn't God create evil?
47:48 Well no, God created who? Lucifer.
47:52 Then people will say well why did God
47:55 create something that he knew would
47:59 turn out so bad? Pick that microphone up
48:03 and tell me that again Bill, what did you say?
48:05 He wants their love. He wants their love,
48:07 that's absolutely right.
48:09 And so when God created people,
48:12 when God created the angels he created
48:14 them with a power of choice, didn't he?
48:17 Go to Revelation, go over to Revelation,
48:19 Revelation chapter 12, I'll read this,
48:22 Revelation chapter 12 and verse, let me see
48:28 Revelation chapter 12 and verse 4,
48:33 the Bible says in Revelation chapter 12
48:35 verse 4, His, speaking of the dragon,
48:38 his tail drew a third part of the stars
48:41 of heaven, and threw them to the earth.
48:44 What are those stars of heaven that the
48:47 devil drew a third of out of heaven.
48:50 Angels. Those are angels, that's absolutely
48:52 right. We can find that in Revelation chapter 1,
48:55 that an angel is the same thing as a star.
49:01 So that Bible tells us here that the devil
49:05 took one third of the angels with him
49:07 out of heaven. How was he able to do that?
49:11 By deception. By deception,
49:14 but if all of the angels have been created
49:16 as robots would he had been able to do that?
49:19 No. No, no, no. those angels that fell with
49:22 Satan made a choice just like Lucifer made
49:26 and you and I have the same opportunity.
49:31 If we want to choose evil God will allow us
49:35 to do that, will that break his heart,
49:38 absolutely. But God has provided a way
49:43 for us to chose what is right.
49:46 And that is through Jesus Christ.
49:48 So people will say well didn't God create evil?
49:50 And you just go right back through it,
49:52 no he didn't create evil, he created
49:54 a perfect angel. Well why didn't God just
49:57 go ahead and destroy Lucifer the very
50:01 moment that Lucifer began to exhibit
50:03 what God knew what happened.
50:05 Whey didn't God just destroy him right then?
50:08 Well, I'll tell you exactly why.
50:10 Lets suppose that somebody in congress
50:16 stands up and hollers at the president you lie,
50:23 and the next day that congressman
50:26 ends up dead. What would you think?
50:31 Come on tell me what would you think?
50:34 You would think he was murdered by who,
50:37 or by somebody the President sent to
50:40 murder him right. so Jesus when Lucifer
50:44 begins to exhibit these things,
50:47 and Lucifer begins to lie, he begins to deceive,
50:52 he begins to just talk, incidentally the word
50:55 war there in Revelation chapter 12
50:58 verse 7 says there was a war in heaven
51:01 that word war is Polimos, that's
51:03 where you and I get our word politics.
51:06 So Satan begins to insinuate things
51:11 about God, he begins to start a political
51:14 war in heaven. He doesn't just come out
51:17 and say well God want you to serve him
51:19 and he doesn't want you to serve me,
51:21 you need to serve me because I'll offer
51:22 you the better, he would do things like
51:25 I wonder if God really knows what
51:27 he is doing in this situation.
51:29 He created that doubt in the angels' minds,
51:35 and then when Satan's debate
51:39 tactics didn't work. He was cast out
51:43 of heaven and a third of the angels made
51:46 that choice. But if, and if God had just,
51:51 if God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit had
51:54 said yeah, he's doing exactly what
51:55 we knew he would do, and he's talked
51:57 to several of the angels and there is
51:59 rumblings now, let's just go take him out,
52:01 he's gone. The other angels would have
52:05 been served God out of what? Fear, fear.
52:09 But does God as we noticed in our center
52:11 at the very beginning of the study,
52:13 does God want the service that is forced
52:17 to work, no, no that's what the devil will
52:20 take if he can get it. But God wants service
52:24 that comes from genuine love for him.
52:28 So you and I when we are studying
52:30 the Bible with people on this topic,
52:33 let's just review the entire thing.
52:35 Genesis chapter 1, God creates everything
52:39 and it is what? Good. It's good.
52:42 Then we went to Matthew chapter 13
52:45 and we saw in Matthew chapter 13
52:47 that God took no credit whatsoever
52:51 for the tares. You remember,
52:53 there was a man that went out and
52:54 sowed good seed in Matthew 13 and then,
52:57 an enemy came and sowed tares among
53:00 the good seed. And then we got went to
53:04 verses 37-39 of Matthew 13 that
53:06 explained the parable that Jesus told.
53:10 And it said that the enemy was who, Satan.
53:14 That's right Mrs. Gloria. The enemy was Satan.
53:17 Satan is the one who was responsible
53:18 for the evil in this world. God took no
53:20 responsibility for it, then we went to
53:22 Luke chapter 13. Luke chapter 13:10-16
53:26 and in verse 16, Jesus said that Satan
53:29 is the one that was responsible for
53:31 binding that woman for how long?
53:34 18 years, 18 years. So did God in that
53:37 situation take any responsibility?
53:40 No, absolutely not. Then we went to
53:42 Luke chapter 10 verse 18, does anybody
53:45 remember what that says? I'll beheld
53:48 or I saw Satan what fall like lightening
53:51 from heaven. So that then begged the
53:55 question how did Satan get into heaven
53:59 in order to fall from there? He was created;
54:03 we found that in Ezekiel chapter what,
54:05 28, 28 verses 11-18, that's absolutely right.
54:11 And in there we see that Lucifer was
54:14 created perfect, until inequity was
54:18 found in him. He was lifted up because
54:21 of his what? His beauty.
54:23 Lucifer took a gift that God had given him
54:25 and he perverted it. And some of us are in
54:29 that same situation aren't we?
54:31 God has given us talents, God has given us gifts
54:35 and we take what God has given us and
54:37 we've perverted it. Then we went from
54:40 Ezekiel to where? Isaiah. Isaiah I just gave it
54:42 away, didn't I? And so we went to Isaiah
54:44 what chapter, 14, 14 that's right.
54:47 And what verses, 12-14, and we found out
54:50 that Satan begins to say all of these things
54:52 in his heart I will, I will ascend, I will exalt,
54:56 I will put my throne. Satan had an eye problem.
54:59 Then from Isaiah chapter 14 where did we go?
55:03 Second Thessalonians. Second Thessalonians,
55:05 that's right Bill. Pick up and microphone
55:07 and tell me what we learned in
55:08 Second Thessalonians? You got to do it quick
55:10 because this is a review here.
55:11 That the falling away comes first,
55:14 the man and the son of perdition is revealed.
55:17 Alright and the son of perdition is just
55:19 another name for who? Satan. That's right.
55:22 Because Satan, the only other time the
55:24 son of perdition is used is talking about who?
55:26 Judas. Judas. Now was Judas a violent
55:29 opposer of Christianity. No. He was a subtle
55:31 guy that came in wasn't he? Then we went from,
55:34 we went from what, what was the text
55:36 we were just in? Second Thessalonians
55:38 and we went from Second Thessalonians
55:39 to where, Revelation 13, Revelation 13.
55:42 And what did we find in Revelation 13.
55:44 The anti-Christ power and what does he want?
55:47 He wants worship. Then what did we
55:50 do in Revelation 13 and 14.
55:52 We checked all, all the worship texts
55:56 that apply to the anti-Christ power.
55:58 Then where did we go? We went to Matthew 4:9
56:02 and Satan was so pompous that he
56:04 asked who to worship him? Jesus.
56:05 He asked Jesus. Then we began to focus
56:09 on who? We began to focus on Christ,
56:11 didn't we? Absolutely. That Christ will give us
56:14 victory; Christ will give us power,
56:16 even though the Satan is walking around
56:18 like a roaring lion, wanting to devour us,
56:21 that we can have victory through the power
56:25 and the wisdom of Jesus Christ.
56:28 And that's this study in a nutshell isn't it?
56:31 And then our very last reference
56:33 Jesus says greater is he that is in you
56:36 than he that is in the world,
56:37 so let me ask you my friend who is that
56:40 you need in you that has already overcome
56:43 the world? Who is that you need? Jesus.
56:47 Jesus Christ. Never let Satan deceive
56:51 you so much that you would think
56:53 I've gone too far, or I've done too much,
56:57 or my life is just way out of line,
57:00 Jesus wouldn't accept me because Jesus
57:02 will accept us and Jesus will accept you.
57:08 Is it your desire to land on the side of
57:11 Jesus Christ rather on the side of the
57:16 anti-Christ. And my friend what would
57:21 keep you from doing that?
57:24 Jesus will help you overcome it.
57:28 Jesus will give you victory,
57:32 Jesus will live in you if you will only let him.


Revised 2014-12-17